El lenguaje científico, en el ámbito de la anatomía y ciencias de la salud, se sustenta en una terminología que ha estado abierta a discusiones y modificaciones. En Terminologia Anatomica, el término 'Lengua' proviene del latín Lingua. Sin embargo, también existen términos que derivan del lexema griego glossa y glotta, que también significa lengua. Lo que establece hiperonimia y sinonimia entre estructuras anatómicas relacionadas con este órgano músculo-sensorial. El objetivo fue analizar la presencia de los lexemas 'glossa' - 'glotta' en Terminologia Anatomica y revisar las definiciones de términos que incluyan estos lexemas utilizando el Diccionario Manual Griego-Español VOX y Vocabulario Básico de Griego con anotaciones morfológicas y etimológicas. Para la etimología en español se utilizaron el Diccionario panhispánico de términos médicos y Diccionario médico-biológico, histórico y etimológico. También se determinó la primera vez que se ocuparon en español, utilizando Corpus Diacrónico del Español. Los lexemas estudiados aparecen citados 15 veces en Terminologia Anatomica. Estos se definen como 'lengua, boca; habla, don de la palabra; expresión, manifestación, palabras; habla, lengua, lenguaje, idioma'. También se encuentran algunos términos derivados como Ductus thyroglossalis, epiglottis, glottis, ligamentum thyroepiglotticum y Vallecula epiglottica. Por lo que estos lexemas se consideran sinónimos. El lexema glossa se utilizó por primera vez en el ámbito médico el año 1870. Los lexemas glossa y glotta son frecuentes en Terminologia Anatomica, generando preguntas sobre el uso del doble sigma en griego jónico y doble tau en griego ático clásico. Aunque son sinónimos, su abundancia destaca la importancia del dominio del lenguaje anatómico para la comunicación efectiva y la comprensión precisa entre estudiantes, profesionales e investigadores.
SUMMARY: The scientific language in the field of anatomy and health sciences relies on a terminology that has been open to discussions and modifications. In Terminologia Anatomica, the term lengua comes from the Latin Lingua. However, there are also terms derived from the Greek lexemes glossa and glotta, both meaning 'tongue.' This establishes hyperonymy and synonymy among anatomical structures related to this sensory-muscular organ. The objective was to analyze the presence of the lexemes glossa - glotta in Terminologia Anatomica and review the definitions of terms containing these lexemes using the Diccionario Manual Griego-Español VOX and the Vocabulario Básico de Griego con anotaciones morfológicas y etimológicas. For Spanish etymology, the Diccionario panhispánico de términos médicos and the Diccio- nario Médico-Biológico, Histórico y Etimológico were used. The first use in Spanish was determined using the Corpus Diacrónico del Español. The studied lexemes were cited 15 times in Terminologia Anatomica, defined as 'tongue, mouth; speech, gift of speech; expression, manifestation, words; speech, tongue, language, idioma.' Some derived terms are also found, such as Ductus thyroglossalis, Epiglottis, Glottis, Ligamentum thyroepiglotticum, and Vallecula epiglottica. Therefore, these lexemes are considered synonymous. The lexeme glossa was first used in the medical field in 1870. The lexemes glossa and glotta are frequent in Terminologia Anatomica, raising questions about the use of double sigma in Ionic Greek and double tau in classical Attic Greek. Although synonymous, their abundance emphasizes the importance of mastering anatomical language for effective communication and precise understanding among students, professionals, and researchers.
Língua , Anatomia , Linguística , Terminologia como AssuntoRESUMO
PURPOSE: This study investigates how instructors in communication sciences and disorders (CSD) programs teach about cultural and linguistic diversity (CLD) in general-content courses as well as those dedicated to CLD content with the goal of identifying ways of improving training of preservice clinicians to provide culturally responsive service delivery. METHOD: A survey was sent to 4,192 instructors in CSD programs at 295 institutions in the United States and Puerto Rico, of which 565 responded. The survey contained choice response questions and open-ended questions. RESULTS: Curricular infusion as the sole strategy of CLD training has decreased since a similar survey was published by Stockman et al. (2008), while the number of programs that offer courses dedicated to CLD or use both strategies has increased. Dedicated CLD courses offer broader training in CLD issues and are considered more effective at preparing students to work with CLD populations. A number of challenges were identified, such as a lack of available resources or time to cover CLD issues. CONCLUSIONS: A combination of curricular infusion and dedicated CLD coursework is recommended to ensure sufficient training in CLD issues. The development of additional resources is needed to better support instructors in both general-content and CLD-dedicated courses. Finally, CLD training should engage students in challenging unjust systems and harmful ideologies and not just celebrate multiculturalism in order to provide culturally responsive service to all clients. SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL:
Transtornos da Comunicação , Diversidade Cultural , Currículo , Patologia da Fala e Linguagem , Humanos , Estados Unidos , Patologia da Fala e Linguagem/educação , Transtornos da Comunicação/terapia , Transtornos da Comunicação/reabilitação , Inquéritos e Questionários , Linguística , Assistência à Saúde Culturalmente Competente , Porto Rico , Competência Cultural/educação , EnsinoRESUMO
Phonological statistical learning - our ability to extract meaningful regularities from spoken language - is considered critical in the early stages of language acquisition, in particular for helping to identify discrete words in continuous speech. Most phonological statistical learning studies use an experimental task introduced by Saffran et al. (1996), in which the syllables forming the words to be learned are presented continuously and isochronously. This raises the question of the extent to which this purportedly powerful learning mechanism is robust to the kinds of rhythmic variability that characterize natural speech. Here, we tested participants with arhythmic, semi-rhythmic, and isochronous speech during learning. In addition, we investigated how input rhythmicity interacts with two other factors previously shown to modulate learning: prior knowledge (syllable order plausibility with respect to participants' first language) and learners' speech auditory-motor synchronization ability. We show that words are extracted by all learners even when the speech input is completely arhythmic. Interestingly, high auditory-motor synchronization ability increases statistical learning when the speech input is temporally more predictable but only when prior knowledge can also be used. This suggests an additional mechanism for learning based on predictions not only about when but also about what upcoming speech will be.
Individualidade , Percepção da Fala , Humanos , Aprendizagem , Linguística , Desenvolvimento da Linguagem , FalaRESUMO
PURPOSE: To carry out the cross-cultural adaptation of the Instrument Profiles of Early Expressive Phonological Skills- Brazilian Portuguese (PEEPS-BP) - Expanded list, performing content validation. METHODS: Cross-cultural, quantitative and cross- sectional adaptation study, considering psychometric criteria. A study was carried out on the list of 423 words from the Communicative Development Inventory - MacArthur - Words and Sentences, adapted to Brazilian Portuguese. The method was divided into four steps. The list was judged by expert judges (JE) and non-specialist judges (JNE), considering as a criterion the familiarity of the word for a child aged between 24 and 36 months, and the representativeness of the word with toy/object, contemplating Steps 1 and 2. The child judges analyzed, in a data collection situation, the familiarity and representativeness of the stimulus-words, presented in Step 3. Afterwards, the pilot study - Step 4, was carried out with the selected stimulus-words. In the statistical analysis by expert and non-specialist judges, the Fleiss' Kappa and Gwet Concordance index was used. In the analysis of the responses of the child judges and in the Pilot Study, the analysis was made in relation to the type of response of the child, specifically scoring the spontaneous naming of the toy/object, scoring qualitatively. RESULTS: The result of Steps 1 and 2, and the agreement of the statistical tests for the Familiarity and Representativeness criteria was 45.7% for JE and 76.4% for JNE, and a result of 100% for the agreement of Representativeness. A total of 122 words were analyzed, resulting from previously established criteria, totaling 34 words (exclusion of one word by the researchers), totaling 33 stimulus-words. In Stage 3, of the 33 stimulus-words applied, nine presented spontaneous naming scores below expectations, being retested for Step 4, the Pilot Study. The result of the Pilot Study showed that of the nine retested stimulus-words, four of them still had a score below, being excluded from the study. Therefore, with the application of the Pilot Study, the expanded list of PEEPS-BP resulted in 29 words. CONCLUSION: The PEEPS-BP - Expanded List showed satisfactory evidence of content validity for the cross-cultural adaptation of the test.
OBJETIVO: Realizar a adaptação transcultural do Instrumento Profiles of Early Expressive Phonological Skills- Brazilian Portuguese (PEEPS-BP) - Lista expandida, realizando a validação de conteúdo. MÉTODO: Estudo de adaptação transcultural, quantitativo e transversal, considerando critérios psicométricos. Realizou-se o estudo da lista de 423 palavras do Inventário de Desenvolvimento Comunicativo- MacArthur- Palavras e Sentenças, adaptado para o Português Brasileiro. O método foi dividido em quatro Etapas. A lista foi julgada por juízes especialistas (JE) e juízes não especialistas (JNE), considerando como critério a familiaridade da palavra para uma criança entre 24 e 36 meses, e a representatividade da palavra com brinquedo/objeto, contemplando as Etapas 1 e 2. Os juízes crianças analisaram, em situação de coleta de dados, a familiaridade e a representatividade das palavras-estímulos, apresentado na Etapa 3. Após, realizou-se o estudo piloto- Etapa 4, com as palavras-estímulo selecionadas. Na análise estatística dos juízes especialistas e não especialistas utilizou-se o índice de Concordância do Kappa Fleiss e Gwet. Na análise das respostas dos juízes crianças e no estudo piloto, a análise foi feita em relação ao tipo de resposta da criança, especificamente pontuando a nomeação espontânea do brinquedo/objeto, pontuando de forma qualitativa. RESULTADOS: O resultado da Etapa 1 e 2, e a concordância dos testes estatísticos para os critérios de Familiaridade e Representatividade foi de 45,7% para JE e 76,4% para JNE, e resultado de 100% para a concordância da Representatividade. Foram analisadas 122 palavras, resultantes dos critérios previamente estabelecidos, totalizando 34 palavras (exclusão de uma palavra por parte das pesquisadoras), totalizando 33 palavras-estímulos. Na Etapa 3, das 33 palavras-estímulos aplicadas, nove apresentaram pontuação de nomeação espontânea abaixo do esperado, sendo retestadas para a Etapa 4, Estudo Piloto. O resultado do Estudo Piloto evidenciou que das nove palavras-estímulos retestadas, quatro delas ainda apresentaram pontuação abaixo, sendo excluídas do estudo. Portanto com a aplicação do estudo piloto a lista expandida do PEEPS-BP, resultou em 29 palavras. CONCLUSÃO: O PEEPS-BP - Lista Expandida apresentou evidências de validade de conteúdo satisfatórias para a adaptação transcultural do teste.
Idioma , Linguística , Criança , Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Brasil , Projetos Piloto , Psicometria , Traduções , Comparação Transcultural , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Inquéritos e QuestionáriosRESUMO
Sentence-final completion tasks serve as valuable tools in studying language processing and the associated predictive mechanisms. There are several established sentence-completion norms for languages like English, Portuguese, French, and Spanish, each tailored to the language it was designed for and evaluated in. Yet, cultural variations among native speakers of the same language complicate the claim of a universal application of these norms. In this study, we developed a corpus of 2925 sentence-completion norms specifically for Mexican Spanish. This corpus is distinctive for several reasons: Firstly, it is the most comprehensive set of sentence-completion norms for Mexican Spanish to date. Secondly, it offers a substantial range of experimental stimuli with considerable variability in terms of the predictability of word sentence completion (cloze probability/surprisal) and the level of uncertainty inherent in the sentence context (entropy). Thirdly, the syntactic complexity of the sentences in the corpus is varied, as are the characteristics of the final word nouns (including aspects of concreteness/abstractness, length, and frequency). This paper details the generation of the sentence contexts, explains the methodology employed for data collection from a total of 1470 participants, and outlines the approach to data analysis for the establishment of sentence-completion norms. These norms provide a significant contribution to fields such as linguistics, cognitive science, and machine learning, among others, by enhancing our understanding of language, predictive mechanisms, knowledge representation, and context representation. The collected data is accessible through the Open Science Framework (OSF) at the following link: .
Idioma , Linguística , Humanos , Probabilidade , Incerteza , EntropiaRESUMO
Resumo: A fim de responder à distinta questão que Foucault endereça à psicanálise em seu curso de 1982 - seria ela correspondente às exigências do cuidado de si ( epiméleia heautoû )? -, procedemos por uma aproximação teórica entre as estruturas de concepção do sujeito expostas em seu discurso, A hermenêutica do sujeito , e no discurso de Lacan, A instância da letra no inconsciente ou a razão desde Freud . O propósito do manuscrito visa tanto continuar com uma problematização inacabada por parte do filósofo francês quanto fazer ressoar na psicanálise uma obra que ainda não conta com grande recepção no meio.
Abstract: To answer the distinct question that Foucault addresses to psychoanalysis in his 1982 course - would it correspond to the demands of the care of the self ( epiméleia heautoû )? -, we proceed by a logical approximation between the structures of the subject's conception exposed in his speech, in The Hermeneutics of the Subject , and in the discourse of Lacan, in The Instance of the Letter in the Unconscious or Reason Since Freud . The purpose of the manuscript aims to continue with an unfinished problematization on the part of the French philosopher and to resonate in psychoanalysis a work that still does not have a great reception in the medium.
Résumé : Pour répondre à la question distincte que Foucault adresse à la psychanalyse dans son cours de 1982 - correspondrait-elle aux exigences du souci de soi ( epiméleia heautoû )? -, nous procédons par une approximation logique entre les structures de la conception du sujet exposées dans son discours, dans L'herméneutique du sujet , et dans le discours de Lacan, dans L'instance de la lettre dans l'inconscient ou la raison depuis Freud . Le but du manuscrit vise à la fois à poursuivre une problématisation inachevée de la part du philosophe Français et à faire résonner en psychanalyse une œuvre qui n'a toujours pas un grand accueil dans le médium.
Resumen: Para responder a la pregunta que Foucault dirige al psicoanálisis en su curso de 1982 -¿correspondería a las exigencias del cuidado de sí mismo ( epiméleia heautoû )?-, procedemos con una aproximación teórica entre las estructuras de la concepción del sujeto que se exponen en su discurso La hermenéutica del sujeto y en el de Lacan, en La instancia de la letra en el inconsciente o la razón desde Freud . El propósito de este trabajo es seguir con la problematización inconclusa por parte del filósofo francés y resonar en el psicoanálisis una obra que todavía no tiene una gran acogida en este medio.
Psicanálise , Inconsciente Psicológico , Linguística , HermenêuticaRESUMO
In health-related research, an increasing number of clinical assessment tools are translated and cross-culturally adapted for cross-national and cross-cultural studies and comparisons. However, when translating and cross-culturally adapting clinical assessment tools for use across new countries, cultures, or languages, we must follow a thorough method to reach semantic, idiomatic, experiential, and conceptual equivalences between translated and original versions. Therefore, in this study, we translated and cross-culturally adapted the Protocolo MBGR (Marchesan, Berretin-Felix, Genaro, and Rehder) from Brazilian Portuguese into English, following international guidelines, and named it "MBGR Protocol." To verify its content validity, we used the Content Validity Index. Results indicated excellent content validity: a Scale-Content Validity Index of 0.96 and 97% of all translation units with an Item-Content Validity Index of 1.00. Also, to prove its face validity and confirm whether it worked in the target population's linguistic-cultural setting, we used it with 35 subjects. Again, results demonstrated excellent face validity: in the pretest, 91% of all translation units were considered comprehensible and clear; in the pilot test, 98% of all translation units were considered comprehensible and clear. Thus, we concluded that the MBGR Protocol is promising to enhance the uptake of studies in Orofacial Myology worldwide and support researchers and health professionals in assessing and diagnosing orofacial myofunctional disorders in children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. Also, it may support evidence-based practice and assist in standardizing assessment and diagnostic criteria. The MBGR Protocol should have its psychometric properties tested before being used in clinical practice or scientific research. Therefore, future studies are needed, and collaborations among researchers from South and North American countries are encouraged to create an international network and advance with knowledge and skills in the Orofacial Myology discipline.
Comparação Transcultural , Idioma , Adulto , Criança , Adolescente , Humanos , Idoso , Inquéritos e Questionários , Brasil , Linguística , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , TraduçõesRESUMO
Este estudo se propõe a mostrar que o francês Michel Foucault, em todas as suas obras, oferece ferramentas para que sejam compreendidos, sob diferentes óticas, os problemas da sociedade por meio de interpretações sobre o viver humano. O objetivo dessa revisão de literatura é entender de que forma o discurso organiza as vozes dos sujeitos, como reelabora os discursos proferidos e os faz circular segundo Foucault. Apresenta-se conceitos básicos da Análise de Discurso iniciada na França por Michel Pêcheuxem 1969. O estudo percorre as obras em idas e vindas, com apoio em vários autores como Pêcheux e Mainguineauque ajudam na compreensãoe na aproximação entre método, teoria e prática.Conclui-se que a obra de Michel Foucault assinala que tudo o que é criado como saber oferece inúmeras possibilidades de recriação e está em permanente processo de transformação AU
Este estudio tiene como objetivo mostrar que el francés Michel Foucault, en todas sus obras, ofrece herramientas para comprender, desde diferentes perspectivas, los problemas de la sociedad a través de interpretaciones del vivir humano. El objetivo de esta revisión de la literatura comprender cómo el discurso organiza las voces de los sujetos, cómo reelabora los discursos pronunciados y los hace circular según Foucault. Presenta conceptos básicos del Análisis del Discurso iniciado en Francia por Michel Pêcheux en 1969. El estudio recorre las obras, con el apoyo de varios autores como Pêcheux y Mainguineau que ayudan a comprender y unir método, teoría y práctica. Se concluye que la obra de Michel Foucault destaca que todo lo creado como conocimiento ofrece innumerables posibilidades de recreación y se encuentra en un permanente proceso de transformación AU
This study aims to show that French Foucault, in all his works, offers tools to understand, from different perspectives, the problems of society, through interpretations of human living. The objective of this literature review is to understand how discourse organizes the subjects' voices, how it reworks the speeches given and makes them circulate according to Foucault. It presents basic concepts of Discourse Analysis initiated in France by Michel Pêcheux in 1969. The study goes back and forth through the works, with support from several authors such as Pêcheux and Mainguineau who help in understanding and bringing together method, theory and practice. It is concluded that Michel Foucault's work highlights that everything created as knowledge offers countless possibilities for recreation and is in a permanent process of transformation AU
Fala , Psicologia Social , LinguísticaRESUMO
PURPOSE: To investigate evidence of construct validity for a Phonological Assessment Instrument for Brazilian Portuguese, based on the diagnostic data generated by its application from contrastive analysis and speech severity. METHODS: The sample consisted of 176 children, aged between five to nine years old. They were evaluated with the Phonological Assessment Instrument and then classified as having Speech Sound Disorder or in typical phonological development, comparing these results to the criteria described for the disorder in the DSM-5. The search for evidence of construct validity relied on the agreement between the two assessment methods while applying the Kappa Coefficient. To differentiate between groups, Student's t-test was used for independent samples. We sought to investigate the instrument indexes using the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve statistics to obtain values for area, cut-off point, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive and negative predictive value. RESULTS: The instrument showed agreement and significant differentiation between the classifications. As for the performance parameters, it shows a cut-off point for diagnosis with results equal to or greater than 96.17%, an excellent area under the curve, as well as satisfactory percentages for the other analyses investigated. CONCLUSION: The data indicated evidence for the construct validity of the Phonological Assessment Instrument, presenting a useful and valid contribution to the arsenal of clinical assessment and research involving the diagnosis of Speech Sound Disorder and, with its accuracy result, contributed to the properties of performance of instruments used in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences.
OBJETIVO: Investigar evidências de validade de construto para um Instrumento de Avaliação Fonológica para o Português Brasileiro, baseadas nos dados de diagnóstico gerados por sua própria aplicação a partir da análise contrastiva e do grau de severidade de fala. MÉTODO: A amostra foi composta por dados de 176 crianças, com idades entre cinco até nove anos. Foram avaliadas pelo Instrumento de Avaliação Fonológica e classificadas em com transtorno fonológico ou em desenvolvimento fonológico típico, comparando tais resultados aos critérios para o transtorno no DSM-5. A busca por evidências da validade de construto contou com a concordância entre os dois métodos de avaliação, aplicando o Coeficiente Kappa. Para a diferenciação entre os grupos, utilizou-se o teste t de Student para amostras independentes. Buscou-se a investigação dos índices do instrumento pela estatística da Curva de Receiver Operating Characteristic para obter valores de área, ponto de corte, sensibilidade, especificidade, acurácia, valor preditivo positivo e negativo. RESULTADOS: O instrumento apresentou concordância e diferenciação significativa entre as classificações. Quanto aos parâmetros de desempenho, exibe ponto de corte para diagnóstico com resultados iguais ou maiores do que 96,17%, excelente valor de área sob a curva, assim como percentuais satisfatórios para as outras análises investigadas. CONCLUSÃO: O conjunto de dados encontrados indicam evidências para validade de construto do Instrumento de Avaliação Fonológica, apresentando uma contribuição útil e válida ao arsenal de avaliação clínica e de pesquisa envolvendo diagnóstico de Transtorno Fonológico e, com seu resultado de acurácia, contribuiu as propriedades de desempenho dos instrumentos utilizados na Fonoaudiologia.
Apraxias , Transtornos do Desenvolvimento da Linguagem , Criança , Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Fala , Linguística , Idioma , Valor Preditivo dos TestesRESUMO
PURPOSE: To investigate if the narrative score of the ProNOH protocol allows for discriminating age groups, as well as its relation with the global coherence level of the story. The performance of preschool and schoolchildren on the macrostructure aspects. METHODS: Participants were 97 preschoolers and schoolchildren with typical language development, aged between five and 12 years old, and both sexes who attended public schools. The "Protocolo de Avaliação da Narrativa Oral de História (ProNOH)" (Protocol for the Evaluation of Oral Storytelling) was applied and the narrative score in the macrostructure dimension was calculated with story grammar elements. These same story elements were used to obtain the global coherence level of the story, as proposed by Spinillo and Martins (1997). RESULTS: A statistically significant difference was found between age groups, mainly between the borderline ages of 5-6 years, 7-8 years, 9-10 years, and 11-12 years. Positive and statistically significant correlations were found between the narrative score and global coherence and age, as well as between the narrative score and global coherence. CONCLUSION: The protocol proved to be useful for identifying the repertoire of typical story grammar elements as an objective measure that differs in oral narrative across age groups. The results also indicate that the narrative score can provide an idea about the global coherence of the story, although this value does not replace a specific analysis.
OBJETIVO: Investigar se o escore narrativo obtido por meio da aplicação do "Protocolo de Avaliação da Narrativa Oral de História (ProNOH)" permite discriminar os grupos etários estudados, bem como sua relação com o nível de coerência global da história. MÉTODO: Participaram 97 pré-escolares e escolares com desenvolvimento típico de linguagem, entre 5 e 12 anos, ambos os sexos que frequentavam escola pública. Foi aplicado o "Protocolo de Avaliação da Narrativa Oral de História (ProNOH)" e calculado o escore narrativo na dimensão macroestrutural a partir dos elementos estruturais previstos no modelo da gramática de história. Esses mesmos elementos foram usados para obter o nível de coerência global da história, segundo proposta de análise de Spinillo e Martins (1997). RESULTADOS: Diferença estatisticamente significante foi encontrada entre os grupos etários, principalmente entre as idades fronteiriças de 5-6 anos, 7-8 anos, 9-10 anos e 11-12 anos. Correlação positiva e estatisticamente significante foi encontrada com a idade e o escore narrativo e a coerência global, bem como entre o escore narrativo e o nível de coerência global. CONCLUSÃO: O protocolo mostrou ser útil para identificar o repertório de elementos típicos da gramática de história na narrativa oral como uma medida objetiva que diferenciou a narrativa oral de grupos etários. Os resultados indicaram ainda que o escore narrativo pode ser uma medida norteadora do nível de coerência da história, apesar deste valor não substituir uma análise específica.
Desenvolvimento da Linguagem , Linguística , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Humanos , Criança , Escolaridade , Instituições Acadêmicas , NarraçãoRESUMO
PURPOSE: to demonstrate the validity of content and the validity of response processes of an instrument intended for the phonological assessment of children. METHODS: validation was carried out in two stages by two different groups of judges, a group of specialists and a group of non-specialists. The first group, composed of three expert judges, evaluated the 123 lexical items after creating the instrument, judging the applicability of the figures in the context of child assessment, and suggesting adjustments to compose the content. From the observations, the instrument was adapted and directed to the group of non-specialist judges who, through the application of the instrument, had their responses evaluated according to the ease or difficulty of eliciting the instrument's items. RESULTS: The predictions obtained positive results for content validity and response processes. CONCLUSION: the study allowed to improve the test items more judiciously, benefiting clinical and scientific use.
OBJETIVO: evidenciar validade de conteúdo e validade de processos de resposta de um instrumento destinado à avaliação fonológica de crianças. MÉTODO: validade realizada em duas etapas por dois diferentes grupos de juízes, grupo de especialistas e grupo de não-especialistas. O primeiro grupo composto por três juízes especialistas avaliaram os 123 itens lexicais após a elaboração do instrumento, julgando a aplicabilidade das figuras no contexto da avaliação infantil e sugerindo ajustes para compor o conteúdo. A partir das observações, o instrumento foi adequado e direcionado ao grupo de juízes não-especialistas que, por meio da aplicação do instrumento, tiveram suas respostas avaliadas conforme a facilidade ou dificuldade de elicitação dos itens do instrumento. RESULTADOS: As avaliações obtiveram resultados de teor positivo para as validades de conteúdo e de processos de resposta. CONCLUSÃO: o estudo permitiu aprimorar os itens de teste de forma mais criteriosa, beneficiando o uso clínico e científico.
Linguística , Criança , Humanos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Inquéritos e QuestionáriosRESUMO
PURPOSE: Sentence Repetition Tasks (SRT) have been widely used to assess early language abilities in different languages and populations. In addition, it has been proved that performance in SRTs serve as a clinical marker to detect language difficulties. However, most of the research has been conducted in English language and with children older than 4 years of age. Despite this scarcity, [1] developed a SRT for monolingual Spanish-speaking children between 2 and 4 years of age. Initial findings showed that it is a useful tool for discriminating children with different linguistic levels. In addition, the task showed concurrent validity with a nonword repetition task. In the current study we want to explore the predictive validity of this task. METHODS: We conducted a longitudinal study including 20 monolingual Spanish-Speaking children who were tested twice, at 33 months of age and six months later. In addition to the SRT, participants completed a nonword repetition task [2] and the Spanish version of the Merrill-Palmer-R Developmental Scales [3]. RESULTS: showed strong and positive relationships between the different tests when first assessed. We also found strong and predictive relationships between the SRT at time 1 and SRT and the Merrill-Palmer-R at time 2. CONCLUSION: We conclude that the SRT developed [1] is a valid tool for examining early language abilities and its changes over time.
Idioma , Linguística , Criança , Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Estudos Longitudinais , CogniçãoRESUMO
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to characterize the phonological skills of low-income preschool children in a city in the Natal in the Northeast, Brazil. METHODS: The researchers assessed the phonological skills of 90 children (from 5 to 6:11) in early childhood education in three public schools located in regions of social and economic vulnerability. The evaluators used the phonology subtests of the Test of Childhood language (ABFW) children's language test. In addition to performing the standard analysis they examined the following: Phonological Processes (PP), Percentage of Correct Consonants (PCC), Percentage of Correct Consonants Revised (PCC-R), and Process Density Index (PDI). The Spearman's Correlation Coefficient test was used to analyze for correlations among the PCC, PCC-R, and PDI. RESULTS: According to the cutoff values of children who speak Brazilian Portuguese (BP), adequacy of the PCC and PCC-R values was observed in most participants (PCC: 82 children - 91.1%; PCC-R: 87 children - 94.6%). The processes of liquid simplification (LS), consonant clusters simplification (CCS), final consonant simplification (FCS) were productive of which the CCS (32.2%) and FCS (20%) are still expected for age and LS are not. There was a robust negative correlation between the variables PCC x PDI and PCC-R x PDI. CONCLUSION: Most children showed adequate phonological development. Variations were observed in syllabic segments, especially in the coda, which reflect the influence of regional linguistic differences. The evidence obtained regarding the phonological performance of children within this region contributes to a more accurate speech-language diagnosis.
Idioma , Linguística , Pré-Escolar , Humanos , Brasil , Testes de Linguagem , Instituições AcadêmicasRESUMO
PURPOSE: to compare the efficacies of traditional phonological therapy and phonology associated with the gamification strategy in children with Phonological Disorder (PD). METHODS: ten individuals with PD participated who showed the process of replacing liquids. They were randomized into two groups: traditional phonological therapy (control group - CG) and phonological therapy associated with a gamification strategy mediated by computer (gamification group - GG). The phonological intervention comprised, for both groups, stages of speech perception and production. Interventions differed in the perception stage, in which the GG was submitted to the game with gamification strategies. At the end of each session, individuals speech production (% of correct answers) were registered for each therapeutic stage, based on target words and sounding words. For analysis the following were considered: The individuals mean of correct answers for each therapeutic stage; PCC-R value (percentage of correct consonants) pre and post therapy; beyond of the number of sessions used to reach 85% of correct production. RESULTS: there was no statistical difference between the types of intervention considering the average of correct answers of the productions and the number of sessions. There was a significant effect for pre- and post-therapy conditions in the comparison PCC-R values ââfor both models. The individuals in the GC had the PCC-R values higher than those of GG. CONCLUSION: both models of intervention present similar results, providing an improvement in the individuals phonological performance from the first session.
OBJETIVO: comparar as eficácias da terapia fonológica tradicional e terapia fonológica associada à estratégia de gamificação em sujeitos com Transtorno Fonológico (TF). MÉTODO: participaram dez sujeitos com TF que apresentavam o processo de substituição de líquidas. Os sujeitos foram randomizados em dois grupos: terapia fonológica tradicional (grupo controle - GC) e terapia fonológica associada a estratégia de gamificação mediada por computador (grupo gamificação - GG). A intervenção fonológica compreendeu, para ambos os grupos, etapas de percepção e produção de fala. As intervenções se diferenciaram na etapa de percepção, na qual o GG foi submetido ao jogo com estratégia de gamificação. Ao final de cada sessão, foram registrados a produção de fala dos sujeitos (% de acerto) para cada etapa terapêutica, a partir de palavras-alvo e palavras-sondagem. Para análise foram considerados: média de acerto dos sujeitos para cada etapa terapêutica; valores de PCC-R (Porcentagem de Consoantes Corretas Revisado) pré e pós terapia; além do número de sessões utilizadas para se atingir 85% de produção correta. RESULTADOS: não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os tipos de intervenção considerando a média de acertos das produções e o número de sessões. Houve efeito significante para as condições pré e pós terapia na comparação dos valores de PCC-R para ambos os modelos. Os sujeitos do GC tiveram os valores de PCC-R maiores do que as do GG. CONCLUSÃO: ambos os modelos de intervenção apresentam resultados semelhantes, propiciando melhora no desempenho fonológico do sujeito desde a primeira sessão.
Gamificação , Percepção da Fala , Criança , Humanos , Fonoterapia , Linguística , FalaRESUMO
Schizophrenia (SZ) is a severe mental disorder associated with a variety of linguistic deficits, and recently it has been suggested that these deficits are caused by an underlying impairment in the ability to build complex syntactic structures and complex semantic relations. Aiming at contributing to determining the specific linguistic profile of SZ, we investigated the usage of pronominal subjects and sentence types in two corpora of oral dream and waking reports produced by speakers with SZ and participants without SZ (NSZ), both native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. Narratives of 40 adult participants (20 SZ, and 20 NSZ-sample 1), and narratives of 31 teenage participants (11 SZ undergoing first psychotic episode, and 20 NSZ-sample 2) were annotated and statistically analyzed. Overall, narratives of speakers with SZ presented significantly higher rates of matrix sentences, null pronouns-particularly null 3Person referential pronouns-and lower rates of non-anomalous truncated sentences. The high rate of matrix sentences correlated significantly with the total PANSS scores, suggesting an association between the overuse of simple sentences and SZ symptoms in general. In contrast, the high rate of null pronouns correlated significantly with positive PANSS scores, suggesting an association between the overuse of null pronominal forms and the positive symptoms of SZ. Finally, a cross-group analysis between samples 1 and 2 indicated a higher degree of grammatical impairment in speakers with multiple psychotic episodes. Altogether, the results strengthen the notion that deficits at the pronominal and sentential levels constitute a cross-cultural linguistic marker of SZ.
Transtornos Psicóticos , Esquizofrenia , Adulto , Adolescente , Humanos , Linguística , Semântica , BrasilRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Semantic and Phonological fluency (SF and PF) are routinely evaluated in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). There are disagreements in the literature regarding which fluency task is more affected while developing AD. Most studies focus on SF assessment, given its connection with the temporoparietal amnesic system. PF is less reported, it is related to working memory, which is also impaired in probable and diagnosed AD. Differentiating between performance on these tasks might be informative in early AD diagnosis, providing an accurate linguistic profile. OBJECTIVE: Compare SF and PF performance in healthy volunteers, volunteers with probable AD, and patients with AD diagnosis, considering the heterogeneity of age, gender, and educational level variables. METHODS: A total of 8 studies were included for meta-analysis, reaching a sample size of 1,270 individuals (568 patients diagnosed with AD, 340 with probable AD diagnosis, and 362 healthy volunteers). RESULTS: The three groups consistently performed better on SF than PF. When progressing to a diagnosis of AD, we observed a significant difference in SF and PF performance across our 3 groups of interest (pâ=â0.04). The age variable explained a proportion of this difference in task performance across the groups, and as age increases, both tasks equally worsen. CONCLUSION: The performance of SF and PF might play a differential role in early AD diagnosis. These tasks rely on partially different neural bases of language processing. They are thus worth exploring independently in diagnosing normal aging and its transition to pathological stages, including probable and diagnosed AD.
Doença de Alzheimer , Semântica , Humanos , Doença de Alzheimer/diagnóstico , Comportamento Verbal , Testes Neuropsicológicos , LinguísticaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Verbal fluency tests (VFT) are highly sensitive to cognitive deficits. Usually, the score on VFT is based on the number of correct words produced, yet it alone gives little information regarding underlying test performance. The implementation of different strategies (cluster and switching) to perform efficiently during the tasks provide more valuable information. However, normative data for clustering and switching strategies are scarce. Moreover, scoring criteria adapted to Colombian Spanish are missing. AIMS: (1) To describe the Colombian adaptation of the scoring system guidelines for clustering and switching strategies in VFT; (2) to determine its reliability; and (3) to provide normative data for Colombian children and adolescents aged 6-17 years. METHODS & PROCEDURES: A total of 691 children and adolescents from Colombia completed phonological (/f/, /a/, /s/, /m/, /r/ and /p/) and semantic (animals and fruits) VFT, and five scores were calculated: total score (TS), number of clusters (NC), cluster size (CS), mean cluster size (MCS) and number of switches (NS). The intraclass correlation coefficient was used for interrater reliability. Hierarchical multiple regressions were conducted to investigate which strategies were associated with VFT TS. Multiple regressions were conducted for each strategy, including as predictors age, age2 , sex, mean parents' education (MPE), MPE2 and type of school, to generate normative data. OUTCOMES & RESULTS: Reliability indexes were excellent. Age was associated with VFT TS, but weakly compared with strategies. For both VFT TS, NS was the strongest variable, followed by CS and NC. Regarding norms, age was the strongest predictor for all measures, while age2 was relevant for NC (/f/ phoneme) and NS (/m/ phoneme). Participants with higher MPE obtained more NC, and NS, and larger CS in several phonemes and categories. Children and adolescents from private school generated more NC, NS and larger CS in /s/ phoneme. CONCLUSIONS & IMPLICATIONS: This study provides new scoring guidelines and normative data for clustering and switching strategies for Colombian children and adolescents between 6 and 17 years old. Clinical neuropsychologists should include these measures as part of their everyday practice. WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS: What is already known on the subject VFT are widely used within the paediatric population due to its sensitivity to brain injury. Its score is based on the number of correct words produced; however, TS alone gives little information regarding underlying test performance. Several normative data for VFT TS in the paediatric population exist, but normative data for clustering and switching strategies are scarce. What this paper adds to existing knowledge The present study is the first to describe the Colombian adaptation of the scoring guidelines for clustering and switching strategies, and provided normative data for these strategies for children and adolescents between 6 and 17 years old. What are the potential or actual clinical implications of this work? Knowing VFT's performance, including strategy development and use in healthy children and adolescents, may be useful for clinical settings. We encourage clinicians to include not only TS, but also a careful analysis of strategies that may be more informative of the underlying cognitive processes failure than TS.
Linguística , Semântica , Animais , Humanos , Criança , Adolescente , Colômbia , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Comportamento Verbal , Análise por Conglomerados , Testes NeuropsicológicosRESUMO
In everyday communication, speakers and listeners make sophisticated inferences about their conversation partner's intended meaning. They combine their knowledge of the visuospatial context with reasoning about the other person's knowledge state and rely on shared assumptions about how language is used to express communicative intentions. However, these assumptions may differ between languages of nonindustrialized-where conversations often primarily take place within a, so-called, society of intimates-and industrialized cultures-societies of strangers. Here, we study inference in communication in the Tsimane', an indigenous people of the Bolivian Amazon, who have little contact with industrialization or formal education. Using a referential communication task, we probe how Tsimane' speakers refer to objects in the world around them when there are potential ambiguities (e.g., referring to a cup when there are multiple cups in view) across different visual contexts. Using an eye-tracking task, we probe the real-time inferences that Tsimane' listeners make about the speaker's intentions. We find that Tsimane' speakers use visual (color, size) contrasts to disambiguate referents (e.g., "Hand me the small cup"), much like English speakers, and they predictively direct their gaze to objects in a contrast set when they hear a modifier (e.g., "small"). Despite myriad cultural and linguistic dissimilarities between the two populations, the qualitative patterns of behavior and eye-gaze of Tsimane' and English speakers were strikingly similar, suggesting that the communicative expectations underlying many everyday inferences may be shared across cultures. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).
Comunicação , Idioma , Humanos , Linguística , BolíviaRESUMO
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether a short-form computerized adaptive testing (CAT) version of the Philadelphia Naming Test (PNT) provides error profiles and model-based estimates of semantic and phonological processing that agree with the full test. METHOD: Twenty-four persons with aphasia took the PNT-CAT and the full version of the PNT (hereinafter referred to as the "full PNT") at least 2 weeks apart. The PNT-CAT proceeded in two stages: (a) the PNT-CAT30, in which 30 items were selected to match the evolving ability estimate with the goal of producing a 50% error rate, and (b) the PNT-CAT60, in which an additional 30 items were selected to produce a 75% error rate. Agreement was evaluated in terms of the root-mean-square deviation of the response-type proportions and, for individual response types, in terms of agreement coefficients and bias. We also evaluated agreement and bias for estimates of semantic and phonological processing derived from the semantic-phonological interactive two-step model (SP model) of word production. RESULTS: The results suggested that agreement was poorest for semantic, formal, mixed, and unrelated errors, all of which were underestimated by the short forms. Better agreement was observed for correct and nonword responses. SP model weights estimated by the short forms demonstrated no substantial bias but generally inadequate agreement with the full PNT, which itself showed acceptable test-retest reliability for SP model weights and all response types except for formal errors. DISCUSSION: Results suggest that the PNT-CAT30 and the PNT-CAT60 are generally inadequate for generating naming error profiles or model-derived estimates of semantic and phonological processing ability. Post hoc analyses suggested that increasing the number of stimuli available in the CAT item bank may improve the utility of adaptive short forms for generating error profiles, but the underlying theory also suggests that there are limitations to this approach based on a unidimensional measurement model. SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL:
Afasia , Humanos , Afasia/diagnóstico , Linguística , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , SemânticaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Patient satisfaction is considered as a product of two psychological processes, a cognitive one, including expectations and perceptions, and an emotional one resulting from the congruence between expectation and subjective perception of the user. The objective was to identify the factors associated with the level of perceived satisfaction in patients treated in 36 nonprofit health clinics that offer comprehensive health care services in four counties in the state of California, United States. METHODS: Cross-sectional analytical study in 14 clinics in four California counties. It consisted of the application of a 30-item questionnaire to determine the degree of patient satisfaction with the clinic. The factorial composition of the quality of care and clinic quality components was analyzed and two factors with an Eigen value greater than 1 were obtained. RESULTS: A total of 846 responses were registered. Factor analysis identified two underlying dimensions: Physician Attitude and Empathy. It was found that the discordance in language between the physician and the patient generates a difference in the perception of satisfaction. Patients who prefer to speak English have better satisfaction than those who speak Spanish. Spanish speakers who do not have interpreter have lower satisfaction than those who do (p < 0,01). CONCLUSIONS: The most important sociodemographic cofactor was language. Satisfaction decreased in Spanish-speaking patients who were not proficient in the use of English since they expressed fewer comments and doubts.