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BMC Oral Health ; 24(1): 427, 2024 Apr 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38582849


BACKGROUND: The aptitude, knowledge, and competence of dental health personnel on child abuse and neglect (CAN) is not optimal for deciding when to file a report of concern to child welfare services (CWS). OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was, firstly, to assess the association of the public dental health personnel 's (PDHP) training on CAN received in the last three work years, i.e., in 2016 through 2018 with filing reports to the CWS in the same period and secondly to assess the association of expressed need of training on CAN with filing reports to the CWS. METHODS: This cross-sectional study uses data from an electronic survey census of PDHP from Norway (n = 1791) conducted in 2019. The Pearson chi-square test, non-parametric tests, logistic, and negative binomial regression were used for unadjusted and adjusted analysis. Data was reported with proportions, odds ratios (OR), incidence rate ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS: From 2016 to 2018, the prevalence estimate of filing reports to CWS was 50%, with a mean (standard deviation) of 1.39 (2.11) reports sent. The logistic regression analysis showed an association between filing reports of concern and CAN training in the last three years. Compared to those that had not received CAN training during the three previous years, the ORs (95% CI) for filing reports to the CWS during the same period was 2.5 (1.6-4.0) for one day CAN work training, 3.2 (2.0-5.1) for 2-4 days CAN training and 4.9 (2.6-9.4) for five or more days CAN training. Compared to workers who did not need training in reporting (routines of CAN), those who expressed the need for a little more and more training were less likely to file a report. The corresponding OR were 0.6 (0.4-0.9) and 0.6 (0.3-0.9), respectively. CONCLUSION: CAN training during the last three years is associated with filing reports of concern to CWS in the same period among PDHP in Norway. The likelihood of filing CAN reports increased with the number of days of CAN training received. Secondly, the PDHP with an expressed need for training on CAN routines were less likely to report suspicions to CWS.

Maus-Tratos Infantis , Arquivamento , Criança , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Proteção da Criança , Notificação de Abuso
Health Aff (Millwood) ; 43(2): 269-277, 2024 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38315925


Previous research suggests that enrolling in Medicaid reduces evictions by improving health and providing financial protection. However, previous studies have not examined whether the loss of Medicaid affects eviction outcomes. We analyzed eviction filings and completed evictions after a large, mandatory Medicaid disenrollment in Tennessee in 2005. We conducted a difference-in-differences analysis using data from the Eviction Lab at Princeton University and found that relative to other southern states, the TennCare disenrollment led to a 27.6 percent greater increase in the average annual number of eviction filings at the county level during the period 2005-09 and a 24.5 percent greater increase in the average annual number of completed evictions at the county level during that same period. Our findings have implications for the housing stability of Medicaid recipients today, many of whom are being disenrolled because of the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous enrollment provision that is occurring across the country. To protect housing stability for people disenrolled from Medicaid, policy makers may wish to consider new initiatives aimed at preventing an increase in eviction.

Arquivamento , Habitação , Estados Unidos , Humanos , Tennessee , Medicaid
Front Public Health ; 11: 1259717, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38098815


Introduction: According to China's Food Safety Law of 2015, the filing of food safety enterprise standards is a policy innovation led by p9rovincial governments in China. However, there are significant differences in the development of the "Food Safety Enterprise Standard Filing Policy" between provincial governments across the country. This study aims to explore the internal mechanisms driving autonomous innovation by provincial governments in the absence of administrative pressure from the central government, to better understand the policy innovation mechanism in the Chinese context. Methods: Crispy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (csQCA) method is used to identify the innovation mechanism. Results: This study found that provinces with good provincial economic resources and strong government capabilities are prone to policy innovation, and the influence of internal factors of provincial governments is stronger than that of external factors. Discussion: When provincial economic resources and capacity are weak, endogenous factors in the province also help achieve proactive policy innovation by provincial governments. The research results reveal how provincial governments construct local policies in the absence of administrative pressure from the central government.

Arquivamento , Política de Saúde , Política Nutricional , China
Can J Public Health ; 114(5): 745-754, 2023 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37581748


OBJECTIVE: Bans on evictions were implemented to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and to protect vulnerable populations during a public health crisis. Our objective was to examine how three bans on eviction enforcement impacted eviction filings from March 2020 through January 2022 in Ontario, Canada. METHODS: Data were derived from eviction application records kept by the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board. We used segmented regression analysis to model changes in the average weekly filing rates for evictions due to non-payment of rent (L1 filings) and reasons other than non-payment of rent (L2 filings). RESULTS: The average number of weekly L1 and L2 applications dropped by 67.5 (95% CI: 55.2, 79.9) and 31.7 (95% CI: 26.7, 36.6) filings per 100,000 rental dwellings, respectively, following the first ban on eviction enforcement (p < 0.0001). Notably, they did not fall to zero. Level changes during the second and third bans were insubstantial and slope changes for L2 applications varied throughout the study period. The L1 filing rate appeared to increase towards the end of the study period (slope change: 1.3; 95% CI: 0.1, 2.6; p = 0.0387). CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that while the first ban on eviction enforcement appeared to substantially reduce filing rates, subsequent bans were less effective and none of them eliminated eviction filings altogether. Enacting upstream policies that tackle the root causes of displacement would better equip jurisdictions during future public health emergencies.

RéSUMé: OBJECTIF: Les ordonnances d'expulsion résidentielles ont été suspendues pour réduire la propagation de la COVID-19 et pour protéger les populations vulnérables pendant une crise de santé publique. Notre objectif était d'examiner l'impact de trois interdictions d'exécution d'ordonnance d'éviction sur les requêtes d'expulsion de mars 2020 à janvier 2022 en Ontario, au Canada. MéTHODES: Les données ont été tirées des dossiers de requêtes d'expulsion conservés par la Commission de la location immobilière de l'Ontario. Nous avons utilisé une analyse de régression segmenté pour modéliser les changements dans les taux hebdomadaires moyens de requêtes d'expulsion pour non-paiement du loyer (requêtes L1) et pour des raisons autres que le non-paiement du loyer (requêtes L2). RéSULTATS: Le nombre moyen de demandes hebdomadaires de dépôts de requêtes L1 et L2 a chuté de 67,5 % (IC à 95% : 55,2, 79,9) et de 31,7 % (IC à 95% : 26,7, 36,6) pour 100 000 logements locatifs, respectivement, suite à la première interdiction d'exécution des expulsions. Il est à noter qu'elles ne sont pas tombées à zéro. Les changements du taux de requêtes au cours de la deuxième et la troisième interdictions n'étaient pas substantiels et les changements de pente pour les applications L2 ont varié tout au long de la période d'étude. Le taux de dépôt de L1 a semblé augmenter vers la fin de la période d'étude (changement de pente : 1,3; IC à 95% : 0,1, 2,6; p = 0,0387). CONCLUSION: Nos résultats suggèrent qu'alors que la première interdiction d'exécution des expulsions a semblé réduire considérablement les taux de dépôt d'expulsion, les interdictions ultérieures ont été moins efficaces et aucune d'entre elles n'a complètement éliminé les dépôts d'expulsion. L'adoption de politiques en amont qui s'attaquent plutôt aux causes profondes des expulsions permettrait de mieux équiper les juridictions lors de futures urgences de santé publique.

COVID-19 , Arquivamento , Humanos , Habitação , Análise de Séries Temporais Interrompida , Pandemias/prevenção & controle , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Ontário/epidemiologia
Neuroradiology ; 65(7): 1155-1163, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37022485


PURPOSE: Abnormal venous drainage may affect the prognosis of patients undergoing endovascular reperfusion therapy (ERT). Herein, time-resolved dynamic computed tomography arteriography (dCTA) was applied to evaluate the relationship between the velocity and extent of cortical venous filling (CVF), collateral status and outcomes. METHODS: Thirty-five consecutive patients with acute anterior circulation occlusion who underwent ERT within 24 h of onset and successfully recanalized were enrolled. All patients underwent dCTA before ERT. Slow first or end of CVF was considered to occur when the time point of CVF appearance or disappearance on the affected side occurred after than that on the healthy side, whereas an equal CVF, a CVF reduced by ≤ 50%, or by > 50% on the affected side, were considered good, intermediate, and poor CVF extent, respectively. RESULTS: Slow first CVF (29 patients, 82.8%), slow end of CVF (29, 85.7%), and intermediate extent of CVF (7, 20.0%) were not associated with collateral status or outcomes. Poor extent of CVF (6, 17.1%) was associated with poor collateral status, higher proportion of midline shift, larger final infarct volume, higher modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score at discharge, and higher proportion of in-hospital mortality. All patients with transtentorial herniation had poor extent of CVF, and those with poor CVF extent had an mRS score ≥ 3 at discharge. CONCLUSION: Poor CVF extent, as assessed by dCTA, is a more accurate and specific marker than slow CVF to identify patients at high risk for poor outcomes after ERT.

Isquemia Encefálica , Procedimentos Endovasculares , Acidente Vascular Cerebral , Humanos , Arquivamento , Resultado do Tratamento , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/diagnóstico por imagem , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/cirurgia , Trombectomia/métodos , Procedimentos Endovasculares/métodos , Isquemia Encefálica/terapia , Circulação Colateral , Estudos Retrospectivos
Clin Pharmacokinet ; 62(3): 457-480, 2023 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36752991


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Mechanistic static and dynamic physiologically based pharmacokinetic models are used in clinical drug development to assess the risk of drug-drug interactions (DDIs). Currently, the use of mechanistic static models is restricted to screening DDI risk for an investigational drug, while dynamic physiologically based pharmacokinetic models are used for quantitative predictions of DDIs to support regulatory filing. As physiologically based pharmacokinetic model development by sponsors as well as a review of models by regulators require considerable resources, we explored the possibility of using mechanistic static models to support regulatory filing, using representative cases of successful physiologically based pharmacokinetic submissions to the US Food and Drug Administration under different classes of applications. METHODS: Drug-drug interaction predictions with mechanistic static models were done for representative cases in the different classes of applications using the same data and modelling workflow as described in the Food and Drug Administration clinical pharmacology reviews. We investigated the hypothesis that the use of unbound average steady-state concentrations of modulators as driver concentrations in the mechanistic static models should lead to the same conclusions as those from physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling for non-dynamic measures of DDI risk assessment such as the area under the plasma concentration-time curve ratio, provided the same input data are employed for the interacting drugs. RESULTS: Drug-drug interaction predictions of area under the plasma concentration-time curve ratios using mechanistic static models were mostly comparable to those reported in the Food and Drug Administration reviews using physiologically based pharmacokinetic models for all representative cases in the different classes of applications. CONCLUSIONS: The results reported in this study should encourage the use of models that best fit an intended purpose, limiting the use of physiologically based pharmacokinetic models to those applications that leverage its unique strengths, such as what-if scenario testing to understand the effect of dose staggering, evaluating the role of uptake and efflux transporters, extrapolating DDI effects from studied to unstudied populations, or assessing the impact of DDIs on the exposure of a victim drug with concurrent mechanisms. With this first step, we hope to trigger a scientific discussion on the value of a routine comparison of the two methods for regulatory submissions to potentially create a best practice that could help identify examples where the use of dynamic changes in modulator concentrations could make a difference to DDI risk assessment.

Arquivamento , Modelos Biológicos , Humanos , Interações Medicamentosas , Preparações Farmacêuticas
J Am Coll Health ; 71(5): 1565-1574, 2023 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34242550


Objective:  This study examined relationships among multifaceted measures of socioeconomic status (SES) and physical activity (PA) in undergraduates. Participants were classified into dependent and independent tax filers to encapsulate the atypical divide in financial responsibility. Participants: 366 diverse American undergraduates. Methods: Participants completed an online survey including three SES metrics and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Results: Participants engaged in the same amount of total PA, albeit different proportions depending on SES measure and PA type. Independent tax filers engaged in more occupational PA than dependent tax filers, regardless of SES. Students with low SES engaged in less leisure-time PA than students with high SES. Conclusion: Household Material Hardship and SES proxy measures should be considered in the context of tax filing status among undergraduates. Greater precision with multifactorial SES measures will assist in providing the nuanced context when optimizing interventions and reducing barriers to increase PA in young adults.

Arquivamento , Estudantes , Adulto Jovem , Humanos , Universidades , Exercício Físico , Classe Social
Account Res ; 30(1): 21-33, 2023 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34314277


Since 1 January 2020, the Central Research Ethics Committee of the Health Ministry implemented PRIISA.BA, an in-house developed electronic system for online submission of health research applications to the 63 public and private research ethics committees (RECs) of Buenos Aires City, Argentina. This study though to compare the times to first review and the time to approval among applications submitted prior to PRIISA.BA and thereafter, across public RECs. All public RECs of the city were invited to participate. Overall, 453 applications from 10 RECs (242 pre- and 211 post-PRIISA.BA) were available for the analyses. There was a decrease in the time to first review and an increase in the time to approval after PRIISA.BA implementation. The increase in time to approval was transient and limited to the first three months. The results were consistent with analyses limited to non-COVID applications. Our results show an increase in the times to approval after the implementation of an electronic system for online submission of health research applications that, although transient, was significant. These data could be relevant to other RECs implementing this technology since it emphasizes the need of monitoring potential unnecessary delays in reviews during the critical initial period.

Pesquisa Biomédica , Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa , Arquivamento , Humanos , Arquivamento/métodos
Anal Bioanal Chem ; 415(18): 3645-3653, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36477496


As the global population grows and science and technology development evolve, fulfilling basic human needs has been even more linked to technological solutions. In this review, we present an overview of the biosensor market and discuss the factors that make certain countries more competitive than others in terms of technology and innovation and how this is reflected in the trends in publication and patent filling. Additionally, we expose briefly how the COVID-19 pandemic acts as a catalyst for the integration of research and development, business, and innovation sectors to bring solutions and ideas that have been predicted as tendencies for the future.

Técnicas Biossensoriais , COVID-19 , Humanos , Invenções , Arquivamento , Pandemias
Genes (Basel) ; 13(9)2022 09 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36140744


The DA1/DAR family genes have been shown to play important roles in regulating organ size and plant biomass in the model plant Arabidopsis and several crops. However, this family has not been characterized in Brassica rapa (B. rapa). In this study, we identified 17 DA1&DAR genes from B. rapa. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that these genes are classified into four groups. Structural and motif analysis of BrDA1&DARs discovered that the genes within the same group have similar exon-intron structures and share an equal number of conserved motifs except for BrDAR6.3 from group IV, which contains two conserved motifs. Cis-regulatory elements identified four phytohormones (Salicylic acid, Abscisic acid, Gibberellin, and auxin) and three major abiotic (Light, Low temperature, and drought) responsive elements. Further, six br-miRNAs named br-miR164a, br-miR164b, br-miR164c, br-miR164d, br-miRN360, and br-miRN366 were found which target BrDAR6.1, BrDA1.4, and BrDA1.5. BrDA1&DAR genes were highly expressed in stem, root, silique, flower, leaf, and callus tissues. Moreover, qRT-PCR analyses indicated that some of these genes were responsive to abiotic stresses or phytohormone treatments. Our findings provide a foundation for further genetic and physiological studies of BrDA1&DARs in B. rapa.

Arabidopsis , Brassica rapa , MicroRNAs , Ácido Abscísico/metabolismo , Arabidopsis/genética , Brassica rapa/genética , Brassica rapa/metabolismo , Arquivamento , Perfilação da Expressão Gênica , Regulação da Expressão Gênica de Plantas , Genoma de Planta , Giberelinas/metabolismo , Ácidos Indolacéticos/metabolismo , MicroRNAs/genética , MicroRNAs/metabolismo , Filogenia , Reguladores de Crescimento de Plantas/genética , Reguladores de Crescimento de Plantas/metabolismo , Ácido Salicílico/metabolismo
J Occup Environ Med ; 64(9): e585-e590, 2022 09 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35914283


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the degree of reporting work-related low back pain (LBP) by workers' compensation (WC) claim filing and associated factors among US workers. METHODS: We conducted multivariable logistic regression using the 2015 National Health Interview Survey data. RESULTS: Among 1203 US workers with self-reported work-related LBP diagnosis, only 19.6% filed for WC. Compared with non-Hispanic White workers, Black, Asian, and Hispanic workers were less likely to file for WC. Workers' compensation filing was less frequent among workers in independent work arrangement and who stopped working, changed jobs, or made a change in work and more frequent among workers 45 to 64 years of age and having high LBP frequency. CONCLUSIONS: Our study findings suggest underreporting of work-related LBP to the WC system is common. Barriers to WC filing should be addressed especially for racial/ethnic minorities and independent workers.

Dor Lombar , Indenização aos Trabalhadores , Arquivamento , Humanos , Modelos Logísticos , Dor Lombar/epidemiologia , Inquéritos e Questionários
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 29(56): 84873-84885, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35789464


The performance, mechanisms, and effects of various coexisting ions on phosphorus (P) adsorptive capture in biogas slurry using MgO-doped biochar (MBC) were investigated. The results revealed that in comparison to the pristine biochar, the introduction of MgO significantly improved the P adsorptive capture feasibility of MBC. In addition, the process of P capture by MBC was not affected by the initial pH of the solution. The process of P capture could reach equilibrium within 120 min and be simulated using both the pseudo-first-order and the pseudo-second-order kinetic models. In addition, the highest P capture capacity calculated from the Langmuir isotherm model was approximately 129.35 mg/g. The coexisting of cations including NH4+, Ca2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Pb2+, Zn2+, and Cr3+ in higher concentrations of promoted P adsorptive capture through precipitation and ionic atmosphere effects. The presence of coexisting ions including SO42-, HCO3-, and fulvic acid (FA) had a certain inhibitory effect on the P adsorptive capture through competitive adsorption with phosphate. The existence of monovalent ions such as K+, Na+, Cl-, and NO3- had no significant effect on P adsorptive capture. The adsorptive capture of P by MBC was affected by various processes including electrostatic attraction and surface complexation, and the presence of different coexisting substances had different impacts on the P adsorption. Adding to these, the P in the biogas slurry was completely adsorbed by the MBC during the experiment, indicating that MBC is a promising composite in the engineering application for the capture of P from wastewater.

Lycium , Poluentes Químicos da Água , Fosfatos , Magnésio , Biocombustíveis , Óxido de Magnésio/química , Arquivamento , Carvão Vegetal/química , Adsorção , Cinética
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35742576


The expansion of government size will have dual effects on a country's green innovation. An appropriately sized government size increases marginal productivity and stimulates the development of green innovation by increasing government expenditure. On the contrary, an excessively sized government creates a huge administrative agency, which not only increases the tax burden but also damages social welfare by excessive intervention. Therefore, the effect of government size on green innovation is not linear. In order to prove this proposition, this study examines the impact of government size on green innovation in 166 countries between 1995 and 2018, using a two-way fixed effects model. The results reveal an inverted U-shaped relationship between government size and the level of green innovation, indicating that optimal government size may maximize a country's green innovation output. The results further suggest that this inverted U-shaped relationship is mainly influenced by environmental regulations and financial support. Finally, our heterogeneity analysis demonstrates that the inverted U-shaped relationship is more pronounced for countries with high organizational inertia and more R&D expenditure than for those with low organizational inertia and less R&D expenditure. This finding makes up for the research gap between government size and green innovation and provides a reference for countries to formulate the optimal government size to improve the level of green innovation.

Arquivamento , Governo , China , Eficiência , Regulamentação Governamental
Ber Wiss ; 45(1-2): 55-86, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35585662


This paper considers the epistemic career of visual media in ethology in the mid-20th century. Above all, ethologists claimed close contact with research animals and drew scientific evidence from these human-animal communities, particularly in public relations. However, if we look into the toolboxes of comparative behavioral biologists, it becomes evident that scientifically valid research results were primarily obtained by experimenting with model images. These visual specimens tell a technical story of the methodological requirements in behavioral science necessary to bridge everyday observations between the laboratory and the field. By neutralizing individual traces of animal bodies as well as their observers, they prompted the abstraction of ethological hypotheses. The case study of East-German biologist Günter Tembrock (1918-2011), who maintained his own collection of newspaper clippings, drawings, photographs, and films, offers a new perspective on the methodological development of this field. Furthermore, this article contributes to a scholarly discussion geared toward expanding the spaces of ethological research. My analysis of the image collections of the Forschungsstätte für Tierpsychologie presents the archive as a relevant site of study in the history of ethology.

Etologia , Raposas , Animais , Etologia/história , Arquivamento , História do Século XX
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-211969


La fotografía es un documento de valioso análisis histórico de la Enfermería. Signos de reconocimiento profesional han sido una fuente de estos análisis, como el uniforme y la imagen en prensa y otros medios, pero también la fotografía ha sido usada como dispositivo para visibilizar los imaginarios y prácticas de estudiantes y profesionales. Objetivo principal: Describir los espacios donde se ejercen las prácticas de cuidado de la enfermería en Boyacá (Colombia). Metodología: A través de un estudio iconográfico con análisis panofskiano a 20 fotografías cedidas voluntariamente por los propietarios o sus custodios. Resultados principales: Se evidencia la fuerza de lo simbólico en los espacios de cuidado intramural y cómo se elaboran significaciones en espacios en los que la presencia del profesional es frecuente. Conclusión principal: El análisis de las fotografías nos permitió reconocer los espacios de práctica, aunque es necesario aprender a usar la fotografía para documentar el cuidado de tal forma que enriquezca no solo la imagen de enfermeros y enfermeras, sino que permita análisis más amplios sobre lo que se desea establecer en la memoria profesional y social sobre la enfermería (AU)

The photograph is a document of valuable historical analysis of Nursing. Signs of professional recognition have been a source of these analyses, such as the uniform and the image in the press and other media, but photography has also been used as a device to make visible the imaginaries and practices of students and professionals. Objective: Describe the spaces where nursing care practices are practiced in Boyacá (Colombia). Methods: Through an iconographic study with panofskian analysis to 20 photographs voluntarily provided by the owners or their custodians. Results: The strength of the symbolic in the spaces of intramural care is evidenced and how meanings are elaborated in spaces in which the presence of the professional is frequent but not represented mostly. Conclusions: The analysis of the photographs allowed us to recognize the spaces of practice, although it is necessary to learn to use photography to document care in such a way that it enriches not the professional image and allows broader analyses of what we want to establish in the professional and social memory about nursing (AU)

Humanos , Fotografação , Enfermagem , Arquivamento , Escolas de Enfermagem , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Colômbia
Am J Ind Med ; 65(3): 173-195, 2022 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34897753


BACKGROUND: Janitors are a low-wage, ethnically and linguistically diverse, hard-to-reach population of workers with a high burden of occupational injury and illness. METHODS: Data from an extensive multimodal (mail, phone, web) survey of janitors in Washington State were analyzed to characterize their working conditions and occupational health experiences. The survey included questions on demographics, work organization and tasks, health and safety topics, and discrimination and harassment. The survey was administered in eight languages. RESULTS: There were 620 complete interviews. The majority completed the survey by mail (62.6%), and in English (85.8%). More than half of responding janitors were female (56.9%), and the mean age was 45 years. Twenty percent reported having a (health-care-provider diagnosed) work-related injury or illness (WRII) in the past twelve months. Women and janitors who were Latino had significantly higher relative risk of WRII. Increased risk was also associated with several work organization factors that may indicate poor working conditions, insufficient sleep, and possible depression. Half of injured janitors did not file workers' compensation (WC) claims. CONCLUSIONS: Janitors reported a high percentage of WRII, which exceeded previously published estimates from Washington State. Women and Latino janitors had significantly increased risk of WRII, and janitors' working conditions may influence the unequal distribution of risk. WRII surveillance via WC or medical care usage in janitors and other low-wage occupations may reflect substantial underreporting. Characterizing the nature of janitors' work experience can help identify avenues for prevention, intervention, and policy changes to protect the health and safety of janitors.

Traumatismos Ocupacionais , Indenização aos Trabalhadores , Feminino , Arquivamento , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Traumatismos Ocupacionais/epidemiologia , Ocupações , Inquéritos e Questionários , Washington/epidemiologia
Salud bienestar colect ; 5(3): 61-88, dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398524


A partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, la dimensión del lenguaje y la palabra fue tomando un lugar central en las reflexiones filosóficas y políticas en diversos ámbitos (tanto en Europa como en América del norte y del sur). Entre ellos, en el campo de la medicina, tanto en su ejercicio clínico como en sus derivaciones de orden social: el campo de la salud pública, las intervenciones epidemiológicas, comunitarias, etc. Surgió una crítica a la hegemonía del pensamiento científico. Frente a eso, diversas propuestas desde otros campos del saberse fueron incorporando al debate en el campo teórico, y en el político. Un debate entre la ciencia y sus aplicaciones frente a otras perspectivas de saber. Eso dio lugar a diversas prácticas conocidas bajo diversos nombres: medicina social, nueva salud pública, anti psiquiatría, etc. (parte del desarrollo creciente del psicoanálisis se inscribe en este conjunto), todas ellas críticas con la hegemonía indiscutible hasta ese momento del positivismo científico, que se postulaba como el único saber válido .La perspectiva iniciada por Foucault, luego seguida por muchos otros pensadores e investigadores, abrió un cuestionamiento de esa hegemonía de las ciencias y una valoración de otras perspectivas de saber, no científicas, pero con una validez que se imponía en las prácticas sociales .El campo del saber, investigado mediante lo que denominó "arqueología del saber" analiza esa dialéctica, mediante la producción de una serie de teorías y conceptos precisos: discurso, enunciado, archivo, entre otros. Ciencia y saber aparecen entonces como prácticas diferenciadas, en una relación compleja y plena de controversias fundamentales. A todo ello se agrega la "genealogía del poder", una dimensión del poder y la política profundamente imbricada con el campo del saber, que permitió que los análisis de las prácticas se conmovieran y renovaran de forma radical. La propuesta foucaultiana concluye indagando en las posibilidades de lo que llama "saberes sometidos" de no ceder ante las explicaciones universalistas -propias de la ciencia-para dar cuenta de los procesos humanos. Propugna entonces un desarrollo de los discursos críticos, que frente a los saberes eruditos -propios de la ciencia y sus instituciones-puedan sostener la emergencia de un "saber histórico de las luchas".

Since the second half of the 20th century, the dimension of language and the word has been taking a central place in philosophical and political reflections in various fields (both in Europe and in North and South America). Among them, in the field of medicine, both in its clinical practice and in its social derivations: the field of public health, epidemiological and community interventions, etc. A criticism arose against the hegemony of scientific thought. In response to this, various proposals from other fields of knowledge were incorporated into the debate in the theoretical and political fields. A debate between science and its applications versus other perspectives of knowledge. This gave rise to various practices known under different names: social medicine, new public health, anti-psychiatry, etc. (part of the growing development of psychoanalysis is inscribed in this group), all of them critical of the undisputed hegemony up to that time of scientific positivism, which was postulated as the only valid knowledge.The perspective initiated by Foucault, then followed by many other thinkers and researchers, opened a questioning of this hegemony of the sciences and a valuation of other perspectives of knowledge, non-scientific, but with a validity that was imposed on social practices.The field of knowledge, investigated through what he called "archeology of knowledge", analyzes this dialectic through the production of a series of theories and precise concepts: discourse, enunciation, archive, among others. Science and knowledge appear then as differentiated practices, in a complex relationship full of fundamental controversies.To all this is added the "genealogy of power", a dimension of power and politics deeply intertwined with the field of knowledge, which allowed the analysis of practices to be radically moved and renewed.Foucault's proposal concludes with an inquiry into the possibilities of what he calls "subjected knowledges" of not yielding to universalist explanations -proper of science-in order to account for human processes. He then advocates a development of critical discourses, which, in the face of erudite knowledge ­proper to science and its institutions-can sustain the emergence of a "historical knowledge of struggles".

Humanos , Epidemiologia/educação , Arquivamento , Serviços de Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Arqueologia , Ciência , Pensamento , Conhecimento , Discurso , Genealogia e Heráldica
J Dent ; 115: 103864, 2021 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34715247


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to automatically detect, segment and label teeth, crowns, fillings, root canal fillings, implants and root remnants on panoramic radiographs (PR(s)). MATERIAL AND METHODS: As a reference, 2000 PR(s) were manually annotated and labeled. A deep-learning approach based on mask R-CNN with Resnet-50 in combination with a rule-based heuristic algorithm and a combinatorial search algorithm was trained and validated on 1800 PR(s). Subsquently, the trained algorithm was applied onto a test set consisting of 200 PR(s). F1 scores, as a measure of accuracy, were calculated to quantify the degree of similarity between the annotated ground-truth and the model predictions. The F1-score considers the harmonic mean of precison (positive predictive value) and recall (specificity). RESULTS: The proposes method achieved F1 scores up to 0.993, 0.952 and 0.97 for detection, segmentation and labeling, respectivley. CONCLUSION: The proposed method forms a promising foundation for the further development of automatic chart filing on PR(s). CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Deep learning may assist clinicians in summarizing the radiological findings on panoramic radiographs. The impact of using such models in clinical practice should be explored.

Aprendizado Profundo , Dente , Algoritmos , Arquivamento , Radiografia Panorâmica