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Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr ; 1866(8): 184378, 2024 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39163923


This work correlates the effects of benzohydroxamate (BH) and nitrobenzohydroxamate (NBH) anions in two membrane models which may be used for anti-tuberculosis (anti-TB) spectroscopic studies and/or computational studies. Firstly, the BH and NBH influence in the physico-chemical properties of soy asolectin (ASO)-based large multilamellar vesicles (MLVs) were evaluated by spectroscopic and calorimetric studies. In parallel, the BH and NBH interaction with a Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) inner membrane model, composed of phosphatidyl-myo-inositol-dimannoside (PIM2), was investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Spectroscopic data showed a localization of BH close to the lipid phosphate group, while NBH was found close to the choline region. The BH ordered the ASO choline, phosphate and carbonyl regions and disrupted the acyl methylenes, reducing the membrane packing of the lipid hydrophobic region. On the other hand, NBH showed an ordering effect in all the lipid groups (polar, interface and hydrophobic ones). By MD studies, it was found that NBH enhanced the stability of the PIM2 membrane more than BH, while also being positioned closer to its mannosyl oxygens. As in ASO MLVs, BH was localized close to the PIM2 phosphate group and disrupted its acyl chains. However, higher values of lateral diffusion were observed for NBH than BH. Despite this, BH and NBH increased the membrane thickness by 35 %, which suggests a global ordering effect of both drugs. Findings of this work reinforce the accordance and complementarity between MLVs based on ASO and the PIM2 MD model results to study the drug effects in Mtb membrane properties.

Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular , Mycobacterium tuberculosis , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/efeitos dos fármacos , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/química , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/metabolismo , Tuberculose/tratamento farmacológico , Ácidos Hidroxâmicos/química , Ácidos Hidroxâmicos/metabolismo , Antituberculosos/química , Antituberculosos/farmacologia , Membrana Celular/efeitos dos fármacos , Membrana Celular/metabolismo , Membrana Celular/química , Bicamadas Lipídicas/química , Bicamadas Lipídicas/metabolismo
J Phys Chem B ; 128(28): 6940-6950, 2024 Jul 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38956449


Two ionic liquids (ILs) with amphiphilic properties composed of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium dioctylsulfosuccinate (bmim-AOT) and 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium dioctylsulfosuccinate (hmim-AOT) form unilamellar vesicles spontaneously simply by dissolving the IL-like surfactant in water. These novel vesicles were characterized using two different and highly sensitive fluorescent probes: 6-propionyl-2-(dimethylaminonaphthalene) (PRODAN) and trans-4-[4-(dimethylamino)-styryl]-1-methylpyridinium iodide (HC). These fluorescent probes provide information about the physicochemical properties of the bilayer, such as micropolarity, microviscosity, and electron-donor capacity. In addition, the biocompatibility of these vesicles with the blood medium was evaluated, and their toxicity was determined using Dictyostelium discoideum amoebas. First, using PRODAN and HC, it was found that the bilayer composition and the chemical structure of the ions at the interface produced differences between both amphiphiles, making the vesicles different. Thus, the bilayer of hmim-AOT vesicles is less polar, more rigid, and has a lower electron-donor capacity than those made by bmim-AOT. Finally, the results obtained from the hemolysis studies and the growth behavior of unicellular amoebas, particularly utilizing the D. discoideum assay, showed that both vesicular systems do not produce toxic effects up to a concentration of 0.02 mg/mL. This elegant assay, devoid of animal usage, highlights the potential of these newly organized systems for the delivery of drugs and bioactive molecules of different polarities.

Líquidos Iônicos , Tensoativos , Lipossomas Unilamelares , Líquidos Iônicos/química , Tensoativos/química , Lipossomas Unilamelares/química , Lipossomas Unilamelares/metabolismo , Nanomedicina , Corantes Fluorescentes/química , Compostos de Piridínio/química , Imidazóis/química , Bicamadas Lipídicas/química
Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 26(30): 20653-20662, 2024 Jul 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39040033


From medicine to sport, selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) have represented promising applications. The ability of SARMs to selectively interact with the androgen receptor (AR) indicates that this kind of molecule can interfere with numerous physiological and pathological processes controlled by the AR regulatory mechanism. However, critical concerns in relation to safety and potential side effects of SARMs remain under discussion and investigation. SARMs, being hydrophobic/organic compounds, can be subjected to hydrophobic interactions. In this perspective, we hypothesize that SARMs interact with lipid membranes, producing significant physical and chemical changes that could be associated with several effects that SARMs represent in biological systems. In this context, the effect of SARMs on lipid membranes mediated by non-specific interactions is little explored. Here, we report significant information related to the changes that ostarine, ligandrol, andarine, and cardarine produce in the thermodynamic properties of a lipid biomembrane model. Physical changes and chemical interactions of the systems were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic light scattering (DLS), attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), and theoretical calculations implementing density functional theory (DFT). We demonstrate that ostarine, ligandrol, andarine, and cardarine can strongly interact with a lipid biomembrane model composed of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC), and accordingly, these molecules can be incorporated into the polar/hydrophobic regions of the lipid bilayer. By employing theoretical calculations, we gained insights into the possible electrostatic interactions between SARMs and phospholipid molecules, enhancing our understanding of the driving forces behind the interactions of SARMs with lipid membranes. Overall, this investigation provides relevant knowledge related to the biophysical-chemical effects that SARMs produce in biomembrane models and could be of practical reference for promising applications of SARMs in medicine and sport.

Bicamadas Lipídicas , Bicamadas Lipídicas/química , Bicamadas Lipídicas/metabolismo , Interações Hidrofóbicas e Hidrofílicas , Termodinâmica , Receptores Androgênicos/metabolismo , Receptores Androgênicos/química , Varredura Diferencial de Calorimetria , Teoria da Densidade Funcional , Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier
ACS Nano ; 18(24): 15651-15660, 2024 Jun 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38830824


Lipid bilayers possess the capacity for self-assembly due to the amphipathic nature of lipid molecules, which have both hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions. When confined, lipid bilayers exhibit astonishing versatility in their forms, adopting diverse shapes that are challenging to observe through experimental means. Exploiting this adaptability, lipid structures motivate the development of bio-inspired mechanomaterials and integrated nanobio-interfaces that could seamlessly merge with biological entities, ultimately bridging the gap between synthetic and biological systems. In this work, we demonstrate how, in numerical simulations of multivesicular bodies, a fascinating evolution unfolds from an initial semblance of order toward states of higher entropy over time. We observe dynamic rearrangements in confined vesicles that reveal unexpected limit shapes of distinct geometric patterns. We identify five structures as the basic building blocks that systematically repeat under various conditions of size and composition. Moreover, we observe more complex and less frequent shapes that emerge in confined spaces. Our results provide insights into the dynamics of multivesicular systems, offering a richer understanding of how confined lipid bodies spontaneously self-organize.

Corpos Multivesiculares , Corpos Multivesiculares/metabolismo , Bicamadas Lipídicas/química , Bicamadas Lipídicas/metabolismo , Entropia , Interações Hidrofóbicas e Hidrofílicas
Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr ; 1866(7): 184364, 2024 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38901662


The combined application of electric fields and ultrasonic waves has shown promise in controlling cell membrane permeability, potentially resulting in synergistic effects that can be explored in the biotechnology industry. However, further clarification on how these processes interact is still needed. The objective of the present study was to investigate the atomic-scale effects of these processes on a DPPC lipid bilayer using molecular dynamics simulations. For higher electric fields, capable of independently forming pores, the application of an ultrasonic wave in the absence of cavitation yielded no additional effects on pore formation. However, for lower electric fields, the reduction in bilayer thickness induced by the shock wave catalyzed the electroporation process, effectively shortening the mean path that water molecules must traverse to form pores. When cavitation was considered, synergistic effects were evident only if the wave alone was able to generate pores through the formation of a water nanojet. In these cases, sonoporation acted as a mean to focus the electroporation effects on the initial pore formed by the nanojet. This study contributes to a better understanding of the synergy between electric fields and ultrasonic waves and to an optimal selection of processing parameters in practical applications of these processes.

Eletroporação , Bicamadas Lipídicas , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular , Ondas Ultrassônicas , Bicamadas Lipídicas/química , Eletroporação/métodos , Eletricidade , Permeabilidade da Membrana Celular , 1,2-Dipalmitoilfosfatidilcolina/química
Sci Rep ; 14(1): 9701, 2024 04 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38678109


Short-cationic alpha-helical antimicrobial peptides (SCHAMPs) are promising candidates to combat the growing global threat of antimicrobial resistance. They are short-sequenced, selective against bacteria, and have rapid action by destroying membranes. A full understanding of their mechanism of action will provide key information to design more potent and selective SCHAMPs. Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations are invaluable tools that provide detailed insights into the peptide-membrane interaction at the atomic- and meso-scale level. We use atomistic and coarse-grained MD to look into the exact steps that four promising SCHAMPs-BP100, Decoralin, Neurokinin-1, and Temporin L-take when they interact with membranes. Following experimental set-ups, we explored the effects of SCHAMPs on anionic membranes and vesicles at multiple peptide concentrations. Our results showed all four peptides shared similar binding steps, initially binding to the membrane through electrostatic interactions and then flipping on their axes, dehydrating, and inserting their hydrophobic moieties into the membrane core. At higher concentrations, fully alpha-helical peptides induced membrane budding and protrusions. Our results suggest the carpet mode of action is fit for the description of SCHAMPs lysis activity and discuss the importance of large hydrophobic residues in SCHAMPs design and activity.

Peptídeos Catiônicos Antimicrobianos , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular , Peptídeos Catiônicos Antimicrobianos/química , Peptídeos Catiônicos Antimicrobianos/farmacologia , Peptídeos Antimicrobianos/química , Peptídeos Antimicrobianos/farmacologia , Interações Hidrofóbicas e Hidrofílicas , Bicamadas Lipídicas/química , Bicamadas Lipídicas/metabolismo , Eletricidade Estática
Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr ; 1866(5): 184328, 2024 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38688404


The interaction of L-Phe with the membrane components, i.e., lipids and proteins, has been discussed in the current literature due to the interest to understand the effect of single amino acids in relation to the formation of amyloid aggregates. In the present work, it is shown that L-Phe interacts with 9:1 DMPC (1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3 phosphocholine)/DPPC (1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3 phosphocholine) mixtures but not in the 1:9 one. An important observation is that the interaction disappears when DPPC is replaced by diether PC (2-di-O-hexadecyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) a lipid lacking carbonyl groups (CO). This denotes that CO groups may interact specifically with L-Phe in accordance with the appearance of a new peak observed by Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR). The interaction of L-Phe affects the compressibility pattern of the 9:1 DMPC/DPPC mixture which is congruent with the changes observed by Raman spectra. The specific interaction of L-Phe with CO, propagates to phosphate and choline groups in this particular mixture as analyzed by FTIR-ATR spectroscopy and is absent when DMPC is dopped with diether PC.

Dimiristoilfosfatidilcolina , Fenilalanina , Fenilalanina/química , Fenilalanina/metabolismo , Dimiristoilfosfatidilcolina/química , Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier , Bicamadas Lipídicas/química , Bicamadas Lipídicas/metabolismo , 1,2-Dipalmitoilfosfatidilcolina/química , 1,2-Dipalmitoilfosfatidilcolina/metabolismo , Lipídeos de Membrana/química , Lipídeos de Membrana/metabolismo
Biochemistry ; 63(6): 815-826, 2024 03 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38349279


Membrane fusion is a crucial mechanism in a wide variety of important events in cell biology from viral infection to exocytosis. However, despite many efforts and much progress, cell-cell fusion has remained elusive to our understanding. Along the life of the fusion pore, large conformational changes take place from the initial lipid bilayer bending, passing through the hemifusion intermediates, and ending with the formation of the first nascent fusion pore. In this sense, computer simulations are an ideal technique for describing such complex lipid remodeling at the molecular level. In this work, we studied the role played by the muscle-specific membrane protein Myomerger during the formation of the fusion pore. We have conducted µs length atomistic and coarse-grained molecular dynamics, together with free-energy calculations using ad hoc collective variables. Our results show that Myomerger favors the hemifusion diaphragm-stalk transition, reduces the nucleation-expansion energy difference, and promotes the formation of nonenlarging fusion pores.

Bicamadas Lipídicas , Fusão de Membrana , Bicamadas Lipídicas/metabolismo , Fusão de Membrana/fisiologia , Membranas/metabolismo , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular , Proteínas de Membrana/metabolismo , Proteínas Musculares/metabolismo
Arch Biochem Biophys ; 753: 109913, 2024 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38286353


This study analyses the insertion of Chlorogenic acid (CGA) in phosphatidylcholine (PC) membranes enriched with cholesterol (Chol). While cholesterol decreases the area per lipid and increases the dipole potential, CGA increases and decreases these values, respectively. When CGA is inserted into cholesterol-containing DMPC membranes, these effects cancel out, resulting in values that overlap with those of DMPC monolayers without Chol and CGA. The presence of CGA also compensates the increase of dipole potential produced by Chol which can be explain as a consequence of the orientation of CGA molecule at the interphase opposing the cholesterol dipole moieties and water dipoles. This compensatory effect is less effective when lipids lack carbonyl groups (CO). When monolayers are composed by unsaturated PCs the Chol compensation is found at higher concentrations of CGA due to the direct interaction between CGA and Chol. These results suggest that cholesterol modulates the interaction and distribution of CGA in the lipid membrane, which may have implications for its biological activity.

Dimiristoilfosfatidilcolina , Fosfatidilcolinas , Ácido Clorogênico , Colesterol , Bicamadas Lipídicas , Propriedades de Superfície
Biophys Chem ; 307: 107181, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38232601


The potentially toxic effects of emerging pollutant mixtures often deviate from the individual compound effects, presenting additive, synergistic, or agonistic interactions. This study delves into the complex world of emerging pollutants' mixtures, with a particular focus on their potential impact on unsaturated lipid DOPC (1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphocholine) structured as both monolayers and bilayers, which are valuable tools for mimicking cell membranes. Specifically, we examine the effects of two common types of pollutants: antibiotics (amoxicillin) and dyes (methylene blue). Utilizing Langmuir monolayers, our research reveals a synergistic effect within the pollutant mixture, as evidenced by pressure-area isotherms and polarization-modulated infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy. We identify the specific chemical interactions contributing to this synergistic effect. Furthermore, through contrast phase microscopy experiments on giant unilamellar vesicles (bilayer system), we find that the individual pollutants and the mixture exhibit similar molecular effects on the bilayer, revealing that the molecular size is a key factor in the bilayer-mixture of pollutant interaction. This highlights the importance of considering molecular size in the interactions with bilayer systems. In summary, our research dissects the critical factors of chemical interactions and molecular size concerning the effects of pollutants on DOPC, serving as simplified models of cell membranes. This study underscores the significance of comprehending the molecular effects of emerging pollutants on human health and the development of models for exploring their intricate interactions with cell membranes.

Poluentes Ambientais , Lipossomas Unilamelares , Humanos , Lipossomas Unilamelares/química , Azul de Metileno , Fosfatidilcolinas/química , Amoxicilina , Bicamadas Lipídicas/química
Langmuir ; 40(1): 657-667, 2024 01 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38100549


Vesicles formed by phospholipids are promising candidates for drug delivery. It is known that the lipid composition affects properties such as the rigidity-fluidity of the membrane and that it influences the bilayer permeability, but sometimes sophisticated techniques are selected to monitor them. In this work, we study the bilayer of different unilamellar vesicles composed of different lipids (1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, DOPC, and lecithin) and diverse techniques such as extruder and electrospun templates and using 6-propionyl-2-(N,N-dimethyl) aminonaphthalene (PRODAN) and its photophysics. Moreover, we were able to monitor the influence of cholesterol on the bilayers. We demonstrate that the bilayer properties can be evaluated using the emission feature of the molecular probe PRODAN. This fluorescent probe gives relevant information on the polarity and fluidity of the microenvironment for unilamellar vesicles formed by two different methods. The PRODAN emission at 434 nm suggests that the bilayer properties significantly change if DOPC or lecithin is used in the vesicle preparation especially in their fluidity. Moreover, cholesterol induces alterations in the bilayer's structural and microenvironmental properties to a greater or lesser degree in both vesicles. Thus, we propose an easy and elegant way to evaluate physicochemical properties, which is fundamental for manufacturing vesicles as a drug delivery system, simply by monitoring the molecular probe emission band centered at 434 nm, which corresponds to the PRODAN species deep inside the bilayer.

Fosfolipídeos , Lipossomas Unilamelares , Fosfolipídeos/química , Lipossomas Unilamelares/química , Lecitinas , Bicamadas Lipídicas/química , Sondas Moleculares , Colesterol/química , Fosfatidilcolinas/química
J Phys Chem B ; 128(1): 163-171, 2024 01 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38159056


Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs) have emerged as promising alternatives to conventional antibiotics due to their capacity to disrupt the lipid packing of bacterial cell membranes. This mechanism of action may prevent the development of resistance by bacteria. Understanding their role in lipid packing disruption and their structural properties upon interaction with bacterial membranes is highly desirable. In this study, we employed Molecular Dynamics simulations and the Energy Landscape Visualization Method (ELViM) to characterize and compare the conformational ensembles of mastoparan-like Polybia-MP1 and its analogous H-MP1, in which histidines replace lysine residues. Two situations were analyzed: (i) the peptides in their free state in an aqueous solution containing water and ions and (ii) the peptides spontaneously adsorbing onto an anionic lipid bilayer, used as a bacteria membrane mimetic. ELViM was used to project a single effective conformational phase space for both peptides, providing a comparative analysis. This projection enabled us to map the conformational ensembles of each peptide in an aqueous solution and assess the structural effects of substituting lysines with histidines in H-MP1. Furthermore, a single conformational phase space analysis was employed to describe structural changes during the adsorption process using the same framework. We show that ELViM provides a comprehensive analysis, able to identify discrepancies in the conformational ensembles of these peptides that may affect their affinity to the membrane and adsorption kinetics.

Peptídeos Antimicrobianos , Peptídeos e Proteínas de Sinalização Intercelular , Venenos de Vespas , Peptídeos e Proteínas de Sinalização Intercelular/farmacologia , Peptídeos/química , Bicamadas Lipídicas/química , Membrana Celular/metabolismo
Langmuir ; 39(51): 18923-18934, 2023 12 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38079396


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is related to the fibrillation of the Aß peptides at neuronal membranes, a process that depends on the lipid composition and may impart different physical states to the membrane. In the present work, we study the properties of the Aß peptide when mixed with a zwitterionic lipid (DMPC), using the Langmuir monolayer technique as an approach to control membrane physical conditions. First, we build on previous characterizations of pure Aß monolayers and observe that, in addition to high shear, these films present a pronounced compressional hysteresis. When Aß is assembled with DMPC in a binary film, the resulting membranes become heterogeneous, with a peptide-enriched phase distributed in a network-like pattern, and they exhibit a lateral transition that depends on the Aß content. At lower peptide proportions, the films segregate into two well-defined phases: one consisting of lipids and another enriched with peptides. The reflectivity of these phases differs from that obtained for pure Aß films. Thus, the formed fibers effectively cover most of the interface area and remain stable at higher pressures (from 20 to 30 mN m-1 depending on Aß content) compared to pure peptide films (17 mN m-1). Furthermore, such structures induce a compressional hysteresis in the film, similar to that of pure peptide films (which is nonexistent in the pure lipid monolayer), even at low peptide proportions. We claim that the mechanical properties at the interface are governed by the size of the fibril-like structures. Based on the low molar fractions and surface packing at which these phenomena were observed, we postulate that as a consequence of peptide intermolecular interactions, Aß may have drastic effects on the molecular arrangement and mechanical properties of a lipid membrane.

Peptídeos beta-Amiloides , Fenômenos Mecânicos , Lipídeos de Membrana , Peptídeos beta-Amiloides/metabolismo , Peptídeos beta-Amiloides/ultraestrutura , Lipídeos de Membrana/metabolismo , Bicamadas Lipídicas/química , Bicamadas Lipídicas/metabolismo , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura , Agregação Patológica de Proteínas/patologia , Humanos
Cell Stress Chaperones ; 28(6): 1001-1012, 2023 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38001371


Human Hsp70-escort protein 1 (hHep1) is a cochaperone that assists in the function and stability of mitochondrial HSPA9. Similar to HSPA9, hHep1 is located outside the mitochondria and can interact with liposomes. In this study, we further investigated the structural and thermodynamic behavior of interactions between hHep1 and negatively charged liposomes, as well as interactions with cellular membranes. Our results showed that hHep1 interacts peripherally with liposomes formed by phosphatidylserine and cardiolipin and remains partially structured, exhibiting similar affinities for both. In addition, after being added to the cell membrane, recombinant hHep1 was incorporated by cells in a dose-dependent manner. Interestingly, the association of HSPA9 with hHep1 improved the incorporation of these proteins into the lipid bilayer. These results demonstrated that hHep1 can interact with lipids also present in the plasma membrane, indicating roles for this cochaperone outside of mitochondria.

Bicamadas Lipídicas , Lipossomos , Humanos , Membrana Celular/metabolismo , Bicamadas Lipídicas/metabolismo , Lipossomos/metabolismo , Mitocôndrias/metabolismo , Chaperonas Moleculares/metabolismo
Int J Mol Sci ; 24(22)2023 Nov 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38003414


Bioactive peptides have emerged as promising therapeutic agents with antimicrobial, antifungal, antiparasitic, and, recently, antitumoral properties with a mechanism of action based on membrane destabilization and cell death, often involving a conformational change in the peptide. This biophysical study aims to provide preliminary insights into the membrane-level antitumoral mode of action of crotalicidin, a cationic host defense peptide from rattlesnake venom, toward breast cancer cell lines. The lipid composition of breast cancer cell lines was obtained after lipid extraction and quantification to prepare representative cell membrane models. Membrane-peptide interaction studies were performed using differential scanning calorimetry and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The outcome evidences the potential antitumoral activity and selectivity of crotalicidin toward breast cancer cell lines and suggests a mechanism initiated by the electrostatic interaction of the peptide with the lipid bilayer surface and posterior conformation change with membrane intercalation between the acyl chains in negatively charged lipid systems. This research provides valuable information that clears up the antitumoral mode of action of crotalicidin.

Anti-Infecciosos , Neoplasias da Mama , Humanos , Feminino , Neoplasias da Mama/tratamento farmacológico , Fragmentos de Peptídeos/farmacologia , Bicamadas Lipídicas/química , Anti-Infecciosos/química , Peptídeos Catiônicos Antimicrobianos/farmacologia , Peptídeos Catiônicos Antimicrobianos/química , Varredura Diferencial de Calorimetria
J Chem Inf Model ; 63(21): 6877-6889, 2023 11 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37905818


Antimicrobial cationic peptides (AMPs) are excellent candidates for use as therapeutic antimicrobial agents. Among them, short peptides possessing sequences of 9-11 amino acids have some advantages over long-sequence peptides. However, one of the main limitations of short peptides is that their mechanism of action at the molecular level is not well-known. In this article, we report a model based on multiscale molecular dynamics simulations of short peptides interacting with vesicles containing palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylglycerol (POPG)/palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine (POPE). Simulations using this approach have allowed us to understand the different behaviors of peptides with antimicrobial activity with respect to those that do not produce this effect. We found remarkable agreement with a series of experimental results directly supporting our model. Moreover, these results allow us to understand the mechanism of action at the molecular level of these short peptides. Our simulations suggest that mechanical inhomogeneities appear in the membrane, promoting membrane rupture when a threshold concentration of peptides adsorbed on the membrane is achieved. These results explain the high structural demand for these peptides to maintain a delicate balance between the affinity for the bilayer surface, a low peptide-peptide repulsion (in order to reach the threshold concentration), and an acceptable tendency to penetrate into the bilayer. This mechanism is different from those proposed for peptides with long amino acid sequences. Such information is very useful from the medicinal chemistry point of view for the design of new small antimicrobial peptides.

Anti-Infecciosos , Peptídeos Catiônicos Antimicrobianos , Peptídeos Catiônicos Antimicrobianos/farmacologia , Peptídeos Catiônicos Antimicrobianos/química , Anti-Infecciosos/farmacologia , Anti-Infecciosos/química , Sequência de Aminoácidos , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular , Bicamadas Lipídicas/química
Biomacromolecules ; 24(9): 4156-4169, 2023 09 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37539954


Hybrid vesicles consisting of natural phospholipids and synthetic amphiphilic copolymers have shown remarkable material properties and potential for biotechnology, combining the robustness of polymers with the biocompatibility of phospholipid membranes. To predict and optimize the mixing behavior of lipids and copolymers, as well as understand the interaction between the hybrid membrane and macromolecules like membrane proteins, a comprehensive understanding at the molecular level is essential. This can be achieved by a combination of molecular dynamics simulations and experiments. Here, simulations of POPC and PBD22-b-PEO14 hybrid membranes are shown, uncovering different copolymer configurations depending on the polymer-to-lipid ratio. High polymer concentrations created thicker membranes with an extended polymer conformation, while high lipid content led to the collapse of the polymer chain. High concentrations of polymer were further correlated with a decreased area compression modulus and altered lateral pressure profiles, hypothesized to result in the experimentally observed improvement in membrane protein reconstitution and resistance toward destabilization by detergents. Finally, simulations of a WALP peptide embedded in the bilayer showed that only membranes with up to 50% polymer content favored a transmembrane configuration. These simulations correlate with previous and new experimental results and provide a deeper understanding of the properties of lipid-copolymer hybrid membranes.

Fosfolipídeos , Polímeros , Polímeros/química , Fosfolipídeos/química , Substâncias Macromoleculares , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular , Proteínas de Membrana , Bicamadas Lipídicas/química
Eur Biophys J ; 52(8): 661-671, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37542583


The kinetics of an ion channel are classically understood as a random process. However, studies have shown that in complex ion channels, formed by multiple subunits, this process can be deterministic, presenting long-term memory. Staphylococcus aureus α-hemolysin (α-HL) is a toxin that acts as the major factor in Staphylococcus aureus virulence. α-HL is a water-soluble protein capable of forming ion channels into lipid bilayers, by insertion of an amphipathic  ß-barrel. Here, the α-HL was used as an experimental model to study memory in ion channel kinetics. We applied the approximate entropy (ApEn) approach to analyze randomness and the Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) to investigate the existence of long memory in α-HL channel kinetics. Single-channel currents were measured through experiments with α-HL channels incorporated in planar lipid bilayers. All experiments were carried out under the following conditions: 1 M NaCl solution, pH 4.5; transmembrane potential of + 40 mV and temperature 25 ± 1 °C. Single-channel currents were recorded in real-time in the memory of a microcomputer coupled to an A/D converter and a patch-clamp amplifier. The conductance value of the α-HL channels was 0.82 ± 0.0025 nS (n = 128). The DFA analysis showed that the kinetics of α-HL channels presents long-term memory ([Formula: see text] = 0.63 ± 0.04). The ApEn outcomes showed low complexity to dwell times when open (ApEno = 0.5514 ± 0.28) and closed (ApEnc = 0.1145 ± 0.08), corroborating the results of the DFA method.

Proteínas Hemolisinas , Canais Iônicos , Bicamadas Lipídicas , Proteínas Hemolisinas/metabolismo , Canais Iônicos/metabolismo , Cinética , Staphylococcus aureus
Biophys Chem ; 300: 107075, 2023 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37451052


The saturated LPC18:0 and unsaturated LPC18:1 lysophosphatidylcholines have important roles in inflammation and immunity and are interesting targets for immunotherapy. The synthetic cationic lipid DODAB has been successfully employed in delivery systems, and would be a suitable carrier for those lysophosphatidylcholines. Here, assemblies of DODAB and LPC18:0 or LPC18:1 were characterized by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. LPC18:0 increased the DODAB gel-fluid transition enthalpy and rigidified both phases. In contrast, LPC18:1 caused a decrease in the DODAB gel-fluid transition temperature and cooperativity, associated with two populations with distinct rigidities in the gel phase. In the fluid phase, LPC18:1 increased the surface order but, differently from LPC18:0, did not affect viscosity at the membrane core. The impact of the different acyl chains of LPC18:0 and 18:1 on structure and thermotropic behavior should be considered when developing applications using mixed DODAB membranes.

Lisofosfatidilcolinas , Compostos de Amônio Quaternário , Termodinâmica , Temperatura de Transição , Compostos de Amônio Quaternário/química , Varredura Diferencial de Calorimetria , Bicamadas Lipídicas/química
Proteins ; 91(9): 1191-1204, 2023 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37218507


The human genome codes for 12 annexins with highly homologous membrane-binding cores and unique amino termini, which endow each protein with its specific biological properties. Not unique to vertebrate biology, multiple annexin orthologs are present in almost all eukaryotes. Their ability to combine either dynamically or constitutively with membrane lipid bilayers is hypothetically the key property that has led to their retention and multiple adaptation in eukaryotic molecular cell biology. Annexin genes are differentially expressed in many cell types but their disparate functions are still being discovered after more than 40 years of international research. A picture is emerging from gene knock down and knock out studies of individual annexins that these are important supporters rather than critical players in organism development and normal cell and tissue function. However, they appear to be highly significant "early responders" toward challenges arising from cell and tissue abiotic or biotic stress. In humans, recent focus has been on involvement of the annexin family for its involvement in diverse pathologies, especially cancer. From what has become an exceedingly broad field of investigation, we have selected four annexins in particular: AnxA1, 2, 5, and 6. Present both within and external to cells, these annexins are currently under intensive investigation in translational research as biomarkers of cellular dysfunction and as potential therapeutic targets for inflammatory conditions, neoplasia, and tissue repair. Annexin expression and release in response to biotic stress appears to be a balancing act. Under- or over-expression in different circumstances appears to damage rather than restore a healthy homeostasis. This review reflects briefly on what is already known of the structures and molecular cell biology of these selected annexins and considers their actual and potential roles in human health and disease.

Anexina A1 , Humanos , Anexina A1/genética , Anexinas/genética , Eucariotos , Células Eucarióticas , Bicamadas Lipídicas