BACKGROUND: Regenerative endodontic procedures (REPs) are innovative treatments aimed at restoring damaged dental structures. However, the effect of orthodontic movement on REP-treated teeth is not well understood and may have significant long-term consequences. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of orthodontic movement on a mature permanent tooth associated with dens invaginatus that has undergone a regenerative endodontic procedure (REP). CASE PRESENTATION: This report describes the case of a 13-year-old healthy male who presented with pulp necrosis and a chronic apical abscess (tooth number 2.2). Following REP according to the American Association of Endodontists' guidelines, the patient began non-extraction orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances after a 9-month healing period, which lasted 17 months in the upper arch. Subsequent follow-ups at 24, 36 and 48 months post-REP revealed an asymptomatic state with minimal cervical discoloration and diminished cold sensitivity. Radiographic analyses revealed periapical healing, mild apical remodeling on tooth 2.2, and moderate apical remodeling on other maxillary incisors. The treated tooth displayed a positive response to both REP and orthodontic treatment, yet further research is required to determine the long-term effects of orthodontics on REP-treated teeth. CONCLUSION: Orthodontic movement following REPs in mature permanent teeth is feasible and do not seem to prone teeth to orthodontic tooth resorption. Our experience indicates that a 9-month healing period allows successful orthodontic outcomes following REPs. Nonetheless, the predictability of outcomes and the ideal healing period before orthodontic movement is initiated remain to be established.
Dens in Dente , Endodontia Regenerativa , Técnicas de Movimentação Dentária , Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Endodontia Regenerativa/métodos , Técnicas de Movimentação Dentária/métodos , Dens in Dente/complicações , Dens in Dente/terapia , Seguimentos , Necrose da Polpa Dentária/terapia , Incisivo , Abscesso Periapical/terapiaRESUMO
Dens invaginatus may be associated with peri-invagination lesions and vital pulp concurrently. This case report examines the successful preservation of vital pulp and minimally invasive treatment of invagination for Oehlers type IIIA dens invaginatus with an extensive peri-invagination lesion. A healthy 19-year-old man presented with occasional swelling of the left maxillary anterior region. Pulp vitality tests revealed vital and healthy tooth pulp. CBCT indicated Oehlers type IIIA dens invaginatus with an invagination parallel to the pulp cavity. The diagnosis was type IIIA dens invaginatus with a peri-invagination lesion. The treatment plans involved preservation of the vital pulp and minimally invasive treatment of the invagination. A 5-year follow-up revealed that both healing of the peri-invagination lesion and preservation of the vital pulp had been successful. Pulp vitality can be preserved in type IIIA dens invaginatus associated with a peri-invagination lesion through minimally invasive treatment of the invagination.
Dens in Dente , Polpa Dentária , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Jovem , Polpa Dentária/anormalidades , Dens in Dente/terapia , Seguimentos , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe CônicoRESUMO
Dental invagination is an abnormality of the crown or root development induced during tooth germ development when the enamel-forming apparatus or epithelial root sheath overpopulates and folds into the papilla. In severe cases, the invaginated channels are connected to the pulp and periodontal tissues, often causing endodontic and periapical diseases. The complex anatomical pattern of this disease adds difficulty in its preoperative diagnosis and clinical operation. In this paper, we report a case of non-surgical treatment assisted by cone beam CT and microscopy for maxillary lateral incisor double dens invaginatus type â ¢ (â ¢a and â ¢b) with apical periapical infection. After 1-year follow-up, the affected tooth was asymptomatic and the periapical lesion was significantly reduced.
Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Dens in Dente , Incisivo , Periodontite Periapical , Humanos , Incisivo/anormalidades , MaxilaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to determine the age-based prevalence of dens invaginatus cases and to learn the radiologic findings. In addition, fractal analysis of the periapical regions of unilateral dens invaginatus cases and contralateral teeth was performed to determine the effect of possible microleakage on fractal dimension. METHODS: A total of 136 patients (170 teeth) identified in panoramic radiographs taken for diagnostic purposes between January 2018 and December 2023 at our Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology were included in the study. Data were analysed using IBM SPSS V23. The Chi-square test was used for comparing categorical variables between groups. The relationship between the FD values calculated around the apexes of the teeth with unilateral dens invaginatus and the contralateral teeth was analyzed by paired t test. A significance level of p < 0.050 was adopted. RESULTS: The mean age of the cases was calculated as 28.1 (8-63) years. 66 (48.5%) of the cases were female, and 70 (51.1%) were male. The lateral incisor was the most affected tooth among these cases. Bilateral cases were observed in 34 patients. Type 2 was detected in 93 patients, Type 1 in 35 patients, and Type 3 dens invagination in 8 patients. Dens invaginatus cases were observed in 134 maxillary and 2 mandibular teeth. Periapical lesions were seen in 22 of these cases. CONCLUSIONS: Dens invaginatus cases are a congenital anomaly encountered at any age. Early diagnosis is crucial to prevent the loss of pulp vitality due to these invaginations. It should be noted that these invaginations can affect both jaws. However, due to the prevalence of occurrence in the maxillary anterior teeth and asymptomatic nonvitality, particular attention should be paid to evaluating this region.
Dens in Dente , Radiografia Panorâmica , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Adolescente , Dens in Dente/diagnóstico por imagem , Adulto , Criança , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fractais , Prevalência , Estudos RetrospectivosRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Treating the coronal dens invaginatus (CDI) with pulp infection commonly involves the removal of invagination, which increases the risk of perforation and fracture, and compromises the tooth structure. Minimally invasive endodontic management of CDI is highly recommended. This report describes two cases of type II CDI with the application of personalized templates. CASE PRESENTATION: Two cases of type II CDI, affecting the main root canal in a maxillary canine and a lateral incisor, were diagnosed. A guided endodontics (GE) approach was applied. Cone-beam computed tomography and intraoral scans were imported and aligned in a virtual planning software to design debridement routes and templates. The MICRO principle (which involves the aspects of Mechanical (M) debridement, Irrigation (I), Access cavities (C), Rectilinear routes (R), and Obstruction (O)) was proposed for designing optimal debridement routes for future applications. The templates were innovatively personalized and designed to preserve the tooth structure maximally while effectively debriding the root canal. Root canal treatment with supplementary disinfection was then performed. The follow-up of the two patients revealed favorable clinical and radiographic outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: The GE approach could be a feasible method for preserving healthy dental structure while effectively debriding the root canal, thereby achieving successful and minimally invasive endodontic treatment for CDI.
Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Dens in Dente , Tratamento do Canal Radicular , Humanos , Desbridamento/métodos , Dens in Dente/terapia , Dens in Dente/complicações , Dens in Dente/diagnóstico por imagem , Incisivo/anormalidades , Incisivo/diagnóstico por imagem , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/métodos , Tratamento do Canal Radicular/métodosRESUMO
Dens invaginatus (DI) is a developmental anomaly of the teeth characterised by the in-folding of the enamel into the dentin. Oehlers' Type III DI is the most serious form, in which the inherently invaginated channels communicate with periodontal and dental pulp tissue, increasing the risk of bacterial contamination. However, varying and complex anatomical features make diagnosis and treatment challenging. Conventional endodontic therapies promote healing by avoiding unnecessary interventions (e.g., surgical or other invasive treatments). Radiographic examination can reveal the structural details of such malformations. We obtained multiple procedural details for treating Type III DI based on radiographic analyses from our clinical experience. In addition, we introduce a new classification strategy for the management of Type III DI that is more applicable to treatment needs. This study aimed to discuss the anatomical features and current treatment considerations of Type III DI.
Dens in Dente , Tratamento do Canal Radicular , Humanos , Dens in Dente/terapia , Tratamento do Canal Radicular/métodos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , AdolescenteRESUMO
The present case describes the successful healing of a periapical lesion associated with the left maxillary lateral incisor (# 22, Federation Dentaire Internationale) having a type 3b dens invaginatus tooth morphology. The treatment was complicated by the presence of blunderbuss root apex and large periapical lesion (>10 mm) with through and through bone defect (Bucco palatal cortical bone perforation, Von Arx Type 1b). An adolescent boy reported palatal swelling and pus discharge in relation to tooth #22. A thorough clinical and radiographic examination revealed tooth #22 as having a type 3b dens invaginatus with an open apex and a diagnosis of pulp necrosis and acute apical abscess. The case was managed by non-surgical root canal treatment followed by endodontic surgery using principles of guided tissue regeneration. A 5-year recall revealed an asymptomatic functional tooth with complete healing.
Dens in Dente , Regeneração Tecidual Guiada , Abscesso Periapical , Masculino , Adolescente , Humanos , Dens in Dente/complicações , Dens in Dente/diagnóstico por imagem , Dens in Dente/cirurgia , Tratamento do Canal Radicular , Abscesso Periapical/complicações , Incisivo/cirurgiaRESUMO
This article documents cases of single-visit pulp revascularisation for dens evaginatus and dens invaginatus, without using intracranial medicaments or antibiotics, aiming to provide a potentially applicable protocol for pulp revascularisation procedure in a single-visit. Two patients with chief complaints of pain and swelling visited a dental hospital. Radiographs revealed that the causative teeth had an open apex and periapical radiolucency, and the teeth were diagnosed as pulp necrosis and acute apical abscess or symptomatic apical periodontitis. For both cases, single-visit revascularisation was completed without intracanal medicaments or antibiotics. The patients were periodically recalled to evaluate periapical healing after treatment. The apical lesion healed, and the root dentin thickening was observed. The single-visit pulp revascularisation procedure without using specific intracanal medicaments can produce clinically favourable results for these dental anomalies.
Dens in Dente , Abscesso Periapical , Humanos , Dens in Dente/terapia , Seguimentos , Polpa Dentária , Abscesso Periapical/terapia , Necrose da Polpa Dentária/terapia , Antibacterianos , Tratamento do Canal Radicular/métodosRESUMO
Dens Invaginatus (DI) or dens in dente is an uncommon anomaly which mostly affects permanent lateral incisors, and it is very rare in molars. This article presents the conservative endodontic management of four different cases of DI and a discussion of the endodontic literature for this malformation. Three upper lateral incisors Type II, IIIa and IIIb, and an upper first molar Type II are shown. The most conservative approach possible was carried out. Three of the cases were obturated using the continuous wave technique. In one of the cases, it was possible to treat only the invagination with MTA and preserve the pulp vitality of the main canal. To make a correct diagnosis and to treat in the most conservative way possible, a DI is necessary to know its classification and use tools such as CBCT and magnification.
Dens in Dente , Materiais Restauradores do Canal Radicular , Humanos , Tratamento do Canal Radicular/métodos , Materiais Restauradores do Canal Radicular/uso terapêutico , Dens in Dente/diagnóstico por imagem , Dens in Dente/terapia , Tratamento Conservador , SeguimentosRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the prevalence and morphological characteristics of DI using CBCT. METHODS: A literature search was performed in PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Science. Inclusion criteria were randomized clinical trials, cross-sectional studies, and prospective and retrospective cohort studies evaluating the morphological characteristics of DI in anterior teeth using CBCT. Three reviewer authors independently screened the studies, applied the eligibility criteria, assessed the risk of bias, and extracted until September (2022). The risk of bias was evaluated using the Joanna Briggs Institute criteria. Meta-analyses of proportions were used for estimate the prevalence DI according to factors at participant and tooth levels. RESULTS: Six studies were included in the meta-analysis. Among 7373 individuals, a prevalence of 7.45 % of DI was observed (n = 258; τ2 = 0.0096; CI of 4.51-11.3; p < 0.05), with no significant influence of sex. Regarding laterality, unilateral DI showed higher mean prevalence (4.30 %; CI of 2.03-7.33). Among the 382 anterior teeth with DI (0.72 %), the most affected tooth was the upper lateral incisor (5.12 %; n = 329; CI of 2.35-8.86; p < 0.001), type I was the most prevalent (0.59 %; CI of 0.24-1.08) and the presence of open apex and periradicular pathology ranged from 4.3 % to 22.72 % and 3.5-77.92 %, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of individuals with dens invaginatus was 7.45 %, the most affect tooth was the upper lateral incisor with a prevalence of 5.12 % unilaterally and type I was the most prevalent morphology.
Dens in Dente , Tratamento do Canal Radicular , Humanos , Dens in Dente/diagnóstico por imagem , Dens in Dente/epidemiologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Estudos Transversais , Prevalência , Estudos Prospectivos , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe CônicoRESUMO
Dens invaginatus is a morphological abnormality of the tooth that results from a developmental anomaly during tooth formation, in which part of the enamel and dentin of the crown invaginates into the pulp cavity. This report describes a case of a maxillary lateral incisor with apical periodontitis apparently caused by Oehlers Type III dens invaginatus. The patient was a 69-year-old man who visited our clinic complaining of discomfort in the maxillary right lateral incisor. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) revealed dens invaginatus of the maxillary lateral incisor and a sinus tract in the maxillary central incisor region, which was derived from apical periodontitis of the maxillary lateral incisor. The dens invaginatus was accompanied by a complex root canal morphology. Treatment, which was performed using a dental surgical microscope, had a favorable outcome. The patient remains in good condition at 1 year postoperatively.
Dens in Dente , Periodontite Periapical , Masculino , Humanos , Idoso , Cavidade Pulpar/anormalidades , Dens in Dente/diagnóstico por imagem , Dens in Dente/terapia , Dens in Dente/complicações , Incisivo/diagnóstico por imagem , Incisivo/cirurgia , Incisivo/anormalidades , Tratamento do Canal Radicular/métodos , Periodontite Periapical/diagnóstico por imagem , Periodontite Periapical/cirurgia , Inflamação , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/métodosRESUMO
Dens invaginatus is a rare developmental anomaly of the teeth that is caused by the infolding of enamel organs or the penetration of their proliferations into dental papillae before calcification has occurred. The presence of double dens invaginatus is extremely rare. This paper describes the use of cone beam computed tomography in the evaluation of a maxillary lateral incisor with double dens invaginatus and periapical periodontitis. The tooth was treated through microscopic root canal therapy. The tooth was free of clinical symptoms, and the periradicular lesion narrowed during the follow-up period of 1 year.
Dens in Dente , Periodontite Periapical , Humanos , Cavidade Pulpar/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavidade Pulpar/anormalidades , Dens in Dente/diagnóstico por imagem , Dens in Dente/terapia , Dens in Dente/patologia , Incisivo/diagnóstico por imagem , Incisivo/anormalidades , Incisivo/patologia , Tratamento do Canal Radicular , Periodontite Periapical/terapia , Periodontite Periapical/patologiaRESUMO
Epithelial root sheath plays a key role in guiding the development of tooth root. Any problems during its growth can lead to various forms of defects or abnormalities in the development of tooth root. Radicular invaginatus may occur when the epithelial root sheath excessively proliferates and infolds into the dental papilla. In terms of tissue origin and occurrence mechanism, the radicular dens invaginatus is similar to the coronal invaginatus which is led by the proliferation and infolding of enamel organ. However, there had been no consensus on the term and classification of this type of developmental abnormality as well as the relationships among the dens invaginatus, the radicular invaginatus and the palatogingival groove. From the role of epithelial root sheath during root development, the manifestations of root developmental defects and abnormalities will be analyzed. The pathogeny, classification, clinical characteristics of the radicular invaginatus, the relationship with the dens invaginatus and the impact on treatment were specially focused on.
Dens in Dente , Tratamento do Canal Radicular , Humanos , Dens in Dente/terapiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis is a heterogeneous group of disorders, leading to intrahepatic cholestasis, with the possibility of chronic liver failure and biliary cirrhosis. Oligodontia is either the manifestation of a specific syndrome or is non-syndromic. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of type 3 progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis and concurrent oligodontia, craniosynostosis, dens in dente, taurodontism, and delayed permanent dentition in the medical and dental literature. CASE PRESENTATION: We present the dental and medical histories and comprehensive dental management of a girl with type 3 progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis and several dental anomalies, who was referred to a dental clinic due to severe dental caries and pain. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that PFIC with manifestations as oligodontia, craniosynostosis, dens in dente, taurodontism, and delayed permanent dentition, might indicate an unknown syndrome; otherwise, the craniofacial anomalies are the manifestations of an independent disease coinciding with PFIC. Moreover, our case is a good example of the importance of timely medical and dental care in confining further health-related complications. The patient was able to ingest without any pain or discomfort after receiving proper dental management.
Colestase Intra-Hepática , Dens in Dente , Cárie Dentária , Feminino , Humanos , Criança , Cárie Dentária/complicações , Cárie Dentária/terapia , Colestase Intra-Hepática/complicações , Colestase Intra-Hepática/genética , Assistência OdontológicaRESUMO
Type IIIB dens invaginatus presents with diagnostic and treatment related challenges when in need of endodontic management as a consequence of its complex anatomy, especially when presented in a vital tooth with a periapical lesion. Apical periodontitis associated with two type IIIB invaginations in a central maxillary incisor of a 10-year-old patient was diagnosed. A cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan provided essential diagnostic information and steered the treatment plan. The two invaginations were separate, with no communication between them and the pulp. The pulp appeared vital and non-inflamed. Endodontic treatment of the invaginations was carried out without intervention in the pulp. A 4-month follow-up periapical radiograph showed significant shrinkage of the lesion and a 2-year follow-up CBCT scan confirmed its complete healing. The pulp remains vital, responding normally to sensitivity tests. This outcome indicates that preserving the pulp's vitality is achievable through timely diagnosis.
Dens in Dente , Periodontite Periapical , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico Espiral , Humanos , Criança , Tratamento do Canal Radicular/métodos , Dens in Dente/diagnóstico por imagem , Dens in Dente/terapia , Dens in Dente/complicações , Incisivo/diagnóstico por imagem , Periodontite Periapical/diagnóstico por imagem , Periodontite Periapical/terapiaRESUMO
Dens invaginatus is a rare developmental anomaly of the teeth that is caused by the infolding of enamel organs or the penetration of their proliferations into dental papillae before calcification has occurred. The presence of double dens invaginatus is extremely rare. This paper describes the use of cone beam computed tomography in the evaluation of a maxillary lateral incisor with double dens invaginatus and periapical periodontitis. The tooth was treated through microscopic root canal therapy. The tooth was free of clinical symptoms, and the periradicular lesion narrowed during the follow-up period of 1 year.
Humanos , Cavidade Pulpar/anormalidades , Dens in Dente/patologia , Incisivo/patologia , Tratamento do Canal Radicular , Periodontite Periapical/patologiaRESUMO
Epithelial root sheath plays a key role in guiding the development of tooth root. Any problems during its growth can lead to various forms of defects or abnormalities in the development of tooth root. Radicular invaginatus may occur when the epithelial root sheath excessively proliferates and infolds into the dental papilla. In terms of tissue origin and occurrence mechanism, the radicular dens invaginatus is similar to the coronal invaginatus which is led by the proliferation and infolding of enamel organ. However, there had been no consensus on the term and classification of this type of developmental abnormality as well as the relationships among the dens invaginatus, the radicular invaginatus and the palatogingival groove. From the role of epithelial root sheath during root development, the manifestations of root developmental defects and abnormalities will be analyzed. The pathogeny, classification, clinical characteristics of the radicular invaginatus, the relationship with the dens invaginatus and the impact on treatment were specially focused on.
Humanos , Tratamento do Canal Radicular , Dens in Dente/terapiaRESUMO
Dens invaginatus (DI) often causes dysmorphic changes in both the crown and root. This case report presents a complicated type 3a DI in a maxillary lateral incisor with labial talon cusp and root bifurcation. Although lingual talon cusp is common in maxillary lateral incisor, labial talon cusp is rare. An auxiliary palatal root in maxillary lateral incisor is also unusual. No such case involving all three variations has been described in the literature. The DI was classified as type B4 according to Schulze and Brand, as it involved division of pulp and root. DI was managed by orthograde MTA, radisectomy and periodontal regeneration was done for the palatal root. Labial talon associated with DI and can lead to early periodontal/pulpal involvement. Type 3 DI can affect the root with marked dilatation and division. Additional palatal root should be carefully detected in type 3a DI and managed with the aid of CBCT.
Dens in Dente , Anormalidades Maxilomandibulares , Dente Supranumerário , Humanos , Dens in Dente/diagnóstico por imagem , Dens in Dente/terapia , Dens in Dente/complicações , Incisivo/diagnóstico por imagem , Coroa do Dente , Dente Supranumerário/complicações , Língua , Anormalidades Maxilomandibulares/complicaçõesRESUMO
This paper presents a case report of an immature maxillary lateral incisor with type II dens invaginatus, with a periapical lesion. The tooth was treated with MTA apical barrier followed by root filling with thermoplasticised GP and restoration with resin composite. Three-year radiographic follow-up showed healing of the apical lesion and normal clinical parameters.