BACKGROUND: Tooth wear is a non-pathological loss of hard tissues on the incisal and occlusal tooth surface. In archaeology, the loss of dental tissue through attrition is associated with living opportunities and habits, availability, characteristics and methods of food preparation. In forensics, tooth wear is used to estimate the dental age on cadavers. MATERIAL AND METHODS: For this study, we used an archaeological sample from two sample collections. In this study, tooth wear was compared in archaeological samples of well-preserved maxilla and mandible specimens (n=392) from Croatian coastal and continental populations from Late Antiquity (LA) and the Early Middle Ages (EMA). The computer system VistaMetrix 1.38 was used to analyse the abrasion and attrition of hard dental tissues. The Shapiro-Wilk and chi-square tests were performed for categorical data to test the difference between two historical periods and two geographical locations, while the Kruskal-Wallis test was performed for continuous data. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant difference in the proportion of tooth wear in total teeth area (P < 0.001) when comparing continental and coastal Croatia in LA and coastal Croatia between LA and EMA (P = 0.006 and P < 0.001, respectively). Samples from coastal Croatia from the LA period had the lowest percentage of tooth wear with a median of 8.35%, while samples from coastal Croatia from the EMA had the highest percentage of tooth wear with a median of 18.26%. Our results generally show greater tooth wear in the EMA period in male subjects. CONCLUSION: The results of the tooth wear research obtained with the Vista Metrix software can contribute to the study of life circumstances and changes that the analysed population has experienced in its historical development.
Desgaste dos Dentes , Humanos , Croácia , Masculino , Desgaste dos Dentes/patologia , Desgaste dos Dentes/história , Feminino , História Antiga , Paleodontologia , Atrito Dentário/patologia , História MedievalRESUMO
The Hippocratic oath is such an enduring icon of medical morality that physicians in Nazi Germany invoked it to protest Euthanasie, the systematized killing of weak or sick children, people with incurable diseases, hospitalized criminals (a category applicable to gays), geriatric patients, long-term patients, patients not of German blood (Jews and Romani), and people with disabilities. Several expert witnesses at the 1945 Nuremberg Medical Trial also cited the oath to condemn Nazi physicians' abuse of human research subjects. Noting these invocations, in 1947 the physicians who founded the World Medical Association modernized the Hippocratic oath to convey to future medical students its foundational precepts: benefitting the sick, not harming them, not breaching confidentiality, and not treating patients unjustly, irrespective of their gender or social status. This article presents a historically accurate reading of the oath's strange-seeming passages to show that it does not prohibit abortion, euthanasia (medical aid in dying), or surgery. The article also contends that oath-swearing remains an important asset in teaching clinicians their role responsibilities, and that its ethics supports women's rights to reproductive health care and can valorize challenges to venture-capitalist and for-profit managements that prioritize profitability over providing quality health care for patients.
Juramento Hipocrático , Humanos , Alemanha , Socialismo Nacional/história , Ética Médica/história , Eutanásia/história , Eutanásia/ética , História do Século XX , História AntigaRESUMO
The emergence of the Middle Palaeolithic, and its variability over time and space are key questions in the field of prehistoric archaeology. Many sites have been documented in the south-eastern margins of the Massif central and the middle Rhône valley, a migration path that connects Northern Europe with the Mediterranean. Well-dated, long stratigraphic sequences are essential to understand Neanderthals dynamics and demise, and potential interactions with Homo sapiens in the area, such as the one displayed at the Maras rock shelter ("Abri du Maras"). The site is characterised by exceptional preservation of archaeological remains, including bones dated using radiocarbon (14C) and teeth using electron spin resonance combined with uranium series (ESR/U-series). Optically stimulated luminescence was used to date the sedimentary deposits. By combining the new ages with previous ones using Bayesian modelling, we are able to clarify the occupation time over a period spanning 200,000 years. Between ca. 250 and 40 ka, the site has been used as a long-term residence by Neanderthals, specifically during three interglacial periods: first during marine isotopic stage (MIS) 7, between 247 ± 34 and 223 ± 33 ka, and then recurrently during MIS 5 (between 127 ± 17 and 90 ± 9 ka) and MIS 3 (up to 39,280 cal BP).
Arqueologia , Homem de Neandertal , Datação Radiométrica , Animais , Datação Radiométrica/métodos , França , Humanos , Fósseis , Dente/anatomia & histologia , Sedimentos Geológicos/análise , Teorema de Bayes , Osso e Ossos/anatomia & histologia , Espectroscopia de Ressonância de Spin Eletrônica/métodos , Urânio/análise , História AntigaRESUMO
Oracle bone script, one of the earliest known forms of ancient Chinese writing, presents invaluable research materials for scholars studying the humanities and geography of the Shang Dynasty, dating back 3,000 years. The immense historical and cultural significance of these writings cannot be overstated. However, the passage of time has obscured much of their meaning, presenting a significant challenge in deciphering these ancient texts. With the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI), employing AI to assist in deciphering Oracle Bone Characters (OBCs) has become a feasible option. Yet, progress in this area has been hindered by a lack of high-quality datasets. To address this issue, this paper details the creation of the HUST-OBC dataset. This dataset encompasses 77,064 images of 1,588 individual deciphered characters and 62,989 images of 9,411 undeciphered characters, with a total of 140,053 images, compiled from diverse sources. The hope is that this dataset could inspire and assist future research in deciphering those unknown OBCs. All the codes and datasets are available at .
Inteligência Artificial , Osso e Ossos , Osso e Ossos/anatomia & histologia , Humanos , China , História AntigaAssuntos
Quirópteros , Peixes , Animais , História Antiga , Comportamento Predatório , Fósseis , HumanosRESUMO
New genomic, archaeological evidence counters influential tale of ecological suicide.
Arqueologia , Humanos , História Antiga , DNA Antigo , Suicídio/história , Genoma HumanoRESUMO
This study challenges historical paradigms using a large-scale integrated bioarchaeological approach, focusing on the female experience over the last 2,000 years in Milan, Italy. Specifically, 492 skeletons from the osteological collection of Milan were used to elucidate female survivorship and mortality by integrating bioarchaeological and paleopathological data, paleoepidemiological analyses, and historical contextualization. Findings revealed changes in female longevity, with a notable increase from Roman to contemporary eras, albeit plateauing in the Middle Ages/modern period. Significant sex-specific differences in mortality risk and survivorship were observed: females had higher mortality risk and lower survivorship in the Roman (first-fifth century AD) and Modern (16th-18th century AD) eras, but this trend reversed in the contemporary period (19th-20th century AD). Cultural and social factors negatively impacted female mortality in Roman and modern Milan, while others buffered it during the Middle Ages (sixth-15th century AD). This study underscored the importance of bioarchaeological inquiries in reconstructing the past, providing answers that may challenge historical assumptions and shedding light on how the interplay of cultural, social, and biological factors shaped the female experience across millennia.
Mortalidade , Humanos , Feminino , Itália/epidemiologia , Adulto , História Medieval , História do Século XVII , História do Século XV , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Mortalidade/tendências , Mortalidade/história , História do Século XVI , Longevidade , História Antiga , História do Século XX , História do Século XVIII , Masculino , História do Século XIX , Idoso , Sobrevivência , Arqueologia , História do Século XXIRESUMO
A seed recovered during archaeological excavations of a cave in the Judean desert was germinated, with radiocarbon analysis indicating an age of 993 CE- 1202 calCE. DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis identified the seedling as belonging to the angiosperm genus Commiphora Jacq., sister to three Southern African Commiphora species, but unique from all other species sampled to date. The germinated seedling was not closely related to Commiphora species commonly harvested for their fragrant oleoresins including Commiphora gileadensis (L.) C.Chr., candidate for the locally extinct "Judean Balsam" or "Balm of Gilead" of antiquity. GC-MS analysis revealed minimal fragrant compounds but abundance of those associated with multi-target bioactivity and a previously undescribed glycolipid compound series. Several hypotheses are offered to explain the origins, implications and ethnobotanical significance of this unknown Commiphora sp., to the best of our knowledge the first identified from an archaeological site in this region, including identification with a resin producing tree mentioned in Biblical sources and possible agricultural relationship with the historic Judean Balsam.
Commiphora , Filogenia , Sementes , Sementes/genética , Commiphora/genética , Commiphora/química , Germinação , Arqueologia , História AntigaRESUMO
Rapa Nui (also known as Easter Island) is one of the most isolated inhabited places in the world. It has captured the imagination of many owing to its archaeological record, which includes iconic megalithic statues called moai1. Two prominent contentions have arisen from the extensive study of Rapa Nui. First, the history of the Rapanui has been presented as a warning tale of resource overexploitation that would have culminated in a major population collapse-the 'ecocide' theory2-4. Second, the possibility of trans-Pacific voyages to the Americas pre-dating European contact is still debated5-7. Here, to address these questions, we reconstructed the genomic history of the Rapanui on the basis of 15 ancient Rapanui individuals that we radiocarbon dated (1670-1950 CE) and whole-genome sequenced (0.4-25.6×). We find that these individuals are Polynesian in origin and most closely related to present-day Rapanui, a finding that will contribute to repatriation efforts. Through effective population size reconstructions and extensive population genetics simulations, we reject a scenario involving a severe population bottleneck during the 1600s, as proposed by the ecocide theory. Furthermore, the ancient and present-day Rapanui carry similar proportions of Native American admixture (about 10%). Using a Bayesian approach integrating genetic and radiocarbon dates, we estimate that this admixture event occurred about 1250-1430 CE.
Indígena Americano ou Nativo do Alasca , DNA Antigo , População Europeia , Genética Populacional , Genoma Humano , Migração Humana , Havaiano Nativo ou Outro Ilhéu do Pacífico , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Indígena Americano ou Nativo do Alasca/genética , Indígena Americano ou Nativo do Alasca/história , América/etnologia , Teorema de Bayes , DNA Antigo/análise , Europa (Continente)/etnologia , População Europeia/genética , População Europeia/história , Genoma Humano/genética , História do Século XVII , História do Século XVIII , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , História Antiga , História Medieval , Migração Humana/história , Havaiano Nativo ou Outro Ilhéu do Pacífico/genética , Havaiano Nativo ou Outro Ilhéu do Pacífico/história , Filogenia , Polinésia/etnologia , Densidade Demográfica , Datação Radiométrica , Sequenciamento Completo do GenomaRESUMO
The emergence of the Linear Pottery Culture (LBK) during the Neolithic period within Polish territory 5400-4900 BC, introduced plant cultivation, yet the definitive list of cultivated species remains debated. This study examines plant assemblages (fruits, seeds, pollen, and spores) from the LBK settlement in Biskupice, southern Poland, aiming to identify cultivated and wild species used during the development of the first stable settlements in the Carpathian Foothills. Due to extensive sampling, Biskupice yielded over 11,000 macroscopic plant specimens, enabling detailed analysis of plant diversity, distribution, and implications for agrarian and dietary practices. The analysis revealed a focus on emmer and einkorn wheat cultivation, with barley playing a minor role, alongside evidence of flax and pulses. Radiocarbon dating supported the settlement's existence in the 6th millennium BCE, and confirmed the use of barley. However, a younger date excluded bread wheat cultivation at this site. The plant assemblage included a diverse array of herbaceous wild plants like black bindweed, fat hen and brome species, suggesting their economic use. Additionally, the presence of cockspur grass, linked with Southeast Asia, indicates alternative migration routes of weeds in Europe, as supported by radiocarbon dating. Palynological analysis suggests existence of nearby cereal plots or the processing of cereals at the settlement, supporting archaeological evidence.
Arqueologia , Biodiversidade , Polônia , Humanos , História Antiga , Agricultura/história , Triticum/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Produtos Agrícolas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Datação Radiométrica , Hordeum/crescimento & desenvolvimentoRESUMO
Ancient infectious diseases and microbes can be used to address contemporary disease.
Doenças Transmissíveis , Humanos , Doenças Transmissíveis/história , Doenças Transmissíveis/epidemiologia , História Antiga , AnimaisRESUMO
The cult of saints in Western Europe developed during the late period of antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Their importance to European society was undeniable; holy medicine was the only hope for people, because there were no doctors. The number of saints had increased over the years, and people sought medical help from them through prayer and other religious practices. Some of the saints became "specialized" in treating various wounds and dermatologic diseases. During our research, we tried to determine whether the cult of saints led to the develop-ment of hospitals that treated skin diseases, as discovered in the Hospital Brother of Saint Anthony. A large number of saints who were patrons of wounds and skin diseases were collected in three studies. In the first report, we presented a great number of saints who were patrons to treat animal bites. The second report presented patron saints of wounds, ulcers, burns, and frostbites; and the third report decsribed saints who treated contagious diseases (such as ergotism, leprosy, and scabies). The phenomenon of holy medicine is part of the history of dermatology and is important due to "specializations," which refer to an understanding of skin diseases and the methods of treating various wounds and dermatologic diseases.
Mordeduras e Picadas , Humanos , Animais , Santos/história , Ferimentos e Lesões/história , Dermatopatias/história , Dermatopatias/etiologia , História Antiga , Religião e Medicina , Dermatologia/históriaRESUMO
The Neolithic (i.e., farming and stockbreeding) spread from the Near East across Europe since about 9000 years before the common era (BCE) until about 4000 yr BCE. It followed two main routes, namely a sea route along the northern Mediterranean coast and an inland one across the Balkans and central Europe. It is known that the dispersive behavior of farmers depended on geography, with longer movements along the Mediterranean coast than along the inland route. In sharp contrast, here we show that for both routes the percentage of farmers who interbred with hunter-gatherers and/or acculturated one of them was strikingly the same (about 3.6%). Therefore, whereas the dispersive behavior depended on the proximity to the Mediterranean sea, the interaction behavior (incorporation of hunter-gatherers) did not depend on geographical constraints but only on the transition in the subsistence economy (from hunting and gathering to farming) and its associated way of life. These conclusions are reached by analyzing the clines of haplogroup K, which was virtually absent in hunter-gatherers and the most frequent mitochondrial haplogroup in early farmers. Similarly, the most frequent Y-chromosome Neolithic haplogroup (G2a) displays an inland cline that agrees with the percentage of interbreeding reported above.
Fazendeiros , Migração Humana , Humanos , Europa (Continente) , História Antiga , Haplótipos , Cromossomos Humanos Y/genética , DNA Mitocondrial/genética , Agricultura/história , Masculino , Mar Mediterrâneo , ArqueologiaRESUMO
The phenomenon of lithic miniaturization during the Late Pleistocene at times coincided with increased artifact standardization and cutting edge efficiency-likely reflecting the use of small, sharp artifacts as interchangeable inserts for composite cutting tools and hunting weapons. During Marine Isotope Stage 2, Upper Paleolithic toolmakers in northern East Asia specifically used pressure techniques to make small, highly standardized lithic artifacts called microblades. However, little is currently known about how microblades affected the cutting edge efficiency of the toolkits they were a part of. We applied three methods of analyzing cutting edge efficiency to two Upper Paleolithic assemblages recently excavated from Tolbor-17, Mongolia, that document the periods before and after the introduction of microblade technology to the Tolbor Valley. A model incorporating allometric relationships between blank cutting edge length and mass suggests no difference in efficiency between the two periods, while two more conventional approaches both indicate a significant increase. The potential for improved cutting edge efficiency is only observed when the microblade sample is artificially inflated via simulation. Our results highlight challenges related to detecting and interpreting archaeological differences in cutting edge efficiency at the assemblage level.
Arqueologia , Tecnologia , Mongólia , Arqueologia/métodos , Fósseis , Humanos , História AntigaRESUMO
Currently in NW Europe little is known about the human response to the extensive cold reversal at the end of the Pleistocene, the Younger Dryas (ca. 12,850 till ca. 11,650 cal BP), mainly due to the poor chronological resolution of the archaeological sites belonging to the Ahrensburgian Culture. Here we present a series of 33 radiocarbon dates performed on the seminal cave site of Remouchamps, situated in the Belgian Meuse basin. Combined with a revision of the available radiocarbon evidence along the southern North Sea basin (Belgium, southern Netherlands, western Germany), it is suggested that the first half of the Younger Dryas, characterized as extremely cold and wet, faced a significant population reduction. Repopulation started around the middle of the Younger Dryas, from ca. 12,200 cal BP onward, probably in response to a slight climatic improvement leading to somewhat warmer summers. This might be considered a prelude to the subsequent population boost of the Early Holocene (Mesolithic).
Arqueologia , Datação Radiométrica , Humanos , Mar do Norte , Europa (Continente) , História Antiga , ClimaRESUMO
Background: Prameha was identified in 1552 BCE as a Maharoga (major disease), one of the eight grave diseases of Ancient medical history. Initial days of recognition labeled Prameha as a rich man's disease, as found prevalent among people of higher socio-economic background. This fact was thereby linked with the diagnosis of diabetes and the invention of iron in the Iron Age, as wealthy part of the population who initiated consumption of newly harvested rice and wheat were found majorly diagnosed. Gradually, with the knowledge sought from Rigveda, Atharvaveda, Ayurveda, and Samhitas, the causes and types were identified, and further search conducted in Ayurveda resulted in denominating Prameha based on the body constitution and predominant dosha with its etiology in lifestyle and dietary factors, which, in the current scenario is known as diabetes mellitus. Objective: The objective of the current review is to find out and collate the information sought from published ancient literature on the origin and classification of Prameha with etiological factors. Method: Articles published between 1982 and 2021 in scientific domain was searched using several keywords in PubMed, Google Scholar, and Google, to find treatment approaches adopted by ancient medics to manage Prameha, Madhumeha, and Prameha Poorvaroopa. Classical literature was reviewed to understand the traditional approaches applied in the context of scientific interpretations. Content of this scriptural review was derived mainly from Rigveda, Atharvaveda, Ayurveda, Sushrutha Samhita, Charaka Samhita, Bhela Samhita, Harita Samhita, and Papillad Samhita. Summary: The finding of this study brings hope for further studies evidencing advantages in adopting the ancient wisdom while devising a strategy for the management of Prameha from a modern perspective.
Diabetes Mellitus , Humanos , Diabetes Mellitus/terapia , História Antiga , Estado Pré-Diabético/terapia , Estado Pré-Diabético/história , Ayurveda/métodosRESUMO
Importance: We compile and analyze ancient literature related to Baihui (GV20) moxibustion and summarize the development of its ancient clinical application. Observations: The Chinese Medical Classic (5th edition) was used as the search source to screen and organize articles related to Baihui moxibustion to establish a database. We created indexing norms according to study characteristics and indexed books, dynasties, literary styles, disease key words, matching acupoints, combinations, moxibustion amounts, and moxa cone sizes. SPSS version 24.0 software was used to calculate the index results. A total of 320 articles that met the requirements were finally included and were attributed to 99 ancient books, spanning from the Western Han Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. A total of 45 keywords were used for disease evidence: the most frequent occurrences were internal medicine (primary category), limb meridians (secondary category), and head diseases (specific patterns). Conclusions and Relevance: Baihui moxibustion has been updated and developed in the literature over the ages, and the method of Baihui moxibustion is diverse. The main treatment rule of Baihui moxibustion considers the whole body and close treatment of partial diseases. Baihui moxibustion also has the rule of following meridian indications, with treatment based on syndrome differentiation and compatible application. Baihui moxibustion alone has a relatively strong effect of raising yang and lifting the sunken, which can treat the sinking of qi and deficiency.