O campo dos estudos transpessoais tem avançado em diversas áreas no Brasil. Comemorou seus 40 anos com uma inserção ativa nas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) e uma ampliação de núcleos formativos e apoiadores de ensino, pesquisa e ações sociais, além de diálogos com o Sistema de Conselhos de Psicologia. Desafios são apresentados a partir do levantamento de uma série de questões importantes e ignoradas dentro da Psicologia Transpessoal no Brasil. Apresentamos o pluriperspectivismo participativo como possibilidade de decolonizar as matrizes eurocêntricas e estadunidenses, que dão suporte ao pensamento transpessoal brasileiro, buscando honrar nossas raízes históricas e incluir outras epistemologias e ontologias, que dão continuidade à crítica à lógica cartesiana moderna. Indicamos uma breve agenda de notas temáticas que carecem de um processo decolonizador no campo transpessoal: a) crítica às perspectivas de um pensamento hegemônico, em termos globais por meio da dominação Norte-Sul ou no campo das relações sociais; b) revisão das formas de "centrocentrismo"; c) questionamento da noção de universalismo das ciências e da ética; d) aprofundamento da análise crítica da supremacia restritiva da racionalidade formal técnico-científica em relação às formas de subjetividade, de vivências holísticas e integradoras e de valorização do corpo; e) revisão da noção de sujeito moderno desprovida da cocriação do humano com a comunidade, a história, a natureza e o cosmos.(AU)
The field of transpersonal studies has advanced in several areas in Brazil. It celebrated its 40th anniversary with an active insertion in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and an expansion of training centers and supporters of teaching, research, and social actions, in addition to dialogues with the System of Councils of Psychology. Challenges are presented based on a survey of a series of important and ignored issues within Transpersonal Psychology in Brazil. We present participatory pluriperspectivism as a possibility to decolonize the Eurocentric and North American matrices that support Brazilian transpersonal thought, seeking to honor our historical roots and include other epistemologies and ontologies, which continue the critique of modern Cartesian logic. We indicate a brief agenda of thematic notes that lack a decolonizing process in the transpersonal field: a) criticism of the perspectives of a hegemonic thought, whether in global terms via North-South domination or in the field of social relations; b) review of the forms of "centrocentrism"; c) questioning of the notion of universalism of science and ethics; d) deepening of the critical analysis of the restrictive supremacy of the technical-scientific formal rationality in relation to the forms of subjectivity, of holistic and integrative experiences, and of valuing the body; e) review of the notion of the modern subject devoid of the co-creation of the human with the community, the history, the nature, and the cosmos.(AU)
El campo de los estudios transpersonales ha avanzado en varias áreas de Brasil. Se celebró su 40.º aniversario con una inserción activa en Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) y una ampliación de los centros de formación y promotores de la docencia, la investigación y la acción social, además de diálogos con el Sistema de Consejos de Psicología. Los desafíos se presentan a partir de una encuesta de una serie de temas importantes e ignorados dentro de la Psicología Transpersonal en Brasil. Presentamos el pluriperspectivismo participativo como una posibilidad para decolonizar las matrices eurocéntrica y americana, que sustentan el pensamiento transpersonal brasileño, buscando honrar nuestras raíces históricas e incluir otras epistemologías y ontologías que continúan la crítica de la lógica cartesiana moderna. Indicamos una breve agenda de apuntes temáticos que carecen de un proceso decolonizador en el campo transpersonal: a) crítica de las perspectivas de un pensamiento hegemónico, ya sea en términos globales a través del dominio Norte-Sur o en el campo de las relaciones sociales; b) revisión de las formas de "centrocentrismo"; c) cuestionamiento de la noción de universalismo de la ciencia y la ética; d) profundización del análisis crítico de la supremacía restrictiva de la racionalidad formal técnico-científica en relación a las formas de subjetividad, de experiencias holísticas e integradoras y de valoración del cuerpo; e) revisión de la noción de sujeto moderno desprovisto de la cocreación de lo humano con la comunidad, la historia, la naturaleza y el cosmos.(AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Colonialismo , Espiritualidade , Participação Social , Perspectiva de Curso de Vida , Filosofia , Política , Arte , Prática Psicológica , Preconceito , Psicologia , Psicologia Social , Psicofisiologia , Psicoterapia , Racionalização , Aspirações Psicológicas , Religião e Psicologia , Autoavaliação (Psicologia) , Autoimagem , Logro , Justiça Social , Problemas Sociais , Ciências Sociais , Sociedades , Especialização , Superego , Tempo , Transexualidade , Inconsciente Psicológico , Universidades , Vitalismo , Trabalho , Comportamento , Comportamento e Mecanismos Comportamentais , Behaviorismo , Negro ou Afro-Americano , Humanos , Autorrevelação , Adaptação Psicológica , Escolha da Profissão , Áreas de Pobreza , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Organizações , Saúde , Saúde Mental , Conflito de Interesses , Comentário , Competência Mental , Teoria da Construção Pessoal , Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas , Congressos como Assunto , Consciência , Diversidade Cultural , Conhecimento , Ocidente , Qi , Feminismo , Vida , Comportamento Cooperativo , Características Culturais , Evolução Cultural , Cultura , Má Conduta Profissional , Autonomia Pessoal , Pessoalidade , Morte , Características Humanas , Parto , Impulso (Psicologia) , Educação , Ego , Ética Profissional , Etnologia , Existencialismo , Resiliência Psicológica , Teoria da Mente , Apatia , Racismo , Desempenho Acadêmico , Cosmovisão , Etnocentrismo , Egocentrismo , Modelo de Crenças de Saúde , Funcionamento Psicossocial , Comparação Social , Liberdade de Religião , Diversidade, Equidade, Inclusão , Estrutura Familiar , Bem-Estar Psicológico , Objetivos , Alucinógenos , Saúde Holística , Direitos Humanos , Humanismo , Id , Individualidade , Individuação , Acontecimentos que Mudam a Vida , Literatura , Imperícia , Antropologia , Princípios Morais , Motivação , Misticismo , MitologiaRESUMO
Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a type of maltreatment that occurs in practically all countries and social statuses. Due to the taboo and shame that surrounds it, CSA is a problem universally silenced despite the important consequences (both physical and psychological) that it has for the victim and their family. This work aimed to study the correlates of CSA in Mexican women. Our sample comprised 1058 women ranged from 18 to 73 years (M = 40.19; SD = 10.24). They completed an anonymous online survey including questions about all the different types of abuse, questions about who perpetrated it, at what age it happened, and whether the victim disclosed the abuse. Our results showed that, depending on the type of abuse, from 13.9% to 65.8% of the participants had suffered at least one episode of CSA throughout their childhood. The first episode typically occurred between 6 and 12 years old, with the perpetrator being a male. The youngest women reported higher rates of being shown pornography by a family member, whereas the oldest ones reported higher rates of exhibitionism by a stranger. Only 31.3% of the sample disclosed the abuse, usually to their mother or a peer. Differences among the correlates of the different types of abuse, the age of the victims, and the relationship with the perpetrator are discussed as well as the victims' feelings of being believed when they disclosed the abuse.
Abuso Sexual na Infância , Maus-Tratos Infantis , Criança , Revelação , Emoções , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , AutorrevelaçãoRESUMO
Esse estudo parte do pressuposto de que o mindfulness poderia estar relacionado com a intimidade conjugal. Investigou-se o papel discriminante da intimidade em dois grupos de indivíduos com maiores e menores níveis de mindfulness. Partiparam 281 sujeitos, maiores de 18 anos, em relacionamento estável e em coabitação. Os mesmos responderam à Escala Filadélfia de Mindfulness e à Escala de Avaliação Pessoal de Intimidade em Relacionamentos (PAIR). Os resultados indicaram que os fatores da intimidade avaliados (comunicação, validação pessoal e abertura ao exterior) discriminaram o grupo com maiores níveis de mindfulness. O estudo sugere que indivíduos com maiores níveis de mindfulness possuem maior facilidade de desenvolver intimidade em seus relacionamentos, contribuindo para o entendimento do papel considerável dessa habilidade na conjugalidade.
This study assumes that mindfulness could be related to conjugal intimacy. The discriminating role of intimacy was investigated in two groups of individuals with higher and lower levels of mindfulness. 281 subjects, over 18 years old, participated in a stable relationship and cohabitation. They responded to the Philadelphia Mindfulness Scale and the Personal Relationship Intimacy Scale in Relationships (PAIR). The results indicated that the factors of intimacy evaluated (communication, personal validation and openness to the outside) discriminated against the group with the highest levels of mindfulness. The study suggests that individuals with higher levels of mindfulness have an easier time developing intimacy in their relationships, contributing to the understanding of the considerable role of this ability in conjugality.
Este estudio asume que la atención plena podría estar relacionada con la intimidad conyugal. El papel discriminador de la intimidad se investigó en dos grupos de individuos con niveles más altos y más bajos de atención plena. 281 sujetos, mayores de 18 años, participaron en una relación estable y en convivencia. Respondieron a la Escala de atención plena de Filadelfia y la Escala de intimidad en las relaciones personales (PAIR). Los resultados indicaron que los factores de intimidad evaluados (comunicación, validación personal y apertura al exterior) discriminaban al grupo con mayores niveles de mindfulness. El estudio sugiere que las personas con niveles más altos de atención plena tienen más facilidad para desarrollar la intimidad en sus relaciones, lo que contribuye a comprender el papel considerable de esta capacidad en la conyugalidad.
Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Papel (figurativo) , Autorrevelação , Comunicação , Terapia de Casal , Relações Familiares , Atenção PlenaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: With the increase in internet use, new forms of child victimization like Online Sexual Abuse (OSA) have emerged. Children and adolescents rarely disclose these incidents and most disclosure happens around peers. OBJECTIVE: This research addresses the perspective of adolescents (not victims of OSA), potential recipients of the disclosure, within the context of disclosure of OSA committed by either adult or peer perpetrators. METHODS: The study was performed in two stages. We interviewed adolescents in Scotland and then conducted focus groups with adolescents from Chile. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: 51 adolescents (6 from Scotland and 45 from Chile) aged 15-20 years participated. RESULTS: Despite differences in age and cultural contexts, there were similarities in responses. Obstacles of disclosure included lack of clarity of OSA, prior levels of personal vulnerability, and gender factors (stereotypes and stigmatization). On the other hand, the disclosure process would be easier for adolescents with more personal resources (e.g. self-confidence) and when they have a supportive social environment, which includes parents, but especially peers. CONCLUSION: Disclosure of OSA is considered similar to the disclosure of offline sexual abuse. However, differences such as a lack of clarity regarding the boundaries of the relationships on the Internet, and presence of a generational gap between adolescents and their parents or tutors in the use of internet makes early disclosure of OSA highly challenging. Plans to facilitate disclosure should consider different components: behavioral (risky behaviors), emotional (feelings of fear and shame) and cognitive (lack of information, self-blame, stigma). This should be focused on adolescents, potential recipients of disclosure (parents, authorities and peers) and society, where the prejudices and practices that prevent disclosure begin.
Abuso Sexual na Infância , Vítimas de Crime , Adolescente , Criança , Chile , Revelação , Humanos , AutorrevelaçãoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Recantation after child sexual abuse (CSA) disclosure refers to the complete denial of prior reports by a victim. In substantiated cases of CSA, recantation has negative effects on criminal proceedings and the protection of current and future victims. Past studies have identified the socio-family factors and CSA characteristics that are associated with recantation. However, the systematization of these risk factors remains limited. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to identify the predictors of recantation using a sample of criminal cases of CSA. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTINGS: The sample consisted of 108 criminal cases of CSA with (n = 46) and without recantation (n = 62). All the cases had been judged in a Brazilian court of law between 2010 and 2016. RESULTS: The final logistic regression model consisted of the following five significant predictors of recantation: a lack of support from the caregiver (odds ratio [OR] = 15.90, p < .001), disclosure to a single individual (OR = 13.75, p = .001), parental offending (OR = 12.44, p = .001), a long time interval (i.e., >one week) between disclosure and the reporting of the abuse to the authorities (OR = 8.64, p = .003), and a higher number of formal interviews (OR = 1.50, p = .052). CONCLUSIONS: The present findings underscore not only the effects of socio-family factors and the number of interviews on recantation but also the importance of examining the contexts within which previous disclosures of CSA have been made to the assessment of the risk of recantation.
Abuso Sexual na Infância , Maus-Tratos Infantis , Criança , Revelação , Humanos , Pais , Autorrevelação , Revelação da VerdadeRESUMO
The process of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) diagnosis disclosure for vertically infected young people living with HIV has proven decisive for acceptance/adherence to treatment. Herein, we present a cross-sectional study aiming at evaluating how individual and network related variables are associated with reactions to HIV disclosure among them. We used the egocentric approach with a structured questionnaire applied to individuals aged 15-25 years in an HIV referral center in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Outcome variable referred to adoption or not of risk behavior after diagnostic disclosure, was classified as "good"/"bad" reactions. Results showed that, of the 80 study participants, 25% reported a "bad reaction" to diagnostic disclosure, an outcome that was more common for patients with at least one friend in their social support network (OR 4.81; 95%CI [1.05-22.07]). In conclusion, a "bad reaction" to HIV serological disclosure may be associated with inadequate structure of the individual's social support network.
RESUMEN: El proceso de divulgación del diagnóstico del virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) es decisivo para la aceptación/adhesión a tratamiento de los jóvenes infectados verticalmente que viven con VIH. Presentamos un estudio transversal con el objetivo de evaluar cómo variables individuales y de red están asociadas con reacciones a la divulgación del VIH entre ellos. Utilizamos el enfoque egocéntrico por medio de un cuestionario estructurado aplicado a personas de 15-25 años en un Centro de Referencia para VIH en Río de Janeiro, Brasil. La variable de resultado se refiere a la adopción o no de comportamiento de riesgo después de la divulgación del diagnóstico, clasificadas como reacciones "buena"/"mala". Los resultados mostraron que, de los 80 participantes del estudio, el 25% reportó una "mala reacción" a la divulgación diagnóstica. Este resultado fue más común en pacientes con al menos un amigo en su red de apoyo social (OR:4.81; IC95% [1.05-22.07]). Como conclusión, una "mala reacción" a la divulgación serológica del VIH puede estar asociada con una estructura inadecuada de la red de apoyo social del individuo.
Revelação , Infecções por HIV , Adolescente , Adulto , Brasil , Criança , Estudos Transversais , Infecções por HIV/diagnóstico , Humanos , Autorrevelação , Revelação da Verdade , Adulto JovemRESUMO
Relational mobility is a socio-ecological construct quantifying how much freedom and opportunity a society affords individuals to choose and dispose of interpersonal relationships. Past research has confirmed that relational mobility varies across nations, but no large-scale study has examined the degree to which relational mobility may vary within a single nation. We report two studies (Study 1, N = 647; Study 2, N = 7343) exploring within-country similarity or variability in relational mobility across all 27 states and five geo-socio-political regions in the continent-size country of Brazil. Results confirmed the measurement equivalence of the Relational Mobility Scale across respondents from all Brazilian states. Notably, relational mobility scores were uniform across Brazilian regions and states, indicating a common national culture regarding the amount of opportunities Brazilians have in selecting new relationship partners within their social context. Replicating existing findings, relational mobility was positively associated with pro-active tendencies that help people retain relationships-levels of intimacy and self-disclosure toward a close friend-indicating that friends tend to feel closer intimacy to their close friends, and reveal serious personal information to a larger degree in social contexts where opportunities to find and retain relationships with like-minded others are greater.
Relações Interpessoais , Brasil , Comparação Transcultural , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Autorrevelação , Parceiros Sexuais , Meio SocialRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: Acculturation-acculturative stress profiles and their association with depression symptoms were examined in a sample of mainland Puerto Ricans (N = 367) using latent profile analysis. METHODS: Bidimensional behavioral acculturation, bidimensional ethnic identity, and acculturative stress were used as indicators to derive profiles. Differences in depressive symptoms across latent profile members were determined using an automatic mixture modeling with continuous outcomes approach. RESULTS: Three profiles were identified, each demonstrating a distinctive configuration of adherence to bidimensional behavioral acculturation, bidimensional ethnic identity, and level of acculturative stress. The largest profile resembled individuals following a partial marginalization strategy. Participants in this profile were also reported more depression symptoms than all other participants. CONCLUSIONS: The identification of a large partial marginalization profile offers important information about sociocultural indicators of depression among Puerto Ricans living in the United States. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).
Aculturação , Depressão/etnologia , Hispânico ou Latino/psicologia , Autorrevelação , Estresse Psicológico/etnologia , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Estudos Longitudinais , Masculino , Porto Rico/etnologia , Estados UnidosRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The global HIV burden among adolescents ages 10-19 is growing. This population concurrently confronts the multifaceted challenges of adolescence and living with HIV. With the goal of informing future interventions tailored to this group, we assessed sexual activity, HIV diagnosis disclosure, combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) adherence, and drug use among adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV) in Lima, Peru. METHODS: Adolescents at risk or with a history of suboptimal cART adherence completed a self-administered, health behaviors survey and participated in support group sessions, which were audio recorded and used as a qualitative data source. Additionally, we conducted in-depth interviews with caregivers and care providers of ALHIV. Thematic content analysis was performed on the group transcripts and in-depth interviews and integrated with data from the survey to describe adolescents' health related behaviors. RESULTS: We enrolled 34 ALHIV, of which 32 (14 male, 18 female, median age 14.5 years) completed the health behavior survey. Nine (28%) adolescents reported prior sexual intercourse, a minority of whom (44%) reported using a condom. cART adherence was highest in the 10-12 age group with 89% reporting ≤2 missed doses in the last month, compared to 36% in adolescents 13 years or older. Over 80% of adolescents had never disclosed their HIV status to a friend or romantic partner. Adolescents, caregivers, and health service providers described sexual health misinformation and difficulty having conversations about sexual health and HIV. CONCLUSIONS: In this group of ALHIV, adherence to cART declined with age and condom use among sexually active adolescents was low. Multifactorial interventions addressing sexual health, gaps in HIV-related knowledge, and management of disclosure and romantic relationships are urgently needed for this population.
Infecções por HIV/tratamento farmacológico , Sobreviventes de Longo Prazo ao HIV/estatística & dados numéricos , Comportamentos Relacionados com a Saúde , Autorrevelação , Comportamento Sexual/estatística & dados numéricos , Adolescente , Comportamento do Adolescente , Fatores Etários , Antirretrovirais/uso terapêutico , Criança , Preservativos/estatística & dados numéricos , Análise de Dados , Feminino , Infecções por HIV/psicologia , Sobreviventes de Longo Prazo ao HIV/psicologia , Humanos , Relações Interpessoais , Masculino , Peru/epidemiologia , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Grupos de Autoajuda , Meio Social , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias/epidemiologiaRESUMO
Resumo O objetivo de deste estudo foi testar um modelo de mediação da expressão de sentimentos e a satisfação sexual via autorrevelação, enquanto processo, é uma variável mediadora significativa da associação entre a expressão de sentimentos e a satisfação sexual. A amostra deste estudo foi constituída por 564 participantes (370 mulheres, 65,60%), cisgénero, heterossexuais, numa relação diádica de exclusividade e compromisso. Foram testados dois modelos: um modelo de mediação simples e um modelo de mediação moderada, sendo este último usado para testa a influência do género no modelo de mediação. Os resultados demonstraram que, globalmente, homens e mulheres apresentaram valores médios idênticos na autorrevelação sexual e satisfação sexual; se contudo, na expressão de sentimentos, as mulheres apresentaram valores significativamente superiores. A expressão de sentimentos revelou-se uma variável preditora significativa da satisfação sexual e a autorrevelação sexual como uma variável parcialmente mediadora do modelo. No entanto, o género não modera a expressão de sentimentos e a autorrevelação. O presente estudo demonstra que a expressão de sentimentos e a autorrevelação sexual são importantes aspetos da satisfação sexual de ambos os géneros.
Abstract The present study had the main goal of testing a mediation model of expression of feelings and sexual satisfaction via sexual self-disclosure, trying to understand if the process of sexual self-disclosure is a significant mediator variable of the association between expression of feelings and sexual satisfaction. The sample of this study comprised by 564 cisgender, heterosexual participants (370 women, 65.60%), who were in a dyadic and exclusive relationship of commitment. Two models were tested: a simple mediation model and a moderate mediation model in which the objective is to test the influence of gender on the of mediation. Overall, results showed that men and women had similar mean values for sexual self-disclosure and sexual satisfaction, however, a significantly higher expression of feelings was found in women compared to men. The results demonstrated that expression of feelings was a significant predictor variable of sexual satisfaction and that sexual self-disclosure is partially a mediator variable of the tested model. Gender did not moderate the association between expression of feelings and sexual self-disclosure. The present study shows that expression of feelings and sexual self-disclosure are important aspects of sexual satisfaction in both genders.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Idoso , Autorrevelação , Satisfação Pessoal , Negociação , Emoções , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero , Identidade de GêneroRESUMO
O presente artigo analisa, de maneira crítica, os 20 anos da Resolução nº 01/1999 do Conselho Federal de Psicologia. Tal documento regulamenta o exercício profissional sobre orientação sexual; mais exatamente, veta práticas de patologização e discriminação, e incentiva o enfrentamento ao preconceito e à violência. Primeiramente, discutimos como a Resolução foi objeto de debate legislativo e esteve cerceada pelo judiciário, apesar de sua imensa visibilidade, força política e capacidade de garantia de direitos humanos - ou, talvez, justamente por isso. Em seguida, analisamos o objetivo de tais ações - autorizar práticas que tentam reverter a homossexualidade: elas não têm fundamentos no atual conhecimento psicológico, configuram exercício de tortura e produzem efeitos de intenso sofrimento e adoecimento. Posteriormente, debatemos desafios e possibilidades para posicionamento ético do exercício profissional da Psicologia com homossexualidades em diferentes campos de atuação (educação, justiça e política de saúde) de forma a enfrentar as patologizações. Por fim, interrogamos a votação do Supremo Tribunal Federal sobre a criminalização da LGBTIfobia a partir da criminologia crítica, em dialogo com os efeitos da Resolução no 01/1999. Concluímos que este documento, ainda que insuficiente para eliminar as práticas de LGBTIfobia, segue um instrumento relevante para uma Psicologia de garantia dos direitos humanos.(AU)
This article critically analyzes the 20 years of Resolution nº 01/1999 of the Federal Council of Psychology. This document regulates the professional exercise on sexual orientation; more precisely, it prohibits pathologization and discrimination practices, and also encourages confronting prejudice and violence. Firstly, we discuss how the resolution has been subject of legislative and judiciary actions, despite its immense visibility, political power and capacity to guarantee human rights - or, perhaps, precisely because of them. Then, we analyze the purpose of such actions - to authorize practices trying to reverse homosexuality: they do have not basis in current psychological knowledge, configuring a torture exercise and producing intense suffering and illness. Subsequently, we discuss challenges and possibilities for ethical psychological practices with homosexualities in different fields (education, justice and health policy) confronting pathologizations. Finally, we use the critical criminology to question the Federal Supreme Court decision on the LGBTIphobia criminalization, in dialogue with the Resolution's effects. We conclude that even if this document did not eliminate LGBTIphobia practices, is a relevant strategy for psychology to ensure human rights.(AU)
Este artículo analiza críticamente el vigésimo aniversario de la Resolución No. 01/1999 del Consejo Federal de Psicología. Este documento regula el ejercicio profesional sobre orientación sexual; más precisamente, veta las prácticas de patologización y discriminación, y alienta la confrontación de prejuicios y violencia. Primero, discutimos cómo la Resolución fue objeto de debate legislativo y estuvo rodeada por el poder judicial, a pesar de su inmensa visibilidad, fortaleza política y capacidad para garantizar los derechos humanos, o quizás, precisamente por eso. Luego analizamos el propósito de tales acciones: autorizar prácticas que intentan revertir la homosexualidad: no tienen base en el conocimiento psicológico actual, configuran ejercicio de tortura y producen efectos de sufrimiento y enfermedad intensos. Posteriormente, discutimos los desafíos y las posibilidades para el posicionamiento ético de la práctica profesional de la psicología con las homosexualidades en diferentes campos (educación, justicia y política de salud) para enfrentar patologías. Finalmente, cuestionamos el voto de la Corte Suprema sobre la criminalización de la fobia LGBTI por la criminología crítica, en diálogo con los efectos de la Resolución 01/1999.Concluimos que este documento, aunque insuficiente para eliminar las prácticas de LGBTIfobia, sigue una herramienta relevante para una psicología que garantice los derechos humanos.(AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Psicologia , Homossexualidade , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero , Ansiedade , Personalidade , Psicologia Social , Desenvolvimento Psicossexual , Política Pública , Rejeição em Psicologia , Religião e Psicologia , Religião e Sexo , Repressão Psicológica , Autoimagem , Vergonha , Ajustamento Social , Conformidade Social , Isolamento Social , Valores Sociais , Sociedades , Sublimação Psicológica , Suicídio , Tabu , Transexualidade , Travestilidade , Inconsciente Psicológico , Comportamento e Mecanismos Comportamentais , Imagem Corporal , Autorrevelação , Bissexualidade , Saúde Mental , HIV , Assédio Sexual , Homossexualidade Feminina , Sexualidade , Heterossexualidade , Negação em Psicologia , Desenvolvimento Moral , Agressão , Depressão , Estudos Populacionais em Saúde Pública , Ética Profissional , Extroversão Psicológica , Feminilidade , Masculinidade , Rede Social , Homofobia , Racismo , Normas Sociais , Segregação Social , Direitos Socioeconômicos , Construção Social do Gênero , Expressão de Gênero , Vulnerabilidade Sexual , Normas de Gênero , Binarismo de Gênero , Performatividade de Gênero , Necessidades Específicas do Gênero , Liberdade , Constrangimento , Respeito , Angústia Psicológica , Intervenção Psicossocial , Pseudociência , Papel de Gênero , Status Social , Vulnerabilidade Social , Cidadania , Segurança Psicológica , Capacidades de Enfrentamento , Culpa , Ódio , Identificação Psicológica , Individuação , Meios de Comunicação de MassaRESUMO
HIV pre-exposure prophyalxis (PrEP) might lead individuals to view serodisclosure as unnecessary. We examined the prevalence of non-disclosure and lack of knowledge of partner status in a global cohort of men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women (TW) enrolled in the iPrEx Open Label Extension (OLE). We calculated prevalence ratios by fitting a logistic model and estimating predicted probabilities using marginal standardization. Prevalence of non-disclosure and lack of knowledge of partner status were highest in Thailand (73% and 74%, respectively) and lowest in the USA (23% and 37%, respectively). In adjusted analyses, PrEP use was not significantly associated with non-disclosure or lack of knowledge of partner status (p-values>0.05). We found that relationship characteristics were significantly associated with both outcomes. Non-disclosure was higher among casual (adjusted prevalence ratio [aPR] 1.54, [95% confidence interval 1.24-1.84]) and transactional sex partners (aPR 2.03, [1.44-2.62]), and among partners whom participants have known only minutes or hours before their first sexual encounter (aPR 1.62, [1.33-1.92]). Similarly, participants were less likely to know the HIV status of casual partners (aPR 1.50, [1.30-1.71]), transactional sex partners (aPR 1.62, [1.30-1.95]), and those they have known for only days or weeks (aPR 1.13, [0.99-1.27]) or minutes or hours (aPR 1.27, [1.11-1.42]). Our findings underscore the role of dyadic factors in influencing serodisclosure. Comprehensive risk reduction counseling provided in conjunction with PrEP that address relationship characteristics are needed to help patients navigate discussions around HIV status.
Infecções por HIV/prevenção & controle , Profilaxia Pré-Exposição/estatística & dados numéricos , Autorrevelação , Adulto , Idoso , Feminino , Infecções por HIV/diagnóstico , Homossexualidade Masculina , Humanos , Relações Interpessoais , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Parceiros Sexuais , África do Sul , América do Sul , Tailândia , Pessoas Transgênero , Estados Unidos , Adulto JovemRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: To explore the ways in which medical abortion pills are obtained and used by university students in Chile in a clandestine context. STUDY DESIGN: Using a qualitative approach, we conducted in-depth interviews with 30 young women who had had a medical abortion between 2006 and 2016 while attending university. We recorded the details of their pathways to abortion and their experience of abortion, and how they used networks in the university to find the pills and learn how to use them. The interviews were analyzed using narrative content analysis. RESULTS: The findings show that medical abortion did not take place completely outside the healthcare system for these students, who accessed ultrasound scans pre- and post-abortion and post-abortion care. However, even with help and support from contacts, partners and friends, the clandestine situation created uncertainty and fear, which dominated the whole process, from finding and purchasing the pills, to uncertainty about correct doses and whether the abortion was going as it should and was complete or not. There was a high perception that failure and complications might be occurring, which led many of them to seek post-abortion care. The process was very demanding, requiring information, time, privacy to have the abortion, support and resources, and the ability to deal with risk. CONCLUSIONS: Medical abortion allowed these young women to have safe abortions in terms of reduced risks to health and autonomy through self-management. However, clandestinity made them physically, socially and emotionally vulnerable and exposed them to the risk of normative, violent judgments during post-abortion care. IMPLICATIONS: Access to medical abortion has transformed the experience of abortion in Chile, where abortion is illegal, because it is possible to use it safely and effectively outside healthcare settings. However, uncertainty, fear and risk will continue to dominate the experience, which can only be transformed by making abortion legal and available.
Abortivos , Aborto Induzido/métodos , Estudantes/psicologia , Aborto Induzido/legislação & jurisprudência , Aborto Induzido/psicologia , Chile , Feminino , Humanos , Autonomia Pessoal , Gravidez , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Autorrevelação , UniversidadesRESUMO
The persistence of stigma surrounding AIDS remains a challenge in the epidemic's fourth decade. Based on qualitative research, this study analyses how pregnant women living with HIV/AIDS (PWLHA) experience and cope with AIDS stigma. A total of 29 semi-structured interviews were conducted with PWLHA focusing on socioeconomic profiles, the contexts in which they discovered HIV infection, experiences with health-care sites and ways of dealing with AIDS-related stigma. We recruited PWLHA at two prevention of mother-to-child transmission sites in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The PWLHA's testimony indicates that access to care and treatment has a profound effect on the deconstruction of their understanding of AIDS as a fatal disease. However, fear of AIDS stigma is still predominant. The law guarantees HIV non-disclosure, and women see it as a way to protect themselves from discrimination. We argue, however, that the silence surrounding HIV diagnosis perpetuates the psychosocial and structural mechanisms that reproduce stigma. We conclude that diverse sectors of society, including health-care facilities, must be involved in confronting stigma by demystifying AIDS, improving patients' knowledge of their rights, and increasing their access to material and symbolic goods.
Infecções por HIV/epidemiologia , Infecções por HIV/psicologia , Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez/epidemiologia , Gestantes/psicologia , Autorrevelação , Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida/epidemiologia , Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida/psicologia , Adulto , Brasil/epidemiologia , Feminino , Humanos , Gravidez , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Estigma Social , Adulto JovemRESUMO
This study assessed the consistency of self-reports of risk behavior (overall and within four specific domains: alcohol use, tobacco use, drug use, and sexual activity) in two editions of the Brazilian National School Based Survey of Adolescent Health (PeNSE): 2009 and 2012. The overall proportion of cases with at least one inconsistent response in the two editions was 11.7% (2.7% on the alcohol items, 2.1% for drug use, 4.3% for cigarette use, 3% for sexual activity) and 22.7% (12.8% on alcohol items, 2.5% for drug use, 4.3% for cigarette use, 4.1% for sexual activity), respectively. Such inconsistency was more prevalent among males, delayed students, those who reported having experimented with drugs, and those who did not have a cellphone. Because inconsistent responses were more prevalent among the students who claimed to have engaged in risky activities, removing inconsistent responders affected the estimated prevalence of all risk behaviors in both editions of the survey. This study supports the importance of performing consistency checks of self-report surveys, following the growing body of literature on this topic.
Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas , Assunção de Riscos , Autorrevelação , Autoavaliação (Psicologia) , Comportamento Sexual/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias/epidemiologia , Adolescente , Comportamento do Adolescente , Saúde do Adolescente , Brasil/epidemiologia , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Fatores de Risco , Fatores Sexuais , Inquéritos e QuestionáriosRESUMO
This paper focuses on challenges faced by heterosexual couples of mixed HIV status in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and argues for more conceptual nuance in our understanding of 'serodiscordance'. Couples' stories, collected over 11 months of qualitative research, demonstrate how profoundly serodiscordance involves both partners and suggest that the timing of relationship formation relative to HIV diagnosis influenced the particular challenges they confronted. In recognition of this variation, we propose the distinction of 'sero-discovering' from 'sero-cognisant' couples. Though Brazilian health policy strives to address the needs of individuals diagnosed with HIV, the needs of seronegative partners in this cohort received relatively little attention. In addition, the transformation of HIV from a death sentence to a chronic condition both facilitated the formation of serodiscordant unions and raised special challenges for such couples. Conceiving of any person receiving an HIV diagnosis as 'potentially partnered' may help address some of these lacunae while promoting primary prevention within mixed-status couples, and HIV testing more generally. More research with this population is needed.
Soropositividade para HIV/psicologia , Heterossexualidade/psicologia , Autorrevelação , Parceiros Sexuais/psicologia , Adulto , Antropologia Cultural , Brasil , Feminino , Infecções por HIV/prevenção & controle , Humanos , Entrevistas como Assunto , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pesquisa QualitativaRESUMO
Internalized stigma and disclosure concerns are key elements for the study of mental health in people living with HIV. Since no measures of these constructs were available for Spanish population, this study sought to develop such instruments, to analyze their reliability and validity and to provide a short version. A heterogeneous sample of 458 adults from different Spanish-speaking countries completed the HIV-Internalized Stigma Scale and the HIV-Disclosure Concerns Scale, along with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Rosenberg's Self-esteem Scale and other socio-demographic variables. Reliability and correlation analyses, exploratory factor analyses, path analyses with latent variables, and ANOVAs were conducted to test the scales' psychometric properties. The scales showed good reliability in terms of internal consistency and temporal stability, as well as good sensitivity and factorial and criterion validity. The HIV-Internalized Stigma Scale and the HIV-Disclosure Concerns Scale are reliable and valid means to assess these variables in several contexts.
Infecções por HIV/psicologia , Autorrevelação , Estigma Social , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Ansiedade , Colômbia , Depressão , Revelação , Análise Fatorial , Feminino , Humanos , América Latina , Masculino , México , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Psicometria , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Autoimagem , Espanha , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto JovemRESUMO
Men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women (TW) are key populations in the HIV epidemic. HIV status communication between sex partners can inform decisions regarding sexual behavior. MSM and TW were asked about HIV status communication with sex partners at baseline, 9- and 18-months. GEE models assessed associations with HIV status communication at baseline using prevalence ratios (PRs) and longitudinally using odds ratios (ORs). At baseline, those who had previously had an HIV test, disclosed their HIV status to 42 % of their sex partners. HIV status communication was associated with knowing their sex partner's HIV status at baseline (aPR 5.20) and longitudinally (aOR 1.86). HIV positivity at baseline was negatively associated with HIV status communication during follow-up (aOR 0.55). All reported aPRs and aORs have p < 0.05. Interventions promoting HIV status communication and more frequent HIV testing should be explored as current efforts are insufficient.
Comunicação , Infecções por HIV/prevenção & controle , Autorrevelação , Parceiros Sexuais , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero , Pessoas Transgênero , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Infecções por HIV/epidemiologia , Homossexualidade Masculina , Humanos , Estudos Longitudinais , Masculino , Programas de Rastreamento , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Razão de Chances , Peru/epidemiologia , Prevalência , Comportamento Sexual , Adulto JovemRESUMO
This study explored the experiences of the first generation of adolescents who acquired HIV through vertical transmission when disclosing their diagnosis to friends and romantic partners. The study sample was selected by convenience, with 20 patients (13-20 years old) participating in a qualitative investigation using individual interviews (language: Portuguese; duration: 45â minutes). The participants were followed in specialized clinics for the treatment of pediatric AIDS in São Paulo, Brazil. The results suggest that families who live with HIV tend to keep it a secret, and such behavior is learned and accepted unquestioningly as natural. Respect for privacy and the fear of rejection, coupled with the belief that information about their disease will be spread, are the main beliefs with which participants justify their secrecy. In terms of romantic relationships, adolescents were aware that their HIV status should at some point be shared with current or future sexual partners. However, the decision to reveal an HIV diagnosis in romantic relationships is permeated by anxieties, uncertainties about the right time, and fear of abandonment. In any case, telling the truth requires trust, guarantees of the other's love, and, in some cases, probing romantic partners beforehand to learn their perceptions about the disease. Participants who had experiences disclosing their HIV status shared positive and negative results, including emotional support, acceptance, and understanding, along with ostracism, discrimination, and abandonment by family members. The findings of this paper reinforce the challenges of revealing an HIV diagnosis to third parties. It requires understanding the meaning and importance of the secret for each patient, along with the conflict between the right to confidentiality and the responsibility of treating others exposed to the disease. All these aspects should be discussed extensively with this population and incorporated into clinical practice.
Comportamento do Adolescente , Infecções por HIV/psicologia , Transmissão Vertical de Doenças Infecciosas/prevenção & controle , Autorrevelação , Parceiros Sexuais/psicologia , Adolescente , Brasil , Feminino , Infecções por HIV/economia , Infecções por HIV/prevenção & controle , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto JovemRESUMO
Abstract: This study assessed the consistency of self-reports of risk behavior (overall and within four specific domains: alcohol use, tobacco use, drug use, and sexual activity) in two editions of the Brazilian National School Based Survey of Adolescent Health (PeNSE): 2009 and 2012. The overall proportion of cases with at least one inconsistent response in the two editions was 11.7% (2.7% on the alcohol items, 2.1% for drug use, 4.3% for cigarette use, 3% for sexual activity) and 22.7% (12.8% on alcohol items, 2.5% for drug use, 4.3% for cigarette use, 4.1% for sexual activity), respectively. Such inconsistency was more prevalent among males, delayed students, those who reported having experimented with drugs, and those who did not have a cellphone. Because inconsistent responses were more prevalent among the students who claimed to have engaged in risky activities, removing inconsistent responders affected the estimated prevalence of all risk behaviors in both editions of the survey. This study supports the importance of performing consistency checks of self-report surveys, following the growing body of literature on this topic.
Resumo: O presente estudo avaliou as inconsistências no autorrelato de comportamentos de risco (geral e em quatro domínios específicos: uso de álcool, tabaco, drogas e atividade sexual) em duas edições da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Adolescente (PeNSE): 2009 e 2012. Nas duas edições, a proporção de casos com ao menos uma resposta inconsistente foi de 11,7% (2,7% nos itens sobre consumo de álcool, 2,1% para uso de drogas, 4,3% para uso de tabaco, 3% para atividade sexual) e 22,7% (12,8% nos itens sobre consumo de álcool, 2,5% para uso de drogas, 4,3% para uso de tabaco, 4,1% para atividade sexual), respectivamente. Tal inconsistência foi mais prevalente entre participantes do sexo masculino, estudantes com atraso escolar, participantes que relataram ter experimentado drogas e participantes que não possuíam telefone celular. Dado que as inconsistências foram mais prevalentes entre os estudantes que declararam ter se engajado nos comportamentos de risco, remover os casos com inconsistência afetou as estimativas de prevalência destes comportamentos em ambas as edições da pesquisa. Este estudo ressalta a importância de testes para a checagem da consistência dos dados autorrelato em pesquisas, acompanhando a crescente literatura na área.
Resumen: Este estudio evaluó las inconsistencias en las conductas de riesgo de auto-reporte (general y cuatro áreas específicas: el alcohol, el tabaco, las drogas y la actividad sexual) en dos ediciones de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud del Adolescente (PeNSE): 2009 y 2012. En dos ediciones, la proporción de casos con al menos una respuesta inconsistente fue 11,7% (2,7% en alcohol, 2,1% en drogas, 4,3% en tabaco, 3% en actividad sexual) y 22,7% (12,8% en alcohol, 2,5% en drogas, 4,3% en tabaco, 4,1% en actividad sexual), respectivamente. Tal inconsistencia era más frecuente entre los participantes masculinos, los alumnos con retraso escolar, los participantes que reportaron haber consumido drogas y participantes probado que no tenían teléfono celular. Dado que las inconsistencias fueron más prevalentes entre los estudiantes que reportaron haber participado en comportamientos de riesgo, eliminar los casos de inconsistencia afectó a las estimaciones de la prevalencia de estas conductas en las dos ediciones de la encuesta. Este estudio pone de relieve la importancia de las pruebas para comprobar la coherencia de los datos de auto-informe sobre la investigación, a raíz de la creciente literatura en la zona.