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World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg ; 10(3): 270-275, 2019 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31084314


BACKGROUND: Aiming at fostering local development of cardiology and cardiovascular surgery centers in developing countries, the nonprofit organization Children's HeartLink (CHL) encourages centers to participate in the International Quality Improvement Collaborative Database for Congenital Heart Disease (IQIC). The definition of parameters and data to evaluate patient treatment provides an opportunity to improve quality of care, reducing morbidity and mortality. The objective of the study was to analyze the outcomes of the partnership between CHL and IQIC database with a single pediatric cardiology and cardiovascular surgery center for seven years providing continuous follow-up to guide actions aiming at morbidity and mortality reduction in patients with pediatric and congenital heart diseases. METHODS: Data were collected from January 2011 to December 2017 independently and with external audits and included preoperative information (demographic data, nutritional status, chromosomal abnormalities), Risk Adjustment for Congenital Heart Surgery (RACHS-1) score, and postoperative information such as infections or complications within the first 30 days or until hospital discharge and/or death. RESULTS: In the preoperative period, there was a trend toward an increase in the number of newborn patients. The postoperative period showed significant surgical procedure variations between groups for RACHS-1 risk category ( P = .003), prevalence of risk categories 2 and 3, and an increase in risk categories 4, 5, and 6, mainly in the last two years. Decreases in surgical site infection ( P = .03), bacterial sepsis, and other infections (both P < .001) were observed. At the 30-day postoperative follow-up, there was a decrease of in-hospital ( P = .16) and 30-day ( P = .14) mortality. CONCLUSION: The partnership between CHL and this seven-year analysis of IQIC database demonstrated structural and human flaws, whose resolution led to significant decrease in infection and reduction in mortality despite an increase in the complexity of our pediatric and congenital heart disease population.

Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Cardíacos/normas , Cardiologia , Cardiopatias Congênitas/cirurgia , Prática Associada , Pediatria , Melhoria de Qualidade/organização & administração , Centros Cirúrgicos/normas , Adolescente , Brasil , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Bases de Dados Factuais , Países em Desenvolvimento , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Masculino
J Glob Oncol ; 4: 1-11, 2018 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30241165


The Central America Four (CA-4) region, comprising Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua, is the largest low- and middle-income country region in the Western Hemisphere, with over 36 million inhabitants. The CA-4 nations share a common geography, history, language, and development indices, and unified with open borders in 2006. The growing CA-4 cancer burden among the noncommunicable diseases is expected to increase 73% by 2030, which argues for a regional approach to cancer control. This has driven efforts to establish population-based cancer registries as a central component of the cancer control plans. The involvement of international and academic partners in an array of initiatives to improve cancer information and control in the CA-4 has accelerated over the past several years. Existing data underscore that the infectious cancers (cervical, stomach, and liver) are a particular burden. All four countries have committed to establishing regional population-based cancer registries and have advanced significantly in pediatric cancer registration. The challenges common to each nation include the lack of national cancer control plans and departments, competing health priorities, lack of trained personnel, and sustainability strategies. General recommendations to address these challenges are outlined. The ongoing regional, international, and academic cooperation has proven helpful and is expected to continue to be a powerful instrument to contribute to the design and implementation of long-term national cancer control plans.

Confiabilidade dos Dados , Neoplasias/epidemiologia , América Central/epidemiologia , Efeitos Psicossociais da Doença , Demografia , Humanos , Incidência , Mortalidade , Neoplasias/prevenção & controle , Neoplasias/terapia , Prática Associada , Vigilância em Saúde Pública , Sistema de Registros
J Adv Nurs ; 46(2): 144-51, 2004 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15056327


BACKGROUND: To enhance healthcare globally, successful academic partnerships between institutes of higher education are crucial to strengthen collaboration between countries and identify new ways of working. The desire to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity among childbearing women in north-east Brazil urged professional nurses to seek new ways of working through such a partnership. Reflections on the success of the link identify the key qualities uniting the partnership. AIMS: This paper explores the key qualities of a higher education partnership between the United Kingdom and north-east Brazil. These qualities can act as a guide to other faculties engaged in such links to facilitate successful collaborative working for gains on both sides. RESULTS: Critical reflections from both partners revealed that the key qualities identified are effective communication, deep commitment and the need for both partners to understand each other's context of care. CONCLUSIONS: Examination of each of these qualities illustrates that the shared perspectives, mutual respect and enriched educational experience are valuable and essential to successful partnership working. This critical reflection illustrates the process of success and how others can benefit from the lessons learned, whatever the nature of partnership. Understanding the nature of collaborative working has strengthened each education and practice community, encouraged them to take risks, and remain committed to collective success.

Educação em Enfermagem/normas , Intercâmbio Educacional Internacional , Tocologia/normas , Brasil , Comunicação , Humanos , Tocologia/educação , Prática Associada/normas , Reino Unido
Rev Museo Fac Odontol B Aires ; 14(29): 6-9, 1999.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11625826


There is a reference to the professional collaboration performed by Drs. Etchepareborda and Llobet. Physician dentist, first professor at the School of Dentistry of Buenos Aires, the first one; and medical surgeon who stood out among the precursors in using asepsis in this country, the other one. Among the years 1886 and 1896 they treated together patients who had to undergo jaw-facial surgery. They anticipated in almost three decades this way of collaboration that has spread since World War I.

Assepsia/história , Prática Associada/história , Cirurgia Bucal/história , Brasil , História do Século XIX , Ortodontia/história
In. Kudo, A. M; Marcondes, Eduardo; Lins, Maria Lea Ferreira; Moriyama, L. T; Guimaraes, M. L. L. G; Juliani, R. C. T. P; Pierri, S. A. Fisioterapia, fonoaudiologia e terapia ocupacional em pediatria. s.l, Sarvier, 1990. p.221-5. (Monografias Medicas: Pediatria, 32).
Monografia em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-106003
In. Kudo, A. M; Marcondes, Eduardo; Lins, Maria Lea Ferreira; Moriyama, L. T; Guimaraes, M. L. L. G; Juliani, R. C. T. P; Pierri, S. A. Fisioterapia, fonoaudiologia e terapia ocupacional em pediatria. s.l, Sarvier, 1990. p.226-31. (Monografias Medicas: Pediatria, 32).
Monografia em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-106004
Perinatol. reprod. hum ; 3(4): 171-7, oct.-dic. 1989.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-95578


Se revisan los casos sin control prenatal de un estudio prospectivo sobre práticas de la lactancia. La finalidad es identificar con la mayor precisión factores que intervienen o determinan las prácticas de alimentación infantil dentro de la que interesa destacar las diferencias que se encuentran entre instituciones con diferentes esquemas de atención. Con el fin último de evaluar si las características distintivas que se encuentran son atribuibles a las mujeres y su entorno o a las instituciones y sus políticas o, lo que es más probable, algún tipo de interacción entre ambos donde, se espera una mayor determinación social y una menor institucional. Se presentas la información de 582 mujeres que sólo acudieron a la atención del parto en tres instituciones de salud: promoción de la lactancia y no dotación de sucedáneos de leche (Hospital A: 252 mujeres); no promoción de la lactancia y dotación de sucedáneos de leche (Hospital B: 80 mujeres); y no promoción de la lactancia y no dotación de sucedáneos de leche (Hospital C: 250 mujeres). En el análisis, se encontró que el hospital A presentó: la menor proporción de madres que viven actualmente en un azona rural; la mayor proporción de mujeres con niveles más altos de escolaridad (secundaria o más); sus compañeros mostraron la menor frecuencia de analfabetos o con niveles más bajos de educación (analfabetos, primaria completa); este mismo comportamiento lo presentaron sus madres; la mayor proporción de mujeres con más de una muerte intrauterina y también mostró el mayor número de mujeres que no lactaron a su bebé anterior; por otro lado en el hospital B se encontró la mayor proporción de mujeres que sí viven con el papá del bebé y las que más reciben ayuda econímica por parte de él y el mayor número de mujeres que no recibieron nuevas ideas con la información recibida fuera de la institución; para finalizar, el hospital C msotró: la mayor proporción tanto de mujeres nacidas en un área rural como de madres analfabetas, fueron las mujeres que más recibieron información sobre la lactancia fuera de la institución. Es muy probable que las diferencias socioculturales y demográficas encontradas sean más delimitantes de la práctica que la influencia de la institución hospitalaria

Lactente , Humanos , Feminino , Aleitamento Materno , Prática Associada , Pesquisa sobre Serviços de Saúde , México
In. Associaçao Brasileira de Pós-Graduaçao em Saúde Coletiva; Escola Nacional de Saude Publica. Textos de apoio: a questao da homeopatia. s.l, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, 1987. p.63-78. (PEC/ENSP. Texto de Apoio: A Questao da Homeopatia, 1).
Monografia em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-96035