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Artif Organs ; 45(1): 79-87, 2021 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32697860


Patients with kidney failure can only survive with some form of kidney replacement (transplant or dialysis). Unfortunately, innovations in kidney replacement therapy lag behind many other medical fields. This study compiles expert opinions on candidate technologies for future kidney replacement therapies. A worldwide web-based survey was conducted with 1566 responding experts, identified from scientific publications on kidney (renal) replacement therapy, indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection (period 2014-2019). Candidate innovative approaches were categorized in line with the Kidney Health Initiative roadmap for innovative kidney replacement therapies. Most respondents expected a revolution in kidney replacement therapies: 68.59% before 2040 and 24.85% after 2040, while 6.56% expected none. Approaches anticipated as most likely were implantable artificial kidneys (38.6%) and wearable artificial kidneys (32.4%). A majority of experts expect that kidney replacement therapies can be significantly improved by innovative technologies.

Desenho de Equipamento/tendências , Falência Renal Crônica/terapia , Rins Artificiais/tendências , Terapia de Substituição Renal/tendências , Humanos , Terapia de Substituição Renal/métodos
Int. j. artif. organs ; Int. j. artif. organs;43(7): 1-6, July., 2020. gráfico, imagem, ilustraçao, tabela
Artigo em Inglês | Sec. Est. Saúde SP, SESSP-IDPCPROD, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: biblio-1123307


Introduction: The use of volatile agents during cardiopulmonary bypass allows a "single drug anesthesia" and is associated with reduced peak postoperative troponin levels. Connecting the exhaust systems to the oxygenator's gas outlet port is mandatory and allows to prevent operating room (but not atmospheric) pollution by volatile agents. The aim of this study was to create a prototype filter for volatile agents and to test its adsorption efficacy during an ex-vivo simulated conventional cardiopulmonary bypass test. Methods: We carried out bench tests to conceive a prototype filter that could prevent room and environment pollution without damaging membrane oxygenators. We performed the tests at the Engineering Center for Circulatory Assistance Laboratory, Dante Pazzanese Institute of Cardiology, São Paulo, Brazil. Bench tests included simulation of integral adsorption tests, filter dimensions and design, flow versus pressure curve, sizing, and tightness. Results: Calgon AT 410 was the best kind of activated charcoal granules for adsorption of sevoflurane, isoflurane, and desflurane. Filter dimension tests showed that a chamber of 30-cm width over 10-cm diameter filled with 200g of the Calgon AT410 granules was the minimum required to fully adsorb sevoflurane for 90min. Adsorption tests showed that the prototype filter fully adsorbed isoflurane in 100±2.3min, sevoflurane in 95±3.4min, and desflurane in 95±4.3min. Conclusion: The new version of our prototype filter adsorbed most of the volatile anesthetics agents during an ex-vivo simulated conventional cardiopulmonary bypass test.

Remoção de Componentes Sanguíneos , Ponte Cardiopulmonar , Poluição do Ar , Anestesia , Rins Artificiais
J. bras. nefrol ; 41(3): 384-392, July-Sept. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040258


Abstract Introduction: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has a high prevalence and is a worldwide public health problem. Reuse of dialyzers is a cost reduction strategy used in many countries. There is controversy over its effects on clinical parameters and microbiological safety. Methods: In this clinical crossover study, 10 patients performed consecutive hemodialysis (HD) sessions divided in two phases: "single use" sessions (N = 10 HD sessions) followed by "dialyzer reuse" sessions (N = 30 HD sessions). Clinical, laboratory, and microbiological parameters were collected in the following time points: "single use", 1st, 6th, and 12th sessions with reuse of dialyzers, including bacterial cultures, endotoxins quantification in serum and dialyzer blood chamber, and detection of hemoglobin and protein residues in dialyzers. Results: Mean age of the sample was 37 ± 16 years, 6 (60%) were men, and 5 (50%) were white. CKD and HD vintage were 169 ± 108 and 47 (23-111) months, respectively. Serum C-reactive protein (CRP) [4.9 (2.1) mg/mL], ferritin (454 ± 223 ng/mL), and endotoxin levels [0.76 (0.61-0.91) EU/mL] were high at baseline. Comparison of pre- and post-HD variations of serum levels of CRP and endotoxins in the "single use" versus "reuse" phases did not result in differences (p = 0.8 and 0.4, respectively). Samples of liquid in the dialyzer inner chamber were negative for the growth of bacteria or endotoxins. There was no significant clinical manifestation within and between the phases. Conclusion: Dialyzers reuse was safe from a clinical, microbiological, and inflammatory point of view. The dialyzer performance remained adequate until the 12th reuse.

Resumo Introdução: A doença renal crônica (DRC) é um problema de saúde pública mundial de alta prevalência. O reúso de dialisadores é uma estratégia de redução de custos empregada em muitos países. Seus efeitos sobre parâmetros clínicos e de segurança microbiológica são alvo de controvérsia. Métodos: No presente estudo clínico cruzado, 10 pacientes realizaram sessões consecutivas de hemodiálise (HD) divididas em duas fases: a primeira com sessões de "uso único" (N = 10 sessões de HD) e a segunda com sessões com "reúso de dialisadores" (N = 30 sessões de HD). Parâmetros clínicos, laboratoriais e microbiológicos foram registrados nos seguintes momentos: "uso único", 1a, 6a e 12a sessões com reúso de dialisadores, incluindo culturas bacterianas, quantificação de endotoxinas no soro e na câmara interna do dialisador e detecção de hemoglobina e resíduos de proteína nos dialisadores. Resultados: A idade média da amostra foi de 37 ± 16 anos seis (60%) eram homens e cinco (50%) eram brancos. Os tempos com DRC e em HD foram de 169 ± 108 e 47 (23-111) meses, respectivamente. Os níveis séricos de proteína C-reativa (PCR) [4,9 (2,1) mg/mL], ferritina (454 ± 223 ng/mL) e endotoxinas [0,76 (0,61-0,91) UE/mL] estavam elevados no início do estudo. A diferença dos níveis séricos de PCR e endotoxinas pré e pós-HD nas fases de "uso único" e "reúso" não foi significativa (p = 0,8 e 0,4, respectivamente). As amostras de líquido retiradas da câmara interna do dialisador foram negativas para crescimento de bactérias e endotoxinas. Não houve registro de manifestações clínicas significativas nas fases do estudo. Conclusão: O reúso de dialisadores foi seguro dos pontos de vista clínico, microbiológico e inflamatório. O desempenho do dialisador permaneceu adequado até o 12º reuso.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Diálise Renal/instrumentação , Reutilização de Equipamento , Rins Artificiais/efeitos adversos , Rins Artificiais/microbiologia , Proteína C-Reativa/análise , Projetos Piloto , Seguimentos , Estudos Cross-Over , Endotoxinas/sangue , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/terapia , Ferritinas/sangue , Inflamação/sangue
Pharmacol Ther ; 200: 1-12, 2019 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30959059


Acute kidney injury (AKI) is defined as a decrease in kidney function within hours, which encompasses both injury and impairment of renal function. AKI is not considered a pathological condition of single organ failure, but a syndrome in which the kidney plays an active role in the progression of multi-organ dysfunction. The incidence rate of AKI is increasing and becoming a common (8-16% of hospital admissions) and serious disease (four-fold increased hospital mortality) affecting public health costs worldwide. AKI also affects the young and previously healthy individuals affected by infectious diseases in Latin America. Because of the multifactorial pathophysiological mechanisms, there is no effective pharmacological therapy that prevents the evolution or reverses the injury once established; therefore, renal replacement therapy is the only current alternative available for renal patients. The awareness of an accurate and prompt recognition of AKI underlying the various clinical phenotypes is an urgent need for more effective therapeutic interventions to diminish mortality and socio-economic impacts of AKI. The use of biomarkers as an indicator of the initial stage of the disease is critical and the cornerstone to fulfill the gaps in the field. This review discusses emerging strategies from basic science toward the anticipation of features, treatment of AKI, and new treatments using pharmacological and stem cell therapies. We will also highlight bioartificial kidney studies, addressing the limitations of the development of this innovative technology.

Injúria Renal Aguda/terapia , Injúria Renal Aguda/genética , Injúria Renal Aguda/metabolismo , Injúria Renal Aguda/prevenção & controle , Animais , Órgãos Bioartificiais , Biomarcadores/metabolismo , Humanos , Rins Artificiais
J Bras Nefrol ; 41(3): 384-392, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30720850


INTRODUCTION: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has a high prevalence and is a worldwide public health problem. Reuse of dialyzers is a cost reduction strategy used in many countries. There is controversy over its effects on clinical parameters and microbiological safety. METHODS: In this clinical crossover study, 10 patients performed consecutive hemodialysis (HD) sessions divided in two phases: "single use" sessions (N = 10 HD sessions) followed by "dialyzer reuse" sessions (N = 30 HD sessions). Clinical, laboratory, and microbiological parameters were collected in the following time points: "single use", 1st, 6th, and 12th sessions with reuse of dialyzers, including bacterial cultures, endotoxins quantification in serum and dialyzer blood chamber, and detection of hemoglobin and protein residues in dialyzers. RESULTS: Mean age of the sample was 37 ± 16 years, 6 (60%) were men, and 5 (50%) were white. CKD and HD vintage were 169 ± 108 and 47 (23-111) months, respectively. Serum C-reactive protein (CRP) [4.9 (2.1) mg/mL], ferritin (454 ± 223 ng/mL), and endotoxin levels [0.76 (0.61-0.91) EU/mL] were high at baseline. Comparison of pre- and post-HD variations of serum levels of CRP and endotoxins in the "single use" versus "reuse" phases did not result in differences (p = 0.8 and 0.4, respectively). Samples of liquid in the dialyzer inner chamber were negative for the growth of bacteria or endotoxins. There was no significant clinical manifestation within and between the phases. CONCLUSION: Dialyzers reuse was safe from a clinical, microbiological, and inflammatory point of view. The dialyzer performance remained adequate until the 12th reuse.

Reutilização de Equipamento , Rins Artificiais/efeitos adversos , Rins Artificiais/microbiologia , Diálise Renal/instrumentação , Adulto , Proteína C-Reativa/análise , Estudos Cross-Over , Endotoxinas/sangue , Feminino , Ferritinas/sangue , Seguimentos , Humanos , Inflamação/sangue , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Projetos Piloto , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/terapia , Adulto Jovem
J Clin Lab Anal ; 32(5): e22377, 2018 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29314251


BACKGROUND: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the convergent point of several pathological processes, and its evolution is insidious and characterized by a progressive and irreversible loss of kidney function. This impaired function induces the accumulation of uremic toxins and individuals with terminal CKD often have altered physiological responses, including a persistent state of immuno-suppression and development of diseases. A better characterization and stratification of these patients with CKD in different immuno-compromised groups would contribute to more effective and personalized treatments. The focus of this study was to use two parameters to stratify patients with CKD into four separate groups that are representative of different immunological status. METHODS: Patients with CKD were chosen randomly and stratified into four separate groups according to the period of time receiving dialysis treatment and leukocyte blood counts. The amount of apoptotic CD4 T cells were measured in each group of patients, and clinical/hematological parameters were correlated by multivariate analysis with each group. RESULTS: Observations reveal that one of the four groups of patients with CKD (group 3) had more apoptotic CD4 T cells than the other group; this group also had an increased malnutrition inflammation score (MIS), an elevated Kt/V, and a higher incidence of smoking. CONCLUSION: A simple two-parameter-based stratification strategy could be used to design effective immunological therapies that differentiate the degrees of immuno-suppression across groups of patients with CKD.

Linfócitos T CD4-Positivos/patologia , Tolerância Imunológica/fisiologia , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/imunologia , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/patologia , Apoptose/fisiologia , Progressão da Doença , Feminino , Citometria de Fluxo , Testes Hematológicos , Humanos , Rins Artificiais , Leucócitos/patologia , Masculino , Análise Multivariada , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/terapia , Estatística como Assunto
In. Magrans Buch, Charles; Barranco Hernández, Evangelina; Ibars Bolaños, Esther Victoria. Hemodiálisis y enfermedad renal crónica. La Habana, ECIMED, 2016. , tab, graf.
Monografia em Espanhol | CUMED | ID: cum-62519
In. Magrans Buch, Charles; Barranco Hernández, Evangelina; Ibars Bolaños, Esther Victoria. Hemodiálisis y enfermedad renal crónica. La Habana, ECIMED, 2016. , graf.
Monografia em Espanhol | CUMED | ID: cum-62513
Porto Alegre; s.n; 2016. 141 p. ilus.
Tese em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-983503


A reutilização do dialisador capilar em hemodiálise é uma prática realizada em muitos países, apesar de não haver consenso sobre sua segurança e eficácia em comparação ao dialisador de uso único. Em relação ao uso único, apontam-se os custos como grande entrave e a preocupação com o aumento do lixo hospitalar. No que se refere aos riscos do reuso, aponta-se a exposição dos profissionais aos produtos químicos necessários à realização do processo de reutilização, assim como movimentos repetitivos envolvidos na dinâmica dessa técnica; somadas a isto, a redução da eficiência da membrana, a contaminação do sistema, as infecções cruzadas, as reações pirogênicas e as bacteremias. Nesse sentido, tornam-se relevantes estudos que investiguem o efeito da adoção desses métodos nesses desfechos. Objetivos: Comparar as implicações do dialisador reutilizado (reuso) com as do utilizado uma única vez (uso único) na saúde dos profissionais, nos desfechos clínicos e custos de pacientes em hemodiálise. Métodos: Estudo longitudinal, com coleta de dados retrospectiva, realizado em um Hospital Público Universitário (Janeiro de 2015 a Fevereiro de 2016). Foram incluídos 18 técnicos de enfermagem e 34 pacientes renais crônicos submetidos à hemodiálise nos dois períodos do estudo (período de reuso e período de uso único), por meio de cateter, fístula ou enxerto, com fluxo de sangue de pelo menos 300 ml/min. e tempo de diálise definido entre três a quatro horas por sessão. Considerou-se como desfechos primários os distúrbios osteomusculares, irritação ocular, as dermatoses, afastamento do trabalho e uso de medicações. Como secundários, hemodinâmica, volemia, exames laboratoriais, reações pirogênicas, bacteremias, uso de antibióticos e custos diretos e indiretos do procedimento. Projeto aprovado no Comitê de Ética da instituição...

Capillary dialyzer reuse in hemodialysis is a practice carried out in many countries, although there is no consensus about its safety and effectiveness in comparison with the single-use dialyzer. Regarding the single-use dialyzer, costs are considered a major obstacle, as is the concern with the increase in medical waste. In what concerns the risks of reuse, the exposure of the professionals to chemicals needed to carry out the process of reuse, as well as the repetitive movements involved in the dynamics of this technique stand out; added to this, there are the reduced efficiency of the membrane, the contamination of the system, crossinfections, pyrogenic reactions and bacteremia. In this sense, a study which investigates the effect of the adoption of these methods in these outcomes becomes relevant. Objectives: To compare the implications of reused dialyzer with single-use dialyzer on the health of professionals, clinical outcomes and costs of patients in hemodialysis. Methods: Longitudinal study with retrospective data collection, carried out in a Public University Hospital (January 2015 to February 2016). Participated in the study 18 nursing technicians and 34 chronic kidney patients subjected to hemodialysis in the two periods of the study (reuse and single-use periods), through catheter, fistula or graft, with blood flow of at least 300 mL/min, dialysis time set between three to four hours per session. Musculoskeletal disorders, eye irritation, skin diseases, work leave and the use of medications were considered as primary outcomes. Secondary included hemodynamics, blood volume, laboratory tests, pyrogenic reactions, bacteremia, antibiotic use, direct and indirect costs of the procedure. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the institution...

Humanos , Custos e Análise de Custo , Reutilização de Equipamento , Rins Artificiais , Equipe de Enfermagem , Diálise Renal
Antimicrob Agents Chemother ; 57(5): 2417-21, 2013 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23478969


Biofilms have been observed in the fluid pathways of hemodialysis machines. The impacts of four biocides used for the disinfection of hemodialysis systems were tested against Candida parapsilosis sensu stricto and Candida orthopsilosis biofilms generated by isolates obtained from a hydraulic circuit that were collected in a hemodialysis unit. Acetic acid was shown to be the most effective agent against Candida biofilms. Strategies for effective disinfection procedures used for hemodialysis systems should also seek to kill and inhibit biofilms.

Ácido Acético/farmacologia , Antifúngicos/farmacologia , Biofilmes/efeitos dos fármacos , Candida/efeitos dos fármacos , Desinfetantes/farmacologia , Rins Artificiais/microbiologia , Biofilmes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Candida/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Unidades Hospitalares de Hemodiálise , Humanos , Peróxido de Hidrogênio/farmacologia , Ácido Peracético/farmacologia , Hipoclorito de Sódio/farmacologia
In. Alfonso Guerra, Jorge Pablo. Historia de la nefrología en Cuba. La Habana, Ecimed, 2013. , ilus, graf.
Monografia em Espanhol | CUMED | ID: cum-55074
Medisan ; 16(8)ago. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | CUMED | ID: cum-51866


La hemodiálisis es el proceder que permite mantener con vida a los pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica terminal y se realiza a través de un riñón artificial. La necesidad de unidades nefrológicas más cerca de los lugares donde residen los afectados, demanda el entrenamiento y capacitación del personal, razón por la cual se implementó el sistema de autoentrenamiento para el manejo de riñones artificiales (SARA), producto que describe, entre otros aspectos, las funciones y las precauciones a tener en cuenta con el uso de dicho riñón. Se presentan aspectos concluyentes de 4 años de explotación del SARA y se compara con el nuevo sistema, el RENTREN, cuya implementación permite elevar el nivel científico de todos los que laboran en el Servicio de Hemodiálisis; también se incluye un simulador que posibilita al usuario evaluar su dominio de todo el proceso(AU)

Hemodyalisis is the procedure that allows to maintain alive the patients with terminal chronic renal failure and is carried out through an artificial kidney. The necessity of nephrologic units nearer to the places where the affected live, demands the training of the staff, reason why the self-training system was implemented for the use of artificial kidneys (SARA), a product which describes, among other aspects, the functions and the cares to keep in mind with the use of this kidney. Conclusive aspects of 4 years of exploitation of SARA are presented and it is compared with the new system, the RENTREN, which implementation allows to elevate the scientific level of all those who work in the Hemodyalisis Service; a simulator is also included that facilitates the user to evaluate the domain on the whole process(AU)

Humanos , Insuficiência Renal Crônica , Diálise Renal , Software , Rins Artificiais , Tutoria , Tutorial Interativo