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Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol ; 35(1): 36, 2024 Dec 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39666086


PURPOSE: This study aims to refine management strategies for malunion and nonunion of Hoffa fractures, as these rare complications present significant clinical challenges. METHODS: We conducted a case series involving seven patients with Hoffa fracture complications, including four cases of malunion and three cases of nonunion. Each patient underwent individualized surgical treatment, depending on the nature of their complication. Treatment strategies varied from intra-articular osteotomies for malunions to revision surgery or total knee arthroplasty for nonunions. Postoperative outcomes were monitored, with follow-up ranging from 1 to 15 years (mean follow-up time was 6.7 years). RESULTS: In all malunion cases, intra-articular osteotomies restored the articular surface, leading to improved function and bone healing. In nonunion cases, two patients with non-reconstructible nonunions underwent total knee arthroplasty, while one patient achieved union with surgical revision. Overall, six out of seven patients showed significant functional improvements post-surgery, although some experienced mild residual pain or deformities. CONCLUSION: The management of malunion and nonunion in Hoffa fractures remains challenging, but the individualized strategy based on fracture type and patient-specific factors leads to favourable outcomes. The proposed treatment algorithm provides a useful framework for orthopaedic trauma surgeons in addressing these complications, with emphasis on stable fixation, early intervention, and personalized surgical planning.

Algoritmos , Artroplastia do Joelho , Fraturas Mal-Unidas , Fraturas não Consolidadas , Osteotomia , Reoperação , Humanos , Fraturas Mal-Unidas/cirurgia , Fraturas Mal-Unidas/diagnóstico por imagem , Fraturas não Consolidadas/cirurgia , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Reoperação/métodos , Artroplastia do Joelho/efeitos adversos , Artroplastia do Joelho/métodos , Osteotomia/métodos , Idoso , Adulto , Fraturas do Fêmur/cirurgia , Fraturas do Fêmur/diagnóstico por imagem , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/métodos , Consolidação da Fratura , Resultado do Tratamento
An. Facultad Med. (Univ. Repúb. Urug., En línea) ; 11(2): e401, dic. 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BNUY, UY-BNMED | ID: biblio-1573798


Introducción: Las fracturas de tibia son lesiones frecuentes. En los niños existe una mayor capacidad de curación debido al mayor grosor y mejor vascularización que presenta su periostio. Como resultado, la mayoría pueden tratarse de manera exitosa de forma no quirúrgica. Está descrito el tratamiento funcional para estas fracturas, siguiendo los principios desarrollados por Sarmiento. Dada la falta de evidencia actual acerca del tratamiento funcional en este grupo etario, realizamos el análisis del mismo mediante una serie de casos tratados siguiendo este método. Materiales y métodos: Se incluyeron pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, tratados mediante tratamiento funcional siguiendo los principios desarrollados por Sarmiento. Se evaluaron clínica y radiográficamente. Se evaluó la técnica registrando tiempos para cada período en este grupo etario, así como la satisfacción con el tratamiento de los pacientes y padres y/o tutores. Todas las complicaciones relacionadas fueron documentadas. Resultados: Evaluamos un total de 15 pacientes, con al menos 6 meses de seguimiento. La edad promedio fue de 11.7 años. Todas las fracturas consolidaron, el tiempo promedio hasta la consolidación fue de 7.6 semanas. El período agudo de 3.4 semanas y el período funcional de 4.2 semanas promedio respectivamente. Todas las fracturas consolidaron con una reducción aceptable. Existió un 100% de satisfacción tanto de los pacientes como de los padres ó tutores con el tratamiento implementado. Dos pacientes presentaron complicaciones menores. Conclusión: El tratamiento funcional para las fracturas de pierna en niños entre 10 y 15 años es una técnica segura, reproducible, con buenos resultados funcionales, que le permite tanto a los pacientes y a sus cuidadores gran independencia durante el período de curación.

Introduction: Tibial fractures are frequent injuries. In children there is a greater healing capacity due to the greater thickness and better vascularization of their periosteum. As a result, most of them can be successfully treated non-surgically. Functional treatment for these fractures is described, following the principles developed by Sarmiento. Given the lack of current evidence on functional treatment in this age group, we analyzed a series of cases treated following this method. Materials and methods: We included patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, treated by functional treatment following the principles developed by Sarmiento. They were evaluated clinically and radiographically. The technique was evaluated by recording times for each period in this age group, as well as the satisfaction with the treatment of the patients and parents and/or guardians. All related complications were documented. Results: We evaluated a total of 15 patients, with at least 6 months of follow-up. The average age was 11.7 years. All fractures consolidated, the average time to consolidation was 7.6 weeks. The acute period of 3.4 weeks and the functional period of 4.2 weeks average respectively. All fractures healed with acceptable reduction. There was 100% satisfaction of both patients and parents or guardians with the treatment implemented. Two patients presented minor complications. Conclusion: Functional treatment for leg fractures in children between 10 and 15 years of age is a safe, reproducible technique, with good functional results, which allows both patients and their caregivers great independence during the healing period.

Introdução: As fracturas da tíbia são lesões comuns. Nas crianças existe uma maior capacidade de cicatrização devido à maior espessura e melhor vascularização do periósteo. Como resultado, a maioria pode ser tratada com sucesso de forma não cirúrgica. É descrito o tratamento funcional destas fracturas, seguindo os princípios desenvolvidos por Sarmiento. Dada a falta de evidência atual sobre o tratamento funcional neste grupo etário, procedeu-se à análise de uma série de casos tratados por este método. Material e métodos: Foram incluídos pacientes que preencheram os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, tratados por tratamento funcional seguindo os princípios desenvolvidos por Sarmiento. Foram avaliados clínica e radiograficamente. A técnica foi avaliada através do registro dos tempos para cada período nessa faixa etária, bem como a satisfação com o tratamento por parte dos pacientes e dos pais e/ou responsáveis. Todas as complicações relacionadas foram documentadas. Resultados: Avaliámos um total de 15 doentes, com pelo menos 6 meses de seguimento. A idade média foi de 11,7 anos. Todas as fracturas cicatrizaram, sendo o tempo médio de cicatrização de 7,6 semanas. O período agudo foi de 3,4 semanas e o período funcional de 4,2 semanas, em média, respetivamente. Todas as fracturas foram curadas com uma redução aceitável. Os doentes e os pais/encarregados de educação ficaram 100% satisfeitos com o tratamento efectuado. Dois doentes tiveram complicações ligeiras. Conclusão: O tratamento funcional das fracturas da perna em crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 10 e os 15 anos é uma técnica segura, reprodutível e com bons resultados funcionais, que permite aos doentes e aos seus cuidadores uma grande independência durante o período de cura.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Fraturas da Tíbia/terapia , Consolidação da Fratura , Fraturas Fechadas/terapia , Fraturas da Fíbula/terapia , Fraturas da Tíbia/complicações , Estudos Prospectivos , Seguimentos , Resultado do Tratamento , Fraturas Fechadas/complicações , Fraturas da Fíbula/complicações
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) ; 15: 1385055, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39502565


Background: Adequate nutritional intake plays a crucial role in maximizing skeletal acquisition. The specific effects of a general food restriction and refeeding on fracture healing are yet to be fully understood. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of general food restriction and refeeding on fracture repair. Methods: Fifty-four male Wistar Hannover rats were randomly assigned into three groups: (1) Sham: Sham rats with femoral fracture; (2) FRes: Food-restricted rats with fracture, (3) Fres+Ref: Fres rats with refeeding. Following weaning, the FRes and Fres+Ref groups received 50% of the food amount provided to the Shams. In the sixth week of the experiment, all animals underwent a mid-right femur bone fracture, which was subsequently surgically stabilized. Following the fracture, the Fres+Ref group was refed, while the other groups maintained their pre-fracture diet. Bone calluses were analyzed on the fifth-day post-fracture by gene expression and on the sixth-week post-fracture using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, morphometry, histomorphometry, immunohistochemistry, computed microtomography, and torsion mechanical testing. Statistical significance was determined at a probability level of less than 0.05, and comparisons were made using the ANOVA test. Results: Food restriction resulted in significant phenotypic changes in bone calluses when compared to sham rats characterized by deterioration in microstructure (i.e., BV, BV/TV, Tb.N, and Conn.D) reduced collagen deposition, bone mineral density, and mechanical strength (i.e., torque at failure, energy, and stiffness). Moreover, a higher rate of immature bone indicated a decrease in bone callus quality. Refeeding stimulated bone callus collagen formation, reduced local resorption, and effectively restored the microstructural (i.e., SMI, BCa.BV/TV, Tb.Sp, Tb.N, and Conn.D) and mechanical changes (i.e., torque at failure, energy, and angular displacement at failure) caused by food restriction. Despite these positive effects, the density of the bone callus, collagen deposition, and OPG expression remained lower when compared to the shams. Gene expression analysis didn't evidence any significant differences among the groups. Conclusions: Food restriction had detrimental effects on osseous healing, which was partially improved by refeeding. Based on these findings, new research can be developed to create targeted nutritional strategies to treat and improve fracture healing.

Calo Ósseo , Consolidação da Fratura , Ratos Wistar , Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Desnutrição/metabolismo , Fraturas do Fêmur/metabolismo , Fraturas do Fêmur/terapia , Fraturas do Fêmur/patologia , Densidade Óssea , Microtomografia por Raio-X
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol ; 34(7): 3753-3758, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38753029


OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess differences in clinical and surgical outcomes associated with the surgical treatment of midshaft clavicle fractures of different complexities based on fragment number. Additionally, the investigation seeks to present the outcomes of a series of patients who underwent surgery at our institution. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis was conducted on the medical records of patients aged over 18 who underwent midshaft clavicle fracture surgery at our center from November 2009 to May 2021. Patients were categorized based on the number of fracture fragments into groups of two, three, or more than three fragments. Consolidation, implant removal, complications, surgical duration, and functional outcomes (assessed through VAS, ASES, and Constant-Murley scale) were evaluated for each specific group and for the overall cohort. RESULTS: In total, 260 patients were analyzed. There were no significant differences in any of the parameters between the three groups except for surgical time, which was shorter in simple fractures than in those with more than three fragments (68.2 min vs. 75.3 min; p = 0.01). Pseudoarthrosis rate was 2.69%, implant removal rate was 9.61%, and 4.23% of patients presented with complications other than the previous ones. Functional results were excellent, with averages of 97.3 (72.7-100) for the ASES score, 97.5 (75-100) for the Constant score, and 0.6 (0-8) on the VAS. CONCLUSION: According to our results, there were no differences in postoperative results between simple and multifragmentary midshaft clavicle fractures. Patients across all groups reported satisfactory results.

Clavícula , Fixação Interna de Fraturas , Fraturas Ósseas , Humanos , Clavícula/lesões , Clavícula/cirurgia , Masculino , Feminino , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fraturas Ósseas/cirurgia , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/efeitos adversos , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/métodos , Resultado do Tratamento , Duração da Cirurgia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/etiologia , Remoção de Dispositivo/estatística & dados numéricos , Pseudoartrose/cirurgia , Pseudoartrose/etiologia , Consolidação da Fratura
PeerJ ; 12: e16656, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38344296


The objective of this study was to test a composite of polyester resin and fiberglass in the form of an intramedullary nail for osteosynthesis of femoral fractures in calves. The methodology was established based on a previous study that used a bovine femur finite element model to simulate fractures, which were then stabilized by the same nails as proposed in this study. General anesthesia was induced in six calves followed by fracture creation via an oblique incision in the middle third of the femoral diaphysis, and osteosynthesis was immediately performed by retrograde insertion of the composite nail. Locking was achieved by drilling the bone and nail without using a jig and introducing two stainless steel screws proximal and two distal to the fracture line. Five of the six calves achieved complete fracture healing after 60 days. No signs of incompatibility or toxicity of the composite were observed. However, limitations were observed during the surgery, such as difficulty in drilling the nail and trimming the remainder portion of the nail that extended beyond the length of the bone. Small fragments produced by these maneuvers were considered irritating to soft tissues during the postoperative period. It was also found that small cracks in the nail tended to propagate in the form of longitudinal fractures. In conclusion, an intramedullary nail made of polyester resin and fiberglass (a low-cost and easy-to-acquire material) was considered biocompatible and capable of allowing bone healing of femoral fractures in young cattle. However, the development of solutions for the reported limitations is crucial prior to recommending the proposed composite for clinical use.

Fraturas do Fêmur , Fixação Intramedular de Fraturas , Vidro , Animais , Bovinos , Fixação Intramedular de Fraturas/métodos , Pinos Ortopédicos/veterinária , Poliésteres , Fraturas do Fêmur/cirurgia , Consolidação da Fratura , Fêmur/cirurgia
Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 58(4): 653-658, July-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521805


Abstract Objective We aim to describe an experimental model for studying femoral fractures in rats after exposure to ionizing radiation, demonstrating a way to apply a substance for analysis, the method for patterning fracture and irradiation, and how to evaluate its effectiveness based on radiographic studies. Methods We used 24 rats divided into 2 groups of 12 animals each. The STUDY group was exposed to ionizing radiation and treated with saline solution, and the CONTROL group was not exposed to radiation and was treated with saline solution. All animals were subjected to standardized fracture of the right femur that was fixed with intramedullary wire. The efficiency of the bone union was assessed by radiographic exam. Results Fracture healing was more efficient in bones not exposed to ionizing radiation (p = 0.012). All fractures met the criteria of being simple, diaphyseal, transverse or short oblique. Conclusion The experimental model presented is an efficient alternative for the study of fractures in irradiated bones in rats.

Resumo Objetivo Nosso objetivo é descrever um modelo experimental para estudo de fraturas de fêmur em ratos após exposição a radiação ionizante, demonstrando uma forma de aplicação de uma substância para análise, o método de padronização de fratura e irradiação e a forma de avaliação de sua eficácia com base em estudos radiográficos. Métodos Utilizamos 24 ratos divididos em dois grupos de 12 animais cada. O grupo ESTUDO foi exposto à radiação ionizante e tratado com soro fisiológico, enquanto o grupo CONTROLE não foi exposto à radiação e foi tratado com soro fisiológico. Todos os animais foram submetidos à fratura padronizada do fêmur direito e sua fixação com fio intramedular. A eficácia da consolidação óssea foi determinada por exame radiográfico. Resultados A cicatrização de fraturas foi mais eficiente em ossos não expostos à radiação ionizante (p = 0,012). Todas as fraturas atenderam aos critérios de serem simples, diafisárias, transversas ou oblíquas curtas. Conclusão O modelo experimental apresentado é uma boa alternativa para o estudo de fraturas em ossos irradiados em ratos.

Animais , Ratos , Efeitos da Radiação , Consolidação da Fratura , Fraturas do Fêmur/cirurgia , Fraturas Espontâneas/terapia
Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol ; 33(8): 3365-3371, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37127816


PURPOSE: This retrospective study aimed to assess the impact of distal nail placement on misalignment and healing rates in distal tibial fractures. METHODS: We reviewed all patients with distal tibial fracture treated with intramedullary nailing between 2015 and 2021, and a minimum follow-up of 12 months. Distal nail positioning was determined according to the Triantafillou zones. We related these positioning zones to misalignments (alignment ≥ 3°) and too bony union disorders (delayed union, non-union). RESULTS: Out of the 62 patients included, 56 (90.3%) show bone union without additional procedure, 3 (4.8%) with dynamization, and 3 (4.8%) showed non-union. Twenty-one (33.8%) presented misalignment, with valgus in the coronal plane being the most frequent (76.19%). In patients with and without misalignment, the most frequent distal nail position was 2-2 in 47.6% and 80.5%, respectively (p = 0.01). In multivariate analysis, distal nail positioning in the 2-2 zone showed a significant protective effect against misalignment (OR 0.18; p = 0.018), while nail positioning in the 3-2 zone generated a significant risk of misalignment (OR 18.55; p = 0.009). CONCLUSION: In intramedullary nailing of distal tibial fractures, distal positioning of the nail slightly lateral to the center of the talus in the coronal plane and slightly posterior in the sagittal plane (zone 2-2) allows high alignment percentages to be obtained. Positioning medial to this point in the coronal plane (zone 3) is associated with more significant misalignment and should be avoided.

Fixação Intramedular de Fraturas , Fraturas da Tíbia , Humanos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Pinos Ortopédicos , Consolidação da Fratura , Fraturas da Tíbia/diagnóstico por imagem , Fraturas da Tíbia/cirurgia , Fixação Intramedular de Fraturas/efeitos adversos , Fixação Intramedular de Fraturas/métodos , Resultado do Tratamento
Sci Rep ; 13(1): 6296, 2023 04 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37072616


Bone fractures cause acute inflammation that, despite being important for initial repair, may delay the healing of the damaged bone. Parenteral injection of dietary protein has been shown to decrease inflammation and accelerate the repair of skin wounds and other inflammatory pathologies. Thus, our aim was to evaluate whether the intraperitoneal (i.p.) immunization with zein, an abundant protein in rodent chow, would favor bone healing. Wistar rats received i.p. immunization: saline (SG), adjuvant (AG) and zein associated with adjuvant (ZG). Then, a 2 mm of defect bone was performed on the right tibia, and on days 7, 14, 28 and 45 thereafter, analyses were performed. The results showed that the injection of zein reduced inflammation without impairing bone mineralization. Moreover, biomechanical tests demonstrated higher levels of maximum force (N) in ZG, indicating better mechanical resistance in relation to the others. The computerized tomography also indicated lower levels of medullary content in the ZG than in the SG, suggesting the absence of trabeculae in the medullary region in the ZG. These findings suggest that the injection of zein in previously tolerated animals may improve bone repair, leading to mechanically functional bone formation.

Fraturas Ósseas , Zeína , Ratos , Animais , Ratos Wistar , Zeína/farmacologia , Tíbia/diagnóstico por imagem , Tíbia/lesões , Inflamação , Consolidação da Fratura
Vet Med Sci ; 9(2): 591-599, 2023 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36639946


A 10-week-old male, Xoloitzcuintle (Mexican hairless dog), weighing 8.9 kg was presented after its owner accidentally stepped on its paw. The dog presented with acute pain, inflammation and grade IV lameness in the right hind paw. A complete transverse fracture in the right proximal tibia was diagnosed from radiography. The dog underwent a minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) procedure. After surgery, photobiomodulation therapy combined with static magnetic field (PBMT-sMF) was applied twice daily for 21 days. A multi-wavelength PBMT-sMF device was applied at three sites using different frequencies: proximal and distal of the fracture zone (3000 Hz, 40.35 J per site, and 300 s per site) and in the fracture zone (250 Hz, 39.11 J and 300 s per site). Follow up radiographies were performed after surgery and treatment with PBMT-sMF. Eighteen days post-surgery the healing process of bone was advanced. Fifty-five days post-surgery the callus was enlarged. In addition, radiographic union and clinical union was evidenced by closure of the fracture gap. This case report has reported the use of PBMT-sMF in order to accelerate and improve bone healing following a MIPO procedure on a complete transverse fracture in the proximal tibia of a puppy.

Doenças do Cão , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade , Fraturas da Tíbia , Masculino , Cães , Animais , Tíbia/cirurgia , Consolidação da Fratura , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade/veterinária , Fraturas da Tíbia/cirurgia , Fraturas da Tíbia/veterinária , Campos Magnéticos , Doenças do Cão/radioterapia , Doenças do Cão/cirurgia
J Hand Surg Am ; 48(8): 834.e1-834.e7, 2023 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35469693


PURPOSE: Isolated diaphyseal ulna fractures can be treated nonsurgically or with open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF). It is unclear whether ORIF provides quicker and/or more predictable healing. The purpose of this study was to compare the healing characteristics of isolated diaphyseal ulna fractures after surgical and nonsurgical treatment. METHODS: All patients treated for an isolated diaphyseal (distal- or middle-third) ulna fracture between 2010 and 2018, with a minimum of 3 months of follow-up, were identified. Electronic medical records were reviewed to record patient demographics, assess the treatments used, and compare outcomes. We determined healing and nonunion rates, complications, reoperations, and final radiographic fracture alignment. RESULTS: Ninety-five patients were included with a median follow-up of 20 weeks. Of these, 56 patients were treated nonsurgically and 39 patients were treated with ORIF. At the time of the final follow-up, 51 of the 56 (91.1%) nonsurgically treated fractures had healed and 38 of the 39 (97.4%) surgically managed fractures had healed. There were 5 nonunions after nonsurgical treatment (8.9%) and 1 nonunion after ORIF (2.6%). Eleven patients (19.6%) treated nonsurgically required conversion to ORIF, whereas 4 patients (10.3%) treated with ORIF required reoperation. Middle-third fractures treated nonsurgically had a higher rate of nonunion (30.8%) compared with distal-third fractures treated nonsurgically (2.3%). CONCLUSIONS: The healing characteristics of isolated ulnar shaft fractures do not appear to differ substantially between surgical and nonsurgical treatment. However, nearly 20% of the patients treated nonsurgically may require eventual ORIF. Distal-third fractures may be at a higher risk of conversion to ORIF, and middle-third fractures may be at a higher risk of nonunion. TYPE OF STUDY/LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapeutic IV.

Fraturas Ósseas , Fraturas da Ulna , Humanos , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/efeitos adversos , Consolidação da Fratura , Fraturas Ósseas/cirurgia , Fraturas da Ulna/diagnóstico por imagem , Fraturas da Ulna/cirurgia , Fraturas da Ulna/complicações , Redução Aberta , Resultado do Tratamento , Estudos Retrospectivos
Spinal Cord ; 61(2): 145-153, 2023 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36266570


PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) on the quality of femoral fracture callus formation in rats with severe osteoporosis secondary to spinal cord injury (SCI). METHODS: Forty-five male rats were equally divided into three groups: the Sham group underwent sham surgery for SCI followed by surgery for femoral fracture on day ten post-spine surgery; the SCI group sustained a complete transection of the spinal cord and a femoral fracture ten days post-SCI; and the SCI group treated with ultrasound (SCI + US), which also sustained a femoral fracture on day ten post-SCI, concomitant with daily application of LIPUS at the fracture site. RESULTS: At the non-fractured tibias, LIPUS counteracted the SCI-induced bone loss by normalizing the osteoblastic-related gene expression, decreasing resorptive area, increasing trabecular area, and decreasing RANK and RANK-L-positive areas, which resulted in higher cortical volume and stronger tibias. Likewise, LIPUS was effective at restoring bone fracture healing in SCI rats; by promoting endochondral ossification, increasing collagen deposition and OPG-positive-area, decreasing resorptive area, which led to higher density and improved microarchitecture, ultimately resulting in stronger fracture callus. CONCLUSION: At the tibias, LIPUS counteracted the SCI-induced bone loss effects by simultaneously increasing bone formation and decreasing bone resorption. We also evidenced the osteogenic effects of LIPUS at partially restoring the endochondral ossification during callus formation, leading to a newly formed tissue with improved microarchitecture and mechanical integrity. Therefore, LIPUS may be an efficient and non-invasive approach to prevent bone loss and osteoporotic fracture in SCI individuals.

Fraturas do Fêmur , Fraturas por Osteoporose , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal , Ratos , Masculino , Animais , Consolidação da Fratura , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/complicações , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/terapia , Fraturas do Fêmur/complicações , Fraturas do Fêmur/terapia , Ondas Ultrassônicas
Chin J Traumatol ; 26(4): 211-216, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36336545


PURPOSE: Non-prosthetic peri-implant fractures are challenging injuries. Multiple factors must be carefully evaluated for an adequate therapeutic strategy, such as the state of bone healing, the type of implant, the time and performed personnel of previous surgery, and the stability of fixation. The aim of this study is to propose a rationale for the treatment. METHODS: The peri-implant femoral fractures (PIFFs) system, a therapeutic algorithm was developed for the management of all patients presenting a subtype A PIFF, based on the type of the original implant (extra- vs. intra-medullary), implant length and fracture location. The adequacy and reliability of the proposed algorithm and the fracture healing process were assessed at the last clinical follow-up using the Parker mobility score and radiological assessment, respectively. In addition, all complications were noticed. Continuous variables were expressed as mean and standard deviation, or median and range according to their distribution. Categorical variables were expressed as frequency and percentages. RESULTS: This is a retrospective case series of 33 PIFFs, and the mean post-operative Parker mobility score was (5.60 ± 2.54) points. Five patients (15.1%) achieved complete mobility without aids (9 points) and 1 (3.0%) patient was not able to walk. Two other patients (6.1%) were non-ambulatory prior to PPIF. The mean follow-up was (21.51 ± 9.12) months (range 6 - 48 months). There were 7 (21.2%) complications equally distributed between patients managed either with nailing or plating. There were no cases of nonunion or mechanical failure of the original implant. CONCLUSION: The proposed treatment algorithm shows adequate, reliable and straightforward to assist the orthopaedic trauma surgeon on the difficult decision-making process regarding the management of PIFF occurring in previously healed fractures. In addition, it may become a useful tool to optimize the use of the classification, thus potentially improving the outcomes and minimizing complications.

Fraturas do Fêmur , Fraturas Periprotéticas , Humanos , Fraturas Periprotéticas/etiologia , Fraturas Periprotéticas/cirurgia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fraturas do Fêmur/etiologia , Fraturas do Fêmur/cirurgia , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Fixação Interna de Fraturas , Consolidação da Fratura , Resultado do Tratamento
Clín. Vet. (São Paulo, Ed. Port.) ; 28(162): 44-56, jan.-fev. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434810


A anta-sul-americana (Tapirus terrestris) é um mamífero de grande porte que habita áreas florestadas com abundância de água. É uma espécie bem representada em zoológicos e centros de triagem e de fácil adaptação ao ambiente artificial. Os problemas veterinários mais comuns em antas são lesões dermatológicas, oculares. em sistema musculoesquelético e, em menor proporção, problemas dentários. Objetivou-se relatar um caso de osteossintese em maxila superior de uma anta do sexo masculino de sete anos de idade, mantida sob cuidados humanos em um zoológico, com fratura da porção rostral maxilar. A metodologia de escolha para o tratamento foi a fixação interdentaria com flo de aço para coaptação dos fragmentos da fratura, seguida de ferulização para estabilização dos focos fraturários. Modificou- se a dieta para não sobrecarregar a força mastigatória durante o processo de cicatrização óssea. Após 120 dias, o animal foi submetido a nova anestesia para avaliação radiográfica e remoção dos implantes da osteossintese, apresentando boa recuperação e sendo incorporado ao grupo.(AU)

The lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris) is a large mammal that inhabits. forested areas with abundance of water. It is well represented species in zoos and rescue centers and is easily adapted to the artificial environment. The most common veterinary problems in tapirs appear in skin, eye, musculoskeletal system and, to a lesser occurrence, teeth. The objective of this report is to present a case of osteosynthesis in the upper jaw of a seven-year-old male tapir, kept under human care in a zoo, with fracture of the rostral maxillary portion. The methodology of choice for the treatment was interdental fixation with steel wire, for coaptation of the fracture fragments, followed by splinting to stabilize the fracture foci. The diet was modified, to avoid overloading the masticatory force during the bone healing process. After 120 days, the animal underwent a new anesthesia for radiographic evaluation and removal of the osteosynthesis implants, showing good recovery and being incorporated into the group.(AU)

La danta brasilenä (Tapirus terrestris) es un grande mamifero que habita en zonas boscosas con abundancia de agua. Es una especie bien representada en zoológicos y centros de rescates y se adapta fácilmente al ambiente artificial. Los problemas veterinarios más comunes en los tapires son lesiones en piel, ojos y el sistema musculoesquelético y, en menor ocurrencia, los problemas dentales. El objetivo fue reportar un caso de osteosintesis en la mandíbula superior de un tapir macho de siete años, con fractura de la porción maxilar rostral, mantenido bajo cuidado humano en un zoológico. La metodologia de elección para el tratamiento fue el uso de ligadura interdental con alambre de acero para coaptación de los fragmentos de fractura, seguida de ferulización para estabilizar el foco de fractura. Se modificó la dieta para no sobrecargar la fuerza masticatoria durante el proceso de cicatrización osea. Después de 120 dias, el animal fue sometido a una nueva anestesia para evaluación radiográfica y retiro de los implantes de osteosintesis, mostrando buena recuperación e incorporándose al grupo.(AU)

Animais , Perissodáctilos/cirurgia , Consolidação da Fratura , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária , Fraturas Maxilares/cirurgia , Animais de Zoológico/cirurgia
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 41 p.
Tese em Português | Coleciona SUS, Sec. Munic. Saúde SP, HSPM-Producao, Sec. Munic. Saúde SP | ID: biblio-1531168


As fraturas de glenoide são raras, porém, exigem abordagem de tratamento criteriosa para que o paciente não tenha que conviver com limitações posteriores decorrentes de falhas na fixação adequada. Além dos materiais comumente utilizados para a fixação da fratura, outros vêm sendo testados como a placa bloqueada de rádio distal, aplicada no presente estudo e em alguns outros levantamentos, sempre com bons resultados de recuperação da estabilidade de amplitude de movimentos pelos pacientes. O procedimento cirúrgico usual é a redução aberta e fixação interna (RAFI), e suas opções de materiais para a fixação são limitadas, o que pode gerar dificuldades no procedimento, materiais desenhados para outras finalidades são alternativas para pacientes com esse tipo de fratura. O objetivo desse trabalho foi de relatar o caso de um paciente com fratura complexa de glenoide, submetido a intervenção cirúrgica para a recuperação da estabilidade articular e correta movimentação e os resultados alcançados por uma nova técnica, considerando-se que na falta do material comumente aplicado, optou-se pela aplicação de placa utilizada comumente nos procedimentos de fixação de fraturas de rádio distal. Trata-se de paciente do sexo masculino, JASG, 62 anos, queda de andaime de 4,5 metros de altura, trauma direto no ombro ocorrido em setembro de 2021, na queda, choque contra anteparo, atingindo a região anterior do ombro direito. Procurou serviço externo, após primeiro atendimento foi constatada apenas fratura escapular e indicado o tratamento conservador. Em 2021 o paciente procura o ambulatório do HSPM com queixa de dor intensa e limitação dos movimentos do ombro. Com base na avaliação clínica e exames radiográficos, foi indicado o tratamento cirúrgico. A cirurgia foi realizada em novembro de 2021. O procedimento foi realizado com o paciente em decúbito lateral esquerdo, via de acesso posterior na escápula direita, com anestesia geral e bloqueio supraescapular guiado por ultrassom, a opção foi a abordagem pela via descrita por Judet. As fraturas de glenoide são raras, porém, exigem abordagem de tratamento criteriosa para que o paciente não tenha que conviver com limitações posteriores decorrentes de falhas na fixação adequada. Além dos materiais comumente utilizados para a fixação da fratura, outros vêm sendo testados como a placa bloqueada de rádio distal, aplicada no presente estudo e em alguns outros levantamentos, sempre com bons resultados de recuperação da estabilidade de amplitude de movimentos pelos pacientes. Palavras-chave: Fratura intra-articular. Abordagem cirúrgica. Via de Judet. Placa bloqueada de rádio distal.

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Dor/diagnóstico , Fraturas do Rádio , Ombro/cirurgia , Fraturas do Ombro/cirurgia , Consolidação da Fratura , Fraturas Ósseas/cirurgia
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 36 p.
Tese em Português | Coleciona SUS, Sec. Munic. Saúde SP, HSPM-Producao, Sec. Munic. Saúde SP | ID: biblio-1531816


Introdução: As fraturas do tornozelo são lesões comuns, apesar de ocorrer em todas as idades, são mais comuns entre homens jovens e mulheres idosas, constituem cerca de 9% de todas as fraturas, com uma incidência de 107 a 187 por 100.000 pessoas por ano. A abordagem de tratamento selecionada ocorrerá de acordo com as condições do paciente e a opção do médico de acordo com cada situação em específico. Objetivo: Avaliar o desfecho do tratamento não cirúrgico e funcional de pacientes com fraturas estáveis e sem desvio do maléolo lateral tipo Weber B, com carga e mobilização articular imediatas. Método: estudo retrospectivo de uma série de pacientes com fratura estável e sem desvio do maléolo lateral tipo Weber B, que foram tratados de forma não cirúrgica com carga e mobilização articular imediatas, de janeiro 2016 a julho 2022. Os pacientes dessa pesquisa foram provenientes do Hospital do Servidor Público Municipal de São Paulo e da Clínica de Ortopedia e Traumatologia Ortocity. Resultados: Os pacientes tinham idade média de 54,7 anos, diagnosticados após eventos traumáticos (quedas, acidentes, etc.) por meio de exames radiográficos, 50% da amostra com comorbidades, especialmente HAS, 73,3% com desvio de 1mm, mais de 50% com consolidação em até 8 semanas, mais de 60% retornaram às atividades normais em até 16 semanas, as complicações ocorreram em aproximadamente 70% da amostra, porém todas leves e sem necessidade de nova abordagem de tratamento posterior. Conclusão: Nesse sentido, pode-se afirmar que a abordagem conservadora associado à mobilização e carga imediatas formam uma alternativa viável de tratamento, com bons resultados de recuperação funcional, semelhantes aos pacientes tratados por abordagens cirúrgicas, conforme a literatura levantada para este estudo. Palavras-chave: Fratura de tornozelo. Abordagem conservadora. Weber B. Resultados funcionais.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Ortopedia/métodos , Ferimentos e Lesões/reabilitação , Traumatologia/métodos , Acidentes/estatística & dados numéricos , Consolidação da Fratura/fisiologia , Procedimentos Ortopédicos/métodos , Fraturas Ósseas/reabilitação , Órtoses do Pé , Fraturas do Tornozelo/diagnóstico , Fraturas do Tornozelo/reabilitação , Tratamento Conservador/métodos , Tornozelo/cirurgia
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 10(1): 1-5, 01/jan./2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358203


Objectives: The present study was designed to examine the efficacy of Cissus quadrangularis paste on fracture healing in artificially induced fractured rabbits. Methods: Fifteen rabbits were separated into three groups namely A, B, and C. Veldt grape paste was applied in groups B and C (Treatment Group) by close reduction and open reduction methods of fracture management; respectively, while group A was kept as control. The blood parameter and fracture healing properties in all animals have been monitored and examined routinely during the study period. Results: Both treated groups revealed lower serum calcium levels (SCL) than the control group after 24 hours of fracture that became within the normal range on the 14th day. Fracture healing in the treated groups has been commenced more rapidly than the control group with complete bridging of discontinuity by a distinct osseous callus in the fracture line on day 7 and complete effacing of fracture line on day 14. Conclusion: We did not find any type of anomalousness, clinical deviations, and alteration of serum calcium level on the 14th day of the fracture in treated animals hence Veldt Grape paste could be readily applicable to the management of the fracture in animals.

Objetivos: avaliar a eficácia da pasta de Cissus quadrangularis na consolidação de fraturas em coelhos fraturados artificialmente. Metodos: quinze coelhos foram separados em três grupos (A, B e C). A pasta foi aplicada nos grupos B e C (Grupo de Tratamento) pelos métodos de redução fechada e redução aberta de gerenciamento de fraturas; respectivamente. O grupo A foi mantido como controle. O parâmetro sanguíneo e as propriedades de cicatrização de fraturas em todos os animais foram monitorados e examinados, rotineiramente, durante o período do estudo. Resultados: ambos os grupos tratados revelaram níveis séricos de cálcio (SCL) mais baixos do que o grupo controle, após 24 horas de fratura que se tornou normal no 14º dia. A cicatrização da fratura nos grupos tratados foi iniciada mais rapidamente do que o grupo controle, com ponte completa de descontinuidade por um calo ósseo distinto na linha de fratura no dia 7 e apagamento completo da linha de fratura no dia 14. Conclusao: não encontramos nenhum tipo de anomalia, desvios clínicos e alteração do nível sérico de cálcio no 14º dia da fratura nos animais tratados, portanto, a pasta Veldt Grape pode ser aplicável ao manejo da fratura em animais.

Consolidação da Fratura , Cissus , Pomadas , Terapêutica , Calo Ósseo , Fraturas Ósseas , Objetivos , Animais de Laboratório , Métodos
Medicina (B Aires) ; 82(5): 764-769, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36220035


Bone healing after a fracture has many intercalated steps that depend on the host, type of injury, and often the orthopedist. The diamond concept since 2007 has outlined 4 main facets that have to be considered as a model by the treating surgeon at the time of injury and when nonunion develops: osteogenic cells, osteoconductive scaffolds, osteoinduction, and the biomechanical environment. All of these foment fracture healing in optimal circumstances. Yet, this work proposes other facets, such as osteoimmunology and vascularity, to be considered as well in the model. These are as important as the original four, though their correlation to the original work has been less noted until more recent literature. The mindset of the orthopedist must thoroughly analyze all these facets and many more when dealing with nonunion. This work presents, probably the most significant ones, parting from the original 4-corner diamond model and expanding it to a more representative hexagon integrated model. Metaphorically, just like the strongest inorganic constituent of the bone: hydroxyapatite.

Hay múltiples pasos intercalados en la consolidación de la fractura que dependen del paciente, el tipo de fractura y frecuentemente del ortopedista. Desde su introducción en el año 2007, el concepto del diamante ha delineado 4 facetas o aristas principales que se han de tener en cuenta por el ortopedista en el momento de la lesión y cuando la no-unión de fractura ocurre: células osteogénicas, matrices osteocunductivas, osteoinducción, y el ambiente biomecánico. Otras facetas para tener en cuenta, no menos importantes, son la osteoimmunología y la vascularidad. Estas son tan importantes como las 4 facetas originales, pero la correlación entre las mismas ha sido poco notada o integrada hasta ahora. El ortopedista tratante debe analizar todas ellas en profundidad, especialmente cuando se trata de una no-unión. Este trabajo presenta las más significantes, partiendo del modelo original del diamante de 4 facetas hacia uno más representativo e integrado como el hexágono. Metafóricamente, como el elemento inorgánico más abundante y fuerte en el hueso: la hidroxiapatita.

Consolidação da Fratura , Fraturas Ósseas , Durapatita , Humanos
Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) ; 13: 909317, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36060973


Objective: To investigate the effects of vibration therapy on fracture healing in diabetic and non-diabetic rats. Methods: 148 rats underwent fracture surgery and were assigned to four groups: (1) SHAM: weight-matched non-diabetic rats, (2) SHAM+VT: non-diabetic rats treated with vibration therapy (VT), (3) DM: diabetic rats, and (4) DM+VT: diabetic rats treated with VT. Thirty days after diabetes induction with streptozotocin, animals underwent bone fracture, followed by surgical stabilization. Three days after bone fracture, rats began VT. Bone healing was assessed on days 14 and 28 post-fracture by serum bone marker analysis, and femurs collected for dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, micro-computed tomography, histology, and gene expression. Results: Our results are based on 88 animals. Diabetes led to a dramatic impairment of bone healing as demonstrated by a 17% reduction in bone mineral density and decreases in formation-related microstructural parameters compared to non-diabetic control rats (81% reduction in bone callus volume, 69% reduction in woven bone fraction, 39% reduction in trabecular thickness, and 45% in trabecular number). These changes were accompanied by a significant decrease in the expression of osteoblast-related genes (Runx2, Col1a1, Osx), as well as a 92% reduction in serum insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-1) levels. On the other hand, resorption-related parameters were increased in diabetic rats, including a 20% increase in the callus porosity, a 33% increase in trabecular separation, and a 318% increase in serum C terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen levels. VT augmented osteogenic and chondrogenic cell proliferation at the fracture callus in diabetic rats; increased circulating IGF-1 by 668%, callus volume by 52%, callus bone mineral content by 90%, and callus area by 72%; and was associated with a 19% reduction in circulating receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa beta ligand (RANK-L). Conclusions: Diabetes had detrimental effects on bone healing. Vibration therapy was effective at counteracting the significant disruption in bone repair induced by diabetes, but did not improve fracture healing in non-diabetic control rats. The mechanical stimulus not only improved bone callus quality and quantity, but also partially restored the serum levels of IGF-1 and RANK-L, inducing bone formation and mineralization, thus creating conditions for adequate fracture repair in diabetic rats.

Diabetes Mellitus , Fraturas Ósseas , Animais , Calo Ósseo/metabolismo , Calo Ósseo/patologia , Diabetes Mellitus/patologia , Consolidação da Fratura , Fraturas Ósseas/metabolismo , Fator de Crescimento Insulin-Like I/metabolismo , Ratos , Vibração/uso terapêutico , Microtomografia por Raio-X
Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 57(2): 218-222, Mar.-Apr. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388004


Abstract Objective Several animal models have been used in fracture healing and bone graft studies, but hematological responses are seldom reported. Therefore, the present study reported the hematological changes observed in rabbits that underwent xenografting of caprine demineralized bone matrix (CDBM). Method Twenty-four (24) male rabbits (2.5 0.5kg) were acquired for the purpose of this study and were randomly assigned to three groups: autologous bone graft (ABG), unfilled (NC), and caprine demineralized bone matrix (CDBM). Blood samples were collected through cardiac puncture under xylazine-ketamine anesthesia on day 0 (baseline), and on days 28 and 56 postsurgery and were analyzed manually within 2hours of collection. Statistical analysis was performed using a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures, and a p-value< 0.05 was considered significant. Result There was an overall significant difference in the values of total white blood cell count (p» 0.0043), neutrophil count (p< 0.0001), monocyte count (p» 0.0184), red blood cell count (p» 0.003), hemoglobin concentration (p< 0.0001) and packed cell volume (p< 0.0001) across the days and the treatment groups. There was, however, no overall significant difference in lymphocyte count (p» 0.4923), basophil count (p» 0.4183), and eosinophil count (0.4806) within days. Conclusion Response to CDBM grafting in rabbits could, therefore, be said to be characterized by marked leukocytosis with neutrophilia, lymphocytosis, and monocytosis by day 28 of postgrafting. This could form the basis with which hematology can be used to monitor body response of bone graft animal models.

Resumo Objetivo Diversos modelos animais têm sido usados em estudos sobre enxertos ósseos e o tratamento de fraturas, mas as respostas hematológicas são raramente relatadas. Este estudo descreveu as alterações hematológicas observadas em coelhos submetidos a xenoenxertos de matriz óssea desmineralizada caprina (MODC). Métodos Vinte e quatro (24) coelhos machos (2,5 0,5 kg) foram adquiridos para este estudo e divididos aleatoriamente em três grupos: enxerto ósseo autólogo (EOA); controle negativo sem preenchimento (SP) e matriz óssea desmineralizada caprina (MODC). Amostras de sangue foram coletadas por punção cardíaca sob anestesia com xilazina-quetamina no dia 0 (para estabelecimento dos valores basais) e aos dias 28 e 56 após a cirurgia; essas amostras foram submetidas à análise manual em até 2 horas após a coleta. A análise estatística foi composta por análise de variância (ANOVA) de dois fatores com medidas repetidas, e o valor de p< 0,05 foi considerado significativo. Resultados Houve uma diferença geral significativa nos números de leucócitos totais (p» 0,0043), neutrófilos (p< 0,0001), monócitos (p» 0,0184) e hemácias (p» 0,003), na concentração de hemoglobina (p< 0,0001) e no hematócrito (p< 0,0001) ao longo dos dias e entre os grupos de tratamento. No entanto, não houve diferença global significativa no número de linfócitos (p» 0,4923), basófilos (p» 0,4183) e eosinófilos (p» 0,4806) entre os dias. Conclusão A resposta ao enxerto de MODC em coelhos é, portanto, caracterizada por leucocitose intensa com neutrofilia, linfocitose e monocitose no 28° dia após o procedimento. Esses dados podem basear a utilização da hematologia no monitoramento da resposta corporal em modelos animais de enxerto ósseo.

Animais , Coelhos , Transplante Ósseo , Consolidação da Fratura , Modelos Animais , Xenoenxertos , Hematologia
J Orthop Trauma ; 36(Suppl 2): S40-S46, 2022 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35061650


INTRODUCTION: Fracture nonunion remains a devastating complication and may occur for several reasons, though the microbial contribution remains poorly estimated. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques, including 16S rRNA gene profiling, are capable of rapid bacterial detection within clinical specimens. Nonunion cases may harbor microbes that escape detection by conventional culture methods that contribute to persistence. Our aim was to investigate the application of NGS pathogen detection to nonunion diagnosis. METHODS: In this prospective multicenter study, samples were collected from 54 patients undergoing open surgical intervention for preexisting long-bone nonunion (n = 37) and control patients undergoing fixation of an acute fracture (n = 17). Intraoperative specimens were sent for dual culture and 16S rRNA gene-based microbial profiling. Patients were followed for evidence of fracture healing, whereas patients not healed at follow-up were considered persistent nonunion. Comparative analyses aimed to determine whether microbial NGS diagnostics could discriminate between nounions that healed during follow-up versus persistent nonunion. RESULTS: Positive NGS detection was significantly correlated with persistent nonunion, positive in 77% more cases than traditional culture. Nonunion cases were observed to have significantly increased diversity and altered bacterial profiles from control cases. DISCUSSION: NGS seems to be a useful adjunct in identification of organisms that may contribute to nonunion. Our findings suggest that the fracture-associated microbiome may be a significant risk factor for persistent nonunion. Ongoing work aims to determine the clinical implications of isolated organisms detected by sequencing and to identify robust microbial predictors of nonunion outcomes. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Diagnostic Level II. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.

Fraturas não Consolidadas , Microbiota , Consolidação da Fratura , Fraturas não Consolidadas/cirurgia , Sequenciamento de Nucleotídeos em Larga Escala , Humanos , Microbiota/genética , Estudos Prospectivos , RNA Ribossômico 16S/genética , Estudos Retrospectivos , Resultado do Tratamento