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PeerJ ; 12: e17834, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39131606


Understanding the movement patterns of an invasive species can be a powerful tool in designing effective management and control strategies. Here, we used a Bayesian multistate model to investigate the movement of two invasive carp species, silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (H. nobilis), using acoustic telemetry. The invaded portions of the Illinois and Des Plaines Rivers, USA, are a high priority management zone in the broader efforts to combat the spread of invasive carps from reaching the Laurentian Great Lakes. Our main objective was to characterize the rates of upstream and downstream movements by carps between river pools that are maintained by navigation lock and dam structures. However, we also aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the available telemetry infrastructure to monitor carp movements through this system. We found that, on a monthly basis, most individuals of both species remained within their current river pools: averaging 76.2% of silver carp and 75.5% of bighead carp. Conversely, a smaller proportion of silver carp, averaging 14.2%, and bighead carp, averaging 13.9%, moved to downstream river pools. Movements towards upstream pools were the least likely for both species, with silver carp at an average of 6.7% and bighead carp at 7.9%. The highest probabilities for upstream movements were for fish originating from the three most downstream river pools, where most of the population recruitment occurs. However, our evaluation of the telemetry array's effectiveness indicated low probability to detect fish in this portion of the river. We provide insights to enhance the placement and use of these monitoring tools, aiming to deepen our comprehension of these species' movement patterns in the system.

Teorema de Bayes , Carpas , Espécies Introduzidas , Rios , Telemetria , Animais , Telemetria/métodos , Telemetria/instrumentação , Telemetria/veterinária , Carpas/fisiologia , Illinois , Migração Animal/fisiologia
Pediatrics ; 154(3)2024 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39113635


The leading cause of death in children in the United States is injury caused by firearm violence. States that enact stricter laws related to firearm injury prevention have lower rates of mortality in children. In Illinois, we formed a coalition with medical professionals, medical organizations, community partners, and legislators to craft legislation to reduce the burden of firearm violence on children. These laws can be politically charged. Therefore, we decided to focus on a safe storage education law. We met regularly as a group to draft the bill and an information sheet to support it. Pediatricians and pediatric providers worked with the government relations teams in children's hospitals throughout the state to garner supporting organizations. We also worked to garner cosponsors, provided written and oral testimony to the legislative body, and wrote op-eds to support the bill. Shortly after the bill was passed and signed into law in June of 2022, there was a mass shooting at Highland Park in Illinois. After the shooting, there was a mandate from the Illinois governor to work on passing an assault weapons ban. Pediatricians again provided input into the bill about how the weapons affect children, testified before the House Judiciary Committee, and wrote op-eds. Governor Pritzker signed the Protect Illinois Communities Act into law in January of 2023. Pediatricians actively worked in the passage of both bills, which highlights the importance of medical professionals as experts who can combine powerful stories and evidence based medicine to influence policy.

Armas de Fogo , Ferimentos por Arma de Fogo , Humanos , Illinois , Armas de Fogo/legislação & jurisprudência , Ferimentos por Arma de Fogo/prevenção & controle , Criança , Violência/prevenção & controle , Violência/legislação & jurisprudência
J Public Health Manag Pract ; 30: S152-S161, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39041751


CONTEXT: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality for US women; lack of health insurance contributes to poor control of risk factors and increased mortality. Health coaching including motivational interviewing can support primary and secondary CVD prevention, but among uninsured women, improving health outcomes is dependent on successfully reaching priority populations. OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the implementation and reach of health coaching with motivational interviewing among clients in the Illinois WISEWOMAN Program (IWP), a CVD screening and risk-reduction program for uninsured women aged 40 to 64. INTERVENTION: Following CVD screening, motivational interviewing is offered to all IWP clients via four 30-min one-on-one health coaching sessions to offer personalized guidance on setting and achieving health behavior goals. SETTING: Our analysis included clients from the eight community-based Illinois agencies that implemented IWP from 2019 to 2023. DESIGN AND MEASURES: We assessed client demographic and baseline health characteristics among all IWP clients, those who participated in health coaching by attending at least one session, and those who completed health coaching by attending at least three of four sessions. We also assessed health coaching participation and completion by agency and examined agency-specific associations between client characteristics and health coaching participation and completion. RESULTS: Among IWP enrollees (n = 3094), 89.7% participated in at least one health coaching session but only 31.4% completed health coaching by attending at least three sessions. Over 90% of IWP clients participated in at least one health coaching session at 4 IWP agencies. Further, over 85% of health coaching participants completed health coaching at four agencies. Across agencies, no client-level characteristics were consistently associated with health coaching participation or completion. CONCLUSIONS: High motivational interviewing participation rates support its acceptability among uninsured women, but agency-level community-level barriers likely prevent client engagement in multiple sessions. Reducing CVD risk requires working with partner agencies to address barriers to reaching the priority population.

Doenças Cardiovasculares , Tutoria , Entrevista Motivacional , Humanos , Feminino , Illinois , Entrevista Motivacional/métodos , Doenças Cardiovasculares/prevenção & controle , Doenças Cardiovasculares/psicologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto , Tutoria/métodos , Tutoria/estatística & dados numéricos , Pessoas sem Cobertura de Seguro de Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Pessoas sem Cobertura de Seguro de Saúde/psicologia , Promoção da Saúde/métodos , Promoção da Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39063483


Food insecurity is pervasive in Allegheny County, as one in five residents experiences food insecurity. Food insecurity is linked to chronic health conditions like heart disease and hypertension and disproportionately affects women in the United States, particularly women who are head of household. There are multiple dimensions used to measure regional disparities in food accessibility. Prior research has examined the linkages between food access and food insecurity, and this study aims to explore further the relationship between equitable access to sustainable and affordable food sources. This study examines food outlets in Allegheny County to determine if there is a significant relationship between food outlet availability and food insecurity. Both the presence and accessibility of these food outlets were examined. To measure accessibility, the walking distance to the nearest public transportation stop was calculated for each public transportation stop. The minimum distance to each food outlet was compared to food insecurity rates on a census tract level. Results showed that communities without grocery stores had lower access to healthy and affordable food sources. Also, communities with a higher proportion of female-headed households experienced greater food insecurity, regardless of access to food outlets. There was no statistically significant relationship between the distance from public transportation stops to grocery stores and rates of food insecurity overall and in low-income communities. However, communities with inaccessible grocery stores, either absent in the census tract or without close public transport stops, did have even greater average rates of food insecurity if there was an above-average proportion of female-headed households. Based on these findings, it is evident there exist structural elements of the built environment that correspond with disproportionate rates of food insecurity experienced by communities with households that are predominately female headed. In addition to resource support for these marginalized groups, we suggest that sole reliance on distance as an indicator of food insecurity can be misleading. There should be a greater focus on walkability aggregated on a household or individual level within the community instead of physical distance alone at a general scale.

Ambiente Construído , Insegurança Alimentar , Humanos , Feminino , Ambiente Construído/estatística & dados numéricos , Abastecimento de Alimentos/estatística & dados numéricos , Masculino , Fatores Sexuais , Características de Residência/estatística & dados numéricos , Illinois , Populações Vulneráveis/estatística & dados numéricos , Supermercados , Meios de Transporte/estatística & dados numéricos
West J Emerg Med ; 25(4): 457-464, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39028230


Introduction: To expand access to naloxone, the state of Illinois implemented a standing order allowing registered pharmacies to dispense the drug without an individual prescription. To participate under the standing order, pharmacies were required to opt in through a formal registration process. In our study we aimed to evaluate the availability and price of naloxone at registered pharmacies. Methods: This was a prospective, de-identified, cross-sectional telephone survey. Trained interviewers posed as potential customers and used a standardized script to determine the availability of naloxone between February-December, 2019. The primary outcome was defined as a pharmacy indicating it carried naloxone, currently had naloxone in stock, and was able to dispense it without an individual prescription. Results: Of 948 registered pharmacies, 886 (93.5%) were successfully contacted. Of those, 792 (83.4%) carried naloxone, 659 (74.4%) had naloxone in stock, and 472 (53.3%) allowed purchase without a prescription. Naloxone nasal spray (86.4%) was the formulation most commonly stocked. Chain pharmacies were more likely to carry naloxone (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 3.16, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.97-5.01, P < 0.01) and have naloxone in stock (aOR 2.72, 95% CI 1.76-4.20, P < 0.01), but no more likely to dispense it without a prescription. Pharmacies in higher population areas (aOR 0.99, 95% CI 0.99-0.99, P < 0.05) and rural areas adjacent to metropolitan areas (aOR 0.5, 95% CI 025-0.98, P < 0.05) were less likely to have naloxone available without a prescription. Associations of naloxone availability based on other urbanicity designations, overdose count, and overdose rate were not significant. Conclusion: Among pharmacies in Illinois that formally registered to dispense naloxone without a prescription, the availability of naloxone remains limited. Additional interventions may be needed to maximize the potential impact of a statewide standing order.

Naloxona , Antagonistas de Entorpecentes , Farmácias , Naloxona/provisão & distribuição , Naloxona/uso terapêutico , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Estudos Prospectivos , Illinois , Antagonistas de Entorpecentes/provisão & distribuição , Antagonistas de Entorpecentes/uso terapêutico , Farmácias/estatística & dados numéricos , Prescrições Permanentes , Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde , Masculino , Feminino , Overdose de Drogas/tratamento farmacológico
J Health Care Poor Underserved ; 35(2): 672-691, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38828588


This study explores the association between health system changes over the last decade and women's preventive care utilization in Illinois. A cross-sectional analysis using Illinois Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data from 2012-2020 among women aged 21-75 (n=21,258) examined well-woman visit (WWV) receipt and breast and cervical cancer screening overall and over several time periods. There was an increase in the prevalence of receiving a WWV for Illinois women overall from 2012-2020. However, the overall adjusted prevalence difference was only significant for the 2020 versus 2015-2019 comparison and not for 2015-2019 versus 2012-2014. The COVID-19 pandemic was not associated with a decrease in the prevalence of mammogram use but was manifest for cervical cancer screening, particularly for Black women. Finally, those reporting having a WWV in the past year had a significantly higher prevalence of being up to date with screening compared with those not reporting a WWV.

COVID-19 , Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act , Humanos , Feminino , Illinois/epidemiologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto , Idoso , Estudos Transversais , Adulto Jovem , Sistema de Vigilância de Fator de Risco Comportamental , Serviços Preventivos de Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Detecção Precoce de Câncer/estatística & dados numéricos , Aceitação pelo Paciente de Cuidados de Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero/prevenção & controle , Mamografia/estatística & dados numéricos , Neoplasias da Mama/epidemiologia
J Public Health Manag Pract ; 30(4): 540-549, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38833668


CONTEXT: For many young children, early childcare and education (ECE) programs are the only source of nutritious meals and physical activity (PA); however, the COVID-19 pandemic led to program closures, restrictions, and changed practices. OBJECTIVE: To examine changes in nutrition and PA-related best practices in ECE settings in Illinois from 2019, just prior to the pandemic, as compared to 2022. We also examined how changes over time varied by program type (ie, centers vs homes), Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) status, and/or Head Start/Early Head Start status. DESIGN: The study design is a repeated cross-sectional survey administered in December 2019 and October 2022. SETTING: State of Illinois. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 888 and 1162 ECE providers completed initial and follow-up surveys, respectively. INTERVENTION: NA. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Provider report of meeting 14 nutrition and 9 PA-related best practices. RESULTS: Overall, 9 nutrition-related best practices were maintained and 5 declined over time. Centers, CACFP, and Head Start providers reported significant declines in meeting nutrition-related practices over time. A total of 8 PA-related best practices were maintained and 1 declined over time. Centers reported a significant decline in 5 of the PA-related best practices over time, and these declines were significantly different than in homes over time. Similarly, Head Start programs reported a decline in 4 PA-related best practices over time, and the change was significantly different from non-Head Start programs in 3 of the 4 practices. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study should be considered a new baseline for ECE nutrition and PA-related best practices in Illinois and should serve as a wake-up call for advocates nationwide with regard to the provision of nutrition and PA-related best practices in centers and by CACFP and Head Start providers postpandemic.

COVID-19 , Creches , Exercício Físico , SARS-CoV-2 , Humanos , Illinois/epidemiologia , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Pré-Escolar , Creches/normas , Creches/estatística & dados numéricos , Pandemias/prevenção & controle , Feminino , Estado Nutricional , Masculino , Inquéritos e Questionários , Lactente
Matern Child Health J ; 28(8): 1338-1345, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38864989


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to assess the association between insurance type and permanent contraception fulfillment among those with cesarean deliveries. Additionally, we sought to examine modification by the scheduled status of the cesarean. STUDY DESIGN: We used data from a multi-site cohort study of patients who delivered in 2018-2019 at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Illinois, MetroHealth Medical System in Ohio, or University of Alabama at Birmingham in Alabama. All patients had permanent contraception as their contraceptive plan in their medical chart during delivery hospitalization. We used logistic regression to model the association between insurance type, scheduled status of cesarean and permanent contraception fulfillment by hospital discharge. The scheduled status of cesarean delivery was examined as an effect modifier. RESULTS: Compared to patients with private insurance, those with Medicaid were less likely to have their desired permanent contraception procedure fulfilled by hospital discharge (89.3% vs. 96.8%, p < 0.001). After adjusting for covariates, patients with Medicaid had a lower odds of permanent contraception fulfillment by hospital discharge (OR: 0.41; 95% CI: 0.21, 0.77). This association was stronger among those who had unscheduled cesarean deliveries (OR: 0.29; 95% CI: 0.12, 0.74) than those with scheduled cesarean deliveries (OR: 0.77; 95% CI: 0.32, 1.88). CONCLUSIONS FOR PRACTICE: Compared to patients with private insurance undergoing a cesarean delivery, those with Medicaid insurance were less likely to have their desired permanent contraception fulfilled. Physicians and hospitals must examine their practices surrounding Medicaid forms to ensure that patients have valid consent forms available at the time of delivery.

Cesárea , Anticoncepção , Medicaid , Humanos , Feminino , Cesárea/estatística & dados numéricos , Adulto , Estados Unidos , Anticoncepção/estatística & dados numéricos , Anticoncepção/métodos , Estudos de Coortes , Medicaid/estatística & dados numéricos , Gravidez , Seguro Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Cobertura do Seguro/estatística & dados numéricos , Alabama , Illinois , Comportamento Contraceptivo/estatística & dados numéricos , Ohio
Int J Nurs Stud ; 158: 104830, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38917747


BACKGROUND: During the Covid-19 pandemic, Covid-19 mortality varied depending on the hospital where patients were admitted, but it is unknown what aspects of hospitals were important for mitigating preventable deaths. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether hospital differences in pre-pandemic and during pandemic nursing resources-average patient-to-registered nurse (RN) staffing ratios, proportion of bachelor-qualified RNs, nurse work environments, Magnet recognition-explain differences in risk-adjusted Covid-19 mortality; and to estimate how many deaths may have been prevented if nurses were better resourced prior to and during the pandemic. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study of 87,936 Medicare beneficiaries (65-99 years old) hospitalized with Covid-19 and discharged (or died) between April 1 and December 31, 2020, in 237 general acute care hospitals in New York and Illinois. Measures of hospital nursing resources (i.e. patient-to-RN staffing ratios, proportion of bachelor-qualified RNs, nurse work environments, Magnet recognition) in the pre-pandemic period (December 2019 to February 2020) and during (April to June 2021) were used to predict in-hospital and 30-day mortality using adjusted logistic regression models. RESULTS: The mean age of patients was 78 years (8.6 SD); 51 % were male (n = 44,998). 23 % of patients admitted to the hospital with Covid-19 died during the hospitalization (n = 20,243); 31.5 % died within 30-days of admission (n = 27,719). Patients admitted with Covid-19 to hospitals with better nursing resources pre-pandemic and during the pandemic were statistically significantly less likely to die. For example, each additional patient in the average nurses' workload pre-pandemic was associated with 20 % higher odds of in-hospital mortality (OR 1.20, 95 % CI [1.12-1.28], p < 0.001) and 15 % higher odds of 30-day mortality (OR 1.15, 95 % CI [1.09-1.21], p < 0.001). Hospitals with greater proportions of BSN-qualified RNs, better quality nurse work environments, and Magnet recognition offered similar protective benefits to patients during the pandemic. If all hospitals in the study had superior nursing resources prior to or during the pandemic, models estimate many thousands of deaths among patients hospitalized with Covid-19 could have been avoided. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with Covid-19 admitted to hospitals with adequate numbers of RNs caring for patients, a workforce rich in BSN-qualified RNs, and high-quality nurse work environments (both prior to and during the Covid-19 pandemic) were more likely to survive the hospitalization. Bolstering these hospital nursing resources during ordinary times is necessary to ensure better patient outcomes and emergency-preparedness of hospitals for future public health emergencies.

COVID-19 , Mortalidade Hospitalar , Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem Hospitalar , COVID-19/enfermagem , COVID-19/mortalidade , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem Hospitalar/provisão & distribuição , Idoso , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Admissão e Escalonamento de Pessoal , Estados Unidos/epidemiologia , SARS-CoV-2 , New York/epidemiologia , Illinois/epidemiologia , Pandemias
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38928931


Agricultural producers have worse mental health than the general population; however, recent research has not considered differences in stressors and mental health conditions by gender. A survey was mailed to a random sample of farmers in Illinois to screen for symptoms of anxiety and depression and identify sources of stress and social support. Men experienced more stress related to environmental and economic conditions than women, while women tended to have slightly higher levels of geographic isolation stress than men. Overall, there were no significant differences by gender in the proportion meeting the criteria for depression or anxiety; however, the results are higher than what is observed in the general population. Among those farmers who experience higher levels of stress about geographic isolation, the odds for women farmers to experience depressive symptoms are four times more than men farmers (OR 4.46 (0.91, 21.8); p = 0.06). Additional research should examine the relationship between social support and mental health. Interventions to reduce stress by gender should be considered.

Depressão , Fazendeiros , Saúde Mental , Apoio Social , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Fazendeiros/psicologia , Fazendeiros/estatística & dados numéricos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto , Saúde Mental/estatística & dados numéricos , Depressão/epidemiologia , Depressão/psicologia , Estresse Psicológico/psicologia , Ansiedade/epidemiologia , Ansiedade/psicologia , Idoso , Fatores Sexuais , Illinois , Adulto Jovem , Estresse Ocupacional/psicologia , Estresse Ocupacional/epidemiologia , Agricultura
Public Health Nurs ; 41(4): 704-708, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38745505


OBJECTIVE: Our goal is to examine gaps in self-carry, asthma emergency protocol, and stock inhaler policy knowledge in Illinois schools. DESIGN: A 30-item REDCap cross-sectional survey developed by a team of stakeholders was disseminated. Questions assessed policy knowledge, awareness, and practices regarding asthma emergency protocols, self-carry, and stock inhalers. SAMPLE: Participants were Illinois school nurses belonging to a governmental organization listserv. MEASUREMENTS: Analysis utilized Chi-square tests, descriptive statistics, and t-tests. RESULTS: Nurses reported 36% of students on average self-carried asthma medication. Thirty percent of nurses were not aware of their emergency asthma policy and only 60% reported having an emergency asthma protocol in their school(s). Fifty-four percent of nurses were aware of stock inhaler programming. Of the 10.3% who reported a stock inhaler program, a lower frequency reported calling 911 for asthma emergencies. Perceived school asthma prevalence varied from 0%-87%. CONCLUSIONS: Our survey demonstrates large variation in knowledge and implementation of school-based asthma health policy. This is likely due to variations in health policy education dissemination. Future efforts should focus on the dissemination and implementation of school-based asthma health policies to improve their more universal adoption and better support school-based asthma management.

Asma , Política de Saúde , Serviços de Enfermagem Escolar , Humanos , Asma/tratamento farmacológico , Asma/enfermagem , Illinois/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Feminino , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Masculino , Criança , Adulto , Serviços de Saúde Escolar/organização & administração , Nebulizadores e Vaporizadores
J Urban Health ; 101(3): 508-521, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38806992


Civilian injuries caused during contact with law enforcement personnel erode community trust in policing, impact individual well-being, and exacerbate existing health inequities. We assessed the relationship between ZIP code-level rates of civilian injuries caused during legal interventions and community-level sociodemographic characteristics using Illinois hospital data from 2016 to 2022. We developed multivariable Poisson regression models to examine whether legal intervention injury rates differed by race-ethnicity and community economic disadvantage across three geographic regions of Illinois representing different levels of urbanization. Over the study period, 4976 civilian injuries were treated in Illinois hospitals (rate of 5.6 per 100,000 residents). Compared to non-Hispanic white residents, non-Hispanic Black residents demonstrated 5.5-10.5 times higher injury rates across the three geographic regions, and Hispanic-Latino residents demonstrated higher rates in Chicago and suburban Cook County, but lower rates in the rest of the state. In most regions, models showed that as the percent of minority residents in a ZIP code increased, injury rates among non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic-Latino residents decreased. As community economic disadvantage increased at the ZIP code level, civilian injury rates increased. Communities with the highest injury rates involving non-Hispanic white residents were significantly more economically unequal and disadvantaged. While the injury rates were consistently and substantially higher among non-Hispanic Black residents throughout the state, the findings illustrate that the association between overall civilian injuries caused during contact with law enforcement and community sociodemographic characteristics varied across regions. Data on local law enforcement agency policies and procedures are needed to better identify appropriate interventions.

Aplicação da Lei , Ferimentos e Lesões , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Ferimentos e Lesões/epidemiologia , Ferimentos e Lesões/etiologia , Illinois/epidemiologia , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Idoso , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Polícia/estatística & dados numéricos , Criança , Características de Residência/estatística & dados numéricos , Hispânico ou Latino/estatística & dados numéricos , Pré-Escolar , Fatores Sociodemográficos , Negro ou Afro-Americano/estatística & dados numéricos , Lactente , População Branca/estatística & dados numéricos
Heart Lung ; 67: 100-107, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38744181


BACKGROUND: Little attention has been placed on language proficiency as a potential variable affecting ACS symptom knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs. OBJECTIVES: To compare the ACS symptom knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of Hispanic and Latina/o/x/e individuals proficient in English and in those only proficient in Spanish. Secondary aims were to determine if there were differences in ACS symptom knowledge, attitudes, or beliefs based on participants' previous exposure to ACS symptom information and to evaluate instrument characteristics of the new Spanish version of the ACS Response Index. METHODS: This cross-sectional, comparative study included participants (N = 99) from a community-based clinic in Illinois. Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs related to ACS symptoms were measured using the ACS Response Index. RESULTS: The average participant was 39.8 (SD 15.6) years of age, female (n = 56, 56.6 %), and had a high school education or less (n = 61, 61.6 %). Participants correctly classified a mean 57.5 % (SD 12.8) of symptoms and had mean attitude and belief scores of 12.1 (SD 3.3) and 17.5 (SD 2.9), respectively. There were no significant differences in knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs based on language proficiency. However, there were some statistically significant differences for knowledge and attitude scores based on exposure to ACS symptom information. The ACS Response Index (Spanish Version) also demonstrated favorable internal consistency. CONCLUSIONS: Overall knowledge, attitude, and belief scores were modest in this sample. Higher knowledge and attitude scores were observed for some types of ACS information exposure, supporting the importance of future educational efforts in this population.

Síndrome Coronariana Aguda , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Hispânico ou Latino , Humanos , Feminino , Estudos Transversais , Hispânico ou Latino/psicologia , Hispânico ou Latino/estatística & dados numéricos , Síndrome Coronariana Aguda/psicologia , Síndrome Coronariana Aguda/etnologia , Síndrome Coronariana Aguda/diagnóstico , Masculino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Illinois , Inquéritos e Questionários
J Wildl Dis ; 60(3): 799-801, 2024 07 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38752359


Coyotes (Canis latrans) share urban habitats with domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris), providing opportunities for pathogen transmission. In Chicago, Illinois, USA, canine influenza virus (CIV) is prevalent in dogs. Serologic investigation for exposure in 101 coyote samples collected 2000-23 did not detect any antibodies against CIV H3N2 and H3N8.

Anticorpos Antivirais , Coiotes , Doenças do Cão , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8 , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae , Animais , Coiotes/sangue , Coiotes/virologia , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/veterinária , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/epidemiologia , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/virologia , Cães , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Anticorpos Antivirais/sangue , Doenças do Cão/epidemiologia , Doenças do Cão/sangue , Doenças do Cão/virologia , Feminino , Illinois/epidemiologia , Masculino , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/isolamento & purificação , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N2 , Animais Selvagens/virologia
PeerJ ; 12: e17330, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38799066


With anthropogenic changes altering the environment and the subsequent decline of natural habitats, it can be challenging to predict essential habitats for elusive and difficult to study taxa. Primary burrowing crayfish are one such group due to the complexity in sampling their semi-terrestrial, subterranean habitat. Sampling burrows usually requires a labor-intensive, time-consuming excavation or trapping process. However, limited information on burrowing crayfish suggests that fine-scale habitat variation may drive burrowing crayfish habitat choice. This project aimed to evaluate the fine-scale habitat characteristics that influence burrowing crayfish presence and abundance at a large, restored-remnant grassland preserve in north-central Illinois. We documented burrow abundance and quadrat-specific habitat variables such as root biomass, canopy cover, apparent seasonal high-water table (water table) depth and dominant vegetation at sites with and without burrowing crayfish populations. Data was recorded at every quadrat and analyzed using generalized linear mixed models. A total of 21 models were created to determine what habitat variables affected burrow presence and abundance. We found that the water table depth was a significant driver of burrow presence and abundance. Root biomass and vegetation cover were not significant drivers, although they did show up in the final models, explaining the data. These findings demonstrate empirical support for previous observations from other burrowing crayfish research and demonstrate the influence of fine-scale habitat when modeling elusive taxa requirements.

Astacoidea , Ecossistema , Animais , Astacoidea/fisiologia , Illinois , Biomassa , Densidade Demográfica
PLoS One ; 19(5): e0299388, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38696456


This study aimed to evaluate the seroprevalence and spatial and temporal clustering of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in household cats within 63 counties in Illinois from October 2021 to May 2023. The analysis followed a stepwise approach. First, in a choropleth point map, we illustrated the distribution of county-level seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. Next, spatial interpolation was used to predict the seroprevalence in counties without recorded data. Global and local clustering methods were used to identify the extent of clustering and the counties with high or low seroprevalence, respectively. Next, temporal, spatial, and space-time scan statistic was used to identify periods and counties with higher-than-expected seroprevalence. In the last step, to identify more distinct areas in counties with high seroprevalence, city-level analysis was conducted to identify temporal and space-time clusters. Among 1,715 samples tested by serological assays, 244 samples (14%) tested positive. Young cats had higher seropositivity than older cats, and the third quarter of the year had the highest odds of seropositivity. Three county-level space-time clusters with higher-than-expected seroprevalence were identified in the northeastern, central-east, and southwest regions of Illinois, occurring between June and October 2022. In the city-level analysis, 2 space-time clusters were identified in Chicago's downtown and the southwestern suburbs of Chicago between June and September 2022. Our results suggest that the high density of humans and cats in large cities such as Chicago, might play a role in the transmission and clustering of SARS-CoV-2. Our study provides an in-depth analysis of SARS-CoV-2 epidemiology in Illinois household cats, which will aid in COVID-19 control and prevention.

Anticorpos Antivirais , COVID-19 , SARS-CoV-2 , Análise Espaço-Temporal , Gatos , Animais , Illinois/epidemiologia , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , SARS-CoV-2/imunologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/imunologia , Anticorpos Antivirais/sangue , Humanos , Análise por Conglomerados , Feminino , Masculino , Doenças do Gato/epidemiologia , Doenças do Gato/virologia , Doenças do Gato/imunologia
Semin Perinatol ; 48(3): 151908, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38692995


There are unacceptable racial inequities in perinatal outcomes in the United States. Social determinants of health (SDOH) are associated with health outcomes and contribute to disparities in maternal and newborn health. In this article, we (1) review the literature on SDOH improvement in the perinatal space, (2) describe the SDOH work facilitated by the Illinois Perinatal Quality Collaborative (ILPQC) in the Birth Equity quality improvement initiative, (3) detail a hospital's experience with implementing strategies to improve SDOH screening and linkage to needed resources and services and (4) outline a framework for success for addressing SDOH locally. A state-based quality improvement initiative can facilitate implementation of strategies to increase screening for SDOH. Engaging patients and communities with specific actionable strategies is key to increase linkage to needed SDOH resources and services.

Assistência Perinatal , Melhoria de Qualidade , Determinantes Sociais da Saúde , Humanos , Assistência Perinatal/normas , Gravidez , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Disparidades em Assistência à Saúde , Illinois , Estados Unidos
Prev Vet Med ; 228: 106223, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38749312


Veterinarians play an essential role in safeguarding and promoting animal and human health by timely reporting of notifiable diseases to animal and public health agencies and by educating animal owners on effective disease prevention measures. Moreover, clinical veterinarians can prevent the transmission and spread of zoonotic diseases by adopting effective biosecurity practices in their clinics. An online questionnaire was administered between October and November 2021 to veterinarians registered with the Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association. Veterinarians were surveyed on their disease risk perception, biosecurity practices, and disease reporting knowledge. In total, 104 veterinarians (64 % females and 46 % males) completed the questionnaire, of whom 88 % were veterinarians working in clinical practice (88 % companion animals and 12 % bovine or swine), while 12 % were employed in non-clinical settings. The disease-reporting knowledge score was higher for veterinarians with biosecurity training (IRR: 1.35; 95 % CI: 1.47-1.75). Compared to large animal veterinarians, companion animal veterinarians had lower odds of having biosecurity training (OR=0.68; 95 % CI=0.02-0.28) and were less familiar with current biosecurity guidelines (OR=0.12; 95 % CI = 0.03-0.51). Veterinarians familiar with biosecurity guidelines had a higher probability (OR=4.4; 95 % CI: 1.21-16.28) of perceiving biosecurity practices as practical while working with animals. Conversely, veterinarians who perceived that they could transmit diseases to animals had lower odds (OR: 0.42; 95 % CI: 0.20-0.91) of wearing protective clothing while dealing with confirmed cases of zoonotic diseases. Based on our study results, a gap in disease-reporting knowledge was identified among companion animal veterinarians. Biosecurity training improved the disease-reporting knowledge of veterinarians, suggesting that providing continuing education for veterinarians would be beneficial to disease reporting. A disconnect between disease risk perception and biosecurity practices was identified and further studies are needed to understand this discrepancy to design effective education programs.

Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Médicos Veterinários , Médicos Veterinários/psicologia , Médicos Veterinários/estatística & dados numéricos , Illinois , Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Humanos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto , Zoonoses/prevenção & controle , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Bovinos
Sci Total Environ ; 946: 172705, 2024 Oct 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38670381


Rivers are increasingly used as superhighways for the continental-scale transportation of freight goods, but the ecological impact of large vessel traffic on river ecosystems is difficult to study. Recently, the temporary maintenance closure of lock and dam systems on the Illinois Waterway (USA) brought commercial vessel traffic to a halt along the river's length, offering a rare opportunity to study the response of the ecosystem before, during, and after an extended pause of this persistent anthropogenic disturbance. We observed improvements in main- and side-channel water quality and a redistribution of fish habitat-use during a months-long, near-complete reduction of large vessel traffic. Over 3600 water quality and 1300 fish community samples indicate that large vessel traffic reduction coincided with a 33 % reduction in turbidity as well as increased use of sampling strata near vessel navigation corridors by sound-sensitive and rheophilic fishes. Gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum), the most abundant species in the system, also expanded their use of these 'impact' areas. Though inland waterway transport is an economically- and climate-friendly alternative to trucking and rail for the shipment of freight, our data suggest that intense vessel traffic may have profound physical and biological impacts across a large river. Monitoring and mitigation of ecological impacts of the ongoing expansion of inland waterway transport around the world will be critical to balancing large rivers as both useful navigation corridors and functional ecosystems.

Ecossistema , Monitoramento Ambiental , Peixes , Rios , Qualidade da Água , Animais , Illinois , Meios de Transporte , Navios