Atendiendo a las resoluciones WHA58.5 y WHA74.7, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) se ha comprometido a brindar apoyo a los Estados Miembros en la planificación de la preparación para pandemias mediante la prestación de orientación y asistencia técnica. Esta sinopsis de política responde a las solicitudes nacionales y regionales de un enfoque integrado de la preparación para pandemias causadas por agentes patógenos respiratorios que esté en consonancia con el Reglamento Sanitario Internacional (2005) (RSI) y las orientaciones de la OMS relativas a la preparación de la respuesta nacional frente a emergencias de salud y desastres. En esta sinopsis de política se presentan los elementos fundamentales con los que se alienta a los Estados Miembros a: a) formular un enfoque integrado para la planificación de la preparación para pandemias causadas por agentes patógenos respiratorios y b) mejorar las capacidades funcionales subnacionales y nacionales para la preparación. Además, se destacan las medidas recomendadas a los Estados Miembros cuando estos inician o actualizan el proceso de planificación de la preparación para una pandemia a nivel subnacional y nacional. La sinopsis sirve para brindar a los Estados Miembros y a los asociados un fundamento y una orientación sobre estos elementos básicos y las medidas recomendadas, al tiempo que la OMS colabora con ellos en la elaboración de un conjunto de recursos para pandemias causadas por agentes patógenos respiratorios, un repositorio virtual de materiales sobre la planificación de la preparación para las partes interesadas nacionales, regionales y mundiales. La planificación de la preparación para pandemias causadas por agentes patógenos respiratorios permite a los Estados Miembros formular planes en relación con los aspectos que son comunes a los agentes patógenos con una vía de transmisión respiratoria, tanto ya conocidos como nuevos. En consonancia con el plan estratégico de preparación, disposición operativa y respuesta para poner fin a la emergencia mundial causada por la COVID-19 para el 2022, la OMS alienta a los Estados Miembros a considerar un enfoque integrado de la planificación de la preparación frente a los agentes patógenos respiratorios que se ajuste a sus procesos de planificación nacional y ciclos presupuestarios existentes
Influenza Aviária , Insuficiência Respiratória , COVID-19 , Influenza Humana , Vigilância em Saúde Pública , PandemiasRESUMO
INTRODUÇÃO Cardiomiopatia (CMP) induzida por estresse, como a cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo, pode ter características clínicas semelhantes à isquemia miocárdica, como elevação de troponinas, alterações no Eletrocardiograma (ECG), mas sem obstrução coronariana ou lesões isquêmicas. Semelhante, a CMP induzida por Feocromocitoma possui sintomas também semelhantes a CMP hipertrófica, hipertensão e edema pulmonar devido a fatores cardiogênicos ou não cardiogênicos. Ambas supracitadas podem ter associação com excesso de catecolaminas, mas raramente estão associadas. RELATO DO CASO Paciente masculino, 46 anos, diabético, com história de estresse por situações familiares importantes, recentemente. Chega no serviço de emergência, com queixas de dispnéia, náuseas e êmese, iniciados há 1 dia, associado a retenção urinária e parestesia em mãos e paraparesia de membros inferiores. Refere também tratamento com Amoxicilina + Clavulanato há um mês por Colecistite Aguda. Na chegada, paciente se encontrava taquicárdico, taquipneico e saturando 98% em uso de óculos nasal a 2l/min, além de acidose metabólica. Realizou-se uma tomografia computadorizada de abdome, que evidenciou uma massa em Adrenal, sugestivo de Feocromocitoma, bem como metanefrinas urinárias e catecolaminas positivas. Ainda na emergência, evoluiu com insuficiência respiratória aguda por edema agudo de pulmão, necessitando de manejo com Nitroglicerina e 03 ampolas de Furosemida e uso de máscara não reinalante a 10l/min. Foi encaminhado para Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, onde foi realizado um ECG com alterações primárias da repolarização, seguido de alterações nos valores de Troponina e alterações no Ecocardiograma (ECO) de acinesia apical, hipocinesia de todos os segmentos médios e contratilidade preservada em segmentos basais. Cateterismo cardíaco com achados semelhantes ao ECO e presença de balonamento na ventriculografia, além de ausência de lesões obstrutivas em coronárias. CONCLUSÃO A excepcionalidade desse caso diz respeito ao quadro de síndrome coronariana aguda com dois motivos plausíveis e evidenciados na condução do caso, sendo eles: CMP de Takotsubo e a induzida por Feocromocitoma. Fica evidente, pela evolução do quadro, a gravidade do mesmo e a importância de considerar diagnósticos diferenciais, inclusive os menos comuns.
Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Feocromocitoma , Cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo , Edema Pulmonar , Insuficiência Respiratória , Cateterismo Cardíaco , Catecolaminas , Colecistite Aguda , Dispneia , EletrocardiografiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to compare HFNC therapy to noninvasive ventilation (NIV/BiPAP) in children with bronchiolitis who developed respiratory failure. We hypothesized that HFNC therapy would not be inferior to NIV. METHODS: This was a noninferiority open-label randomized single-center clinical trial conducted at a tertiary Brazilian hospital. Children under 2 years of age with no chronic conditions admitted for bronchiolitis that progressed to mild to moderate respiratory distress (Wood-Downes-Férres score < 8) were randomized to either the HFNC group or NIV (BiPAP) group through sealed envelopes. Vital signs, FiO2, Wood-Downes-Férres score and HFNC/NIV parameters were recorded up to 96 h after therapy initiation. Children who developed respiratory failure despite receiving initial therapy were intubated. Crossover was not allowed. The primary outcome analyzed was invasive mechanical ventilation requirement. The secondary outcomes were sedation usage, invasive mechanical ventilation duration, the PICU LOS, the hospital LOS, and mortality rate. RESULTS: A total of 126 patients were allocated to the NIV group (132 randomized and 6 excluded), and 126 were allocated to the HFNC group (136 randomized and 10 excluded). The median age was 2.5 (1-6) months in the NIV group and 3 (2-7) months in the HFNC group (p = 0,07). RSV was the most common virus isolated in both groups (72% vs. 71.4%, NIV and HFNC, respectively). Thirty-seven patients were intubated in the NIV group and 29 were intubated in the HFNC group (29% vs. 23%, p = 0.25). According to the Farrington-Manning test, with a noninferiority margin of 15%, the difference was 6.3% in favor of HFNC therapy (95% confidence interval: -4.5 to 17.1%, p < 0.0001). There was no significant difference in the PICU LOS or sedation duration. Sedation requirement, hospital LOS and invasive mechanical ventilation duration were lower in the HFNC group. CONCLUSION: HFNC therapy is noninferior to NIV in infants admitted with mild to moderate respiratory distress caused by bronchiolitis that progresses to respiratory failure. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBERS: U1111-1262-1740; RBR-104z966s. Registered 03/01/2023 (retrospectively registered). ReBEC: .
Bronquiolite , Ventilação não Invasiva , Oxigenoterapia , Insuficiência Respiratória , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Doença Aguda , Brasil , Bronquiolite/terapia , Bronquiolite/complicações , Cânula , Tempo de Internação , Ventilação não Invasiva/métodos , Oxigenoterapia/métodos , Insuficiência Respiratória/terapia , Insuficiência Respiratória/etiologia , Resultado do TratamentoRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: Patients with acute respiratory failure often require mechanical ventilation to reduce the work of breathing and improve gas exchange; however, this may exacerbate lung injury. Protective ventilation strategies, characterized by low tidal volumes (≤ 8mL/kg of predicted body weight) and limited plateau pressure below 30cmH2O, have shown improved outcomes in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. However, in the transition to spontaneous ventilation, it can be challenging to maintain tidal volume within protective levels, and it is unclear whether low tidal volumes during spontaneous ventilation impact patient outcomes. We developed a study protocol to estimate the prevalence of low tidal volume ventilation in the first 24 hours of spontaneous ventilation in patients with hypoxemic acute respiratory failure and its association with ventilator-free days and survival. METHODS: We designed a multicenter, multinational, cohort study with a 28-day follow-up that will include patients with acute respiratory failure, defined as a partial oxygen pressure/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio < 300mmHg, in transition to spontaneous ventilation in intensive care units in Latin America. RESULTS: We plan to include 422 patients in ten countries. The primary outcomes are the prevalence of low tidal volume in the first 24 hours of spontaneous ventilation and ventilator-free days on day 28. The secondary outcomes are intensive care unit and hospital mortality, incidence of asynchrony and return to controlled ventilation and sedation. CONCLUSION: In this study, we will assess the prevalence of low tidal volume during spontaneous ventilation and its association with clinical outcomes, which can inform clinical practice and future clinical trials.
Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , Síndrome do Desconforto Respiratório , Volume de Ventilação Pulmonar , Humanos , América Latina/epidemiologia , Síndrome do Desconforto Respiratório/terapia , Síndrome do Desconforto Respiratório/epidemiologia , Síndrome do Desconforto Respiratório/fisiopatologia , Síndrome do Desconforto Respiratório/mortalidade , Respiração Artificial , Insuficiência Respiratória/terapia , Insuficiência Respiratória/epidemiologiaRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: The postoperative (PO) period after cardiac surgery is associated with the occurrence of respiratory complications. Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) is largely used as a ventilatory support strategy after the interruption of invasive mechanical ventilation. However, the variables associated with NIPPV prescription are unclear. OBJECTIVE: To describe the literature on predictors of NIPPV prescription in patients during the PO period of cardiac surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This systematic review was registered on the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) platform in December 2021 (CRD42021291973). Bibliographic searches were performed in February 2022 using the PubMed, Lilacs, Embase and PEDro databases, with no year or language restrictions. The Predictors for the prescription of NIPPV were considered among patients who achieved curative NIPPV. RESULTS: A total of 349 articles were identified, of which four were deemed eligible and were included in this review. Three studies were retrospective studies, and one was a prospective safety pilot study. The total sample size in each study ranged from 109 to 1657 subjects, with a total of 3456 participants, of whom 283 realized NIPPV. Curative NIPPV was the only form of NIPPV in 75% of the studies, which presented this form of prescription in 5-9% of the total sample size, with men around 65 years old being the majority of the participants receiving curative NIPPV. The main indication for curative NIPPV was acute respiratory failure. Only one study realized prophylactic NIPPV (28% of 32 participants). The main predictors for the prescription of curative NIPPV in the PO period of cardiac surgery observed in this study were elevated body mass index (BMI), hypercapnia, PO lung injury, cardiogenic oedema and pneumonia. CONCLUSIONS: BMI and lung alterations related to gas exchange disturbances are major predictors for NIPPV prescription in patients during the PO period of cardiac surgery. The identification of these predictors can benefit clinical decision-making regarding the prescription of NIPPV and help conserve human and material resources, thereby preventing the indiscriminate use of NIPPV.
Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Cardíacos , Ventilação não Invasiva , Humanos , Ventilação não Invasiva/métodos , Ventilação não Invasiva/estatística & dados numéricos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Cardíacos/efeitos adversos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/etiologia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/epidemiologia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/prevenção & controle , Período Pós-Operatório , Insuficiência Respiratória/terapia , Insuficiência Respiratória/etiologia , Respiração com Pressão Positiva/métodos , MasculinoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Adjusting trunk inclination from a semi-recumbent position to a supine-flat position or vice versa in patients with respiratory failure significantly affects numerous aspects of respiratory physiology including respiratory mechanics, oxygenation, end-expiratory lung volume, and ventilatory efficiency. Despite these observed effects, the current clinical evidence regarding this positioning manoeuvre is limited. This study undertakes a scoping review of patients with respiratory failure undergoing mechanical ventilation to assess the effect of trunk inclination on physiological lung parameters. METHODS: The PubMed, Cochrane, and Scopus databases were systematically searched from 2003 to 2023. INTERVENTIONS: Changes in trunk inclination. MEASUREMENTS: Four domains were evaluated in this study: 1) respiratory mechanics, 2) ventilation distribution, 3) oxygenation, and 4) ventilatory efficiency. RESULTS: After searching the three databases and removing duplicates, 220 studies were screened. Of these, 37 were assessed in detail, and 13 were included in the final analysis, comprising 274 patients. All selected studies were experimental, and assessed respiratory mechanics, ventilation distribution, oxygenation, and ventilatory efficiency, primarily within 60 min post postural change. CONCLUSION: In patients with acute respiratory failure, transitioning from a supine to a semi-recumbent position leads to decreased respiratory system compliance and increased airway driving pressure. Additionally, C-ARDS patients experienced an improvement in ventilatory efficiency, which resulted in lower PaCO2 levels. Improvements in oxygenation were observed in a few patients and only in those who exhibited an increase in EELV upon moving to a semi-recumbent position. Therefore, the trunk inclination angle must be accurately reported in patients with respiratory failure under mechanical ventilation.
Insuficiência Respiratória , Humanos , Insuficiência Respiratória/fisiopatologia , Insuficiência Respiratória/terapia , Respiração Artificial/métodos , Mecânica Respiratória/fisiologia , Postura/fisiologia , Posicionamento do Paciente/métodos , Tronco/fisiopatologia , Tronco/fisiologiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To assess whether the respiratory oxygenation index (ROX index) measured after the start of high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy can help identify the need for intubation in patients with acute respiratory failure due to coronavirus disease 2019. METHODS: This retrospective, observational, multicenter study was conducted at the intensive care units of six Brazilian hospitals from March to December 2020. The primary outcome was the need for intubation up to 7 days after starting the high-flow nasal cannula. RESULTS: A total of 444 patients were included in the study, and 261 (58.7%) were subjected to intubation. An analysis of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) showed that the ability to discriminate between successful and failed high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy within 7 days was greater for the ROX index measured at 24 hours (AUROC 0.80; 95%CI 0.76 - 0.84). The median interval between high-flow nasal cannula initiation and intubation was 24 hours (24 - 72), and the most accurate predictor of intubation obtained before 24 hours was the ROX index measured at 12 hours (AUROC 0.75; 95%CI 0.70 - 0.79). Kaplan-Meier curves revealed a greater probability of intubation within 7 days in patients with a ROX index ≤ 5.54 at 12 hours (hazard ratio 3.07; 95%CI 2.24 - 4.20) and ≤ 5.96 at 24 hours (hazard ratio 5.15; 95%CI 3.65 - 7.27). CONCLUSION: The ROX index can aid in the early identification of patients with acute respiratory failure due to COVID-19 who will progress to the failure of high-flow nasal cannula supportive therapy and the need for intubation.
COVID-19 , Cânula , Intubação Intratraqueal , Oxigenoterapia , Humanos , COVID-19/terapia , COVID-19/complicações , Intubação Intratraqueal/efeitos adversos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Oxigenoterapia/métodos , Oxigenoterapia/instrumentação , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Brasil/epidemiologia , Insuficiência Respiratória/terapia , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , SARS-CoV-2RESUMO
This pilot study aimed to investigate the relation between cardio-respiratory parameters derived from Central Venous Pressure (CVP) waveform and Extubation Failure (EF) in mechanically ventilated ICU patients during post-extubation period. This study also proposes a new methodology for analysing these parameters during rest/sleep periods to try to improve the identification of EF. We conducted a prospective observational study, computing CVP-derived parameters including breathing effort, spectral analyses, and entropy in twenty critically ill patients post-extubation. The Dynamic Warping Index (DWi) was calculated from the respiratory component extracted from the CVP signal to identify rest/sleep states. The obtained parameters from EF patients and patients without EF were compared both during arbitrary periods and during reduced DWi (rest/sleep). We have analysed data from twenty patients of which nine experienced EF. Our findings may suggest significantly increased respiratory effort in EF patients compared to those successfully extubated. Our study also suggests the occurrence of significant change in the frequency dispersion of the cardiac signal component. We also identified a possible improvement in the differentiation between the two groups of patients when assessed during rest/sleep states. Although with caveats regarding the sample size, the results of this pilot study may suggest that CVP-derived cardio-respiratory parameters are valuable for monitoring respiratory failure during post-extubation, which could aid in managing non-invasive interventions and possibly reduce the incidence of EF. Our findings also indicate the possible importance of considering sleep/rest state when assessing cardio-respiratory parameters, which could enhance respiratory failure detection/monitoring.
Extubação , Pressão Venosa Central , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , Respiração Artificial , Sono , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Projetos Piloto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Extubação/métodos , Estudos Prospectivos , Idoso , Monitorização Fisiológica/métodos , Respiração Artificial/métodos , Estado Terminal , Descanso , Desmame do Respirador/métodos , Adulto , Insuficiência Respiratória/terapia , Insuficiência Respiratória/fisiopatologia , Respiração , Cuidados Críticos/métodosRESUMO
La bronquitis plástica es una enfermedad infrecuente y poco estudiada. Se caracteriza por la obstrucción parcial o total de la vía aérea inferior por moldes o yesos gomosos y firmes, compuestos por múltiples sustancias como fibrina, mucina y otros, que se acumulan en la luz bronquial. En la actualidad, no hay un consenso de la fisiopatología real. Puede presentarse con síntomas leves como tos, sibilancias y disnea, hasta eventos fatales de insuficiencia respiratoria. Se clasifican en tipo I (inflamatorios) y tipo II (acelulares). La presencia de la bronquitis plástica es una complicación de varias enfermedades y está relacionada con procedimientos correctivos de cardiopatías congénitas (procedimiento de Fontan). El diagnóstico se hace a través de la identificación de los yesos bronquiales, ya sea cuando el paciente los expectora o por broncoscopía. Se han utilizado múltiples terapias que solo tienen evidencias anecdóticas. En los últimos años se han observado buenos resultados con el uso de heparinas, así como el alteplasa nebulizado e instilado por broncoscopia.
Plastic bronchitis is a rare and little-studied disease. It is characterized by partial or total obstruction of the lower airway by rubbery and firm molds or plasters, made up of multiple substances that accumulate in the bronchial lumen. Currently, there is no consensus on real pathophysiology. It can present itself with mild symptoms such as cough, wheezing and dyspnea, to fatal events of respiratory failure. They are classified into type I (inflammatory) and type II (acellular). The presence of plastic bronchitis is a complication of several diseases and in corrective procedures for congenital heart disease (Fontan procedure). Diagnosis is made by identifying bronchial casts, either by the patient expectorating them or by bronchoscopy. Multiple therapies have been used that only have anecdotal evidence. In recent years, good results have been observed with the use of heparins and tPA nebulized and instilled by bronchoscop.
Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Bronquite/diagnóstico , Broncoscopia , Técnica de Fontan , Pneumonia , Insuficiência Respiratória , Choque Séptico , Fibrina , Traqueostomia , Sons Respiratórios , Tosse , Obstrução das Vias Respiratórias/diagnóstico , DispneiaRESUMO
Introducción: La cánula nasal de alto flujo es un sistema que utiliza una mezcla de aire-oxígeno humidificado y calentado con un caudal de hasta 70 litros por minuto. Es utilizada mayoritariamente en la insuficiencia respiratoria aguda de origen hipoxémico, donde ha demostrado brindar mayor comodidad y poder resolutivo de la hipoxemia, en comparación con la oxigenoterapia convencional. Aunque se conocen sus indicaciones y estrategia de seguimiento, en la práctica clínica no es claro su proceso de destete/desmonte. Objetivo: Identificar en la bibliografía la literatura existente acerca de estrategias de destete/desmonte de la cánula nasal de alto flujo en adultos. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en las bases de datos del portal regional de la BVS, PubMed, Web Of Science, Scopus y Google scholar, sin límite de tiempo y es- tructurando una ecuación PIO con palabras clave y operadores booleanos. Se asumieron artículos publicados en inglés y español, texto completo. Resultados: En la bibliografía, aún se reporta discrepancia en el proceso de destete y desmonte de la cánula nasal de alto flujo, pero en la mayoría de los estudios encontrados en esta revisión se propone disminuir la FiO2 primero de forma gradual (5-10%) hasta valores de 30-50% y, posteriormente, el flujo. Para desmontarla, se podría considerar tener una FiO2 entre 30-50%, flujo entre 20-30 litros por minuto, SaO2 >92%, con adecuada mecánica respiratoria y estado de conciencia. Conclusión: Aún no existe unanimidad en el proceso de destete/desmonte en la cánula nasal de alto flujo en el paciente adulto.
Introduction: The high-flow nasal cannula is a system that uses a humidified and heated air-oxygen mixture with a flow rate of up to 70 liters per minute. It is mostly used in acute respiratory failure of hypoxemic origin, where it has been shown to provide greater comfort and resolving power of hypoxemia, compared to conventional oxygen therapy. Although its indications and follow-up strategy are known, in clinical practice the weaning/weaning process is not clear. Objective: To identify in the bibliography the existing literature on weaning/ weaning strategies of high-flow nasal cannula in adults. Methods: A bibliographic review was carried out in the databases of the regional portal of the BVS, PubMed, Web Of Science, Scopus and Google scholar, without time limit and structuring a PIO equation with keywords and boléan connectors. Articles published in English and Spanish, full text, were assumed. Results: The literature still reports discrepancy in the process of weaning and disassembling the high-flow nasal cannula, but most of the studies found in this review propose to decrease the FiO2 first gradually (5-10%) to values of 30-50% and then the flow. To dismantle it, one could consider having a FiO2 between 30-50%, flow between 20-30 liters per minute, SaO2 >92%, with adequate respiratory mechanics and state of consciousness. Conclusion: There is still no unanimity on the weaning/weaning process in the high- flow nasal cannula in the adult patient.
Humanos , Insuficiência Respiratória , Cânula/estatística & dados numéricos , Oxigenoterapia , Planejamento Estratégico/estatística & dados numéricos , Comorbidade , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , HipóxiaRESUMO
La atrofia muscular espinal (AME) 5q es una de las enfermedades neuromusculares de mayor incidencia en la infancia. Sin embargo, la prevalencia de AME tipo 1, su forma más severa de presentación, es menor debido a muertes prematuras evitables antes de los dos años por insuficiencia ventilatoria subtratada. La irrupción de nuevos tratamientos modificadores de la enfermedad pueden cambiar dramáticamente este pronóstico y es una oportunidad para actualizar el manejo respiratorio, a través de cuidados estandarizados básicos, preferentemente no invasivos, abordando la debilidad de los músculos respiratorios, la insuficiencia tusígena y ventilatoria, con un enfoque preventivo. La siguiente revisión literaria entrega estrategias para evitar la intubación y la traqueostomía usando soporte ventilatorio no invasivo (SVN), reclutamiento de volumen pulmonar (RVP) y facilitación de la tos. Se analizan en detalle los protocolos de extubación en niños con AME tipo 1.
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) 5q is one of the neuromuscular diseases with the highest incidence in childhood. Nevertheless, the prevalence of its most severe form SMA1 is lower due to premature preventable deaths before two years of age related to ventilatory insufficiency undertreated. The emergence of new disease-modifying treatments can dramatically change this prognosis and is an opportunity to update respiratory management, through basic standardized care, mostly non-invasive, addressing respiratory muscles pump weakness, cough and ventilatory insufficiency with a preventive approach. This literature review provides consensus recommendations for strategies to avoid intubation and tracheostomy using noninvasive ventilatory support (NVS), lung volume recruitment (LVR), and cough facilitation. Extubation protocols in children with SMA type 1 are analyzed in detail.
Humanos , Criança , Atrofia Muscular Espinal/terapia , Insuficiência Respiratória/prevenção & controle , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica , Desmame do Respirador , Tosse , Extubação , Ventilação não Invasiva , Medidas de Volume PulmonarRESUMO
BACKGROUND: We present the case of a woman with cancer, which weakened the immune system and increased the risk of infection. Thus, infections are a frequent complication of cancer. The development of community-acquired pneumonia, an acute respiratory infectious disease that damages the lung parenchyma, caused by the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms, can lead to respiratory failure with multiorgan failure due to respiratory sepsis. CASE PRESENTATION: Case report of a 38-year-old mixed-race woman with diabetes mellitus and irregular treatment, who was admitted with community-acquired pneumonia complicated by type I respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation. During her hospital stay, she developed ventilator-associated pneumonia, recurrent empyema, bronchopleural fistula, refractory septic shock and multiorgan dysfunction despite multiple interventions. The patient required prolonged mechanical ventilation, vasopressor support and antibiotic therapy. After 62 days, metastatic papillary thyroid carcinoma was diagnosed. She presented with hypoparathyroidism and permanent hypocalcemia. She died after multiple complications and a refractory critical condition. CONCLUSION: The case exemplifies the potential severity of community-acquired pneumonia in a patient with risk factors such as diabetes and immunosuppression. It highlights the complexity of treating multiple comorbidities and the importance of multidisciplinary management with close surveillance for timely interventions for complications.
Infecções Comunitárias Adquiridas , Pneumonia , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide , Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/complicações , Evolução Fatal , Respiração Artificial , Hospedeiro Imunocomprometido , Adenocarcinoma Folicular/complicações , Insuficiência Respiratória/etiologia , Insuficiência Respiratória/terapiaRESUMO
Objetivo: Descrever os parâmetros validados por enfermeiros relacionando com a sua prática assistencial na monitorização de pacientes críticos sob ventilação mecânica. Métodos: Estudo descritivo-exploratório, de abordagem quantitativa, cujos dados foram discutidos à luz da Resolução Conselho Federal de Enfermagem n. 639/2020 e de parâmetros clínicos obtidos validados por enfermeiros intensivistas. Resultados: Os parâmetros validados foram discutidos em termos de sua aplicabilidade clínica para o alcance da competência monitorização respiratória, um dos itens presentes na referida resolução como privativa do enfermeiro. Criou-se um quadro com os parâmetros gerais para a monitorização respiratória/ventilatória por enfermeiros, com alvo clínico e local de obtenção do parâmetro no ventilador mecânica, para colaborar com a sua usabilidade. Conclusão: Apresentou-se a aplicabilidade de parâmetros validados por enfermeiros na assistência aos pacientes sob ventilação mecânica. Pondera-se sua contribuição para maior qualidade na assistência, melhores desfechos clínicos, assim como, evitar complicações associadas à ventilação mecânica. (AU)
Objective: To describe the respiratory/ventilatory parameters validated by nurses relating to their care practice in critical patients on mechanical ventilation. Methods: Descriptive-exploratory study with quantitative approach, whose data were discussed based on COFEN Resolution 639/2020 and clinical parameters obtained validated by critical care nurses. Results: The validated parameters were discussed in terms of clinical applicability for achieving the competence "respiratory monitoring", one of the items present in the aforementioned resolution as private nurse care. A framework was created with the general parameters for respiratory/ventilatory monitoring by nurses, with clinical target and location of obtaining the parameter on the mechanical ventilator, to collaborate with its usability. Conclusion: The applicability of parameters validated by nurses in care of mechanically ventilated patients was presented. Its contribution to better quality care and clinical outcomes, as well as avoiding complications associated with mechanical ventilation. (AU)
Objetivo: describir los parámetros respiratorios/ventilatorios validados por enfermeros relacionando con su práctica asistencial en pacientes críticos con ventilación mecánica. Métodos: investigación descriptiva-exploratoria con abordaje cuantitativo, cuyos datos fueron discutidos en la Resolución COFEN 639/2020 y de parámetros clínicos obtenidos y validados por enfermeros intensivistas. Resultados: los parámetros validados fueron discutidos en términos de su aplicabilidad clínica para el alcance de la competencia "monitoreo respiratorio", uno de los ítems presentes en la referida resolución como exclusiva del enfermero. Se creó un cuadro con los parámetros generales para el monitoreo respiratorio/ventilatorio por enfermeros, con objetivo clínico y lugar de obtención del parámetro en el ventilador mecánico, para colaborar con su usabilidad. Conclusión: se presentó la aplicabilidad de parámetros validados por enfermeros en la asistencia a pacientes con ventilación mecánica. Se pondera su contribución para una mayor calidad en la asistencia, mejores desenlaces clínicos y, también, para evitar complicaciones asociadas con la ventilación mecánica. (AU)
Respiração Artificial , Insuficiência Respiratória , Infecções por Coronavirus , Enfermagem de Cuidados CríticosRESUMO
Introducción. La insuficiencia respiratoria es la causa más común de paro cardíaco en pediatría; su reconocimiento y el manejo adecuado son cruciales. La simulación se utiliza para mejorar las habilidades médicas. El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar la proporción de residentes de pediatría que reconocieron un paro respiratorio (PR) pediátrico en un centro de simulación. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio observacional con 77 médicos residentes. Se utilizó un caso simulado de un paciente con dificultad respiratoria que progresa a PR. Resultados. De los 77 participantes, 48 reconocieron el paro respiratorio (62,3 %). El tiempo medio para reconocer el PR fue de 34,43 segundos. Conclusión. El 62,3 % de los participantes logró reconocer el paro respiratorio. Entre aquellos que lo identificaron, el tiempo promedio fue de 34,43 segundos. Se observaron graves deficiencias en algunas de las intervenciones esperadas.
Introduction. Respiratory failure is the most common cause of cardiac arrest in pediatrics. Recognizing and managing it adequately is critical. Simulation is used to improve medical skills. The objective of this study was to establish the proportion of pediatric residents who recognized a respiratory arrest in a child at a simulation center. Methods. This was an observational study in 77 residents. A simulation of a patient with respiratory distress that progressed to respiratory arrest was used. Results. Among the 77 participants, 48 recognized respiratory arrest (62.3%). The mean time to recognize respiratory arrest was 34.43 seconds. Conclusion. Respiratory arrest was recognized by 62.3% of participants. Among those who did so, the average time was 34.43 seconds. Severe failures were noted in some of the expected interventions.
Humanos , Insuficiência Respiratória/etiologia , Insuficiência Respiratória/terapia , Parada Cardíaca/terapia , Internato e Residência , Competência Clínica , Manuseio das Vias AéreasRESUMO
BACKGROUND: COVID-19-related acute hypoxic respiratory failure patients often use high-flow nasal cannula (HFNO) oxygen therapy. COVID-19 HFNO intubation and mortality risk factors are understudied in the Mexican population, so the aim was to study them. METHODS: This retrospective study searched electronic medical records from March 2020 to June 2022 for patients with COVID-19 who required hospitalization and HFNO. Descriptive statistics, a survival curve analysis, and Cox proportional hazard models were used to determine predictor factors for intubation and mortality in patients with HFNO and COVID-19, respectively. RESULTS: A total of 134 patients received HFNO treatment. Ninety-one (67.9%) were men with a mean (SD) age of 54.5 (17.9) years. Common medical history included obesity (n = 89, 66.4%) with a Body Mass Index (BMI) mean (SD) of 31.8 (5.9), hypertension (n = 67, 50.0%), type 2 diabetes (n = 55, 41.0%), and dyslipidemias (n = 43, 32.1%). The variables associated with a greater risk of requiring intubation after high-flow therapy were age (HR = 1.018, 95% CI 1.003-1.034, p = 0.022) and BMI (HR = 1.071, 95% CI 1.024-1.120, p = 0.003). No variables were associated with lower risk. Increased mortality was associated with increasing age (HR = 1.151, 95% CI 1.102-1.201, p = <0.001), hypertension (HR = 4.092, 95% CI 1.369-12.236, p = 0.012), and dyslipidemia (HR = 3.954, 95% CI 1.395-11.209, p = 0.010). Patients with type 2 diabetes had a lower risk of mortality (HR = 0.235, 95% CI 0.080-0.688, p = 0.008). CONCLUSIONS: A higher age and BMI were associated with an increased risk of intubation in patients with HFNO and COVID-19. Hypertension and dyslipidemias were associated with a higher risk of mortality.
COVID-19 , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Dislipidemias , Hipertensão , Insuficiência Respiratória , Masculino , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Feminino , COVID-19/complicações , Cânula , Estudos Retrospectivos , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/complicações , Oxigenoterapia , Intubação Intratraqueal/efeitos adversos , Fatores de Risco , Modelos de Riscos Proporcionais , Dislipidemias/complicações , Hipertensão/complicações , Insuficiência Respiratória/terapia , Insuficiência Respiratória/complicações , OxigênioRESUMO
Connective tissue disease-associated interstitial lung disease (CTD-ILD) represents a group of systemic autoimmune disorders characterized by immune-mediated organ dysfunction. Systemic sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, idiopathic inflammatory myositis, and Sjögren's syndrome are the most common CTDs that present with pulmonary involvement, as well as with interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features. The frequency of CTD-ILD varies according to the type of CTD, but the overall incidence is 15%, causing an important impact on morbidity and mortality. The decision of which CTD patient should be investigated for ILD is unclear for many CTDs. Besides that, the clinical spectrum can range from asymptomatic findings on imaging to respiratory failure and death. A significant proportion of patients will present with a more severe and progressive disease, and, for those, immunosuppression with corticosteroids and cytotoxic medications are the mainstay of pharmacological treatment. In this review, we summarized the approach to diagnosis and treatment of CTD-ILD, highlighting recent advances in therapeutics for the various forms of CTD.
Doenças do Tecido Conjuntivo , Doenças Pulmonares Intersticiais , Insuficiência Respiratória , Humanos , Prognóstico , Doenças Pulmonares Intersticiais/diagnóstico por imagem , Doenças Pulmonares Intersticiais/etiologia , Doenças do Tecido Conjuntivo/complicações , Doenças do Tecido Conjuntivo/diagnóstico , Doenças do Tecido Conjuntivo/tratamento farmacológico , CorticosteroidesRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Static lung compliance, which is seriously affected during surgery, can lead to respiratory failure and extubation failure, which is little explored in the decision to extubate after cardiac surgery. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate static lung compliance in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery and relate its possible reduction to cases of extubation failure in patients submitted to the fast-track method of extubation. METHODS: Patients undergoing cardiac surgery using cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) at a state university hospital admitted to the ICU under sedation and residual block were included. Their static lung compliance was assessed on the mechanical ventilator using software that uses least squares fitting (LSF) for measurement. Within 48 hours of extubation, the patients were observed for the need for reintubation due to respiratory failure. The level of significance adopted for the statistical tests was 5%, i.e., p<0.05. RESULTS: 77 patients (75.49%) achieved successful extubation and 25 (24.51%) failed extubation. Patients who failed extubation had lower static lung compliance compared to those who succeeded (p<0.001). We identified the cut-off point for compliance through analysis of the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (ROC), with the cut-off point being compliance <41ml/cmH2O associated with a higher probability of extubation failure (p<0.001). In the multiple regression analysis, the influence of lung compliance (divided by the ROC curve cut-off point) was found to be 9.1 times greater for patients with compliance <41ml/cmH2O (p< 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: Static lung compliance <41ml/cmH2O is a factor that compromises the success of extubation in the postoperative period of cardiac surgery.
FUNDAMENTO: Pouco explorada na decisão de extubação no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca, a complacência pulmonar estática seriamente afetada no procedimento cirúrgico pode levar à insuficiência respiratória e à falha na extubação. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a complacência pulmonar estática no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca e relacionar sua possível redução aos casos de falha na extubação dos pacientes submetidos ao método fast-track de extubação. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos pacientes que realizaram cirurgia cardíaca com uso de circulação extracorpórea (CEC) em um hospital universitário estadual admitidos na UTI sob sedação e bloqueio residual. Tiveram sua complacência pulmonar estática avaliada no ventilador mecânico por meio do software que utiliza o least squares fitting (LSF) para a medição. No período de 48 horas após a extubação os pacientes foram observados respeito à necessidade de reintubação por insuficiência respiratória. O nível de significância adotado para os testes estatísticos foi de 5%, ou seja, p<0,05. RESULTADOS: Obtiveram sucesso na extubação 77 pacientes (75,49%) e falharam 25 (24,51%). Os pacientes que falharam na extubação tiveram a complacência pulmonar estática mais baixa quando comparados aos que tiveram sucesso (p<0,001). Identificamos o ponto de corte para complacência por meio da análise da curva Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (ROC) sendo o ponto de corte o valor da complacência <41ml/cmH2O associado com maior probabilidade de falha na extubação (p<0,001). Na análise de regressão múltipla, verificou-se a influência da complacência pulmonar (dividida pelo ponto de corte da curva ROC) com risco de falha 9,1 vezes maior para pacientes com complacência <41ml/cmH2O (p< 0,003). CONCLUSÕES: A complacência pulmonar estática <41ml/cmH2O é um fator que compromete o sucesso da extubação no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca.