In this paper, we have performed an in-depth study of the complete set of the satellite DNA (satDNA) families (i.e. the satellitomes) in the genome of two barley species of agronomic value in a breeding framework, H. chilense (H1 and H7 accessions) and H. vulgare (H106 accession), which can be useful tools for studying chromosome associations during meiosis. The study has led to the analysis of a total of 18 satDNA families in H. vulgare, 25 satDNA families in H. chilense (accession H1) and 27 satDNA families in H. chilense (accession H7) that constitute 46 different satDNA families forming 36 homology groups. Our study highlights different important contributions of evolutionary and applied interests. Thus, both barley species show very divergent satDNA profiles, which could be partly explained by the differential effects of domestication versus wildlife. Divergence derives from the differential amplification of different common ancestral satellites and the emergence of new satellites in H. chilense, usually from pre-existing ones but also random sequences. There are also differences between the two H. chilense accessions, which support genetically distinct groups. The fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) patterns of some satDNAs yield distinctive genetic markers for the identification of specific H. chilense or H. vulgare chromosomes. Some of the satellites have peculiar structures or are related to transposable elements which provide information about their origin and expansion. Among these, we discuss the existence of different (peri)centromeric satellites that supply this region with some plasticity important for centromere evolution. These peri(centromeric) satDNAs and the set of subtelomeric satDNAs (a total of 38 different families) are analyzed in the framework of breeding as the high diversity found in the subtelomeric regions might support their putative implication in chromosome recognition and pairing during meiosis, a key point in the production of addition/substitution lines and hybrids.
Cromossomos de Plantas , DNA Satélite , Hordeum , Hibridização in Situ Fluorescente , Hordeum/genética , DNA Satélite/genética , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , DNA de Plantas/genética , Genoma de Planta/genética , Filogenia , Variação Genética , Meiose/genética , Evolução Molecular , Especificidade da EspécieRESUMO
The genus Stylosanthes has economic importance in semi-arid regions and requires studies that reveal complex relationships between species involving different ploidies. The aim of this study was to cytogenetically investigate accessions of Stylosanthes identified as S. scabra, in order to properly identify the number, morphology, and pattern of distribution of heterochromatin, analyzing the karyological variability of these species. Accessions with 2n=40 and 2n=20 were identified, exhibiting semi-reticulate interphase nuclei, symmetric karyotype, varied morphology, with differences in average chromosomal size, and genome length. The analysis with the fluorochromes chromomycin (CMA) and 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) allowed the visualization of two CMA+ blocks in the subterminal region of the short arm in all accessions, and DAPI+/CMA- bands in S. scabra accessions. This suggests that not only chromosomal rearrangements, but also changes in the composition of heterochromatin, may have occurred during the speciation of this genus, and that S. scabra may be undergoing chromosomal evolution based on the observed karyological differences. In addition to the ploidy level, the distribution pattern of CMA+ heterochromatin reinforces the separation between S. scabra and S. seabrana. Thus, this genus represents an interesting group of plants for further studies on the content and quantity of repetitive and non-repetitive DNA sequences.
Cromossomos de Plantas , Heterocromatina , Heterocromatina/genética , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , Cariótipo , Cariotipagem , IndóisRESUMO
Paspalum notatum Flüggé is an economically important subtropical fodder grass that is widely used in the Americas. Here, we report a new chromosome-scale genome assembly and annotation of a diploid biotype collected in the center of origin of the species. Using Oxford Nanopore long reads, we generated a 557.81 Mb genome assembly (N50 = 56.1 Mb) with high gene completeness (BUSCO = 98.73%). Genome annotation identified 320 Mb (57.86%) of repetitive elements and 45,074 gene models, of which 36,079 have a high level of confidence. Further characterisation included the identification of 59 miRNA precursors together with their putative targets. The present work provides a comprehensive genomic resource for P. notatum improvement and a reference frame for functional and evolutionary research within the genus.
Genoma de Planta , Anotação de Sequência Molecular , Paspalum , Paspalum/genética , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , MicroRNAs/genética , Sequências Repetitivas de Ácido NucleicoRESUMO
Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is an essential crop for food security and is ranked as the third most important crop worldwide for human consumption. The Diacol Capiro cultivar holds the dominant position in Colombian cultivation, primarily catering to the food processing industry. This highly heterozygous, autotetraploid cultivar belongs to the Andigenum group and it stands out for its adaptation to a wide variety of environments spanning altitudes from 1,800 to 3,200 meters above sea level. Here, a chromosome-scale assembly, referred to as DC, is presented for this cultivar. The assembly was generated by combining circular consensus sequencing with proximity ligation Hi-C for the scaffolding and represents 2.369 Gb with 48 pseudochromosomes covering 2,091 Gb and an anchor rate of 88.26%. The reference genome metrics, including an N50 of 50.5 Mb, a BUSCO (Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologue) score of 99.38%, and an Long Terminal Repeat Assembly Index score of 13.53, collectively signal the achieved high assembly quality. A comprehensive annotation yielded a total of 154,114 genes, and the associated BUSCO score of 95.78% for the annotated sequences attests to their completeness. The number of predicted NLR (Nucleotide-Binding and Leucine-Rich-Repeat genes) was 2107 with a large representation of NBARC (for nucleotide binding domain shared by Apaf-1, certain R gene products, and CED-4) containing domains (99.85%). Further comparative analysis of the proposed annotation-based assembly with high-quality known potato genomes, showed a similar genome metrics with differences in total gene numbers related to the ploidy status. The genome assembly and annotation of DC presented in this study represent a valuable asset for comprehending potato genetics. This resource aids in targeted breeding initiatives and contributes to the creation of enhanced, resilient, and more productive potato varieties, particularly beneficial for countries in Latin America.
Cromossomos de Plantas , Genoma de Planta , Anotação de Sequência Molecular , Solanum tuberosum , Tetraploidia , Solanum tuberosum/genética , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , Genômica/métodos , Mapeamento CromossômicoRESUMO
In ornamental plants, artificial polyploidization has enabled the creation of new cultivars. Due to their high commercial value in the international flower market and their ornamental characteristics, such as the shape, size, color, and durability of their flower, orchids have received great attention in studies of artificial polyploidization. Here we described the protocol used for polyploid induction in Oncidium crispum, an epiphyte species native of southeastern Brazil, of great ornamental interest and widely sold in flower shops. The species stands out for having inflorescence with large flowers, brown in color with yellow spots. In addition, O. crispum has great potential for use in genetic improvement programs since the species is widely used in interspecific crosses. Closed capsules containing mature O. crispum seeds were subjected to running sterilized water for 10 min and then to a 1.5% sodium hypochlorite solution for 10 min. Small portions of seeds were introduced into 50 mL of water-soluble fertilizer with macro- and micronutrients (B>M) plus 0.7% agar. Explants originating from seeds previously in vitro germinated were submitted to 0.05% and 0.1% of colchicine for 4 days and 8 days. Flow cytometry and chromosome counts confirmed that the protocol successfully produced synthetic polyploid plants.
Orchidaceae , Sementes , Tetraploidia , Orchidaceae/genética , Orchidaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Sementes/genética , Sementes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , Germinação , Colchicina/farmacologiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Theobroma grandiflorum (Malvaceae), known as cupuassu, is a tree indigenous to the Amazon basin, valued for its large fruits and seed pulp, contributing notably to the Amazonian bioeconomy. The seed pulp is utilized in desserts and beverages, and its seed butter is used in cosmetics. Here, we present the sequenced telomere-to-telomere genome of cupuassu, disclosing its genomic structure, evolutionary features, and phylogenetic relationships within the Malvaceae family. FINDINGS: The cupuassu genome spans 423 Mb, encodes 31,381 genes distributed in 10 chromosomes, and exhibits approximately 65% gene synteny with the Theobroma cacao genome, reflecting a conserved evolutionary history, albeit punctuated with unique genomic variations. The main changes are pronounced by bursts of long-terminal repeat retrotransposons at postspecies divergence, retrocopied and singleton genes, and gene families displaying distinctive patterns of expansion and contraction. Furthermore, positively selected genes are evident, particularly among retained and dispersed tandem and proximal duplicated genes associated with general fruit and seed traits and defense mechanisms, supporting the hypothesis of potential episodes of subfunctionalization and neofunctionalization following duplication, as well as impact from distinct domestication process. These genomic variations may underpin the differences observed in fruit and seed morphology, ripening, and disease resistance between cupuassu and the other Malvaceae species. CONCLUSIONS: The cupuassu genome offers a foundational resource for both breeding improvement and conservation biology, yielding insights into the evolution and diversity within the genus Theobroma.
Evolução Molecular , Genoma de Planta , Filogenia , Cromossomos de Plantas , Genômica/métodos , Malvaceae/genéticaRESUMO
Physical mapping evidences the chromosome organization and structure. Despite the data about plant cytogenomics, physical mapping has been conducted from single-copy and/or low-copy genes for few species. Carica papaya cytogenomics has been accomplished from BAC-FISH and repeatome sequences. We aimed to map the serk 2, svp-like and mdar 4 sequences in C. papaya. The sequences were amplified and the amplicons sequenced, showing similarity in relation to serk 2, svp-like and mdar 4 genes. Carica papaya diploidy was confirmed and the mitotic chromosomes characterized. The chromosome 1 exhibited the secondary constriction pericentromeric to the centromere of the long arm. So, we concluded that it is the sex chromosomes. serk 2 was mapped in the long arm interstitial portion of the sex chromosomes, and the interphase nuclei showed two fluorescence signals. Considering these results and the sequencing data from the C. papaya sex chromosomes, svp-like and mdar 4 genes were mapped in the interstitial region of the sex chromosome long arm. Both sequences showed only one fluorescence signal in the interphase nuclei. The procedure adopted here can be reproduced for other single-copy and/or low-copy genes, allowing the construction of cytogenetic maps. In addition, we revisited the cytogenomics data about C. papaya sex chromosomes, presenting a revised point of view about the structure and evolution to these chromosomes.
Carica , Cromossomos de Plantas , Cromossomos Sexuais , Carica/genética , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , Cromossomos Sexuais/genética , Mapeamento Físico do Cromossomo , Hibridização in Situ Fluorescente/métodos , Proteínas de Plantas/genética , Mapeamento Cromossômico , Genes de PlantasRESUMO
Potato and its wild relatives are distributed mainly in the Mexican highlands and central Andes of South America. The South American A-genome species, including cultivated potatoes, are reproductively isolated from Mexican diploid species. Whole-genome sequencing has disclosed genome structure and similarity, mostly in cultivated potatoes and their closely related species. In this study, we generated a chromosome-scale assembly of the genome of a Mexican diploid species, Solanum bulbocastanum Dun., using PacBio long-read sequencing, optical mapping, and Hi-C scaffolding technologies. The final sequence assembly consisted of 737.9â Mb, among which 647.0â Mb were anchored to the 12 chromosomes. Compared with chromosome-scale assemblies of S. lycopersicum (tomato), S. etuberosum (non-tuber-bearing species with E-genome), S. verrucosum, S. chacoense, S. multidissectum, and S. phureja (all four are A-genome species), the S. bulbocastnum genome was the shortest. It contained fewer transposable elements (56.2%) than A-genome species. A cluster analysis was performed based on pairwise ratios of syntenic regions among the seven chromosome-scale assemblies, showing that the A-genome species were first clustered as a distinct group. Then, this group was clustered with S. bulbocastanum. Sequence similarity in 1,624 single-copy orthologous gene groups among 36 Solanum species and clones separated S. bulbocastanum as a specific group, including other Mexican diploid species, from the A-genome species. Therefore, the S. bulbocastanum genome differs in genome structure and gene sequences from the A-genome species. These findings provide important insights into understanding and utilizing the genetic diversity of S. bulbocastanum and the other Mexican diploid species in potato breeding.
Diploide , Genoma de Planta , Solanum , Solanum/genética , Solanum tuberosum/genética , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , Anotação de Sequência Molecular , Genômica/métodos , Mapeamento Cromossômico , Filogenia , MéxicoRESUMO
The species Passiflora alata, P. cincinnata, and P. edulis have great economic value due to the use of their fruits for human consumption. In this study, we compared the repetitive genome fractions of these three species. The compositions of the repetitive DNA of these three species' genomes were analyzed using clustering and identification of the repetitive sequences with RepeatExplorer. It was found that repetitive DNA content represents 74.70%, 66.86%, and 62.24% of the genome of P. alata, P. edulis, and P. cincinnata, respectively. LTR Ty3/Gypsy retrotransposons represent the highest genome proportions in P. alata and P. edulis, while Ty1/Copia comprises the largest proportion of P. cincinnata genome. Chromosomal mapping by Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) showed that LTR retrotransposons have a dispersed distribution along chromosomes. The subtelomeric region of chromosomes is where 145 bp satellite DNA is located, suggesting that these elements may play important roles in genome structure and organization in these species. In this work, we obtained the first global characterization of the composition of repetitive DNA in Passiflora, showing that an increase in genome size is related to an increase in repetitive DNA, which represents an important evolutionary route for these species.
DNA Satélite , Genoma de Planta , Passiflora , Retroelementos , Passiflora/genética , DNA Satélite/genética , Retroelementos/genética , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , Elementos de DNA Transponíveis/genética , DNA de Plantas/genética , Hibridização in Situ Fluorescente , Mapeamento CromossômicoRESUMO
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), an Andean crop, is a facultative halophyte food crop recognized globally for its high nutritional value and plasticity to adapt to harsh conditions. We conducted a genome-wide association study on a diverse set of quinoa germplasm accessions. These accessions were evaluated for the following agronomic and biochemical traits: days to 50% flowering (DTF), plant height (PH), panicle length (PL), stem diameter (SD), seed yield (SY), grain diameter (GD), and thousand-grain weight (TGW). These accessions underwent genotyping-by-sequencing using the DNBSeq-G400R platform. Among all evaluated traits, TGW represented maximum broad-sense heritability. Our study revealed average SNP density of ≈ 3.11 SNPs/10 kb for the whole genome, with the lowest and highest on chromosomes Cq1B and Cq9A, respectively. Principal component analysis clustered the quinoa population in three main clusters, one clearly representing lowland Chilean accessions, whereas the other two groups corresponded to germplasm from the highlands of Peru and Bolivia. In our germplasm set, we estimated linkage disequilibrium decay to be ≈ 118.5 kb. Marker-trait analyses revealed major and consistent effect associations for DTF on chromosomes 3A, 4B, 5B, 6A, 7A, 7B and 8B, with phenotypic variance explained (PVE) as high as 19.15%. Nine associations across eight chromosomes were also found for saponin content with 20% PVE by qSPN5A.1. More QTLs were identified for PL and TGW on multiple chromosomal locations. We identified putative candidate genes in the genomic regions associated with DTF and saponin content. The consistent and major-effect genomic associations can be used in fast-tracking quinoa breeding for wider adaptation across marginal environments.
Chenopodium quinoa , Genoma de Planta , Estudo de Associação Genômica Ampla , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único , Locos de Características Quantitativas , Chenopodium quinoa/genética , Chenopodium quinoa/metabolismo , Fenótipo , Peru , Genótipo , Bolívia , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , Característica Quantitativa HerdávelRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Hybridization associated with polyploidy studies is rare in the tropics. The genus Zygopetalum (Orchidaceae) was investigated here as a case study of Neotropical plants. In the rocky highlands of the Ibitipoca State Park (ISP), southeast Brazil, individuals with intermediate colors and forms between the species Z. maculatum and Z. triste were commonly identified. METHODS AND RESULTS: Chromosomal analysis and DNA quantity showed a uniform population. Regardless of the aspects related to the color and shape of floral structures, all individuals showed 2n = 96 chromosomes and an average of 14.05 pg of DNA. Irregularities in meiosis associated with chromosome number and C value suggest the occurrence of polyploidy. The genetic distance estimated using ISSR molecular markers revealed the existence of genetic variability not related to morphological clusters. Morphometric measurements of the flower pieces revealed that Z. maculatum shows higher variation than Z. triste although lacking a defined circumscription. CONCLUSION: The observed variation can be explained by the polyploid and phenotypic plasticity resulting from the interaction of the genotypes with the heterogeneous environments observed in this habitat.
Variação Genética , Orchidaceae , Fenótipo , Poliploidia , Orchidaceae/genética , Variação Genética/genética , Brasil , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , Genótipo , Flores/genética , Flores/anatomia & histologia , Repetições de Microssatélites/genética , Hibridização Genética/genéticaRESUMO
The genus Vigna (Leguminosae) comprises about 150 species grouped into five subgenera. The present study aimed to improve the understanding of karyotype diversity and evolution in Vigna, using new and previously published data through different cytogenetic and DNA content approaches. In the Vigna subgenera, we observed a random distribution of rDNA patterns. The 35S rDNA varied in position, from terminal to proximal, and in number, ranging from one (V. aconitifolia, V. subg. Ceratotropis) to seven pairs (V. unguiculata subsp. unguiculata, V. subg. Vigna). On the other hand, the number of 5S rDNA was conserved (one or two pairs), except for V. radiata (V. subg. Ceratotropis), which had three pairs. Genome size was relatively conserved within the genus, ranging from 1C = 0.43 to 0.70 pg in V. oblongifolia and V. unguiculata subsp. unguiculata, respectively, both belonging to V. subg. Vigna. However, we observed a positive correlation between DNA content and the number of 35S rDNA sites. In addition, data from chromosome-specific BAC-FISH suggest that the ancestral 35S rDNA locus is conserved on chromosome 6 within Vigna. Considering the rapid diversification in the number and position of rDNA sites, such conservation is surprising and suggests that additional sites may have spread out from this ancestral locus.
Vigna , Vigna/genética , DNA Ribossômico/genética , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , DNA de Plantas/genética , Variação Genética , Filogenia , Fabaceae/genética , CariótipoRESUMO
Juncus is the largest genus of Juncaceae and was considered holocentric for a long time. Recent findings, however, indicated that 11 species from different clades of the genus have monocentric chromosomes. Thus, the Juncus centromere organization and evolution need to be reassessed. We aimed to investigate the major repetitive DNA sequences of two accessions of Juncus effusus and its centromeric structure by employing whole-genome analyses, fluorescent in situ hybridization, CENH3 immunodetection, and chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing. We showed that the repetitive fraction of the small J. effusus genome (~270 Mbp/1C) is mainly composed of Class I and Class II transposable elements (TEs) and satellite DNAs. Three identified satellite DNA families were mainly (peri)centromeric, with two being associated with the centromeric protein CENH3, but not strictly centromeric. Two types of centromere organization were discerned in J. effusus: type 1 was characterized by a single CENH3 domain enriched with JefSAT1-155 or JefSAT2-180, whereas type 2 showed multiple CENH3 domains interrupted by other satellites, TEs or genes. Furthermore, while type 1 centromeres showed a higher degree of satellite identity along the array, type 2 centromeres had less homogenized arrays along the multiple CENH3 domains per chromosome. Although the analyses confirmed the monocentric organization of J. effusus chromosomes, our data indicate a more dynamic arrangement of J. effusus centromeres than observed for other plant species, suggesting it may constitute a transient state between mono- and holocentricity.
Centrômero , Cromossomos de Plantas , DNA Satélite , Hibridização in Situ Fluorescente , Centrômero/genética , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , DNA Satélite/genética , Genoma de Planta/genética , Elementos de DNA Transponíveis/genética , DNA de Plantas/genética , Sequências Repetitivas de Ácido Nucleico/genética , Proteínas de Plantas/genética , Proteínas de Plantas/metabolismoRESUMO
The sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) genome is one of the most complex of all. Modern varieties are highly polyploid and aneuploid as a result of hybridization between Saccharum officinarum and S. spontaneum. Little research has been done on meiotic control in polyploid species, with the exception of the wheat Ph1 locus harboring the ZIP4 gene (TaZIP4-B2) which promotes pairing between homologous chromosomes while suppressing crossover between homeologs. In sugarcane, despite its interspecific origin, bivalent association is favored, and multivalents, if any, are resolved at the end of prophase I. Thus, our aim herein was to investigate the purported genetic control of meiosis in the parental species and in sugarcane itself. We investigated the ZIP4 gene and immunolocalized meiotic proteins, namely synaptonemal complex proteins Zyp1 and Asy1. The sugarcane ZIP4 gene is located on chromosome 2 and expressed more abundantly in flowers, a similar profile to that found for TaZIP4-B2. ZIP4 expression is higher in S. spontaneum a neoautopolyploid, with lower expression in S. officinarum, a stable octoploid species. The sugarcane Zip4 protein contains a TPR domain, essential for scaffolding. Its 3D structure was also predicted, and it was found to be very similar to that of TaZIP4-B2, reflecting their functional relatedness. Immunolocalization of the Asy1 and Zyp1 proteins revealed that S. officinarum completes synapsis. However, in S. spontaneum and SP80-3280 (a modern variety), no nuclei with complete synapsis were observed. Importantly, our results have implications for sugarcane cytogenetics, genetic mapping, and genomics.
Meiose , Proteínas de Plantas , Saccharum , Saccharum/genética , Saccharum/metabolismo , Meiose/genética , Proteínas de Plantas/genética , Proteínas de Plantas/metabolismo , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , Poliploidia , Regulação da Expressão Gênica de Plantas , Complexo Sinaptonêmico/genética , Complexo Sinaptonêmico/metabolismoRESUMO
Chamaecrista is a Pantropical legume genus of the tribe Cassieae, which includes six other genera. In contrast to most of the other Cassieae genera, Chamaecrista shows significant variability in chromosome number (from 2n = 14 to 2n = 56), with small and morphologically similar chromosomes. Here, we performed a new cytomolecular analysis on chromosome number, genome size, and rDNA site distribution in a molecular phylogenetic perspective to interpret the karyotype trends of Chamaecrista and other two genera of Cassieae, seeking to understand their systematics and evolution. Our phylogenetic analysis revealed that Chamaecrista is monophyletic and can be divided into four major clades corresponding to the four sections of the genus. Chromosome numbers ranged from 2n = 14, 16 (section Chamaecrista) to 2n = 28 (sections Absus, Apoucouita, and Baseophyllum). The number of 5S and 35S rDNA sites varied between one and three pairs per karyotype, distributed on different chromosomes or in synteny, with no obvious phylogenetic significance. Our data allowed us to propose x = 7 as the basic chromosome number of Cassieae, which was changed by polyploidy generating x = 14 (sections Absus, Apoucouita, and Baseophyllum) and by ascending dysploidy to x = 8 (section Chamaecrista). The DNA content values supported this hypothesis, with the genomes of the putative tetraploids being larger than those of the putative diploids. We hypothesized that ascending dysploidy, polyploidy, and rDNA amplification/deamplification are the major events in the karyotypic diversification of Chamaecrista. The chromosomal marks characterized here may have cytotaxonomic potential in future studies.
Chamaecrista , Fabaceae , Filogenia , Chamaecrista/genética , Fabaceae/genética , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , Genoma de Planta , Cariótipo , Poliploidia , DNA Ribossômico/genéticaRESUMO
Chromosome numbers have been used in plant taxonomy, and they are still fundamental for taxon delimitation and genome evolution studies. South America is one of the most diverse continents in terms of plant species and there is a considerable number of species not yet analyzed. Accumulated knowledge about plant chromosome numbers has been compiled from online databases, and here we present an overview. The CCDB is one of the largest plant cytological databases and includes data for around 18% of known vascular plants in the world. In this work, we review the information contained in CCDB and in three databases with exclusive information for South America. At present, the three existing databases comprise information on around 1800 plant taxa related to specific regions, countries, or biomes. Efforts are necessary to expand cytological knowledge and to collect all the available information in a plant chromosome database for this continent.
Cromossomos de Plantas , Traqueófitas , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , Bases de Dados Factuais , Ecossistema , América do SulRESUMO
Chromosome banding based on base-specific fluorochromes, mainly double staining with chromomycin A3 (CMA) and 4'-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), has been widely used since the 1970s. This technique allows the differential staining of distinct types of heterochromatin. Afterward, the fluorochromes can be easily removed and leave the preparation ready for sequential procedures such as FISH or immunodetection. Interpretations of similar bands obtained with different techniques, however, merit certain caution. Here we present a detailed protocol for CMA/DAPI staining optimized for plant cytogenetics and call attention to the most common sources of misinterpretation of DAPI bands.
Cromossomos de Plantas , Corantes Fluorescentes , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , Indóis , Coloração e Rotulagem , Bandeamento Cromossômico , Heterocromatina/genética , CromossomosRESUMO
Silver nitrate staining to evidence the location of nucleolar organizer regions (Ag-NORs) in chromosomes is widely used as a classical method in plant cytogenetics. Here, we present the most used procedures and highlight some aspects in terms of their replicability by plant cytogeneticists. Some technical features described are materials and methods used, procedures, protocol modifications, and precautions in order to obtain positive signals. The methods to obtain Ag-NOR signals have different degrees of replicability, but do not require any sophisticated technology or equipment for their application.
Cromossomos de Plantas , Região Organizadora do Nucléolo , Região Organizadora do Nucléolo/genética , Coloração pela Prata , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , Coloração e Rotulagem , Cromossomos , Citogenética , Nitrato de PrataRESUMO
Abstract Utilization of modern breeding techniques for developing high yielding and uniform plant types ultimately narrowing the genetic makeup of most crops. Narrowed genetic makeup of these crops has made them vulnerable towards disease and insect epidemics. For sustainable crop production, genetic variability of these crops must be broadened against various biotic and abiotic stresses. One of the ways to widen genetic configuration of these crops is to identify novel additional sources of durable resistance. In this regard crops wild relatives are providing valuable sources of allelic diversity towards various biotic, abiotic stress tolerance and quality components. For incorporating novel variability from wild relative's wide hybridization technique has become a promising breeding method. For this purpose, wheat-Th. bessarabicum amphiploid, addition and translocation lines have been screened in field and screen house conditions to get novel sources of yellow rust and Karnal bunt resistant. Stripe rust screening under field conditions has revealed addition lines 4JJ and 6JJ as resistant to moderately resistant while addition lines 3JJ, 5JJ, 7JJ and translocation lines Tr-3, Tr-6 as moderately resistant wheat-Thinopyrum-bessarabicum genetic stock. Karnal bunt screening depicted addition lines 5JJ and 4JJ as highly resistant genetic stock. These genetic stocks may be used to introgression novel stripe rust and Karnal bunt resistance from the tertiary gene pool into susceptible wheat backgrounds.
Resumo A utilização de técnicas modernas de melhoramento para o desenvolvimento de tipos de plantas uniformes e de alto rendimento, em última análise, estreitando a composição genética da maioria das culturas. A composição genética restrita dessas plantações tornou-as vulneráveis a doenças e epidemias de insetos. Para uma produção agrícola sustentável, a variabilidade genética dessas culturas deve ser ampliada contra vários estresses bióticos e abióticos. Uma das maneiras de ampliar a configuração genética dessas culturas é identificar novas fontes adicionais de resistência durável. A esse respeito, os parentes selvagens das culturas estão fornecendo fontes valiosas de diversidade alélica para vários componentes de qualidade e tolerância ao estresse abiótico e biótico. Para incorporar a nova variabilidade da ampla técnica de hibridização de parente selvagem tornou-se um método de reprodução promissor. Para esse efeito, trigo-Th. As linhas anfiploides, de adição e translocação de bessarabicum foram selecionadas em condições de campo e de casa de tela para obter novas fontes de ferrugem amarela e resistência ao bunt de Karnal. A triagem de ferrugem em faixas em condições de campo revelou as linhas de adição 4JJ e 6JJ como resistentes a moderadamente resistentes, enquanto as linhas de adição 3JJ, 5JJ, 7JJ e as linhas de translocação Tr-3, Tr-6 como estoque genético de trigo-Thinopyrum bessarabicum moderadamente resistente. A triagem Karnal bunt descreveu as linhas de adição 5JJ e 4JJ como estoque genético altamente resistente. Esses estoques genéticos podem ser usados para introgressão da nova ferrugem e resistência ao bunt de Karnal do pool genético terciário em origens de trigo suscetíveis.
Basidiomycota/genética , Triticum/genética , Doenças das Plantas/genética , Cromossomos de Plantas , Resistência à Doença/genética , Melhoramento VegetalRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The 45S rDNA is considered the most useful chromosomal marker for cytogenetic analysis of Passiflora. Amplification of 45S rDNA sequence via PCR are more advantageous than sequence maintenance in vectors for chromosomal hybridization via FISH. We aimed both to identify 45S rDNA by sequencing data for chromosomal localization and to verify the relationship between GC content and CMA3/DAPI banding. METHODS AND RESULTS: Low-coverage sequencing of Passiflora alata, P. cincinnata, and P. edulis was performed, and 45S rDNA units were identified using RepeatExplorer. The 45S rDNA units were used to construct a neighbor-joining tree to verify the similarities between the three species' 18S and 26S rDNA sequences. Clusters (CL)116 (P. alata), CL71 (P. cincinnata), and CL116 (P. edulis) were remarkably similar among the three species, and the 26S rDNA sequences of the clusters were similar to those of Populus tremuloides, Salix interior, and Averrhoa carambola (98% identity). The 26S rDNA was cytologically localized in the chromosomes of P. edulis, P. bahiensis, and the backcrossed hybrid (P. sublanceolata vs. HD13). The hybridization transfer capacity was evaluated in Citrus sunki and Cucumis melo. Finally, a chromosomal pair with a heteromorphic 26S rDNA site was observed in P. edulis, which was the same to that observed for CMA3. CONCLUSION: The amplification of the 26S rDNA in Passiflora via PCR and the chromosomal localization in Passiflora and other plant species was successfully achieved. The CMA3 bands were found to be related not only to the amount of GC but also to its structure and the number of repetitions.