In December 2019, a number of subjects presenting with an unexplained pneumonia-like illness were suspected to have a link to a seafood market in Wuhan, China. Subsequently, this illness was identified as the 2019-novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) by the World Committee on Virus Classification. Since its initial identification, the virus has rapidly sperad across the globe, posing an extraordinary challenge for the medical community. Currently, the Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) is considered the most reliable method for diagnosing SARS-CoV-2. This procedure involves collecting oro-pharyngeal or nasopharyngeal swabs from individuals. Nevertheless, for the early detection of low viral loads, a more sensitive technique, such as droplet digital PCR (ddPCR), has been suggested. Despite the high effectiveness of RT-PCR, there is increasing interest in utilizing highly trained dogs and electronic noses (eNoses) as alternative methods for screening asymptomatic individuals for SARS-CoV-2. These dogs and eNoses have demonstrated high sensitivity and can detect volatile organic compounds (VOCs), enabling them to distinguish between COVID-19 positive and negative individuals. This manuscript recapitulates the potential, advantages, and limitations of employing trained dogs and eNoses for the screening and control of SARS-CoV-2.
COVID-19 , Nariz Eletrônico , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Via Transcriptase Reversa , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19/diagnóstico , COVID-19/virologia , Animais , SARS-CoV-2/genética , SARS-CoV-2/isolamento & purificação , Humanos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Via Transcriptase Reversa/métodos , Cães , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis/análise , Teste para COVID-19/métodos , Cães Trabalhadores , Teste de Ácido Nucleico para COVID-19/métodosRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Using facility dogs during police investigative interviews is a recent practice in Canada. While the common use of this intervention is decidedly an indicator of sympathy capital, its utility in this context is relatively unknown and no study has specifically evaluated the effect of using facility dogs on children's collaboration during investigative interviews. OBJECTIVE: This study compares police investigative interviews conducted in the presence of a service dog (n = 46) to those without (n = 45) to examine the effects of the presence of and interactions with a dog on children's reluctance. PARTICIPANTS, SETTING AND METHODS: The interviews were done with children aged 3 to 15 years and were coded for children's reluctance, their physical interactions with and comments about the dog, as well as for investigator's verbal support. RESULTS: No significant group differences were found in terms of children's overall reluctance (p = 0.700), though the children accompanied by a dog showed significantly more digression (p = 0.008). Among the children who were accompanied by a dog, those who interacted with the dog more frequently (p = 0.035) and who made more comments about the dog (p < 0.001) showed more signs of reluctance, even after accounting for child age and investigator support. No association was observed between children's reluctance and the total duration of dog-child physical interactions (p = 0.097). CONCLUSIONS: This study contributes to an enhanced understanding of the usefulness of facility dogs and the factors that influence children's reluctance during investigative interviews.
Entrevistas como Assunto , Polícia , Criança , Animais , Humanos , Masculino , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Cães , Adolescente , Canadá , Cães Trabalhadores , Comportamento Infantil/psicologiaRESUMO
F-500 Encapsulator Agent (EA) is a fire suppression agent that is an alternative to traditional firefighting foams. It is marketed as having the capability to act on all four parts of the fire tetrahedron as well as being environmentally friendly and non-toxic. An internal survey of the use of F-500 EA by fire departments encountered by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) ignitable liquid detection canine (ILDC) handlers in 2022 showed that this product is not yet in widespread use across the country, but where it has been implemented, it is frequently utilized on a variety of types of fires. Additional agencies are researching the product to determine if it should be adopted. As this product appears to be growing in popularity, it is important to understand whether the use of the product would affect a canine's ability to detect ignitable liquids or a forensic laboratory's ability to identify the presence of an ignitable liquid. Burned wood and burned carpet, two commonly encountered substrates, were spiked with gasoline or a heavy petroleum distillate (HPD) and F-500 EA was applied. At various time intervals, ILDC teams surveyed the samples and laboratory analysis was conducted. Results showed that the presence of F-500 EA can negatively affect canine alerts and the laboratory's ability to identify ignitable liquids.
Cromatografia Gasosa-Espectrometria de Massas , Cães , Animais , Incêndios , Ciências Forenses/métodos , Cães Trabalhadores , GasolinaRESUMO
Using specially trained canines in forensic analysis to identify individual human scents is a well-established method, capitalizing on dogs' exceptional olfactory abilities. This study investigates the survival of human scent under extreme weather conditions in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Five experienced German Shepherd police dogs, trained for human scent tracking, participated in the experiments. The study was conducted during Bahrain's hot summer season, characterized by high temperatures, high humidity, and occasional strong winds. Three common surfaces-sand, grass, and asphalt-were selected to represent scenarios where human scent might be detected. The findings revealed that human scent persisted for approximately 8-11â¯hours on sand and grass but only 1-3â¯hours on asphalt, highlighting the impact of surface type on scent survival. The research also examined the effect of temperature on scent survival, testing at three different temperatures: 30°C, 40°C, and 50°C. The results demonstrated that scent durability varied across types of articles and temperature conditions. For instance, at 30°C, human scent remained detectable for up to 93 days on leather but only 27-28â¯days on silk cloth. At 40°C, leather allowed the scent to last 64-65â¯days, while wood surfaces had the shortest duration. The scent lasted 37-39â¯days on jeans cloth at a temperature of 50°C but only 3-4â¯days on wood. The data gathered can be beneficial for forensic investigations in semi-desert areas involving canine olfaction, offering guidance on the timing and likelihood of scent detection.
Odorantes , Cães/fisiologia , Animais , Odorantes/análise , Humanos , Temperatura , Ciências Forenses/métodos , Masculino , Olfato/fisiologia , Feminino , Cães Trabalhadores/fisiologiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: This cross-sectional study determined the 2-year period prevalence and quantified the impact on working status of noncombat injury and illness by a working score percentage (WSP) based on the number of duty days lost (DDL). ANIMALS: 126 dogs from 9 US Army Special Operations kennels. METHODS: Dog injury and illness events between May 1, 2021, and April 30, 2023, were recorded to determine period prevalence and calculate a WSP metric to quantify loss of duty status. RESULTS: 93 health events occurred in 62 of 126 (49.2%) dogs over a 24-month period resulting in 4,130 DDL. The period prevalence was 25 of 126 (19.8%) for dental injuries, 20 of 126 (15.9%) for musculoskeletal injuries, and 13 of 126 (10.3%) for gastrointestinal illnesses. Musculoskeletal conditions resulted in the highest total DDL at 1,472 (35.6%) in 20 dogs, followed by neurologic conditions at 950 (23%) in 4 dogs and heat injuries at 521 (12.6%) in 7 dogs. The total population 24-month mean WSP was 88.1% (95% CI, 86.6 to 89.5). The mean WSP for 43 dogs with acute events was 96.0% (95% CI, 95.0 to 97.0), and the mean WSP for 14 dogs with chronic events was 55.2% (95% CI, 47.8 to 62.5). CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Quantifying the impact of noncombat illness and injury on the working status of military working dogs is the first step to identify risk factors, develop preventive strategies, resource veterinary care requirements, and improve these canine athletes' health and welfare. The metrics developed in this study can be used to evaluate the population health of working, herding, and sport dogs.
Doenças do Cão , Ferimentos e Lesões , Animais , Cães/lesões , Doenças do Cão/epidemiologia , Estados Unidos/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Prevalência , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Ferimentos e Lesões/epidemiologia , Masculino , Feminino , Serviço Veterinário Militar , Cães TrabalhadoresRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association of mesenteric volvulus (MV) in New York Police Department police working dogs (PWDs) with and without a prior prophylactic laparoscopic gastropexy (PLG). ANIMALS: 370 PWDs (82 with and 288 without PLG). METHODS: Medical records and surgery and radiology reports were reviewed from 2012 to 2022. Signalment, pertinent history (medical and surgical), gastropexy status, temperament, and training type were recorded. Statistical analysis was used to identify the relationship between prophylactic gastropexy and MV within the patient population. RESULTS: 3 cases of mesenteric volvulus were noted in this patient population. Two (2.4%) of the 82 PWDs that had undergone prophylactic laparoscopic gastropexy developed MV, whereas 1 (0.3%) of the 288 PWDs that had not undergone a gastropexy procedure developed MV. Police working dogs with PLG were estimated to be at 7.2 times greater odds of MV (point estimate OR, 7.18; 95% CI, 0.642 to 80.143); however, the low incidence of MV in this population limited statistical power, and thus this effect did not achieve statistical significance. Evaluation of MV incidence in additional populations of working dogs will allow greater precision in the point estimate. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Prophylactic gastropexy may be associated with an increased risk for MV. However, patients without prophylactic gastropexy are at risk for gastric dilatation and volvulus, which is more common than MV. Therefore, the authors continue to recommend prophylactic gastropexy to decrease the risk for gastric dilatation and volvulus.
Doenças do Cão , Gastropexia , Laparoscopia , Animais , Cães , Doenças do Cão/cirurgia , Doenças do Cão/prevenção & controle , Gastropexia/veterinária , Feminino , Masculino , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Cães Trabalhadores , New York/epidemiologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Volvo Intestinal/veterinária , Volvo Intestinal/cirurgia , Volvo Intestinal/prevenção & controleRESUMO
Dogs are used for oil detection to support spill remediation and conservation, but little is known about the effects of weathering and aging of oil odorants on dogs' ability to generalize and discriminate unweathered oil from aged/weathered tar ball oil. Three dogs were trained to detect unweathered oil odorant using a three-alternative choice procedure and automated olfactometers. We evaluated dogs' ability to discriminate unweathered target oil from four different weathered/tar ball samples. All three dogs successfully discriminated the unweathered target oil from the four nontarget weathered oils with an accuracy of 96%, 97%, and 100%. After the oil discrimination test, dogs' ability to discriminate unweathered target oil from novel natural odorants on a beach (plastic bottle lid, bird feathers, and rocks) was tested in a novel discrimination test yielding an accuracy of 95%, 100%, and 100%. These data suggest dogs are successful in discriminating unweathered oil from weathered oil with explicit training.
Óleos , Cães Trabalhadores , Animais , Cães , Odorantes , Tempo (Meteorologia)RESUMO
Working Dogs have shown an extraordinary ability to utilize olfaction for victim recovery efforts. Although instrumental analysis has chemically characterized odor volatiles from various human biospecimens, it remains unclear what perceptually constitutes human scent (HS) for dogs. This may be in part due to the lack of methodology and equipment to train and evaluate HS perception. The aims of this research were 1) to develop an automated human scent olfactometer (AHSO) to present HS to dogs in a controlled setting and 2) use the AHSO to evaluate dogs' response to different scented articles and individual components of HS. A human volunteer was placed in a clear acrylic chamber and using a vacuum pump and computer-controlled valves, the headspace of this chamber was carried to one of three ports in a different room. Dogs were trained to search all three ports of the olfactometer and alert to the one containing HS. In Experiment 1 and 2, the AHSO was validated by testing two dogs naïve to HS (Experiment 1) and five certified Search and Rescue (SAR) teams naïve to the apparatus (Experiment 2). All dogs showed sensitivity and specificity to HS > 95% in the apparatus. In Experiment 3, we used a spontaneous generalization paradigm to evaluate generalization from the HS chamber to different scented articles exposed to the same volunteer and to a breath sample. Dogs' response rate to the different scented articles was < 10% but exceeded 40% for the breath sample. In Experiment 4, we replicated this result by re-testing spontaneous generalization to breath and when the volunteer had breath exhausted/removed from the chamber. Dogs' response rate to breath alone was 88% and only 50% when breath was removed. Altogether, the data indicate that exhaled breath is an important and salient component of HS under these conditions.
Odorantes , Cães Trabalhadores , Humanos , Cães , Animais , Odorantes/análise , Olfato/fisiologia , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , PercepçãoRESUMO
Sudden changes in sound and light (e.g., sirens and flashing police beacons) are a common component of working dogs' on-duty environment. Yet, how such stimuli impact dogs' ability to perform physical and cognitive tasks has not been explored. To address this shortcoming, we compared the accuracy and time taken for twelve dogs to complete a complex physical and cognitive task, before, during and after exposure to three 'real-world' stimuli: an acoustic distractor (85dB), white strobe lighting (5, 10 & 15 Hz), and exposure to a dazzling white, red, or blue lights. We found that strobe lighting, and to a greater extent, acoustic distraction, significantly reduced dogs' physical performance. Acoustic distraction also tended to impair dogs' cognitive performance. Dazzling lights had no effect on task performance. Most (nine out of twelve) dogs sensitised to the acoustic distraction to the extent of non-participation in the rewarded task. Our results suggest that without effective distractor response training, sudden changes in noise and flickering lights are likely to impede cognitive and physical task performance in working dogs. Repeated uncontrolled exposure may also amplify these effects.
Iluminação , Cães Trabalhadores , Animais , Cães , Adaptação à Escuridão , Análise e Desempenho de Tarefas , AcústicaRESUMO
Trained detection dogs have a unique ability to find the sources of target odors in complex fluid environments. How dogs derive information about the source of an odor from an odor plume comprised of odorants with different physical properties, such as diffusivity, is currently unknown. Two volatile chemicals associated with explosive detection, ammonia (NH3, derived from ammonium nitrate-based explosives) and 2-ethyl-1-hexanol (2E1H, associated with composition C4 plastic explosives) were used to ascertain the effects of the physical properties of odorants on the search behavior and motion of trained dogs. NH3 has a diffusivity 3.6 times that of 2E1H. Fourteen civilian detection dogs were recruited to train on each target odorant using controlled odor mimic permeation systems as training aids over 6 weeks and then tested in a controlled-environment search trial where behavior, motion, and search success were analyzed. Our results indicate the target-odorant influences search motion and time spent in the stages of searching, with dogs spending more time in larger areas while localizing NH3. This aligns with the greater diffusivity of NH3 driving diffusion-dominated odor transport when dogs are close to the odor source in contrast to the advection-driven transport of 2E1H at the same distances.
Substâncias Explosivas , Odorantes , Cães , Animais , Olfato , Cães Trabalhadores , Comportamento AnimalRESUMO
AIMS: This study aimed to identify exposure to human, swine, and avian influenza A virus subtypes in rural companion and hunting dogs, backyard pigs, and feral pigs. METHODS AND RESULTS: The study took place in a region of southeastern Mexico where the sampled individuals were part of backyard production systems in which different domestic and wild species coexist and interact with humans. We collected blood samples from pigs and dogs at each of the sites. We used a nucleoprotein enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to determine the exposure of individuals to influenza A virus. Haemagglutination inhibition was performed on the positive samples to determine the subtypes to which they were exposed. For data analysis, a binomial logistic regression model was generated to determine the predictor variables for the seropositivity of the individuals in the study. We identified 11 positive individuals: three backyard pigs, four companion dogs, and four hunting dogs. The pigs tested positive for H1N1 and H1N2. The dogs were positive for H1N1, H1N2, and H3N2. The model showed that dogs in contact with backyard chickens are more likely to be seropositive for influenza A viruses. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated the essential role hunting dogs could play as intermediate hosts and potential mixing vessel hosts when exposed to human and swine-origin viral subtypes. These results are relevant because these dogs interact with domestic hosts and humans in backyard systems, which are risk scenarios in the transmission of influenza A viruses. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to implement epidemiological surveillance of influenza A viruses in backyard animals, particularly in key animals in the transmission of these viruses, such as dogs and pigs.
Doenças do Cão , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H1N1 , Vírus da Influenza A , Influenza Humana , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae , Doenças dos Suínos , Animais , Humanos , Cães , Suínos , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N2 , Cães Trabalhadores , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/epidemiologia , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/veterinária , México/epidemiologia , Galinhas , Anticorpos Antivirais , Sus scrofaRESUMO
Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has been shown to improve gut dysbiosis in dogs; however, it has not completely been understood in police dogs. This study aimed to investigate the effects of FMT on performance and gut microflora in Kunming police dogs. Twenty Wolf Cyan dogs were randomly assigned to receive physiological saline or fecal suspension at low, medium, or high doses through oral gavage for 14 days. Growth performance, police performance, serum biochemical profiling, and gut microflora were determined 2-week post-FMT. Dogs after FMT treatment were also subjected to an hour road transportation and then were evaluated for serum stress indicators. Overall, FMT enhanced the growth performance and alleviated diarrhea rate in Kunming dogs with the greatest effects occurring in the low dose FMT (KML) group. The improvement of FMT on police performance was also determined. These above alterations were accompanied by changed serum biochemical parameters as indicated by elevated total protein and albumin and reduced total cholesterol and glycerol. Furthermore, the serum stress indicators after road transportation in dog post-FMT significantly decreased. Increased bacterial diversity and modified bacterial composition were found in the feces of dogs receiving FMT. The fecal samples from FMT dogs were characterized by higher abundances of the genera Lactobacillus, Prevotella, and Fusobacterium and lower concentrations of Cetobacterium, Allobaculum, Bifidobacterium, and Streptococcus. The present study supports a potential benefit of FMT on police performance in Kunming dogs. KEY POINTS: ⢠FMT improves the growth performance and reduces diarrhea rates in Kunming police dogs. ⢠FMT alleviates the serum stress profiles after road transportation in Kunming police dogs. ⢠FMT modifies the gut microbiota composition of Kunming police dogs.
Transplante de Microbiota Fecal , Cães Trabalhadores , Cães , Animais , Fezes , Bifidobacterium , DiarreiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: A longitudinal study followed search-and-rescue (SAR) dogs for 15 years to determine the incidence of health events and whether factors of deployment during 9/11, breed, or sex altered the risk of specific events. ANIMALS: 150 SAR dogs: 95 dogs deployed to the September 11 terrorist attack sites and 55 SAR dogs not deployed. METHODS: Each year, a survey was sent to the handler to collect health information until the dog died or the handler withdrew from the study. The reported health events were then categorized according to the body system affected and etiology. Incidence risk rates, with 95% CIs, were calculated for the most common types of health events. Incidence rate ratios were calculated stratified by deployment status, sex, and breed and significance assessed. RESULTS: 1 or more health event was recorded in 96 of the 150 enrolled dogs. The most affected systems were the musculoskeletal (31%; CI, 24 to 39), integumentary (22%; CI, 15 to 29), and gastrointestinal (20%; CI, 14 to 26). The health events were most commonly reported as inflammatory (45%; CI, 37 to 53) and degenerative (28%; CI, 21 to 35) in nature. There were no significant differences in incidence of health events based on deployment status to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Additionally, there was no significant effect of breed or sex on incidence of health events. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: To improve the health and longevity of SAR dogs, disease prevention and management programs should focus on reducing the health problems involving the musculoskeletal system as well as the integumentary and gastrointestinal systems.
Doenças do Cão , Terrorismo , Cães , Animais , Estudos Longitudinais , Cães Trabalhadores , Trabalho de Resgate , Doenças do Cão/epidemiologiaRESUMO
This review, which is part of the "Currents in One Health" series, describes and evaluates the current research on the utilization of trained medical scent detection, aka "sniffer" dogs for the detection of diseases, with particular emphasis on neoplasia, both within human and veterinary patients. A recent study by the authors that used sniffer dogs to detect differences in saliva from dogs diagnosed with various neoplastic processes compared with healthy control dogs is described. The concept of One Health is explored by the description of previous studies that have utilized sniffer dogs in the detection of human neoplasia (focusing on lung, prostate, and breast cancer) and veterinary neoplasia and demonstrating that further research in this arena can benefit multiple species. Future avenues of research and utilization of these findings are outlined. The companion Currents in One Health by Ungar et al, JAVMA, January 2024, addresses the use of sniffer dogs to detect human COVID-19 infections.
Doenças do Cão , Neoplasias , Saúde Única , Animais , Cães , Humanos , Masculino , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico , Detecção Precoce de Câncer , Neoplasias/diagnóstico , Neoplasias/veterinária , Saliva , Cães Trabalhadores , FemininoRESUMO
Coccidioidomycosis is a fungal disease in arid regions of the United States that is predicted to expand with climate change. Cases in military personnel and military working dogs (MWDs) impact personnel readiness and result in healthcare costs. To examine Coccidioides exposure among MWDs, 276 banked serum samples were retrieved from dogs housed in California, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and Utah. Using gel immunodiffusion, six (2.1%) specimens were IgG-positive and three (1.1%) were equivocally IgM-positive. The IgG-positive samples were from Arizona (2 [prevalence 8.0%]) and California (4 [3.7%]). These data will guide future efforts to study MWDs as sentinels for human coccidioidomycosis.
This study aimed to determine the prevalence of exposure to coccidioidomycosis, the cause of Valley Fever in both humans and animals, among military working dogs (MWDs)located in endemic regions of the United States. The data will be used to guide efforts to study MWDs as sentinels for human disease.
Coccidioides , Coccidioidomicose , Estados Unidos/epidemiologia , Humanos , Animais , Cães , Coccidioidomicose/epidemiologia , Coccidioidomicose/veterinária , Coccidioidomicose/microbiologia , Cães Trabalhadores , Arizona/epidemiologia , Imunoglobulina GRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Working dogs exposed to narcotics might require reversal in the field. OBJECTIVE: To explore the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects of naloxone administered intramuscularly (IM) or intranasally (IN) to reverse fentanyl sedation in working dogs. ANIMALS: Ten healthy, working dogs aged 1.7 ± 1 year and weighing 26 ± 3 kg. METHODS: In this randomized, controlled cross-over study dogs received either 4 mg of naloxone IN or IM 10 minutes after fentanyl (0.3 mg IV) administration. Sedation was assessed at baseline and 5 minutes after fentanyl administration, then at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 60 and 120 minutes after reversal with naloxone. Blood samples for naloxone detection were obtained at 0, 5, 10, 30, 60 and 120 minutes. Pharmacokinetic parameters and sedation scores were compared between IM and IN naloxone groups. RESULTS: There was a significant increase in sedation score from baseline (0.25 [-4 to 1] IM; 0 [-2 to 1] IN) after fentanyl administration (11 [5-12] IM; 9.25 [4-11] IN), followed by a significant reduction at 5 (0.5 [-0.5 to 1.5] IM; 1.25 [-1.5 to 4.5] IN) through 120 minutes (-0.5 [-2 to 1] IM; 0 [-4.5 to 1] IN) after reversal with naloxone. Route of administration had no significant effect on sedation score. Maximum plasma concentration was significantly lower after IN administration (11.7 [2.8-18.8] ng/mL IN, 36.7 [22.1-56.4] ng/mL IM, P < .001) but time to reach maximum plasma concentration was not significantly different from IM administration. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Although IM administration resulted in higher naloxone plasma concentrations compared to IN, reversal of sedation was achieved via both routes after administration of therapeutic doses of fentanyl.
Anestesia , Fentanila , Animais , Cães , Fentanila/farmacologia , Cães Trabalhadores , Estudos Cross-Over , Anestesia/veterinária , Naloxona/farmacologiaRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Drug detection dogs are utilised across multiple settings, however existing literature focuses predominantly on festival-based encounters. We compare drug dog encounters in non-festival settings among two samples of people who regularly use drugs, and investigate factors associated with witness only versus stop and/or search encounters. METHODS: Australians who regularly (i.e., ≥monthly) use ecstasy and/or other illegal stimulants (n = 777; Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS)) or inject illegal drugs (n = 862; Illicit Drugs Reporting System (IDRS)) were surveyed between April-June, 2019. Univariable regression analyses were used to test for differences in drug dog encounters between samples, and to identify factors associated with a more intensive drug dog encounter (namely those that involved a stop and/or search). RESULTS: People who inject drugs were less likely to witness drug dogs than those who regularly use ecstasy and/or other illegal stimulants (odds ratio (OR) 0.46; 95 % CI 0.30-0.69). They were significantly more likely than EDRS participants to report being stopped and searched (3.29; 1.68-6.44) however. Among those carrying drugs at their last stop and/or search encounter, the majority of both samples reported that their drugs were not detected by police. IDRS participants aged 35-49 were more likely to report a stop and/or search encounter than those aged 17-34; no significant associations were found among the EDRS sample. CONCLUSIONS: Despite participants who use ecstasy and/other stimulants being more likely than those who regularly inject drugs to report encountering drug dogs in non-festival settings, participants who inject drugs were more likely to report an intensive or invasive drug dog encounter and/or receiving a formal criminal justice consequence. This study reinforces questions about the efficacy and appropriateness of drug dog operations.
Direito Penal , Drogas Ilícitas , Abuso de Substâncias por Via Intravenosa , Cães Trabalhadores , Animais , Cães , Humanos , Austrália/epidemiologia , N-Metil-3,4-Metilenodioxianfetamina , Polícia , Abuso de Substâncias por Via Intravenosa/diagnóstico , Direito Penal/legislação & jurisprudênciaRESUMO
Sea turtles are threatened with extinction around the world and rely on sandy beaches for laying their eggs. To protect eggs and locate them for calculation of reproductive success, beach surveyors must find the exact placement of each clutch. Eggs may be buried up to one meter deep under a nest mound several square meters in area. To locate sea turtle eggs, beach surveyors might spend hours searching for these eggs hidden in the sand, especially for difficult-to-locate leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas) eggs. Scent-detection dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) are a novel tool that could provide a means to more accurately identify nests and efficiently locate eggs that need assessment, protection, or relocation. We assessed the effectiveness and feasibility of using a detection dog to locate sea turtle eggs buried in beach sand as compared to the traditional method using human beach surveyors. The detection dog was significantly more accurate in detecting loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) eggs and more efficient (less time spent and fewer holes dug) in assisting with locating the eggs. This case study presents results on the performance of one detection dog only, and additional research is needed with multiple detection dogs and handlers.
Tartarugas , Cães Trabalhadores , Animais , Cães , Florida , Odorantes , Areia , HumanosRESUMO
Background: Hunting activity in the Mayan communities has increased due to COVID-19 and domestic dogs have gained more importance. Due to their proximity to humans, domestic dogs are a bridge between tick-borne diseases (TBDs) and humans and their peri-domestic environment. In Mexico, and especially in rural regions, there were not adequate records of TBDs during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Aim: Identify TBD of ticks collected during the COVID-19 pandemic in a rural community. Methods: Tick capture was carried out in March 2021, in Teabo, Yucatan. Ticks were removed using from domestic dogs and placed in ethanol. Collected ticks were morphologically identified and underwent DNA extraction and a partial segment of the mitochondrial 16S-rDNA gene was amplified to corroborate the tick species. The DNA was screened for the presence of Anaplasma spp., Borrelia spp., Ehrlichia spp., and Rickettsia spp. Purified amplification products were submitted for sequencing and the results were compared to those deposited in GenBank using BLAST. Results: We collected 33 ectoparasites, Ixodes affinis, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Rhipicephalus microplus, and Amblyomma mixtum on 11 hunting dogs. The most frequent ectoparasite was R. sanguineus (66%). We detected the presence of DNA of Rickettsia endosymbiont in I. affinis and Anaplasma platys in R. sanguineus. Rickettsia endosymbiont presented a similarity of 100% with the partial sequence of R. endosymbiont of I. affinis isolate IACACTM001 16S ribosomal RNA gene and the sequence of A. platys had a similarity of 100% with the partial sequence of the isolate 23-33TX 16S ribosomal RNA gene of A. platys from dogs from Texas, USA and with the partial sequence of the isolate L134 16S ribosomal RNA gene of Ehrlichia canis from dogs from Piura, Peru. Conclusion: We confirmed for the first time the presence of A. platys in R. sanguineus and R. endosymbiont in I. affinis ticks from dogs in the state of Yucatan.
COVID-19 , Doenças do Cão , Rhipicephalus sanguineus , Rickettsia , Doenças Transmitidas por Carrapatos , Animais , Humanos , Cães , Cães Trabalhadores , México/epidemiologia , Pandemias , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/veterinária , SARS-CoV-2 , Doenças Transmitidas por Carrapatos/epidemiologia , Doenças Transmitidas por Carrapatos/veterinária , Doenças Transmitidas por Carrapatos/microbiologia , Rickettsia/genética , Rhipicephalus sanguineus/microbiologia , Rhipicephalus sanguineus/parasitologia , Doenças do Cão/microbiologiaRESUMO
Several large "shepherd" or livestock guardian dog (LGD) breeds were historically selectively bred to protect sheep and goat flocks in the Balkans, Anatolia, and the Caucasus regions. Although these breeds exhibit similar behavior, their morphology is different. Yet, the fine characterization of the phenotypic differences remains to be analyzed. The aim of this study is to characterize cranial morphology in the specific Balkan and West Asian LGD breeds. We use a 3D geometric morphometric in order to assess morphological differences regarding both shape and size between LGD breeds and compare this phenotypic diversity to close relative wild canids. Our results indicate that Balkan and Anatolian LGDs form a distinct cluster within a relatively large dog cranial size and shape diversity. Most LGDs display a cranial morphology that could be described as intermediate to the mastiff breeds and large herding dogs, except for the Romanian Mioritic shepherd which has a more brachycephalic cranium strongly resembling the bully-type dog cranial morphotype. Although often considered to represent an ancient type of dog, the Balkan-West Asian LGDs are clearly distinguishable from wolves, dingoes, and most other primitive and spitz-type dogs and this group displays a surprising cranial diversity.