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Front Immunol ; 15: 1450490, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39257575


Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease that mainly affects the skin and peripheral nerves, it can also invade deeper tissues and organs, including mucous membranes, lymph nodes, testes, eyes, and internal organs. Severe cases can result in deformities and disabilities. We encountered the case of a 39-year-old male with unexplained fever, headache and rash. The patient's lesions were taken for histopathological examination and slit skin smear analysis. Further, the patient was detected of Mycobacterium leprae (M.leprae) nucleic acid sequences in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma, and M.leprae gene targets in the skin lesion tissue and blood. The patient was eventually diagnosed with multibacillary leprosy and type II leprosy reaction. These results suggest the possibility of bacteremia in patients with leprosy to some extent, and observation implies the potential invasion of CSF by M.leprae or its genetic material.

Febre de Causa Desconhecida , Mycobacterium leprae , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Mycobacterium leprae/genética , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/etiologia , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/diagnóstico , Hanseníase/diagnóstico , Hanseníase/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Bacteriemia/diagnóstico , Pele/patologia , Pele/microbiologia , Hanseníase Multibacilar/diagnóstico
Sci Rep ; 14(1): 17801, 2024 08 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39090138


Fever of unknown origin (FUO) remains a formidable diagnostic challenge in the field of medicine. Numerous studies suggest an association between FUO and genetic factors, including chromosomal abnormalities. Here, we report a female patient with a 4.5 Mb Xp microdeletion, who presented with recurrent FUO, bacteremia, colitis, and hematochezia. To elucidate the underlying pathogenic mechanism, we employed a comprehensive approach involving single cell RNA sequencing, T cell receptor sequencing, and flow cytometry to evaluate CD4 T cells. Analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells revealed augmented Th1, Th2, and Th17 cell populations, and elevated levels of proinflammatory cytokines in serum. Notably, the patient exhibited impaired Treg cell function, possibly related to deletion of genes encoding FOPX3 and WAS. Single cell analysis revealed specific expansion of cytotoxic CD4 T lymphocytes, characterized by upregulation of various signature genes associated with cytotoxicity. Moreover, interferon-stimulated genes were upregulated in the CD4 T effector memory cluster. Further genetic analysis confirmed maternal inheritance of the Xp microdeletion. The patient and her mother exhibited X chromosome-skewed inactivation, a potential protective mechanism against extensive X chromosome deletions; however, the mother exhibited complete skewing and the patient exhibited incomplete skewing (85:15), which may have contributed to emergence of immunological symptoms. In summary, this case report describes an exceptional instance of FUO stemming from an incompletely inactivated X chromosome microdeletion, thereby increasing our understanding of the genetics underpinning FUO.

Bacteriemia , Deleção Cromossômica , Cromossomos Humanos X , Febre de Causa Desconhecida , Humanos , Feminino , Bacteriemia/genética , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/genética , Cromossomos Humanos X/genética , Adulto
J Assoc Physicians India ; 72(8): 107-108, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39163083


We present a case of a 56-year-old female with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who has been on methotrexate for 9 years and has been complaining of high-grade fever for the past 1 month with no localizing signs and symptoms. She was thoroughly evaluated before being labeled as pyrexia of unknown origin. Histoplasmosis was suspected after bone marrow aspiration smear examination. The presence of histoplasma antigen in the urine confirmed our diagnosis. Fever responded after 2 weeks of liposomal amphotericin B and patient discharged in stable condition on tablet itraconazole.

Anfotericina B , Artrite Reumatoide , Febre de Causa Desconhecida , Histoplasmose , Humanos , Histoplasmose/diagnóstico , Histoplasmose/complicações , Histoplasmose/tratamento farmacológico , Artrite Reumatoide/complicações , Artrite Reumatoide/tratamento farmacológico , Artrite Reumatoide/diagnóstico , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/etiologia , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/diagnóstico , Anfotericina B/uso terapêutico , Antifúngicos/uso terapêutico , Histoplasma/isolamento & purificação , Itraconazol/uso terapêutico
Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis ; 110(2): 116465, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39059148


Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing (mNGS) holds promise in diagnosing fever of unknown origin (FUO) by detecting diverse pathogens. We systematically reviewed the literature to evaluate mNGS's accuracy, clinical efficacy, and limitations in FUO diagnosis. Nine studies revealed mNGS's positivity rate ranging from 66.7% to 93.5% for bacterial bloodstream infections and systemic infections. Meta-analysis of three studies involving 857 patients, including 354 with FUO, showed a sensitivity of 0.91 (95% CI: 0.87-0.93) and specificity of 0.64 (95% CI: 0.58-0.70). Despite lower specificity, mNGS demonstrated a higher Diagnostic Odds Ratio (DOR) of 17.0 (95% CI: 4.5-63.4) compared to conventional microbiological tests (CMTs) at 4.7 (95% CI: 2.9-7.6). While mNGS offers high sensitivity but low specificity in identifying causative pathogens for FUO, its superior DOR suggests potential for more accurate diagnoses and targeted interventions. Further research is warranted to optimize its clinical application in FUO management.

Febre de Causa Desconhecida , Sequenciamento de Nucleotídeos em Larga Escala , Metagenômica , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Humanos , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/diagnóstico , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/microbiologia , Sequenciamento de Nucleotídeos em Larga Escala/métodos , Metagenômica/métodos , Bactérias/genética , Bactérias/isolamento & purificação , Bactérias/classificação , Infecções Bacterianas/diagnóstico , Infecções Bacterianas/microbiologia
J Infect Dev Ctries ; 18(6): 880-886, 2024 Jun 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38990985


BACKGROUND: Fever of unknown origin (FUO) is a diagnostic challenge with highly heterogeneous causes. Its etiology can change according to the studied regions, and the chance of reaching a diagnosis depends on available resources. The aim of this study is to describe the clinical characteristics, etiology and the usefulness of diagnostic aids in cases of FUO managed over 12 years in a Colombian reference center. METHODOLOGY: Single-institution retrospective case series. All cases of FUO between 2006 and 2017 were identified with the help of an electronic medical record search software. Cases of adults with fever for more than three weeks who remained undiagnosed after three days of hospitalization are described. RESULTS: Of 1,009 cases evaluated, 112 cases met the inclusion criteria (median age 43 years, 66% men). The etiologies identified were infectious (31.2%), inflammatory (20.5%), neoplastic (14.3%), and miscellaneous (2.7%) diseases. 31.2% remained without etiological diagnosis. The most frequent conditions were tuberculosis (17%), Hodgkin's lymphoma (7.1%), systemic lupus erythematosus (6.3%), disseminated histoplasmosis, and adult Still's disease. Contrast tomography and biopsies were the studies that most frequently supported or confirmed the final diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: This series of contemporary Latin American cases suggests that the categories of FUO etiologies are similar to those reported in studies from developed countries, with tuberculosis being the most frequent cause in our setting. Our results highlight the importance of tomography-guided invasive studies in the diagnostic approach to FUO.

Febre de Causa Desconhecida , Humanos , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/etiologia , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Masculino , Estudos Retrospectivos , Adulto , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Idoso , Adolescente
Clin Nucl Med ; 49(8): e406-e407, 2024 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38967511


ABSTRACT: FDG PET/CT is a well-documented imaging investigation to evaluate fever of unknown origin (FUO). Brucellosis is one of the causes of FUO, which can be missed as it requires a longer incubation period for growth on culture media. Rarely, it can involve the prostate. Here, we present a case of FUO with initial negative blood and urine cultures and no localizing signs or symptoms. 18F-FDG PET/CT revealed hypermetabolism in the prostate and seminal vesicles. A repeat blood and urine culture showed the growth of Brucella species after 5 days of incubation, and the patient responded to Brucella-directed antibiotic therapy.

Brucelose , Febre de Causa Desconhecida , Fluordesoxiglucose F18 , Tomografia por Emissão de Pósitrons combinada à Tomografia Computadorizada , Prostatite , Humanos , Masculino , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/diagnóstico por imagem , Prostatite/diagnóstico por imagem , Prostatite/microbiologia , Brucelose/diagnóstico por imagem , Brucelose/complicações , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X
Indian J Med Microbiol ; 50: 100650, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38897571


BACKGROUND: Fever in children is one of the most common reasons for outpatient visits as well as in-patient evaluation, often causing anxiety among parents and caregivers. Fever can be a standalone feature or be associated with other localising symptoms and signs like rash, lymphadenopathy, or any other organ system involvement with or without a focus of infection. The etiologies of fever vary depending on the clinical setting and epidemiology. India being a tropical country, sees a distinct spectrum of tropical infections. Physicians need to stay updated on the prevalent diseases in their region and the unique factors that may influence the clinical presentations and course of fever in the cohort of children they manage. The challenge lies in balancing the benefit of early treatment for severe diseases versus the harms of unnecessary investigations and treatment for self-resolving illnesses. OBJECTIVES: This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of fever in children, covering its etiology, clinical features, and management strategies. This review offers an algorithmic approach to fever tailored to the Indian setting to guide physicians in identifying the disease based on clinical symptoms and signs, ordering essential laboratory investigations, and initiating appropriate management promptly. CONTENT: The review categorises fever into various segments like fever with localising signs like rash, lymphadenopathy, fever due to infection localised to a particular organ system, and fever without a focus including fever of unknown origin. It delves into the diverse etiological factors contributing to fever in each of these categories, encompassing infectious and non-infectious origins. It gives pointers to identify the etiology from history, examination, and confirm them with judicious use of diagnostic investigations with emphasis on identifying the red flag signs that require immediate attention, especially in vulnerable groups like neonates and young infants.

Febre , Humanos , Febre/diagnóstico , Febre/etiologia , Criança , Índia/epidemiologia , Pré-Escolar , Lactente , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/etiologia , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/diagnóstico
Nucl Med Commun ; 45(8): 702-709, 2024 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38832445


AIM: This study aimed to evaluate the potential role of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET/computed tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT) in providing a targeted approach for diagnosing the etiology of Pyrexia of Unknown Origin (PUO). METHODS: A total of 573 PUO patients were included in this ambispective study, with a mean age of 39.40 ±â€…4.6 years. Patients underwent FDG PET/CT scans using dedicated hybrid scanners. PET/CT data were interpreted by experienced nuclear medicine physicians. The study analyzed the guidance provided by FDG PET/CT for appropriate biopsy sites and assessed concordance between PET/CT findings and histopathological examination. RESULTS: Out of the 573 patients, a final diagnosis was reached for 219 patients, including malignancy, infectious causes, noninfectious inflammatory causes (NIID), and precancerous conditions. FDG PET/CT played a crucial role in guiding clinicians to appropriate biopsy sites, contributing to a higher diagnostic yield. Concordance between PET/CT findings and histopathological examination emphasized the noninvasive diagnostic potential of PET/CT in identifying underlying causes of PUO. Overall, FDG PET/CT contributed to guiding the appropriate site of biopsy or concordance of the first differential diagnosis with the final diagnosis in 50.05% of cases. CONCLUSION: This study highlights the valuable role of FDG PET/CT in providing a targeted approach for diagnosing PUO, showcasing its potential in guiding clinicians towards appropriate biopsy sites and improving the diagnostic yield. The findings underscore the importance of integrating FDG PET/CT into the diagnostic pathway for PUO, ultimately enhancing patient management and outcomes. Further prospective studies are necessary to validate these results and refine the integration of FDG PET/CT in the diagnosis of PUO.

Febre de Causa Desconhecida , Fluordesoxiglucose F18 , Tomografia por Emissão de Pósitrons combinada à Tomografia Computadorizada , Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Masculino , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/diagnóstico por imagem , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/etiologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Adulto Jovem , Adolescente
BMC Infect Dis ; 24(1): 614, 2024 Jun 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38907186


BACKGROUND: Nocardia is an ubiquitous soil organism. As an opportunistic pathogen, inhalation and skin inoculation are the most common routes of infection. Lungs and skin are the most frequent sites of nocardiosis. Testis is a highly unusual location for nocardiosis. CASE PRESENTATION: We report the case of an immunocompromised 75-year-old-man admitted for fever of unknown origin. He presented with skin lesions after gardening and was first suspected of Mediterranean spotted fever, but he did not respond to doxycycline. Then, physical examination revealed new left scrotal swelling that was compatible with a diagnosis of epididymo-orchitis. The patient's condition did not improve despite empirical antibiotic treatment with the onset of necrotic scrotal abscesses requiring surgery. Nocardia brasiliensis yielded from the removed testis culture. High-dose trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and ceftriaxone were started. Multiple micro-abscesses were found in the brain and spinal cord on imaging studies. After 6 weeks of dual antibiotic therapy for disseminated nocardiosis, slight regression of the brain abscesses was observed. The patient was discharged after a 6-month course of antibiotics and remained relapse-free at that time of writing these lines. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole alone is meant to be pursued for 6 months thereafter. We undertook a literature review on previously reported cases of genitourinary and urological nocardiosis; to date, only 36 cases have been published with predominately involvement of kidney, prostate and testis. CONCLUSIONS: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of Nocardia brasiliensis simultaneously infecting skin, testis, brain and spinal cord in an immunocompromised patient. Knowledge on uncommon forms of nocardiosis remains scarce. This case report highlights the difficulty of diagnosing atypical nocardiosis and the importance of prompt bacteriological sampling in case of empirical antibiotics failure.

Antibacterianos , Febre de Causa Desconhecida , Nocardiose , Nocardia , Humanos , Masculino , Nocardiose/diagnóstico , Nocardiose/tratamento farmacológico , Nocardiose/microbiologia , Idoso , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico , Nocardia/isolamento & purificação , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/etiologia , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/microbiologia , Hospedeiro Imunocomprometido , Combinação Trimetoprima e Sulfametoxazol/uso terapêutico , Testículo/microbiologia , Testículo/patologia , Orquite/microbiologia , Orquite/tratamento farmacológico , Orquite/diagnóstico
J Assoc Physicians India ; 72(5): 13-16, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38881103


BACKGROUND: Acute undifferentiated fever (AUF) is defined as any febrile illness with a duration of ≤14 days without evidence of localized infection. Most outpatient services and a significant inpatient load in India are contributed by AUF. COVID-19 has recently added to the existing list of common etiologies of AUF. While the rapid diagnostic test (RDT) kits, which are widely used for the detection of common etiologies of AUF, are unreliable, the rise of various inflammatory markers may help identify the probable etiology. This not only results in better diagnosis but also prepares the physician for close monitoring and pooling of resources. AIM: To identify the probable etiology of AUF through inflammatory markers. OBJECTIVE: To understand the clinical and biochemical parameters as possible predictors of adverse outcomes in AUF. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a prospective observational study carried out in the Department of Medicine in a tertiary care hospital. The total duration of the study was 1 year. A total of 400 AUF patients [both outpatient department (OPD) and inpatient department (IPD)] fulfilling the eligibility criteria were taken up for the study after consent. Various inflammatory markers, namely erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), D-dimer, ferritin, and procalcitonin levels along with basic blood and biochemical tests were measured in all qualifying patients at their first visit. The level of rise of all the measured inflammatory markers was analyzed for clues toward identifying the etiology. Also, the possible predictors of adverse outcomes, as defined in the study, were analyzed. Outcome variables are described as mean ± standard deviation. All statistical calculations were done using computer programs Microsoft Excel 2007 (Microsoft Corporation, New York, United States of America) and SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions; SPSS Inc., United States of America) version 21. RESULTS: The common etiologies in our study contributing to AUF were dengue (31.5%), COVID-19 (18.5%), enteric fever (12.7%), scrub typhus (9.0%), and malaria (6.0%). In 76 cases (19%), the fever was undiagnosed. Enteric fever had highly elevated CRP (>30 mg/L) and moderately elevated D-dimer, ferritin, and procalcitonin. Both nonsevere dengue and COVID-19 had highly elevated D-dimer (>750 ng/mL), but in nonsevere dengue, CRP, ferritin, and procalcitonin were only mildly elevated, whereas in COVID-19, CRP and ferritin were moderately elevated with mildly elevated procalcitonin. Scrub typhus had highly elevated CRP and ferritin [more than four times the upper limit of normal (ULN)], but D-dimer and procalcitonin were only mildly elevated. The mean serum procalcitonin level in enteric fever is significantly higher than the other etiologies of AUF. Our study was correctly able to identify 90.8% of nonsevere dengue, 87.8% of typhoid, 83.6% of COVID-19, and 91.4% of scrub typhus patients based on the inflammatory markers level. Obesity, diabetes (both types 1 and 2), hypertension, coronary artery disease (CAD), malignancy, chronic kidney disease (CKD), and chronic lung disease were significantly associated with adverse outcomes. A significant delay in visiting the hospital after the onset of fever was found in all etiologies of AUF, which had adverse outcomes. CONCLUSION: Our study is one of the few studies comparing the rise in the level of various inflammatory markers among the common etiologies of AUF. The novelty of the study is that it aids in identifying the probable etiology of AUF with good confidence through the levels of inflammatory markers. Also, our study highlights the high-risk factors associated with adverse outcomes in AUF.

Biomarcadores , Sedimentação Sanguínea , Proteína C-Reativa , COVID-19 , Ferritinas , Produtos de Degradação da Fibrina e do Fibrinogênio , Pró-Calcitonina , Humanos , Biomarcadores/sangue , Masculino , Feminino , Proteína C-Reativa/análise , Estudos Prospectivos , Adulto , Produtos de Degradação da Fibrina e do Fibrinogênio/análise , Ferritinas/sangue , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pró-Calcitonina/sangue , COVID-19/complicações , COVID-19/sangue , COVID-19/diagnóstico , Índia/epidemiologia , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/etiologia , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/sangue , Febre/etiologia , Inflamação/sangue
Medicine (Baltimore) ; 103(20): e38114, 2024 May 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38758906


Early identification of the sources of infection in emergency department (ED) patients of sepsis remains challenging. Computed tomography (CT) has the potential to identify sources of infection. This retrospective study aimed to investigate the role of CT in identifying sources of infection in patients with sepsis without obvious infection foci in the ED. A retrospective chart review was conducted on patients with fever and sepsis visiting the ED of Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. Data on patient demographics, vital signs, clinical symptoms, underlying medical conditions, laboratory results, administered interventions, length of hospital stay, and mortality outcomes were collected and analyzed. Of 218 patients included in the study, 139 (63.8%) had positive CT findings. The most common sources of infection detected by CT included liver abscesses, acute pyelonephritis, and cholangitis. Laboratory results showed that patients with positive CT findings had higher white blood cell and absolute neutrophil counts and lower hemoglobin levels. Positive blood culture results were more common in patients with positive CT findings. Additionally, the length of hospital stay was longer in the group with positive CT findings. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that hemoglobin levels and positive blood culture results independently predicted positive CT findings in patients with fever or sepsis without an obvious source of infection. In patients with sepsis with an undetermined infection focus, those presenting with leukocytosis, anemia, and elevated absolute neutrophil counts tended to have positive findings on abdominal CT scans. These patients had high rates of bacteremia and longer lengths of stay. Abdominal CT remains a valuable diagnostic tool for identifying infection sources in carefully selected patients with sepsis of undetermined infection origins.

Sepse , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Humanos , Masculino , Estudos Retrospectivos , Feminino , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/métodos , Sepse/diagnóstico por imagem , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Tempo de Internação/estatística & dados numéricos , Serviço Hospitalar de Emergência , Abscesso Hepático/diagnóstico por imagem , Adulto , Pielonefrite/diagnóstico por imagem , Colangite/diagnóstico por imagem , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/diagnóstico por imagem
Zhonghua Nei Ke Za Zhi ; 63(5): 521-524, 2024 May 01.
Artigo em Chinês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38715494


A 48-year-old male was admitted to Peking Union Medical College Hospital presented with intermittent fever for two years. The maximum body temperature was 39 ℃, and could spontaneously relieve. The efficacy of antibacterial treatment was poor. He had no other symptoms and positive signs. He had a significant weight loss, and the serum lactate dehydrogenase increased significantly. It was highly alert to be lymphoma, but bone marrow smear and pathology, and PET-CT had not shown obvious abnormalities. Considering high inflammatory indicators, increased ferritin and large spleen, the patient had high inflammatory status, and was treated with methylprednisolone. Then the patient's body temperature was normal, but the platelet decreased to 33×109/L. During hospitalization, he had suddenly hemoperitoneum and hemorrhagic shock. He was found spontaneous spleen rupture without obvious triggers, and underwent emergency splenectomy. The pathological diagnosis of spleen was diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.

Febre de Causa Desconhecida , Hemoperitônio , Tomografia por Emissão de Pósitrons combinada à Tomografia Computadorizada , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/etiologia , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/diagnóstico , Tomografia por Emissão de Pósitrons combinada à Tomografia Computadorizada/métodos , Hemoperitônio/etiologia , Hemoperitônio/diagnóstico , Linfoma Difuso de Grandes Células B/diagnóstico , Esplenectomia , Baço/diagnóstico por imagem , Ruptura Esplênica/diagnóstico , Ruptura Esplênica/etiologia
Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 67(2): 422-424, 2024 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38769812


ABSTRACT: Pyrexia of unknown origin can be caused due to numerous infective and noninfective causes. It poses a diagnostic dilemma to the clinicians and requires a myriad of investigations for the confirmation of diagnosis. Thymomas are rare mediastinal tumors that present as anterior mediastinal mass; however, thymomas presenting as pyrexia of unknown origin has rarely been reported in the literature. We report an interesting case of a middle-aged male who presented as pyrexia of unknown origin due to thymoma.

Febre de Causa Desconhecida , Timoma , Neoplasias do Timo , Humanos , Timoma/complicações , Timoma/diagnóstico , Timoma/patologia , Masculino , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/etiologia , Neoplasias do Timo/complicações , Neoplasias do Timo/diagnóstico , Neoplasias do Timo/patologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X
J Infect ; 88(6): 106171, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38697268


BACKGROUND: ECIL-2021 recommends discontinuing empirical antibiotic therapy (EAT) in febrile-neutropenic children after 72 h of treatment and at least 24-48 h of apyrexia in the case of fever of unknown origin (FUO). These guidelines are rarely applied to high-risk children's neutropenia. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We retrospectively included all consecutive FUO episodes occurring during profound neutropenia ≥ 10 days in children in our institution. We evaluated the safety of EAT discontinuation in patients for whom the ECIL guidelines were followed compared to those for whom they didn't. We used a combined criterion of mortality and intensive care unit admission at 30 days. We identified risk factors for recurrent fever after EAT discontinuation. RESULTS: Fifty-one FUO episodes occurred in 37 patients. EAT discontinuation followed ECIL guidelines in 19 (37 %) episodes. No deaths and-or transfers in ICU occurred in the ECIL group. The duration of EAT was shorter by nine days in the group following ECIL guidelines (p < 0.001). We observed 14 (27 %) episodes of recurrent fever. Mucositis was significantly associated with recurrent fever (p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: EAT discontinuation seems feasible and safe in FUO during prolonged febrile neutropenia in children. However, mucosal lesions should prompt thorough surveillance due to the risk of recurrent fever.

Antibacterianos , Febre de Causa Desconhecida , Neutropenia , Humanos , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/tratamento farmacológico , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/etiologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Antibacterianos/efeitos adversos , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico , Pré-Escolar , Neutropenia/induzido quimicamente , Adolescente , Fatores de Risco , Lactente , Neutropenia Febril
Z Rheumatol ; 83(5): 363-375, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38802504


Autoinflammatory diseases are characterized by inflammatory manifestations in various organ systems, whereby recurrent febrile episodes, musculoskeletal complaints, gastrointestinal and cutaneous symptoms frequently occur accompanied by serological signs of inflammation. Autoinflammatory diseases include rare monogenic entities and multifactorial or polygenic diseases, which can manifest as a variety of symptoms in the course of time. Examples of monogenic autoinflammatory diseases are familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome (CAPS), tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS) and the recently described VEXAS (vacuoles, E1 enzyme, X­linked, autoinflammatory and somatic) syndrome. For non-monogenically determined autoinflammatory diseases, the most important representatives in adulthood are adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD) and the Schnitzler syndrome, in which a polygenic susceptibility and epigenetic factors are more likely to play a role.

Doenças Hereditárias Autoinflamatórias , Humanos , Doenças Hereditárias Autoinflamatórias/genética , Doenças Hereditárias Autoinflamatórias/diagnóstico , Adulto , Síndrome , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/etiologia , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/genética
Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging ; 51(9): 2597-2613, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38676736


PURPOSE: Patients with fever and inflammation of unknown origin (FUO/IUO) are clinically challenging due to variable clinical presentations with nonspecific symptoms and many differential diagnoses. Positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) with 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose ([18F]FDG) is increasingly used in FUO and IUO, but the optimal diagnostic strategy remains controversial. This consensus document aims to assist clinicians and nuclear medicine specialists in the appropriate use of [18F]FDG-PET/CT in FUO and IUO based on current evidence. METHODS: A working group created by the EANM infection and inflammation committee performed a systematic literature search based on PICOs with "patients with FUO/IUO" as population, "[18F]FDG-PET/CT" as intervention, and several outcomes including pre-scan characteristics, scan protocol, diagnostic yield, impact on management, prognosis, and cost-effectiveness. RESULTS: We included 68 articles published from 2001 to 2023: 9 systematic reviews, 49 original papers on general adult populations, and 10 original papers on specific populations. All papers were analysed and included in the evidence-based recommendations. CONCLUSION: FUO and IUO remains a clinical challenge and [18F]FDG PET/CT has a definite role in the diagnostic pathway with an overall diagnostic yield or helpfulness in 50-60% of patients. A positive scan is often contributory by directly guiding treatment or subsequent diagnostic procedure. However, a negative scan may be equally important by excluding focal disease and predicting a favorable prognosis. Similar results are obtained in specific populations such as ICU-patients, children and HIV-patients.

Febre de Causa Desconhecida , Fluordesoxiglucose F18 , Inflamação , Tomografia por Emissão de Pósitrons combinada à Tomografia Computadorizada , Tomografia por Emissão de Pósitrons combinada à Tomografia Computadorizada/normas , Humanos , Inflamação/diagnóstico por imagem , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/diagnóstico por imagem , Consenso , Medicina Nuclear , Compostos Radiofarmacêuticos
Clin Med (Lond) ; 24(3): 100202, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38642612


BACKGROUND: Recurrent FUO (fever of unknown origin) is a rare subtype of FUO for which diagnostic procedures are ill-defined and outcome data are lacking. METHODS: We performed a retrospective multicentre study of patients with recurrent FUO between 1995 and 2018. By multivariate analysis, we identified epidemiological, clinical and prognostic variables independently associated with final diagnosis and mortality. RESULTS: Of 170 patients, 74 (44%) had a final diagnosis. Being ≥ 65 years of age (OR = 5.2; p < 0.001), contributory history (OR = 10.4; p < 0.001), and abnormal clinical examination (OR = 4.0; p = 0.015) independently increased the likelihood of reaching a diagnosis, whereas lymph node and/or spleen enlargement decreased it (OR = 0.2; p = 0.004). The overall prognosis was good; 58% of patients recovered (70% of those with a diagnosis). Twelve (7%) patients died; patients without a diagnosis had a fatality rate of 2%. Being ≥ 65 years of age (OR = 41.3; p < 0.001) and presence of skin signs (OR = 9.5; p = 0.005) significantly increased the risk of death. CONCLUSION: This study extends the known yield of recurrent FUO and highlights the importance of repeated complete clinical examinations to discover potential diagnostic clues during follow-up. Moreover, their overall prognosis is excellent.

Febre de Causa Desconhecida , Humanos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/etiologia , Febre de Causa Desconhecida/epidemiologia , Idoso , Adulto , França/epidemiologia , Recidiva , Prognóstico , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem