The origin of tool use is a central question in human evolutionary studies. Plio-Pleistocene core and flake technologies represent the earliest evidence of tool use in the human lineage. Some suggest this form of tool use is probably pre-dated by a phase of percussive tool use. However, there is currently no evidence for such a record. The archaeological signature of solely percussive behaviours is not as well understood as that associated with cores and flakes. The durable nature of primate percussive stone tools and their by-products provide an opportunity to investigate what such a record looks like. Here, we present a landscape-scale study of the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) material culture from the Djouroutou Chimpanzee Project, Taï Forest, Cote d'Ivoire. This study explores the interplay between behavioural and environmental factors in shaping the stone record of nut cracking. Through a survey of nut-cracking sites, the available nut species, and raw materials, we show how resource availability influences the resulting material signature of nut cracking. These results also reveal the diversity of material signatures associated with a purely percussive material record. We gain insight into the range of signatures that may be associated with a pre-core and flake archaeological record, providing new expectations for an earlier record of tool use.
Arqueologia , Pan troglodytes , Comportamento de Utilização de Ferramentas , Animais , Humanos , Côte d'IvoireRESUMO
Aging is associated with progressive gray matter loss in the brain. This spatially specific, morphological change over the life span in humans is also found in chimpanzees, and the comparison between these great ape species provides a unique evolutionary perspective on human brain aging. Here, we present a data-driven, comparative framework to explore the relationship between gray matter atrophy with age and recent cerebral expansion in the phylogeny of chimpanzees and humans. In humans, we show a positive relationship between cerebral aging and cortical expansion, whereas no such relationship was found in chimpanzees. This human-specific association between strong aging effects and large relative cortical expansion is particularly present in higher-order cognitive regions of the ventral prefrontal cortex and supports the "last-in-first-out" hypothesis for brain maturation in recent evolutionary development of human faculties.
Envelhecimento , Evolução Biológica , Encéfalo , Pan troglodytes , Humanos , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Hominidae , Substância Cinzenta , Adulto , Idoso , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Pessoa de Meia-IdadeRESUMO
Humans regularly engage in efficient communicative conversations, which serve to socially align individuals1. In conversations, we take fast-paced turns using a human-universal structure of deploying and receiving signals which shows consistent timing across cultures2. We report here that chimpanzees also engage in rapid signal-to-signal turn-taking during face-to-face gestural exchanges with a similar average latency between turns to that of human conversation. This correspondence between human and chimpanzee face-to-face communication points to shared underlying rules in communication. These structures could be derived from shared ancestral mechanisms or convergent strategies that enhance coordinated interactions or manage competition for communicative 'space'.
Comunicação Animal , Gestos , Idioma , Pan troglodytes , Animais , Pan troglodytes/psicologia , Pan troglodytes/fisiologia , Humanos , Feminino , MasculinoRESUMO
Humans modify their environment to grant or prevent others' access to valuable resources, for example by using locks. We tested whether sanctuary-living chimpanzees (N = 10) would flexibly modify their environment to either allow or deny a dominant conspecific access to a shared food source by giving them the option to change a food reward's pathway prior to releasing it. The food could end up in one of two locations: one was accessible to both the subject and a dominant conspecific, the other one was only accessible to the subject. We further manipulated the extent of inhibitory control needed for modifying the pathway by varying the subjects' starting position. Our subjects reoriented the pathway competitively to monopolize food but changed the pathway less often in trials with high inhibitory demands. We further show how inhibitory task demands in a social context influence chimpanzees' future planning. Our results show that chimpanzees will strategically manipulate their environment to maximize their own and deny a dominant conspecific access to food.
Alimentos , Pan troglodytes , Pan troglodytes/psicologia , Pan troglodytes/fisiologia , Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Recompensa , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal , Comportamento SocialRESUMO
The archaeological record offers insights into our evolutionary past by revealing ancient behaviour through stone and fossil remains. Percussive foraging is suggested to be particularly relevant for the emergence of tool-use in our lineage, yet early hominin percussive behaviours remain largely understudied compared to flaked technology. Stone tool-use of extant primates allows the simultaneous investigation of their artefacts and the associated behaviours. This is important for understanding the development of tool surface modification, and crucial for interpreting damage patterns in the archaeological record. Here, we compare the behaviour and the resulting material record across stone tool-using primates. We investigate the relationship of nut-cracking technique and stone tool modification across chimpanzees, capuchins, and long-tailed macaques by conducting standardized field experiments with comparable raw materials. We show that different techniques likely emerged in response to diverse nut hardness, leading to variation in foraging success across species. Our experiments further demonstrate a correlation between techniques and the intensity of visible percussive damage on the tools. Tools used with more precision and efficiency as demonstrated by macaques, show fewer use wear traces. This suggests that some percussive techniques may be less readily identified in the archaeological record.
Arqueologia , Comportamento de Utilização de Ferramentas , Animais , Pan troglodytes/fisiologia , Primatas , Macaca , Cebus , FósseisRESUMO
Humans can flexibly use metacognition to monitor their own knowledge and strategically acquire new information when needed. While humans can deploy these skills across a variety of contexts, most evidence for metacognition in animals has focused on simple situations, such as seeking out information about the location of food. Here, we examine the flexibility, breadth, and limits of this skill in chimpanzees. We tested semi-free-ranging chimpanzees on a novel task where they could seek information by standing up to peer into different containers. In Study 1, we tested n = 47 chimpanzees to assess if chimpanzees would spontaneously engage in information-seeking without prior experience, as well as to characterize individual variation in this propensity. We found that many chimpanzees engaged in information-seeking with minimal experience, and that younger chimpanzees and females were more likely to do so. In two subsequent studies, we then further tested chimpanzees who initially showed robust information-seeking on new variations of this task, to disentangle the cognitive processing shaping their behaviors. In Study 2, we examined how a subset of n = 12 chimpanzees applied these skills to seek information about the location versus the identity of rewards, and found that chimpanzees were equally adept at seeking out location and identity information. In Study 3, we examined whether a subset of n = 6 chimpanzees could apply these skills to make more efficacious decisions when faced with uncertainty about reward payoffs. Chimpanzees were able to use information-seeking to resolve risk and choose more optimally when faced with uncertain payoffs, although they often also engaged in information-seeking when it was not strictly necessary. These results identify core features of flexible metacognition that chimpanzees share with humans, as well as constraints that may represent key evolutionary shifts in human cognition.
Comportamento de Busca de Informação , Pan troglodytes , Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Comportamento de Busca de Informação/fisiologia , Metacognição/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , RecompensaRESUMO
Norovirus (NoV) infection is a major cause of gastroenteritis worldwide. The virus poses great challenges in developing vaccines with broad immune protection due to its genetic and antigenic diversity. To date, there are no approved NoV vaccines for clinical use. Here, we aimed to develop a broad-acting quadrivalent NoV vaccine based on a chimpanzee adenovirus vector, AdC68, carrying the major capsid protein (VP1) of noroviral GI and GII genotypes. Compared to intramuscular (i.m.), intranasal (i.n.), or other prime-boost immunization regimens (i.m. â+ âi.m., i.m. â+ âi.n., i.n. â+ âi.m.), AdC68-GI.1-GII.3 (E1)-GII.4-GII.17 (E3), administered via i.n. â+ âi.n. induced higher titers of serum IgG antibodies and higher IgA antibodies in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and saliva against the four homologous VP1s in mice. It also significantly stimulated the production of blocking antibodies against the four genotypes. In response to re-stimulation with virus-like particles (VLP)-GI.1, VLP-GII.3, VLP-GII.4, and VLP-GII.17, the quadrivalent vaccine administered according to the i.n. â+ âi.n. regimen effectively triggered specific cell-mediated immune responses, primarily characterized by IFN-γ secretion. Furthermore, the preparation of this novel quadrivalent NoV vaccine requires only a single recombinant adenovirus to provide broad preventive immunity against the major GI/GII epidemic strains, making it a promising vaccine candidate for further development.
Adenoviridae , Anticorpos Antivirais , Infecções por Caliciviridae , Vetores Genéticos , Camundongos Endogâmicos BALB C , Norovirus , Pan troglodytes , Vacinas Virais , Animais , Norovirus/imunologia , Norovirus/genética , Anticorpos Antivirais/sangue , Anticorpos Antivirais/imunologia , Camundongos , Infecções por Caliciviridae/prevenção & controle , Infecções por Caliciviridae/imunologia , Vacinas Virais/imunologia , Vacinas Virais/genética , Vacinas Virais/administração & dosagem , Vetores Genéticos/genética , Vetores Genéticos/imunologia , Adenoviridae/genética , Adenoviridae/imunologia , Feminino , Proteínas do Capsídeo/genética , Proteínas do Capsídeo/imunologia , Imunoglobulina G/sangue , Gastroenterite/prevenção & controle , Gastroenterite/virologia , Gastroenterite/imunologia , Anticorpos Neutralizantes/sangue , Anticorpos Neutralizantes/imunologia , Imunoglobulina A/sangue , Genótipo , Saliva/imunologia , Saliva/virologia , Líquido da Lavagem Broncoalveolar/imunologia , Líquido da Lavagem Broncoalveolar/virologiaRESUMO
Humans categorize body parts, reflecting our knowledge about bodies, and this could be useful in higher-level activities involving bodies. We tested whether humans' closest living relatives-chimpanzees-have the same ability using touchscreen tasks, focusing on the major parts: heads, torsos, arms, and legs. Six chimpanzees were trained to perform a body part matching-to-sample task using sets of pictures of chimpanzee bodies, where in each trial, the sample and choice pictures were the same. Five passed the training and received the test sessions, where three trial types were mixed: trained same-individual picture pairs; novel same-individual picture pairs; and novel different-individual picture pairs. All participants performed better than the chance level in all conditions and for all body parts. Further analyses showed differences in performance when the samples were different body parts. For example, the results revealed better performances for heads and torsos than arms and legs in "novel different-individual pairs". The study showed that chimpanzees can visually match and categorize body parts in this experiment setting, even across different chimpanzees' bodies, suggesting potential biological understanding. Different performances for body parts suggested a deviated categorization from humans. We hope this study will inspire future research on the evolution of body perception.
Pan troglodytes , Animais , Pan troglodytes/fisiologia , Pan troglodytes/psicologia , Masculino , FemininoRESUMO
Nonhuman great apes have been claimed to be unable to learn human words due to a lack of the necessary neural circuitry. We recovered original footage of two enculturated chimpanzees uttering the word "mama" and subjected recordings to phonetic analysis. Our analyses demonstrate that chimpanzees are capable of syllabic production, achieving consonant-to-vowel phonetic contrasts via the simultaneous recruitment and coupling of voice, jaw and lips. In an online experiment, human listeners naive to the recordings' origins reliably perceived chimpanzee utterances as syllabic utterances, primarily as "ma-ma", among foil syllables. Our findings demonstrate that in the absence of direct data-driven examination, great ape vocal production capacities have been underestimated. Chimpanzees possess the neural building blocks necessary for speech.
Pan troglodytes , Fala , Vocalização Animal , Pan troglodytes/fisiologia , Animais , Vocalização Animal/fisiologia , Fala/fisiologia , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , FonéticaRESUMO
The central sulcus divides the primary motor and somatosensory cortices in many anthropoid primate brains. Differences exist in the surface area and depth of the central sulcus along the dorso-ventral plane in great apes and humans compared to other primate species. Within hominid species, there are variations in the depth and aspect of their hand motor area, or knob, within the precentral gyrus. In this study, we used post-image analyses on magnetic resonance images to characterize the central sulcus shape of humans, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), and orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus and Pongo abelii). Using these data, we examined the morphological variability of central sulcus in hominids, focusing on the hand region, a significant change in human evolution. We show that the central sulcus shape differs between great ape species, but all show similar variations in the location of their hand knob. However, the prevalence of the knob location along the dorso-ventral plane and lateralization differs between species and the presence of a second ventral motor knob seems to be unique to humans. Humans and orangutans exhibit the most similar and complex central sulcus shapes. However, their similarities may reflect divergent evolutionary processes related to selection for different positional and habitual locomotor functions.
Evolução Biológica , Gorilla gorilla , Hominidae , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Córtex Motor , Pan troglodytes , Filogenia , Animais , Humanos , Masculino , Pan troglodytes/anatomia & histologia , Pan troglodytes/fisiologia , Gorilla gorilla/anatomia & histologia , Gorilla gorilla/fisiologia , Feminino , Córtex Motor/anatomia & histologia , Córtex Motor/fisiologia , Córtex Motor/diagnóstico por imagem , Hominidae/anatomia & histologia , Hominidae/fisiologia , Adulto , Mãos/fisiologia , Mãos/anatomia & histologia , Adulto Jovem , Pongo pygmaeus/anatomia & histologia , Pongo pygmaeus/fisiologia , Especificidade da Espécie , Pongo abelii/anatomia & histologia , Pongo abelii/fisiologiaRESUMO
A long-standing goal of evolutionary biology is to decode how changes in gene regulatory networks contribute to human-specific traits. Human accelerated regions (HARs) are prime candidates for driving gene regulatory modifications in human development. The RBFOX1 locus is densely populated with HARs, providing a set of potential regulatory elements that could have changed its expression in the human lineage. Here, we examined the role of RBFOX1-HARs using transgenic zebrafish reporter assays and identified 15 transcriptional enhancers that are active in the developing nervous system, 9 of which displayed differential activity between the human and chimpanzee sequences. The engineered loss of two selected RBFOX1-HARs in knockout mouse models modified Rbfox1 expression at specific developmental stages and tissues in the brain, influencing the expression and splicing of a high number of Rbfox1 target genes. Our results provided insight into the spatial and temporal changes in gene expression driven by RBFOX1-HARs.
Elementos Facilitadores Genéticos , Evolução Molecular , Fatores de Processamento de RNA , Peixe-Zebra , Humanos , Animais , Fatores de Processamento de RNA/genética , Fatores de Processamento de RNA/metabolismo , Peixe-Zebra/genética , Camundongos , Regulação da Expressão Gênica no Desenvolvimento , Camundongos Knockout , Animais Geneticamente Modificados , Redes Reguladoras de Genes , Pan troglodytes/genética , Loci GênicosRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are patrilocal, with males remaining in their natal community and females dispersing when they reach sexual maturity. However, the details of female chimpanzee dispersal, such as their possible origin, are difficult to assess, even in habituated communities. This study investigates the utility of 87Sr/86Sr analysis for (1) assessing Sr baseline differences between chimpanzee territories and (2) identifying the status (immigrant or natal) of females of unknown origin within the territories of five neighboring communities in Taï National Park (Côte d'Ivoire). MATERIALS AND METHODS: To create a local Sr isoscape for the Taï Chimpanzee Project (TCP) study area, we sampled environmental samples from TCP-established territories (n = 35). To assess dispersal patterns, 34 tooth enamel samples (one per individual) were selected from the Taï chimpanzee skeletal collection. 87Sr/86Sr analysis was performed on all 69 samples at the W.M. Keck Lab. The theoretical density and overlap of chimpanzee communities as well as generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) were used to test each question. RESULTS: 87Sr/86Sr ratios for natal male chimpanzees ranged from 0.71662 to 0.72187, which is well within the corresponding environmental baseline range of 0.70774-0.73460. The local Sr isoscapes fit was estimated with the root-mean-square error value, which was 0.0048 (22% of the whole 87Sr/86Sr data range). GLMMs identified significant differences in 87Sr/86Sr ratios between natal and unknown North community origin groups, suggesting that after 1980, females of unknown origin could be immigrants to North community (n = 7, z-ratio = -4.08, p = 0.0001, power = 0.94). DISCUSSION: This study indicates that 87Sr/86This study indicates that 87Sr/86Sr analysis can successfully identify immigrant females in skeletal collections obtained from wild chimpanzee communities, enabling the tracking of female dispersal patterns historically. There are, however, significant limitations within the scope of this study, such as (1) the absence of reliable maps for the TCP study area, (2) limited capacity for environmental sampling, (3) small sample sizes, and (4) tooth formation in wild chimpanzees.
Pan troglodytes , Isótopos de Estrôncio , Animais , Feminino , Côte d'Ivoire , Isótopos de Estrôncio/análise , Masculino , Distribuição Animal , Antropologia FísicaRESUMO
We identified five distinct full-length human mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) genes containing either 984 amino acids (MR-984) or 988 amino acids (MR-988), which can be distinguished by the presence or absence of Lys, Cys, Ser, and Trp (KCSW) in their DNA-binding domain (DBD) and mutations at codons 180 and 241 in their amino-terminal domain (NTD). Two human MR-KCSW genes contain either (Val-180, Val-241) or (Ile-180, Val-241) in their NTD, and three human MR-984 genes contain either (Ile-180, Ala-241), (Val-180, Val-241), or (Ile-180, Val-241). Human MR-KCSW with (Ile-180, Ala-241) has not been cloned. In contrast, chimpanzees contain four MRs: two MR-988s with KCSW in their DBD, or two MR-984s without KCSW in their DBD. Chimpanzee MRs only contain (Ile180, Val-241) in their NTD. A chimpanzee MR with either (Val-180, Val-241) or (Ile-180, Ala-241) in the NTD has not been cloned. Gorillas and orangutans each contain one MR-988 with KCSW in the DBD and one MR-984 without KCSW, and these MRs only contain (Ile-180, Val-241) in their NTD. A gorilla MR or orangutan MR with either (Val-180, Val-241) or (Ile-180, Ala-241) in the NTD has not been cloned. Together, these data suggest that human MRs with (Val-180, Val-241) or (Ile-180, Ala-241) in the NTD evolved after humans and chimpanzees diverged from their common ancestor. Considering the multiple functions in human development of the MR in kidney, brain, heart, skin, and lungs, as well as MR activity in interaction with the glucocorticoid receptor, we suggest that the evolution of human MRs that are absent in chimpanzees may have been important in the evolution of humans from chimpanzees. Investigation of the physiological responses to corticosteroids mediated by the MR in humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans may provide insights into the evolution of humans and their closest relatives.
Evolução Molecular , Gorilla gorilla , Pan troglodytes , Receptores de Mineralocorticoides , Animais , Receptores de Mineralocorticoides/genética , Receptores de Mineralocorticoides/metabolismo , Humanos , Pan troglodytes/genética , Gorilla gorilla/genética , Filogenia , Pongo/genética , Sequência de Aminoácidos , Domínios ProteicosRESUMO
Although the gross morphology of the heart is conserved across mammals, subtle interspecific variations exist in the cardiac phenotype, which may reflect evolutionary divergence among closely-related species. Here, we compare the left ventricle (LV) across all extant members of the Hominidae taxon, using 2D echocardiography, to gain insight into the evolution of the human heart. We present compelling evidence that the human LV has diverged away from a more trabeculated phenotype present in all other great apes, towards a ventricular wall with proportionally greater compact myocardium, which was corroborated by post-mortem chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) hearts. Speckle-tracking echocardiographic analyses identified a negative curvilinear relationship between the degree of trabeculation and LV systolic twist, revealing lower rotational mechanics in the trabeculated non-human great ape LV. This divergent evolution of the human heart may have facilitated the augmentation of cardiac output to support the metabolic and thermoregulatory demands of the human ecological niche.
Ventrículos do Coração , Hominidae , Fenótipo , Animais , Humanos , Ventrículos do Coração/anatomia & histologia , Ventrículos do Coração/diagnóstico por imagem , Hominidae/anatomia & histologia , Ecocardiografia , Evolução Biológica , Pan troglodytes/anatomia & histologia , Masculino , FemininoRESUMO
Long-standing questions about human brain evolution may only be resolved through comparisons with close living evolutionary relatives, such as chimpanzees. This applies in particular to structural white matter (WM) connectivity, which continuously expanded throughout evolution. However, due to legal restrictions on chimpanzee research, neuroscience research currently relies largely on data with limited detail or on comparisons with evolutionarily distant monkeys. Here, we present a detailed magnetic resonance imaging resource to study structural WM connectivity in the chimpanzee. This open-access resource contains (1) WM reconstructions of a postmortem chimpanzee brain, using the highest-quality diffusion magnetic resonance imaging data yet acquired from great apes; (2) an optimized and validated method for high-quality fiber orientation reconstructions; and (3) major fiber tract segmentations for cross-species morphological comparisons. This dataset enabled us to identify phylogenetically relevant details of the chimpanzee connectome, and we anticipate that it will substantially contribute to understanding human brain evolution.
Encéfalo , Conectoma , Pan troglodytes , Substância Branca , Pan troglodytes/anatomia & histologia , Animais , Substância Branca/diagnóstico por imagem , Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagem , Encéfalo/anatomia & histologia , Conectoma/métodos , Masculino , Vias Neurais/anatomia & histologia , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador/métodos , Feminino , Mapeamento Encefálico/métodosRESUMO
Spatial interactions among anatomical elements help to identify topological factors behind morphological variation and can be investigated through network analysis. Here, a whole-brain network model of the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes, Blumenbach 1776) is presented, based on macroanatomical divisions, and compared with a previous equivalent model of the human brain. The goal was to contrast which regions are essential in the geometric balance of the brains of the two species, to compare underlying phenotypic patterns of spatial variation, and to understand how these patterns might have influenced the evolution of human brain morphology. The human and chimpanzee brains share morphologically complex inferior-medial regions and a topological organization that matches the spatial constraints exerted by the surrounding braincase. These shared topological features are interesting because they can be traced back to the Chimpanzee-Human Last Common Ancestor, 7-10 million years ago. Nevertheless, some key differences are found in the human and chimpanzee brains. In humans, the temporal lobe, particularly its deep and medial limbic aspect (the parahippocampal gyrus), is a crucial node for topological complexity. Meanwhile, in chimpanzees, the cerebellum is, in this sense, more embedded in an intricate spatial position. This information helps to interpret brain macroanatomical change in fossil hominids.
Encéfalo , Pan troglodytes , Pan troglodytes/anatomia & histologia , Animais , Humanos , Encéfalo/anatomia & histologia , Evolução Biológica , Masculino , Feminino , Antropologia FísicaRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: Many nonhuman primate diets are dominated by plant foods, yet plant tissues are often poor sources of sodium-a necessary mineral for metabolism and health. Among primates, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), which are ripe fruit specialists, consume diverse animal, and plant resources. Insects have been proposed as a source of dietary sodium for chimpanzees, yet published data on sodium values for specific foods are limited. We assayed plants and insects commonly eaten by chimpanzees to assess their relative value as sodium sources. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We used atomic absorption spectroscopy to determine sodium content of key plant foods and insects consumed by chimpanzees of Gombe National Park, Tanzania. Dietary contributions of plant and insect foods were calculated using feeding observational data. RESULTS: On a dry matter basis, mean sodium value of plant foods (n = 83 samples; mean = 86 ppm, SD = 92 ppm) was significantly lower than insects (n = 12; mean = 1549 ppm, SD = 807 ppm) (Wilcoxon rank sum test: W = 975, p < 0.001). All plant values were below the suggested sodium requirement (2000 ppm) for captive primates. While values of assayed insects were variable, sodium content of two commonly consumed insect prey for Gombe chimpanzees (Macrotermes soldiers and Dorylus ants) were four to five times greater than the highest plant values and likely meet requirements. DISCUSSION: We conclude that plant foods available to Gombe chimpanzees are generally poor sources of sodium while insects are important, perhaps critical, sources of sodium for this population.
Pan troglodytes , Animais , Pan troglodytes/metabolismo , Tanzânia , Dieta/veterinária , Insetos , Sódio na Dieta/análise , Plantas/química , Plantas/metabolismo , Sódio/análise , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Feminino , Ração Animal/análise , MasculinoRESUMO
When chimpanzees search for hidden food, do they realize that their guesses may not be correct? We applied a post-decision wagering paradigm to a simple two-cup search task, varying whether we gave participants visual access to the baiting and then asking after they had chosen one of the cups whether they would prefer a smaller but certain reward instead of their original choice (experiment 1). Results showed that chimpanzees were more likely to accept the smaller reward in occluded than visible conditions. Experiment 2 found the same effect when we blocked visual access but manipulated the number of hiding locations for the food piece, showing that the effect is not owing to representation type. Experiments 3 and 4 showed that when given information about the contents of the unchosen cup, chimpanzees were able to flexibly update their choice behaviour accordingly. These results suggest that language is not a pre-requisite to solving the disjunctive syllogism and provides a valuable contribution to the debate on logical reasoning in non-human animals.
Comportamento de Escolha , Pan troglodytes , Animais , Pan troglodytes/psicologia , Pan troglodytes/fisiologia , Masculino , Feminino , RecompensaRESUMO
Wild chimpanzees consume a variety of plants to meet their dietary needs and maintain wellbeing. While some plants have obvious value, others are nutritionally poor and/or contain bioactive toxins which make ingestion costly. In some cases, these nutrient-poor resources are speculated to be medicinal, thought to help individuals combat illness. In this study, we observed two habituated chimpanzee communities living in the Budongo Forest, Uganda, and collected 17 botanical samples associated with putative self-medication behaviors (e.g., bark feeding, dead wood eating, and pith-stripping) or events (e.g., when consumer had elevated parasite load, abnormal urinalysis, or injury). In total, we selected plant parts from 13 species (nine trees and four herbaceous plants). Three extracts of different polarities were produced from each sample using n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol/water (9/1, v/v) and introduced to antibacterial and anti-inflammatory in vitro models. Extracts were evaluated for growth inhibition against a panel of multidrug-resistant clinical isolates of bacteria, including ESKAPE strains and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibition activity. Pharmacological results suggest that Budongo chimpanzees consume several species with potent medicinal properties. In the antibacterial library screen, 45 out of 53 extracts (88%) exhibited ≥40% inhibition at a concentration of 256 µg/mL. Of these active extracts, 41 (91%) showed activity at ≤256µg/mL in subsequent dose-response antibacterial experiments. The strongest antibacterial activity was achieved by the n-hexane extract of Alstonia boonei dead wood against Staphylococcus aureus (IC50: 16 µg/mL; MIC: 32 µg/mL) and Enterococcus faecium (IC50: 16 µg/mL; MIC: >256 µg/mL) and by the methanol-water extract of Khaya anthotheca bark and resin against E. faecium (IC50: 16 µg/mL; MIC: 32 µg/mL) and pathogenic Escherichia coli (IC50: 16 µg/mL; MIC: 256 µg/mL). We observed ingestion of both these species by highly parasitized individuals. K. anthotheca bark and resin were also targeted by individuals with indicators of infection and injuries. All plant species negatively affected growth of E. coli. In the anti-inflammatory COX-2 inhibition library screen, 17 out of 51 tested extracts (33%) showed ≥50% COX-2 inhibition at a concentration of 5 µg/mL. Several extracts also exhibited anti-inflammatory effects in COX-2 dose-response experiments. The K. anthotheca bark and resin methanol-water extract showed the most potent effects (IC50: 0.55 µg/mL), followed by the fern Christella parasitica methanol-water extract (IC50: 0.81 µg/mL). This fern species was consumed by an injured individual, a feeding behavior documented only once before in this population. These results, integrated with associated observations from eight months of behavioral data, provide further evidence for the presence of self-medicative resources in wild chimpanzee diets. This study addresses the challenge of distinguishing preventative medicinal food consumption from therapeutic self-medication by integrating pharmacological, observational, and health monitoring data-an essential interdisciplinary approach for advancing the field of zoopharmacognosy.