Two-characters continuation, which is a string with two characters emerging in linear sequence, can break through the encapsulation and independence of long solidified language chunks (words and phrases). In this way, two-characters continuation can measure the information of not only static language units (words and phrases) but also their combination in the text. Therefore, two-characters continuation is used as a measurement unit for investigating Chinese text's difficulty, to enhance the accuracy of measuring text's difficulty. Three different measurement methods of text's difficulty are proposed, which are respectively based on "continuation index of character", "new and stable two-characters continuation" and "emerging tendency of two-characters continuation". The results show that compared to other two methods, the measurement method of text's difficulty based on new and stable two-characters continuations has better effectiveness, whose accuracies for measuring text's difficulty with 6 levels, 3 levels and 2 levels difficulties can reach 36.4%, 64.6% and 79.6%, respectively. In addition, compared to Jiang and Wu's research works, the above measurement method also shows a better effectiveness.
Idioma , Humanos , China , Leitura , População do Leste AsiáticoRESUMO
Text reading fluency (TRF) is a common reading intervention target in second and third grade. TRF requires the integration of several skills that result in several pathways to dysfluent reading. However, when applying the drill-down approach to intervention targeting, practitioners are guided to consider students' rate and accuracy when reading connected text after ruling out decoding difficulties. A question remains whether students' reading rate and accuracy alone is sensitive to differences in the underlying skills that promote TRF. We used latent profile analysis to investigate whether different profiles of component reading skills could be identified among second- (n = 127) and third-grade (n = 170) students who were referred for an intervention targeting TRF. Most students were identified as white (56%) and students were predominately English speakers (87%). At the beginning of the intervention, we measured participants' skills in listening comprehension, reading comprehension, reading vocabulary, word reading efficiency, and decoding efficiency. Four profiles emerged in both grades with similar patterns in terms of the component skills influencing TRF. Students in two of the profiles demonstrated relative strengths in word reading or reading comprehension with their other skills near the sample average. A third profile approximated the sample average across all component skills whereas the fourth profile was below the sample average in all measured skills. However, some of the empirically derived profiles did not differ in terms of students' average reading rate. For example, the average words read correct per minute did not significantly differ between students with relative strengths in comprehension and students with relative strengths with word reading. Our results suggest that differences in students' text reading rate and accuracy may not always capture potentially relevant differences in the skills that influence TRF.
Compreensão , Leitura , Estudantes , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Criança , Compreensão/fisiologia , Dislexia , VocabulárioRESUMO
Using a person-centered approach, we aimed to identify different executive functioning profiles to assess heterogeneity across individuals within the same school grade through latent profile analysis. A sample of 150 Grade 2 (7-8 years old), 150 Grade 6 (11-12 years old), and 150 Grade 10 (15-16 years old) children and adolescents were assessed on 11 different executive tasks representative of the three main executive functioning subcomponents (i.e., inhibition, cognitive flexibility, and working memory), fluid intelligence, processing speed, problem-solving, and reading comprehension. Three different executive functioning profiles of different patterns of interactions based on inhibition, cognitive flexibility, and working memory within and between grades were identified. Moreover, these profiles were differentially related to reading comprehension and mathematical achievement. Second, as expected, we did not find these profiles to be associated with sociodemographic variables such as chronological age or sex. Still, fluid intelligence and processing speed were differentially related to the different profiles at each grade. We also found that the executive functioning profiles interacted with each cognitive skill (i.e., fluid intelligence and processing speed) in predicting reading comprehension and math achievement. These findings provide valuable insights for developing preventive and intervention strategies in education.
Sucesso Acadêmico , Função Executiva , Inteligência , Matemática , Leitura , Humanos , Criança , Função Executiva/fisiologia , Feminino , Masculino , Adolescente , Inteligência/fisiologia , Compreensão/fisiologia , Memória de Curto Prazo/fisiologia , Resolução de Problemas/fisiologia , Inibição Psicológica , Estudantes/psicologiaRESUMO
The direct-lexical-control hypothesis stipulates that some aspect of a word's processing determines the duration of the fixation on that word and/or the next. Although the direct lexical control is incorporated into most current models of eye-movement control in reading, the precise implementation varies and the assumptions of the hypothesis may not be feasible given that lexical processing must occur rapidly enough to influence fixation durations. Conclusive empirical evidence supporting this hypothesis is therefore lacking. In this article, we report the results of an eye-tracking experiment using the boundary paradigm in which native speakers of Chinese read sentences in which target words were either high- or low-frequency and preceded by a valid or invalid preview. Eye movements were co-registered with electroencephalography, allowing standard analyses of eye-movement measures, divergence point analyses of fixation-duration distributions, and fixated-related potentials on the target words. These analyses collectively provide strong behavioral and neural evidence of early lexical processing and thus strong support for the direct-lexical-control hypothesis. We discuss the implications of the findings for our understanding of how the hypothesis might be implemented, the neural systems that support skilled reading, and the nature of eye-movement control in the reading of Chinese versus alphabetic scripts.
Eletroencefalografia , Movimentos Oculares , Tecnologia de Rastreamento Ocular , Leitura , Humanos , Movimentos Oculares/fisiologia , Feminino , Masculino , Fixação Ocular/fisiologia , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Idioma , Potenciais Evocados/fisiologia , China , População do Leste AsiáticoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Exposure to lead during childhood is detrimental to children's health. The extent to which the association between lead exposure and elementary school academic outcomes varies across geography is not known. OBJECTIVE: Estimate associations between blood lead levels (BLLs) and fourth grade standardized test scores in reading and mathematics in North Carolina using models that allow associations between BLL and test scores to vary spatially across communities. METHODS: We link geocoded, individual-level, standardized test score data for North Carolina public school students in fourth grade (2013-2016) with detailed birth records and blood lead testing data retrieved from the North Carolina childhood blood lead state registry on samples typically collected at 1-6 y of age. BLLs were categorized as: 1µg/dL (reference), 2µg/dL, 3-4µg/dL and ≥5µg/dL. We then fit spatially varying coefficient models that incorporate information sharing (smoothness), across neighboring communities via a Gaussian Markov random field to provide a global estimate of the association between BLL and test scores, as well as census tract-specific estimates (i.e., spatial coefficients). Models adjusted for maternal- and child-level covariates and were fit separately for reading and math. RESULTS: The average BLL across the 91,706 individuals in the analysis dataset was 2.84µg/dL. Individuals were distributed across 2,002 (out of 2,195) census tracts in North Carolina. In models adjusting for child sex, birth weight percentile for gestational age, and Medicaid participation as well as maternal race/ethnicity, educational attainment, marital status, and tobacco use, BLLs of 2µg/dL, 3-4µg/dL and ≥5µg/dL were associated with overall lower reading test scores of -0.28 [95% confidence interval (CI): -0.43, -0.12], -0.53 (-0.69, -0.38), and -0.79 (-0.99, -0.604), respectively. For BLLs of 1µg/dL, 2µg/dL, 3-4µg/dL and ≥5µg/dL, spatial coefficients-that is, tract-specific adjustments in reading test score relative to the "global" coefficient-ranged from -9.70 to 2.52, -3.19 to 3.90, -11.14 to 7.85, and -4.73 to 4.33, respectively. Results for mathematics were similar to those for reading. CONCLUSION: The association between lead exposure and reading and mathematics test scores exhibits considerable heterogeneity across North Carolina communities. These results emphasize the need for prevention and mitigation efforts with respect to lead exposures everywhere, with special attention to locations where the cognitive impact is elevated.
Exposição Ambiental , Chumbo , Instituições Acadêmicas , Estudantes , Humanos , North Carolina , Criança , Chumbo/sangue , Feminino , Masculino , Exposição Ambiental/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Poluentes Ambientais/sangue , Leitura , Pré-Escolar , MatemáticaRESUMO
Working memory capacity (WMC) has received a great deal of attention in cognitive psychology partly because WMC correlates broadly with other abilities (e.g., reading comprehension, second-language proficiency, fluid intelligence) and thus seems to be a critical aspect of cognitive ability. However, it is still rigorously debated why such correlations occur. Some theories posit a single ability (e.g., attention control, short-term memory capacity, controlled memory search) as the primary reason behind WMC's predictiveness, whereas others argue that WMC is predictive because it taps into multiple abilities. Here, we tested these single- and multifaceted accounts of WMC with a large-scale (N = 974) individual-differences investigation of WMC and three hypothesized mediators: attention control, primary memory, and secondary memory. We found evidence for a multifaceted account, such that no single ability could fully mediate the relation between WMC and higher order cognition (i.e., reading comprehension and fluid intelligence). Further, such an effect held regardless of whether WMC was measured via complex span or n-back. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).
Memória de Curto Prazo , Humanos , Memória de Curto Prazo/fisiologia , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Atenção/fisiologia , Adolescente , Individualidade , Inteligência/fisiologia , Leitura , Cognição/fisiologia , Compreensão/fisiologiaRESUMO
In isolated English word reading, readers have the optimal performance when their initial eye fixation is directed to the area between the beginning and word center, that is, the optimal viewing position (OVP). Thus, how well readers voluntarily direct eye gaze to this OVP during isolated word reading may be associated with reading performance. Using Eye Movement analysis with Hidden Markov Models, we discovered two representative eye movement patterns during lexical decisions through clustering, which focused at the OVP and the word center, respectively. Higher eye movement similarity to the OVP-focusing pattern predicted faster lexical decision time in addition to cognitive abilities and lexical knowledge. However, the OVP-focusing pattern was associated with longer isolated single letter naming time, suggesting conflicting visual abilities required for identifying isolated letters and multi-letter words. In contrast, in both word and pseudoword naming, although clustering did not reveal an OVP-focused pattern, higher consistency of the first fixation as measured in entropy predicted faster naming time in addition to cognitive abilities and lexical knowledge. Thus, developing a consistent eye movement pattern focusing on the OVP is essential for word orthographic processing and reading fluency. This finding has important implications for interventions for reading difficulties.
Movimentos Oculares , Cadeias de Markov , Leitura , Humanos , Movimentos Oculares/fisiologia , Adulto Jovem , Feminino , Masculino , Fixação Ocular/fisiologia , Adulto , Tempo de Reação/fisiologia , IdiomaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: As a group, autistic children with high support needs (with adaptive functioning in the range of an intellectual disability) are at risk of significant literacy difficulties. We investigated the parent-reported home literacy environment of this group of children. METHOD: Sixty-two parents of autistic children (4.5 to 18.25 years) attending an autism-specific school completed a home literacy survey reporting on their child's: (1) alphabet knowledge, (2) interest in reading, (3) activities/interactions around books, (4) reading ability, and (5) writing ability. RESULTS: We found significant positive correlations between parent-reported child interest in reading and literacy-related interactions and skills, but not with child age. Children using spoken words to communicate obtained significantly greater scores on four home-literacy subscales, but not on reading interest. CONCLUSIONS: A better understanding of the home literacy activities of autistic children with high-support needs is needed to inform educational practices aimed at promoting literacy development in this vulnerable population.
Alfabetização , Leitura , Humanos , Criança , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Pré-Escolar , Transtorno Autístico , Redação , Transtorno do Espectro AutistaRESUMO
It remains uncertain whether causal structure prediction can improve comprehension in Chinese sentences and whether the position of the headword mediates the prediction effect. We conducted an experiment to explore the effect of causal prediction and headword position in Chinese sentence reading. Participants were asked to read sentences containing causal connectives with their eye movements recorded. In the experiment, we manipulated the causal structure of the sentence and the position of the headword. We found a promoting effect of causal structure on first-pass reading time and a hindering impact on total reading time. However, the effect was not mediated by the headword position. The results show that causal syntactic prediction facilitated early-stage processing and increased the integration cost in the late stage of Chinese sentence processing. These findings also support the constraint-based approach, which suggests an isolation between semantic and syntactic processing.
Compreensão , Movimentos Oculares , Leitura , Semântica , Humanos , Movimentos Oculares/fisiologia , Compreensão/fisiologia , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto Jovem , China , Idioma , Adulto , População do Leste AsiáticoRESUMO
This study aimed to examine the effects of a visual praxis-based occupational therapy (VPOT) programme on reading and motor skills for children with developmental dyslexia (DD). Forty-two children were included in the study. Additionally, before VPOT, the Reading-Aloud and Reading-Comprehension Test 2 (ORSRC-2) and the Bruininks-Oseretsky Motor-Proficiency-Test-2-Brief Form (BOT2-BF) were applied to the participants. According to the study design, VPOT was applied to two sessions per week for 8 weeks to group A. During this period, group B was accepted as the control group. At the end of these 8 weeks, evaluation tests were applied to both groups. Then, group A was defined as the control group and Group B as the intervention group, and VPOT was applied to Group B. At the end of another 8 weeks, evaluation tests were applied to both groups for the third time. When the final ORSRC-2 results were examined, VPOT was found to be an effective programme for improving reading skills. Additionally, when the final BOT2-BF results were examined, VPOT was determined to be effective in improving motor skills (p < 0.05). We believe that it is important to carry out comprehensive studies such as the VPOT programme to solve problems in the physical and learning activities of children with DD.
Estudos Cross-Over , Dislexia , Destreza Motora , Terapia Ocupacional , Leitura , Percepção Visual , Humanos , Terapia Ocupacional/métodos , Dislexia/reabilitação , Dislexia/terapia , Criança , Feminino , Masculino , Destreza Motora/fisiologia , Método Simples-Cego , Percepção Visual/fisiologiaRESUMO
It is harder to decide that a sequence of words is ungrammatical when the ungrammaticality is created by transposing two words in a correct sentence (e.g., he wants green these apples), and it is harder to judge that two ungrammatical word sequences are different when the difference is created by transposing two words (e.g., green want these he apples-green these want he apples). In two experiments, we manipulated the relative length of the transposed words such that these words were either the same length (e.g., then you see can it) or different lengths (e.g., then you create can it). The same-length and different-length conditions were matched for syntactic category and word frequency. In Experiment 1 (speeded grammatical decision) we found no evidence for a modulation of transposed-word effects as a function of the relative length of the transposed words. We surmised that this might be due to top-down constraints being the main driving force behind the effects found in the grammatical decision task. However, this was also the case in Experiment 2 (same-different matching with ungrammatical sequences of words) where syntactic constraints were minimized. Given that skilled readers can read sentences composed of words of the same length, our results confirm that word length information alone is not used to encode the order of words in a sequence of words, and especially concerning the order of adjacent words in foveal/parafoveal vision. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).
Reconhecimento Visual de Modelos , Psicolinguística , Leitura , Humanos , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Masculino , Reconhecimento Visual de Modelos/fisiologia , FemininoRESUMO
Although many studies document the role of propositional truth-value in human psychological reading behavior, there is a relative paucity of research examining the role of differential propositional truth-value in processing Chinese counterfactual conditionals. This study is to investigate the role of differential propositional value in processing Chinese counterfactual conditionals by means of ERPs (event-related potentials). The study is based on comprehending two types of Chinese counterfactual conditionals, which is propositional truth value introduced by two different markers of conditional conjunctions in the protasis and apodosis, such as true counterfactual conditional markers jiaru (if) & jiu (so) in the sentence wo xiang yu jiaru you tui jiu keyi zai shuixia zhixi (I think if fish had legs so they could stifle under water), and false counterfactual conditional markers ruguo (if) & namo (then) in the sentence wo xiang gou ruguo you lin namo keyi zai shuixia huxi (I think if dogs had scales, then they could breathe under water). Two counterfactual propositional values (i.e. true and false propositional values) are constructed through manipulating sentence counterfactuality between the true and false counterfactual conditional markers in the protasis and the apodosis. Twenty-four full-time Chinese college students participated in the ERP study. The results demonstrated that processing the true counterfactual propositional sentences with conditional markers jiaru (if) & jiu (so) elicited the N400 effect relative to false propositional sentences with conditional markers ruguo (if) & namo (then). Moreover, the counterfactual sentences with true propositional conditions varied from the elicitation of the N400 effect in the protasis and absence of the N400 effect in the apodosis, showing that semantic roles may gradually disappear under the impact of truth value of propositional counterfactual condition, and/or the roles of semantic anomaly was eliminated in the accumulated sentence processing. While for the false counterfactual conditional sentences, elicitations of P300 in the protasis and robust N400 effect in the apodosis were shown, indicating the increasing semantic role in the processing. Interestingly, there was the absence of the P600 effect for processing sentences with syntactic violation, suggesting little extra syntactic cost in processing sentences with false propositional condition.
Compreensão , Eletroencefalografia , Potenciais Evocados , Leitura , Humanos , Feminino , Potenciais Evocados/fisiologia , Masculino , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Compreensão/fisiologia , China , Psicolinguística , IdiomaRESUMO
The label-feedback hypothesis states that language can modulate visual processing. In particular, hearing or reading aloud target names (labels) speeds up performance in visual search tasks by facilitating target detection and such advantage is often measured against a condition where the target name is shown visually (i.e. via the same modality as the search task). The current study conceptually complements and expands previous investigations. The effect of a multimodal label presentation (i.e., an audio+visual, AV, priming label) in a visual search task is compared to that of a multimodal (i.e. white noise+visual, NV, label) and two unimodal (i.e. audio, A, label or visual, V, label) control conditions. The name of a category (i.e. a label at the superordinate level) is used as a cue, instead of the more commonly used target name (a basic level label), with targets belonging to one of three categories: garments, improper weapons, and proper weapons. These categories vary for their structure, improper weapons being an ad hoc category (i.e. context-dependent), unlike proper weapons and garments. The preregistered analysis shows an overall facilitation of visual search performance in the AV condition compared to the NV condition, confirming that the label-feedback effect may not be explained away by the effects of multimodal stimulation only and that it extends to superordinate labels. Moreover, exploratory analyses show that such facilitation is driven by the garments and proper weapons categories, rather than improper weapons. Thus, the superordinate label-feedback effect is modulated by the structural properties of a category. These findings are consistent with the idea that the AV condition prompts an "up-regulation" of the label, a requirement for enhancing the label's beneficial effects, but not when the label refers to an ad hoc category. They also highlight the peculiar status of the category of improper weapons and set it apart from that of proper weapons.
Percepção Visual , Humanos , Feminino , Percepção Visual/fisiologia , Masculino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Tempo de Reação/fisiologia , Estimulação Luminosa , Idioma , LeituraRESUMO
Design-based STEM learning is believed to be an effective cross-disciplinary strategy for promoting children's cognitive development. Yet, its impact on executive functions, particularly for disadvantaged children, still need to be explored. This study investigated the effects of short-term intensive design-based STEM learning on executive function among left-behind children. Sixty-one Grade 4 students from a school dedicated to the left-behind children in China were sampled and randomly assigned to an experimental group (10.70 ± 0.47 years old, n = 30) or a control group (10.77 ± 0.43 years old, n = 31). The experimental group underwent a two-week design-based STEM training program, while the control group participated in a 2-week STEM-related reading program. Both groups were assessed with the brain activation from 4 brain regions of interest using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and behavioral measures during a Stroop task before and after the training. Analysis disclosed: (i) a significant within-group time effect in the experimental group, with posttest brain activation in Brodmann Area 10 and 46 being notably lower during neutral and word conditions; (ii) a significant between-group difference at posttest, with the experimental group showing considerably lower brain activation in Brodmann Area 10 and Brodmann Area 46 than the control group; and (iii) a significant task effect in brain activity among the three conditions of the Stroop task. These findings indicated that this STEM learning effectively enhanced executive function in left-behind children. The discrepancy between the non-significant differences in behavioral performance and the significant ones in brain activation implies a compensatory mechanism in brain activation. This study enriches current theories about the impact of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) learning on children's executive function development, providing biological evidence and valuable insights for educational curriculum design and assessment.
Função Executiva , Aprendizagem , Espectroscopia de Luz Próxima ao Infravermelho , Humanos , Função Executiva/fisiologia , Masculino , Feminino , Espectroscopia de Luz Próxima ao Infravermelho/métodos , Criança , Aprendizagem/fisiologia , Encéfalo/fisiologia , Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagem , Leitura , Matemática , Teste de Stroop , Lateralidade Funcional/fisiologia , ChinaRESUMO
Community-led, shared book reading programs may help improve refugee children's reading abilities and attitudes towards reading. We Love Reading (WLR)-a light-touch, community-led, shared book reading program-was evaluated in a pre-registered, wait-listed, randomised controlled trial (AEARCTR-0006523). 322 Syrian refugee mother-child dyads (children: 4-8-year-olds, 50.0% female) in Jordan were tested at two timepoints, 15 weeks apart. WLR did not significantly affect child literacy or child-reported child attitudes toward reading (ps > 0.05). Mothers did report improved child attitudes toward reading from WLR (p = 0.046, η2 = 0.013). The intervention did not lead to improvements in family relationships (ps > 0.05). WLR may have promise in improving attitudes toward reading in forcibly displaced children but did not affect literacy or child-reported attitudes toward reading; these results provide insight into what changes are needed for effective shared book reading interventions in this population.
Leitura , Refugiados , Humanos , Refugiados/psicologia , Feminino , Criança , Masculino , Síria , Pré-Escolar , Jordânia , Alfabetização , Adulto , Livros , Mães/psicologiaRESUMO
We report a small study in which we explored the effects of manipulating narrative text on levels of comprehension for students with and without dyslexia. Using two pieces of standardised narrative text deemed to be of similar difficulty and length, we manipulated the texts such that we could present two texts to each participant, one in each condition. The first condition was text using standard inter-word spacing; the second condition used increased inter-word spacing. Scores on standardised comprehension questions were significantly improved for participants with dyslexia. Additionally, given that there is evidence of delayed visual attention disengagement in individuals with specific forms of dyslexia, we hypothesised that the phenomena of migration of letters and words for some readers might be mitigated by increasing inter-word spacing. We did indeed find that incidence of migration was significantly reduced in this condition for all participants.
Compreensão , Dislexia , Leitura , Humanos , Dislexia/reabilitação , Compreensão/fisiologia , Feminino , Masculino , Atenção/fisiologia , Adolescente , Estudantes/psicologia , CriançaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The increase in mental health problems among college students has become a global challenge, with anxiety and depression in particular becoming increasingly prevalent. Positive psychology has gained attention as an important psychological intervention that emphasizes improving mental health by promoting positive emotions and mindfulness. However, with the diversity of reading styles, however, there is a lack of systematic research on these effects. Therefore, this study aims to explore the specific effects of different reading styles on college students' mental health and quality of life based on positive psychology, with the aim of providing more effective interventions and recommendations for improving college students' mental health. METHODS: This study used a two-round questionnaire to select students with mental health problems and divided them into four experimental groups with a control group. The study was conducted by distributing questionnaires and experimental interventions, and a total of 2860 valid questionnaires were collected. The study used the Self-Assessment Scale for Anxiety (SAS) and the Self-Depression Scale (SDS) to assess the participants' anxiety and depression levels. In addition, the study used the Physical Composite Score (PCS) and the Mental Composite Score (MCS) to assess the participants' quality of life. SPSS 26.0 was used for data statistics and repeated measures ANOVA was used. RESULTS: Paper text reading and audio reading methods were effective in reducing anxiety levels and improving sleep quality. However, the electronic text reading approach was less effective compared to paper text reading and audio reading, and the video reading approach was not effective in improving depression. In addition, the positive psychology literature reading intervention showed significant improvements in college students' quality of life scores. CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest that paper text reading and audio reading modalities have a positive impact on the mental health and quality of life of college students, while e-text reading and video reading modalities are less effective. These findings provide suggestions for college students to choose appropriate reading styles and further demonstrate the effectiveness of positive psychology reading on mental health. These results have important academic and practical implications for promoting mental health and improving quality of life among college students.
Ansiedade , Depressão , Saúde Mental , Qualidade de Vida , Leitura , Estudantes , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Estudantes/psicologia , Adulto Jovem , Depressão/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Ansiedade/psicologia , Universidades , Psicologia Positiva/métodos , Adulto , AdolescenteRESUMO
Korean grammar encodes relative social hierarchies among interlocutors in various ways. This study utilized honorific subject-verb agreement in Korean to investigate how social hierarchies are processed during sentence comprehension. The experimental results showed that honorific violations elicited processing difficulties. The use of an honorific verb with an unhonorifiable subject resulted in lower naturalness ratings, longer reading times, and elicited a P600, similar to effects observed with number, person, and gender agreement in Spanish or English. These findings suggest that social hierarchies have become integrated into grammar, constraining how native Korean speakers process sentences. However, the agreement between honorific subjects and verbs seems asymmetrical; the mismatch effect was smaller or absent when an honorifiable subject was not accompanied by an honorific verb, suggesting that while an honorific verb requires an honorifiable subject, the reverse is not necessarily true. The results indicate that the -si agreement in Korean is a form of morpho-syntactic agreement, despite its asymmetrical nature.
Hierarquia Social , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Idioma , República da Coreia , Adulto , Compreensão/fisiologia , Psicolinguística , LeituraRESUMO
Many studies have attempted to identify the root cause of dyslexia. Different theories of dyslexia have proposed either a phonological, attentional, or visual deficit. While research has used eye-tracking to study dyslexia, only two previous studies have used the moving-window paradigm to explore the perceptual span in dyslexic reading, and none have done so in visual search. The present study analysed the perceptual span using both reading and visual search tasks to identify language-independent attentional impairments in dyslexics. We found equivocal evidence that the perceptual span was impaired in dyslexic reading and no evidence of impairment in visual search. However, dyslexic participants did show deficits in the visual search task, with lower search accuracy and shorter saccades compared with controls. These results lend support for a visual, rather than attentional or phonological, account of dyslexia.