BACKGROUND: Mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC) therapy holds great potential yet efficacy and safety concerns with cell therapy persist. The beneficial effects of MSCs are often attributed to their secretome that includes extracellular vesicles (EVs). EVs carry biologically active molecules, protected by a lipid bilayer. However, several barriers hinder large-scale MSC EV production. A serum-free culturing approach is preferred for producing clinical-grade MSC-derived EVs but this can affect both yield and purity. Consequently, new strategies have been explored, including genetically engineering MSCs to alter EV compositions to enhance potency, increase circulation time or mediate targeting. However, efficient transfection of MSCs is challenging. Typical sources of MSC include adipose tissue and bone marrow, which both require invasive extraction procedures. Here, we investigate the use of urine-derived stem cells (USCs) as a non-invasive and inexhaustible source of MSCs for EV production. METHODS: We isolated, expanded, and characterized urine-derived stem cells (USCs) harvested from eight healthy donors at three different time points during the day. We evaluated the number of clones per urination, proliferation capacity and conducted flow cytometry to establish expression of surface markers. EVs were produced in chemically defined media and characterized. PEI/DNA transfection was used to genetically engineer USCs using transposon technology. RESULTS: There were no differences between time points for clone number, doubling time or viability. USCs showed immunophenotypic characteristics of MSCs, such as expression of CD73, CD90 and CD105, with no difference at the assessed time points, however, male donors had reduced CD73 + cells. Expanded USCs were incubated without growth factors or serum for 72 h without a loss in viability and EVs were isolated. USCs were transfected with high efficiency and after 10 days of selection, pure engineered cell cultures were established. CONCLUSIONS: Isolation and expansion of MSCs from urine is non-invasive, robust, and without apparent sex-related differences. The sampling time point did not affect any measured markers or USC isolation potential. USCs offer an attractive production platform for EVs, both native and engineered.
Vesículas Extracelulares , Células-Tronco Mesenquimais , Urina , Humanos , Vesículas Extracelulares/metabolismo , Células-Tronco Mesenquimais/metabolismo , Células-Tronco Mesenquimais/citologia , Urina/citologia , Masculino , Feminino , Células Cultivadas , Adulto , Proliferação de Células , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Diferenciação CelularRESUMO
Urine cytology is a non-invasive, cost-efficient, and sensitive test to detect high-grade urothelial carcinoma. The Paris System (TPS) for Reporting Urinary Cytology is an evidence-based system that uses the risk of malignancy to guide patient management. Since its inception, TPS has standardized urine cytology reports, facilitating communication among pathologists and between pathologists and clinicians. It is imperative to correlate the urine cytology findings with the concurrent tissue sample to avoid false-negative and false-positive results when possible. Several ancillary tests and artificial intelligence algorithms are being developed to increase the accuracy of urine cytology interpretation.
Citodiagnóstico , Neoplasias Urológicas , Humanos , Carcinoma de Células de Transição/patologia , Carcinoma de Células de Transição/diagnóstico , Citodiagnóstico/métodos , Citodiagnóstico/tendências , Sistema Urinário/patologia , Urina/citologia , Neoplasias Urológicas/patologia , Neoplasias Urológicas/diagnóstico , Urotélio/patologiaRESUMO
Temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis (TMJOA) is a degenerative ailment that causes slow cartilage degeneration, aberrant bone remodeling, and persistent discomfort, leading to a considerable reduction in the patient's life quality. Current treatment options for TMJOA have limited efficacy. This investigation aimed to explore a potential strategy for halting or reversing the progression of TMJOA through the utilization of exosomes (EXOs) derived from urine-derived stem cells (USCs). The USC-EXOs were obtained through microfiltration and ultrafiltration techniques, followed by their characterization using particle size analysis, electron microscopy, and immunoblotting. Subsequently, an in vivo model of TMJOA induced by mechanical force was established. To assess the changes in the cartilage of TMJOA treated with USC-EXOs, we performed histology analysis using hematoxylin-eosin staining, immunohistochemistry, and histological scoring. Our findings indicate that the utilization of USC-EXOs yields substantial reductions in TMJOA, while concurrently enhancing the structural integrity and smoothness of the compromised condylar cartilage surface. Additionally, USC-EXOs exhibit inhibitory effects on osteoclastogenic activity within the subchondral bone layer of the condylar cartilage, as well as attenuated apoptosis in the rat TMJ in response to mechanical injury. In conclusion, USC-EXOs hold considerable promise as a potential therapeutic intervention for TMJOA.
Exossomos , Osteoartrite , Articulação Temporomandibular , Exossomos/metabolismo , Animais , Osteoartrite/terapia , Osteoartrite/patologia , Osteoartrite/metabolismo , Ratos , Masculino , Humanos , Articulação Temporomandibular/metabolismo , Articulação Temporomandibular/patologia , Células-Tronco/citologia , Células-Tronco/metabolismo , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Urina/citologia , Transtornos da Articulação Temporomandibular/terapia , Transtornos da Articulação Temporomandibular/metabolismo , Transtornos da Articulação Temporomandibular/patologia , Feminino , Cartilagem Articular/patologia , Cartilagem Articular/metabolismoRESUMO
We investigated the formation of nitrosamines from urine during electrochemical chlorination (EC) using dimensionally stable anodes. Short-term electrolysis (< 1 h) of urine at 25 mA cm-2 generated seven nitrosamines (0.1-7.4 µg L-1), where N-nitrosodimethylamine, N-nitrosomethylethylamine, and N-nitrosodiethylamine were predominant with concentrations ranging from 1.2 to 7.4 µg L-1. Mechanistic studies showed that the formation kinetics of nitrosamines was influenced by urine aging and composition, with fresh urine generating the highest levels (0.9-5.8 µg L-1) compared with aged, centrifuged, or filtered urine (0.2-4.1 µg L-1). Concurrently, studies on urine pretreatment through filtration and centrifugation underscored the significance of nitrogenous metabolites (such as protein-like products and urinary amino acids) and particle-associated humic fractions in nitrosamine formation during EC of urine. This finding was confirmed through chromatographic and spectroscopic studies utilizing LCOCD, Raman spectra, and 3DEEM fluorescence spectra. Parametric studies demonstrated that the ultimate [nitrosamines] increased at a pH range of 4.5-6.2, and with increasing [bromide], [ammonium], and current density. Conversely, sulfate and carbonate ions inhibited nitrosamine formation. Moreover, the implications of EC in urine-containing source waters were evaluated. The results indicate that regardless of the urine source (individual volunteers, septic tank, swimming pool, untreated municipal wastewater), high levels of nitrosamines (0.1-17.6 µg L-1) were generated, surpassing the potable reuse guideline of 10 ng L-1. Overall, this study provides insights to elucidate the mechanisms underlying nitrosamine formation and optimize the operating conditions. Such insights facilitate suppressing the generation of nitrosamine byproducts during electrochemical treatment of urine-containing wastewater.
Halogenação , Nitrosaminas , Nitrosaminas/urina , Purificação da Água , Urina/química , Poluentes Químicos da Água/química , HumanosRESUMO
Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) is a major human pathogen and a research priority for developing new antimicrobial agents. CRAB is a causative agent of a variety of infections in different body sites. One of the manifestations is catheter-associated urinary tract infection, which exposes the bacteria to the host's urine, creating a particular environment. Exposure of two CRAB clinical isolates, AB5075 and AMA40, to human urine (HU) resulted in the differential expression levels of 264 and 455 genes, respectively, of which 112 were common to both strains. Genes within this group play roles in metabolic pathways such as phenylacetic acid (PAA) catabolism, the Hut system, the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, and other processes like quorum sensing and biofilm formation. These results indicate that the presence of HU induces numerous adaptive changes in gene expression of the infecting bacteria. These changes presumably help bacteria establish and thrive in the hostile conditions in the urinary tract. These analyses advance our understanding of CRAB's metabolic adaptations to human fluids, as well as expand knowledge on bacterial responses to distinct human fluids containing different concentrations of human serum albumin (HSA).
Acinetobacter baumannii , Carbapenêmicos , Urina , Acinetobacter baumannii/genética , Acinetobacter baumannii/efeitos dos fármacos , Acinetobacter baumannii/metabolismo , Humanos , Carbapenêmicos/farmacologia , Urina/microbiologia , Regulação Bacteriana da Expressão Gênica/efeitos dos fármacos , Antibacterianos/farmacologia , Infecções por Acinetobacter/microbiologia , Infecções por Acinetobacter/urina , Adaptação Fisiológica/genética , Infecções Urinárias/microbiologia , Biofilmes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Biofilmes/efeitos dos fármacos , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana/genéticaRESUMO
Klebsiella pneumoniae is a global public health concern due to the rising myriad of hypervirulent and multidrug-resistant clones both alarmingly associated with high mortality. The molecular mechanisms underpinning these recalcitrant K. pneumoniae infection, and how virulence is coupled with the emergence of lineages resistant to nearly all present-day clinically important antimicrobials, are unclear. In this study, we performed a genome-wide screen in K. pneumoniae ECL8, a member of the endemic K2-ST375 pathotype most often reported in Asia, to define genes essential for growth in a nutrient-rich laboratory medium (Luria-Bertani [LB] medium), human urine, and serum. Through transposon directed insertion-site sequencing (TraDIS), a total of 427 genes were identified as essential for growth on LB agar, whereas transposon insertions in 11 and 144 genes decreased fitness for growth in either urine or serum, respectively. These studies not only provide further knowledge on the genetics of this pathogen but also provide a strong impetus for discovering new antimicrobial targets to improve current therapeutic options for K. pneumoniae infections.
Elementos de DNA Transponíveis , Klebsiella pneumoniae , Urina , Klebsiella pneumoniae/genética , Klebsiella pneumoniae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Humanos , Elementos de DNA Transponíveis/genética , Urina/microbiologia , Infecções por Klebsiella/microbiologia , Infecções por Klebsiella/urina , Mutagênese Insercional , Soro/microbiologia , MutagêneseRESUMO
This study evaluated the potential for combining dehydrated human urine with one other form of organic waste to create circular fertilisers tailored to meet the macronutrient demand of 15 major crops cultivated globally. Through a reverse blending modelling approach, data on 359 different organic wastes were used to identify 38 fertiliser blends. Materials found to be particularly suitable as blending materials were various biochars and ashes, due to their low nitrogen and high phosphorus and/or potassium content, and byproduct concentrates, due to their high phosphorus content, since the nitrogen content of human urine is disproportionately higher than its phosphorus content. Several organic wastes were suitable for fertilising more than one crop. The macronutrient content of the simulated fertiliser blends was comparable to that of blended inorganic fertilisers, but only a few blends precisely matched the macronutrient demand of crops. Fertilising crops with some simulated fertilisers would potentially result in excess application of one or more macronutrients, and thus overfertilisation. For organic wastes with data available on their content of six or more heavy metals, it was found that the simulated fertilisers generally met European Union regulations on use of fertilisers of organic origin in agriculture. Overall, these findings suggest that fertiliser blends combining dehydrated human urine and organic wastes, both of which are widely available globally, could replace inorganic blended fertilisers in agriculture. Such recycling would help the global food system and water sector transition to circularity and promote better management of plant-essential nutrients in society.
Agricultura , Produtos Agrícolas , Fertilizantes , Urina , Humanos , Agricultura/métodos , Urina/química , Nitrogênio , Fósforo , Nutrientes/análiseRESUMO
Septic tanks are widely adopted in decentralized household wastewater treatment systems serving billions of people globally. Due to the lack of effective electron acceptors, insufficient nutrient removal and the emission of harmful gases, e. g. H2S, CH4, etc., are the common drawbacks. In the present work, we attempted to supplement nitrite into septic tanks as an electron acceptor, via nitrifying human urine source-separated from blackwater, to overcome these drawbacks. Partial or complete nitritation of source-separated urine was achieved in a sequencing batch reactor. The addition of nitrified urine into septic tanks improved organic and nitrogen removals in blackwater up to 90 % and 70 %, respectively. The emission of harmful gases from the septic tanks was stably diminished, with more than 75 % of CH4, CO2 and H2S reductions. Nitrite addition significantly reduced the abundance of hydrogenotrophic methanogens in septic tanks. Though the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria recovered after the initial inhibition upon nitrite addition, the bio-generated H2S was retained in water since the increased wastewater pH after nitrite addition promoted the disassociation of H2S in aqueous solution.
Sulfeto de Hidrogênio , Metano , Eliminação de Resíduos Líquidos , Águas Residuárias , Humanos , Eliminação de Resíduos Líquidos/métodos , Águas Residuárias/química , Urina/química , Urina/microbiologia , Nitrificação , Poluentes Atmosféricos , NitritosRESUMO
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are essential for crop growth, which are abundant in urine. Although numerous studies have developed techniques to recover ammonium and phosphorus from urine, limited research made efforts on the recovery of potassium, which is a non-renewable resource with uneven global distribution. In this study, we explored the possibility of zeolite based mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) to selectively recover ammonium and potassium from urine, with minimal detention of sodium. The findings demonstrated that upon the pre-treatment of zeolites with sodium chloride solution, a 70 wt% zeolite loaded MMM could achieve 69.3 % recovery of potassium and almost full recovery of ammonium. By varying the desorption temperatures and MMMs production process, it was discovered that stepwise backwash at low temperature (276 K) greatly lowered sodium recovery whilst simultaneously enhancing the recovery of potassium and ammonium. This study demonstrates the potential of recovering potassium and ammonium from urine using zeolite-loaded MMMs, coupled with achieving low-sodium recovery.
Compostos de Amônio , Potássio , Zeolitas , Zeolitas/química , Potássio/urina , Potássio/química , Compostos de Amônio/química , Urina/química , Fósforo/química , Sódio/urina , Sódio/químicaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Urinary sediment is an important part of routine urine test, which plays an irreplaceable role in the diagnosis of diseases, monitoring of treatment effect, and prognosis judgment [1]. METHODS: Through the results of urine dry chemistry and microscopic examination of urinary sediment, we inter-preted and analyzed the clinical significance of urinary casts in urinary sediment. RESULTS: In patients with new urinary system diseases abnormal urine results appear earlier than changes in serum renal function indicators, especially when the urine sediment shows typical casts, which can provide an important basis for clinical diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical laboratory personnel should attach great importance to the morphological examination of urinary sediment and master the diagnostic significance of the formed components of urinary sediment for various diseases, so as to better assist clinical disease diagnosis.
Urinálise , Humanos , Urinálise/métodos , Masculino , Urina/química , Feminino , Doenças Urológicas/urina , Doenças Urológicas/diagnóstico , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , IdosoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: This study compared the clinical sensitivity and the time-to-result of an individual testing (IT) and a cascaded pooled testing approach (CPT; a positive test result in a pooled sample triggers examination of smaller-sized pools or individual samples) for assessing the prevalence and the intensity of Schistosoma haematobium infection. We also compared the sensitivity of the CPT in detecting S. haematobium infection when deploying urine filtration microscopy (UFM) vs. urine reagent strips (URS), and testing 10 mL vs. 15 mL of urine. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Between October 2021 and April 2022, S. haematobium eggs were counted in urine samples collected from school-aged children living in the Afar and Gambella Regional States of Ethiopia. Urine samples were collected at baseline (n = 1,288), and one month after administration of praziquantel (n = 118). All urine samples were processed through both an IT and a CPT approach (pools of 5, 10, 20, and 40 individual samples), deploying UFM (10 mL) and URS (10 mL). In addition, 15 mL urine was processed through the CPT deploying UFM. At baseline, the prevalence of S. haematobium infection estimated when using UFM and deploying a CPT approach was significantly lower (17.3%) compared to an IT approach (31.5%). The clinical sensitivity of the CPT in detecting S. haematobium eggs was 51.7%. The sensitivity increased significantly as a function of increasing log transformed urine egg counts (UECs) of the individual samples (OR 2.71, 95%CI 1.63 - 4.52). The sensitivity was comparable when the amount of urine examined was 10 mL (51.7%) vs. 15 ml (50.8%), and when UFM was used for testing vs. URS (51.5%). The mean log UECs estimated following the CPT approach was lower compared to the estimate by the IT (p <0.001). UECs of the individual samples estimated using the IT and CPT approaches were moderately correlated (r = 0.59 when 10 mL and 15 mL urine was examined after pooling). CPT reduced the time needed for processing urine samples and testing for S. haematobium infection by 29% with UFM and by 27.7% with URS. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: CPT based on UFM and URS techniques may help to rapidly identify areas with higher prevalence of S. haematobium infection (hotspots) in a population. However, the performance of this approach in estimating the prevalence of infection may be compromised, particularly in endemic areas with low intensity infection.
Praziquantel , Schistosoma haematobium , Esquistossomose Urinária , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Esquistossomose Urinária/epidemiologia , Esquistossomose Urinária/urina , Esquistossomose Urinária/diagnóstico , Humanos , Schistosoma haematobium/isolamento & purificação , Animais , Criança , Prevalência , Etiópia/epidemiologia , Feminino , Masculino , Adolescente , Praziquantel/uso terapêutico , Contagem de Ovos de Parasitas , Anti-Helmínticos/uso terapêutico , Anti-Helmínticos/administração & dosagem , Microscopia/métodos , Urina/parasitologiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: Urine specific gravity (USG) is the most common method for the estimation of urine concentration in cats. Utilization of USG as a screening tool is easily accessible and is of low cost to the client if strategically utilized in settings of higher diagnostic value. There is currently minimal population information regarding how USG changes across ages in cats. METHODS: Data were collected from electronic pet medical records from more than 1000 hospitals and screened for cats with an apparently healthy clinical status and complete diagnostic information. USG was compared with age in multiple analyses to examine the relationship between the variables. RESULTS: In the absence of other indicators of disease, renal concentrating ability begins to diminish, on average, starting at approximately 9 years of age. By age group, cats aged 11-15 years (1.044, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.043-1.044) had statistically significantly lower mean USGs compared with cats aged less than 1 year (1.049, 95% CI 1.048-1.051; P <0.001), 1-6 years (1.049, 95% CI 1.049-1.050; P <0.001) or 7-10 years (1.049, 95% CI 1.048-1.049; P <0.001). Cats aged ⩾15 years (1.038, 95% CI 1.036-1.040) had statistically significantly lower mean USGs compared with cats aged less than 1 year (P <0.001), 1-6 years (P <0.001), 7-10 years (P <0.001) or 11-15 years (P <0.001). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Renal concentrating ability begins to diminish, on average, starting at approximately 9 years of age and is progressive as cat age increases. This study provides important and new information to help improve screening practices for disorders of concentrating ability in cats.
Gravidade Específica , Urinálise , Animais , Gatos/urina , Urinálise/veterinária , Masculino , Feminino , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Fatores Etários , Urina/químicaRESUMO
The depletion of nutrient sources in fertilizers demands a paradigm shift in the treatment of nutrient-rich wastewater, such as urine, to enable efficient resource recovery and high-value conversion. This study presented an integrated bipolar membrane electrodialysis (BMED) and hollow fiber membrane (HFM) system for near-complete resource recovery and zero-discharge from urine treatment. Computational simulations and experimental validations demonstrated that a higher voltage (20 V) significantly enhanced energy utilization, while an optimal flow rate of 0.4 L/min effectively mitigated the negative effects of concentration polarization and electro-osmosis on system performance. Within 40 min, the process separated 90.13% of the salts in urine, with an energy consumption of only 8.45 kWh/kgbase. Utilizing a multi-chamber structure for selective separation, the system achieved recovery efficiencies of 89% for nitrogen, 96% for phosphorus, and 95% for potassium from fresh urine, converting them into high-value products such as 85 mM acid, 69.5 mM base, and liquid fertilizer. According to techno-economic analysis, the cost of treating urine using this system at the lab-scale was $6.29/kg of products (including acid, base, and (NH4)2SO4), which was significantly lower than the $20.44/kg cost for the precipitation method to produce struvite. Excluding fixed costs, a net profit of $18.24/m3 was achieved through the recovery of valuable products from urine using this system. The pilot-scale assessment showed that the net benefit amounts to $19.90/m3 of urine, demonstrating significant economic feasibility. This study presents an effective approach for the near-complete resource recovery and zero-discharge treatment of urine, offering a practical solution for sustainable nutrient recycling and wastewater management.
Membranas Artificiais , Urina , Urina/química , Eliminação de Resíduos Líquidos/métodos , Águas Residuárias/química , Fósforo , Técnicas Eletroquímicas/métodos , Nitrogênio , Purificação da Água/métodos , Fertilizantes , Potássio/urinaRESUMO
This study addresses the effect of using animal excreta on the nutritional content of forages, focusing on macro- and micro-element concentrations (nitrogen; N, phosphorus; P, sulphur; S, copper; Cu, zinc; Zn, manganese; Mn, selenium; Se) from animal feed to excreta, soil, and plants. Data were collected from pot and field trials using separate applications of sheep or cattle urine and faeces. Key findings indicate that soil organic carbon (SOC) and the type of excreta significantly influences nutrient uptake by forages, with varied responses among the seven elements defined above. Although urine contributes fewer micronutrients compared to faeces (as applied at a natural volume/mass basis, respectively), it notably improves forage yield and micronutrient accumulation, thus potentially delivering positive consequences at the farm level regarding economic performance and soil fertility when swards upon clayey soil types receive said urine in temperate agro-climatic regions (i.e., South West England in the current context). In contrast, faeces application in isolation hinders Se and Mn uptake, once again potentially delivering unintended consequences such as micronutrient deficiencies in areas of high faeces deposition. As it is unlikely that (b)ovine grazing fields will receive either urine or faeces in isolation, we also explored combined applications of both excreta types which demonstrates synergistic effects on N, Cu, and Zn uptake, with either synergistic or dilution effects being observed for P and S, depending largely on SOC levels. Additionally, interactions between excreta types can result in dilution or antagonistic effects on Mn and Se uptake. Notably, high SOC combined with faeces reduces Mn and Se in forages, raising concerns for grazed ruminant systems under certain biotic situations, e.g., due to insufficient soil Se levels typically observed in UK pastures for livestock growth. These findings underscore the importance of considering SOC and excreta nutritional composition when designing forage management to optimize nutrient uptake. It should be noted that these findings have potential ramifications for broader studies of sustainable agriculture through system-scale analyses, as the granularity of results reported herein elucidate gaps in knowledge which could affect, both positively and negatively, the interpretation of model-based environmental impact assessments of cattle and sheep production (e.g., in the case of increased yields [beneficial] or the requirement of additional synthetic supplementation [detrimental]).
Ração Animal , Fezes , Solo , Urina , Animais , Fezes/química , Bovinos , Solo/química , Ovinos , Urina/química , Ração Animal/análise , Nutrientes/análise , Nutrientes/metabolismo , Ruminantes/fisiologia , Nitrogênio/metabolismo , Nitrogênio/urina , Nitrogênio/análise , Fósforo/urina , Fósforo/análise , Fósforo/metabolismoRESUMO
PURPOSE: To investigate urine microbiome differences among healthy women, women with recurrent uncomplicated cystitis (rUC), and those with sporadic/single uncomplicated cystitis (sUC) to challenge traditional beliefs about origins of these infections. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients who underwent both conventional urine culture and next-generation sequencing (NGS) of urine were retrospectively reviewed. Symptom-free women with normal urinalysis results as a control group were also studied. Samples were collected via transurethral catheterization. RESULTS: In the control group, urine microbiome was detected on NGS in 83.3%, with Lactobacillus and Prevotella being the most abundant genera. The sensitivity of urine NGS was significantly higher than that of conventional urine culture in both the sUC group (91.2% vs. 32.4%) and the rUC group (82.4% vs. 16.4%). In urine NGS results, Enterobacterales, Prevotella, and Escherichia/Shigella were additionally found in the sUC group, while the recurrent urinary tract infection (rUTI)/rUC group exhibited the presence of Lactobacillus, Prevotella, Enterobacterales, Escherichia/Shigella, and Propionibacterium. Moreover, distinct patterns of urine NGS were observed based on menopausal status and ingestion of antibiotics or probiotics prior to NGS test sampling. CONCLUSIONS: Urine microbiomes in control, sUC, and rUTI/rUC groups exhibited distinct characteristics. Notably, sUC and rUC might represent entirely separate pathological processes, given their distinct urine microbiomes. Consequently, the use of urine NGS might be essential to enhancing sensitivity compared to conventional urine culture in both sUC and rUTI/rUC groups.
Cistite , Microbiota , Recidiva , Humanos , Feminino , Cistite/microbiologia , Cistite/urina , Estudos Retrospectivos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto , Urina/microbiologia , República da Coreia , Sequenciamento de Nucleotídeos em Larga Escala , Doença Aguda , Infecções Urinárias/microbiologia , Idoso , Relevância ClínicaRESUMO
This study aimed to investigate whether separating organics depletion from nitrification increases the overall performance of urine nitrification. Separate organics depletion was facilitated with membrane aerated biofilm reactors (MABRs). The high pH and ammonia concentration in stored urine inhibited nitrification in the first stage and therewith allowed the separation of organics depletion from nitrification. An organics removal of 70 % was achieved at organic loading rates in the influent of 3.7 gCOD d-1 m-2. Organics depletion in a continuous flow stirred tank reactor (CSTR) for organics depletion led to ammonia stripping through diffused aeration of up to 13 %. Using an MABR, diffusion into the lumen amounted for 4 % ammonia loss only. In the MABR, headspace volume and therefore ammonia loss through the headspace was negligible. By aerating the downstream MABR for nitrification with the off-gas of the MABR for organics depletion, 96 % of the ammonia stripped in the first stage could be recovered in the second stage, so that the overall ammonia loss was negligibly low. Nitrification of the organics-depleted urine was studied in MABRs, CSTRs, and sequencing batch reactors in fed batch mode (FBRs), the latter two operated with suspended biomass. The experiments demonstrated that upstream organics depletion can double the nitrification rate. In a laboratory-scale MABR, nitrification rates were recorded of up to 830 mgNL-1 d-1 (3.1 gN m-2 d-1) with ambient air and over 1500 mgNL-1 d-1 (6.7 gN m-2 d-1) with oxygen-enriched air. Experiments with a laboratory-scale MABR showed that increasing operational parameters such as pH, recirculation flow, scouring frequency, and oxygen content increased the nitrification rate. The nitrification in the MABR was robust even at high pH setpoints of 6.9 and was robust against process failures arising from operational mistakes. The hydraulic retention time (HRT) required for nitrification was only 1 to 2 days. With the preceding organics depletion, the HRT for our system requires 2 to 3 days in total, whereas a combined activated sludge system requires 4 to 8 days. The N2O concentration in the off-gas increases with increasing nitrification rates; however, the N2O emission factor was 2.8 % on average and independent of nitrification rates. These results indicate that the MABR technology has a high potential for efficient and robust production of ammonium nitrate from source-separated urine.
Amônia , Biofilmes , Reatores Biológicos , Nitrificação , Amônia/metabolismo , Urina/química , Membranas Artificiais , Eliminação de Resíduos LíquidosRESUMO
Urine has an intricate composition with high concentrations of organic compounds like urea, creatinine, and uric acid. Urine poses a formidable challenge for advanced effluent treatment processes following urine diversion strategies. Urine matrix complexity is heightened when dealing with pharmaceutical residues like acetaminophen (ACT) and metabolized pharmaceuticals. This work explores ACT degradation in synthetic, fresh real, and hydrolyzed real urines using electrochemical oxidation with a dimensional stable anode (DSA). Analyzing drug concentration (2.5 - 40 mg L-1) over 180 min at various current densities in fresh synthetic effluent revealed a noteworthy 75% removal at 48 mA cm-2. ACT degradation kinetics and that of the other organic components followed a pseudo-first-order reaction. Uric acid degradation competed with ACT degradation, whereas urea and creatinine possessed higher oxidation resistance. Fresh real urine presented the most challenging scenario for the electrochemical process. Whereas, hydrolyzed real urine achieved higher ACT removal than fresh synthetic urine. Carboxylic acids like acetic, tartaric, maleic, and oxalic were detected as main by-products. Inorganic ionic species nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium ions were released to the medium from N-containing organic compounds. These findings underscore the importance of considering urine composition complexities and provide significant advancements in strategies for efficiently addressing trace pharmaceutical contamination.
Acetaminofen , Acetaminofen/química , Acetaminofen/urina , Humanos , Técnicas Eletroquímicas , Urina/química , Oxirredução , CinéticaRESUMO
We evaluated the DxU 850m Iris Urine Microscopy analyzer as a screening tool for excluding negative urine samples (n = 1337). At a cutoff of 103 colony counts·mL-1, sensitivity was 55.1 %, specificity 68.6 %. The DxU 850m Iris does not offer acceptable prediction of culture-negative urine samples at the tested cutoff.
Microscopia , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Urinálise , Urina , Humanos , Microscopia/métodos , Urinálise/métodos , Urinálise/instrumentação , Urina/microbiologia , Infecções Urinárias/diagnóstico , Infecções Urinárias/microbiologia , Automação Laboratorial/métodosRESUMO
Lactobacillus species are common inhabitants of the 'healthy' female urinary and vaginal communities, often associated with a lack of symptoms in both anatomical sites. Given identification by prior studies of similar bacterial species in both communities, it has been hypothesized that the two microbiotas are in fact connected. Here, we carried out whole-genome sequencing of 49 Lactobacillus strains, including 16 paired urogenital samples from the same participant. These strains represent five different Lactobacillus species: L. crispatus, L. gasseri, L. iners, L. jensenii, and L. paragasseri. Average nucleotide identity (ANI), alignment, single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), and CRISPR comparisons between strains from the same participant were performed. We conducted simulations of genome assemblies and ANI comparisons and present a statistical method to distinguish between unrelated, related, and identical strains. We found that 50â% of the paired samples have identical strains, evidence that the urinary and vaginal communities are connected. Additionally, we found evidence of strains sharing a common ancestor. These results establish that microbial sharing between the urinary tract and vagina is not limited to uropathogens. Knowledge that these two anatomical sites can share lactobacilli in females can inform future clinical approaches.