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Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 78(2): 123-129, Mar.-Apr. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249117


Abstract Background: This study describes 35 years of experience in a tertiary care level hospital that treats cardiac patients with univentricular heart physiology who underwent Glenn surgery. Methods: The study consisted of a retrospective analysis of patients who underwent Glenn surgery, including variables related to pre-operative, intra-operative, and post-operative morbidity and mortality. Results: From 1980 to 2015, 204 Glenn surgeries were performed. The most common heart disease was tricuspid atresia IB (19.2%). In 48.1% of the cases, the procedure was performed with antegrade flow. A bilateral Glenn procedure was performed in 12.5% of the cases and 10.3% were carried out without using a cardiopulmonary bypass pump. Reported complications included infections, bleeding, arrhythmias, chylothorax, neurological alterations, and pleural effusion. The mortality rate was 2.9% Conclusions: Glenn surgery is a palliative surgery with good results. It significantly improves patient quality of life over a long period until a total cavopulmonary shunt is performed. The complications observed are few, and the mortality rate is low. Therefore, it is a safe surgery that should be used for univentricular congenital heart disease.

Resumen Introducción: El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir la experiencia de 35 años en un hospital de tercer nivel con pacientes cardiópatas con fisiología univentricular que fueron sometidos a cirugía de Glenn. Métodos: Se presenta un análisis retrospectivo de los pacientes sometidos a cirugía de Glenn. Se incluyeron variables relacionadas con la morbilidad y la mortalidad preoperatorias, transoperatorias y posoperatorias. Resultados: Desde 1980 hasta 2015 se realizaron 204 cirugías de Glenn para la corrección de cardiopatías. De ellas, la más frecuente fue la atresia tricuspídea IB (19.2%); en el 48.1% se realizó Glenn con flujo anterógrado, en el 12.5% Glenn bilateral y el 10.3% de las cirugías fueron sin apoyo de bomba de circulación extracorpórea. Las complicaciones reportadas fueron infecciones, sangrado, arritmias, quilotórax, alteraciones neurológicas y derrame pleural. La mortalidad fue del 2.9%. Conclusiones: La cirugía de Glenn es un procedimiento paliativo que se ha utilizado con buenos resultados. Mejora en forma importante la calidad de vida del paciente durante un largo periodo mientras que se realiza la derivación cavopulmonar total. Presenta pocas complicaciones y muy baja mortalidad, por lo que es una cirugía segura que debe ser utilizada para cardiopatías congénitas univentriculares.

Humanos , Derivação Cardíaca Direita , Cardiopatias Congênitas , Artéria Pulmonar , Qualidade de Vida , Estudos Retrospectivos , Cardiopatias Congênitas/cirurgia
Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex ; 78(2): 123-129, 2021 01 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33476319


BACKGROUND: This study describes 35 years of experience in a tertiary care level hospital that treats cardiac patients with univentricular heart physiology who underwent Glenn surgery. METHODS: The study consisted of a retrospective analysis of patients who underwent Glenn surgery, including variables related to pre-operative, intra-operative, and post-operative morbidity and mortality. RESULTS: From 1980 to 2015, 204 Glenn surgeries were performed. The most common heart disease was tricuspid atresia IB (19.2%). In 48.1% of the cases, the procedure was performed with antegrade flow. A bilateral Glenn procedure was performed in 12.5% of the cases and 10.3% were carried out without using a cardiopulmonary bypass pump. Reported complications included infections, bleeding, arrhythmias, chylothorax, neurological alterations, and pleural effusion. The mortality rate was 2.9%. CONCLUSIONS: Glenn surgery is a palliative surgery with good results. It significantly improves patient quality of life over a long period until a total cavopulmonary shunt is performed. The complications observed are few, and the mortality rate is low. Therefore, it is a safe surgery that should be used for univentricular congenital heart disease.

Derivação Cardíaca Direita , Cardiopatias Congênitas , Cardiopatias Congênitas/cirurgia , Humanos , Artéria Pulmonar , Qualidade de Vida , Estudos Retrospectivos
World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg ; 11(3): 284-292, 2020 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32294012


OBJECTIVE: To present a strategy for identifying patients at risk of lymphatic failure in the setting of planned Fontan/Kreutzer completion, allowing a tailored surgical approach. METHODS: Since January 2017, clinical evaluation before performance of the Fontan/Kreutzer procedure included T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) lymphangiography. Thoracic lymphatic abnormalities were categorized using a scale of I to IV according to progression of severity. Patients with severe lymphatic abnormalities (types III and IV) underwent Fontan/Kreutzer with lymphatic decompression via connection of the left jugular-subclavian junction containing the thoracic duct to the systemic atrium (group A). RESULTS: Thirteen patients were enrolled. Magnetic resonance imaging showed type I abnormalities in four cases (30.7%), II in four (30.7%), III in two (15.3%), and IV in three (23.3%). Patients in types III and IV underwent a Fontan/Kreutzer with lymphatic decompression (group A, n = 5), while patients in types I and II underwent a fenestrated extracardiac Fontan/Kreutzer procedure without lymphatic decompression (group B, n = 8). Preoperatively, there were no differences in age, weight, ventricular dominance (right vs left), superior vena cava pressure, incidence of chylothorax after previous superior cavopulmonary anastomosis (Glenn), or need for concomitant procedures at Fontan/Kreutzer completion. There were no differences in procedural times between the groups, nor were there differences in mortalities and Fontan/Kreutzer takedowns. There were no statistically significant differences in early and late morbidity between the two groups with the exception of total volume of effusions output postoperatively. At median follow-up of 18 months (range, 4-28 months), all patients in group A are in New York Heart Association class 1 with no differences between groups in arterial oxygen saturation. CONCLUSIONS: Lymphatic decompression during Fontan/Kreutzer procedure was successfully performed in patients identified by MRI as predisposed to lymphatic failure. A larger cohort of patients and longer follow-up are required to determine the efficacy of this approach in preventing early- and long-term Fontan/Kreutzer failure.

Técnica de Fontan/métodos , Átrios do Coração/cirurgia , Derivação Cardíaca Direita , Cardiopatias Congênitas/cirurgia , Veia Cava Superior/cirurgia , Adolescente , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Descompressão , Feminino , Cardiopatias Congênitas/diagnóstico por imagem , Humanos , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Masculino , Resultado do Tratamento , Veia Cava Superior/diagnóstico por imagem , Adulto Jovem
World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg ; 11(1): 105-107, 2020 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31658888


Patients with functionally single ventricle and interrupted inferior vena cava may develop progressive cyanosis soon after the Kawashima operation. Therefore, early redirection of the hepatic venous return to the pulmonary circulation is recommended. To avoid performing an early redo sternotomy, we propose to prepare these patients for the interventional Fontan-Kreutzer at the time of the Kawashima operation using a technical modification of the approach reported by Prabhu and coworkers in 2017. The technique described here uses an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene conduit interposed between the hepatic veins and the right pulmonary artery. This graft is everted and divided into two portions with a pericardial patch. The lower one is widely opened and anastomosed side-to-side to the atrium. A few months after the operation, percutaneous Fontan-Kreutzer completion can easily be performed using covered stents to open the patch and at the same time close the opening between the conduit and the atrium.

Malformações Arteriovenosas/diagnóstico , Veia Ázigos/anormalidades , Técnica de Fontan , Derivação Cardíaca Direita , Ventrículos do Coração/anormalidades , Veia Cava Inferior/anormalidades , Malformações Arteriovenosas/diagnóstico por imagem , Malformações Arteriovenosas/cirurgia , Veia Ázigos/cirurgia , Feminino , Cardiopatias Congênitas/diagnóstico , Cardiopatias Congênitas/diagnóstico por imagem , Cardiopatias Congênitas/cirurgia , Ventrículos do Coração/cirurgia , Humanos , Lactente , Veia Cava Inferior/cirurgia
Autops. Case Rep ; 9(3): e2019118, July-Sept. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1017367


Acute obstruction of superior vena cava anastomosis right after the Glenn procedure may lead to tragic consequences. We describe the case of a one-year-old child with tricuspid atresia and a previous Blalock-Taussig shunt procedure, who presented severe low cardiac output syndrome right after the Glenn procedure and died forty-four hours after the procedure. The autopsy showed obstruction of the superior vena cava anastomosis. Patients that present superior vena cava syndrome and low cardiac output right after the Glenn procedure should have the surgical anastomosis revised immediately.

Humanos , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Derivação Cardíaca Direita , Técnica de Fontan/efeitos adversos , Cardiopatias Congênitas/patologia , Autopsia , Evolução Fatal , Atresia Tricúspide/complicações , Procedimento de Blalock-Taussig/efeitos adversos
Arq Bras Cardiol ; 112(2): 130-135, 2019 02.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30785577


BACKGROUND: The Fontan-Kreutzer procedure (FK) was widely performed in the past, but in the long-term generated many complications resulting in univentricular circulation failure. The conversion to total cavopulmonary connection (TCPC) is one of the options for treatment. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of conversion from FK to TCPC. METHODS: A retrospective review of medical records for patients who underwent the conversion of FK to TCPC in the period of 1985 to 2016. Significance p < 0,05. RESULTS: Fontan-type operations were performed in 420 patients during this period: TCPC was performed in 320, lateral tunnel technique in 82, and FK in 18. Ten cases from the FK group were elected to conversion to TCPC. All patients submitted to Fontan Conversion were included in this study. In nine patients the indication was due to uncontrolled arrhythmia and in one, due to protein-losing enteropathy. Death was observed in the first two cases. The average intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay (LOS) was 13 days, and the average hospital LOS was 37 days. A functional class by New York Heart Association (NYHA) improvement was observed in 80% of the patients in NYHA I or II. Fifty-seven percent of conversions due to arrhythmias had improvement of arrhythmias; four cases are cured. CONCLUSIONS: The conversion is a complex procedure and requires an experienced tertiary hospital to be performed. The conversion has improved the NYHA functional class despite an unsatisfactory resolution of the arrhythmia.

Técnica de Fontan/métodos , Derivação Cardíaca Direita/métodos , Insuficiência Cardíaca/cirurgia , Coração Univentricular/cirurgia , Adolescente , Adulto , Arritmias Cardíacas/mortalidade , Arritmias Cardíacas/cirurgia , Criança , Circulação Coronária , Feminino , Técnica de Fontan/efeitos adversos , Técnica de Fontan/mortalidade , Derivação Cardíaca Direita/mortalidade , Insuficiência Cardíaca/mortalidade , Humanos , Estimativa de Kaplan-Meier , Tempo de Internação , Masculino , Estudos Retrospectivos , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Fatores de Tempo , Resultado do Tratamento , Coração Univentricular/mortalidade , Adulto Jovem
Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;112(2): 130-135, Feb. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-983830


Abstract Background: The Fontan-Kreutzer procedure (FK) was widely performed in the past, but in the long-term generated many complications resulting in univentricular circulation failure. The conversion to total cavopulmonary connection (TCPC) is one of the options for treatment. Objective: To evaluate the results of conversion from FK to TCPC. Methods: A retrospective review of medical records for patients who underwent the conversion of FK to TCPC in the period of 1985 to 2016. Significance p < 0,05. Results: Fontan-type operations were performed in 420 patients during this period: TCPC was performed in 320, lateral tunnel technique in 82, and FK in 18. Ten cases from the FK group were elected to conversion to TCPC. All patients submitted to Fontan Conversion were included in this study. In nine patients the indication was due to uncontrolled arrhythmia and in one, due to protein-losing enteropathy. Death was observed in the first two cases. The average intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay (LOS) was 13 days, and the average hospital LOS was 37 days. A functional class by New York Heart Association (NYHA) improvement was observed in 80% of the patients in NYHA I or II. Fifty-seven percent of conversions due to arrhythmias had improvement of arrhythmias; four cases are cured. Conclusions: The conversion is a complex procedure and requires an experienced tertiary hospital to be performed. The conversion has improved the NYHA functional class despite an unsatisfactory resolution of the arrhythmia.

Resumo Fundamento: O procedimento de Fontan-Kreutzer (FK) foi amplamente realizado no passado, mas a longo prazo gerou muitas complicações, resultando em falha na circulação univentricular. A conversão para conexão cavopulmonar total (CCPT) é uma das opções de tratamento. Objetivo: Avaliar os resultados da conversão de FK para CCPT. Métodos: Revisão retrospectiva de prontuários de pacientes submetidos à conversão de FK para CCPT no período de 1985 a 2016. Significância p < 0,05. Resultados: Operações do tipo Fontan foram realizadas em 420 pacientes durante este período: CCPT foi realizada em 320, técnica de túnel lateral em 82 e FK em 18. Dez casos do grupo FK foram eleitos para conversão em CCPT. Todos os pacientes submetidos à conversão de Fontan foram incluídos neste estudo. Em nove pacientes, a indicação deveu-se a arritmia não controlada e em um devido à enteropatia perdedora de proteínas. A morte foi observada nos dois primeiros casos. O tempo médio de internação na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) foi de 13 dias e o tempo médio de internação hospitalar foi de 37 dias. Uma classe funcional pela melhora da New York Heart Association (NYHA) foi observada em 80% dos pacientes em NYHA I ou II. Cinquenta e sete por cento das conversões devido a arritmias tiveram melhora das arritmias; quatro casos foram curados. Conclusões: A conversão é um procedimento complexo e requer que um hospital terciário experiente seja realizado. A conversão melhorou a classe funcional da NYHA, apesar de uma resolução insatisfatória da arritmia.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Derivação Cardíaca Direita/métodos , Técnica de Fontan/métodos , Coração Univentricular/cirurgia , Insuficiência Cardíaca/cirurgia , Arritmias Cardíacas/cirurgia , Arritmias Cardíacas/mortalidade , Fatores de Tempo , Estudos Retrospectivos , Resultado do Tratamento , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Derivação Cardíaca Direita/mortalidade , Técnica de Fontan/efeitos adversos , Técnica de Fontan/mortalidade , Circulação Coronária , Estimativa de Kaplan-Meier , Coração Univentricular/mortalidade , Insuficiência Cardíaca/mortalidade , Tempo de Internação
Braz J Cardiovasc Surg ; 33(3): 271-276, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30043920


OBJECTIVE: To identify main complications in outpatient follow-up, as well as factors before or during operation that may interfere in patient's evolution. METHODS: Retrospective study of patients submitted to total cavopulmonary shunt with extracardiac conduit from 2000 to 2014 at the Hospital do Coração (São Paulo, Brazil) and who underwent clinical follow-up at this institution. RESULTS: One hundred and fifty surgeries were performed and 59 patients maintained outpatient follow-up. The mean age of these patients at the time of surgery was 4.45 years (median of 45 months) and 70.2% of them were males. Among the patients undergoing outpatient follow-up, postoperative time at evaluation ranged from 10 days to 145 months; 30 (50.8%) patients had single left ventricle and 29 (49.2%) had single right ventricle (48.2% of these presented with hypoplastic left heart syndrome [HLHS]). Patients with single left ventricle had a higher percentage of reintervention-free survival, but without statistically significant difference. 40% of the patients had no complications and 35% of them presented with thrombosis at some point in the follow-up period, with ventricular dysfunction being the second most frequently found complication (15% of cases), mainly among patients with single right ventricle morphology (P=0.04). Between the patients currently under follow-up, 20 (35%) of them had been evaluated by ultrasonography and had some degree of hepatic congestion and/or hepatomegaly. 16.7% of the patients with such alteration had HLHS (P=0.057). CONCLUSION: Except for the right ventricular morphology, no other factor has been shown to interfere in late evolution after total cavopulmonary shunt.

Derivação Cardíaca Direita/efeitos adversos , Derivação Cardíaca Direita/estatística & dados numéricos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/epidemiologia , Adolescente , Brasil/epidemiologia , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Seguimentos , Cardiopatias Congênitas/cirurgia , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Morbidade , Reoperação/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Fatores de Tempo , Resultado do Tratamento
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc;33(3): 271-276, May-June 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-958416


Abstract Objective: To identify main complications in outpatient follow-up, as well as factors before or during operation that may interfere in patient's evolution. Methods: Retrospective study of patients submitted to total cavopulmonary shunt with extracardiac conduit from 2000 to 2014 at the Hospital do Coração (São Paulo, Brazil) and who underwent clinical follow-up at this institution. Results: One hundred and fifty surgeries were performed and 59 patients maintained outpatient follow-up. The mean age of these patients at the time of surgery was 4.45 years (median of 45 months) and 70.2% of them were males. Among the patients undergoing outpatient follow-up, postoperative time at evaluation ranged from 10 days to 145 months; 30 (50.8%) patients had single left ventricle and 29 (49.2%) had single right ventricle (48.2% of these presented with hypoplastic left heart syndrome [HLHS]). Patients with single left ventricle had a higher percentage of reintervention-free survival, but without statistically significant difference. 40% of the patients had no complications and 35% of them presented with thrombosis at some point in the follow-up period, with ventricular dysfunction being the second most frequently found complication (15% of cases), mainly among patients with single right ventricle morphology (P=0.04). Between the patients currently under follow-up, 20 (35%) of them had been evaluated by ultrasonography and had some degree of hepatic congestion and/or hepatomegaly. 16.7% of the patients with such alteration had HLHS (P=0.057). Conclusion: Except for the right ventricular morphology, no other factor has been shown to interfere in late evolution after total cavopulmonary shunt.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Criança , Adolescente , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/epidemiologia , Derivação Cardíaca Direita/efeitos adversos , Derivação Cardíaca Direita/estatística & dados numéricos , Reoperação/estatística & dados numéricos , Fatores de Tempo , Brasil/epidemiologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Seguimentos , Morbidade , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Cardiopatias Congênitas/cirurgia
World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg ; 9(6): 710-713, 2018 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28055329


We report the case of an 11-year-old girl with heterotaxy syndrome, dextrocardia, and azygos continuation of an interrupted inferior vena cava who had developed pulmonary arteriovenous fistulas after a Kawashima procedure consisting of bilateral superior cavopulmonary anastomoses. She presented with profound cyanosis, fatigue, and failure to thrive. An operative procedure to direct hepatic vein effluent to the pulmonary circulation was performed with placement of an extracardiac conduit between the hepatic veins and the left pulmonary artery. Persistence of cyanosis led to investigation, which led to the discovery of an unintentionally excluded right hepatic vein. A percutaneous transhepatic catheter intervention was performed in which a vascular plug was implanted to occlude the "missed" right hepatic vein, redirecting the flow through intrahepatic venovenous channels to the conduit. Clinical condition and arterial oxygen saturation were substantially improved one year after the two-step hepatic vein inclusion procedure.

Derivação Cardíaca Direita/métodos , Cardiopatias Congênitas/cirurgia , Veias Hepáticas/cirurgia , Veia Cava Inferior/cirurgia , Criança , Feminino , Cardiopatias Congênitas/fisiopatologia , Humanos , Circulação Pulmonar
Braz J Cardiovasc Surg ; 32(6): 503-507, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29267614


INTRODUCTION: The superior cavopulmonary connection operation is one of the stages of the palliative surgical management for patients with functionally single ventricle. After surviving this stage, the patients are potential candidates for the final palliative procedure: the Fontan operation. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to analyze the outcomes of superior cavopulmonary connection operations in our center and to identify factors affecting the survival and the progression to Fontan stage. METHODS: The outcomes of 161 patients were retrospectively analyzed after undergoing superior cavopulmonary connection operation in our center between 2005 and 2015. RESULTS: The early mortality rate was 2.5%. Five (3.1%) patients underwent takedown of the superior cavopulmonary connection. The rate of exclusion from the Fontan stage was 8.3%. Statistical analysis revealed that elevated mean pulmonary artery pressure preoperatively and the prior palliation with pulmonary artery banding were risk factors for both early mortality and takedown; however, the age, the morphology of the single ventricle and the type of operation were not considered risk factors. CONCLUSION: The superior cavopulmonary connection operation can be performed with low rate mortality and morbidity; however, the elevated mean pulmonary artery pressure preoperatively and the prior pulmonary artery banding are associated with poor outcomes.

Derivação Cardíaca Direita/métodos , Cardiopatias Congênitas/mortalidade , Cardiopatias Congênitas/cirurgia , Ventrículos do Coração/cirurgia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/mortalidade , Veia Cava Superior/cirurgia , Adolescente , Adulto , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Técnica de Fontan , Humanos , Lactente , Irã (Geográfico)/epidemiologia , Masculino , Morbidade , Cuidados Paliativos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fatores de Risco , Taxa de Sobrevida , Resultado do Tratamento , Adulto Jovem
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc;32(6): 503-507, Nov.-Dec. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-897957


Abstract Introduction: The superior cavopulmonary connection operation is one of the stages of the palliative surgical management for patients with functionally single ventricle. After surviving this stage, the patients are potential candidates for the final palliative procedure: the Fontan operation. Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the outcomes of superior cavopulmonary connection operations in our center and to identify factors affecting the survival and the progression to Fontan stage. Methods: The outcomes of 161 patients were retrospectively analyzed after undergoing superior cavopulmonary connection operation in our center between 2005 and 2015. Results: The early mortality rate was 2.5%. Five (3.1%) patients underwent takedown of the superior cavopulmonary connection. The rate of exclusion from the Fontan stage was 8.3%. Statistical analysis revealed that elevated mean pulmonary artery pressure preoperatively and the prior palliation with pulmonary artery banding were risk factors for both early mortality and takedown; however, the age, the morphology of the single ventricle and the type of operation were not considered risk factors. Conclusion: The superior cavopulmonary connection operation can be performed with low rate mortality and morbidity; however, the elevated mean pulmonary artery pressure preoperatively and the prior pulmonary artery banding are associated with poor outcomes.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/mortalidade , Veia Cava Superior/cirurgia , Derivação Cardíaca Direita/métodos , Cardiopatias Congênitas/cirurgia , Cardiopatias Congênitas/mortalidade , Ventrículos do Coração/cirurgia , Cuidados Paliativos , Taxa de Sobrevida , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fatores de Risco , Morbidade , Resultado do Tratamento , Técnica de Fontan , Irã (Geográfico)/epidemiologia
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc;27(4): 552-561, out.-dez. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-668117


OBJETIVO: Este estudo avaliou o desempenho hemodinâmico e as alterações miocárdicas decorrentes do emprego de dispositivos de assistência ventricular esquerda (DAVE), associado ou não à descompressão do ventrículo direito por meio de derivação cavo-pulmonar, sendo esses achados comparados ao emprego de assistência circulatória biventricular. MÉTODOS: Vinte e um suínos foram submetidos à indução de insuficiência cardíaca através de fibrilação ventricular, sendo a atividade circulatória mantida por DAVE durante 180 minutos. No grupo controle, foi apenas implantado o DAVE. No grupo derivação, além do DAVE foi realizada cirurgia de derivação cavo-pulmonar. No grupo biventricular, foi instituída assistência biventricular. Foram monitoradas as pressões intracavitárias por 3 horas de assistência e amostras do endocárdio dos dois ventrículos foram coletadas e analisadas à microscopia óptica e eletrônica. RESULTADOS: O lactato sérico foi significativamente menor no grupo biventricular (P=0,014). A diferença observada entre o fluxo do DAVE nos grupos derivação e controle (+55±14 ml/kg/min, P=0,072) não foi significativa, enquanto que o fluxo no grupo biventricular foi significativamente maior (+93±17 ml/kg/min, P=0,012) e se manteve estável durante o experimento. A pressão arterial média (PAM) se manteve constante apenas no grupo biventricular (P<0,001), que também apresentou diminuição significativa das pressões em câmaras direitas. Na análise ultraestrutural, notou-se menor presença edema miocárdico no ventrículo direito no grupo biventricular (P=0,017). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados apresentados demonstram que o desempenho hemodinâmico da assistência ventricular esquerda associada à derivação cavo-pulmonar, neste modelo experimental, não foi superior ao observado com a assistência de ventrículo esquerdo isolada e não substituiu a assistência biventricular de maneira efetiva.

OBJECTIVE: Right ventricular (RV) failure during left ventricular assist device (LVAD) support can result in severe hemodynamic compromise with high mortality. This study investigated the acute effects of cavo-pulmonary anastomosis on LVAD performance and RV myocardial compromise in comparison with biventricular circulatory support, in a model of biventricular failure. METHODS: LVAD support was performed by centrifugal pump in 21 pigs with severe biventricular failure obtained by FV induction. Animals were randomized to be submitted to cavo-pulmonary anastomosis, to biventricular circulatory support or to control group. They were maintained under circulatory support and hemodynamic monitoring for 3h. Venous lactate and cytokines serum levels were also obtained. Endocardium samples were analyzed by electronic microscopy. RESULTS: FV maintenance was responsible for acute LVAD impairment after 180 min in the control group. cavo-pulmonary anastomosis resulted in non-significant improvement of LVAD pump flow in relation to control group (+55±14 ml/kg/min, P=0.072), while animals under biventricular support maintained higher LVAD flow (+93±17 ml/kg/min, P=0.012). Mean arterial pressure remained constant only in biventricular group (P<0.001), which also presented decrease of right atrial and ventricular pressures. Similar increases in lactate and cytokines levels were observed in the three groups. Ultra-structural analysis documented low levels of myocardial swelling in the biventricular group (P=0.017). CONCLUSION: The concomitant use of cavo-pulmonary anastomosis during LVAD support in a pig model of severe biventricular failure resulted in non-significant improvement of hemodynamic performance and it did not effectively replace the use of biventricular support.

Animais , Derivação Cardíaca Direita/métodos , Insuficiência Cardíaca/cirurgia , Ventrículos do Coração/ultraestrutura , Coração Auxiliar/efeitos adversos , Hemodinâmica/fisiologia , Disfunção Ventricular Direita/fisiopatologia , Citocinas/sangue , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Insuficiência Cardíaca/sangue , Ácido Láctico/sangue , Distribuição Aleatória , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Suínos , Disfunção Ventricular Direita/cirurgia
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 84(1): 97-102, ene.-mar. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | CUMED | ID: cum-66052


La doble salida del ventrículo izquierdo es muy poco frecuente, en la cual la aorta y la arteria pulmonar, emergen completa o predominantemente del ventrículo izquierdo. Cuando se acompañan de comunicación interventricular y de estenosis pulmonar la corrección se realiza usualmente con interposición de un conducto entre el ventrículo derecho y la arteria pulmonar. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar un caso tratado con cirugía de tipo uno y medio ventricular, pues, hasta donde conocemos, esta técnica no ha sido empleada en esta enfermedad para evitar el uso de conductos protésicos. Se reporta en una niña de 3 años de edad, a quien se le cerró la comunicación interventricular, se desconectó la arteria pulmonar del ventrículo izquierdo y se anastomosó al nuevo tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho, y se realizó derivación cavopulmonar parcial. Después de 6 años de seguimiento presenta buena evolución clínica, ecocardiográfica y capacidad funcional adecuada(AU)

The double outlet of the left ventricle is uncommon, where the aorta and the pulmonary artery emerge total or predominantly from the left ventricle. When they are accompanied of an interventricular communication and of pulmonary stenosis, the correction is usually carried out with the insertion of a conduct between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery. The objective of present paper is to present a case treated with one half ventricular surgery type and ventricular medium, since until is known, this technique has not used in this disease to avoid the use of prosthetic conducts. Authors reports the case of a girl aged 3 undergoes the closure of the interventricular communication, switching off the pulmonary artery of the left ventricle and anastomosing it to the new outlet tract of right ventricle, carrying out a partial cavopulmonary bypass. After 6 years of follow-up she has a good clinical and echocardiographic evolution as well as a appropriate functional ability(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Tetralogia de Fallot/diagnóstico , Derivação Cardíaca Direita/métodos , Dupla Via de Saída do Ventrículo Direito/cirurgia
Ann Thorac Surg ; 93(4): e101-3, 2012 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22450105


A Fontan completion with a hybrid approach was performed on a 27-month-old girl with a univentricular heart. A large covered stent was placed between the inferior vena cava and the cavopulmonary anastomosis through a pericardial patch in the intracardiac fenestrated tunnel, circumventing the need for an occluder device for baffle closure. The child's progress has been good and she displays normal growth and acceptable clinical, ultrasonographic, and laboratory results.

Técnica de Fontan/métodos , Cardiopatias Congênitas/cirurgia , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Derivação Cardíaca Direita , Humanos , Stents , Veia Cava Inferior/cirurgia