This study assessed the features of the 100 most-cited papers on diabetes mellitus (DM) in dentistry using bibliometric measures. A search of the most cited papers on DM using journals included in the category "Dentistry, Oral Surgery and Medicine" in the Web of Science database up to January 2023 was performed. The complete bibliographic records of the selected papers were exported in plain text or Research Information Systems (RIS) file format. The following bibliometric indicators were collected: title, year, authors, number of citations, mean number of citations, institution, country, continent, study design, journal, impact factor, and keywords. Graphical bibliometric networks were created using the VOSviewer software. The number of citations for the 100 most-cited papers in DM research ranged from 111 to 566. Six papers each had more than 400 citations. Most were observational studies (n = 50) from the United States (USA) (n = 23) and were published in the Journal of Periodontology (30%; n=30). Robert Genco was the most cited author and contributed the most to the top 100 articles (3,653 citations; n = 13). The VOSviewer map of co-authorship showed the existence of clusters in research collaboration. The most prolific institutions were the Universities of Buffalo and Michigan (n = 6 each). "Diabetes mellitus" was the most frequent keyword, with 31 occurrences. In conclusion, the most cited studies that investigated the relationship between dentistry and DM were in periodontology. Observational studies, primarily from the USA, have been the most cited thus far.
Bibliometria , Diabetes Mellitus , Fator de Impacto de Revistas , Humanos , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto/estatística & dados numéricos , Pesquisa em Odontologia/estatística & dados numéricos , Odontologia/estatística & dados numéricos , AutoriaRESUMO
The aim of this review was to map the practice of spin in scientific publications in the dental field. After registering the review protocol (, a search was conducted in MEDLINE via PubMed, CENTRAL, Embase, Scopus, LILACS,, and OpenGrey databases in June 2023. Any study that evaluated the presence of spin in dentistry was eligible. Data were independently extracted in duplicate by two reviewers. After removing duplicates, 4888 records were screened and 38 were selected for full-text review. Thirteen studies met the eligibility criteria, all of which detected the presence of spin in the primary studies, with the prevalence of spin ranging from 30% to 86%. The most common types of spin assessed in systematic reviews were failure to mention adverse effects of interventions and to report the number of studies/patients contributing to the meta-analysis of main outcomes. In randomized controlled trials, there was a focus on statistically significant within-group and between-group comparisons for primary or secondary outcomes (in abstract results) and claiming equivalence/noninferiority/similarity for statistically nonsignificant results (in abstract conclusions). The practice of spin is widespread in dental scientific literature among different specialties, journals, and countries. Its impact, however, remains poorly investigated.
Odontologia , Humanos , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto/estatística & dados numéricos , Pesquisa em Odontologia/estatística & dados numéricosRESUMO
The aim of this study was to identify and describe the characteristics of coronavirus (COVID-19)-disease related dental research in Brazil presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Division of the International Association for Dental Research (SBPqO). A search was carried out in the proceedings of the meeting to retrieve all abstracts. Those containing the term "COVID-19" in titles, abstracts, or keywords, and/or those of which the scope approached a COVID-19-related topic were included. The variables extracted from abstracts were: presenter category, field of study, design, data collection method, population, affiliation, and authors' gender. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used, with a significance level of α = 0.05. The search retrieved 185 abstracts, 5 did not meet study eligibility criteria and were excluded. COVID-19-related research was presented by either aspiring/associate members (67.8%) or beginner members (32.2%). Data collection methods were predominantly digitally mediated (65%), followed by secondary data use (25%), and in-person data collection (7.2%). Irrespective of the role of authorship, there were a ratio of two female authors to each male. Among the last authors, the ratio was three females to each male. Female lead authors more frequently came from the Southeast region (71.8%; p = 0.470). There was an association between presenter category and study design (p = 0.012), clinical and epidemiological studies were more concentrated among experienced presenters. In conclusion, female dental researchers affiliated to southeastern institutions approached the topic of pandemic more frequently than male colleagues. The use of digital technology for data collection may have long-lasting impacts on the teaching and publication of dental research.
COVID-19 , Congressos como Assunto , Pesquisa em Odontologia , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Pesquisa em Odontologia/estatística & dados numéricos , Pesquisa em Odontologia/métodos , Feminino , Masculino , Pandemias , Autoria , SARS-CoV-2RESUMO
The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the characteristics of the 100 most cited articles about dental sealants (DS) in dentistry. In September 2023, a search was performed in the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS-CC) database. The following information was extracted from each article: number and density of citations, year of publication, authorship, journal, impact factor, keywords, study design, theme, continent, country, and institution. The citations of the WoS-CC were compared with those of the Scopus and Google Scholar databases. The VOSviewer software was used to generate collaborative networks. The number of citations ranged from 33 to 205. The articles were published between 1961 and 2016. Buonocore MG (7%) was the most prominent author among the most cited. The Journal of the American Dental Association was the most frequent journal (25%) and Journal of Dental Research (7.6) had the highest impact factor. Most studies had interventional (41%) and laboratory (31%) designs, mainly addressing DS effectiveness in the prevention and control of dental caries (86%). There was a predominance of publications from North America (46%) and the USA was the country with the highest number of articles (44%). The most frequent institutions were the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (USA) and the University of Rochester (USA) (6% each). "Retention" was the most frequent keyword. In conclusion, the 100 most cited articles were mostly interventional and laboratory studies, addressing the retention and efficacy of DS. Most of the articles were concentrated in North America and Europe, demonstrating a little collaboration from other continents.
Bibliometria , Pesquisa em Odontologia , Selantes de Fossas e Fissuras , Selantes de Fossas e Fissuras/uso terapêutico , Humanos , Pesquisa em Odontologia/estatística & dados numéricos , Fator de Impacto de Revistas , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto/estatística & dados numéricos , Cárie Dentária/prevenção & controle , Odontologia/estatística & dados numéricosRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: This study evaluates the endorsement of open science practices by dental journals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a meta-research study that included journals listed in the 2021 Journal Citation Reports under Dentistry. A comprehensive evaluation was performed by accessing journal websites to ascertain the availability of publicly accessible instructions to authors in Portuguese, English, or Spanish. A researcher extracted information from the "Instructions for Authors" section, encompassing the journal's impact factor, mention of any reporting guidelines, details on data sharing, acceptance of articles in preprint format, and information regarding study protocol registration. Descriptive data analysis was conducted using the Stata 14.0 program, and an Open Science Score (OSS) (ranging from 0 to 100 %) was calculated for each journal by considering five open science practices. Pearson's correlation test was conducted to determine the relationship between the OSS score and journal impact factor. RESULTS: Ninety journals were included in the study. Most journals (70 %) indicated the mandatory use of reporting guidelines, while 60 % recommended data sharing. Conversely, 46.7 % did not provide information on study protocol registration, and 44.4 % stipulated them as mandatory for authors. Regarding preprints, 50 % of the journals did not provide any information, but 46.7 % confirmed their acceptance. The mean OSS was 52.9 % (standard deviation 26.2). There was a weak correlation (Pearson's correlation coefficient of 0.221) between the journal impact factor and OSS (P-value=0.036). CONCLUSION: This study found varying degrees of endorsement of open science practices among dental journals. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Dental practitioners rely on high-quality, evidence-based research for informed decision-making. By assessing the endorsement of open science practices, our study contributes to improving the quality and reliability of dental research, ultimately enhancing the evidence base for clinical practice.
Pesquisa em Odontologia , Publicação de Acesso Aberto , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto , Humanos , Odontologia , Guias como Assunto , Disseminação de Informação , Fator de Impacto de Revistas , EditoraçãoRESUMO
This study aimed to analyze the 100 most-cited papers in Dentistry, with a focus on female leadership in dental research. Papers were retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS- CC) in the category 'Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine'. Gender was assessed through WoS-CC, Scopus, ResearchGate, social media, institutional websites, and software that assigns gender according to first names ( Characteristics of authors in leadership roles were retrieved, such as affiliation, publication history, citations, H factor, and i500. The 100 most-cited papers in Dentistry were authored by 394 researchers, 326 (82.7%) men, and 68 (17.3%) women - there were 4.8 male authors for each female. Among the lead authors, there were 11.3 males for each female. Among female senior authors, there were 7 males for each female. Among lead/senior authors of the 100 most-cited papers (first and last authors, respectively), 18 were women. There was an increase in the participation of women in the top cited papers regardless of authorship role across the six decades, with a peak of two female authors in the first decade of the 21st century. For female authors in leadership roles, their publication history shows the time between their first and last papers in WoS-CC ranged from 4 to 42 years for lead authors and 1 to 39 years for senior authors. Women were found to be largely underrepresented as leaders of the 100 most-cited papers, highlighting pervasive gender inequalities in dental research publications.
Pesquisa em Odontologia , Cirurgia Bucal , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Liderança , Bibliometria , AutoriaRESUMO
Introducción: El aprovechamiento de los cursos de ciencias básicas puede depender de las percepciones estudiantiles sobre la importancia de estos en su vida profesional, por lo que se hace necesario determinar el grado de importancia que los estudiantes le confieren a este tipo de cursos. Materiales y métodos: Se presentó un cuestionario con 9 declaraciones a 54 estudiantes de odontología y medicina. Las respuestas se pasaron a una escala numérica para su análisis. Se usó una prueba de U de Mann-Whitney con el fin de evaluar diferencias entre estudiantes de ambas facultades. Resultados: Los estudiantes en conjunto mostraron tener una buena opinión de la importancia de las ciencias básicas en la práctica clínica. Se observó también que es mayor la proporción de estudiantes de odontología que consideran que la investigación básica no es útil para su práctica clínica. Conclusión: Los estudiantes consideran las ciencias básicas necesarias para un buen desempeño profesional.
Introduction: The benefit of basic science courses may depend on students' perceptions of the importance of these courses in their professional life, therefore, it's necessary to determine the degree of importance that students give to this type of courses. Materials and methods: A questionnaire with 9 statements was presented to 54 dental and medical students. The responses were converted to a numerical scale for analysis. Using a Mann-Whitney U test, differences between students from both faculties were evaluated. Results: The students showed a good opinion of the importance of basic sciences in clinical practice. It was also observed that the proportion of dental students who consider that basic research is not useful for their clinical practice is higher. Conclusion: Students consider the basic sciences necessary for good professional performance.
Humanos , Adolescente , Adulto , Disciplinas das Ciências Naturais , Pesquisa em Odontologia , Educação em Odontologia , Educação de Graduação em Medicina , Ciência , Estudantes , Conhecimento , Pesquisa BiomédicaRESUMO
Preito de gratidão ao Professor Dr. Jorge Alfonso Learreta. Nascido em Buenos Aires, Argentina, em 11/12/1949. Cursou Odontologia aos 17 anos. Seus conhecimentos em Histologia o fez ganhar uma bolsa de estudos para a França. Aqui estudou com cirurgiões renomados e voltou para Argentina. Especializou-se em Ortodontia e Ortopedia funcional em 1971. Tinha uma ampla rede de amigos e mestres em diversas partes do mundo. Começou a investir em tecnologia para estudar a ATM no início dos anos 90. Especializou-se em estudo das imagens e já em 1994, possuía casos com RNM antes e depois dos tratamentos, algo que veio a se tornar o padrão-ouro da sua filosofia. Homem estudioso, conhecedor de vasta literatura e de inteligência indescritível com grande poder de observação e raciocínio, vivenciou diversos problemas na Odontologia com soluções simples e geniais. O prof. Learreta é a definição de uma pessoa a frente de seu tempo que deixa um legado na odontologia da dor orofacial e seus ensinamentos foram além da neurofisiologia da ATM.
I offer gratitude to Professor Dr. Jorge Alfonso Learreta. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 12/11/1949. He studied Dentistry at the age of 17. His knowledge in Histology earned him a scholarship to France. Here he studied with renowned surgeons and returned to Argentina. He specialized in Orthodontics and Functional Orthopedics in 1971. He had a wide network of friends and teachers in different parts of the world. He began investing in technology to study the TMJ in the early 90s. He specialized in studying images and in 1994, he had cases with MRI before and after treatments, something that became the gold standard of his philosophy . A studious man, knowledgeable about vast literature and indescribable intelligence with great power of observation and reasoning, he experienced several problems in Dentistry with simple and ingenious solutions. The prof. Learreta is the definition of a person ahead of his time who leaves a legacy in orofacial pain dentistry and his teachings went beyond the neurophysiology of TMJ.
Ofrezco agradecimiento al Profesor Dr. Jorge Alfonso Learreta. Nacido en Buenos Aires, Argentina, el 11/12/1949. Estudió Odontología a los 17 años. Sus conocimientos en Histología le valieron una beca para Francia. Aquí estudió con reconocidos cirujanos y regresó a la Argentina. Se especializó en Ortodoncia y Ortopedia Funcional en 1971. Contaba con una amplia red de amigos y profesores en diferentes partes del mundo. Comenzó a invertir en tecnología para estudiar la ATM a principios de los 90. Se especializó en el estudio de imágenes y en 1994 tuvo casos con resonancia magnética antes y después de los tratamientos, algo que se convirtió en el estándar de oro de su filosofía. Hombre estudioso, conocedor de vasta literatura e inteligencia indescriptible con gran poder de observación y razonamiento, experimentó varios problemas en Odontología con soluciones simples e ingeniosas. El prof. Learreta es la definición de una persona adelantada a su tiempo que deja un legado en la odontología del dolor orofacial y sus enseñanzas fueron más allá de la neurofisiología de la ATM.
Pesquisa em Odontologia , Docentes de OdontologiaRESUMO
The dental industry is heavily committed to developing more esthetic solutions for orthodontic treatments. Invisalign is a system of transparent orthodontic aligners introduced as an alternative to conventional orthodontic fittings with brackets and metal wires. This study aimed to assess the chemical, physical, mechanical and morphologic changes in these polymeric aligners after exposure to the oral environment. Twenty-four Invisalign orthodontic aligners were equally divided into 2 groups: an in vivo aged group in which patients used aligners for 14 days and the reference group, unexposed to the oral environment. Different experimental techniques were used to study the chemical structure, the color changes and translucency, the density and subsequent volume of the aligners, mechanical properties, surface roughness, morphology and elemental composition. The data were subjected to several statistical analyses. Clear orthodontic aligners exhibit chemical stability but undergo a statistically significant optical change in color and translucency. There was a gradual increase in the water absorption rate and the dimensional variation of the polymer, indicating a strong correlation among these factors. The mechanical properties of the polymer showed a statistically significant decrease in its elastic modulus and hardness. There was a slight tendency toward increased surface roughness of the material, but no statistical differences were found between reference and aged groups. The surface morphology of the used aligners demonstrates microcracks, distortions and biofilm formation. Intraoral aging adversely affected the physical, mechanical, and morphologic properties of the Invisalign appliance.
Humanos , Aparelhos Ortodônticos Removíveis/efeitos adversos , Poliuretanos/toxicidade , Pesquisa em Odontologia/métodos , Achados Morfológicos e Microscópicos , Mucosa Bucal/químicaRESUMO
O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma análise bibliométrica da produção científica em Endodontia apresentada nas reuniões anuais da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica (SBPqO), avaliando suas principais fontes de financiamento. Foi realizado um estudo observacional retrospectivo analisando os resumos publicados nos anais da SBPqO em um período de 10 anos (2011 a 2021), em todas as categorias. Para a coleta de dados foramutilizadas as palavras-chave "Endodontia", "canal radicular", "tratamento endodôntico", "forame apical" e "polpa dental". A extração dos dados foi realizada por dois avaliadores independentes, que identificaram 2534resumos. Com relação à distribuição de financiamento,foi possível observar que 33,93 % (n=860) dos estudos foram financiados. Dentre as agências de fomento que mais financiaram foram a Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes) (n=211; 24,53%) e o Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) (n=163; 18,95%), que são instituições de financiamento nacionais. Ao analisar a distribuição geográfica dos financiamentos observou-se que o Sudeste deteve 72,45% (n=270), sendo o estado de São Paulo o que mais recebeu incentivo (56,68%, n=211). Aregião Norte foi a que recebeu menor número de financiamentos. Na análise proporcional (quantidade de trabalhos financiados e presença de Programas de Pós-graduação em Odontologia por região), o Sudeste apresentou 3,87 financiamentos por programa . Durante a década avaliada, as pesquisas na área de Endodontia apresentadas na SBPqO aumentaram até 2018 e, em seguida, decresceram. A maioria das pesquisas se concentrou na área temática de materiais endodônticos (AU).
El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica en Endodoncia presentada en las reuniones anuales de la Sociedad Brasileña de Investigación Dental (SBPqO), evaluando sus principales fuentes de financiación. Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo analizando los resúmenes publicados en los anales de la SBPqO durante un período de 10 años (2011 a 2021), en todas las categorías. Para la recolección de datos se utilizaron las palabras clave "Endodoncia", "endodoncia", "tratamiento endodóntico", "foramen apical" y "pulpa dental". La extracción de datos fue realizada por dos evaluadores independientes, que identificaron 2534 resúmenes. En cuanto a la distribución del financiamiento, se pudo observar que el 33,93% (n=860) de los estudios fueron financiados. Entre las entidades financiadoras que aportaron mayor financiamiento se encuentran la Coordinación de Perfeccionamiento del Personal de Educación Superior (CAPES) (n=211; 24,53%) y el Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (CNPq) (n=163; 18, 95 %), que son instituciones financieras nacionales. Al analizar la distribución geográfica del financiamiento, se observó que el Sudeste poseía el 72,45%(n=207), siendo el estado de São Paulo el que recibió más incentivos (56,68%, n=211). La región Norte recibió el menor número de financiamiento. En el análisis proporcional (número de trabajos financiados y presencia de Programas de Postgrado en Odontología por región), el Sudeste presentó 3,87 financiamientos por programa. Durante la década evaluada, las investigaciones en el área de Endodoncia presentadas en la SBPqO aumentaron hasta 2018 y luego disminuyeron. La mayoría de las investigaciones se han centrado en el área temática de los materiales endodónticos (AU).
The aim of this study was to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the scientific production in Endodontics presented at the annual meetings of the Brazilian Society of Dental Research (SBPqO) evaluating its main sources of funding. A retrospective observational study was carried out analyzing abstracts published in the SBPqO proceedings in all categories, over a period of 10 years (2011 to 2021). For data collection, the keywords "Endodontics," "root canal," "endodontic treatment," "apical foramen," and "dental pulp" were used. Data extraction was performed by two independent reviewers who identified 2534 abstracts. Regarding the distribution of funding, it was observed that 33.93% (n=860) of the studies were funded. Among the funding agencies, the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) (n=211; 24.53%) and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) (n=163; 18.95%) were the ones that provided the mostfunding, both being national funding institutions. When analyzing the geographical distribution of funding, the Southeast region accounted for 72.45% (n=270), with the state of São Paulo receiving the most support (56.68%, n=211). The North region received the lowest amount of funding. In the proportional analysis (number of funded studies and the presence of Postgraduate Programs in Dentistry by region), the Southeast presented 3.87 fundings per program. throughout the evaluated decade, research in the field of Endodontics presented at SBPqO increased until 2018 and then decreased. Most of the research focused on the thematic area of endodontic materials (AU).
Pesquisa em Odontologia , Educação de Pós-Graduação em Odontologia , Endodontia , Financiamento da Pesquisa , Estudos RetrospectivosRESUMO
Este artigo relata a experiência da monitoria acadêmica vinculada à atividade de ensino curricular de Introdução à Metodologia Científica do curso de graduação em Odontologia, em uma Universidade pública do Sul do Brasil. Traz a percepção de estudantes-monitores, modalidade presencial e remota, no período de 2021-2022. A atividade acontece no primeiro ano do curso, pretende tornar o estudante apto a ler criticamente artigos científicos, reconhecer etapas do método científico e elaborar projetos de pesquisa. O contexto pandêmicodo ensino remoto emergencial (ERE) trouxe a necessidade de adaptação das atividades de ensino e de monitoria, as quais passaram a ser síncronas-assíncronas, mediadas por tecnologias de informação e comunicação. Foi um período em que o papel pedagógico dosmonitores ganhou destaque, considerando a necessidade de promover a interação, despertar o interesse e estimular a participação dos estudantes nas atividades remotas propostas. Os monitores atuaram de modo articulado, reorganizando o ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Moodle, acompanhando/participando das atividades, esclarecendo dúvidas e orientando os estudantes, em diálogo constante com os professores. Após capacitação e com supervisão docente, os monitores contribuíram na avaliação dos projetos de pesquisa. No retorno às atividades presenciais, os monitores apoiaram os professores na elaboração do plano de ensino, agregando estratégias pedagógicas constituídas no ERE. Atuar na monitoria acadêmica possibilitou, ao estudante-monitor, crescimento acadêmico-pessoal e experienciar à docência, aproximando-o da pesquisa científica e do aprendizado interativo-colaborativo. Competências de comunicação, resolução de problemas e didático-pedagógicas foram percebidas pelos monitores. Há o desafio permanente de conciliar a vida acadêmica-pessoal às atribuições da monitoria (AU).
Este artículo relata la experiencia de tutoría académica en la actividad de enseñanza curricular de Introducción a la Metodología Científica del curso de Odontología en una universidad pública del Sur de Brasil. Trae percepción de estudiantes-tutores, modalidad presencial y remota, en el período de 2021-2022. La actividad ocurre en primer año del curso, pretende que el estudiante sea capaz de leer críticamente artículos científicos, reconocer etapas del método científico y elaborar proyectos de investigación. El contexto pandémico de enseñanza remota de emergencia (ERE) trajo necesidad de adaptación de enseñanza y de tutoría, las cuales pasaron a ser sincrónicas-asincrónicas, mediadas por tecnologías de información y comunicación. Fue un período que el papel pedagógico de los tutores cobró importancia, considerando la necesidad de promover interacción, despertar interés y estimular participación de los estudiantes en actividades propuestas. Los tutores actuaron de manera articulada, reorganizando el ambiente virtual de aprendizaje Moodle, acompañando/participando de actividades, aclarando dudas y orientando a los estudiantes, en diálogo constante con los maestros. Después de la capacitación y con supervisión docente, los tutores contribuyeron en evaluación de los proyectos de investigación. Volviendo a actividades presenciales, los tutores apoyaron a los maestros en elaboración del plan de enseñanza, agregando estrategias pedagógicas constituidas en ERE. Actuar en tutoría académica posibilitó, al estudiante-monitor, crecimiento académico-personal y experimentar la docencia, acercándolo de investigación científica y de aprendizaje interactivo-colaborativo. Competencias de comunicación, resolución de problemas y didáctico-pedagógicas fueron percibidas por los tutores. Hay el desafío permanente de conciliar la vida académica-personal a las atribuciones de tutoría (AU).
This article reports on an experience of academic mentoring in the curricular teaching activity of Introduction to Scientific Methodology, which is part of the undergraduate Dentistry course offered at a public university located in the South of Brazil. Itpresents the perception of students-mentors, in both the in-person and remote modalities, in the period 2021-2022. The activity takes place in the first year of the course and aims to enable students to read scientific articles critically, recognize the stages of the scientific method, and develop research projects. The pandemic context of emergency remote teaching (ERT) brought the need to adapt teaching and mentoring activities, which became synchronous-asynchronous, mediated by information and communication technologies. In this period, the pedagogical role of mentors gained prominence in view of the need to promote interaction, arouse interest, and stimulate student participation in the proposed remote activities. The mentors acted in a coordinated way,reorganizing the Moodle virtual learning environment, monitoring/participating in activities, answering questions and guiding students, in constant dialog with the teachers. After training and with teacher supervision, the mentors contributed to the assessment of research projects. Upon returning to in-person activities, the mentors supported teachers in developing the teaching plan, adding pedagogical strategies established in ERT. Academic mentoring enabled the student-mentor to experience academic-personal growth, teaching, scientific research, and interactive-collaborative learning, and to perceive communication, problem-solving, and didactic-pedagogical skills. Balancing academic-personal life with mentoring responsibilities is a constant challenge (AU).
Estudantes de Odontologia , Educação em Odontologia , Mídias Sociais , Tutoria/métodos , Aprendizagem , Percepção Social , Pesquisa em Odontologia , Educação a Distância , Currículo , COVID-19/transmissãoRESUMO
Aim: This study aimed to assess the reporting characteristics of systematic review abstracts published in the proceedings of the Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica (SBPqO) meeting. Methods: We selected abstracts published in the SBPqO meeting proceedings of 2019 and 2020, mentioning that a systematic review was conducted in the title, objective or methods sections. One researcher performed the screening and the data extraction after a pilot test training. The following data were extracted: affiliation of the primary author, dental specialization, the term "systematic review" mentioned in the title, reporting of the objective, reporting of eligibility criteria, reporting of information sources, reporting of the number of included studies and if a meta-analysis was performed. A descriptive analysis of the data was performed with data summarized as frequencies. Results: We included 235 abstracts. A total of 20 studies were from the Universidade de Uberlândia (8.5%), and the main specialization was Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry, with 47 studies (20%). Most of the studies mentioned the term "systematic review" in the title (n=219; 93.2%) and reported the objective (n=231; 98.3%). A great majority of studies did not report the eligibility criteria (n=97; 41.3%) or it was classified as unclear (n=96; 40.8%). The great majority of studies only reported the databases searched (n=103; 43.8%) or databases and date of search (n=74; 31.5%). Most of the studies reported the number of included studies (n=204; 86.8%). Conclusion: Based on this study, the reporting characteristics of systematic review abstracts published in the proceedings of the SBPqO meeting are satisfactory. However, there is room for improvement
Congressos como Assunto , Pesquisa em Odontologia/estatística & dados numéricos , Indexação e Redação de Resumos , Relatório de Pesquisa , Revisões Sistemáticas como AssuntoRESUMO
This study aimed to survey and analyze the profile of experimental dental research in animals, verifying its trends. We evaluated studies developed with the use of animals in vivo, published in 10 dental journals with high impact factors, from 2015 to 2020. From 1652 studies retrieved, 594 involved in vivo experimentation on animals and were analyzed further. Rats were the species most used and with the highest mean of animals per study. Ferrets, although presenting the lowest rate of publications, had the second highest mean of animals per study. Periodontics was the dental specialty with the highest number of publications, while oral rehabilitation had the lowest number. The data on the institution responsible for reviewing animal research protocols approval, sample size, anesthesia and analgesia were provided in 93.10%, 83%, 70.54% and 23.74% of studies, respectively. In 53% of studies, euthanasia was specified and anesthetic overdose was the method most used. Over the period analyzed, there was a reduction in animal studies in vivo, and periodontics was the specialty that most used this experimental model. Although most studies mentioned approval by an ethics committee, some publications neglected to mention sample size, anesthesia and euthanasia. The omission of essential information may raise scientific and ethical concerns.
Anestesia , Experimentação Animal , Animais , Ratos , Pesquisa em Odontologia , Furões , Animais de LaboratórioRESUMO
O objetivo da pesquisa foi analisar a produção científica procedente da atividade curricular de Trabalho de Iniciação Científica, do período de 2003 a 2017, dos alunos do curso de Odontologia de uma universidade comunitária. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, mediante a coleta de dados secundários. As informações foram obtidas junto aos Resumos das Semanas de Iniciação Científica do Curso, à Plataforma Lattes e à Plataforma Sucupira. A análise dos dados ocorreu através de estatística descritiva. Foram analisados 456 trabalhos. A tipologia de pesquisa mais frequente foi o Estudo Transversal (59%). Um total de 18 diferentes áreas temáticas foi identificado, sendo as mais frequentes: Odontologia Social e Preventiva; Materiais Odontológicos; e Odontopediatria que juntas somaram 52,1%. Em cinco áreas temáticas foi possível perceber a presença de 6 eixos norteadores da pesquisa, segundo critérios da Agenda Nacional de Prioridades de Pesquisa em Saúde. Quanto à divulgação dos resultados destas investigações, 37,7% (N=172) foram apresentadas em Eventos Científicos externos à Universidade e 23,7% (N=108) publicadas em periódicos científicos. Pode-se concluir que a atividade curricular de iniciação científica dos acadêmicos do curso analisado tem contribuído para a produção de conhecimento na área da Saúde Coletiva, bem como, evidencia um fortalecimento da divulgação dos resultados das pesquisas no âmbito externo à instituição.
The objective of the research was to analyze the scientific production derived from the curricular activity of Scientific Initiation Work, from 2003 to 2017, of Dentistry' students from a community university. This is an exploratory study, through the collection of secondary data. The information was obtained from the Abstracts of the Scientific Initiation Weeks of the Course, the Lattes Platform and the Sucupira Platform. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics. 456 papers were analyzed. The most frequent type of research was the Cross-Sectional Study (59%). A total of 18 different thematic areas were identified, the most frequent of which are: Social and Preventive Dentistry; Dental Materials; and Pediatric Dentistry, which together accounted for 52.1%. In five thematic areas, it was possible to perceive the resence of 6 guiding axes of the research, according to criteria of the National Agenda of Priorities in Health Research. As for the dissemination of the results of these investigations, 37.7% (N = 172) were presented at Scientific Events outside the University and 23.7% (N = 108) published in scientific journals. It can be concluded that curricular activity of scientific initiation in the analysed course has contributed to the production of knowledge in the area of Public Health, as well as, it evidences a strengthening of the dissemination of research results outside the institution.
Estudantes de Odontologia , Pesquisa em Odontologia , Educação em OdontologiaRESUMO
Los dientes animales de las diferentes especies (hu- mano, equino, cerdo, etc.) están constituidos histológi- camente por cuatro tejidos fundamentales. Ellos son: esmalte, dentina, cemento y pulpa dental. Su compo- sición, estructura, morfología y tamaño son disímiles para cada género. Según numerosas investigaciones, los dientes de bovino serían los de elección por ser de fácil obtención y por tener muy pocas, o ninguna, diferencias tanto a nivel macro como microscópico con respecto a los dientes humanos. El objetivo de la presente revisión es aportar información actualizada acerca de las características histológicas de los tejidos dentarios bovinos y profundizar el conocimiento de las similitudes y diferencias de los dientes bovinos y humanos dando soporte a otros estudios compa- rativos y promoviendo la utilización de las piezas dentarias bovinas en trabajos de investigación en odontología (AU)
The animal teeth of the different species (human, equine, pig, etc.) are histologically constituted by four fundamental tissues: enamel, dentin, cement and dental pulp. Their composition, structure, morphology and size are dissimilar for each gender. According to numerous investigations, bovine teeth would be the ones of choice because they are easy to obtain and have very few or no differences, both at the macro and microscopic levels, with respect to human teeth. The objective of this review is to provide updated information about the histological characteristics of bovine dental tissues and deepen the knowledge of the similarities and differences between bovine and human teeth, supporting other comparative studies and promoting the use of bovine dental pieces in research work in dentistry (AU)
Humanos , Animais , Bovinos , Dente/anatomia & histologia , Bovinos , Pesquisa em Odontologia , Cemento Dentário/anatomia & histologia , Esmalte Dentário/anatomia & histologia , Polpa Dentária/anatomia & histologia , Dentina/anatomia & histologiaRESUMO
Este estudoavaliouo perfil de pesquisa acadêmica do Curso de Odontologia do Centro Universitário Uninovafapi por meio da análise de todososTrabalhos de Conclusão de Curso (TCC)apresentados no período de 2014/1 a 2019/1. Trata-se de pesquisa documental de caráter exploratório realizada no repositório de TCC da instituição. Dos 267 TCC defendidos no período pesquisado, 262atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Os resultados apontaram que anota média foi 9,3±0,9 pontos. Observou-se que a área mais escolhida pelos alunos foia Ortodontia (17,2%). Apenas 19(7,3%)foram publicados em periódicos científicos. Conclui-se que a Ortodontia é a especialidade que desperta maior interesse nos acadêmicos de Odontologia para escrita do seu trabalho de conclusão. Além disso, verificou-se a necessidadede reflexão do corpo docente e discente para a concretização de publicações cientificas ainda na graduação (AU).
This study analyzed the academic research profile of the Dentistry Course at UninovafapiUniversity Centre through the analysis of all monographs presented in the period from 2014.1 to 2019.1. This is an exploratory research carried out in institution's monograph repository. The collected data were tabulated and analyzed with Microsoft Excel®software. Of the 267 monographs, 262 were included. The results showed that mean grade was 9.3 ± 0.9 points. It was observed that the area most chosen by students is Orthodontics (17.2%). Only 19 were published in scientific journals. We conclude that Orthodontics is the specialty with the greatest interest. In addition, it is important for teaching staff and students to think about achieving scientific publications during the undergraduate course (AU).
Humanos , Estudantes de Odontologia , Pesquisa em Odontologia/métodos , Comunicação e Divulgação Científica , Comunicação Acadêmica , OrtodontiaRESUMO
RESUMEN Introducción: las habilidades investigativas se insertan en la formación del profesional de estomatología como una de las dimensiones claves del proceso de formación. Objetivo: evaluar la percepción de los estudiantes acerca del estado actual de desarrollo de las habilidades investigativas en el ciclo clínico de la carrera de Estomatología de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas. Materiales y métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva, de corte transversal, en la que participaron 68 estudiantes de tercer a quinto año, durante la culminación del curso 2018-2019. Fueron seleccionados a través de un muestreo intencional. Se empleó un cuestionario de percepción del dominio de las habilidades relacionadas con el manejo de la información científica, el diseño y ejecución de investigaciones, y el análisis de situación de salud bucal. Resultados: los estudiantes reconocieron tener dominio de la habilidad para el manejo de la información científica y para el análisis de situación de salud bucal. Las acciones menos dominadas fueron la recopilación de información y el diseño de un perfil de proyecto de investigación. La Jornada Científica Estudiantil y el trabajo de curso fueron las vías más empleadas para la divulgación científica. Predominaron los obstáculos externos, seguidos de obstáculos asociados al propio dominio de la habilidad para el diseño y la ejecución de la investigación científica. Conclusión: los estudiantes del ciclo clínico de la carrera de Estomatología reconocen poseer un adecuado dominio de las habilidades investigativas, lo cual contribuye de modo satisfactorio a la formación profesional. No obstante, resulta necesario promover acciones educativas que tributen a las operaciones menos dominadas y estimulen la inserción estudiantil en proyectos de investigación para la sistematización de estas habilidades (AU).
ABSTRACT Introduction: research skills are inserted in the training of the stomatology professional as one of the key dimensions of the training process. Objective: to evaluate the perception of students about the current state of development of research skills in the clinical cycle of the pre-graduate studies of Stomatology of the University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas. Materials and methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional research was carried out, involving 68 third to fifth year students, during the co a descriptive, cross-sectional research was carried out, involving 68 third to fifth year students, during the completion of the 2018-2019 course. They were chosen through intentional sampling. A perception questionnaire was used for the mastering skills related to the management of scientific information, the design and execution of research, and oral health situation analysis. Results: the students recognized to master the ability of handling scientific information and oral health situation analysis. Less mastered actions were the collection of information and the design of a research project profile. The Student Science Day and the course work were the most widely used ways for scientific dissemination. External difficulties predominated, followed by difficulties associated with the own mastery of the ability to design and execute scientific research. Conclusion: the students in the clinical cycle of the pre-grade studies of Stomatology recognize having an adequate mastery of research skills, which contributes satisfactorily to professional training. However, it is necessary to promote educational actions that contribute to the less dominated operations and stimulate the insertion of students in research projects for the systematization of these skills (AU).