Objetivo: Describir los primeros casos de enucleación de próstata con láser de holmio (HoLEP) en pacientes con agrandamiento de la glándula prostática en Ecuador. Método: Es un estudio prospectivo en el que se evaluaron 200 pacientes que se sometieron a HoLEP con un seguimiento de seis meses posteriores a la cirugía. El equipo de enucleación varió: para los primeros 108 casos fue un HoL de 72 W de pulso corto con los parámetros 3 J 24 Hz 72 W y los 92 casos restantes se realizaron con Cyber laser Ho Qanta 100 w de doble pulso configurado a 1,8 J 45 Hz 81 W. Resultados: La edad promedio de los pacientes fue 69,27 años, el tiempo quirúrgico promedio fue de 59,48 minutos, en el 29,5% de los casos se extrajo más de 80 gramos de tejido prostático, en el 94% de los casos la estancia hospitalaria fue de un día, el 98% de los pacientes no tuvieron complicaciones posquirúrgicas y ninguno requirió trasfusión sanguínea. Conclusión: La HoLEP es un método eficiente, confiable y replicable independientemente del tamaño de la próstata. La tasa de complicaciones, el tiempo de cateterismo intravesical y la estancia hospitalaria son bajas
Objective: To describe the first cases of holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) in patients with an enlarged prostatic gland in Ecuador. Method: We prospectively evaluated 200 patients who underwent HoLEP and followed up to six months after surgery. The enucleation equipment varied, for the first 108 cases was with a HoL of 72 W short pulse with the parameters 3 J 24 Hz 72 W, the remaining 92 cases were done with Cyber laser Ho Qanta 100 w double pulse set up at 1.8 J 45 Hz 81 W. Results: From the accounted patients and procedures, the average age was 69.27 years, the mean surgical time was 59.48 minutes, in 29.5% of the cases more than 80 grams of prostate tissue was extracted, 94% of the cases were a 1-day hospital stay and 98% of the patients had no postoperative complications and none required trans or postoperative blood transfusion. Conclusion: HoLEP is an efficient, reliable, and replicable method independent of the prostatic size. The rate of complications, intravesical catheterization time, and hospital stay are lowe
Humanos , Pacientes , Próstata , Pulso Arterial , Tempo , Tecidos , Lasers , Organização Mundial da Saúde , Equipamentos e Provisões , Lasers de Estado SólidoRESUMO
Patients with severe COVID-19 infection frequently require to be in prone position. 1 Furthermore, these patients with mechanical ventilation need additional vasopressor support (95.4 % vs. 1.5 %) and exhibit a higher risk of developing atrial arrhythmias (17.7 % vs. 1.9 %). 2 A study conducted in Wuhan, China, reported that 17.9 % of the patients experienced intrahospital cardiac arrest; the arrest rhythms were asystole (89.7 %), pulseless electrical activity (4.4 %) and defibrillatable rhythms (5.9 %). 3 In order to reduce the hemodynamic effects secondary to changes in position 4 cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) maneuvers in prone position are recommended (inverted CPR) 5; this technique was described in 1989 by McNeil, and has proven to be successful 6,7 doing the inverse precordial compressions at the usual rate and amplitude. 8 86 % of the patients have the largest left ventricular area localized between 0 and 2 vertebral segments below the line that crosses the two inferior angles of the scapulae. In this location, the maneuver may be done as shown in Figure 1
Los pacientes con infección grave por COVID-19 requieren con frecuencia estar en posición prona. 1 Además, estos pacientes con ventilación mecánica necesitan apoyo vasopresor adicional (95,4 % frente a 1,5 %) y presentan un mayor riesgo de desarrollar arritmias auriculares (17,7 % frente a 1,9 %). 2 Un estudio realizado en Wuhan, China, informó de que el 17,9% de los pacientes experimentaron una parada cardiaca intrahospitalaria; los ritmos de parada fueron asistolia (89,7%), actividad eléctrica sin pulso (4,4%) y ritmos desfibrilables (5,9%). 3 Para reducir los efectos hemodinámicos secundarios a los cambios de posición 4 se recomiendan las maniobras de reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) en decúbito prono (RCP invertida) 5; esta técnica fue descrita en 1989 por McNeil, y ha demostrado ser exitosa 6,7 realizando las compresiones precordiales inversas a la frecuencia y amplitud habituales. 8 El 86% de los pacientes tienen la mayor área ventricular izquierda localizada entre 0 y 2 segmentos vertebrales por debajo de la línea que cruza los dos ángulos inferiores de las escápulas. En esta localización, la maniobra puede realizarse como se muestra en la figura 1
Humanos , Respiração Artificial , Decúbito Ventral , Reanimação Cardiopulmonar , COVID-19 , Pulso Arterial , Risco , Seleção de Sítio de Tratamento de Resíduos , Parada Cardíaca , Hemodinâmica , InfecçõesRESUMO
Los traumas vasculares periféricos poseen una frecuencia elevada en relación con las lesiones vasculares y conllevan a una incapacidad significativa a pacientes relativamente jóvenes. La identificación oportuna y el manejo inicial adecuado de este tipo de lesión son muy importantes para su posterior evolución. Este artículo tuvo como objetivo exponer la importancia del tratamiento oportuno del trauma vascular en dos pacientes llegados el mismo día al servicio de urgencias del Hospital Militar Central "Dr. Luis Díaz Soto". Se presenta como primer caso a un paciente masculino de 44 años de edad, con antecedentes de salud aparente. Sufrió una herida de aproximadamente 12 cm en el brazo izquierdo, que se acompañó de sangramiento e hipotensión arterial. Se le colocó injerto protésico y se le realizó anastomosis término-terminal en la arteria humeral porque presentaba sección completa de esta; su evolución fue favorable. El segundo caso se trata de un paciente masculino de 60 años de edad, con antecedentes de salud aparente. Sufrió un trauma en el antebrazo izquierdo que le provocó una herida de alrededor de 8 cm, con sangramiento, palidez y frialdad del tercio distal del antebrazo, cianosis reversible de la mano, impotencia funcional, ausencia de pulso radial e hipotensión arterial. Se le realizó anastomosis término-terminal de arteria radial porque presentaba sección completa de esta y su evolución resultó favorable. El tratamiento oportuno y acertado del trauma vascular evitó la pérdida de la vida de los pacientes, disminuyó la presencia de complicaciones, aseguró una evolución rápida y redujo incapacidades en estos(AU)
Peripheral vascular traumas have a high frequency in relation to vascular lesions, and lead to significant disability in relatively young patients. Timely identification and adequate initial management of this type of lesion are very important for its subsequent evolution. This article aimed to show the importance of timely treatment of vascular trauma in two patients who arrived on the same day at the emergency service of Dr. Luis Díaz Soto Central Military Hospital. The first case presented corresponds to a 44-year-old male patient apparently without previous heath conditions. He had a wound of approximately twelve centimeters on the left arm, which was accompanied by bleeding and arterial hypotension. The patient was placed a prosthetic graft and performed an end-to-end anastomosis in the brachial artery because it was completely sectioned. The patient's evolution was favorable. The second case corresponds to a 60-year-old male patient with an apparent health history. He suffered a trauma to his left forearm that caused a wound of about 8 cm, with bleeding, paleness and coldness of the distal third of the forearm, reversible cyanosis of the hand, functional impotence, absence of radial pulse and arterial hypotension. End-to-end anastomosis of the radial artery was performed because the patient presented complete section of the artery and his evolution was favorable. Timely and correct treatment of vascular trauma prevented the loss of life in both patients, reduced the presence of complications, ensured a rapid evolution, and reduced their disabilities(AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pulso Arterial , Artéria Braquial , Artéria Radial , Transplantes , Emergências , Lesões do Sistema VascularRESUMO
Gasometria arterial (GA) é um exame que permite avaliar a condição respiratória e metabólica do paciente, sendo uma das formas mais comuns de investigação clínica em casos emergenciais e de cuidados críticos. É utilizada para medir as concentrações de oxigênio e também para avaliação do distúrbio do equilíbrio ácido-base, da oxigenação do sangue arterial e da ventilação alveolar. O presente estudo tem como objetivo apontar e avaliar os princípios da técnica de gasometria arterial, fases analíticas, principais doenças em que se utiliza o exame e inovações da técnica ao longo dos anos, baseado em dados de artigos científicos e banco de dados do Scielo (Scientific Eletronic Library Online) e Lilacs (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde). A coleta de sangue arterial para gasometria ocorre através de um procedimento invasivo realizado por intermédio de uma punção arterial. Tal procedimento é executado pelo profissional enfermeiro e exige qualificações técnicas e científicas. O estudo mostrou que as informações acerca do exame constituem uma importante ferramenta para que se possam compreender a complexidade da técnica bem como os distúrbios ácido-base envolvidos na clínica do paciente.
Arterial blood gas (GA) is an exam that allows the assessment of respiratory and metabolic condition, being one of the most common forms of clinical investigation in emergency cases and critical care. It is used to measure oxygen concentrations, as well as for evaluation of acid-base balance disorder, arterial blood oxygenation and alveolar ventilation. This study aims to point out and evaluate the principles of arterial blood gas technique, analytical phases, main diseases in which the examination is used and innovations of the technique over the years, based on data from scientific articles and SciELO database (Scientific Electronic Library Online) and Lilacs (Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature). The collection of arterial blood for blood gas analysis occurs through an invasive procedure in which an arterial puncture is performed. Such procedure is performed by the professional nurse and requires technical and scientific qualifications. The study showed that the information about the exam is an important tool to understand the complexity of the technique, as well as the acid-base disorders involved in the patient's clinic.
Pulso Arterial , Equilíbrio Ácido-Base , GasometriaRESUMO
INTRODUCCIÓN. El uso de un oxímetro como método de monitoreo no invasivo para el paciente permite al profesional odontólogo detectar, evaluar y prevenir situaciones de urgencia. OBJETIVO. Analizar la pulsioximetría en pacientes atendidos por extracciones dentales en el Centro Quirúrgico de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Central del Ecuador. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio observacional, descriptivo realizado a 30 pacientes bajo protocolo de exodoncia quirúrgica y 30 bajo protocolo de exodoncia simple; a los cuales se monitoreó constantes vitales con pulsioxímetro, los datos se pro-cesaron con el programa estadístico International Business Machines Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Versión 2.0 para determinar varianza a través de distribución de frecuencias, medias, desviación estándar, pruebas de T Student y Anova. RESULTADOS. Existió mayor alteración en pulso durante la fase de exodoncia en ambos protocolos de atención, mientras que la saturación de oxígeno aumentó desde la fase de anestesia, sin tener varianzas significativas. Las mujeres presentaron valores elevados de saturación de oxígeno 95,5% y pulso (87,07 ± 1,39 latidos por minuto) en comparación con los hombres durante todas las fases de ambos protocolos. Existieron variaciones significativas de pul-so en pacientes sometidos a exodoncias quirúrgicas con ansiedad leve o nula mientras que en exodoncia simple existió mayor varianza de pulso en aquellos con ansiedad mode-rada según la Escala de Ansiedad de Corah. Se presentaron cuatro urgencias 6,66% (4; 60). CONCLUSIÓN. El monitoreo constante mediante el pulsioxímetro durante la atención odontológica permitió identificar a tiempo eventos que hubiesen comprometido la integri-dad del paciente y evitar que se conviertan en emergencia.
INTRODUCTION. The use of an oximeter as a non-invasive monitoring method for a pa-tient, allows dentist to detect, evaluate and prevent emergency situations. OBJECTIVE. Analyze the pulse oximetry in patients attended for dental extractions in the Faculty of Dentistry Ìs Surgical Center at the Universidad Central del Ecuador. MATERIALS AND ME-THODS. Observational, descriptive study of 30 patients treated under surgical exodontics protocol and 30 under simple exodontics protocol.Vital signs were measured with pulse oximeter and the data was processed with the International Business Machines Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Version 2.0 to determine the variance through distribution of frequencies, means, standard deviation, Student T tests and Anova. RESULTS. The-re was a greater alteration in pulse, during the exodontic phase in both protocols, while oxygen saturation increased at the anesthesic phase, without having relevant variances. Women patients have increased values of oxygen saturation (95,5%) and pulse (87,07 ± 1,39 beats per minute) compared to men during all phases of both protocols. There were significant pulse variations in patients who had surgical extractions with mild level anxiety. In the other hand, in simple extractions, there was greater pulse variance in patients who have moderate anxiety according to the Corha Anxiety Scale. During the study four ur-gencies 6,66% (4; 60) were identified. CONCLUSION. Constant monitoring by the pulse oximeter during dental care, allowed to identify events that might have compromised the integrity of the patient, in order to prevent and avoid they become an emergency situation.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Ansiedade , Pulso Arterial , Cirurgia Bucal , Extração Dentária , Oximetria , Assistência Odontológica , Oxigênio , Pacientes , Odontologia , Odontólogos , AnestesiaRESUMO
Objective: to share our experience in the radial distal approach to perform coronary angiography and / or dilation of coronary stenosis. The initial results are exposed in the access of the distal radial artery or in the so-called anatomical "snuff box". Methods: The left or right radial distal artery was used as an access site in 6 patients admitted to the Institute of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery for coronary angiography and dilatation of coronary stenosis between May 6 and June 6 of 2019. All with pulse present in their distal radial artery. In the laboratory, they had the access arm flexed with respect to the homolateral shoulder so that the hand was placed on their contralateral groin. In all cases, the operator was placed on the right side of the patient, to perform coronary angiography and / or dilation of coronary stenosis. During the hospital stay, the main demographic characteristics and complications were recorded. Results: the average age of the patients was 72 +/- 10 years and 83.3 percent were men. We use the Judkins and Amplatz 6 and 5 French catheters for the procedures. Five admitted with the diagnosis of angina and one with severe aortic valve stenosis. In 5 patients, distal transradial coronary angiography was successfully performed. Only one patient experienced distal radial spasm, using in this case the ipsilateral proximal radial access, without making it necessary to approach the femoral artery. In total, 4 patients had coronary intervention, performing successfully in the 4 patients. The right coronary artery was the artery that required most of the intervention (3 patients). There were no cases of occlusion of the radial arteries, no hematoma of the hand, of the B.A.R.C scale greater than 1 was observed in any patient. Numbness of the hand was documented in none. The radial introducer was removed at the end of the procedure. Hemostasis was achieved with manual compression. Conclusion: the distal radial approach is feasible in a selected group of patients as a procedure for coronary angiography and dilatation of coronary stenosis(AU)
Objetivo: compartir nuestra experiencia en el abordaje radial distal para realizar la angiografía coronaria y/o la dilatación de la estenosis coronaria. Se exponen los resultados iniciales en el acceso de la arteria radial distal o en la llamada "tabaquera" anatómica. Métodos: se utilizó la arteria radial distal izquierda o derecha como sitio de acceso en 6 pacientes ingresados en el Instituto de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular para angiografía coronaria y dilatación de estenosis coronaria del 6 de mayo al 6 de junio de 2019. Todos los pacientes tenían pulso en la arteria radial distal. En el laboratorio, se les flexionó el brazo de acceso con respecto al hombro homolateral de modo que la mano descansara sobre la ingle contralateral. En todos los casos, el técnico se situó a la derecha del paciente para realizar la angiografía coronaria y/o dilatación de la estenosis coronaria. Durante la estancia de los pacientes en el hospital, se registraron sus principales características demográficas y complicaciones. Resultados: la edad promedio de los pacientes fue de 72 +/- 10 años y 83,3 por ciento eran hombres. Usamos catéteres franceses Judkins y Amplatz 6 y 5 para los procedimientos. Cinco pacientes habían sido ingresados con un diagnóstico de angina y uno con estenosis valvular aórtica severa. La angiografía coronaria transradial distal fue exitosa en 5 pacientes. Solo un paciente experimentó un espasmo distal radial, usándose en ese caso el acceso radial proximal ipsilateral sin que fuera necesario abordar la arteria femoral. Un total de 4 pacientes se sometieron a intervención coronaria, la que fue exitosa en los 4. La arteria coronaria derecha fue la que requirió la mayor parte de la intervención (3 pacientes). No hubo ningún caso de oclusión de las arterias radiales ni de hematoma de la mano. Tampoco se observó un valor de la escala BARC mayor de 1 en ningún paciente. No se documentó entumecimiento de la mano en ningún paciente. El introductor radial se retiró al final del procedimiento. La hemostasia se alcanzó mediante compresión manual. Conclusión: el abordaje radial distal es factible en un grupo seleccionado de pacientes como procedimiento para la angiografía coronaria y la dilatación de la estenosis coronaria(AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Idoso , Pulso Arterial , Angiografia Coronária/métodos , Estenose da Valva Aórtica/terapiaRESUMO
The present study examined the hemodynamics [arterial pressure (AP), AP variability (APV), heart rate (HR), and heart rate variability (HRV)], cardiac function (echocardiographycally), and myocardial inflammation in Balb/c mice submitted to Periodontitis, through the ligation of the left first molar, or Sham surgical procedure. The first protocol indicated that the AP was similar (136 ± 2 vs. 132 ± 3 mmHg in Sham), while the HR was higher in mice with Periodontitis (475 ± 20 vs. 412 ± 18 bpm in Sham), compared to their Sham counterparts. The APV was higher in mice with Periodontitis when evaluated in the time domain (4.5 ± 0.3 vs. 3.4 ± 0.2 mmHg in Sham), frequency domain (power of the LF band of systolic AP), or through symbolic analysis (patterns 0V + 1V), indicating a sympathetic overactivity. The HRV was similar in the mice with Periodontitis, as compared to their Sham counterparts. In the second protocol, the mice with Periodontitis showed decreased cardiac output (10 ± 0.8 vs. 15 ± 1.4 mL/min in Sham) and ejection fraction (37 ± 3 vs. 47 ± 2% in Sham) associated with increased myocardial cytokines (Interleukin-17, Interleukin-6, and Interleukin-4). This study shows that experimental Periodontitis caused cardiac dysfunction, increased heart cytokines, and sympathetic overactivity, in line with epidemiological studies indicating an increased risk of cardiovascular events in clinical Periodontitis.
Sistema Nervoso Autônomo/fisiopatologia , Sistema Cardiovascular/fisiopatologia , Periodontite/complicações , Periodontite/fisiopatologia , Perda do Osso Alveolar/complicações , Perda do Osso Alveolar/fisiopatologia , Animais , Pressão Sanguínea , Citocinas/metabolismo , Testes de Função Cardíaca , Frequência Cardíaca , Ligadura , Masculino , Camundongos Endogâmicos BALB C , Miocárdio/metabolismo , Pulso Arterial , SístoleRESUMO
Se desarrolló el prototipo y pruebas de verificación del funcionamiento necesarias en un equipo médico, con el fin de obtener información confiable de dicho dispositivo. Se enfocó la investigación en el área de la tecnología aplicada en el sector de la salud, desarrollando un sistema de monitoreo local y remoto de signos vitales de pacientes utilizando como base la tecnología IoT y dispositivos inteligentes Smartphone. Para ello se diseñó una App Android, un dispositivo electrónico biomédico a partir de la tarjeta electrónica MySignals HW, así como la integración y programación de sensores biométricos con el controlador y periféricos de visualización de la información. El sistema cuenta con la capacidad necesaria de comunicación para que, a través de la red se envíen los datos obtenidos como resultado del proceso de lectura de los sensores a la base de datos en el servidor IoT, lo que permite saber desde cualquier lugar, las lecturas medicas tomadas del paciente por medio de dispositivos inteligentes a través de la App o portal web. Los sensores utilizados y probados en esta investigación son: Oximetría (SpO2 y Pulso), Temperatura corporal, frecuencia respiratoria y tensión o presión arterial.
The prototype and verification tests of the necessary operation in a medical equipment were developed, in order to obtain reliable information from said device. Research was focused on the area of ââapplied technology in the health sector, developing a local and remote monitoring system of vital signs of patients using IoT technology and Smartphone smart devices as a basis. For this, an Android App was designed, a biomedical electronic device based on the MySignals HW electronic card, as well as the integration and programming of biometric sensors with the controller and information display peripherals. The system has the necessary communication capacity so that, through the network, the data obtained as a result of the sensor reading process are sent to the database on the IoT server, which allows to know from anywhere, the Medical readings taken from the patient through smart devices through the App or web portal. The sensors used and tested in this investigation are: Oximetry (SpO2 and Pulse), Body temperature, respiratory rate and blood pressure or pressure.
Pressão Sanguínea , Pressão Arterial , Internet das Coisas , Pacientes , Pressão , Pulso Arterial , Temperatura Corporal , Oximetria , Equipamentos e Provisões , Sinais Vitais , Taxa Respiratória , TelemonitoramentoRESUMO
ABSTRACT The present study aimed to evaluate the acute behavior of the brachial artery resistance index (BARI) and popliteal artery resistance index (PARI) in response to low intensity strength exercises involving small (SMG) and large muscle groups (LMG) performed with and without blood flow restriction. Eleven men (age 23 ± 3.29 years) underwent a four-arm, randomized, cross-over experiment: Small muscle group exercise (SMG), small muscle groups with blood flow restriction (SMG+BFR), large muscle groups (LMG) and large muscle groups with blood flow restriction (LMG+BFR). The behavior of BARI and PARI was evaluated at rest, immediately after exercise, and at 15 and 30 minutes during recovery. Data analysis showed a significant reduction of the BARI from rest to post-exercise only in the protocols involving SMG, regardless of the BFR (p <0.05). Protocols involving LMG, with or without BFR, did not affect PARI (p> 0.05), but were efficient to promote significant increases in BARI (p <0.05) immediately after exercise. Our findings indicate that the exercises involving SMG, regardless of BFR, are efficient to promote local vasodilatation (brachial artery), but without systemic effects. None of the analyzed protocols affected the PARI behavior.
RESUMO O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o comportamento agudo do índice de resistência da artéria braquial (IRAB) e da artéria poplítea (IRAP) em resposta a exercícios de força de baixa intensidade envolvendo pequenos (PGM) e grandes grupos musculares (GGM), realizado com e sem restrição de fluxo sanguíneo. Onze homens (idade 23 ± 3,29 anos) realizaram um experimento randomizado, cruzado, com quatro braços: Exercício para pequenos grupos musculares (PGM), pequenos grupos musculares com restrição de fluxo sanguíneo (PGM+RFS), grandes grupos musculares (GGM) e grandes grupos musculares com restrição de fluxo sanguíneo (GGM+RFS). O comportamento de IRAB e IRAP foi avaliado em repouso, mediatamente após o exercício, e aos 15 e 30 minutos da recuperação. A análise dos dados mostrou uma redução significativa do IRAB do repouso para o pós-exercício apenas nos protocolos de PGM com ou sem RFS (p <0,05). Protocolos envolvendo GGM, independentemente do BFR, não afetaram o IRAP (p> 0,05), porém, foram eficientes para promover aumentos significativos do IRAB (p <0,05) imediatamente após o exercício. Nossos achados indicam que os exercícios envolvendo PGM, independentemente da BFR, são capazes de promover a vasodilatação local (artéria braquial), porém, sem efeitos sistêmicos. Nenhum dos protocolos analisados afetou o comportamento do IRAP.
Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Vasodilatação , Força Muscular , Resistência Física , Artéria Poplítea , Pulso Arterial/métodos , Descanso , Comportamento , Artéria Braquial , Pressão ArterialRESUMO
Resumen La terapia con oxígeno a largo plazo mejoró la supervivencia de los pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica. Las medidas propuestas en las guías clínicas para evaluar la indicación y seguimiento de esta terapia son la presión arterial de oxígeno y la saturación arterial de oxígeno. Se ha generalizado el uso de la oximetría de pulso, pero la información para determinar si estas medidas son intercambiables es insuficiente. El objetivo es revisar los fundamentos fisiológicos de las variables relacionadas con la oxigenación y sus formas de medición. En la evaluación del paciente con patología respiratoria, la saturación de pulso es una ayuda clínica valiosa, sin embargo, sus limitaciones no le permiten, en ciertos rangos, reemplazar la valoración directa en sangre arterial (gasometría arterial) de la saturación arterial y la presión arterial de oxígeno, para determinar la indicación de la oxigenoterapia. MÉD.UIS.2019;32(3):19-25
Abstract Long-term oxygen therapy improves the survival of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Measures proposed in clinical clinics to evaluate the indication and monitoring of arterial blood pressure therapy and arterial oxygen saturation. The use of pulse oximetry has been widespread, but the information to determine if these measures are interchangeable is insufficient. The objective is to review the physiological foundations of variables related to oxygenation and their forms of measurement. In the assessment of the patient with respiratory pathology, pulse saturation is a valuable clinical aid., however, its limitations do not allow, in certain ranges, to replace direct arterial blood pressure (arterial blood gas) measurement of arterial saturation and arterial oxygen pressure, to determine the indication of oxygen therapy. MÉD.UIS.2019;32(3):19-25
Humanos , Oximetria , Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica , Oxigênio , Oxigenoterapia , Patologia , Pacientes , Pressão , Pulso Arterial , Sobrevida , Terapêutica , Pesos e Medidas , Sangue , Gasometria , Pneumologia , Oxigenação , Pressão Arterial , SobrevivênciaRESUMO
Introduction: Tonsillectomy is one of the most common otolaryngology procedures performed worldwide. It is also one of the first procedures learnt by residents during their training period. Although tonsillectomy is viewed relatively as a low-risk procedure, it can be potentially harmful because of the chance of posttonsillectomy hemorrhage. Objective: The objective of the present study is to analyze the effects of peroperative factors and experience of the surgeon on the incidence and pattern of posttonsillectomy reactionary hemorrhage. Methods: A retrospective review of medical charts was performed from 2014 to 2017 in a tertiary care hospital. A total of 1,284 patients who underwent tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy were included in the study. The parameters assessed were experience of the surgeon, operating time, intraoperative blood loss, difference in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and pulse rate. Results: A total of 23 (1.79%) out of the 1,284 patients had reactionary hemorrhage. Out of those 23, 16 (69.5%) patients had been operated on by trainees, while 7 (30.5%) had been operated on by consultants (p = 0.033, odds ratio [OR] = 0.04). Operating time, intraoperative blood loss, difference in MAP and pulse rate were significantly higher in the reactionary hemorrhage group, and showed a positive association with risk of hemorrhage (p < 0.05; OR >1). Re-exploration to control the bleeding was required in 10 (76.9%) out of the 23 cases. Conclusion: The experience of the surgeon experience and peroperative factors have an association with posttonsillectomy hemorrhage. Close surveillance and monitoring of the aforementioned peroperative factors will help in the identification of patients at risk of hemorrhage (AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Tonsilectomia/efeitos adversos , Hemorragia Pós-Operatória/etiologia , Pulso Arterial , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fatores de Risco , Perda Sanguínea Cirúrgica , Hemorragia Pós-Operatória/terapia , Duração da Cirurgia , Pressão Arterial , Hospitais Universitários , Período IntraoperatórioRESUMO
Chronic stress results in physiological and somatic changes. It has been recognized as a risk factor for several types of cardiovascular dysfunction and changes in autonomic mechanisms, such as baroreflex and chemoreflex activity. However, the effects of different types of chronic stress on these mechanisms are still poorly understood. Therefore, in the present study, we investigated, in adult male rats, the effect of repeated restraint stress (RRS) or chronic variable stress (CVS) on baroreflex, chemoreflex and heart rate variability in a protocol of 14â days of stress sessions. Exposure to RRS and CVS indicated no changes in the basal level of either arterial pressure or heart rate. However, RRS and CVS were able to attenuate sympathovagal modulation and spontaneous baroreflex gain. Additionally, only RRS was able to increase the power of the low-frequency band of the systolic blood pressure spectrum, as well as the slope of linear regression of baroreflex bradycardic and tachycardic responses induced by vasoactive compounds. Additionally, our study is one of the first to show that exposure to RRS and CVS decreases the magnitude of the pressor response and potentiates respiratory responses to chemoreflex activation, which can trigger cardiovascular and respiratory pathologies. Furthermore, the basal respiratory parameters, such as minute ventilation and tidal volume, were significantly decreased by both protocols of chronic stress. However, only CVS increased the basal respiratory frequency. In this way, the findings of the present study demonstrate the impact of chronic stress in terms of not only depressive-like behavior but also alterations of the autonomic baroreflex responses and cardiocirculatory variability (systolic blood pressure and pulse interval).Our results provide evidence that chronic stress promotes autonomic dysregulation, and impairment of baroreflex, chemoreflex and heart rate variability.
Barorreflexo/fisiologia , Sistema Cardiovascular/fisiopatologia , Células Quimiorreceptoras/metabolismo , Respiração , Estresse Psicológico/fisiopatologia , Animais , Pressão Sanguínea/fisiologia , Peso Corporal , Doença Crônica , Frequência Cardíaca/fisiologia , Masculino , Pulso Arterial , Ratos Wistar , Sacarose , Sístole/fisiologiaRESUMO
La medición de los signos vitales es de gran importancia en el consultorio dental, de esta forma podemos obtener una visión objetiva y anticipada del estado funcional del paciente. Según la información obtenida, se tomarán decisiones terapéuticas. El odontólogo debe saber que el seguimiento clínico y el uso de la técnica adecuada para sus mediciones representan un aspecto muy relevante para prevenir emergencias en el consultorio dental. El odontólogo debe medir los signos vitales antes, durante y después del procedimiento dental y, del mismo modo, debe estar involucrado en la situación individual de cada paciente y proporcionar medidas higiénicodietéticas para mejorar su calidad de vida. La evaluación continua de los signos vitales durante el procedimiento quirúrgico dental, en el que se usan anestésicos locales, es particularmente relevante en este caso, ya que puede ayudarnos a prevenir complicaciones como arritmias cardiacas, crisis hipertensivas o angina de pecho. El objetivo de este artículo es promover en toda la profesión odontológica, el monitoreo de los signos vitales, su técnica de medición correcta y su correlación con otros datos de un historial completo médico y dental (AU)
The measurement of vital signs is of great importance in the dental office, this way we can obtain an objective and anticipated vision of the functional state of the patient. According to the information obtained, therapeutic decisions will be made. The dentist must know that monitoring and using the appropriate technique for its measurements, represents a very relevant aspect for the emergency in the dental office. The dentist must measure the vital signs before, during and after the dental procedure, likewise, they must be involved in the individual situation of each patient and provide hygienic-dietetic measures to improve their quality of life. The continuous assessment of vital signs during the dental surgical procedure, in which local anesthetics are used, is particularly relevant in this case since it can help us prevent complications such as cardiac arrhythmias, hypertensive crisis or angor pectoris. The objective of this article is to promote throughout the dental profession, the monitoring of vital signs, their correct measurement technique and their correlation with other data from a complete medical and dental history (AU)
Humanos , Emergências , Sinais Vitais , Arritmias Cardíacas , Pulso Arterial , Vasoconstritores , Assistência Odontológica Integral , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Bucais , Pressão Arterial , Hipertensão , Angina PectorisRESUMO
A análise de rigidez arterial tem sido feita em vários grupos populacionais com o objetivo de identificar precocemente o risco cardiovascular e realizar medidas terapêuticas específicas. O aumento da rigidez arterial leva à perda de capacidade de adaptação da aorta e das artérias elásticas às variações de pressão durante o ciclo cardíaco. Os principais marcadores de rigidez arterial são a velocidade de onda de pulso (VOP), o índice de aumentação (AIx) e a pressão aórtica central. Esses índices podem ser obtidos de maneira não invasiva. Ocorre aumento da mortalidade em pacientes com doença coronariana ou em hemodiálise que apresentam aumento da VOP ou do AIx. A associação com a doença arterial periférica é pouco estudada. O objetivo desta revisão é mostrar a aplicabilidade e a utilidade de realizar medidas de rigidez arterial em pacientes com doença arterial periférica
Arterial stiffness has been analyzed in many different population groups with the objective of identifying cardiovascular risk early and performing specific therapeutic interventions. Increased arterial stiffness affects the capacity of the aorta and elastic arteries to adapt to pressure variations during the cardiac cycle. The main markers of arterial stiffness are pulse wave velocity (PWV), augmentation index (AIx) and central aortic pressure. They can be measured noninvasively. Patients with coronary disease or on hemodialysis who have elevated PWV or AIx have increased mortality. The association with peripheral arterial disease has been studied little. The objective of this review is to demonstrate the applicability and utility of assessing measures of arterial stiffness in patients with peripheral arterial disease
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Doença Arterial Periférica , Rigidez Vascular , Análise de Onda de Pulso , Arteriosclerose , Pulso Arterial , Espectroscopia de Ressonância Magnética/métodos , Doenças Cardiovasculares , Artérias Carótidas , Fatores de Risco , Artéria Femoral , HipertensãoRESUMO
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the association of pulse pressure (PP) with mortality and major adverse cardiac events (MACE) in one-year period after anterior ST-elevation myocardial infarction (A-STEMI). Methods: A total of 261 consecutive patients whose blood pressure was measured with the aid of a catheter before primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) between August 2016 and February 2017 were included in the study. The patients were divided into three groups according to pulse pressure (PP) (Group 1, PP<35 mmHg; Group 2, 35≤PP≤50 mmHg; Group 3, PP>50 mmHg). Results: The mean age of the patients was 63.4±14.1 years, and 206 of them were male. The groups were similar in terms of age and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The ratio of female patients in Group 1 was higher, and their systolic blood pressure (SBP) was lower than those from the other groups (P=0.005 vs. P=0.042). The rates of MACE and mortality were higher in Group 1. The predictive PP values were calculated to be 42.5 mmHg for development of MACE and 41.5 mmHg for mortality. One-year survival ratio was worse in Group 1 than in the others according to Kaplan-Meier analysis (P<0.001). Conclusion: The values of PP which was measured intra-aortically in patients with A-STEMI were associated with mortality and MACE in the one-year follow-up period.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Pulso Arterial/métodos , Volume Sistólico/fisiologia , Pressão Sanguínea/fisiologia , Intervenção Coronária Percutânea/métodos , Infarto do Miocárdio com Supradesnível do Segmento ST/mortalidade , Prognóstico , Cuidados Pré-Operatórios , Fatores de Risco , Estimativa de Kaplan-Meier , Infarto do Miocárdio com Supradesnível do Segmento ST/cirurgia , Infarto do Miocárdio com Supradesnível do Segmento ST/fisiopatologiaRESUMO
Instituida bajo recomendaciones objetivas, la toracotomía en el departamento de urgencias (TDU) se ha descrito como una maniobra quirúrgica salvatoria de la vida en pacientes traumatizados in extremis. Sin embargo, hay pocos reportes acerca de la experiencia con su empleo en la actividad eléctrica sin pulso no traumática. Describimos el caso de una paciente obstétrica exanguinada por sangrado masivo transoperatorio, en la que se realizó una TDU con un resultado óptimo para la vida y la función neurológica. Adicionalmente, evaluamos la literatura correspondiente al tema, que en lo mejor de nuestro conocimiento es crítica para expandir los protocolos de abordaje del ritmo de paro cardiaco no traumático en los hospitales de alto volumen.Instituted under objective recommendations, Emergency Department Thoracotomy (EDT) has been described as a life-saving surgical maneuver in trauma patients arriving "in extremis." Nevertheless, there are few reports related to the experience regarding the use of the procedure in non-traumatic cardiopulmonary arrest. We describe the case of an obstetric patient exsanguinated by operative massive bleeding, where EDT was instituted reaching an optimal result for the survival and neurologic function. Additionally, we evaluate the literature related to this issue, which to the best of our knowledge, is critical to expand protocols of approach in non-traumatic cardiac arrest rhythm in high-volume hospitals.
Tratamento de Emergência/métodos , Parada Cardíaca/cirurgia , Toracotomia , Adulto , Feminino , Parada Cardíaca/etiologia , Parada Cardíaca/fisiopatologia , Hemorragia/complicações , Humanos , Gravidez , Complicações Hematológicas na Gravidez , Pulso ArterialRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association of pulse pressure (PP) with mortality and major adverse cardiac events (MACE) in one-year period after anterior ST-elevation myocardial infarction (A-STEMI). METHODS: A total of 261 consecutive patients whose blood pressure was measured with the aid of a catheter before primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) between August 2016 and February 2017 were included in the study. The patients were divided into three groups according to pulse pressure (PP) (Group 1, PP<35 mmHg; Group 2, 35≤PP≤50 mmHg; Group 3, PP>50 mmHg). RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 63.4±14.1 years, and 206 of them were male. The groups were similar in terms of age and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The ratio of female patients in Group 1 was higher, and their systolic blood pressure (SBP) was lower than those from the other groups (P=0.005 vs. P=0.042). The rates of MACE and mortality were higher in Group 1. The predictive PP values were calculated to be 42.5 mmHg for development of MACE and 41.5 mmHg for mortality. One-year survival ratio was worse in Group 1 than in the others according to Kaplan-Meier analysis (P<0.001). CONCLUSION: The values of PP which was measured intra-aortically in patients with A-STEMI were associated with mortality and MACE in the one-year follow-up period.
Pressão Sanguínea/fisiologia , Intervenção Coronária Percutânea/métodos , Pulso Arterial/métodos , Infarto do Miocárdio com Supradesnível do Segmento ST/mortalidade , Volume Sistólico/fisiologia , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Estimativa de Kaplan-Meier , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cuidados Pré-Operatórios , Prognóstico , Fatores de Risco , Infarto do Miocárdio com Supradesnível do Segmento ST/fisiopatologia , Infarto do Miocárdio com Supradesnível do Segmento ST/cirurgiaRESUMO
Physiological coherence has been related with a general sense of well-being and improvements in health and physical, social, and cognitive performance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between acute stress, controlled breathing, and physiological coherence, and the degree of body systems synchronization during a coherence-generation exercise. Thirty-four university employees were evaluated during a 20-min test consisting of four stages of 5-min duration each, during which basal measurements were obtained (Stage 1), acute stress was induced using validated mental stressors (Stroop test and mental arithmetic task, during Stage 2 and 3, respectively), and coherence states were generated using a controlled breathing technique (Stage 4). Physiological coherence and cardiorespiratory synchronization were assessed during each stage from heart rate variability, pulse transit time, and respiration. Coherence measurements derived from the three analyzed variables increased during controlled respiration. Moreover, signals synchronized during the controlled breathing stage, implying a cardiorespiratory synchronization was achieved by most participants. Hence, physiological coherence and cardiopulmonary synchronization, which could lead to improvements in health and better life quality, can be achieved using slow, controlled breathing exercises. Meanwhile, coherence measured during basal state and stressful situations did not show relevant differences using heart rate variability and pulse transit time. More studies are needed to evaluate the ability of coherence ratio to reflect acute stress.