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Psicol. USP ; 35: e220137, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1564963


Resumo: Nas "Conferências introdutórias à psicanálise" (1916-1917), Freud argumenta pela participação fundamental da regressão na etiologia tanto da neurose, quanto da perversão. Em "O fetichismo" ( 1927 ), o autor formula uma nova versão desse conceito, de modo que as características do fetichismo passam a representar a estrutura geral de todas as perversões. Em 1938, Adorno, filósofo e sociólogo da Escola de Frankfurt, publica o ensaio "O fetichismo na música e a regressão da audição", no qual ele aborda ambos os conceitos em uma perspectiva sociológica. Nosso objetivo aqui é analisar comparativamente como os conceitos de fetichismo e regressão são definidos e empregados pelos dois autores, assim como examinar a influência da teoria freudiana sobre Adorno, a partir dos textos mencionados. Esse é um tema muito pouco explorado na literatura da área, de modo que sua discussão pode contribuir para uma melhor compreensão dos conceitos e do impacto de suas diferentes interpretações.

Abstract: In the "Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis" (1916-1917), Freud argues for the fundamental participation of regression in the etiology of both neurosis and perversion. In "Fetishism" ( 1927 ), the author formulates a new version of this concept, so that the characteristics of fetishism came to represent the general structure of all perversions. In 1938, Adorno, a philosopher and sociologist from the Frankfurt school, published his essay "On the Fetish-Character in Music and the Regression of Listening," in which he approaches both concepts from a sociological perspective. Our objective here is to comparatively analyze how the concepts of fetishism and regression are defined and employed by the two authors and to discuss the influence of Freud's theory on Adorno, based on the texts mentioned above. This subject is rarely explored in the literature of the field, thus its discussion can contribute to a better understanding of the concepts and the impact of their different interpretations.

Résumé : Dans les « Conférences d'introduction à la psychanalyse ¼ (1916-1917), Freud soutient la participation fondamentale de la régression dans l'étiologie de la névrose et de la perversion. Dans « Le fétichisme ¼ ( 1927 ), l'auteur formule une nouvelle version de ce concept, de sorte que les caractéristiques du fétichisme en viennent à représenter la structure générale de toutes les perversions. En 1938, Adorno, philosophe et sociologue de l'école de Francfort, publie l'essai « Le caractère fétiche dans la musique et la régression de l'écoute ¼, dans lequel il aborde les deux concepts d'un point de vue sociologique. Notre objectif ici est d'analyser comparativement comment les concepts de fétichisme et de régression sont définis et employés par les deux auteurs, ainsi que d'examiner l'influence de la théorie freudienne sur Adorno à partir des textes mentionnés. Il s'agit d'un thème très peu exploré dans la littérature du domaine, de sorte que sa discussion peut contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des concepts et de l'impact de leurs différentes interprétations.

Resumen: En las Conferencias de introducción al psicoanálisis (1916-1917), Freud sostiene la participación fundamental de la regresión en la etiología tanto de la neurosis como de la perversión. En "Fetichismo" ( 1927 ), el autor formula una nueva versión de este concepto, de modo que las características del fetichismo pasan a representar la estructura general de todas las perversiones. En 1938, Adorno, filósofo y sociólogo de la Escuela de Fráncfort, publicó el ensayo "Sobre el carácter fetichista en la música y la regresión de la escucha" en el que aborda ambos conceptos desde una perspectiva sociológica. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar comparativamente cómo los conceptos de fetichismo y regresión son definidos y empleados por los dos autores, así como examinar la influencia de la teoría freudiana en Adorno a partir de los textos mencionados. Este es un tema muy poco explorado en la literatura del área, por lo que su discusión puede contribuir a una mejor comprensión de los conceptos y del impacto de sus diferentes interpretaciones.

Regressão Psicológica , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico/psicologia , Teoria Freudiana , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico/etnologia
J Sex Marital Ther ; 49(8): 978-995, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37439228


People involved in kink (BDSM or fetish) subcultures often encounter stigma and bias in healthcare settings or when seeking psychotherapy. Such individuals typically encounter well-meaning clinicians who are not prepared to provide culturally competent care or who have not recognized their own biases. Over a two-year period, a team of 20 experienced clinicians and researchers created clinical practice guidelines for working with people involved with kink, incorporating an extensive literature review and documentation of clinical expertise. This article summarizes the guidelines and discusses relevant issues facing clinicians and their clients, as well as implications for clinical practice, research and training.

Assistência à Saúde Culturalmente Competente , Psicoterapia , Humanos , Estigma Social , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico
J Hist Med Allied Sci ; 78(3): 270-303, 2023 Jul 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37011106


The visual archive of AIDS and fetish activism is a rich resource for studying interlinkages between art and science, activism and public health, politics and medicine, pleasure and sexual health prevention. This article explores AIDS and fetish activism imagery from the first two decades of the Norwegian AIDS crisis. Interrogating the materiality and visual context of images - photographs, posters, flyers, and safer sex instructions - it maps out visualization practices in leather, BDSM and AIDS activism. AIDS and fetish imagery made some bodies, pleasures, and political goals visible - and rendered others unseen. The article explores the materiality of images and their visual, social, and historical context of production, and traces their social biographies and afterlives. Fetish images were vehicles for change and actors co-producing history. They took part in destigmatizing BDSM, challenging psychiatric classification, and creating infrastructure and networks between subcultures, communities, and authorities. The visualization of fetish activism was as much about communication strategies as it was about aesthetic, style, and motive. The politics of visibility in Norwegian fetish activism point to the vulnerable project of fighting for acceptance through "respectability," while preserving the individuality and "otherness" of leather and fetish culture.

Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida , Humanos , Prazer , Sexo Seguro , Saúde Pública , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico , Política
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e263291, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1529215


Este artigo tem como objetivo produzir uma análise histórica sobre as intersecções entre Psicologia e sexualidade desviantes da norma no Brasil, de fins do século XIX a meados da década de 1980. Esta temporalidade foi escolhida por abarcar o surgimento das pesquisas científicas sobre sexualidade e desvios sexuais, a consolidação dos estudos psicológicos sobre a temática e o processo mais recente de despatologização da homossexualidade. Em termos teóricos e metodológicos, foram adotados os pressupostos da História Social da Psicologia e da historiografia das homossexualidades no Brasil. Desse modo, buscou-se compreender como as ideias, concepções e práticas psicológicas foram mudando ao longo do tempo, em conexão com as transformações socioculturais e políticas que ocorreram durante o século XX. Para isto, foram utilizadas fontes primárias e secundárias de pesquisa com vistas à produção de interpretações sobre as conexões entre as ideias, os atores e os eventos narrados. Argumenta-se, ao longo do artigo, que as ideias e práticas psicológicas estão intrinsecamente conectadas aos contextos socioculturais e políticos de seu tempo, sendo os movimentos dinâmicos e os conflitos presentes nesses contextos fatores determinantes para a sua constituição.(AU)

This article aims to produce a historical analysis of the intersections between Psychology and sexualities that deviate from the norm in Brazil, from the late 19th century to the mid-1980s. This period was chosen because it encompasses the emergence of scientific research on sexuality and sexual deviations, the consolidation of psychological studies on the subject and the most recent process of de-pathologization of homosexuality. Theoretically and methodologically, the assumptions of the Social History of Psychology and the historiography of homosexualities in Brazil were adopted. Therefore, we sought to understand how psychological ideas, conceptions and practices have changed over time, in connection with the sociocultural and political transformations that occurred throughout the 20th century. For this, primary and secondary sources of research were used to produce interpretations about the connections between the ideas, the actors and the narrated events. It is argued, throughout the article, that the psychological ideas and practices are intrinsically connected to the sociocultural and political contexts of their time, being the dynamic movements and conflicts present in these contexts determining factors for their constitution.(AU)

Este artículo tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis histórico de las intersecciones entre la Psicología y las sexualidades desviadas de la norma en Brasil desde finales del siglo XIX hasta mediados de la década de 1980. Esta temporalidad fue elegida por abarcar el surgimiento de las investigaciones científicas sobre sexualidad y desvíos sexuales, la consolidación de los estudios psicológicos sobre el tema y el más reciente proceso de despatologización de la homosexualidad. En el marco teórico y metodológico, se adoptaron los presupuestos de la Historia Social de la Psicología y de la historiografía de las homosexualidades en Brasil. De esta manera, se pretende comprender cómo las ideas, concepciones y prácticas psicológicas han cambiado a lo largo del tiempo, en conexión con las transformaciones socioculturales y políticas ocurridas durante el siglo XX. Para ello, se utilizaron las fuentes de investigación primarias y secundarias con miras a generar interpretaciones sobre las conexiones entre las ideas, los actores y los eventos narrados. Se argumenta, a lo largo de este artículo, que las ideas y las prácticas psicológicas están intrínsecamente conectadas a los contextos socioculturales y políticos de su tiempo, y los movimientos dinámicos y los conflictos presentes en estos contextos fueron los factores determinantes para su constitución.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Brasil , Homossexualidade , Sexualidade , História , Orgasmo , Transtornos Parafílicos , Patologia , Pedofilia , Desenvolvimento da Personalidade , Transtornos da Personalidade , Princípio do Prazer-Desprazer , Psicologia , Desenvolvimento Psicossexual , Política Pública , Racionalização , Religião e Sexo , Repressão Psicológica , Sadismo , Sexo , Comportamento Sexual , Transtornos do Desenvolvimento Sexual , Delitos Sexuais , Controle Social Formal , Meio Social , Sociedades , Aprendizagem da Esquiva , Sublimação Psicológica , Tabu , Terapêutica , Travestilidade , Inconsciente Psicológico , Voyeurismo , Terapia Comportamental , Abuso Sexual na Infância , Atitude , Cura Homeopática , Caráter , Cristianismo , Competência Mental , Assédio Sexual , Coito , Corpo Humano , Homossexualidade Feminina , Conflito Psicológico , Participação da Comunidade , Diversidade Cultural , Feminismo , Heterossexualidade , Manifestações Neurocomportamentais , Disfunções Sexuais Psicogênicas , Crime , Características Culturais , Cultura , Sexo Seguro , Terapias Mente-Corpo , Mecanismos de Defesa , Desumanização , Características Humanas , Intenção , Desenvolvimento Moral , Emoções , Agenda de Pesquisa em Saúde , Fóruns de Discussão , Estudos Populacionais em Saúde Pública , Eugenia (Ciência) , Exibicionismo , Prazer , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico , Saúde Sexual , Homofobia , Racismo , Marginalização Social , Medicalização , Pessoas Transgênero , Status Moral , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero , Ativismo Político , Diversidade de Gênero , Assexualidade , Sexualidade Oculta , Autoaceitação da Sexualidade , Normas de Gênero , Cegueira de Gênero , Androcentrismo , Liberdade , Teoria Freudiana , Respeito , Identidade de Gênero , Trauma Sexual , Casas de Trabalho , Funcionamento Psicossocial , Papel de Gênero , Enquadramento Interseccional , Estrutura Familiar , Promoção da Saúde , Desenvolvimento Humano , Direitos Humanos , Identificação Psicológica , Anatomia , Transtornos Disruptivos, de Controle do Impulso e da Conduta , Incesto , Instinto , Introversão Psicológica , Libido , Masoquismo , Masturbação , Transtornos Mentais , Métodos , Moral , Princípios Morais , Transtornos Neuróticos
Arch Sex Behav ; 51(4): 2117-2133, 2022 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35536491


Objectophilia (also known as objectum-sexuality) involves romantic and sexual attraction to specific objects. Objectophiles often develop deep and enduring emotional, romantic, and sexual relations with specific inanimate (concrete or abstract) objects such as trains, bridges, cars, or words. The determinants of objectophilia are poorly understood. The aim of this paper is to examine the determining factors of objectophilia. We examine four hypotheses about the determinants of objectophilia (pertaining to fetishism, synesthesia, cross-modal mental imagery, and autism) and argue that the most likely determining factors of objectophilia are the social and non-social features of autism. Future studies on the determinants of objectophilia could enhance our understanding and potentially lessen the marginalization experienced by objectophiles.

Transtorno Autístico , Emoções , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico , Humanos , Comportamento Sexual , Sexualidade
Arch Sex Behav ; 50(3): 897-911, 2021 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33763803


Despite the growing interest in the experiences of transgender individuals, the phenomenon of fetishization of transgender bodies and identities has been overlooked. The present study was aimed at investigating the experiences of fetishization of transgender and nonbinary (TGNB) people. Participants in the current study represent a sample of 142 TGNB volunteers from the community who answered the prompt: "If you feel comfortable, could you describe your experience of being fetishized?" Using thematic analysis, we developed three overarching themes relevant to the experiences of fetishization of TGNB participants: (1) context of fetishization; (2) negative experiences of fetishization; and (3) positive or ambiguous experiences of fetishization. The results demonstrated that, in most cases, fetishization was understood by TGNB people as a negative experience of sexual objectification, although some individuals experienced fetishization as a positive experience, perceiving the sexual desire of the other person or living it as a kink. Consistent with the integrated theory of dehumanization, the results demonstrated that both sexual objectification and minority stress contributed to participants' understanding of fetishization for TGNB individuals. Implications for clinical work with TGNB individuals are discussed.

Fetichismo Psiquiátrico/psicologia , Comportamento Sexual/psicologia , Pessoas Transgênero/psicologia , Identidade de Gênero , Humanos , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero/psicologia
Rev Med Suisse ; 16(686): 519-520, 2020 Mar 18.
Artigo em Francês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32186795
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32093315


BACKGROUND: Knowledge of the Adult Baby-Diaper Lovers (ABDL) phenomena is quite recent and there are, of yet, few studies on this phenomenon. AIM: This study was conceived to investigate the functions of ABDL behaviours and the characteristics of ABDL in an online Italian community sample. We hypothesized that ABDL phenomena were associated with general psychological maladjustment and with an experience of parental rejection during childhood. It was also assumed that there would be differences in ABDL profiles based on the age of appearance of their first Adult Baby-Diaper Lover (ABDL) fantasies. METHOD: An internet-based study was conducted and it involved 38 adults aged between 18 and 74 years (M = 34.95; SD = 12.25). Participants were first given an ad hoc questionnaire, which was devised to obtain information about the anamnestic variables related to ABDL. Then, the participants filled out the Cognitive Behaviour Assessment 2.0 battery to obtain anamnestic information regarding their psychological, medical, and personal history and to evaluate primary psychological dimensions in clinical practice. Finally, they filled out the Adult Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire, to evaluate their recollections of parental perceived rejection, and the Personality Assessment Questionnaire, to evaluate the primary psychological aspects related to parental rejection. RESULTS: The data indicated that adults with ABDL showed the presence of anxious traits and recollections of parental rejection during childhood. Moreover, associations were observed between current or previous ABDL phenomena enuresis and negative mood states. CONCLUSION: Specific kinds of parental modes, anxiety traits, and enuresis seem to be the source of ABDL interests. Moreover, ADBL behaviours seem to assume different functions and meanings.

Fraldas Infantis , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Ansiedade , Enurese , Humanos , Itália , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Poder Familiar , Rejeição em Psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto Jovem
Rev. univ. psicoanál ; (19): 39-46, nov. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380181


La posición tomada ante el complejo de castración imprimirá su marca indeleble en la vida psíquica del sujeto, sobre todo en lo concerniente a su relación con el otro sexo, pues al acentuar el mundo de las diferencias, los intercambios con lo social llevarán siempre su huella. Separación, pérdida y castración son el resorte de la diferenciación subjetiva. De ahí que analizar las implicaciones psíquicas de ese primer enfrentamiento del niño pequeño, con la incompletud del otro, resultará imprescindible para reflexionar su condición actual. La construcción de caso de Santiago muestra a un joven preso en una actuación permanente e insoportable, que lo lleva a buscar compulsivamente, múltiples parejas sexuales, elevando a las mujeres de su vida, al estatuto de objeto fetiche. Las diferentes maneras de desmentir la castración materna generan un tormento obsesivo que se manifiesta a través de una variada sintomatología, en la que siempre se encuentra implicada la destrucción y la muerte. Por lo que convocar durante las sesiones, a la trama genealógica de Santiago, los lugares asignados, las identificaciones y la transmisión de significaciones, representó una vía que permitió abrir los márgenes de una historia que se presentaba en un inicio, como plagada de sentido. Se trataba de un intento por elaborar lo que había permanecido congelado y ajeno, tras el paso del tiempo

The position taken in front of the castration complex will imprint its indelible mark in the psychic life of the subject, especially in regard to his relationship with the other sex, because by accentuating the world of differences, the social exchanges will always bear their mark. Separation, loss and castration, are the support of the subjective differentiation. Therefore, analyzing the psychic implications of that first confrontation in the child, with the incompleteness of the other, will be essential to think over in his current condition. The construction of the case of Santiago exhibit a young guy, prisoner in a permanent and unbearable performance that leads him to compulsively search, multiple sexual partners, elevating the ladies in his life, to the status of fetish objects.The different ways of denying the maternal castration, generate an obsessive torment that manifests through a varied symptomatology, in which destruction and death are always involved. Thence, make present during the sessions, the genealogical weft of Santiago, the assigned places, the identifications and the transmission of significations, represented a way to open the margins of a history that was presented at the beginning, as full of meaning. It was an attempt to elaborate what had remained frozen and foreigner through the passage of time

Humanos , Feminino , Angústia de Castração/psicologia , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico , Transtorno Obsessivo-Compulsivo
J Sex Med ; 16(10): 1615-1622, 2019 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31447381


INTRODUCTION: Recently the guidelines for the diagnosis of paraphilic disorders in the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Eleventh Revision (ICD-11), have been published. AIM: This article analyzes legal, regulatory, and policy issues relevant to the potential effects of the changes for the classification of paraphilic disorders in the ICD-11 in Germany. METHODS: A forensic and a legal expert in Germany worked with other international experts to conduct this evaluation using an assessment guide provided by the World Health Organization. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Possible effects of the changes for the classification of paraphilic disorders in the ICD-11 on forensic practice, health systems, adjudication of individuals who have committed a sexual offense, and the provision of treatment in Germany. RESULTS: Results highlight the special situation of medical confidentiality in the German health system that facilitates the establishment of preventive networks for the treatment of pedophilic patients. The ICD-11 guidelines will help to clarify the boundary between pedophilic disorder and crimes of child sexual abuse. These will also establish a boundary with other paraphilic diagnostic concepts. We describe the central construct of criminal responsibility in the German legal system in relation to paraphilic disorders, the prominent role of expert witnesses, and the differences in the conceptualization of medical confidentiality within the health care system and within the legal system. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: The ICD-11 proposals for paraphilic disorders provide a clearer differentiation, as compared with ICD-10, between variants of normal sexual behavior and sexual behavior that involves a non-consenting person or entity. Particular patterns of sexual preference that are not of relevance to public health, the health care system, or the legal system, such as masochism and fetishism, will no longer be named psychiatric entities and will, therefore, be regarded as private behaviors and destigmatized. STRENGTHS & LIMITATIONS: The assessment shows the specific legal situation in Germany for the treatment of paraphilic patients in a sexual medicine, psychiatric, and legal discourse. However, it was done only by a small number of experts. CONCLUSION: A conclusion of the analysis was that the more specific and narrower definitions in the ICD-11 diagnostic guidelines, compared with those in ICD-10, particularly for pedophilic disorder and coercive sexual sadism disorder, will result in a reduction in false-positive diagnoses. It is unlikely that significant unintended and negative consequences will occur as a result of implementing the ICD-11 guidelines for paraphilic disorders. Briken P, Boetticher A, Krueger RB, et al. Current Legal Situation for Patients with Paraphilic disorders and Implications of the ICD-11 for Paraphilic Disorders for Germany. J Sex Med 2019;16:1615-1622.

Psiquiatria Legal/legislação & jurisprudência , Transtornos Parafílicos/diagnóstico , Adulto , Criança , Abuso Sexual na Infância/diagnóstico , Abuso Sexual na Infância/legislação & jurisprudência , Abuso Sexual na Infância/psicologia , Criminosos/legislação & jurisprudência , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico/diagnóstico , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico/psicologia , Alemanha , Humanos , Classificação Internacional de Doenças , Masoquismo/diagnóstico , Masoquismo/psicologia , Transtornos Parafílicos/psicologia , Sadismo/diagnóstico , Sadismo/psicologia , Delitos Sexuais/legislação & jurisprudência , Delitos Sexuais/psicologia , Comportamento Sexual/psicologia
Hist Psychiatry ; 30(4): 469-479, 2019 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31328573


The ostensibly bizarre crime of braid-cutting invited occasional alienist inferences from the late 1850s onwards, until it entered mid-1880s police profiles and forensic-psychiatric taxonomies as a corollary of perversion, specifically sadism and fetishism. Cases were rare, but were reported as late as the mid-1930s and enduringly cited as encompassing a staple variety of fetishism. This note briefly reconstructs entries in German, French and English forensic psychiatry, sexual psychopathology and psychoanalysis.

Fetichismo Psiquiátrico/história , Cabelo , Violência/história , Europa (Continente) , Feminino , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico/psicologia , História do Século XIX , Humanos , Masculino
J Sex Marital Ther ; 45(8): 781-795, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31130086


Adults with paraphilic infantilism may desire to wear diapers or engage in infant-like role play. Erotic target identity inversions (ETII) and childhood maltreatment have been hypothesized to cause regressive interests. To evaluate these two etiological hypotheses, we surveyed the online adult baby/diaper lover community. Data from 1904 cis-gender men revealed a prevalence of pedophilic interests comparable with the general male population, arguing against ETIIs as common in paraphilic infantilism. In contrast, self-reported childhood neglect and abuse were highly prevalent, suggesting that infantilism might be correlated with childhood maltreatment. Additionally, some participants described repetition and/or sexualization of negative childhood experiences.

Sobreviventes Adultos de Maus-Tratos Infantis/psicologia , Fraldas Infantis , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico/psicologia , Transtornos Parafílicos/psicologia , Comportamento Sexual/psicologia , Adulto , Imagem Corporal , Literatura Erótica/psicologia , Humanos , Masculino , Autorrelato
Ágora (Rio J. Online) ; 22(1): 123-133, jan.-abr. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-986222


RESUMO: Esse trabalho é motivado pela homologia estabelecida, por Lacan, entre a mais-valia e o mais-de-gozar. Buscamos evidenciar o embasamento dessa homologia e apontar seus efeitos nos fundamentos da subjetividade capitalista. Para tanto, combinamos a leitura do Seminário 16, de Lacan, a uma abordagem de O capital, de Marx. Nesse processo, analisamos as articulações significantes do valor, do dinheiro e do fetiche na conformação da ordem simbólica do discurso capitalista.

Abstract: This paper is an examination of the homology between surplus-value and surplus-jouissance, as set out by Lacan. We seek to demonstrate the basis of this homology and point out its effects on capitalist subjectivity. To this end, we combine a reading of Lacan's Seminar XVI with Marx's Capital. Throughout this process, we analyze how the articulation of signifiers, such as value, money and fetish, configures the symbolic order of capitalist discourse.

Capitalismo , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico
Rev. psicoanál. (Madr.) ; 34(85): 247-260, 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-189819


Consideramos que la perversión y las adicciones evidencian diferentes formas de patología narcisista y serían soluciones secundarias a algunos traumatismos primarios que han afectado a la organización primitiva de la identidad y al narcisismo primario. Lo traumático sería lo no simbolizado. La perversión busca una salida resexualizando lo no representado y la adicción suple una representación no establecida dentro mediante un obJeto externo perceptivo, la droga. Animados por el trabajo clínico con un paciente cuyo psiquismo presenta a la vez ambas soluciones al vacío representativo, lo perverso y lo adictivo, nos planteamos escribir este artículo

We consider that perversion and addictions are different forms of narcissistic pathology and, as such, consist of secondary solutions to sorne kinds of primary traumatisms that have affected the primitive organization of identity and primary narcissism. The traumatic would be what is not symbolized. The perversion looks for an outlet, resexualizing what is not represented and addiction compensates for a representation not present within through an external perceptive object, the drug. Encouraged by the clinical work carried out on a patient whose psyche simultaneously represents both solutions to this representative void, the perverse and the addictive, we decided to write this article

Nous considérons que la perversion et les dépendances présentent des formes diff érentes d'une pathologie narcissiste et consisteraient en solutions secondaires a quelques traumatismes primaires qui ont aff ecté á l' organisation primitive de l'identité et au narcissisme primaire. Le traumatique serait le nom symbolisé. La perversion cherche une sortie resexualisée le non représenté et la toxicomanie remplace a une représentation non établie a l'intérieur au moyen d'un objet externe perceptuel, la drogue. Animés par le travail clinique avec un patient dont le psychisme présente a la fois les deux solutions au vide représentatif: le pervers et l' addictive, nous nous posons écrire cet article

Humanos , Interpretação Psicanalítica , Terapia Psicanalítica/métodos , Comportamento Aditivo/psicologia , Transtornos Parafílicos/psicologia , Narcisismo , Transtornos da Personalidade/psicologia , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico/psicologia , Trauma Psicológico/psicologia
BMJ Case Rep ; 20182018 Sep 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30262539


A boy with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) presented with a fetish for and the subsequent stealing of female undergarments. He was predominantly inattentive and had been a slow learner. Psychological tests showed that he had significant cognitive and inattention problems without significant hyperactivity, and was at risk of dyslexia as well as conduct disorder.

Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade/complicações , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico/complicações , Comportamento Impulsivo , Adolescente , Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade/psicologia , Humanos , Masculino
J Forensic Leg Med ; 56: 12-15, 2018 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29525580


Paraphilic disorders range from nearly normal behaviour to a behaviour which may be considered as destructive or menacing to the society at large. In accordance with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-V, the terms Paraphilia and Paraphilic disorders, denote different interpretations. Multiple paraphilias connected to childhood either directly or indirectly has been documented in scientific literature. Paraphilic Infantilism, Diaperism and Pedophilia constitute major portion among them. Paraphilic infantilism denotes paraphilic desire of being a baby. Diaperism deals with fetishistic behaviour in relation to diapers and pedophilia stands for sexual attraction towards children. Behaviourally these three paraphilias do share some characteristics and show overlapping of certain features, but psychologically they are diverse. In a number of literature on digital media, the terms have been used interchangeably or are described in a manner that creates confusion. However, when described individually they are precisely written, hence it necessitates to be elaborated collectively to surpass the current trends of mixing them. The review focuses on behavioral, developmental, psychological and legal aspects of these paraphilias.

Transtornos Parafílicos/psicologia , Pedofilia/psicologia , Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais , Literatura Erótica/legislação & jurisprudência , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico/psicologia , Humanos , Delitos Sexuais/legislação & jurisprudência
Psicol. USP ; 29(1): 87-95, jan.-abr. 2018.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-895696


Resumo Neste artigo abordamos os diferentes deslocamentos da ideia de "recusa", "renegação" ou "desmentido" (Verleugnung) no texto freudiano. Para promover essa reflexão, discutimos inicialmente as traduções e significados do termo alemão, para depois acompanhar o seu aparecimento na Primeira Tópica e o seu desenvolvimento conceitual na Segunda Tópica. Acreditamos que, embora o conceito de "desmentido" tenha encontrado a sua formulação específica como mecanismo de defesa da perversão fetichista, trata-se de um conceito bem mais extenso, que não se restringe à organização perversa e possui grande valor para a compreensão crítica de certos aspectos da sociedade contemporânea.

Résumé Cet article aborde les mouvements de l'idée de « refus ¼, « reniement ¼ ou « démenti ¼ (Verleugnung) chez Freud. Pour encourager cette réflexion, on discute d'abord les traductions et les sens du terme allemand, pour, ensuite, accompagner son apparition dans la Première Topique et son développement conceptuel dans la Seconde Topique. On considère que, même si le concept de « démenti ¼ trouve sa formulation spécifique comme mécanisme de défense de la perversion fétichiste, il s'agit d'un concept bien plus approfondi, qui ne se limite pas à l'organisation perverse et possède une grande valeur pour la compréhension critique de certains aspects de la société contemporaine.

Resumen El presente artículo aborda los diferentes desplazamientos de la idea de «rechazo¼, «renegación¼ o «desmentida¼ (Verleugnung) en el texto freudiano. Para promover esta reflexión, se discuten inicialmente las traducciones y significados del término alemán, para a continuación observar su surgimiento en la Primera Tópica y su desarrollo conceptual en la Segunda Tópica. Creemos que, aunque el concepto de «desmentida¼ haya encontrado su formulación específica como mecanismo de defensa de la perversión fetichista, se trata de un concepto mucho más extenso, que no se restringe a la organización perversa y posee gran valor para la comprensión crítica de ciertos aspectos de la sociedad contemporánea.

Abstract In this article we discuss the different displacements of the idea of "refusal", "denial" or "denial" (Verleugnung) in the Freudian text. To promote this reflection, we first discuss the translations and meanings of the German term, and then analyze its appearance in the First Topic and its conceptual development in the Second Topic. We believe that although the concept of "denial" has found its specific formulation as a defense mechanism for fetishistic perversion, it is a much more extensive concept that is not restricted to perverse organization and is of great value for the critical understanding of certain aspects of contemporary society.

Psicanálise , Negação em Psicologia , Hermenêutica , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico/psicologia
J Sex Marital Ther ; 44(2): 159-171, 2018 Feb 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28605271


Reported partner knowledge of and involvement in adult baby/diaper lover (ABDL) behavior were examined based on responses from 1,795 male and 139 female members of the ABDL community. Individuals in a relationship often divulge their ABDL interests early in dating. Some partners may try ABDL activity initially, but most are not involved. Involved nonpartners may be sanctioned ABDL friends. Nonpartners are usually not involved in ABDL practices because ABDL participants view this as infidelity. Individuals who have never been in a relationship may be working to reconcile their ABDL interests with building a romantic relationship.

Fraldas para Adultos , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico , Jogos e Brinquedos/psicologia , Comportamento Sexual/psicologia , Parceiros Sexuais/psicologia , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
J Sex Med ; 14(11): 1421-1429, 2017 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28970070


BACKGROUND: There is a lack of research on adult baby/diaper lover (ABDL) behavior, particularly from community samples. Prior studies have not examined differences between the AB and DL subgroups in the ABDL community. AIM: To explore whether endorsements of AB role-play enjoyment and ratings of sexual enjoyment during ABDL activity were related to parenting and attachment variables, negative mood states, and reported problems with ABDL and to explore differences by relationship status and by sexual orientation. METHOD: Data from a larger survey of an online ABDL community were analyzed. The final sample included 1,795 men and 139 women. OUTCOMES: Participants completed questions about their ABDL interests, the short form of the Experiences in Close Relationships Scale, the Maternal and Paternal Relationship Scales designed for this study, the shortened version of the Profile of Mood States, and questions about problems with ABDL. RESULTS: Greater enjoyment of role playing was associated with being raised by a single female caregiver, a more negative paternal relationship, higher attachment anxiety, and more negative mood states. Differences based on relationship status and sexual orientation were minimal. Participants who most liked no sexual activity reported higher enjoyment of role playing and lower enjoyment of sexual activity in ABDL behavior compared with other groups. Regardless of sexual orientation, men rated sexual enjoyment in ABDL higher than role-play enjoyment. Ratings of sexual interest in diapers were generally not different from ratings of sexual interest in adults. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: ABDL clients who enjoy role playing and want to understand their behaviors might wish to explore family-of-origin experiences more than clients who find diapers erotic. Clients who find diapers erotic are likely to have other sexual interests. ABDL subgroups are generally comfortable with their practices and might not have a need for therapy. STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS: Despite the lack of a comparison group, this study has a large, non-psychiatric sample of a marginalized sexual subculture and affirms that such individuals should not be readily pathologized. CONCLUSION: In contrast to persons who find diapers erotic, AB role playing is more likely to be an interpersonal, non-sexual behavior helping some individuals decrease attachment anxiety and negative mood states. Atypical behaviors are not troubling for some individuals, regardless of the origins and motivations of the behavior. Zamboni BD. Characteristics of Subgroups in the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover Community. J Sex Med 2017;14:1421-1429.

Fraldas Infantis , Fetichismo Psiquiátrico , Jogos e Brinquedos/psicologia , Comportamento Sexual/psicologia , Parceiros Sexuais/psicologia , Adulto , Literatura Erótica , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Prazer , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto Jovem