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J Dent ; 149: 105267, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39067647


AIM: The positive impact of implant interventions on dental patient-reported outcomes is an essential parameter of treatment effectiveness. This study assessed the 2-year changes in patient satisfaction and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of edentulous patients treated with a four mini implant mandibular overdenture (IOD) METHODS: The study was planned as a 2 × 2 factorial randomized clinical trial that tested two surgical approaches (flapped or flapless) and two loading protocols (immediate and delayed) using a titanium-zirconium mini implant (Straumann Mini Implant System®) and a PEEK retentive system (Straumann® Optiloc® Retentive System). Outcome measures (OHIP-Edent scores and the McGill Denture Satisfaction questionnaire) were assessed before treatment and at the 3-, 6-, 12-, and 24-month follow-ups. The Friedman test and multiple regression using Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) were used for data analysis, considering the per-protocol (PP) and intention-to-treat (ITT) approaches RESULTS: Seventy-four patients were randomized to the study groups. No implant failure occurred during the study period. Marked improvement in all post-treatment periods compared to baseline were observed for the two outcomes. No significant effect of patient's gender, age, and surgical protocol on the study outcomes. The effect of treatment provision was significant for the two outcomes in the PP and ITT approaches (p < 0.001). A barely significant positive effect of the immediate loading was observed for OHIP-Edent in the PP approach (p = 0.020) CONCLUSION: IOD treatment significantly improved patient-reported outcomes measures, with sustained benefits over the two years of overdenture use, and can be considered a promising treatment option in for the edentulous mandible.

Implantes Dentários , Prótese Dentária Fixada por Implante , Revestimento de Dentadura , Arcada Edêntula , Mandíbula , Medidas de Resultados Relatados pelo Paciente , Satisfação do Paciente , Qualidade de Vida , Titânio , Zircônio , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Mandíbula/cirurgia , Arcada Edêntula/reabilitação , Arcada Edêntula/cirurgia , Retenção de Dentadura , Resultado do Tratamento , Prótese Total Inferior , Planejamento de Dentadura , Saúde Bucal , Carga Imediata em Implante Dentário
J Dent ; 149: 105266, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39067651


OBJECTIVE: This 2-year prospective study reports the incidence of prosthetic complications and maintenance events after treatment with mandibular overdenture retained by four mini implants opposed to a maxillary denture. METHODS: Implant intervention included flapless or flapped surgery combined with immediate or delayed loading, as part of a randomized clinical trial. Four one-piece titanium-zirconium mini-implants (Straumann Mini Implant System) were inserted, and the retentive PEEK elements (Optiloc) were incorporated into the overdenture using chairside procedures. Prosthodontic complications and maintenance events were recorded over a 2-year follow-up, and the final outcome was defined according to standardized criteria. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, incidence and incidence density rates, and Kaplan-Meier survival. RESULTS: 73 out of 74 patients (64.9 % female), mean age of 64 (SD=8.2) years, completed the study follow-up (one withdrew after 9 months). Implant survival was 100 %. A total of 163 prosthodontic events occurred in 53 patients (72.6 %), and 20 patients had no clinical complaints or maintenance needs. The most common procedures were adjustment/repair of the overdenture base (47.0 %), replacement of retentive inserts (19.8 %), and laboratory relining (12.9 %). A high prosthodontic success rate was achieved (93.2 %), and all patients presented serviceable overdentures and continuous use after the resolution of prosthodontic complications. The incidences of matrix replacement and laboratory relines were low in the first year, while denture base adjustments were common within the first year, especially in the first 6 months. CONCLUSION: The mini implant system showed high prosthodontic success rates. Minor adjustments/repairs during the initial follow-up were common. Relines and matrix replacements tend to occur after one year of overdenture use, and matrix replacements may occur as a consequence of the need for relining.

Implantes Dentários , Prótese Dentária Fixada por Implante , Falha de Restauração Dentária , Retenção de Dentadura , Revestimento de Dentadura , Titânio , Zircônio , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Seguimentos , Estudos Prospectivos , Retenção de Dentadura/instrumentação , Idoso , Resultado do Tratamento , Mandíbula/cirurgia , Planejamento de Dentadura , Reparação em Dentadura , Prótese Total Inferior
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 13(1): 136-149, mayo 29, 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563412


Background: Denture adhesives are alternatives used to improve retention, stability, comfort and satisfaction in patients with complete dentures. Evidence on the effectiveness of denture adhesives on resorbed mandibular ridges is scarce. Among the many commercially available denture adhesives, the ideal material for the severely resorbed mandibular ridge remains in dispute. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of different quantities of four commercially available denture adhesives on the retention of mandibular complete dentures in severely resorbed ridges. Materials and Methods: A resorbed edentulous mandibular ridge model was manufactured in acrylic resin. A denture base was made and three loops were attached to it. Four commercially available denture adhesives (Fixodent, Perlie White, Fiftydent and Polident) were tested in amounts of 0.2 g, 0.4 g, 0.6 g, 0.8 g and 1.0 g. The acrylic resin model was evenly moistened with 1 ml of water and a weighted amount of adhesive material was applied to the denture base. The universal testing machine engaged the loops fixed on the denture base and applied the vertical displacement force. The maximum vertical displacement force values were recorded for each denture adhesive material at different amounts. Statistical calculation was performed using Kruskal Wallis with Bonferroni post hoc correction. Results: Statistically significant differences were observed in the mean values of the vertical displacement force for adhesive amounts of 0.2 g, 0.4 g, 0.6 g and 1.0 g (p<0.05) between the four adhesive materials tested. Statistically significant differences were observed when four denture adhesives were compared to each other in different amounts (p<0.05). Statistically significant differences were observed between different amounts for each of four denture adhesives (p<0.05). Conclusions: Among the four materials tested, Polident showed greater effectiveness at 0.6 g and 0.8 g, Fittydent at 0.6 g, 0.8 g and 1 g, Fixodent at 0.4 g and 0.6 g and Perlie White at 1 g and 0.8g quantity to resist vertical displacement. forces on the severely resorbed mandibular crest. Using an appropriate amount of denture adhesive allows for proper retention of the denture; Replacement of this adhesive is necessary once a day.

Introducción: Los adhesivos para prótesis dentales son alternativas utilizadas para mejorar la retención, la estabilidad, la comodidad y la satisfacción en los pacientes con prótesis completas. La evidencia sobre la efectividad de los adhesivos para prótesis dentales en los rebordes mandibulares reabsorbidos es escasa. Entre los muchos adhesivos para prótesis dentales disponibles comercialmente, sigue estando en disputa cuál es el material ideal para el reborde mandibular severamente reabsorbido. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la efectividad de diferentes cantidades de cuatro adhesivos para prótesis dentales disponibles comercialmente sobre la retención de prótesis dentales completas mandibulares en reborde mandibular reabsorbido severamente. Materiales y Métodos: Se fabricó un modelo de reborde mandibular edéntulo reabsorbido en resina acrílica. Se hizo una base para la prótesis y se le colocaron tres bucles. Se probaron cuatro adhesivos para dentaduras postizas disponibles comercialmente (Fixodent, Perlie White, Fiftydent y Polident) en cantidades de 0,2 g, 0,4 g, 0,6 g, 0,8 g y 1,0 g. El modelo de resina acrílica se humedeció uniformemente con 1 ml de agua y se aplicó la cantidad correspondiente de material adhesivo sobre la base de la dentadura. La máquina de prueba universal enganchó los bucles fijados en la base de la dentadura postiza y aplicó la fuerza de desplazamiento vertical. Se registraron los valores máximos de fuerza de desplazamiento vertical para cada material adhesivo para dentaduras postizas en diferentes cantidades. El cálculo estadístico se realizó utilizando Kruskal Wallis con corrección post hoc de Bonferroni. Resultado: Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los valores medios de la fuerza de desplazamiento vertical para cantidades de 0,2 g, 0,4 g, 0,6 g y 1,0 g (p<0,05) entre los cuatro materiales adhesivos para prótesis dentales probados. Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas cuando se compararon cuatro adhesivos para prótesis dentales entre sí en diferentes cantidades (p<0,05). Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre diferentes cantidades en los cuatro adhesivos para prótesis (p<0,05). Conclusión: De los cuatro materiales probados, Polident mostró mayor efectividad a 0,6 g y 0,8 g, Fittydent a 0,6 g, 0,8 g y 1 g, Fixodent a 0,4 g y 0,6 g y Perlie White a 1 g y 0,8 g para resistir fuerzas de desplazamiento vertical en la cresta mandibular severamente reabsorbida. El uso de una cantidad adecuada de adhesivo para dentaduras postizas permite una retención adecuada de la dentadura postiza; El reemplazo de este adhesivo es necesario una vez al día.

Humanos , Adesivos/uso terapêutico , Retenção de Dentadura/métodos , Planejamento de Dentadura , Prótese Dentária/métodos , Modelos Dentários , Prótese Total , Mandíbula/patologia
J Oral Rehabil ; 51(8): 1459-1467, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38685704


OBJECTIVE: This prospective study is part of a randomised clinical trial and reports the changes in masticatory performance (MP) and bite force, and explores their influential factors, 1 year after the provision of mandibular overdentures retained by four titanium-zirconium mini implants. METHODS: Edentulous patients received conventional complete dentures, followed by placement of four mini implants (Straumann® Mini Implant System) in the anterior mandible and converting the conventional prosthesis into a mandibular overdenture. Treatment protocols were randomised using a 2×2 factorial design combining different surgical (flapped vs. flapless) and loading (immediate vs. delayed) protocols. MP was assessed using a two-colour mixing ability test and a colorimetric analysis to measure the level of colour mixing (Variance of Hue-VoH). Maximum voluntary bite force (MBF) was measured by a digital gnathodynamometer in the posterior and anterior regions. Sex, age, surgical and loading protocols and ridge morphology were tested as independent variables. MP and MBF tests were performed at baseline (pre-treatment) and the 3-, 6- and 12-month after implant loading. Descriptive statistics, independent t-test, and linear mixed-effect model (LMM) regression were used for data analysis. RESULTS: Seventy-four participants were assessed and 73 completed the 1-year follow-up. Statistically significant improvements in functional parameters were observed in all follow-up periods compared to baseline (p < .001). The flapless protocol was associated with higher improvement in MP at the 3-month follow-up (p = .004), while less resorbed ridges were associated with better MP (p = .038) and higher MBF (p < .001). CONCLUSION: The mandibular overdenture protocol using four titanium-zirconium mini implants was effective in improving MP and MBF of edentulous patients, compared to pre-treatment values. The findings also suggest that improvements in chewing function and bite force are impacted by clinical factors since better outcomes were observed for flapless surgeries and less resorbed edentulous ridges. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.Gov ID NCT04760457.

Força de Mordida , Prótese Dentária Fixada por Implante , Revestimento de Dentadura , Mandíbula , Mastigação , Titânio , Zircônio , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Mastigação/fisiologia , Estudos Prospectivos , Idoso , Mandíbula/cirurgia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Implantes Dentários , Resultado do Tratamento , Retenção de Dentadura/métodos , Prótese Total Inferior , Arcada Edêntula/reabilitação , Arcada Edêntula/cirurgia
J Prosthet Dent ; 132(4): 748.e1-748.e10, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38485595


STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The demand to streamline workflow while increasing patient comfort and satisfaction in the manufacturing of removable complete dentures (CDs) is growing, and computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) technology has gained prominence. However, a systematic review and meta-analysis of the clinical performance and patient-related outcome measures (PROMs) of digitally fabricated complete dentures is lacking. PURPOSE: The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to determine whether digitally fabricated CDs improve the clinical performance and PROMs compared with conventionally fabricated CDs. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This systematic review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses and was registered at the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (CRD42023433909). This review aimed to address the question "Do digitally fabricated CDs improve clinical performance and PROMs compared with conventional CDs?" Two independent authors conducted electronic searches up to September 2023. Denture base retention and patient satisfaction were analyzed through the continuous outcome evaluated by mean difference and standard deviation, with 95% confidence intervals. The risk of bias in each study was assessed using the Risk of Bias In Non-randomized Studies of Interventions and the Risk of Bias based on the Cochrane risk of bias tool for randomized trials. The certainty of evidence was assessed using Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation. RESULTS: A total of 1505 articles were found during the search, and 16 were included in this review. The main outcomes were grouped into clinical performance (retention, adaptation or fit, clinician's denture quality assessment, masticatory efficiency, and occlusal force) and PROMs (patient satisfaction, oral health related quality of life, final choice, and willingness-to-pay). In terms of denture base retention, between conventional CDs and printed CDs analyses, conventional CDs exhibited better retention (P=.02), but no significant difference was found between the conventional CDs and milled CDs (P=.20). In terms of patient satisfaction, no statistically significant difference was found between the manufacturing methods of digitally fabricated CDs (printed CD, P=.55; milled CD, P=.08). CONCLUSIONS: Digitally fabricated CDs showed similar or better clinical performance than conventional CDs, and different types of digital manufacturing processes for complete dentures did not influence PROMs.

Desenho Assistido por Computador , Planejamento de Dentadura , Prótese Total , Satisfação do Paciente , Humanos , Planejamento de Dentadura/métodos , Avaliação de Resultados da Assistência ao Paciente , Retenção de Dentadura
Spec Care Dentist ; 44(1): 124-129, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37013961


OBJECTIVE: To present clinical strategies for prosthetic rehabilitation with complete dentures (CDs) of a Parkinson's disease patient. CASE REPORT: An 82-year-old patient sought the Department of Dentistry at UFRN, reporting retention dissatisfaction and hamper to the mandibular CD adaptation. Patient-reported a dry mouth sensation, and exhibited disordered mandibular movements, tremors, and resorbed mandibular ridge. Aiming retention and stability, double molding with zinc enolic oxide impression paste, neutral zone technique, and non-anatomic teeth were proposed as clinical strategies. At delivery, identification and relief in the supercompression areas were performed to facilitate the acceptance and use of the new dentures. CONCLUSION: The strategies promoted patient satisfaction regarding retention, stability, and comfort. This treatment may be considered for the rehabilitation of Parkinson's disease patients, favoring the adaptation process.

Doença de Parkinson , Humanos , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Doença de Parkinson/complicações , Planejamento de Dentadura/métodos , Retenção de Dentadura/métodos , Prótese Total , Satisfação do Paciente
Dent Med Probl ; 60(1): 167-176, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37023344


The ball attachments and their O-rings used for the retention and stabilization of overdentures showed a decrease in retention as the number of cycles increased. This fact resulted in a decrease in the retention of the prosthesis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the fatigue resistance of ball attachments through a systematic review. An electronic search was performed using the Cochrane Library, LILACS, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Web of Science databases. The search was conducted based on the PICOS framework. The inclusion criteria involved in the search comprised research articles written in English and published between the years 2000 and 2020. In the final selection, 18 articles were included in the review. Most of these studies performed the fatigue retention tests using parallel implants without angles. However, some studies used different angles to analyze the fatigue retention values. With the passage of time, the wear results in deformation and, as a consequence, a decrease in the retention of most attachments, leading to treatment failure. The main factor to be considered is the loss of retention of these components and their low durability. The loss of retention is due to large extent to the materials used to manufacture the attachments and O-rings, the size and angulation of the implants, and the length of the prosthesis. Future research is needed to further elucidate the reasons for the failure of the attachments.

Implantes Dentários , Humanos , Prótese Dentária Fixada por Implante/métodos , Retenção de Dentadura/métodos , Revestimento de Dentadura
J Oral Rehabil ; 50(5): 392-399, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36789570


BACKGROUND: Several complete denture wearers have major complaints and may be benefitted from implant treatment. However, the factors that shape the demand for and utilization of implants need further investigation. OBJECTIVE: The aim was to evaluate edentulous patient's willingness to accept or refuse the offer and provision of implant-retained treatment. METHODS: As part of a clinical trial, edentulous subjects were offered a mandibular overdenture retained by four mini-implants opposing a conventional maxillary denture. Treatment was offered without any financial costs for the patients. Patients' level of interest in receiving treatment was assessed using a 5-point Likert scale, and they were asked to respond to a list of reasons that led to their decision to accept or refuse implants. Those who refused implants received conventional prosthodontic interventions as required, and those who accepted implant treatment underwent surgical planning and implant placement. RESULTS: Of 175 eligible subjects, 147 accepted the offer of treatment and were invited to take part in the study (69.4% women, mean age 67.4 ± 10.0 years). Overall, 111 patients (75.5%) expressed a positive intention to undergo implant treatment at the initial contact. Implant treatment was performed for 56.3% (9/16) of those who answered 'probably yes' about their level of interest in implant treatment on the Likert scale, and 69.6% (64/92) of 'certainly yes' (p < .001). Older subjects were less likely to receive implants (OR = 0.93; p = .036), whilst those with a positive intention towards implants (OR = 3.15; p = .001), those previously treated by the dental team (OR = 7.89; p < .001), and who actively demanded implants (OR = 18.1; p < .001) were more likely to accept treatment. Improved chewing was the most common reason for accepting implants, whilst fear of surgery was the most reported reason for refusal. CONCLUSION: Refusal of implants was high among edentate patients even when financial costs were removed. Patients' initial attitude towards acceptance is a key factor in the demand for and uptake of implant therapy.

Implantes Dentários , Arcada Edêntula , Boca Edêntula , Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Masculino , Estudos Prospectivos , Satisfação do Paciente , Revestimento de Dentadura , Arcada Edêntula/cirurgia , Mandíbula/cirurgia , Prótese Dentária Fixada por Implante , Retenção de Dentadura
Clin Oral Implants Res ; 34(3): 233-242, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36692124


OBJECTIVE: To assess the incidence of prosthodontic maintenance events and complications during 4 years of follow-up after mandibular overdenture treatment with one or two implants. METHODS: Participants received one or two implants inserted in the midline (1-IOD group) or the lateral incisor-canine area bilaterally (2-IOD group). Implants were loaded with an early loading protocol after 3 weeks. Programmed recall visits were scheduled at the 6-, 12-, 36-, and 48-month follow-ups and nonprogrammed visits in case of prosthodontic complaints. The type of maintenance was registered, and the final treatment outcome was classified as successful, surviving, unknown, dead, repair, or retreatment. RESULTS: Forty-seven participants, mean age 65.4 ± 8.6, 74.5% female, were included (1-IOD = 23; 2-IOD = 24) and 44 completed the 4-year follow-up. A total of 159 prosthodontic maintenance events occurred and 89 in unscheduled visits. The most common event was the need for minor modifications of the denture base due to sore spots in the oral mucosa (n = 56 in 31 patients), matrix activation (n = 54 in 34 patients), and overdenture fracture (n = 25 in 18 patients). A "successful" or "surviving" outcome could be attributed to 57.5% of cases, whereas 38.3% needed repair. No significant differences in the incidence of prosthodontic events or treatment outcomes were found between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Findings show that 1-IODs perform similar to 2-IODs when considering the incidence of fractures and the need for prosthodontic maintenance, including adjustments of the overdenture and the attachment system.

Implantes Dentários , Feminino , Masculino , Animais , Revestimento de Dentadura , Prótese Dentária Fixada por Implante , Mandíbula , Resultado do Tratamento , Retenção de Dentadura
Gerodontology ; 40(1): 135-141, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35416323


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to compare differences between complete denture conditions self-rated by older adult wearers and clinically exanimated by a professional based on standardised aesthetics and functional criteria. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Complete denture clinical examination was based on the functional (stability, retention, occlusion and articulation, vertical dimension of occlusion) and aesthetics criteria. Data on self-rated complete denture conditions were measured using the Patient's Denture Assessment (PDA) questionnaire based on standardised aesthetic and functional criteria (n = 122). Prevalence rates of clinical and self-rated complete denture condition, sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and absolute and relative bias were calculated. RESULTS: The highest sensitivity (66.7% [95% CI 55.3-76.7]) was obtained for aesthetic criterion, whereas occlusion revealed the lowest sensitivity (14.9% [95% CI 6.2-28.3]). Stability had the highest specificity (91.3% [95% CI 72.0-98.9]) and aesthetics the lowest (21.4% [95% CI 8.3-41.0]). Stability also yielded the highest positive predictive value (83.3% [95% CI 51.6-97.9]), and vertical dimension of occlusion the lowest (26.3% [95% CI 9.1-51.2]). The vertical dimension of occlusion yielded the highest negative predictive value (71.2% [95% CI 58.7-81.7]). Self-rated data underestimated the complete denture condition in 6.5% compared with clinical examinations when the aesthetic criterion was excluded from the analysis and 7.6% when added. CONCLUSIONS: Older adult wearers better identified the condition of their complete denture when the aesthetic criterion was excluded from examination. In contrast, considering functional criteria (retention, stability, occlusion and vertical dimension of occlusion), self-rated complete denture conditions underestimated clinical examination. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Using standardised aesthetic criteria in epidemiological studies for assessing complete denture conditions self-rated by wearers could avoid underestimating or overestimating the information regarding the use or need for dental prostheses.

Retenção de Dentadura , Prótese Total , Humanos , Idoso , Retenção de Dentadura/métodos , Oclusão Dentária
J Prosthet Dent ; 130(4): 553-563, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34916064


STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Implant overdentures have been widely used as a treatment option for edentulous patients. However, the development of implants, aside from commercial growth, requires funding assistance to determine scientific reliability and clinical applications. Nonetheless, bibliometric studies in the implant overdenture field are lacking. PURPOSE: The purpose of this bibliometric analysis was to evaluate the prevalence of funding and its bibliometric associated parameters according to the financial assistance granted and the implant overdenture documentation over time. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Six databases were assessed, and 12 bibliometric parameters related to the economy, geographical origin, publication details, and corresponding author metrics were recorded. An incidence rate ratio was applied by using a multiple Poisson regression model (α=.05) to assess the association between funding and each bibliometric parameter. RESULTS: In total, 1369 studies published between 1986 and 2021 were assessed bibliometrically. The prevalence of funded studies was 34.8% (n=477). The parameter associated with the presence of funding was country income (P<.01), with those having a high and upper-middle income being more funded than those with a lower-middle and low income. Oceania and South America were the continents more frequently funded (P<.05), with Africa being the least frequent. Randomized and nonrandomized controlled trials, in vitro studies, and in silico studies were more funded (P<.001) than case reports and series. Stud and ball attachment systems were more funded (P<.01) than studies with more than 1 retention system. Funding increased over time (P<.01), and corresponding authors with a higher h-index had more studies funded (P<.05). CONCLUSIONS: The number of funded studies on implant overdentures increased over the years. Other bibliometric parameters such as country income, continent, study design, retention system, and corresponding author h-index were associated with the frequency of funded studies published.

Implantes Dentários , Arcada Edêntula , Boca Edêntula , Humanos , Revestimento de Dentadura , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Bibliometria , Prótese Dentária Fixada por Implante , Retenção de Dentadura
J Prosthodont Res ; 67(2): 255-261, 2023 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35786572


PURPOSE: This study aimed to assess patients' expected burdens before treatment and their perceived burdens after the surgical and prosthodontic procedures of mandibular overdenture treatment and to evaluate factors influencing patients' perceptions. METHODS: Data were collected from 47 participants enrolled in a randomized clinical trial comparing mandibular overdentures retained by one or two implants. A 20-item questionnaire measured on a four-point Likert scale covering the surgical and prosthetic treatment procedures was used to assess the patients' perception of the procedural burdens before (expected burdens) and immediately after (experienced burdens) each procedure. Operators' perceptions of intercurrences associated with the procedures were also assessed as an independent variable. RESULTS: Low levels of perceived burdens were observed both before and after treatment. The mean overall scores of 1.65 ± 0.46 and 1.53 ± 0.33 for expected and experienced burdens, respectively, indicated that most items ranged between "not burdensome at all" and "somewhat burdensome." Significant differences between expected and experienced burdens were found for eight items (P < 0.001). Considering the treatment stages, expected burdens scored higher in the pre-surgical, surgical, and prosthetic stages and lower in the post-surgical phase than experienced burdens. Overall, the experienced burdens were significantly affected by the expected burdens (P < 0.001) and operator's perceived burdens(P = 0.045). CONCLUSIONS: Treatments were associated with low levels of perceived burdens related to surgical and prosthodontic procedures and were highly correlated with the expected burdens before treatment. However, patients tend to overestimate the expected burdens before treatment, especially for surgical procedures.

Implantes Dentários , Arcada Edêntula , Humanos , Revestimento de Dentadura , Satisfação do Paciente , Prótese Total Inferior , Arcada Edêntula/cirurgia , Mandíbula , Prótese Dentária Fixada por Implante , Retenção de Dentadura , Resultado do Tratamento
J Prosthodont Res ; 67(1): 35-44, 2023 Jan 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35691823


PURPOSE: The efficacy of etch-and-rinse, selective enamel-etching, and self-etching protocols for universal adhesives in follow-ups of over 12 months was compared in a network meta-analysis. STUDY SELECTION: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published from 1998 to 2022 that compared marginal staining, marginal adaptation, retention and fractures, post-operative sensitivity, or recurrence of caries that took place over 12-months post-restoration were selected. A network meta-analysis determined the performance of each adhesive protocol. RESULTS: After screening 981 articles, 16 RCTs were subjected to data extraction. Of which, 674 patients with 2816 restorations, were included in the network meta-analysis. The pooled risk of marginal discoloration following self-etching was significantly higher than that following etch-and-rinse at over 12, 24, and 36 months, which was time-dependent. The pooled risks of unfavorable marginal adaptation and unfavorable retention and fractures following self-etching were also significantly higher than that following etch-and-rinse, with the rates of unfavorable retention and fractures in non-carious cervical lesions increasing in a time-dependent manner. The pooled risks of marginal discoloration, unfavorable marginal adaptation, retention and fractures were similar between etch-and-rinse and selective enamel-etching protocols. Post-operative hypersensitivity and recurrence of caries were not significantly different among etch-and-rinse, selective enamel-etching, and self-etching protocols. CONCLUSIONS: In follow-ups over 12 months, esthetic and functional outcomes of restorations completed with an etch-and-rinse adhesive protocol were superior to the ones achieved with a self-etching strategy without selective enamel-etching. Selective enamel etching is recommended for self-etching systems. Biological responses were similar for all three adhesive strategies.

Adesivos , Restauração Dentária Permanente , Retenção de Dentadura , Humanos , Cárie Dentária/epidemiologia , Adaptação Marginal Dentária , Restauração Dentária Permanente/efeitos adversos , Restauração Dentária Permanente/métodos , Seguimentos , Metanálise em Rede , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto , Resultado do Tratamento , Método Duplo-Cego , Corrosão Dentária/métodos
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 15(3): 233-239, dic. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421731


Resumen: Los microtornillos de ortodoncia corresponden a dispositivos de anclaje temporal que sirven como coadyuvantes en el tratamiento ortodóncico y cuyo uso se ha ido incrementando en el último tiempo. Las fallas de los microtornillos tienden a ocurrir durante la primera semana de inserción por lo que mejorar la estabilidad es un paso importante para mejorar la confiabilidad del tratamiento. Una posible solución a esto es modificar la superficie del microtornillo. Objetivo: Identificar en la literatura actual los tratamientos de superficie más utilizados que favorezcan la estabilidad primaria y secundaria en el éxito de los microtornillos en ortodoncia. Material y método: Se realizó una búsqueda en Pubmed y EBSCO con los términos en idioma inglés "miniscrew"/"mini implant" AND "surface", "treatment" and "stability". Se incluyeron los estudios realizados in vivo con el objetivo de comparar y/o evaluar el efecto de los tratamientos realizados en la superficie del microtornillo en el éxito o estabilidad de éste, artículos disponibles en inglés y español. Se excluyeron estudios realizados en implantes dentales y/o médicos, in vitro, estudios clínicos sin grupo control. Resultados: 25 publicaciones fueron utilizadas en la revisión, habiendo 11 tipos de tratamiento de superficie estudiados. La generación de ma trices de nanotubos de óxido de titanio, fotofuncionalización mediada por rayos ultravioleta y anodizado de superficie evidenciaron aumento de la estabilidad de los microtornillos. El uso de técnicas convencionales: grabado ácido, arenado-grabado ácido, no es concluyente en cuanto a su efecto en la estabilidad. Conclusión: Hay escasa evidencia sobre los tratamientos de superficie realizados en microtornillos de ortodoncia para la mejora de su estabilidad. Técnicas pioneras como la generación de matrices de nanotubos de óxido de titanio, fotofuncionalización mediada por rayos ultravioleta y anodizado de superficie evidenciaron aumento de la estabilidad de los microtornillos, siendo necesaria la replicación de los estudios en humanos. La utilización de técnicas convencionales tales como grabado ácido y arenado-grabado ácido, no es concluyente en cuanto a su efecto en la estabilidad de los microtornillos.

Abstract: Orthodontic miniscrews are temporary anchoring devices that help as adjuvants in orthodontic treatment and whose use has increased in recent times. Miniscrew failures can happen during the first week of insertion, so improving stability is an important step to enhance treatment reliability. A possible solution to this issue is to modify the miniscrew surface. Objective: To identify in the current literature the most widely used surface treatments that favor the primary and secondary stability and success of orthodontic miniscrews. Material and method: A search was made in Pubmed and EBSCO with the English terms "miniscrew"/"mini implant" AND "surface", "treatment" and "stability". In vivo studies were included with the aim of comparing and/or evaluating the effect of the treatments performed on the miniscrew's surface and their success or stability, articles available in English and Spanish. Studies performed in dental and/or medical implants, in vitro, clinical studies without control group were excluded. Results: 25 publications were used in the review, with 11 types of surface treatment studied. The generation of titanium oxide nanotube matrices, ultraviolet-mediated photofunctionalization and surface anodizing showed an increase in the stability of the miniscrews. The use of conventional techniques: acid etching, sandblasting-acid etching, is inconclusive as to its effect on stability. Conclusion: There is little evidence of surface treatments performed on orthodontic miniscrews to improve their stability. Pioneering techniques such as the generation of titanium oxide nanotube matrices, ultraviolet-mediated photofunctionalization and surface anodizing showed increased stability of the miniscrews, and require their replication on human studies. The use of conventional techniques such as acid etching and acid sandblasting-etching is inconclusive as to its effect on the stability of the miniscrews.

Humanos , Animais , Ortodontia Corretiva , Retenção de Dentadura , Instrumentos Odontológicos
J Oral Rehabil ; 49(12): 1155-1162, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36103601


OBJECTIVE: This prospective study assessed the number and reasons for post-treatment visits due to prosthodontic complications in patients treated with three types of implant treatment for the edentulous mandible. METHODS: Study groups comprised patients treated with single-implant overdenture (G-I; n = 11), 2-implant overdenture (G-II; n = 13), and 4-implant fixed prosthesis (G-III; n = 13). Programmed recall visits occurred at the 6-, 12- and 36-month follow-ups. The management of prosthodontic complications occurred continuously in unscheduled appointments. Data analysis included calculation of incidence rates, chi-square and Kruskal-Wallis tests, and Poisson regression with robust error variance to model the occurrence of visits due to prosthodontic complications. RESULTS: There were 89 unscheduled appointments during the entire follow-up period, ranging from 0 to 7 (mean = 2.41; SD = 2.2) per patient. No between-group differences were found regarding the frequency of unscheduled visits. However, the duration of the appointments (scheduled and unscheduled) was significantly higher for G-III (p < .001). The length of follow-up was the only predictor of the number of post-insertion visits (p = .004). The frequency of prosthodontic events was higher for G-I and G-II compared to G-III (p < .001). Nearly half of the events in G-I and G-II were matrix replacements, and artificial teeth fracture was more frequent in G-III. CONCLUSIONS: All patients were at risk of post-delivery prosthodontic complications and required regular recall visits to achieve satisfactory function and to prevent further problems. Overdentures required higher rates of maintenance visits, particularly for replacement of the retentive inserts, while fixed implant prostheses required longer clinical times for management of complications when compared to overdentures.

Implantes Dentários , Arcada Edêntula , Humanos , Estudos Prospectivos , Prótese Dentária Fixada por Implante/efeitos adversos , Incidência , Implantes Dentários/efeitos adversos , Mandíbula/cirurgia , Revestimento de Dentadura , Arcada Edêntula/cirurgia , Retenção de Dentadura
Evid Based Dent ; 23(3): 122-123, 2022 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36151291


Design The research was a retrospective cohort study evaluating a study which performed routine control sessions to assess bone loss around the dental implant over five years and 12 and 24 months, after their prosthetic restorations.Aim The study aimed to evaluate patients' dental implant marginal bone loss after oral rehabilitation with bar and locator retainers and their possible complications.Methods A study of 114 patients who had received 283 dental implants from 2013-2018 was conducted. Two follow-up recall sessions were conducted, one at 12 months and one at 24 months, after dentures were placed. Intraoral and extraoral examinations were also conducted in addition to clinical assessments. The patients' prostheses were assessed for occlusion, tissue health and soft-tissue continuity, complaints, implant success rates and marginal bone loss, in addition to prosthetic complications, at follow-up sessions.Results In this study, 94 patients were fitted with implant-supported removable prostheses on locator attachments on both arches and 20 were fitted with removable prostheses using bar attachments. After evaluating the location of the implant, the number of days after implantation and the type of retainer in all patients, both groups showed a significant amount of marginal bone loss in the 12th and 24th months. The presence of complications was significantly associated with both prosthesis types at month 24 (p >0.05). When the relation between the position of the denture and the presence of complications at month 12 was evaluated, 36% of the complications were observed in the maxilla and 21.3% in the mandible. There was no significant difference associated between denture location and complication presence at month 24 (p >0.05).Conclusions Even though complications do not affect marginal bone loss, a patient's failure to maintain adequate oral hygiene results in marginal bone loss. Therefore, it appears that regular post-treatment prosthesis inspections are essential. If the requirements resulting from these inspections are satisfied, future complications may be prevented.

Implantes Dentários , Arcada Edêntula , Prótese Dentária Fixada por Implante , Falha de Restauração Dentária , Retenção de Dentadura , Revestimento de Dentadura , Seguimentos , Humanos , Arcada Edêntula/reabilitação , Qualidade de Vida , Estudos Retrospectivos , Resultado do Tratamento
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 43(2): 49-54, maio-ago. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1362035


Overdenture é uma prótese total que se caracteriza por usar apoios retentivos para que aumente sua estabilidade e retenção na cavidade bucal, gerando assim menor desconforto ao paciente e melhor adaptação. A Prótese overdenture dentossuportada necessita de elementos dentais remanescentes com canais tratados endodonticamente e que possuam suporte periodontal adequado. O objetivo deste relato de caso clínico é expor a sequência de confecção de uma prótese overdenture dentossuportada maxilar associada a uma prótese total convencional mandibular, com os passos clínicos detalhados por meio de uma abordagem teórica e visual. Esse tipo de reabilitação favorece a adaptação do paciente à nova condição, visto que o uso de próteses totais convencionais pode causar certo desconforto ao paciente devido à falta de retenção e estabilidade. Essa manutenção dos dentes remanescentes favorece à manutenção óssea e a futura decisão do paciente em optar pela instalação de implantes dentários, podendo confeccionar próteses implantorretidas (overdentures) ou implantossuportadas (protocolo).O Paciente demonstrou-se satisfeito com o resultado estético e funcional após a instalação da prótese concretizando que o tratamento é viável(AU)

Overdenture is a denture that utilizing retentive supports for increase stability and retention in oral cavity. The tooth-supported overdenture require dental elements with root canal therapy and good periodontal support. The aim of this study is to report the confection of a maxillary tooth-supported overdenture associated with mandibular denture and your clinical steps. This rehabilitation promotes the patient's adaptation the new condition, since the use of conventional dentures may cause discomfort due to lack of retention and stability. The preservation of dental elements promotes bone maintenance and forthcoming decision of the patient in the installation of dental implants that can choose implantretained or implant-supported prosthesis. Patient was satisfied with aesthetic and functional result after installation of prosthesis(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Retenção de Dentadura , Prótese Total , Revestimento de Dentadura , Retenção em Prótese Dentária , Prótese Dentária
J Prosthodont ; 31(5): e12-e19, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35150590


PURPOSE: This randomized controlled trial compared four denture hygiene protocols in terms of patient satisfaction, oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL), and salivary parameters in complete denture wearers with denture stomatitis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: For this randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trial, 108 participants were assigned to soak their dentures in one of the following solutions: (1) 0.25% sodium hypochlorite (positive control), (2) 0.15% Triclosan, (3) denture disinfecting tablets, or (4) denture disinfecting tablets plus palatine mucosa brushing solution. The outcomes of patient satisfaction, OHRQoL, and salivary parameters (salivary flow rate and pH) were measured at baseline and after 10 days. The Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests (between groups), and Wilcoxon test (between times) were used to compare the results. (α = 0.05). RESULTS: After the hygiene protocols, and when compared with baseline, the overall patient satisfaction, maxillary denture satisfaction, maxillary denture comfort, and maxillary denture retention were ameliorated. A significant improvement was noted in OHRQoL in 3 of 4 domains evaluated (orofacial pain and discomfort, masticatory discomfort and disability, and psychological disability and discomfort). The salivary flow rate (unstimulated and stimulated) and salivary pH were not significantly affected at the times evaluated. CONCLUSIONS: Complete denture wearers may feel more satisfied with their complete dentures when treated for denture stomatitis. The tested treatments lead to similar improvement in terms of patient satisfaction and OHRQoL.

Satisfação do Paciente , Estomatite sob Prótese , Retenção de Dentadura , Prótese Total/psicologia , Humanos , Higiene , Saúde Bucal , Qualidade de Vida , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto , Estomatite sob Prótese/terapia
J Contemp Dent Pract ; 23(12): 1230-1236, 2022 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37125521


AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate the stress distribution of a planned removable partial denture (RPD) using new proposals for calibrated gauges of 0.3 mm and 0.35 mm undercuts through the three-dimensional (3D) finite element methodology, and compare them with 0.25 mm and 0.5 mm gauges that are already existing in clinical practice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Kennedy class-I edentulous 3D models and their respective RPDs (InVesalius software; Rhinoceros and SolidWorks CAD) were created and exported to the finite element program HyperMesh 2019 for mesh configuration. In the following steps, axial loading (0º) of 40 N per point was performed, with 3 points on the molars and 2 points on the premolars, totaling 280 N unilaterally. The model was processed by the OptiStruct 2019 software and imported into the HyperView 2019 software to obtain the stress maps (MPa). RESULTS: The use of 0.30 and 0.35 mm calibrated gauges presented tensions similar to those with the 0.25 mm gauge (gold standard) and caused no significant damage to biological structures. The use of a 0.5 mm undercut caused greater traction force in the periodontal ligament of the abutments. CONCLUSIONS: The 0.35 mm undercut seems promising as it presented more favorable results in this simulation, on the other hand, a 0.5 mm undercut is greater than that necessary for retainers made of CoCr. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: This study aims to measure a new undercut gauge (0.35 mm) to increase the retention area in abutment teeth of removable partial dentures.

Prótese Parcial Removível , Análise de Elementos Finitos , Planejamento de Dentadura , Ligamento Periodontal , Dente Pré-Molar , Retenção de Dentadura , Dente Suporte
Clin Oral Implants Res ; 33(3): 291-301, 2022 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34951501


OBJECTIVE: This prospective study aimed to assess the effectiveness of using a single short implant to retain a single-implant mandibular overdenture (SIMO) in participants with severely atrophic edentulous mandibles. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study sample included 18 edentulous participants with severely resorbed mandibular ridges and limited bone height in the symphyseal region sufficient for the insertion of a 7.0-mm-height implant. First, patients received new conventional dentures or had their dentures relined, followed by the insertion of a 3.75 x 7 mm morse-taper implant, and the incorporation of a stud-type attachment and a nylon retentive insert after a 3-month healing period. Implant stability quotient (ISQ) was measured at baseline and after 3 and 12 months. Patient-reported outcomes (satisfaction with the dentures and oral health-related quality of life) were assessed before implant placement and at the 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-ups. Clinical-radiographic outcomes and the incidence of prosthodontic events were assessed throughout the follow-up period. RESULTS: The implant survival rate was 100%. ISQ increased from baseline (72.7 ± 6.6) to the 3-month (82.0 ± 3.3) and 1-year (85.4 ± 2.9) follow-ups (p < .001). After 1 year, satisfaction with the mandibular prosthesis increased significantly, and the overall OHIP-Edent score decreased by 79.2%. No effects were found for the maxillary denture (p = .420). Due to dissatisfaction with treatment, two participants (11.1%) required additional implants after the 1-year follow-up and were considered as prosthodontic failures. CONCLUSION: Single-implant mandibular overdenture retained by a short implant showed favorable outcomes after 1 year. Further studies with larger samples and longer follow-up periods are needed to confirm the findings of this single-group prospective study. The present study was registered at the Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (REBEC), identifier RBR-7p2xmg. The trial registry occurred during the study execution, and its final approval was delayed because of several formatting adequacies required by the platform REBEC.

Implantes Dentários , Revestimento de Dentadura , Prótese Dentária Fixada por Implante , Retenção de Dentadura , Humanos , Mandíbula/cirurgia , Satisfação do Paciente , Estudos Prospectivos , Qualidade de Vida , Resultado do Tratamento