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PLoS One ; 18(11): e0293579, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37910477


The number of patients infected with simian malaria is gradually increasing in many countries of Southeast Asia and South America. The most important risk factor for a zoonotic spillover event of malarial infection is mostly influenced by the interaction between humans, monkeys, and vectors. In this study, we determine the protein expression profile of a wild stump-tailed macaque (Macaca arctoides) from a total of 32 blood samples collected from Prachuap Kiri Khan Province, Thailand. The malarial parasite was analyzed using nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays by dividing the samples into three groups: non-infected, mono-infected, and multiple-infected. The identification and differential proteomic expression profiles were determined using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and bioinformatics tools. A total of 9,532 proteins (total proteins) were identified with the filter-based selection methods analysis, and a subset of 440 proteins were found to be different between each group. Within these proteins, the GhostKOALA functional enrichment analysis indicated that 142 important proteins were associated with either of the organismal system (28.87%), genetic information processing (23.24%), environmental information processing (16.20%), metabolism (13.38%), cellular processes (11.97%), or causing human disease (6.34%). Additionally, using interaction network analysis, nine potential reporter proteins were identified. Here, we report the first study on the protein profiles differentially expressed in the serum of wild stump-tailed macaques between non, mono, and multiple malarial infected living in a natural transmission environment. Our findings demonstrate that differentially expressed proteins implicated in host defense through lipid metabolism, involved with TGF pathway were suppressed, while those with the apoptosis pathway, such as cytokines and proinflammation signals were increased. Including the parasite's response via induced hemolysis and disruption of myeloid cells. A greater understanding of the fundamental processes involved in a malarial infection and host response can be crucial for developing diagnostic tools, medication development, and therapies to improve the health of those affected by the disease.

Malária , Parasitos , Animais , Humanos , Macaca arctoides , Tailândia , Cromatografia Líquida , Proteômica , Espectrometria de Massas em Tandem , Malária/veterinária , Malária/parasitologia
J Biosci ; 482023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37593986


Frugivorous primates in temperate and subtropical regions often experience a shortage or complete absence of fruits for several months of the year. We studied the foraging ecology of a group of stump-tailed macaques Macaca arctoides in a subtropical forest during winter, when fruit abundance was low. We conducted this study in the Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary, Assam, India, from December 2015 to April 2016. We estimated the time-activity budgets, diet, and habitat use of the study troop and also conducted vegetation sampling and phenological monitoring of the study area. The stump-tailed macaque troop spent about 73.2% of its time foraging and feeding, with seasonal differences in food species intake and in habitat use. Open degraded forests were primarily used in December, January, and February, when the macaques largely fed on shoots of the bamboo Schizostachyum polymorphum and roots of the herb Forrestia (= Amischotolype) mollissima, while they mostly utilised F. mollissima in canopy-covered, degraded forests in March and April. There was a major shift from a primary diet of fruits in the wet season, reported from earlier studies, to possibly relatively poorquality, but abundant, shoots and roots in winter. This suggests that the consumption of these poor-quality fallback food species is a key dietary adaptation of the macaques to periods of fruit scarcity. Although our preliminary study suggests that the feeding behaviour of the stump-tailed macaque in its subtropical semievergreen forest habitat appears to be similar to that of its congeneric species in temperate forests, further investigations are needed to firmly establish the observed foraging patterns of this vulnerable cercopithecine species in its last lowland rainforest refuge in northeastern India.

Hylobates , Macaca arctoides , Animais , Estações do Ano , Macaca , Índia
Primates ; 64(4): 451-462, 2023 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37142891


When compared to the approximately 22 other macaque species, Macaca arctoides has many unique phenotypes. These traits fall into various phenotypic categories, including genitalia, coloration, mating, and olfactory traits. Here we used a previously identified whole genome set of 690 outlier genes to look for possible genetic explanations of these unique traits. Of these, 279 genes were annotated miRNAs, which are non-coding. Patterns within the remaining outliers in coding genes were investigated using GO (n = 370) and String (n = 383) analysis, which showed many interconnected immune-related genes. Further, we compared the outliers to candidate pathways associated with M. arcotides' unique phenotypes, revealing 10/690 outlier genes that overlapped these four pathways: hedgehog signaling, WNT signaling, olfactory, and melanogenesis. Of these, genes in all pathways except olfactory had higher FST values than the rest of the genes in the genome based on permutation tests. Overall, our results point to many genes each having a small impact on phenotype, working in tandem to cause large systemic changes. Additionally, these results may indicate pleiotropy. This seems to be especially true with the development and coloration of M. arctoides. Our results highlight that development, melanogenesis, immune function, and miRNAs may be heavily involved in M. arctoides' evolutionary history.

Macaca arctoides , MicroRNAs , Animais , Proteínas Hedgehog/genética , Macaca/genética , Evolução Biológica
Am J Primatol ; 85(6): e23493, 2023 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37056028


Predicting the spatial distribution of species and suitable areas under global climate change could provide a reference for species conservation and long-term management strategies. Macaca thibetana and Macaca arctoides are two endangered species of Chinese macaques. However, limited information is available on their distribution, and their habitat needs lack proper assessment due to complicated taxonomy and less research attention. In recent years, scholars widely used the maximum entropy (MaxEnt) model to predict the impact of global climate and certain environmental factors on species distribution. Therefore, we used the MaxEnt model to predict the spatiotemporal distribution of both macaque species under six climate change scenarios using occurrence and high-resolution ecological data. We identified climatic factors, elevation, and land cover that shape their distribution range and determined shifts in their habitat range. The results demonstrated that temperature range, annual precipitation, forest land cover, and temperature seasonality, including the precipitation of the driest month are the main factors affecting their distribution. Currently, M. thibetana is mainly concentrated in central, eastern, southern, and southwestern China, and M. arctoides is mainly concentrated in three provinces (Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guangdong) in southern China. The MaxEnt model predicted that the suitable habitat for both species will increase with increased greenhouse emission scenarios. We also found that with the further increase in greenhouse emissions M. thibetana is expected to migrate to western China, and M. arctoides is expected to migrate to western or eastern China. This reinterpretation of the distribution of M. thibetana and M. arctoides in China, and predicted potential suitable habitat and possible migration direction, may provide new insights into the future conservation and management of these two species.

Mudança Climática , Macaca arctoides , Macaca , Animais , China , Ecossistema , Distribuição Animal
Primates ; 64(3): 351-359, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36809436


Inferring the latent structures of social organisations is a central theme in animal ecology. Sophisticated theoretical frameworks underpin the study of various primate social systems. Single-file movements, defined as serially ordered patterns of animals, reflect intra-group social relationships and provide a key to understanding social structures. Here, we analysed automated camera-trapping data on the order of progression of single-file movements in a free-ranging group of stump-tailed macaques to estimate the social structure of the group. The sequence of single file movements showed some regularities, particularly for adult males. Social network analysis identified four community clusters (subgroups) corresponding to the social structures reported for these stumptailed macaques, i.e. males that had copulated more frequently with females were spatially clustered with females, but males that had copulated less frequently were spatially isolated from females. Our results suggest that stumptailed macaques move in regular, socially determined patterns that reflect the spatial positions of adult males and are related to the social organisation of the species.

Macaca arctoides , Macaca , Feminino , Masculino , Animais , Movimento , Estrutura Social
J Biosci ; 462021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33969827


Very large and stable, socially coherent primate groups, not including fission-fusion societies, are usually rare in nature, owing to constraints imposed by various ecological and social factors. Moreover, unlike species in open habitats, those in forests tend to have smaller groups, and this becomes further accentuated in small and fragmented forest patches. We report here an unusually large troop of stump-tailed macaques Macaca arctoides from the Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary, a small and isolated lowland tropical rainforest patch in the Upper Brahmaputra Valley of northeastern India - this is possibly the largest wild group of the species recorded anywhere across its distribution range. We hypothesise the potential factors driving the formation of such a large social group of this vulnerable cercopithecine primate and discuss the conservation implications of this phenomenon.

Distribuição Animal/fisiologia , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Macaca arctoides/fisiologia , Animais , Feminino , Índia , Masculino , Floresta Úmida , Estações do Ano , Especificidade da Espécie
Malar J ; 19(1): 350, 2020 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33004070


BACKGROUND: Certain species of macaques are natural hosts of Plasmodium knowlesi and Plasmodium cynomolgi, which can both cause malaria in humans, and Plasmodium inui, which can be experimentally transmitted to humans. A significant number of zoonotic malaria cases have been reported in humans throughout Southeast Asia, including Thailand. There have been only two studies undertaken in Thailand to identify malaria parasites in non-human primates in 6 provinces. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of P. knowlesi, P. cynomolgi, P. inui, Plasmodium coatneyi and Plasmodium fieldi in non-human primates from 4 new locations in Thailand. METHODS: A total of 93 blood samples from Macaca fascicularis, Macaca leonina and Macaca arctoides were collected from four locations in Thailand: 32 were captive M. fascicularis from Chachoengsao Province (CHA), 4 were wild M. fascicularis from Ranong Province (RAN), 32 were wild M. arctoides from Prachuap Kiri Khan Province (PRA), and 25 were wild M. leonina from Nakornratchasima Province (NAK). DNA was extracted from these samples and analysed by nested PCR assays to detect Plasmodium, and subsequently to detect P. knowlesi, P. coatneyi, P. cynomolgi, P. inui and P. fieldi. RESULTS: Twenty-seven of the 93 (29%) samples were Plasmodium-positive by nested PCR assays. Among wild macaques, all 4 M. fascicularis at RAN were infected with malaria parasites followed by 50% of 32 M. arctoides at PRA and 20% of 25 M. leonina at NAK. Only 2 (6.3%) of the 32 captive M. fascicularis at CHA were malaria-positive. All 5 species of Plasmodium were detected and 16 (59.3%) of the 27 macaques had single infections, 9 had double and 2 had triple infections. The composition of Plasmodium species in macaques at each sampling site was different. Macaca arctoides from PRA were infected with P. knowlesi, P. coatneyi, P. cynomolgi, P. inui and P. fieldi. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence and species of Plasmodium varied among the wild and captive macaques, and between macaques at 4 sampling sites in Thailand. Macaca arctoides is a new natural host for P. knowlesi, P. inui, P. coatneyi and P. fieldi.

Interações Hospedeiro-Parasita , Macaca , Malária/veterinária , Doenças dos Macacos/epidemiologia , Plasmodium/isolamento & purificação , Animais , Macaca arctoides , Macaca fascicularis , Malária/epidemiologia , Malária/parasitologia , Doenças dos Macacos/parasitologia , Plasmodium knowlesi/isolamento & purificação , Prevalência , Especificidade da Espécie , Tailândia/epidemiologia
Primates ; 61(5): 685-694, 2020 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32318928


Male copulation calls sometimes play important roles in sexual strategies, attracting conspecific females or advertising their social status to conspecific males. These calls generally occur in sexually competitive societies such as harem groups and multi-male and multi-female societies. However, the call functions remain unclear because of limited availability of data sets that include a large number of male and female animals in naturalistic environments, particularly in primates. Here, we examined the possible function of male-specific copulation calls in wild stump-tailed macaques (Macaca arctoides) by analyzing the contexts and acoustic features of vocalizations. We observed 395 wild stump-tailed macaques inhabiting the Khao Krapuk Khao Taomor Non-Hunting Area in Thailand and recorded all occurrences of observed copulations. We counted 446 male-specific calls in 383 copulations recorded, and measured their acoustic characteristics. Data were categorized into three groups depending on their social status: dominant (alpha and coalition) males and non-dominant males. When comparing male status, alpha males most frequently produced copulation calls at ejaculation, coalition males produced less frequent calls than alpha males, and other non-dominant males rarely vocalized, maintaining silence even when mounting females. Acoustic analysis indicated no significant influence of status (alpha or coalition) on call number, bout duration, or further formant dispersion parameters. Our results suggest that male copulation calls of this species are social status-dependent signals. Furthermore, dominant males might actively transmit their social status and copulations to other male rivals to impede their challenging attacks, while other non-dominant males maintain silence to prevent the interference of dominants.

Copulação , Macaca arctoides/psicologia , Predomínio Social , Vocalização Animal , Animais , Masculino , Tailândia