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PLoS One ; 19(4): e0297210, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38598439


Pauli channels are fundamental in the context of quantum computing as they model the simplest kind of noise in quantum devices. We propose a quantum algorithm for simulating Pauli channels and extend it to encompass Pauli dynamical maps (parametrized Pauli channels). A parametrized quantum circuit is employed to accommodate for dynamical maps. We also establish the mathematical conditions for an N-qubit transformation to be achievable using a parametrized circuit where only one single-qubit operation depends on the parameter. The implementation of the proposed circuit is demonstrated using IBM's quantum computers for the case of one qubit, and the fidelity of this implementation is reported.

Metodologias Computacionais , Miosite de Corpos de Inclusão , Humanos , Teoria Quântica , Algoritmos , Simulação por Computador
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 178: 107643, 2023 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36216302


Phylogenetic inference, which involves time-consuming calculations, is a field where parallelization can speed up the resolution of many problems. TNT (a widely used program for phylogenetic analysis under parsimony) allows parallelization under the PVM system (Parallel Virtual Machine). However, as the basic aspects of the implementation remain unpublished, few studies have taken advantage of the parallelization routines of TNT. In addition, the PVM system is deprecated by many system administrators. One of the most common standards for high performance computing is now MPI (Message Passing Interface). To facilitate the use of the parallel analyses offered by TNT, this paper describes the basic aspects of the implementation, as well as a port of the parallelization interface of TNT into MPI. The use of the new routines is illustrated by reanalysis of seven significant datasets, either recent phylogenomic datasets with many characters (up to 2,509,064 characters) or datasets with large numbers of taxa (up to 13,921 taxa). Versions of TNT including the MPI functionality are available at:

Algoritmos , Software , Filogenia , Metodologias Computacionais
Boletim Ciência Macaé ; 2(3 n.esp): 8-26, out. 2022. tab, graf, ilus, mapas
Artigo em Português | SES-RJ | ID: biblio-1553975


[{"text": "Resumo: Existe um grande interesse no estudo de materiais moleculares que possuem propriedades\r\nópticas não lineares (ONL) visando potenciais aplicações tecnológicas, tais como em tecnologia da\r\ninformação. O uso de métodos baseados na mecânica quântica tem sido usado como uma alternativa\r\nna busca de novos materiais com aplicação em ONL. No entanto, a previsão teórica das propriedades\r\nONL é muito dependente do protocolo computacional (método de mecânica quântica, funções de\r\nbase, efeitos da correlação eletrônica e do meio). Assim, no presente estudo foi realizada uma\r\nvalidação dos protocolos computacionais CAM-B3LYP/NLO-V e CAM-B3LYP/aNLO-V (J. Mol.\r\nModel. 19 (2013) 2079-2090) propostos anteriormente para um conjunto de quatro moléculas\r\norgânicas com valores de primeira hiperpolarizabilidade (ß) variando entre 52 e 190×10-30esu. Além\r\ndisso, os efeitos do meio também foram avaliados considerando os modelos implícitos de solvatação\r\nIEF-PCM, CPCM e SMD. No geral, os resultados obtidos estão dentro da faixa de erro de ±20% das\r\nmedidas experimentais, com os protocolos computacionais CAM-B3LYP/aNLO-V/IEF-PCM (UFF)\r\ne CAM-B3LYP/aNLO-V/SMD descrevendo adequadamente a tendência observada dos valores\r\nexperimentais. O valor de ß calculado com o protocolo CAM-B3LYP/aNLO-V/SMD apresentou um\r\ndesvio relativo de apenas 0,7% para a molécula DIA (ß ), que apresenta o

Ciência/educação , Tecnologia de Fibra Óptica/instrumentação , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Compostos Orgânicos/análise , Inteligência Artificial , Metodologias Computacionais , Estratégias de eSaúde
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;64: e21200118, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339316


Abstract This paper focuses on developing a reduced distance matrix to improve the computational performance during the protein interactions clustering. This proposed matrix considers as centroids two alpha carbon atoms from a protein structure and stores the distances between these centroids and the other atoms from this same structure. Each row in this matrix represents a database record and each column is a distance value. Through this build matrix, clusters were performed using K-Means Clustering. The precision and performance of this presented technique were compared with aCSM, RID and another distance matrix methodology that considers the distances between all atoms from each protein structure. The results were satisfactory. The reduced distance matrix obtained a high precision and the best computational performance.

Mapas de Interação de Proteínas , Carbono , Análise por Conglomerados , Metodologias Computacionais
J Comput Biol ; 26(5): 442-456, 2019 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30785342


Predicting the location of the translation initiation sites (TIS) is an important problem of molecular biology. In this field, the computational cost for balancing non-TIS sequences is substantial and demands high-performance computing. In this article, we present an optimized version of the K-modes algorithm to cluster TIS sequences and a comparison with the standard K-means clustering. The adapted algorithm uses simple instructions and fewer computational resources to deliver a significant speedup without compromising the sequence clustering results. We also implemented two optimized parallel versions of the algorithm, one for graphics processing units (GPUs) and the other one for general-purpose multicore processors. In our experiments, the GPU K-modes's performance was up to 203 times faster than the respective sequential version for processing Arabidopsis thaliana sequence.

Nucleotídeos/genética , Iniciação Traducional da Cadeia Peptídica/genética , Algoritmos , Arabidopsis/genética , Análise por Conglomerados , Biologia Computacional/métodos , Gráficos por Computador , Metodologias Computacionais , Proteômica/métodos , Software
Sci. agric. ; 75(3): 173-183, mai.-jun. 2018. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-728740


Ventilation systems used in swine facilities deserve to be studied because they directly affect productivity in the pig farming sector. Bearing this in mind the uniformity of air distribution and temperature is essential to animal welfare in this breeding environment. Thus, the purpose of this study was to identify whether changes in air entrances and exhaust fan positioning could influence air velocity and temperature distribution. The experimental data were collected in a commercial full-scale sow facility. Validation was carried out by comparing the simulated air temperatures and data measured in the field. These results showed agreement between data with a maximum relative error of approximately 3 %. The real settings showed a gradual increase in the air velocity from the air entrances and dead zones due to the change in airflow direction. There was no difference when the positioning of the exhaust fans was altered or was maintained in the original air entrances. The proposed arrangement with only one air inlet reduced the areas of low air movement as a consequence of the change in flow direction. Furthermore, the variables have the same pattern along the transversal plane. The simulations showed that the position of the air inlets had a higher influence on temperature distribution.(AU)

Animais , Ventilação , Temperatura , Bem-Estar do Animal , Metodologias Computacionais , Suínos
Sci. agric ; 75(3): 173-183, mai.-jun. 2018. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497713


Ventilation systems used in swine facilities deserve to be studied because they directly affect productivity in the pig farming sector. Bearing this in mind the uniformity of air distribution and temperature is essential to animal welfare in this breeding environment. Thus, the purpose of this study was to identify whether changes in air entrances and exhaust fan positioning could influence air velocity and temperature distribution. The experimental data were collected in a commercial full-scale sow facility. Validation was carried out by comparing the simulated air temperatures and data measured in the field. These results showed agreement between data with a maximum relative error of approximately 3 %. The real settings showed a gradual increase in the air velocity from the air entrances and dead zones due to the change in airflow direction. There was no difference when the positioning of the exhaust fans was altered or was maintained in the original air entrances. The proposed arrangement with only one air inlet reduced the areas of low air movement as a consequence of the change in flow direction. Furthermore, the variables have the same pattern along the transversal plane. The simulations showed that the position of the air inlets had a higher influence on temperature distribution.

Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Temperatura , Ventilação , Metodologias Computacionais , Suínos
Psicol. USP ; 29(1): 40-49, jan.-abr. 2018.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-895686


Resumo Nas últimas décadas o estudo de processos cognitivos vem sendo influenciado por duas tendências: a legitimação de diversas formas e níveis de estudo e a tentativa de integração multidisciplinar. A primeira teve grande importância na segunda metade do século XX, quando linhas de pesquisa na psicologia cognitiva e nas neurociências fortaleceram-se. Nesse sentido, destacam-se os três níveis de Marr (computacional, algorítmico e implementacional) como forma de estruturar o estudo dos processos cognitivos. A segunda tendência é mais recente e busca, apoiada na primeira, aprofundar o entendimento dos processos cognitivos em suas diversas escalas e integrar diversos paradigmas de estudos, buscando consiliência teórica. O intento deste artigo é apresentar a neurociência computacional e suas possíveis contribuições para a psicologia cognitiva, articulando, por meio dos três níveis de Marr, uma base teórica que explicite o papel de cada uma das disciplinas e as suas possíveis interações.

Résumé Au long des dernières décennies, l'étude des processus cognitifs se voit influencé par deux tendances : la légitimation de plusieurs formes et niveaux d'études et l'essai d'intégration multidisciplinaire. La première a eu une grande importance pendant la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle, quand des lignes de recherche en psychologie cognitive et en neurosciences ont gagné force. Dans ce sens, on peut souligner les trois niveaux de Marr (computationnel, algorithmique et implémentationnel) comme moyens de structurer l'étude des procédés cognitifs. La deuxième tendance est plus récente et cherche, avec l'aide de la première, à approfondir la connaissance des procédés cognitifs et ses différentes échelles et à intégrer plusieurs modèles d'études, en cherchant des convergences théoriques. Le but de cet article est donc de présenter la neuroscience computationnelle et ses possibles contributions pour la psychologie cognitive en articulant, par les trois niveaux de Marr, une base théorique qui puisse expliciter le rôle de chacune des disciplines et de ses possibles interactions.

Resumen En las últimas décadas, el estudio de procesos cognitivos se ha visto influenciado por dos tendencias: la legitimación de diversas formas y niveles de estudio, y el intento de integración multidisciplinar. La primera tuvo gran importancia en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, cuando varias líneas de investigación en la psicología cognitiva y en las neurociencias se fortalecieron. En ese sentido, destacan los tres niveles de Marr (computacional, algorítmico e implementacional) como una manera de estructurar el estudio de los procesos cognitivos. La segunda tendencia es más reciente y busca, apoyada en la primera, profundizar la comprensión de los procesos cognitivos en sus diversas escalas e integrar diversos paradigmas de estudios, buscando consiliencia teórica. En este artículo, se intenta presentar la neurociencia computacional y sus posibles contribuciones para la psicología cognitiva, articulando, a través de los tres niveles de Marr, una base teórica que ponga de manifiesto el papel de cada una de las disciplinas y sus posibles interacciones.

Abstract In recent decades the study of cognitive processes has been influenced by two tendencies: legitimation of several forms and levels of study and the attempt of multidisciplinary integration. The first had great importance in the second half of the 20th century, when research lines in cognitive psychology and neuroscience were strengthened. In this sense, Marr's three levels of analysis (computational, algorithmic, and implementation) are one way to structure the study of cognitive processes. The second tendency is more recent and, supported by the first one, seeks to deepen the understanding of cognitive processes in their different scales and to integrate several paradigms of studies in order to reach theoretical consilience. This article aims to introduce computational neuroscience and its possible contributions to cognitive psychology, articulating, through Marr's three levels, a theoretical basis that explains the role of each of the disciplines and their possible interactions.

Humanos , Visão Ocular , Cognição , Metodologias Computacionais , Neurociência Cognitiva/tendências
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 54(spe): e01002, 2018. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-974426


Few Zika virus (ZIKV) outbreaks had been reported since its first detection in 1947, until the recent epidemics occurred in South America (2014/2015) and expeditiously became a global public health emergency. This arbovirus reached 0.5-1.3 million cases of ZIKV infection in Brazil in 2015 and rapidly spread in new geographic areas such as the Americas. Despite the mild symptoms of the Zika fever, the major concern is related to the related severe neurological disorders, especially microcephaly in newborns. Advances in ZIKV drug discovery have been made recently and constitute promising approaches to ZIKV treatment. In this review, we summarize current computational drug discovery efforts and their applicability to discovery of anti-ZIKV drugs. Lastly, we present successful examples of the use of computational approaches to ZIKV drug discovery.

Desenho Assistido por Computador/estatística & dados numéricos , Descoberta de Drogas/instrumentação , Zika virus , Antivirais/farmacologia , Triagem/métodos , Metodologias Computacionais , Flavivirus
Evid. actual. práct. ambul ; 21(4): 98-99, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1015606


Cuando no disponemos de estudios que cotejen directamente las ventajas y desventajas de dos intervenciones, o cuando se necesita un ranking de las mejores intervenciones, este nuevo tipo de estudio ofrece una respuesta. En este artículo, el autor explica en qué consiste el meta-análisis en red y los requisitos que deben cumplir los estudios primarios para que sus resultados puedan ser combinados con esta metodología. (AU)

When studies comparing risks and benefits of two interventions are not available, or when a ranking of the best interventions is needed, this new type of study offers an answer to clinical questions. In this article, the author explains what network meta-analysis is and what requirements primary studies must fulfill so that their results can be combined with this methodology. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Avaliação de Resultado de Intervenções Terapêuticas/métodos , Metodologias Computacionais , Tomada de Decisões , Metanálise em Rede , Aplicações da Informática Médica , Avaliação de Resultado de Intervenções Terapêuticas/tendências
Medisan ; 21(12)dic. 2017. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | CUMED | ID: cum-70178


Teniendo en cuenta la necesidad e importancia de la superación de posgrado de los licenciados en Sistema de Información en Salud, se elaboró una metodología con el objetivo de favorecer el diseño de las diversas modalidades de este tipo de superación, para perfeccionar la formación estadística de estos profesionales y potenciar su desempeño laboral. Esta tiene en cuenta los requerimientos estadísticos de sus puestos de trabajo y las insuficiencias que muestran en el empleo de métodos y técnicas afines(AU)

Taking into account the necessity and importance of the posdegree training of Health Information System university graduates, a methodology aimed at favoring the design of the diverse modalities of this type of training was elaborated, to perfect the statistical education of these professionals and promote their working performance. This methodology takes into consideration the statistical requirements of their jobs and the inadequacies that they show in the use of methods and similar techniques(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Sistemas de Informação em Saúde , Gestão da Informação em Saúde , Metodologias Computacionais , Metodologia como Assunto
MEDISUR ; 15(2)2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | CUMED | ID: cum-71210


En la sociedad actual constantemente están apareciendo diversas afecciones, y tanto los medios audiovisuales como parte de la comunidad científica, acuñan nuevos términos para nombrarlas. Desde hace algunos años, se habla de las llamadas adicciones comportamentales y a todos resultan familiares supuestas enfermedades como la adicción al trabajo, a las compras, al ejercicio, etcétera. Con la llegada de las nuevas tecnologías, la avalancha de enfermedades se ha incrementado aún más. Se habla de adicción a video-juegos, al móvil, a internet y ya en los últimos años, a las redes sociales, entre otras; sin embargo, hasta qué punto se trata de verdaderas adicciones, es un tema de profundo debate, toda vez que no están reconocidas como enfermedades en las clasificaciones oficiales vigentes. Es objetivo de esta revisión, aportar nuevos elementos al tema de las adicciones tecnológicas, según las clasificaciones vigentes en salud mental, acerca de la repercusión de las nuevas tecnologías en la conducta de las personas, y desde la perspectiva de la creciente polémica de considerarlas patológicas o sencillamente conductas adaptativas(AU)

n today's society, various affections are constantly appearing, and both the audiovisual media and part of the scientific community are coining new terms to name them. For some years, there has been a discussion of the so-called behavioral addictions and all are supposed to be familiar diseases such as addiction to work, shopping, exercise, etcetera. With the arrival of new technologies, the avalanche of diseases has increased even more. It has emerge the idea of addiction to video games, to mobile, to the internet and in recent years, to social networks, among others; however, to what extent they are true addictions, is a subject of deep debate, since they are not recognized as diseases in the current official classifications. The objective of this review is to contribute new elements to the technological addiction topic, according to the current mental health classification, about the new technologies impact on peoples behavior, and from the growing controversy perspective of considering them pathological or simply adaptive behaviors(AU)

Humanos , Desenvolvimento Tecnológico/efeitos adversos , Desenvolvimento Tecnológico/métodos , Desenvolvimento Tecnológico/políticas , Comportamento Aditivo/epidemiologia , Comportamento Aditivo/psicologia , Metodologias Computacionais , Rede Social , Internet/tendências , Internet
Planta Med ; 83(7): 636-646, 2017 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27806406


The interpretation of large datasets acquired using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry represents one of the major challenges in natural products research. Here we propose the use of molecular networking to rapid identify the known secondary metabolites from untargeted MS/MS analysis of Adenocalymma imperatoris-maximilianii plant extracts. The leaves, stems and roots of A. imperatoris-maximilianii were extracted using different solvents according to Snyder selectivity triangle. The samples were analyzed by HPLC coupled with ion trap mass spectrometer in a collision-induced dissociation MS/MS configuration in both positive and negative electrospray ionization modes. Molecular networking simultaneously organized the spectra by cosine similarity. The chemical identification was performed based on the systematic study of the main fragmentation pathways observed for the resulting network. The untargeted tandem mass spectrometry-based molecular networking allowed for the identification of 63 metabolites, mainly mono-, di- and tri-, C- and/or O-glycosyl flavones. Molecular networking was capable not only to dereplicate known flavonoids, but also to point out related prenyl derivatives, described for the first time in Adenocalymma species. The gas-phase reaction route to form the characteristic [M-H2O-(30/60/90)]+ fragments in C-glycosyl flavones was suggested as sequential sugar ring opening followed by retro-aldol elimination involving aldose-ketose isomerization. The use of molecular networking with LC-CID-MS/MS assisted the identification of various isomeric and isobaric flavonoid glycoconjugates by establishing clusters according to the fragmentation similarities. Additionally, the proposed cross-ring sugar cleavages can contribute to the identification of C-glycosides by MS/MS analysis.

Bignoniaceae/química , Flavonoides/química , Glicoconjugados/química , Extratos Vegetais/química , Brasil , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão , Metodologias Computacionais , Espectrometria de Massas em Tandem
Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 27(4)oct.-dic. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | CUMED | ID: cum-67098


Una ontología constituye una herramienta útil para trabajar la heterogeneidad de los datos y su semantización, para elevar la calidad en los procesos de organización, búsqueda y recuperación de la información en los sistemas de gestión institucionales, especialmente de aquellos implementados en la Web de una universidad. Por lo general, las universidades cuentan con un acervo de conocimientos pluridisciplinarios, registrados en diferentes formatos, por lo que se propone UH-Ontology para el manejo de sus datos, tomando a la Universidad de La Habana como ejemplo de su implementación. En el artículo se presentan las características y condiciones de los datos heterogéneos que actualmente se gestionan desde los diferentes sistemas de gestión de información en la universidad, lo que ha motivado la presentación de una propuesta de marco metodológico para el diseño de una ontología para el manejo de datos heterogéneos en esta institución. Se presenta la propuesta de diseño de la ontología, sus clases, anotaciones, lenguajes ontológicos y esquema de anotación semántica siguiendo la metodología de Noy and McGuinness y ProtegÞ como herramienta para su construcción(AU)

An ontology is a useful tool to deal with the heterogeneity of data and their semantization, with a view to raising the quality of processes of organization, search and retrieval of information in institutional management systems, particularly those implemented in a university web. In view of the wealth of multidisciplinary knowledge treasured by the Universities, a UH Ontology is proposed for the management of data. The paper describes the characteristics and conditions of the heterogeneous data currently managed by various information management systems at the Universities, and proposes a methodological framework for the design of an ontology for the management of heterogeneous data at the institution. The proposal includes the design of the ontology, its classes, annotations, ontological languages and semantic annotation scheme, based on the methodology developed by Noy and McGuinness and the software Protégé as a construction tool(AU)

Humanos , Gestão da Informação/educação , Metodologias Computacionais , Metodologia como Assunto , Semântica
Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 27(1)ene.-mar. 2016. ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | CUMED | ID: cum-67116


La detección de comunidades se refiere al problema de identificar comunidades o particiones de nodos que comparten propiedades comunes en una red. Las redes de coautoría se consideran redes complejas, donde los nodos de la red son los autores, y los enlaces entre los nodos establecen la relación de coautoría en una o varias publicaciones. En los últimos años se han desarrollado investigaciones con el objetivo de publicar metadatos bibliográficos siguiendo los principios de los datos enlazados. Como resultado se obtienen grafos RDF que contienen los autores y las relaciones de coautoría que se establecen entre ellos. En este artículo se propone un método para la detección y visualización de comunidades en grafos RDF teniendo en cuenta las relaciones de coautoría como indicador para medir la colaboración científica. Con la implementación del método se pretende dotar a los especialistas en ciencias de la información de una herramienta de análisis que ayude en el proceso de toma de decisiones y la realización de estudios en esta área(AU)

Community detection refers to the problem to identify communities or partitions of nodes that shares common properties in a network. The co-authorship networks are considered complex networks, where the nodes of the network are authors and the edges between nodes provides the co-authorship relationships in one or more publications. In recent years, researches have been carried out with the aim to publish bibliographic metadata following the principles of the linked data. Resulting from this, RDF graphs are obtained, containing the authors and the co-authorship relationships among them. In this paper we propose a method for detecting and visualizing communities in RDF graphs, considering co-authorship relationships as an indicator to measure scientific collaboration. With the implementation of the method proposed, we provide an analysis tool for specialists in information sciences, which improve the process of decision making and implementation of studies in the area(AU)

Humanos , Publicações Científicas e Técnicas , Bibliometria , Metodologias Computacionais
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 25(3): 50-53, 2015. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472218


Model animals are indispensable in the advancement of life sciences. Computational analyses can save time and reduce the number of animals needed. Bioinformatics offer tools that support research through in-silico evaluations. Our aim was to study the function of exercise-linked genes, focusing on disease pathways, envisaging the discovery of new molecular targets for the use in animal model studies. This research was part of two projects approved by the local Ethics Committee (CEUA/UECE) in 04/2014 (1592060/2014) and 07/2015 (2542310/2015). Human genes linked to physical exercise were classified by the pathways using the enrichment tool Enrichnet. Statistical analyses (ANOVA) were used using the Fisher test (q-value). Strong correlations were found with neurodegenerative, cardiovascular and immunologic diseases. Within neurodegenerative diseases, physical exercise was found to be linked to Parkinson’s (q-value 1.6 X10-17), Alzheimer’s (q-value 3.9 X10-16) and Huntington disease (q-value 1.9 X10-15). Within cardiovascular diseases linked to exercise there is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (q-value 8.5 X10-15). A large number of genes linked to exercise were found to participate in disease linked metabolic pathways. Concluding, after evaluating genes linked to physical exercise and disease pathways, new molecular targets for the use in model animal studies were revealed.

Animais , Modelos Animais , Metodologias Computacionais , Métodos
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 52(2): 106-111, 20150000. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-45469


Tissue repair is a response reaction to lesions and aggressions that constitutes a dynamic process to maintain the integrity of the organism. Wound healing experiments have used several approaches in order to assess and compare treatment methods, and these discrepancies hamper comparisons among assays. This study assessed three different methods of wound measurement commonly used in healing assays: clock method, graph paper method, and computer-assisted image analysis. We used 30 Wistar rats, kept in appropriate conditions for animal well-being. After anesthesia, and using an eight-millimeter punch, two lesions were made in the back region of each rat. The wounds were assessed on days four, seven, and 14 after infliction. At four days, all methods generated similar results. By day seven, the clock method had lost precision, likely due to wound shrinkage, and yielded greater means compared to the other two methods. On the last assessment, the computer-assisted method appeared to have more precise results, with the other two generating statistically higher means. Computer-assisted image analysis seems to have maintained wound measuring precision throughout this experiment, even when faced with small lesions. Considering these results, the authors recommend the use of computer-assisted measurements in future experiments. (AU)

O reparo tecidual surge em resposta às lesões e constitui-se de um processo dinâmico para manutenção da integridade do organismo. Nos estudos sobre cicatrização de feridas, tem se utilizado várias técnicas buscando-se uma avaliação da eficácia de meios de tratamento local. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho objetivou comparar três métodos de avaliação experimental de áreas de feridas, sendo eles: o método do relógio, papel milimetrado e avaliação computadorizada. Para realização do experimento, foram utilizados 30 ratos Wistar em condições de bem-estar. Após realizada a anestesia, foram confeccionadas duas lesões no dorso de cada animal com punch de 8 mm, sendo as feridas avaliadas após quatro, sete e 14 dias de tratamento. Observou-se que aos quatro dias de tratamento, todos os métodos apresentaram o mesmo desempenho, enquanto aos sete e 14 dias, o método do relógio, apresentou maior média de área, perdendo precisão, e aos 14 dias, a avaliação computadorizada apresentou resultados mais precisos em relação a ambos os outros métodos. Concluiu-se que a avaliação computadorizada através de software de áreas de feridas cutâneas apresenta resultados mais precisos em relação aos métodos do relógio e papel milimetrado, principalmente em lesões menores. (AU)

Animais , Cicatrização/fisiologia , Regeneração Tecidual Guiada/métodos , Tecido de Granulação/fisiologia , Metodologias Computacionais , /métodos
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 25(3): 50-53, 2015. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-13904


Model animals are indispensable in the advancement of life sciences. Computational analyses can save time and reduce the number of animals needed. Bioinformatics offer tools that support research through in-silico evaluations. Our aim was to study the function of exercise-linked genes, focusing on disease pathways, envisaging the discovery of new molecular targets for the use in animal model studies. This research was part of two projects approved by the local Ethics Committee (CEUA/UECE) in 04/2014 (1592060/2014) and 07/2015 (2542310/2015). Human genes linked to physical exercise were classified by the pathways using the enrichment tool Enrichnet. Statistical analyses (ANOVA) were used using the Fisher test (q-value). Strong correlations were found with neurodegenerative, cardiovascular and immunologic diseases. Within neurodegenerative diseases, physical exercise was found to be linked to Parkinsons (q-value 1.6 X10-17), Alzheimers (q-value 3.9 X10-16) and Huntington disease (q-value 1.9 X10-15). Within cardiovascular diseases linked to exercise there is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (q-value 8.5 X10-15). A large number of genes linked to exercise were found to participate in disease linked metabolic pathways. Concluding, after evaluating genes linked to physical exercise and disease pathways, new molecular targets for the use in model animal studies were revealed.(AU)

Animais , Modelos Animais , Metodologias Computacionais , Métodos
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 52(2): 106-111, 20150000. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-764772


Tissue repair is a response reaction to lesions and aggressions that constitutes a dynamic process to maintain the integrity of the organism. Wound healing experiments have used several approaches in order to assess and compare treatment methods, and these discrepancies hamper comparisons among assays. This study assessed three different methods of wound measurement commonly used in healing assays: clock method, graph paper method, and computer-assisted image analysis. We used 30 Wistar rats, kept in appropriate conditions for animal well-being. After anesthesia, and using an eight-millimeter punch, two lesions were made in the back region of each rat. The wounds were assessed on days four, seven, and 14 after infliction. At four days, all methods generated similar results. By day seven, the clock method had lost precision, likely due to wound shrinkage, and yielded greater means compared to the other two methods. On the last assessment, the computer-assisted method appeared to have more precise results, with the other two generating statistically higher means. Computer-assisted image analysis seems to have maintained wound measuring precision throughout this experiment, even when faced with small lesions. Considering these results, the authors recommend the use of computer-assisted measurements in future experiments.

O reparo tecidual surge em resposta às lesões e constitui-se de um processo dinâmico para manutenção da integridade do organismo. Nos estudos sobre cicatrização de feridas, tem se utilizado várias técnicas buscando-se uma avaliação da eficácia de meios de tratamento local. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho objetivou comparar três métodos de avaliação experimental de áreas de feridas, sendo eles: o método do relógio, papel milimetrado e avaliação computadorizada. Para realização do experimento, foram utilizados 30 ratos Wistar em condições de bem-estar. Após realizada a anestesia, foram confeccionadas duas lesões no dorso de cada animal com punch de 8 mm, sendo as feridas avaliadas após quatro, sete e 14 dias de tratamento. Observou-se que aos quatro dias de tratamento, todos os métodos apresentaram o mesmo desempenho, enquanto aos sete e 14 dias, o método do relógio, apresentou maior média de área, perdendo precisão, e aos 14 dias, a avaliação computadorizada apresentou resultados mais precisos em relação a ambos os outros métodos. Concluiu-se que a avaliação computadorizada através de software de áreas de feridas cutâneas apresenta resultados mais precisos em relação aos métodos do relógio e papel milimetrado, principalmente em lesões menores.

Animais , Cicatrização/fisiologia , Regeneração Tecidual Guiada/métodos , Tecido de Granulação/fisiologia , /métodos , Metodologias Computacionais
Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol ; 28(2): 214-222, jul.-dic. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | CUMED | ID: cum-64417


Los modelos computacionales constituyen una herramienta necesaria en las investigaciones científicas. En este trabajo se muestra la utilización de las nuevas tecnologías, a través del Método de los Elementos Finitos en la implementación de los modelos mecanobiológicos usados en ortopedia. Se exponen los principales modelos mecano-reguladores que aparecen en la bibliografía y se ejemplifican las ventajas que proporcionan las técnicas de modelación en el pronóstico de la formación de nuevo tejido óseo, como respuesta biológica del organismo debido a la aplicación de cargas externas(AU)

Computational models are a necessary tool in scientific researches. This paper deals with the use of new technologies, by using the Finite Element Method for the implementation of mechano-biological models used in orthopedic. Also the main mechano-regulator models are shown in this article, which are described in literature. On the other hand, the advantages provided by the modeling techniques during the prognosis of the new tissue formation, as a response of the organism to the application of external loads are stated by these authors(AU)

Les modèles informatisées constituent un outil nécessaire dans les recherches scientifiques. Dans ce travail, on montre lusage des nouvelles technologies, telle que la méthode des Éléments finis, dans la mise en application des modèles biomécaniques utilisés en orthopédie. On fait une révision des modèles mécano-régulateurs principaux apparus dans la littérature, et on met des exemples des bénéfices obtenus par les techniques de modélisation dans le pronostic de formation du nouveau tissu osseux comme réponse biologique du corps aux charges externes(AU)

Humanos , Modelos Biológicos , Regeneração Óssea/fisiologia , Metodologias Computacionais , Manipulação Ortopédica/métodos