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Genes (Basel) ; 15(9)2024 Aug 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39336711


Traboulsi syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by facial dysmorphism, lens subluxation, anterior segment anomalies, and spontaneous filtering blebs. The syndrome is due to mutations in the ASPH gene, which plays a crucial role in the development and maintenance of the lens. This case report describes the clinical and genetic findings in a Mexican male with Traboulsi syndrome, highlighting the identification of a novel ASPH variant. A 21-year-old male presented with trauma to the right eye while playing soccer. He had a history of lens subluxation and dysmorphic facial features. Ophthalmic examination revealed right eye lens subluxation into the anterior chamber (with signs of a previous episode of acute angle closure) and left eye posterior and inferior lens subluxation with sectorial iris atrophy. Genetic analysis identified a pathogenic ASPH variant (NM_004318.3:c.1892G>A, p.Trp631*) and a novel likely pathogenic variant (deletion of exons 20-21), confirming Traboulsi syndrome. This is the first instance of Traboulsi syndrome in the Mexican population. The absence of spontaneous filtering blebs in this patient supports previous reports of the wide phenotypic variability that could be related to the type of mutation. This novel ASPH variant expands the known genetic heterogeneity of Traboulsi syndrome.

Estudos de Associação Genética , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Jovem , Mutação , Anormalidades do Olho/genética , Anormalidades do Olho/patologia , Fenótipo , Segmento Anterior do Olho/anormalidades , Segmento Anterior do Olho/patologia , Cristalino/patologia
Arq Bras Oftalmol ; 88(1): e20230163, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39109744


PURPOSE: The epithelial-mesenchymal transition of human lens epithelial cells plays a role in posterior capsule opacification, a fibrotic process that leads to a common type of cataract. Hyaluronic acid has been implicated in this fibrosis. Studies have investigated the role of transforming growth factor (TGF)-ß2 in epithelial-mesenchymal transition. However, the role of TGF-ß2 in hyaluronic acid-mediated fibrosis of lens epithelial cell remains unknown. We here examined the role of TGF-ß2 in the hyaluronic acid-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition of lens epithelial cells. METHODS: Cultured human lens epithelial cells (HLEB3) were infected with CD44-siRNA by using the Lipofectamine 3000 transfection reagent. The CCK-8 kit was used to measure cell viability, and the scratch assay was used to determine cell migration. Cell oxidative stress was analyzed in a dichloro-dihydro-fluorescein diacetate assay and by using a flow cytometer. The TGF-ß2 level in HLEB3 cells was examined through immunohistochemical staining. The TGF-ß2 protein level was determined through western blotting. mRNA expression levels were determined through quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Treatment with hyaluronic acid (1.0 µM, 24 h) increased the epithelial-mesenchymal transition of HLEB3 cells. The increase in TGF-ß2 levels corresponded to an increase in CD44 levels in the culture medium. However, blocking the CD44 function significantly reduced the TGF-ß2-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition response of HLEB3 cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that both CD44 and TGF-ß2 are critical contributors to the hyaluronic acid-mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition of lens epithelial cells, and that TGF-ß2 in epithelial-mesenchymal transition is regulated by CD44. These results suggest that CD44 could be used as a target for preventing hyaluronic acid-induced posterior capsule opacification. Our findings suggest that CD44/TGF-ß2 is crucial for the hyaluronic acid-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition of lens epithelial cells.

Movimento Celular , Células Epiteliais , Transição Epitelial-Mesenquimal , Receptores de Hialuronatos , Ácido Hialurônico , Cristalino , Fator de Crescimento Transformador beta2 , Humanos , Transição Epitelial-Mesenquimal/efeitos dos fármacos , Transição Epitelial-Mesenquimal/fisiologia , Ácido Hialurônico/farmacologia , Receptores de Hialuronatos/metabolismo , Fator de Crescimento Transformador beta2/farmacologia , Fator de Crescimento Transformador beta2/metabolismo , Células Epiteliais/efeitos dos fármacos , Células Epiteliais/metabolismo , Cristalino/citologia , Cristalino/efeitos dos fármacos , Cristalino/metabolismo , Movimento Celular/efeitos dos fármacos , Sobrevivência Celular/efeitos dos fármacos , Estresse Oxidativo/efeitos dos fármacos , Estresse Oxidativo/fisiologia , Western Blotting , Opacificação da Cápsula/metabolismo , Opacificação da Cápsula/patologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real , Citometria de Fluxo , Imuno-Histoquímica , Células Cultivadas
Differentiation ; 138: 100792, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38935992


The role extracellular matrix (ECM) in multiple events of morphogenesis has been well described, little is known about its specific role in early eye development. One of the first morphogenic events in lens development is placodal thickening, which converts the presumptive lens ectoderm from cuboidal to pseudostratified epithelium. This process occurs in the anterior pre-placodal ectoderm when the optic vesicle approaches the cephalic ectoderm and is regulated by transcription factor Pax6 and secreted BMP4. Since cells and ECM have a dynamic relationship of interdependence and modulation, we hypothesized that the ECM evolves with cell shape changes during lens placode formation. This study investigates changes in optic ECM including both protein distribution deposition, extracellular gelatinase activity and gene expression patterns during early optic development using chicken and mouse models. In particular, the expression of Timp2, a metalloprotease inhibitor, corresponds with a decrease in gelatinase activity within the optic ECM. Furthermore, we demonstrate that optic ECM remodeling depends on BMP signaling in the placode. Together, our findings suggest that the lens placode plays an active role in remodeling the optic ECM during early eye development.

Matriz Extracelular , Regulação da Expressão Gênica no Desenvolvimento , Cristalino , Fator de Transcrição PAX6 , Animais , Matriz Extracelular/metabolismo , Camundongos , Cristalino/metabolismo , Cristalino/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cristalino/citologia , Fator de Transcrição PAX6/metabolismo , Fator de Transcrição PAX6/genética , Proteínas do Olho/metabolismo , Proteínas do Olho/genética , Proteína Morfogenética Óssea 4/metabolismo , Proteína Morfogenética Óssea 4/genética , Embrião de Galinha , Proteínas de Homeodomínio/metabolismo , Proteínas de Homeodomínio/genética , Inibidor Tecidual de Metaloproteinase-2/metabolismo , Inibidor Tecidual de Metaloproteinase-2/genética , Fatores de Transcrição Box Pareados/metabolismo , Fatores de Transcrição Box Pareados/genética , Proteínas Repressoras/metabolismo , Proteínas Repressoras/genética , Transdução de Sinais , Galinhas/genética , Olho/metabolismo , Olho/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Olho/embriologia
J Radiol Prot ; 44(2)2024 May 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38722296


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the occupational doses (eye lens, extremities and whole body) in paediatric cardiac interventional and diagnostic catheterization procedures performed in a paediatric reference hospital located in Recife, Pernambuco. For eye lens dosimetry, the results show that the left eye receives a higher dose than the right eye, and there is a small difference between the doses received during diagnostic (D) and therapeutic (T) procedures. The extrapolated annual values for the most exposed eye are close to the annual limit. For doses to the hands, it was observed that in a significant number of procedures (37 out of 45 therapeutic procedures, or 82%) at least one hand of the physician was exposed to the primary beam. During diagnostic procedures, the physician's hand was in the radiation field in 11 of the 17 catheterization procedures (65%). This resulted in a 10-fold increase in dose to the hands. The results underscore the need for optimization of radiation safety and continued efforts to engage staff in a radiation safety culture.

Exposição Ocupacional , Doses de Radiação , Humanos , Exposição Ocupacional/análise , Criança , Cateterismo Cardíaco , Proteção Radiológica , Cristalino/efeitos da radiação , Radiografia Intervencionista , Exposição à Radiação/análise
Mar Environ Res ; 198: 106517, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38657369


Estuarine mangroves are often considered nurseries for the Atlantic Goliath grouper juveniles. Yet, the contributions of different estuarine primary producers and habitats as sources of organic matter during early ontogenetic development remain unclear. Given the species' critically endangered status and protection in Brazil, obtaining biological samples from recently settled recruits in estuaries is challenging. In this study, we leveraged a local partnership with fishers and used stable isotope (C and N) profiles from the eye lenses of stranded individuals or incidentally caught by fishery to reconstruct the trophic and habitat changes of small juveniles. The eye lens grows by the apposition of protein-rich layers. Once these layers are formed, they become inert, allowing to make inferences on the trophic ecology and habitat use along the development of the individual until its capture. We used correlations between fish size and the entire eye lens size, along with estuarine baselines, to reconstruct the fish size and trophic positions for each of the lens layers obtained. We then used dominant primary producers and basal sources from mangrove sheltered, exposed estuarine and marine habitats to construct an ontogenetic model of trophic and habitat support changes since maternal origins. Our model revealed marine support before the juveniles reached 25 mm (standard length), followed by a rapid increase in reliance on mangrove sheltered sources, coinciding with the expected size at settlement. After reaching 60 mm, individuals began to show variability. Some remained primarily supported by the mangrove sheltered area, while others shifted to rely more on the exposed estuarine area around 150 mm. Our findings indicate that while mangroves are critical for settlement, as Goliath grouper juveniles grow, they can utilize organic matter produced throughout the estuary. This underscores the need for conservation strategies that focus on seascape connectivity, as protecting just one discrete habitat may not be sufficient to preserve this endangered species and safeguard its ecosystem functions.

Ecossistema , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Cristalino , Animais , Cristalino/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Brasil , Estuários , Isótopos de Carbono/análise , Isótopos de Nitrogênio/análise , Bass/fisiologia , Bass/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cadeia Alimentar , Monitoramento Ambiental
Sci Rep ; 14(1): 5355, 2024 03 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38438478


Consciousness is one of the most complex aspects of human experience. Studying the mechanisms involved in the transitions among different levels of consciousness remains as one of the greatest challenges in neuroscience. In this study we use a measure of integrated information (ΦAR) to evaluate dynamic changes during consciousness transitions. We applied the measure to intracranial electroencephalography (SEEG) recordings collected from 6 patients that suffer from refractory epilepsy, taking into account inter-ictal, pre-ictal and ictal periods. We analyzed the dynamical evolution of ΦAR in groups of electrode contacts outside the epileptogenic region and compared it with the Consciousness Seizure Scale (CCS). We show that changes on ΦAR are significantly correlated with changes in the reported states of consciousness.

Epilepsia , Cristalino , Unionidae , Humanos , Animais , Estado de Consciência , Teoria da Informação , Convulsões
Optom Vis Sci ; 101(1): 44-54, 2024 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38350057


SIGNIFICANCE: A variety of subjective and objective procedures are available to measure the amplitude of accommodation. However, it is unclear whether the standard criterion of Hofstetter's minimum minus 2 D can be used to diagnose accommodative insufficiency with each of these techniques. PURPOSE: The use of objective dynamic retinoscopy and three subjective techniques to diagnosis accommodative insufficiency was examined. METHODS: A total of 632 subjects between 8 and 19 years of age were enrolled. Accommodative lag, monocular accommodative facility, and subjective (push-up, modified push-down, and minus lens) and objective (dynamic retinoscopy) amplitude of accommodation were quantified. Accommodative insufficiency was diagnosed based on Hofstetter's minimum minus 2 D for each subjective method, as well as adding an additional subjective criterion (either accommodative lag exceeding 0.75 D or monocular accommodative facility falling below the age-expected norms). RESULTS: The prevalence of accommodative insufficiency was lowest and highest with the push-up (7.9 and 1%) and dynamic retinoscopy (94 and 12%) procedures when measured without and with the additional subjective criteria, respectively. Comparing the validity of dynamic retinoscopy against the traditional criterion, moderate to low sensitivity and high specificity were found. However, adding the additional subjective criteria improved the findings with moderate to high sensitivity and high specificity. Using a cutoff for dynamic retinoscopy of 7.50 D showed moderate diagnostic accuracy based on likelihood ratios. CONCLUSIONS: It is clear that a revised definition of accommodative insufficiency is required, which must include the method of assessing accommodation. The various objective and subjective methods for quantifying the amplitude of accommodation are not interchangeable, and subjective assessment does not provide a valid measure of the accommodative response.

Cristalino , Presbiopia , Humanos , Refração Ocular , Acuidade Visual , Acomodação Ocular , Retinoscopia/métodos
Ophthalmic Physiol Opt ; 44(1): 214-218, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37642972


PURPOSE: To analyse ocular coherence tomography (OCT) images of the retinal shadows caused by defocus and diffusion optics spectacles. METHODS: One eye was fitted successively with the Hoya Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments (DIMS) spectacle lens, two variations of the +3.50 D peripheral add spectacle (DEFOCUS) and the low-contrast dot lens (Diffusion Optics Multiple Segments, DOMS); each at a vertex distance of 12 mm. Simultaneously, a retinal image of the macular region with central fixation was obtained using infrared OCT. The corneal power and intraocular distances were determined using an optical biometer. RESULTS: The retinal images for the DIMS and DOMS lenses showed patterns of obvious retinal shadows in the periphery, while the central 10-11° remained clear. The DEFOCUS lens produced a darkened peripheral area. Dividing the size of the retinal pattern, measured with the calliper of the OCT software, by the actual size on the spectacle lens gave a magnification of -0.57 times. This is consistent with the incoming OCT beam being imaged to a position approximately 31 mm beyond the front of the eye. [Correction added on 26 October 2023 after first online publication: The preceding paragraph was corrected.] CONCLUSION: With device-specific correction, retinal OCT images can help visualise the regions affected by the defocus or lowered contrast induced by myopia control spectacles. This is of potential value for improving myopia therapies.

Cristalino , Miopia , Humanos , Refração Ocular , Óculos , Miopia/terapia , Retina/diagnóstico por imagem
Biomolecules ; 13(10)2023 09 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37892142


Cancer is a widespread and incurable disease caused by genetic mutations, leading to uncontrolled cell proliferation and metastasis. Connexins (Cx) are transmembrane proteins that facilitate intercellular communication via hemichannels and gap junction channels. Among them, Cx46 is found mostly in the eye lens. However, in pathological conditions, Cx46 has been observed in various types of cancers, such as glioblastoma, melanoma, and breast cancer. It has been demonstrated that elevated Cx46 levels in breast cancer contribute to cellular resistance to hypoxia, and it is an enhancer of cancer aggressiveness supporting a pro-tumoral role. Accordingly, Cx46 is associated with an increase in cancer stem cell phenotype. These cells display radio- and chemoresistance, high proliferative abilities, self-renewal, and differentiation capacities. This review aims to consolidate the knowledge of the relationship between Cx46, its role in forming hemichannels and gap junctions, and its connection with cancer and cancer stem cells.

Neoplasias da Mama , Cristalino , Feminino , Humanos , Neoplasias da Mama/metabolismo , Comunicação Celular , Conexinas/genética , Conexinas/metabolismo , Junções Comunicantes/metabolismo , Canais Iônicos/metabolismo , Cristalino/metabolismo
Biophys Chem ; 296: 106986, 2023 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36905841


Previous studies propose that genetic mutations and post-translational modifications in protein crystallins promote protein aggregation and are considered significant risk factors for cataract formation. The ßB2-crystallin (HßB2C) forms a high proportion of proteins in the human eye lens. Different congenital mutations and post-translational deamidations in ßB2-crystallin have been reported and linked to cataract formation. In this work, we employed extensive all-atom molecular dynamics simulations to evaluate the conformational stability of deamidated and mutated HßB2C. Our results show critical changes in the protein surface and its native contacts due to a modification in the conformational equilibrium of these proteins. The double deamidated (Q70E/Q162E) and single deamidated (Q70E) impact the well compact conformation of the HßB2C. These post-translational modifications allow the exposure of the protein hydrophobic interface, which lead to the exposure of electronegative residues. On the other hand, our mutational studies showed that the S143F mutation modifies the hydrogen-bond network of an antiparallel ß-sheet, unfolding the C-terminal domain. Interestingly, the chain termination mutation (Q155X) does not unfold the N-terminal domain. However, the resultant conformation is more compact and avoids the exposure of the hydrophobic interface. Our results provide valuable information about the first steps of HßB2C unfolding in the presence of deamidated amino acids that have been reported to appear during aging. The findings reported in this work are essential for the general knowledge of the initial steps in the cataract formation mechanism, which may be helpful for the further development of molecules with pharmacological potential against cataract disease.

Catarata , Cristalino , beta-Cristalinas , Humanos , Cristalino/química , Conformação Molecular , Mutação , beta-Cristalinas/metabolismo
Vet Ophthalmol ; 26(2): 176-179, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36152337


An 8-year-old female pre-metamorphic axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) was examined for a suspected anterior lens luxation. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy revealed two lens-like structures in the anterior chamber of the right eye (OD), each with cataractous change. Ultrasound biomicroscopy and optical coherence tomography (OCT) were performed without sedation, and revealed small lenticular structures each with distinct nuclei and cortices. Although a distinct connection of the two lenticular structures could not be definitively ruled out, the structures appeared separate. Each of the lenticular structures was closely associated with its respective iris leaflet. This report demonstrates application of advanced imaging for diagnostic use in axolotl ophthalmology, showing that imaging of the lens can be performed without sedation, topical anesthetic, nor contact gel with high diagnostic quality. Although two distinct lenses were diagnosed with no historical evidence of trauma, the small sizes of each lenticular structure, with no detectable connection between them, are suggestive of a possible regenerative abnormality. This report opens discussion for the regenerative capabilities of the pre-metamorphic adult axolotl and possible implementations of their use in regenerative medicine research for the development of future therapies.

Cristalino , Lentes , Feminino , Animais , Ambystoma mexicanum , Microscopia Acústica/veterinária , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica/veterinária
Eur J Ophthalmol ; 33(3): NP75-NP77, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35360954


INTRODUCTION: Anterior segment duplicity with two lenses is a rare event which pathogenesis is still unknown. Different ocular and systemic abnormalities might be associated with such event. CASE OBSERVATIONS: Hereby we describe a case of a 6-months female child referred to our service due to signs of ocular malformation in the left eye. The ocular exam showed a double anterior segment with twin lenses in one single eye, associated with double lamellar opacity and persistence of the two hyaloid arteries. The patient underwent surgical treatment with lensectomy and vitrectomy aiming visual stimulation and prevention of definitive visual loss secondary to amblyopia. CONCLUSION: In any case of ocular malformation, efforts to provide adequate visual stimulus are necessary to avoid amblyopia. In our case, the opacified lenses were removed, the patient adapted contact lenses and will be followed-up for visual stimulation at the ophthalmic pediatric division aiming the best visual prognosis possible.

Ambliopia , Extração de Catarata , Catarata , Cristalino , Lentes Intraoculares , Criança , Humanos , Feminino , Ambliopia/complicações , Acuidade Visual , Cristalino/patologia , Catarata/complicações , Catarata/diagnóstico , Extração de Catarata/efeitos adversos , Lentes Intraoculares/efeitos adversos , Vitrectomia/efeitos adversos
Arq Bras Oftalmol ; 87(5): e20220274, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39298734


PURPOSE: The regulatory effect of microRNA on diseases has been confirmed. This study aimed to evaluate the expression of microRNA-210-3p in age-related cataracts and assess the effect of abnormal miR-210-3p expressions on H2O2-induced SAR01/04 cells. METHODS: Reverse-transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction method was performed to assess the levels of miR-210-3p in aqueous humor samples. Receiver operating characteristic analysis was employed to assess the discrimination ability of miR-210-3p between patients with age-related cataracts and healthy people, and Pearson correlation analysis was used to identify the correlation between miR-210-3p and oxidative stress indices such as superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, malonaldehyde. Cell counting kit-8 assay and Transwell assay were used to estimate the biological function of H2O2-induced age-related cataract cell model. The levels of oxidative stress indices such as superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and malonaldehyde were measured to evaluate the degree of oxidative stress damage in the age-related cataract cell model. The relationship between miR-210-3p and its target gene was verified by luciferase reporter gene analysis. RESULTS: The miR-210-3p expression was elevated in the aqueous humor of patients with age-related cataracts. A high miR-210-3p expression showed a high diagnostic value for age-related cataracts and was significantly associated with the level of oxidative stress markers in patients with age-related cataracts. The inhibition of miR-210-3p can reverse oxidative stress stimulation and adverse effects on H2O2-induced cell function. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggested that miR-210-3p could promote cell viability, cell migration, and oxidative stress by targeting autophagy-related gene 7 in in vitro age-related cataract cell model.

Humor Aquoso , Catarata , Células Epiteliais , Glutationa Peroxidase , Peróxido de Hidrogênio , Cristalino , MicroRNAs , Estresse Oxidativo , Superóxido Dismutase , Humanos , MicroRNAs/genética , MicroRNAs/metabolismo , Catarata/metabolismo , Catarata/genética , Peróxido de Hidrogênio/farmacologia , Estresse Oxidativo/efeitos dos fármacos , Humor Aquoso/metabolismo , Cristalino/metabolismo , Cristalino/efeitos dos fármacos , Células Epiteliais/efeitos dos fármacos , Células Epiteliais/metabolismo , Superóxido Dismutase/metabolismo , Glutationa Peroxidase/metabolismo , Glutationa Peroxidase/genética , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Malondialdeído/metabolismo , Idoso , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Via Transcriptase Reversa
Sensors (Basel) ; 22(7)2022 Mar 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35408266


Research has shown that longitudinal chromatic aberration (LCA) of the human eye is generated across all of the eye's optical surfaces. However, it may not be necessary to measure the LCA from the first surface of the cornea to the retina, as it is known that most of the changes that can modify the path of light occur from the first surface of the cornea to the last surface of the crystalline lens. This investigation presents the study of an objective technique that allows the measurement of longitudinal chromatic aberration (LCA) on the last crystalline lens surface by developing a pulse width wavefront system using a Hartmann test, Purkinje image, and Zernike polynomial. A blue pulse (440-480 nm) and a red pulse (580-640 nm) were used to generate a pattern of spots in the human eye. This pattern generated on the posterior surface of the crystalline lens of the human eye allows the reconstruction of the wavefront via a modal method with Zernike polynomials. Once the wavefront is reconstructed, Zernike coefficients can be used to quantify the LCA. The methodology and objective measurements of the magnitude of the longitudinal chromatic aberration of five test subjects are explained in this article.

Cristalino , Erros de Refração , Algoritmos , Córnea , Humanos , Visão Ocular
In. Hernández Silva, Juan Raúl. Facoemulsificación. La Habana, Editorial Ciencias Médicas, 2022. , ilus.
Monografia em Espanhol | CUMED | ID: cum-78461
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 801, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401304


Background: A cataract is an opacity of the crystalline structure that results in impaired vision. The congenital form manifests itself at birth or shortly thereafter and might also be inherited and therefore capable of passing on to descendants. Cataracts can be caused by systemic diseases, medications, toxic substances, radiation, metabolic alterations, dietary deficiencies, inflammation, traumatic injuries, age, or genetic factors. The few Blackbelly sheep herds are located in the northeast and north regions of Brazil and are considered rare, which could result in high levels of consanguinity. In this context, we report a case of congenital cataract in a Blackbelly lamb and its possible etiology. Case: A 3-month-old lamb presented with ophthalmic alterations since birth, with white and cloudy spots in both eyes and impaired vision. In the same herd, 3 elderly sheep showed similar ophthalmic alterations. The lamb was able to follow its dam, but when walking, bumped into small objects or very close to his vision field. The lamb managed to follow the herd and dodge large objects, suggesting partial vision loss. During a physical examination, both lens showed opacity and reduced corneal reflex, pupillary reflex to direct light, pupillary reflex to consensual light, and threat reflex. Ultrasonographic examination revealed that both lens presented hyperechogenicity. Hematological values were within the reference limits. In the same herd, three elderly sheep presented bilateral cataracts (2 rams and 1 ewe) in previous years, which at that time was attributed to natural aging. One ram was the lamb's grandfather. The other ram was the father of the female, both with cataracts. Based on history, physical examination, and complementary examinations, the lamb was diagnosed with bilateral congenital cataracts with a probable hereditary condition. Discussion: Multiple factors can be related to the etiology of cataracts, and it can be difficult to establish the correct etiology. Regarding the age of onset, cataracts can be classified mainly as congenital and senile. Senile cataract is a bilateral opacification process that involves the entire lens, with slow progression and gradual loss of vision with increasing age. In adult sheep, the high proportion of eyes affected by spontaneously arising cataracts could be related to age, increased exposure to sunlight, increased genetic susceptibility, or a combination of these factors. In this case, the herd had three adult elderly sheep with cataracts previously characterized as senile. However, after reviewing the genealogy, it was found that all animals had some degree of parentage, suggesting a hereditary factor. Congenital cataracts are expressed soon after birth, resulting from the malformation of fibers in the lens, and are generally nonprogressive. The congenital form may or may not be associated with hereditary factors. Inheritance cataracts have been reported in several breeds of dogs and usually occur as an autosomal recessive trait. Blackbelly sheep are rare in Brazil, favoring consanguinity, so we believe that cataracts are inherited in this herd. To control this ophthalmic alteration, all animals with crystalline opacities were excluded from reproduction, and the herd should be monitored in future cases.

Animais , Catarata/congênito , Catarata/etiologia , Ovinos , Cristalino/anormalidades
Arq Bras Oftalmol ; 84(6): 538-542, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34431875


PURPOSE: This study aimed to investigate and compare the changes in corneal aberrations and accommodative amplitudes between patients with multiple sclerosis and normal individuals. METHODS: We included 20 patients who were previously diagnosed with multiple sclerosis with optic nerve involvement (multiple sclerosis group) and 20 healthy sex- and age-matched individuals (control group). We only selected those who were under 40 years old because accommodation in individuals over 40 years old significantly deteriorates. We measured the accommodative amplitude in diopters by minus lens test and evaluated the higher-order aberrations by using the iDesign aberrometer. Then, we compared the accommodative amplitude and the root mean square of higher-order aberrations between the groups. RESULTS: The mean age of the multiple sclerosis and control groups were 35.25 ± 4.52 and 32.28 ± 6.83 years, respectively (p=0.170). The accommodative amplitude was 4.05 ± 1.25 D in the multiple sclerosis group and 6.00 ± 1.03 D in the control group, with a statistically significant difference (p<0.001). Meanwhile, the root mean square of higher-order aberrations was not significantly different between the groups (multiple sclerosis group, 0.44 ± 0.22; control group, 0.43 ± 0.10, p<0.824). Moreover, aberration changes had no statistically significant differences between the two groups at baseline and at 5 D stimulus. CONCLUSIONS: The accommodative amplitude was decreased in patients with multiple sclerosis, suggesting the possible cause of transient visual impairments in these patients. However, this accommodative amplitude did not demonstrate a significant difference in terms of higher-order aberration change during accommodation between such patients and the controls.

Cristalino , Esclerose Múltipla , Acomodação Ocular , Adulto , Córnea , Humanos , Esclerose Múltipla/complicações , Nervo Óptico , Refração Ocular
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 20(4): e3810, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289619


Introducción: la extracción del cristalino transparente en pacientes con cierre angular primario se plantea si existe presión intraocular mayor o igual que 30 mm Hg o daño por glaucoma. En ojos con elevación moderada de la presión intraocular se desconocen los resultados. Objetivo: evaluar la influencia de la presión intraocular preoperatoria en el control del cierre angular primario tratado con extracción del cristalino transparente. Material y Métodos: se realizó un estudio pre-experimental, entre enero de 2013 y enero de 2020, incluyó 78 ojos de 78 pacientes con cierre angular primario tratados con extracción del cristalino transparente; divididos en dos grupos según presión intraocular preoperatoria. Para el análisis estadístico se empleó chi cuadrado de independencia, probabilidad exacta de Fisher, prueba t para muestras independientes y análisis de varianza de medidas repetidas; con significación estadística del 95 por ciento. Resultados: hubo diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos para longitud axial (p=0,003), grosor del cristalino (p<0,001) y espesor corneal central (p=0,016). La presión intraocular y número de colirios, variaron de forma muy significativa (p<0,001) entre el pre y posoperatorio, y entre ambos grupos en los diferentes momentos analizados. En el grupo A el 94,4 por ciento de los ojos mostró control absoluto posoperatorio invariable en el tiempo, en el grupo B la mayoría de los ojos tuvo control relativo con diferencias muy significativas (p<0,001) entre ambos. Conclusiones: la presión intraocular preoperatoria influye en el control del cierre angular primario tratado con extracción del cristalino transparente; valores previos menores que 30 mm Hg, propician mejor control posoperatorio(AU)

Introduction: Clear lens extraction is considered in patients older than 50 years with primary angle closure and intraocular pressure greater than or equal to 30 mm Hg or damage due to glaucoma. The results are unknown in eyes with a moderate elevation of intraocular pressure. Objective: To evaluate the influence of preoperative intraocular pressure in the control of the primary angle closure treated with clear lens extraction. Material and Methods: A pre-experimental study was conducted between January 2013 and January 2020. It included a total of 78 eyes of 78 patients with primary angle closure treated with clear lens extraction. They were divided into two groups according to preoperative intraocular pressure. For statistical analysis, Chi-square test, Fisher's exact probability test, and t test were used for independent samples and analysis of variance with repeated measurements; with 95 percent statistical significance. Results: There were significant differences in axial length (p=0,003), lens thickness (p<0,001) and central corneal thickness (p=0,016) between both groups. Intraocular pressure and the number of eye drops varied very significantly (p<0,001) between the pre-and postoperative periods and between both groups at the different moments analyzed. In group A, 94,4 percent of the eyes showed absolute postoperative control, which remained unchanged over time. In group B, most eyes had relative control. There were very significant differences (p<0,001) between both groups. Conclusions: Preoperative intraocular pressure influences the control of primary angle closure treated with clear lens extraction; previous values less than 30 mm Hg favor better postoperative control(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Glaucoma/prevenção & controle , Pressão Intraocular , Pressão Intraocular/fisiologia , Cristalino , Período Pós-Operatório
Curr Opin Ophthalmol ; 32(5): 482-488, 2021 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34324452


PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Our understanding of the pathogenesis and surgical management of stage 5 retinopathy of prematurity has come a long way. Despite of new technologies in retinal surgical devices, the dissection of thick membranes is still a challenge. We use a capsulotomy 'plug on tip' 0.05 mm designed for capsular fimosis. This diathermy instrument is used to cut the lens capsule by low power waves transmitted from the tip of an active incising electrode and make incisions in the tissue. We tested this technique with 226 infants of which all 226 eyes retrolental membrane were removed. In 6-46 months follow-up, light perception or better visual function was achieved in 92%. RECENT FINDINGS: Despite of new technologies in retinal surgical devices, the dissection of thick membranes is still a challenge. Sometimes, we need to use tools that were made for another purpose and adapt it to our current techniques. SUMMARY: Achieving at least a vision of light perception in eyes that were considered untreatable is a good outcome as light perception maintains the circadian circle and helps in the brain development. VIDEO ABSTRACT:

Eletrocoagulação/instrumentação , Cristalino , Retinopatia da Prematuridade , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Cristalino/cirurgia , Descolamento Retiniano/etiologia , Retinopatia da Prematuridade/classificação , Retinopatia da Prematuridade/complicações , Retinopatia da Prematuridade/cirurgia , Acuidade Visual , Vitrectomia