BACKGROUND: Rapid technological advances offer a possibility to develop cost-effective digital cognitive assessment tools. However, it is unclear whether these measures are suitable for application in populations from Low and middle-income countries (LMIC). OBJECTIVE: To examine the accuracy and validity of the Brain Health Assessment (BHA) in detecting cognitive impairment in a Cuban population. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 146 participants (cognitively healthyâ=â53, mild cognitive impairment (MCI)â=â46, dementiaâ=â47) were recruited at primary care and tertiary clinics. The main outcomes included: accuracy of the BHA and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) in discriminating between controls and cognitively impaired groups (MCI and dementia) and correlations between the BHA subtests of memory, executive functions, and visuospatial skills and criterion-standard paper-and-pencil tests in the same domains. RESULTS: The BHA had an AUC of 0.95 (95% CI: 0.91-0.98) in discriminating between controls and cognitively impaired groups (MCI and dementia, combined) with 0.91 sensitivity at 0.85 specificity. In discriminating between control and MCI groups only, the BHA tests had an AUC of 0.94 (95% CI: 0.90-0.99) with 0.71 sensitivity at 0.85 specificity. Performance was superior to the MoCA across all diagnostic groups. Concurrent and discriminant validity analyses showed moderate to strong correlations between the BHA tests and standard paper-and-pencil measures in the same domain and weak correlations with standard measures in unrelated domains. CONCLUSION: The BHA has excellent performance characteristics in detecting cognitive impairment including dementia and MCI in a Hispanic population in Cuba and outperformed the MoCA. These results support potential application of digital cognitive assessment for older adults in LMIC.
Disfunção Cognitiva/diagnóstico , Computadores de Mão , Demência/diagnóstico , Testes Neuropsicológicos , Idoso , Doença de Alzheimer/diagnóstico , Afasia Primária Progressiva/diagnóstico , Cuba , Demência Vascular/diagnóstico , Países em Desenvolvimento , Função Executiva , Demência Frontotemporal/diagnóstico , Humanos , Memória , Testes de Estado Mental e Demência , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Processamento EspacialRESUMO
Visual-spatial abilities are usually neglected in academic settings, even though several studies have shown that their predictive power in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics domains exceeds that of math and verbal ability. This neglect means that many spatially talented youths are not identified and nurtured, at a great cost to society. In the present work, we aim to identify behavioral and electrophysiological markers associated with visual spatial-ability in intellectually gifted adolescents (N = 15) compared to age-matched controls (N = 15). The participants performed a classic three-dimensional mental rotation task developed by Shepard and Metzler (1971) [33] while event-related potentials were measured in both frontal and parietal regions of interest. While response time was similar in the two groups, gifted subjects performed the test with greater accuracy. There was no indication of interhemispheric asymmetry of ERPs over parietal regions in both groups, although interhemispheric differences were observed in the frontal lobes. Moreover, intelligence quotient and working memory measures predicted variance in ERP's amplitude in the right parietal and frontal hemispheres. We conclude that while gifted adolescents do not display a different pattern of electroencephalographic activity over the parietal cortex while performing the mental rotation task, their performance is correlated with the amplitude of ERPs in the frontal cortex during the execution of this task.
Criança Superdotada , Lobo Frontal/fisiologia , Lobo Parietal/fisiologia , Adolescente , Mapeamento Encefálico , Potenciais Evocados , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Processamento EspacialRESUMO
ABSTRACT The Mini-Mental Examination for Children (MMC) is a widely used tool for assessing global cognitive deficits, however,is still unknown whether MMC is sensitive for investigating cognitive profiles associated with learning difficulties (LD). Objective: Here we investigate the feasibility of using the MMC for screening school-aged children with learning difficulties in spelling and math. Methods: The MMC and other neurophysiological tests were administered to a sample of 168 children, aged 7 to 12 years. The sample was subdivided into a Control group and LD group (Math Difficulties, Spelling Difficulties, Math and Spelling Difficulties). Diagnostic accuracy was assessed with ROC analysis. Convergent and divergent validity was assessed using correlation analysis. Results: Performance on the MMC was associated with nonverbal intelligence, age and school achievement. The LD group had significantly lower performance on the MMC than the Control group. Performance on the MMC discriminated LD children with a global accuracy of around 0.80. Associations between the MMC and the other neuropsychological variables were higher for finger gnosis (r=0.40) and generally higher for early elementary school grades. The MMC proved satisfactory for identifying LD children with good accuracy. Nonverbal intelligence, and perceptual/motor abilities play an important role in MMC performance. Conclusion: The MMC could be a useful instrument for screening children with LD.
RESUMO Mini-exame mental para crianças (MMC) é uma ferramenta amplamente utilizada para avaliar déficits cognitivos globais, no entanto, ainda é desconhecido se a MMC é sensível para investigar perfis cognitivos associados a dificuldades de aprendizagem. Objetivo: Aqui nós investigamos a viabilidade de usar MMC para triagem de crianças em idade escolar com dificuldades de aprendizagem em ortografia e matemática. Métodos: MMC e outros testes neuropsicológicos foram administrados em uma amostra de 168 crianças de 7 a 12 anos de idade. A amostra foi subdividida em um Grupo Controle e um grupo LD (dificuldade na matemática, na escrita, ou na escrita e na matemática). A acurácia diagnóstica foi analisada através de uma análise de curva ROC. A validade convergente e divergente foi investigada através de análises de correlações. Resultados: A performance no MMC foi associada com a inteligência não verbal, idade e desempenho escolar. O grupo LD apresentou desempenho significativamente inferior ao Grupo Controle no MMC. A performance no MMC pôde identificar crianças LD com uma acurácia global em torno de 0.80. As associações entre MMC e outras variáveis neuropsicológicas foram maiores para gnosias digitais (r=0.40) e em geral, mais altas nas séries iniciais. O MMC se mostrou satisfatório para identificar crianças LD com uma boa acurácia. A inteligência não verbal, habilidades perceptivas/motoras tem um importante papel na performance no MMC. Conclusão: O MMC pode ser um instrumento útil para o rastreamento de crianças com LD.
Humanos , Desempenho Psicomotor , Processamento Espacial , Transtorno de Aprendizagem Específico , Inteligência , Testes NeuropsicológicosRESUMO
PURPOSE: The goals of the study were to further assess contrast sensitivity to (1) investigate the existence of monocular vs. binocular differences; (2) observe possible differences between sample sizes; (3) investigate the effects of test-retest repeatability. METHODS: Contrast sensitivity measurements were obtained by presenting eight horizontal sine-wave gratings (ranging from 0.2 to 20 cycles per degree). A three-up-one-down method was used to obtain thresholds with a criterion of 79.4% correct responses for each spatial frequency. The mean of 12 reversals was used for obtaining thresholds, and the two-alternative forced-choice method was used. Data were recorded in 55 naive observers from 20 to 45 years. All participants were free from identifiable ocular disease and had normal visual acuity. RESULTS: We observed the absence of differences on CSF for both monocular and binocular observers, as well as the absence of differences between large sample sizes. The latter investigation revealed a high degree of repeatability across time (baseline to 6 months later) with the higher test-retest for low and high spatial frequencies. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicated that spatial contrast sensitivity measurements were little influenced by variables, such as binocular summation, eye dominance, sample size and time using the Metropsis test. The results obtained here have significance for basic and clinical vision science.
Sensibilidades de Contraste/fisiologia , Software , Processamento Espacial/fisiologia , Testes Visuais/instrumentação , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Testes de Estado Mental e Demência , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Visão Binocular/fisiologia , Acuidade Visual/fisiologia , Adulto JovemRESUMO
In ERP studies of cognitive processes during attentional tasks, the cue signals containing information about the target can increase the amplitude of the parietal cue P3 in relation to the 'neutral' temporal cue, and reduce the subsequent target P3 when this information is valid, i.e. corresponds to the target's attributes. The present study compared the cue-to-target P3 ratios in neutral and visuospatial cueing, in order to estimate the contribution of valid visuospatial information from the cue to target stages of the task performance, in terms of cognitive load. The P3 characteristics were also correlated with the results of individuals' performance of the visuospatial tasks, in order to estimate the relationship of the observed ERP with spatial reasoning. In 20 typically developing boys, aged 10-13 years (11.3±0.86), the intelligence quotient (I.Q.) was estimated by the Block Design and Vocabulary subtests from the WISC-III. The subjects performed the Attentional Network Test (ANT) accompanied by EEG recording. The cued two-choice task had three equiprobable cue conditions: No cue, with no information about the target; Neutral (temporal) cue, with an asterisk in the center of the visual field, predicting the target onset; and Spatial cues, with an asterisk in the upper or lower hemifield, predicting the onset and corresponding location of the target. The ERPs were estimated for the mid-frontal (Fz) and mid-parietal (Pz) scalp derivations. In the Pz, the Neutral cue P3 had a lower amplitude than the Spatial cue P3; whereas for the target ERPs, the P3 of the Neutral cue condition was larger than that of the Spatial cue condition. However, the sums of the magnitudes of the cue and target P3 were equal in the spatial and neutral cueing, probably indicating that in both cases the equivalent information processing load is included in either the cue or the target reaction, respectively. Meantime, in the Fz, the analog ERP components for both the cue and target stimuli did not depend on the cue condition. The results show that, in the parietal site, the spatial cue P3 reflects the processing of visuospatial information regarding the target position. This contributes to the subsequent "decision-making", thus reducing the information processing load on the target response, which is probably reflected in the lower P3. This finding is consistent with the positive correlation of parietal cue P3 with the individual's ability to perform spatial tasks as scored by the Block Design subtest.
Atenção , Sinais (Psicologia) , Potenciais Evocados P300 , Lobo Parietal/fisiologia , Processamento Espacial , Percepção Visual , Adolescente , Criança , Eletroencefalografia , Humanos , MasculinoRESUMO
This study aimed to investigate why futsal players decide to dribble. For this purpose, we analysed 396 trials comprising the dribbles (n = 132), passes (n = 131) or shots (n = 133), performed by 70 male futsal players. Passing and shooting angles, and interpersonal distance, including their rates of change (velocity and variability), were regarded as measures of interpersonal coordination tendency and a comparison was made among dribbling, passing and shooting situations. In addition, the variables identified as constraints on deciding to dribble were analysed in relation to age categories, dribbling outcomes and futsal court zone. Results revealed that passing and shooting angles, and interpersonal distance showed higher variability in dribbling than in passing and shooting situations. The findings allowed us to conclude that decision-making on dribbling was influenced by the variabilities of passing angles as well as shooting and interpersonal distance, and that success in dribbling was affected by the variability of interpersonal distance. Such variabilities were interpreted concerning their meaning of risk and/or uncertainty in the execution of motor skills.
Desempenho Atlético , Tomada de Decisões , Destreza Motora , Movimento , Futebol/psicologia , Processamento Espacial , Adolescente , Adulto , Criança , Comportamento Competitivo , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto JovemRESUMO
In recent years, increasing attention has been paid to the effects of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) on cognitive functions. T1D onset usually occurs during childhood, so it is possible that the brain could be affected during neurodevelopment. We selected young patients of normal intelligence with T1D onset during neurodevelopment, no complications from diabetes, and adequate glycemic control. The purpose of this study was to compare the neural BOLD activation pattern in a group of patients with T1D versus healthy control subjects while performing a visuospatial working memory task. Sixteen patients and 16 matched healthy control subjects participated. There was no significant statistical difference in behavioral performance between the groups, but, in accordance with our hypothesis, results showed distinct brain activation patterns. Control subjects presented the expected activations related to the task, whereas the patients had greater activation in the prefrontal inferior cortex, basal ganglia, posterior cerebellum, and substantia nigra. These different patterns could be due to compensation mechanisms that allow them to maintain a behavioral performance similar to that of control subjects.
Encéfalo/fisiopatologia , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1/fisiopatologia , Memória de Curto Prazo , Processamento Espacial , Adolescente , Adulto , Gânglios da Base/fisiopatologia , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Cerebelo/fisiopatologia , Feminino , Neuroimagem Funcional , Humanos , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Masculino , Córtex Pré-Frontal/fisiopatologia , Substância Negra/fisiopatologia , Adulto JovemRESUMO
Both habitat filters and spatial processes can influence community structure. Space alone affects species immigration from the regional species pool, whereas habitat filters affect species distribution and inter-specific interactions. This study aimed to understand how the interplay between environmental and geographical processes influenced the structure of Neotropical snake communities in different habitat types. We selected six studies that sampled snakes in forests, four conducted in savannas and two in grasslands (the latter two are grouped in a non-forest category). We used the net relatedness and nearest taxon indices to assess phylogenetic structure within forest and non-forest areas. We also used the phylogenetic fuzzy-weighting algorithm to characterize phylogenetic structure across communities and the relation of phylogenetic composition patterns to habitat type, structure, and latitude. Finally, we tested for morphological trait convergence and phylogenetic niche conservatism using four forest and four non-forest areas for which morphological data were available. Community phylogenetic composition changed across forest and non-forest areas suggesting that environmental filtering influences community structure. Species traits were affected by habitat type, indicating convergence at the metacommunity level. Tail length, robustness, and number of ventral scales maximized community convergence among forest and non-forest areas. The observed patterns suggested environmental filtering, indicating that less vertically structured habitats represent a strong filter. Despite the fact that phylogenetic structure was not detected individually for each community, we observed a trend towards communities composed by more closely related species in higher latitudes and more overdispersed compositions in lower latitudes. Such pattern suggests that the limited distribution of major snake lineages constrained species distributions. Structure indices for each community were also related to habitat type, showing that communities from non-forest areas tend to be more clustered. Our study showed that both environmental filtering and spatial gradients play important roles in shaping the composition of Neotropical snake communities.
Biota , Serpentes/fisiologia , Algoritmos , Animais , Biodiversidade , Brasil , Simulação por Computador , Ecossistema , Feminino , Masculino , Filogeografia , Serpentes/genética , Serpentes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Processamento EspacialRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Prenatal exposure to p,p'-DDE is associated with impairments in motor development during the first year of life, with no related repercussions on mental or motor development at 12-30 months and with impairments in cognitive areas, but not in perceptual and motor areas at preschool age. However, its association with particular psychomotor factors, such as establishment of lateralization and spatial orientation, essential elements to the overall learning and specifically reading, writing and spelling in preschoolers, has not been independently evaluated, since cognitive and motor areas have only been explored globally. OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between prenatal exposure to p,p'-DDE and the establishment of lateralization and spatial orientation in children 5 years of age. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Establishment of lateralization and spatial orientation was evaluated using the McCarthy Scale of Children's Abilities, with 167 children 5 years of age who participated in a birth cohort in the state of Morelos, Mexico. The information available for each child included: serum concentrations of p,p'-DDE of the mother during at least one trimester of pregnancy, mothers' intelligence quotients, stimulation at home and anthropometry. A logistic regression model was used to calculate the association between prenatal exposure to p,p'-DDE and lateralization and a multiple linear regression model was used for the association with spatial orientation. RESULTS: A two-fold increase in p,p'-DDE in lipid base during the second trimester of pregnancy was associated with a significant reduction, -0.18 points (95% CI -0.41; 0.04, in the spatial orientation index, with no impairment in the establishment of hemispheric dominance. Attending preschool and the maternal intelligence quotient were the main determinants of spatial orientation and the establishment of hemispheric dominance. CONCLUSIONS: Prenatal exposure to p,p'-DDE may affect the 5 year old's ability to identify spatial orientation of oneself and surrounding objects. Given the observed role of attending preschool in the functions studied, early attendance in formal education might serve as a stimulation strategy for preschoolers. These preliminary results should be verified and expanded in further prospective studies with DDE.
Diclorodifenil Dicloroetileno/efeitos adversos , Lateralidade Funcional/efeitos dos fármacos , Inseticidas/efeitos adversos , Efeitos Tardios da Exposição Pré-Natal/psicologia , Processamento Espacial/efeitos dos fármacos , Pré-Escolar , Diclorodifenil Dicloroetileno/sangue , Feminino , Humanos , Inseticidas/sangue , Inteligência/efeitos dos fármacos , Masculino , Exposição Materna , México , Testes Neuropsicológicos , Gravidez , Estudos ProspectivosRESUMO
El procesamiento visoespacial es una función adaptativa del organismo que permite su interacción con los elementos que se encuentran en su medio ambiente. Se considera una función superior, ya que involucra sistemas de reconocimiento y de memoria, entre otros. Hasta el momento se ha descrito la participación de diversas estructuras cerebrales en el procesamiento de información visoespacial, por ejemplo, tradicionalmente se considera una especialización funcional por parte del hemisferio derecho; sin embargo aún existen muchas controversias con respecto a la participación de diversas áreas cerebrales tanto ipsilaterales como contralaterales en estás funciones visoespaciales. En el presente trabajo se discute el papel de la comunicación interhemisferica, y específicamente del papel que juega el cuerpo calloso en el procesamiento visoespacial. Se inicia con una descripción de las vías de procesamiento visoespacial desde el ojo hasta la corteza V1 y las conexiones anatómicas funcionales que se establecen a partir de ésta. Posteriormente se resume la estructura-función del cuerpo calloso y se revisan los trabajos que han reportado relaciones entre éste y la función visoespacial. Por último, se revisan algunas de las patologías neurológicas que cursan con afectación del cuerpo calloso y que se ha reportado en la literatura que afectan a la función visoespacial...
The visuospatial processing is an adaptive function of the organism that allows it to interact with the elements that are in their environment. It is considered a high-order function as it involves recognition systems, memory, among others. So far described the participation of various brain structures in processing visuospatial information, for example, is traditionally considered a functional specialization by the right hemisphere, but there are still many controversies regarding the participation of various brain areas, both ipsilateral and contralateral in the visuospatial functions. In this paper we discuss the role of interhemispheric communication, and specifically the role of the corpus callosum in visuospatial processing. It begins with a description of visuospatial processing pathways from the eye to the cortex V1 and the anatomical-functional connections are established from this. Later summarizes the structure-function of the corpus callosum and reviews the studies that have reported relationships between this and visuospatial function. Finally we review some of the neurological disorders that present with involvement of the corpus callosum and it has been reported in the literature that affect visuospatial function...
Humanos , Corpo Caloso/fisiologia , Lateralidade Funcional , Percepção Visual/fisiologia , Processamento Espacial/fisiologiaRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: The ability to handle and adapt to the visual perspectives generated by angled laparoscopes is crucial for skilled laparoscopic surgery. However, the control of the visual work space depends on the ability of the operator of the camera, who is often not the most experienced member of the surgical team. Here, we present a simple, low-cost option for surgical training that challenges the learner with static and dynamic visual perspectives at 30 degrees using a system that emulates the angled laparoscope. METHODS: A system was developed using a low-cost camera and readily available materials to emulate the angled laparoscope. Nine participants undertook 3 tasks to test spatial adaptation to the static and dynamic visual perspectives at 30 degrees. Completing each task to a predefined satisfactory level ensured precision of execution of the tasks. Associated metrics (time and error rate) were recorded, and the performance of participants were determined. RESULTS: A total of 450 repetitions were performed by 9 residents at various stages of training. All the tasks were performed with a visual perspective of 30 degrees using the system. Junior residents were more proficient than senior residents. CONCLUSIONS: This system is a viable and low-cost alternative for developing the basic psychomotor skills necessary for the handling and adaptation to visual perspectives of 30 degrees, without depending on a laparoscopic tower, in junior residents. More advanced skills may then be acquired by other means, such as in the operating theater or through clinical experience.
Capacitação em Serviço/métodos , Laparoscópios , Laparoscopia/educação , Processamento Espacial , Análise Custo-Benefício , Desenho de Equipamento , Humanos , Capacitação em Serviço/economia , Laparoscopia/instrumentação , Análise e Desempenho de TarefasRESUMO
OBJETIVO: Caracterizar os sinais comportamentais do Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade (TDAH) e do Transtorno do Processamento Auditivo (TPA), segundo a visão de profissionais que atuam no diagnóstico e intervenção relacionados a estes transtornos no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Participaram 42 profissionais (médicos, fonoaudiólogos, psicólogos e pedagogos). Todos responderam a um questionário contendo 58 sinais comportamentais de TDAH e TPA. Cada participante foi orientado a classificar os comportamentos de acordo com a frequência de ocorrência, elencando-os em categorias de 1 (nunca) a 5 (sempre). Os valores da média geral deste estudo foram comparados aos valores da média apresentados em estudo norte americano similar. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que alguns sinais comportamentais foram mais citados do que outros em ambos os transtornos. No TDAH os sinais comportamentais mais evidentes foram: dificuldade em brincar silenciosamente, distraído, desorganizado, desatento, hiperativo, irrequieto, muda de um trabalho incompleto para o outro, pouco autocontrole, falta de persistência e apressado ou impulsivo. No TPA os sinais comportamentais mais evidentes foram: déficit na atenção auditiva dividida, déficit na atenção auditiva seletiva, dificuldade em seguir instruções orais, habilidade de associação auditiva ruim, dificuldade de ouvir em ambiente ruidoso, déficit na atenção auditiva sustentada, dificuldade em discriminar fala e taxa reduzida de processamento da informação auditiva. CONCLUSÃO: Foi possível concluir que os profissionais classificaram determinados sinais comportamentais como mais evidentes no TDAH e outros mais evidentes no TPA.
PURPOSE: To characterize the behavioral signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) from the perspective of the professionals who diagnose and manage these conditions in Brazil. METHODS: Forty-two health professionals in Brazil (medical doctors, speech therapists, psychologists, and pedagogues) participated in this study, and they responded to a questionnaire listing 58 behavioral signs of ADHD and CAPD. The participants were asked to score the listed behavioral signs according to the frequency with which they occurred, from 1 (never) to 5 (always). The average values were compared to the results of a similar study conducted in North America. RESULTS: Some of the listed behavioral signs were indicated more often than others, depending on the disorder. In the case of ADHD, the behavioral signs most often mentioned were difficulty playing quietly, distraction, disorganization, inattentiveness, hyperactivity, restlessness, shifting from one incomplete task to another, poor self-control, lack of persistence, and hastiness or impulsiveness. The most evident behavioral signs of CAPD were auditory divided attention deficit, auditory selective attention deficit, difficulty following instructions given orally, poor auditory association skills, difficulty hearing in a noisy environment, auditory sustained attention deficit, difficulty discriminating speech, and reduced auditory information processing rate. CONCLUSION: The health professionals identified some behavioral signs as being more evident in ADHD and other signs as more evident in CAPD.
Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade/diagnóstico , Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade/psicologia , Percepção Auditiva , Processamento Espacial , Brasil , Pessoal de Saúde , Manifestações NeurocomportamentaisRESUMO
O presente trabalho demonstra a aplicabilidade de imagens de sensoriamento remoto e de métodos de processamento de imagens digitais para definição de locais adequados à instalação de sistemas telemétricos de monitoramento de variáveis ambientais em sistemas aquáticos, localizados em regiões de difícil acesso. A técnica consiste essencialmente da aplicação de operações Booleanas entre mapas da pluma do Rio Amazonas e de zonas inundadas do Lago de Curuai em diferentes etapas do ciclo hidrológico. A localização exata para o sistema de monitoramento telemétrico será vital para o desenvolvimento de modelos de troca de gases traço entre a planície de inundação Amazônica e a atmosfera.
The present work illustrates the application of remote sensing and image processing methods to define appropriate sites for installing buoy moored telemetric systems at the surface of Amazon floodplain lakes for long-term limnologic-micrometeorologic monitoring. The technique consists essentially of Boolean operations over Amazon plume maps and historic inundation of the Curuai Lake at distinct stages of the hydrologic cycle. The precise location for the long-term monitoring is vital to the development of models concerning air-water trace gas exchange in the Amazon floodplains.