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J Basic Microbiol ; 63(10): 1085-1094, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37551023


Interdisciplinary studies on cultural heritage artworks provide efficient solutions to control fungal growth and the negative effects of biodeterioration. In this study, we aimed to identify the population of filamentous fungi colonizing an engraving by the Dutch painter Rembrandt, whose conservation status was compromised and showed visible stains of biodeterioration. Microbiological techniques, such as cultivation-dependent approaches and molecular biology, have been used to identify fungal populations. In addition, the anaerobic atmosphere technique and eco-friendly antifungal agents, such as essential oils (EOs) of Curcuma longa, Thymus vulgaris, and Melaleuca alternifolia, were tested against the metabolically active fungal population Cladoposporium spinulosum. Furthermore, in vitro assays revealed that the interaction between the fungal strains and EO was positive, inhibiting the growth of these fungi, and the EOs from T. vulgaris and M. alternifolia showed low minimum inhibitory concentration values. Exposure to anaerobic conditions for 35 days was effective in the total elimination of isolated fungal strains. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the effectiveness of a nondestructive technique for artwork on engraving colonized by fungal strains and using EO as an alternative to toxic antifungals used in conventional treatments in artworks. Thus, this interdisciplinary study involving applied microbiology and botanical and preventive conservation presents a tool to control microbial growth while maintaining artwork integrity.

Antifúngicos , Óleos Voláteis , Antifúngicos/farmacologia , Gravuras e Gravação , Fungos , Cladosporium , Óleos Voláteis/farmacologia , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana
Sci Rep ; 8(1): 7492, 2018 05 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29748544


The archive of the Universidad de Costa Rica maintains a nineteenth-century French collection of drawings and lithographs in which the biodeterioration by fungi is rampant. Because of nutritional conditions in which these fungi grew, we suspected that they possessed an ability to degrade cellulose. In this work our goal was to isolate and identify the fungal species responsible for the biodegradation of a nineteenth-century art collection and determine their cellulolytic activity. Fungi were isolated using potato-dextrose-agar (PDA) and water-agar with carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). The identification of the fungi was assessed through DNA sequencing (nrDNA ITS and α-actin regions) complemented with morphological analyses. Assays for cellulolytic activity were conducted with Gram's iodine as dye. Nineteen isolates were obtained, of which seventeen were identified through DNA sequencing to species level, belonging mainly to genera Arthrinium, Aspergillus, Chaetomium, Cladosporium, Colletotrichum, Penicillium and Trichoderma. For two samples that could not be identified through their ITS and α-actin sequences, a morphological analysis was conducted; they were identified as new species, named Periconia epilithographicola sp. nov. and Coniochaeta cipronana sp. nov. Qualitative tests showed that the fungal collection presents important cellulolytic activity.

Arte , Celulose/metabolismo , Fungos/isolamento & purificação , Fungos/metabolismo , Arte/história , Biodegradação Ambiental , Costa Rica , Gravuras e Gravação/história , Fungos/classificação , História do Século XIX , Humanos , Papel
Av. enferm ; 36(1): 59-68, jan.-abr. 2018. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem, COLNAL | ID: biblio-950674


Resumo Objetivo: o presente estudo descreve a utilização do Photovoice para aprofundar o conceito de família em estudantes de enfermagem. Metodologia: é um estudo de investigação ação participativa, em que participaram 33 estudantes de enfermagem. A coleta de dados utilizou o Photovoice para definir o conceito de família; as sessões foram gravadas e transcritas. Para a análise, recorreu-se à triangulação de dados com as fotografias com recurso ao software Atlas-ti versão 8.0. Resultados: quatro temas principais emergiram das fotografias e das gravações: Conceito de família na perspetiva do estudante, A minha família, Funções da família e O que vejo nesta fotografia. Conclusão: o estudo contribuiu para a divulgação do photovoice, uma ferramenta ainda pouco utilizada em estudos em enfermagem. Além disso, promoveu a importância da família no cuidar em enfermagem, através da conceptualização do que é família.

Resumen Objetivo: el presente estudio describe la utilización de Fotovoz para profundizar el concepto de familia en estudiantes de enfermería. Metodología: es un estudio de investigación acción participativa, en el que participaron 33 estudiantes de enfermería. La recolección de datos utilizó Fotovoz para definir el concepto de familia, las sesiones fueron grabadas y transcritas. Para el análisis se recurrió a la triangulación de datos con las fotografías con el software Atlas-ti versión 8.0. Resultados: cuatro temas principales surgieron de las fotografías y de las grabaciones: Concepto de familia en la perspectiva del estudiante, Mi familia, Funciones de la Familia y Lo que veo en esta fotografía. Conclusión: el estudio contribuyó a la divulgación del Fotovoz, una herramienta aún poco utilizada en estudios de enfermería. Adicionalmente, promovió la importancia de la familia en el cuidado en enfermería, por medio de la conceptualización de lo que es familia.

Abstract Objective: this study describes the use of the Photovoice methodology to provide nursing students with a more profound understanding of the concept of family. Methodology: is the study employed a participatory action methodology involving 33 nursing students. Photovoice was used to collect data which helped to define the concept of family: the sessions were recorded and transcribed. For the analysis, we triangulated the data with the photographs, using Atlas-ti version 8.0 software. Results: four main themes emerged from photographs and recordings: The concept of family from the student's perspective, My family, Family functions, and What I see in this picture. Conclusion: the study helped to spread the use of Photovoice, a tool still little used in nursing studies. It also highlighted the importance of family care in nursing, through the conceptualization of what a family is.

Humanos , Estudantes de Enfermagem , Família , Enfermagem , Fotografia , Gravuras e Gravação
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 25(2): 263-271, 2013. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-683242


Discussão dos limites derivados da utilização praticamente exclusiva da linguagem verbal na metodologia de pesquisa em ciências humanas e sociais e proposição de uma reflexão sobre a incorporação sistemática de outras dimensões linguísticas, em especial a utilização de imagens criadas pelos sujeitos da pesquisa. A expressão imagética articulada com a expressão verbal fornece uma riqueza de informação que possibilita a ampliação das possibilidades de eficácia das pesquisas podendo levar a resultados finais mais precisos e satisfatórios.

Here we discuss the limits imposed by the almost exclusive use of verbal language in the methodology of research in social sciences and proposes the incorporation of other linguistic dimensions, especially the use of images created by the research subjects. The term imagery combined with the verbal expressions provides a wealth of information that enables the expansion of the effectiveness of searches leading to more accurate results.

Gravuras e Gravação , Metodologia como Assunto , Psicologia Social , Pesquisa
In. García Cartaya, Pedro. Principios técnicos de la tomografía axial computarizada. Ciudad de la Habana, Ecimed, 2008. , ilus.
Monografia em Espanhol | CUMED | ID: cum-42339