Doyne honeycomb retinal dystrophy (DHRD), also termed malattia leventinese (MLVT), is a dominantly inherited ocular disease characterized by the progressive accumulation of macular and peripapillary drusenoid material beneath the retinal pigment epithelium in the Bruch membrane. In all affected individuals genetically characterized to date, DHRD/MLVT is caused by a single heterozygous p.Arg345Trp missense variant in the EGF-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 1, EFEMP1. Recently, pathogenic variants in the EFEMP1 gene have also been demonstrated in several families with juvenile or adult-onset hereditary isolated glaucoma. Here, we describe a family featuring a unique phenotype of juvenile glaucoma and DHRD/MLVT caused by a novel EFEMP1 variant. Our results expand both the ocular phenotype associated with EFEMP1 variants and the molecular spectrum causing DHRD by describing the first non-p.Arg345Trp EFEMP1 pathogenic allele.
Proteínas da Matriz Extracelular , Glaucoma , Linhagem , Fenótipo , Humanos , Proteínas da Matriz Extracelular/genética , Masculino , Feminino , Glaucoma/genética , Glaucoma/patologia , Adulto , Distrofias Hereditárias da Córnea/genética , Distrofias Hereditárias da Córnea/patologia , Alelos , Mutação de Sentido Incorreto/genética , Mutação/genética , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/patologia , Adolescente , Distrofias Retinianas/genética , Distrofias Retinianas/patologia , Drusas do Disco Óptico/congênitoRESUMO
PURPOSE: To evaluate the presence of congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium in a large family affected by familial adenomatous polyposis and identify the causative mutation in the adenomatous polyposis coli gene. Thus, we aimed to determine the significance of congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium as a phenotypic marker of the disease. METHODS: A family consisting of 95 individuals was evaluated. Among these, 45 individuals were randomly selected by convenience sampling method to undergo ophthalmological evaluation. A funduscopic exam, including slit lamp and indirect ophthalmoscopy, were performed in the selected patients. In those with retinal lesions, a retinography was obtained. The adenomatous polyposis coli gene was sequenced in one affected family member to identify the pathogenic mutation. Once the variant was identified, six undiagnosed family members were tested for the mutation via capillary electrophoresis sequencing. RESULTS: Congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium was observed in 13 (28.9%) of the 45 individuals evaluated. Of these, nine patients were confirmed to have familial adenomatous polyposis (via colonoscopy or molecular testing). However, four patients had not been investigated. Of the 32 (71.1%) family members without the lesion, 14 did not have familial adenomatous polyposis and 18 were yet to be evaluated. The lesions were bilaterally present and exhibited a peculiar fish-tail shape in all the evaluated individuals. Adenomatous polyposis coli gene sequencing revealed a pathogenic variant c.4031del. (Ser1344*), in heterozygosity (49.27%), in exon 16. CONCLUSIONS: The study findings confirmed the significance of congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium as a phenotypic marker for familial adenomatous polyposis. Furthermore, it is an effective first-line screening method for at risk family members of such patients. The novel mutation identified in our study participants, which is yet to be described in the literature, causes an aggressive form of the disease.
Polipose Adenomatosa do Colo , Hipertrofia , Mutação , Linhagem , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina , Humanos , Polipose Adenomatosa do Colo/genética , Hipertrofia/genética , Hipertrofia/congênito , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/patologia , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/diagnóstico por imagem , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Adolescente , Criança , Fenótipo , Doenças Retinianas/genética , Doenças Retinianas/congênito , Idoso , Oftalmoscopia/métodosRESUMO
Exposure to the non-protein amino acid cyanotoxin ß-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA), released by cyanobacteria found in many water reservoirs has been associated with neurodegenerative diseases. We previously demonstrated that BMAA induced cell death in both retina photoreceptors (PHRs) and amacrine neurons by triggering different molecular pathways, as activation of NMDA receptors and formation of carbamate-adducts was only observed in amacrine cell death. We established that activation of Retinoid X Receptors (RXR) protects retinal cells, including retina pigment epithelial (RPE) cells from oxidative stress-induced apoptosis. We now investigated the mechanisms underlying BMAA toxicity in these cells and those involved in RXR protection. BMAA addition to rat retinal neurons during early development in vitro increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and polyADP ribose polymers (PAR) formation, while pre-treatment with serine (Ser) before BMAA addition decreased PHR death. Notably, RXR activation with the HX630 agonist prevented BMAA-induced death in both neuronal types, reducing ROS generation, preserving mitochondrial potential, and decreasing TUNEL-positive cells and PAR formation. This suggests that BMAA promoted PHR death by substituting Ser in polypeptide chains and by inducing polyADP ribose polymerase activation. BMAA induced cell death in ARPE-19 cells, a human epithelial cell line; RXR activation prevented this death, decreasing ROS generation and caspase 3/7 activity. These findings suggest that RXR activation prevents BMAA harmful effects on retinal neurons and RPE cells, supporting this activation as a broad-spectrum strategy for treating retina degenerations.
Diamino Aminoácidos , Toxinas de Cianobactérias , Espécies Reativas de Oxigênio , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina , Receptores X de Retinoides , Diamino Aminoácidos/farmacologia , Animais , Ratos , Espécies Reativas de Oxigênio/metabolismo , Receptores X de Retinoides/metabolismo , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/metabolismo , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/efeitos dos fármacos , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/citologia , Neurônios Retinianos/metabolismo , Neurônios Retinianos/efeitos dos fármacos , Apoptose/efeitos dos fármacos , Estresse Oxidativo/efeitos dos fármacos , Humanos , Morte Celular/efeitos dos fármacosRESUMO
Bisphenol A (BPA) may adversely affect human health by inducing oxidative stress and irreversible damage to cells. Bioactive compounds found in some functional foods, individually or in combination, can attenuate the negative effects of BPA exposure; an example is the multi-supplement containing guarana (Gua), selenium (Se), and L-carnitine (LC) -GSC- which has already demonstrated antioxidant, genoprotective, and immunomodulatory activities. This study aimed to determine the effect of GSC and its constituents on oxidative and genotoxic alterations triggered by BPA exposure in the retinal epithelial cell line. The cells exposed to BPA (0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 3, and 10 µM) to determine the lowest concentration required to induce cyto-genotoxicity. ARPE-19 cells were then concomitantly exposed to the selected BPA concentration, GSC, and its components (Gua, 1.07 mg/mL; Se, 0.178 µg/mL; and LC, 1.43 mg/mL). Flow cytometry, biochemical assays, qRT-PCR, genotoxicity, apoptosis, and cellular proliferation. Based on our results, 10 µM of BPA could induce cyto-genotoxic and oxidative alterations. BPA did not alter the Bcl-2/BAX expression ratio but induced Casp3 and Casp8 overexpression, suggesting that apoptosis was induced mainly via the extrinsic pathway. GSC partially reversed the alterations triggered by BPA in ARPE-19 cells. However, Se had unexpected negative effects on ARPE-19 cells. The multi-supplement GSC may attenuate changes in oxidative and genotoxic markers related to exposure of ARPE-19 cells to BPA. our results revealed that the antioxidant, anti-apoptotic, and genoprotective properties of GSC were not universally shared by its individual, once Se did not exhibit any positive impact.
Apoptose , Compostos Benzidrílicos , Carnitina , Estresse Oxidativo , Fenóis , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina , Selênio , Fenóis/toxicidade , Compostos Benzidrílicos/toxicidade , Humanos , Selênio/farmacologia , Carnitina/farmacologia , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/efeitos dos fármacos , Estresse Oxidativo/efeitos dos fármacos , Apoptose/efeitos dos fármacos , Linhagem Celular , Paullinia/química , Dano ao DNA/efeitos dos fármacos , Antioxidantes/farmacologia , Células Epiteliais/efeitos dos fármacos , Citometria de Fluxo , Suplementos NutricionaisRESUMO
Non-exudative age-related macular degeneration (NE-AMD) is the leading blindness cause in the elderly. Clinical and experimental evidence supports that early alterations in macular retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) mitochondria play a key role in NE-AMD-induced damage. Mitochondrial dynamics (biogenesis, fusion, fission, and mitophagy), which is under the central control of AMP-activated kinase (AMPK), in turn, determines mitochondrial quality. We have developed a NE-AMD model in C57BL/6J mice induced by unilateral superior cervical ganglionectomy (SCGx), which progressively reproduces the disease hallmarks circumscribed to the temporal region of the RPE/outer retina that exhibits several characteristics of the human macula. In this work we have studied RPE mitochondrial structure, dynamics, function, and AMPK role on these parameters' regulation at the nasal and temporal RPE from control eyes and at an early stage of experimental NE-AMD (i.e., 4 weeks post-SCGx). Although RPE mitochondrial mass was preserved, their function, which was higher at the temporal than at the nasal RPE in control eyes, was significantly decreased at 4 weeks post-SCGx at the same region. Mitochondria were bigger, more elongated, and with denser cristae at the temporal RPE from control eyes. Exclusively at the temporal RPE, SCGx severely affected mitochondrial morphology and dynamics, together with the levels of phosphorylated AMPK (p-AMPK). AMPK activation with metformin restored RPE p-AMPK levels, and mitochondrial dynamics, structure, and function at 4 weeks post-SCGx, as well as visual function and RPE/outer retina structure at 10 weeks post-SCGx. These results demonstrate a key role of the temporal RPE mitochondrial homeostasis as an early target for NE-AMD-induced damage, and that pharmacological AMPK activation could preserve mitochondrial morphology, dynamics, and function, and, consequently, avoid the functional and structural damage induced by NE-AMD.
Proteínas Quinases Ativadas por AMP , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Degeneração Macular , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BL , Mitocôndrias , Dinâmica Mitocondrial , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina , Animais , Mitocôndrias/metabolismo , Mitocôndrias/patologia , Camundongos , Degeneração Macular/patologia , Degeneração Macular/metabolismo , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/metabolismo , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/patologia , Proteínas Quinases Ativadas por AMP/metabolismo , Humanos , Metformina/farmacologiaRESUMO
PURPOSE: To provide a simple alternative acute ocular toxoplasmosis model with great reproducibility for experimental tests that demand monitoring of the ocular lesion. METHODS: ME49-wt and ME49-GFP tachyzoites from cell culture were used to infect male C57BL6 mice by intraperitoneal injection. B1 expression by real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay was used to detect the presence of T. gondii in ocular tissue at the beginning of the infection. Fluorescence microscopy and histopathology analysis were carried out to assess the evolution of the acute infection up to 20 days in both eyes of infected mice. RESULTS: All mice infected with the 104 tachyzoites showed B1 expression in the retina of both eyes, in the RPE (retinal pigment epithelium), and choroid structures, after 5 days of infection. Tachyzoites of the ME49-GFP strain were easily detected by fluorescence microscopy in the retina tissue of mice after 5 days post-infection. After 20 days, mice inflammatory cell infiltrates and a disorganized morphology of the retinal laminar architecture were observed. CONCLUSION: Infection of C57BL6 mice via intraperitoneal with 104 tachyzoites of the ME49-GFP strain from cell culture is a suitable model for acute ocular toxoplasmosis. This model has great reproducibility in establishing the ocular lesion since day 5 post-infection. This model can be suitable for experimental tests of chemotherapy and the investigation of the role of the immune response on the development of uveitis.
Toxoplasmose Ocular , Masculino , Animais , Camundongos , Toxoplasmose Ocular/diagnóstico , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BL , Retina , Epitélio Pigmentado da RetinaRESUMO
PURPOSE: To determine the total alpha-synuclein (αSyn) reflex tears and its association with retinal layers thickness in Parkinson's disease (PD). METHODS: Fifty-two eyes of 26 PD subjects and 52 eyes of age-and sex-matched healthy controls were included. Total αSyn in reflex tears was quantified using a human total αSyn enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit. The retinal thickness was evaluated with spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. The Movement Disorder Society-Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS), Non-Motor Symptoms Scale (NMSS), and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) were used to assess motor, non-motor, and cognition. RESULTS: In PD, total αSyn levels were increased compared to control subjects [1.76pg/mL (IQR 1.74-1.80) vs 1.73pg/mL (IQR 1.70-1.77), p < 0.004]. The nerve fiber layer, ganglion cell layer, internal plexiform layer, inner nuclear layer, and outer nuclear layer were thinner in PD in comparison with controls (p < 0.05). The outer plexiform layer and retinal pigment epithelium were thicker in PD (p < 0.05). The total αSyn levels positively correlated with the central volume of the inner nuclear layer (r = 0.357, p = 0.009). CONCLUSION: Total αSyn reflex tear levels were increased in subjects with PD compared to controls. PD patients showed significant thinning of the inner retinal layers and thickening of outer retinal layers in comparison with controls. Total αSyn levels positively correlate with the central volume of the inner nuclear layer in PD. The combination of these biomarkers might have a possible role as a diagnostic tool in PD subjects.
Doença de Parkinson , Humanos , Doença de Parkinson/diagnóstico , alfa-Sinucleína , Fibras Nervosas , Retina , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica/métodosAssuntos
Adenoma , Melanoma , Neoplasias da Retina , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina , Neoplasias Uveais , Humanos , Melanoma/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Uveais/diagnóstico , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/patologia , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Neoplasias da Retina/diagnóstico , Adenoma/diagnóstico , Adenoma/patologia , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica/métodos , Angiofluoresceinografia/métodos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-IdadeRESUMO
To report a unique case of acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE) in a patient with positive serology for Bartonella, presenting with ocular signs and symptoms not attributable to other diseases. A 27-year-old woman presented with decreased visual acuity in both eyes. Multimodal fundus image analysis was performed. A color fundus photograph of both eyes revealed peripapillary and macular yellow-white placoid lesions. The fundus autofluorescence of both eyes demonstrated hypo- and hyperautofluorescence of the macular lesions. Fluorescein angiography showed early-stage hypofluorescence and late staining of placoid lesions in both eyes. Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) of both eyes revealed irregular elevations in the retinal pigment epithelium with the disruption of the ellipsoid zone on the topography of macular lesions. At 3 months after the treatment initiation for Bartonella infection, the placoid lesions became atrophic and hyperpigmented, and SD-OCT revealed loss of both the outer retinal layers and retinal pigment epithelium on the topography of macular lesions in both eyes.
Infecções por Bartonella , Doenças Retinianas , Síndrome dos Pontos Brancos , Feminino , Humanos , Adulto , Doenças Retinianas/diagnóstico , Retina/patologia , Síndrome dos Pontos Brancos/patologia , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/diagnóstico por imagem , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/patologia , Angiofluoresceinografia/métodos , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica/métodos , Infecções por Bartonella/complicações , Infecções por Bartonella/patologia , Doença AgudaRESUMO
Growth hormone (GH) deficiency is characterized by impaired growth and development, and is currently treated by repeated administration of recombinant human GH (hGH). Encapsulated cell therapy (ECT) may offer a less demanding treatment-strategy for long-term production and release of GH into circulation. We used PiggyBac-based (PB) transposon delivery for engineering retinal pigment epithelial cells (ARPE-19), and tested a series of viral and non-viral promoters as well as codon-optimization to enhance transgene expression. Engineered cells were loaded into TheraCyte macrocapsules and secretion was followed in vitro and in vivo. The cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter supports strong and persistent transgene expression, and we achieved clonal cell lines secreting over 6 µg hGH/106 cells/day. Codon-optimization of the hGH gene did not improve secretion. ARPE-19 cells endured encapsulation in TheraCyte devices, and resulted in steady hormone release for at least 60 days in vitro. A short-term pilot experiment in immunodeficient SCID mice demonstrated low systemic levels of hGH from a single 40 µL capsule implanted subcutaneously. No significant increase in weight increase or systemic hGH was detected after 23 days in the GH-deficient lit/SCID mouse model using 4.5 µL capsules loaded with the highest secreting clone of ARPE-19 cells. Our results demonstrate that PB-mediated engineering of ARPE-19 is an efficient way to generate hormone secreting cell lines compatible with macroencapsulation, and our CMV-driven expression cassette allows for identification of clones with high level and long-term secretory activity without addition of insulator elements. Our results pave the way for further in vivo studies of encapsulated cell therapy.
Infecções por Citomegalovirus , Hormônio do Crescimento Humano , Camundongos , Animais , Humanos , Hormônio do Crescimento Humano/genética , Hormônio do Crescimento Humano/metabolismo , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/metabolismo , Camundongos SCID , Linhagem CelularRESUMO
Several inflammatory molecules have been suggested as biomarkers of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Galectin-3 (Gal-3), which has been shown to have a protective role in corneal injury by promoting epithelial cells adhesion and migration to the extracellular matrix, is also highly expressed in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) of patients with AMD. This study evaluated the role of Gal-3 in an in vitro model of UVA-induced RPE damage, as a proof-of-concept. ARPE-19 cells (human RPE cell line), were incubated with Gal-3 at 0.5-2.5 µg/mL concentrations prior to UVA irradiation for 15, 30, and 45 min, which resulted in accumulated doses of 2.5, 5, and 7.5 J/cm2, respectively. After 24 h incubation, MTT and LDH assays, immunofluorescence, and ELISA were performed. UVA irradiation for 15, 30, and 45 min proved to reduce viability in 83%, 46%, and 11%, respectively. Based on the latter results, we chose the intermediate dose (5-J/cm2) for further analysis. Pretreatment with Gal-3 at concentrations > 1.5 µg/mL showed to increase the viability of UVA-irradiated cells (~ 75%) compared to untreated cells (64%). Increased levels of cleaved caspase 3, a marker of cell death, were detected in the ARPE cells after UVA irradiation with or without addition of exogenous Gal-3. The inhibitory effect of Gal-3 on UVA-induced cell damage was characterized by decreased ROS levels and increased p38 activation, as detected by fluorescence analysis. In conclusion, our study suggests a photoprotective effect of Gal-3 on RPE by reducing oxidative stress and increasing p38 activation.
Galectina 3 , Estresse Oxidativo , Humanos , Galectina 3/metabolismo , Galectina 3/farmacologia , Morte Celular , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/metabolismo , Células Epiteliais/metabolismo , Pigmentos da Retina/metabolismo , Pigmentos da Retina/farmacologia , Espécies Reativas de Oxigênio/metabolismoRESUMO
The peripherin gene (PRPH2) mutation is associated with photoreceptor cell dysfunction as well as in several inherited retinal dystrophies. The PRPH2 mutation c.582-1G>A is a rare variant reported in retinitis pigmentosa and pattern dystrophy. Here Case 1 was of a 54-year-old woman with bilateral atrophy of the perifoveal retinal pigmentary epithelium and choriocapillaris with central foveolar respect. Autofluorescence and fluorescein angiography revealed perifoveal atrophy of the retinal pigmentary epithelium with an annular window effect without the "dark choroid" sign. Case 2 (mother of Case 1) presented with extensive atrophy of the retinal pigmentary epithelium and choriocapillaris. PRPH2 was evaluated and the c.582-1G>A mutation was identified in heterozygosity. An advanced adult-onset benign concentric annular macular dystrophy diagnosis was thereby proposed. The c.582-1G>A mutation is poorly known and not present in all common genomic databases. This case report is the first one to report a c.582-1G>A mutation associated with benign concentric annular macular dystrophy.
Angiofluoresceinografia , Degeneração Macular , Mutação , Periferinas , Fenótipo , Humanos , Feminino , Periferinas/genética , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Degeneração Macular/genética , Degeneração Macular/diagnóstico por imagem , Linhagem , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/patologia , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/diagnóstico por imagemRESUMO
We previously described the participation of canonical phospholipase D isoforms (PLD1 and PLD2) in the inflammatory response of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells exposed to high glucose concentrations (HG). Here, we studied the role of the PLD pathway in RPE phagocytic function. For this purpose, ARPE-19 cells were exposed to HG (33 mM) or to normal glucose concentration (NG, 5.5 mM) and phagocytosis was measured using pHrodo™ green bioparticles® or photoreceptor outer segments (POS). HG exposure for 48 and 72 h reduced phagocytic function of ARPE-19 cells, and this loss of function was prevented when cells were treated with 5 µM of PLD1 (VU0359595 or PLD1i) or PLD2 (VU0285655-1 or PLD2i) selective inhibitors. Furthermore, PLD1i and PLD2i did not affect RPE phagocytosis under physiological conditions and prevented oxidative stress induced by HG. In addition, we demonstrated PLD1 and PLD2 expression in ABC cells, a novel human RPE cell line. Under physiological conditions, PLD1i and PLD2i did not affect ABC cell viability, and partial silencing of both PLDs did not affect ABC cell POS phagocytosis. In conclusion, PLD1i and PLD2i prevent the loss of phagocytic function of RPE cells exposed to HG without affecting RPE function or viability under non-inflammatory conditions.
Fosfolipase D , Linhagem Celular , Células Cultivadas , Glucose/metabolismo , Humanos , Fagocitose/fisiologia , Fosfolipase D/genética , Fosfolipase D/metabolismo , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/metabolismoRESUMO
1. INTRODUCCIÓN El desprendimiento de retina es un problema visual grave que puede ocurrir a cualquier edad, aunque suele darse en individuos de edad media o en personas de la tercera edad. La incidencia es relativamente baja considerando que las estima-ciones varían según zonas geográficas; y, se han reportado datos de entre 6,3 y 17,9 por 100 000 habitantes. Otras características im-portantes a considerar son la degeneración en encaje de 45,75% y la miopía de 47,28% que influyen en la presentación del desprendi-miento de retina. Al mismo tiempo que la edad, los cambios vítreos retinianos y la presencia de pseudofaquia1,2. Además, de los factores oculares relacionados también influyen, el seguimiento inadecuado de los factores de riesgo y el difícil acceso a médicos especialistas que se traduce en retraso en el diagnóstico certero y tratamiento tardío que implica deterioro del pronóstico visual cuando el área macular está incluida en el área desprendida con pobres resultados en adultos jóvenes y en edad productiva.El tratamiento evitará el deterioro o pérdida irreversible de la visión. El pronóstico con tratamiento quirúrgico es bueno si el des-prendimiento no incluye a la mácula.
1. INTRODUCTIONRetinal Detachment is a serious visual problem that can occur at any age, although it usually occurs in middle-aged or elderly in-dividuals. The incidence is relatively low considering that estimates vary ac-cording to geographical areas; and, data have been reported be-tween 6,3 and 17,9 per 100 000 inhabitants. Other important cha-racteristics to consider are socket degeneration of 45,75% and myopia of 47,28% that influence the presentation of retinal deta-chment, as well as age, vitreoretinal changes and the presence of pseudophakia1,2.In addition to the related ocular factors, inadequate follow-up of risk factors and difficult access to medical specialists also play a role, resulting in delayed accurate diagnosis and late treatment that implies deterioration of the visual prognosis when the macular area is included in the detached area with poor results in young adults and those of productive age.Treatment will prevent irreversible deterioration or loss of vision. The prognosis with surgical treatment is good if the detachment does not include the macula.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Descolamento Retiniano , Acuidade Visual , Vitreorretinopatia Proliferativa , Descolamento do Vítreo , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina , Fundo de Olho , Oftalmologia , Terapêutica , Cegueira , Retinopatia Diabética , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Oftalmológico , Equador , Cirurgia Vitreorretiniana , MiopiaRESUMO
Objective: To describe the development of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) atrophy after uncomplicated pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) with epiretinal membrane (ERM) and/or internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling in 2 patients. Cases description: Case 1: A 79-years-old female with diagnosis of a full-thickness macular hole in her right eye (OD) with best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of: 20/100 and left eye (OS): 20/70. After surgery she developed large RPE hyperplasia and presented hand movement that did not improve with pinhole. Case 2: A 69-years-old female patient who had ERM in her OS with BCVA of 20/30 in both eyes (OU). PPV was assisted with brilliant blue (BB) to better visualize the ILM. During follow-up visits we evidenced RPE atrophy in the zone where peeling was done. In the last control after 2-years, her visual acuity was 20/40 that did not improve with pinhole. Discussion: There are three possible mechanisms to explain this complication: toxic damage, mechanical trauma during the membrane removal with forceps, or a combination of both. In our cases, a combination of them is probably the cause of the presence of RPE atrophy. Conclusion: Vitrectomy with membrane removal is successful in most cases with low rate of complications. Because RPE atrophy is infrequent, our suggestion is to continue performing this technique and if possible, it should be done without dye staining to minimize risks. Abbreviations: ERM = epiretinal membrane, ILM = internal limiting membrane, MH = macular hole, RPE = Retinal pigment epithelium, OD = right eye, BCVA = Best corrected visual acuity, OS = left eye, OU = both eyes, IOL = intraocular lens, OCT = Optical coherence tomography, BB = Brilliant blue, TB = Trypan blue, ICG = indocyanine green.
Membrana Epirretiniana , Perfurações Retinianas , Idoso , Atrofia , Membrana Basal/cirurgia , Membrana Epirretiniana/diagnóstico , Membrana Epirretiniana/cirurgia , Feminino , Humanos , Perfurações Retinianas/diagnóstico , Perfurações Retinianas/etiologia , Perfurações Retinianas/cirurgia , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina , Estudos Retrospectivos , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica , Vitrectomia/efeitos adversos , Vitrectomia/métodosRESUMO
In patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the crucial retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells are characterized by mitochondria that are structurally and functionally defective. Moreover, deficient expression of the mRNA-editing enzyme Dicer is noted specifically in these cells. This Dicer deficit up-regulates expression of Alu RNA, which in turn damages mitochondria-inducing the loss of membrane potential, boosting oxidant generation, and causing mitochondrial DNA to translocate to the cytoplasmic region. The cytoplasmic mtDNA, in conjunction with induced oxidative stress, triggers a non-canonical pathway of NLRP3 inflammasome activation, leading to the production of interleukin-18 that acts in an autocrine manner to induce apoptotic death of RPE cells, thereby driving progression of dry AMD. It is proposed that measures which jointly up-regulate mitophagy and mitochondrial biogenesis (MB), by replacing damaged mitochondria with "healthy" new ones, may lessen the adverse impact of Alu RNA on RPE cells, enabling the prevention or control of dry AMD. An analysis of the molecular biology underlying mitophagy/MB and inflammasome activation suggests that nutraceuticals or drugs that can activate Sirt1, AMPK, Nrf2, and PPARα may be useful in this regard. These include ferulic acid, melatonin urolithin A and glucosamine (Sirt1), metformin and berberine (AMPK), lipoic acid and broccoli sprout extract (Nrf2), and fibrate drugs and astaxanthin (PPARα). Hence, nutraceutical regimens providing physiologically meaningful doses of several or all of the: ferulic acid, melatonin, glucosamine, berberine, lipoic acid, and astaxanthin, may have potential for control of dry AMD.
Berberina , Degeneração Macular , Melatonina , Ácido Tióctico , Proteínas Quinases Ativadas por AMP/metabolismo , Berberina/farmacologia , DNA Mitocondrial/metabolismo , Suplementos Nutricionais , Glucosamina , Humanos , Inflamassomos/metabolismo , Degeneração Macular/tratamento farmacológico , Melatonina/metabolismo , Mitocôndrias/metabolismo , Mitofagia , Fator 2 Relacionado a NF-E2/genética , Fator 2 Relacionado a NF-E2/metabolismo , Biogênese de Organelas , Estresse Oxidativo , PPAR alfa/metabolismo , RNA/metabolismo , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/metabolismo , Sirtuína 1/metabolismoAssuntos
Hamartoma , Neurofibromatose 2 , Doenças Retinianas , Humanos , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina , Neurofibromatose 2/complicações , Neurofibromatose 2/diagnóstico , Hamartoma/complicações , Hamartoma/diagnóstico , Angiofluoresceinografia , Doenças Retinianas/diagnóstico , Retina/diagnóstico por imagemRESUMO
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a chronic disease of the retina, leads to severe visual loss. AMD affects the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and the visual cells (photoreceptors). RPE failure, the first step of this disease, is associated with oxidative stress. Since antioxidants can slow down AMD progression, the intake of foods and drinks rich in antioxidant compounds may reduce retinal damage. Ilex paraguariensis (yerba mate, YM) extracts reduce oxidative damage of RPE cells in vitro as shown in previous study. Here, the effects of YM drinking on RPE and photoreceptor survival after oxidative damage with sodium iodate (NaIO3; SI) in a murine AMD model are described. Funduscopy and histology show that YM treatment prevents RPE and photoreceptor damage. YM also increases the expression of NRF2, the master antioxidant gene, and its effectors HO-1 and SOD2. In mice receiving YM and SI, the antioxidant response is larger than in mice receiving YM or SI alone. The YM drink also increases expression of RPE65, a gene that is involved in the functionality and survival of photoreceptors and RPE cells. The results suggest YM can play an important role in the prevention of retinal damage associated with oxidative stress, such as AMD.
Ilex paraguariensis , Degeneração Macular , Animais , Antioxidantes/metabolismo , Antioxidantes/farmacologia , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Degeneração Macular/tratamento farmacológico , Camundongos , Estresse Oxidativo , Extratos Vegetais/metabolismo , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Epitélio Pigmentado da Retina/metabolismoRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Inherited retinal dystrophies (IRDs) represent a genetically diverse group of progressive, visually debilitating diseases. Adult and paediatric patients with vision loss due to IRD caused by biallelic mutations in the 65-kDa retinal pigment epithelium (RPE65) gene are often clinically diagnosed as retinitis pigmentosa (RP), and Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA). This study aimed to understand the epidemiological landscape of RPE65 gene-mediated IRD through a systematic review of the literature, as the current evidence base for its epidemiology is very limited. METHODS: Medline, Embase, and other databases were searched for articles on the epidemiology of RPE65 gene-mediated IRDs from inception until June 2021. Studies were included if they were original research articles reporting the epidemiology of RP and LCA and/or proportion of RPE65 gene mutations in these clinically diagnosed or molecularly confirmed IRDs patients. RESULTS: A total of 100 studies with relevant data were included in this systematic review. The range for prevalence of LCA and RP in the literature was 1.20-2.37 and 11.09-26.43 per 100,000, respectively. The proportion of RPE65 mutations in clinically diagnosed patients with LCA was found to be between ~ 2-16% within the US and major European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK). This range was also comparable to our findings in the Asian region for RPE65-LCA (1.26-16.67%). Similarly, for these European countries, RPE65-RP was estimated between 0.23 and 1.94%, and RPE65-IRD range was 1.2-14%. Further, in the Americas region, mutations in RPE65 were reported to cause 1-3% of RP and 0.8-3.7% of IRD cases. Lastly, the RPE65-IRD range was 4.81-8% in the Middle East region. CONCLUSIONS: There are significant variations in reporting of RPE65 proportions within countries as well as regions. Generating robust epidemiological evidence on RPE65 gene-mediated IRDs would be fundamental to support rare disease awareness, timely therapeutic intervention, and public health decision-making.