BACKGROUND: Climate change has far-reaching effects on food security and agriculture, affecting crop yields and food distribution. Agriculture relies heavily on water for irrigation and production, making it vulnerable to water scarcity. Additionally, climate change can affect crop pest insects, leading to increased global crop losses, particularly in cereals, an important component of the human diet. Aphids are major crop pests and have a symbiotic relationship with bacterial endosymbionts that can contribute to their success as pests under a climate change scenario. To test the effect of drought on aphids, we examined varying levels of water deficit and endosymbiont composition on the grain aphid (Sitobion avenae) performance on wheat under controlled laboratory conditions. We measured the intrinsic rate of population increase (rm), the body weight of adult aphids, and the pre-reproductive period for different genotypes of the grain aphid (including Chilean superclones) under different irrigation regimes. We also analyzed the relative abundance of their endosymbionts under the different water treatments. RESULTS: Our findings revealed that water deficit affects each aphid genotype differently, impacting various traits. For instance, the body weight of adult aphids was notably affected by different water treatments, with aphids grown under intermediate water deficit (IW) being significantly bigger. The relative abundance of endosymbionts also varied among genotypes and water treatments-specifically Regiella insecticola had a noticeably higher abundance under IW (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: This study provides valuable insights into the impact of water deficit on aphid performance and the role of endosymbionts in mitigating the effects of water deficit. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.
Afídeos , Simbiose , Triticum , Afídeos/fisiologia , Afídeos/microbiologia , Animais , Triticum/microbiologia , Secas , ÁguaRESUMO
Mutualisms may be more or less sensitive to environmental conditions depending on the diversity and responses of the species involved. Ants frequently form mutualistic associations with plants bearing extrafloral nectaries (EFNs): the ants protect the plants from herbivores and receive food resources (i.e., nectar) in return. As ectotherms, ants are strongly influenced by temperature, and temperature shifts can affect ant-plant interactions in ways that often depend on species functional traits. In this study, we explored the influence of EFN size and leaf surface temperature on ant-plant interactions in a Caatinga dry forest in Brazil. We observed the ants visiting 14 EFN-bearing plant species at different times of day over 12 sampling months; we also measured leaf surface temperatures during these periods. We next quantified EFN size for 68 individuals from the 14 plant species. The observational data were used to characterize the heat tolerance of the attendant ant species (i.e., based on levels of foraging activity). We then evaluated the mutualism's degree of functional resilience using two indices: functional redundancy (i.e., the number of ant species interacting with a given plant species) and thermal response diversity (i.e., variability in the heat tolerance of the ant species interacting with a given plant species). We found that leaf surface temperature, but not EFN size, had an influence on mutualism functional resilience. As temperatures increased, both functional redundancy and thermal response diversity decreased. This result implies that warmer global temperatures could heighten the vulnerability of facultative ant-plant mutualisms, regardless of plant traits.
Formigas , Simbiose , Temperatura , Formigas/fisiologia , Animais , Brasil , Néctar de Plantas , Folhas de Planta , Plantas , MirmecófitasRESUMO
Anastrepha ludens is a pestiferous tephritid fly species exhibiting extreme polyphagy. It develops optimally in hosts rich in sugar but low nitrogen content. We studied the geographical influence on the composition of A. ludens's larval and newly emerged adult gut microbiota in altitudinal (0-2,000 masl) and latitudinal (ca. 800 km from 17° to 22°N latitude) transects along the coastline of the state of Veracruz, Mexico. In the 16 collection sites, we only collected Citrus x aurantium fruit (238 samples of A. ludens larvae and adults, plus 73 samples of pulp) to control for host effect, hypothesizing that there exists a conserved core microbiota that would be dominated by nitrogen-fixing bacteria. We found that latitude triggered more significant changes in the gut microbiota than altitude. Northern and southernmost samples differed the most in microbiota composition, with a trade-off between Acetobacteraceae and Rhizobiaceae driving these differences. As hypothesized, the core microbiota in each sampling site, contained the functional group of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. We conclude that A. ludens larvae can acquire multiple diazotrophic symbionts along its wide distribution range where it infests fruit with a high C:N ratio in the pulp.
Altitude , Microbioma Gastrointestinal , Larva , Tephritidae , Animais , Tephritidae/microbiologia , Larva/microbiologia , México , Citrus/microbiologia , Citrus/parasitologia , Microbiota , Simbiose , Frutas/microbiologiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Strigomonas culicis is a monoxenic trypanosomatid parasite of insects that naturally contains an endosymbiotic bacterium. The aposymbiotic strain can be obtained, making this strain a model for evolutive research about organelle origins. In addition, S. culicis contains homologues of virulence factors of pathogenic trypanosomatids, which functions are waiting for further analysis. In this sense, the publication of S. culicis proteome makes feasible additional investigations regarding the differential expression of peptidases from the wild-type (WT) and the aposymbiotic (APO) strains. OBJECTIVES: Here, we analysed two proteomic data from S. culicis WT and APO strains screening for peptidases differentially expressed and assessed the differential expression of cysteine and metallopeptidases. METHODS: A comparative proteomic screening between WT and APO identified 43 modulated peptidases. FINDINGS: Cysteine and metallopeptidases, such as calpains and GP63, were the major classes, highlighting their significance. GP63 exhibited an increased proteolysis in a specific metallopeptidase substrate, an up-modulation gene expression in RT-PCR, and a higher protein identification by flow cytometry in the aposymbiotic strain. Notwithstanding, the wild-type strain showed enhanced cysteine peptidase activity. MAIN CONCLUSION: Our study highlighted the endosymbiont influence in S. culicis peptidase expression, with GP63 expression and activity raised in the aposymbiotic strain, whereas cysteine peptidase levels were reduced.
Peptídeo Hidrolases , Proteômica , Peptídeo Hidrolases/metabolismo , Peptídeo Hidrolases/genética , Trypanosomatina/enzimologia , Trypanosomatina/genética , Simbiose , Proteólise , ProteomaRESUMO
Arsenic (As) contamination in agricultural groundwater and soil is a significant economic and health problem worldwide. It inhibits soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) nodulation and biological nitrogen fixation in symbiosis with Bradyrhizobium japonicum E109 (E109), a commonly used rhizobial strain for commercial biofertiliser formulation in Argentina. In the context of sustainable and climate-smart agriculture promoted by FAO, co-inoculating legumes with As-tolerant plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) is suggested as a superior alternative to single inoculation. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of As on plant growth-promoting (PGP) traits -siderophore and indole acetic acid production, phosphate solubilisation, diazotrophic activity and hydrolytic enzymes activity- in E109 and three other PGPB strains: Pseudomonas sp. AW4 (AW4), Bacillus pumilus SF5 (SF5) and Bacillus toyonensis SFC 500-1E (Bt). In addition, bacterial compatibility and adhesion on soybean seed were evaluated. Arsenic significantly reduced PGP traits of E109 even at low concentrations, AW4's traits remained unchanged, while those of SF5 and Bt traits were affected (positively or negatively) only at the highest concentrations tested (500 µM arsenate, 250 µM arsenite). All PGPB strains were compatible with E109 under both control and As-stress conditions. Soybean seed adhesion was reduced for E109, only under As stress. Findings suggest that the effect of As on PGP traits is highly strain-dependent and influenced by As concentration and speciation. AW4, SF5, and Bt strains show promise for co-inoculation with E109 in soybean cultivation.
Arsênio , Bradyrhizobium , Glycine max , Fixação de Nitrogênio , Sementes , Microbiologia do Solo , Simbiose , Glycine max/microbiologia , Glycine max/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Arsênio/metabolismo , Sementes/microbiologia , Sementes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bradyrhizobium/fisiologia , Bradyrhizobium/metabolismo , Bacillus/fisiologia , Bacillus/metabolismo , Aderência Bacteriana , Pseudomonas , Poluentes do Solo/metabolismo , Argentina , Fosfatos/metabolismo , Ácidos Indolacéticos/metabolismo , NodulaçãoRESUMO
Ant attendance or trophobiosis is widely distributed in Auchenorrhyncha and can be deï¬ned as a disjunctive association, an interspeciï¬c relationship between two symbiotic organisms. Aggregation behavior with or without ant mutualism has been documented for nymphs and adults in a few families of Fulgoromorpha whereas ant-attendance is reported for all planthopper families except for Ricaniidae. Based on field observations of Pharsalus repandus Melichar, 1906, the present work aims to record the first mutualistic interaction of ant-attendance in a species of the family Ricaniidae, report its aggregation behavior, its host plant, and expand its known distribution to the states of Paraná and Minas Gerais. Two ants were attending the planthoppers at the same time, identified as Camponotus (Myrmotrhix) rufipes (Fabricius, 1775) and Camponotus (Myrmobrachys) crassus Mayr, 1862. We noted direct contact and observed the ants employing antennal palpation behavior to stimulate the planthoppers to deliver honeydew.
Distribuição Animal , Formigas , Hemípteros , Animais , Formigas/classificação , Formigas/fisiologia , Brasil , Hemípteros/classificação , Hemípteros/fisiologia , Hemípteros/anatomia & histologia , Feminino , Masculino , Tamanho Corporal , Simbiose , Estruturas Animais/anatomia & histologia , Estruturas Animais/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Tamanho do Órgão , Comportamento AnimalRESUMO
Microbiome restoration using beneficial microorganisms for corals (BMCs) comprise a promising strategy to help corals cope with anthropogenic stressors. However, there is limited knowledge on the uptake of BMCs by nontarget animals, especially sponges. This study explores whether sponges can acquire BMCs upon direct application and whether inoculations affect sponge health. A 4-week field experiment applying BMCs to Stylissa carteri and Callyspongia crassa assessed three conditions: no inoculation, and BMCs inoculation once and thrice a week. BMC-related strains were naturally present in the seawater and the microbiome of S. carteri. These strains were enriched in response to the inoculation only in the S. carteri microbiome. Microbiomes of both sponges were restructured; sponges were visually healthy and efficiently pumped water at the end of the experiment. These results suggest that sponges can be enriched with BMC-related strains, and that BMC application on nearby corals is unlikely to negatively affect sponge health.
Antozoários , Microbiota , Poríferos , Água do Mar , Animais , Antozoários/microbiologia , Poríferos/microbiologia , Água do Mar/microbiologia , Bactérias/classificação , Bactérias/metabolismo , Bactérias/genética , Bactérias/isolamento & purificação , Simbiose , RNA Ribossômico 16S/genética , FilogeniaRESUMO
Coral bleaching, a consequence of stressed symbiotic relationships between corals and algae, has escalated due to intensified heat stress events driven by climate change. Despite global efforts, current early warning systems lack local precision. Our study, spanning 2015-2017 in the Mesoamerican Reef, revealed prevalent intermediate bleaching, peaking in 2017. By scrutinizing 23 stress exposure and sensitivity metrics, we accurately predicted 75% of bleaching severity variation. Notably, distinct thermal patterns-particularly the climatological seasonal warming rate and various heat stress metrics-emerged as better predictors compared to conventional indices (such as Degree Heating Weeks). Surprisingly, deeper reefs with diverse coral communities showed heightened vulnerability. This study presents a framework for coral reef bleaching vulnerability assessment, leveraging accessible data (including historical and real-time sea surface temperature, habitat variables, and species composition). Its operational potential lies in seamless integration with existing monitoring systems, offering crucial insights for conservation and management.
Antozoários , Mudança Climática , Recifes de Corais , Animais , Antozoários/fisiologia , Temperatura , Ecossistema , SimbioseRESUMO
Background: Marine sponges are dominant components of Antarctic benthos and representative of the high endemism that characterizes this environment. All microbial groups are part of the Antarctic sponge holobionts, but microbial eukaryotes have been studied less, and their symbiotic role still needs to be better understood. Here, we characterize the dynamics of microbial eukaryotes associated with Antarctic sponges, focusing on dinoflagellates over three summer periods to better understand the members, interannual variations, and trophic and lifestyle strategies. Results: The analysis revealed that dinoflagellates dominate microeukaryotic communities in Antarctic sponges. The results also showed significant differences in the diversity and composition of dinoflagellate communities associated with sponges compared to those in seawater. Antarctic sponges were dominated by a single dinoflagellate family, Syndiniales Dino-Group-I-Clade 1, which was present in high abundance in Antarctic sponges compared to seawater communities. Despite minor differences, the top microeukaryotic amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) showed no significant interannual abundance changes, indicating general temporal stability within the studied sponge species. Our findings highlight the abundance and importance of parasitic groups, particularly the classes Coccidiomorphea, Gregarinomorphea, and Ichthyosporea, with the exclusive dominance of Syndiniales Dino-Group-I-Clade 1 within sponges. Conclusions: The present study comprehensively characterizes the microbial eukaryotes associated with Antarctic sponges, showing a remarkable stability of parasitic dinoflagellates in Antarctic sponges. These findings underscore the significant role of parasites in these marine hosts, with implications for population dynamics of the microeukaryome and the holobiont response to a changing ocean.
Dinoflagellida , Poríferos , Regiões Antárticas , Dinoflagellida/genética , Dinoflagellida/fisiologia , Animais , Poríferos/parasitologia , Simbiose , Água do Mar/parasitologia , Água do Mar/microbiologia , BiodiversidadeRESUMO
Despite their genetic adaptation to local conditions, plants often achieve ecological success through symbiotic associations with fungal endophytes. However, the habitat-specific functionality of these interactions and their potential to drive plant adaptation to new environments remain uncertain. In this study, we tested this using the vascular flora of the Antarctic tundra (Colobanthus quitensis and Deschampsia antarctica), an extreme environment where fungal endophytes are known for playing important ecological roles. After characterizing the root-associated fungal endophyte communities of both species in two distinct Antarctic terrestrial habitats-hill and coast-we experimentally assessed the contribution of fungal endophytes to plant adaptation in each habitat. The field reciprocal transplant experiment involved removing endophytes from a set of plants and crossing symbiotic status (with and without endophytes) with habitat for both species, aiming to assess plant performance and fitness. The diversity of root fungal endophytes was similar between habitats and mainly explained by plant species, although habitat-specific endophyte community structures were identified in D. antarctica. Endophytes significantly influenced C. quitensis homeostatic regulation, including oxidative stress and osmotic control, as well as plant fitness in both environments. By contrast, the effect of endophytes on D. antarctica was particularly evident in coastal sites, suggesting an endophyte-mediated improvement in local adaptation. Altogether, our results suggest that the two Antarctic vascular plant species follow different strategies in recruiting and developing functional symbiosis with root-associated fungal communities. While C. quitensis is more generalist, D. antarctica establishes specific interactions with habitat-specific microbial symbionts, predominantly in the most stressful environmental context.
Adaptação Fisiológica , Ecossistema , Endófitos , Simbiose , Endófitos/fisiologia , Simbiose/fisiologia , Regiões Antárticas , Adaptação Fisiológica/genética , Fungos/fisiologia , Raízes de Plantas/microbiologia , Raízes de Plantas/fisiologiaRESUMO
Urbanization has reshaped the distribution of biodiversity on Earth, but we are only beginning to understand its effects on ecological communities. While urbanization may have homogenization effects strong enough to blur the large-scale patterns in interaction networks, urban community patterns may still be associated with climate gradients reflecting large-scale biogeographical processes. Using 103 hummingbird-plant mutualistic networks across continental Americas, including 176 hummingbird and 1,180 plant species, we asked how urbanization affects species interactions over large climate gradients. Urban networks were more generalized, exhibiting greater interaction overlap. Higher generalization was also associated with lower precipitation in both urban and natural areas, indicating that climate affects networks irrespective of habitat type. Urban habitats also showed lower hummingbird functional trait diversity and over/underrepresentation of specific clades. From the plant side, urban communities had a higher prevalence of nonnative nectar plants, which were more frequently visited by the hummingbird species occurring in both urban and natural areas. Therefore, urbanization affected hummingbird-plant interactions through both the composition of species and traits, as well as floral resource availability. Taken together, we show that urbanization consistently modifies ecological communities and their interactions, but climate still plays a role in affecting the structure of these novel communities over the scale of continents.
Biodiversidade , Aves , Clima , Ecossistema , Urbanização , Aves/fisiologia , Animais , Plantas/classificação , SimbioseRESUMO
Fire is a major disturbance affecting ecosystems globally, but its impact on mutualisms has received minimal attention. Here, we use a long-term field experiment to investigate the impact of different fire regimes on globally important ant-honeydew and ant-extrafloral nectar (EFN) mutualistic interactions in an Australian tropical savanna. These interactions provide ants with a key energy source, while their plant and hemipteran hosts receive protection services. We examined ant interactions on species of Eucalyptus (lacking EFNs) and Acacia (with EFNs) in three replicate plots each of burning every 2 and 3 years early in the dry season, burning late in the dry season every 2 years, and unburnt for > 25 years. The proportions of plants with ant-honeydew interactions in Acacia (44.6%) and Eucalyptus (36.3%) were double those of Acacia plants with ant-EFN interactions (18.9%). The most common ants, representing 85% of all interactions, were behaviourally dominant species of Oecophylla, Iridomyrmex and Papyrius. Fire promoted the incidence of ant interactions, especially those involving EFNs on Acacia, which occurred on only 3% of plants in unburnt plots compared with 24% in frequently burnt plots. Fire also promoted the relative incidence of behaviourally dominant ants, which are considered the highest quality mutualists. Contrary to expectations, frequent fire did not result in a switching of behaviourally dominant ant partners from forest-adapted Oecophylla to arid-adapted Iridomyrmex. Our findings that frequent fire increases ant interactions mediated by honeydew and extrafloral nectar, and promotes the quality of ant mutualists, have important implications for protective services provided by ants in highly fire-prone ecosystems.
Formigas , Incêndios , Pradaria , Néctar de Plantas , Animais , Formigas/fisiologia , Austrália , Acacia , Simbiose , Eucalyptus , Ecossistema , Clima TropicalRESUMO
Actinobacteria may help the mycorrhizal symbiosis by producing various bioactive metabolites. Mycorrhizae, in turn, are very important since they increase the absorption of nutrients, promoting the growth of their host plant and making inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (AM) a common practice applied in agriculture and forestry. The cultivation of Rubus idaeus (raspberry) is widespread in Patagonia, Argentina; however, the potential benefits of using actinobacteria-mycorrhizal inoculums to enhance crop growth and yield remain unexplored. The objective of this work was to study the interaction between actinobacteria (Streptomyces, Actinomycetota) and AM in raspberry plants. We performed an experiment applying 4 treatments to raspberry plants growing in two substrates, sterile soil and natural (non-sterile) soil. The treatments consisted in a control (without inoculation) and three inoculations treatments (AM, Streptomyces SH9 strain, and AM + Streptomyces). After 3 months of inoculation, mycorrhization parameters (%) and plant growth were recorded. When comparing both substrates, the mycorrhization parameters were higher in natural soil than in sterile soil. The co-inoculation with AM + Streptomyces SH9 showed the highest mycorrhization. Both factors (treatment x substrate) interacted showing that in sterile soil the treatments with the highest effect on mycorrhization parameters were AM and the co-inoculation, while in natural soil all inoculations improved mycorrhization parameters, being highest with the co-inoculation. These results show that Streptomyces SH9 strain helps the mycorrhizal symbiosis in raspberry, being the first report about the effect of a native rhizospheric actinobacterium on an economically important species, promising potential for environmentally friendly improvements in raspberry crops within the temperate Southern Patagonian region.
Micorrizas , Rubus , Microbiologia do Solo , Streptomyces , Simbiose , Micorrizas/fisiologia , Rubus/microbiologia , Rubus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Streptomyces/metabolismo , Streptomyces/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Streptomyces/fisiologia , Argentina , Raízes de Plantas/microbiologiaRESUMO
The English grain aphid, Sitobion avenae, is a significant agricultural pest affecting wheat, barley, and oats. In Chile, the most prevalent and persistent clone (superclone) of S. avenae harbors the facultative endosymbiont bacterium Regiella insecticola. To determine the role of this bacterium in the reproductive success of this superclone, the presence of R. insecticola was manipulated to assess its impact on (1) the reproductive performance of this clone on two host plant species (wheat and barley), (2) the production of winged morphs, (3) changes in the insects' proteomic profiles, and (4) the root/shoot ratio of plant. It was found that the reproductive performance of this S. avenae superclone varied across host plants, depending on the presence of the facultative bacterial endosymbiont. Aphids infected with R. insecticola showed higher reproductive success on wheat, while the opposite effect was observed on barley. Aphid biomass was greater when infected with R. insecticola, particularly on barley. Additionally, aphids harboring R. insecticola exhibited a higher proportion of winged individuals on both host plants. Protein regulation in aphids on wheat was lower compared to those on barley. A higher root/shoot biomass ratio was observed in wheat plants compared to barley when infested by R. insecticola-infected aphid. Thus, R. insecticola significantly influences the reproductive performance and proteomic profile of a S. avenae superclone, with these effects shaped by the host plant. This suggests that the interaction between the host plant and the facultative endosymbiont contributes to the ecological success of this superclone.
Afídeos , Hordeum , Reprodução , Simbiose , Triticum , Animais , Afídeos/microbiologia , Afídeos/fisiologia , Triticum/microbiologia , Hordeum/microbiologia , Proteoma/metabolismo , Proteômica , Proteínas de Insetos/metabolismo , Enterobacteriaceae , ChileRESUMO
In ecological networks, cohesive groups of species may shape the evolution of interactions, serving as coevolutionary units. Ranging across network scales, from motifs to isolated components, elucidating which cohesive groups are more determinant for coevolution remains a challenge in ecology. We address this challenge by integrating 376 empirical mutualistic and antagonistic networks and coevolutionary models. We identified cohesive groups at four network scales containing a significant proportion of potential direct coevolutionary effects. Cohesive groups displayed hierarchical organisation, and potential coevolutionary effects overflowing lower-scale groups were contained by higher-scale groups, underscoring the hierarchy's impact. However, indirect coevolutionary effects blurred group boundaries and hierarchy, particularly under strong selection from ecological interactions. Thus, under strong selection, indirect effects render networks themselves, and not cohesive groups, as the likely coevolutionary units of ecological systems. We hypothesise hierarchical cohesive groups to also shape how other forms of direct and indirect effects propagate in ecological systems.
Evolução Biológica , Ecossistema , Modelos Biológicos , Simbiose , AnimaisRESUMO
Fungus-farming ants cultivate multiple lineages of fungi for food, but, because fungal cultivar relationships are largely unresolved, the history of fungus-ant coevolution remains poorly known. We designed probes targeting >2000 gene regions to generate a dated evolutionary tree for 475 fungi and combined it with a similarly generated tree for 276 ants. We found that fungus-ant agriculture originated ~66 million years ago when the end-of-Cretaceous asteroid impact temporarily interrupted photosynthesis, causing global mass extinctions but favoring the proliferation of fungi. Subsequently, ~27 million years ago, one ancestral fungal cultivar population became domesticated, i.e., obligately mutualistic, when seasonally dry habitats expanded in South America, likely isolating the cultivar population from its free-living, wet forest-dwelling conspecifics. By revealing these and other major transitions in fungus-ant coevolution, our results clarify the historical processes that shaped a model system for nonhuman agriculture.
Formigas , Coevolução Biológica , Fungos , Simbiose , Animais , Agricultura , Formigas/microbiologia , Formigas/genética , Domesticação , Fungos/genética , Fungos/classificação , Fotossíntese , Filogenia , América do SulRESUMO
Coral microbiomes play crucial roles in holobiont homeostasis and adaptation. The host's ability to populate broad ecological niches and to cope with environmental changes seems to be related to the flexibility of the coral microbiome. By means of high-throughput DNA sequencing we characterized simultaneously both bacterial (16S rRNA) and Symbiodiniaceae (ITS2) communities of four reef-building coral species (Mussismilia braziliensis, Mussismilia harttii, Montastraea cavernosa, and Favia gravida) that differ in geographic distribution and niche specificity. Samples were collected in a marginal reef system (Abrolhos, Brazil) in four sites of contrasting irradiance and turbidity. Biological filters governed by the host are important in shaping corals' microbiome structure. More structured associated microbial communities by reef site tend to occur in coral species with broader geographic and depth ranges, especially for Symbiodiniaceae, whereas the endemic and habitat-specialist host, M. braziliensis, has relatively more homogenous bacterial communities with more exclusive members. Our findings lend credence to the hypothesis that higher microbiome flexibility renders corals more adaptable to diverse environments, a trend that should be investigated in more hosts and reef areas.
Antozoários , Bactérias , Recifes de Corais , Microbiota , RNA Ribossômico 16S , Animais , Antozoários/microbiologia , RNA Ribossômico 16S/genética , Bactérias/genética , Bactérias/classificação , Brasil , Simbiose , Filogenia , Dinoflagellida/genética , Dinoflagellida/fisiologia , Sequenciamento de Nucleotídeos em Larga Escala , EcossistemaRESUMO
The diversification of angiosperms has largely been attributed to adaptive radiation of their pollination and mating systems, which are relevant drivers of the macroevolution processes. The fig (Ficus, Moraceae) and fig wasp (Agaonidae, Hymenoptera) interaction is an example of obligate mutualism. Passive and active pollination modes have been associated with morphological traits in both partners. However, more information is required to assess the relationship between floral traits and pollination modes, particularly in Neotropical Ficus species. This study evaluates the morphological traits of figs and fig wasps regarding pollination modes in species belonging to Neotropical Ficus sections (three species each of Americanae and Pharmacosycea). Pollination mode was identified by floral morphology, anther/ovule ratio, and specialized structures fig wasps use for pollen transport (pollen pocket and coxal combs). Fig species in sect. Americanae are actively pollinated because pistillate flowers form a synstigma, present anther/ovule ratios <0.11, and their pollinator Pegoscapus fig wasps have pollen pockets and coxal combs. In contrast, species in sect. Pharmacosycea have free pistillate flowers, with anther/ovule ratios >0.27; they are pollinated by Tetrapus wasps, which lack specialized structures to carry pollen. Each species of Ficus was associated with a single morphospecies of fig wasp. The results support previous contributions that consider reciprocal morphological traits between fig species and their pollinating wasps as evidence of a close co-evolutionary history.
Ficus , Flores , Polinização , Simbiose , Vespas , Animais , Polinização/fisiologia , Ficus/fisiologia , Ficus/anatomia & histologia , Vespas/fisiologia , Vespas/anatomia & histologia , Flores/fisiologia , Flores/anatomia & histologia , Simbiose/fisiologia , Pólen/fisiologia , Pólen/anatomia & histologiaRESUMO
Little is known about the role of horse flies in potential pathogen transmission in Chile. This study provides evidence of the molecular detection of microorganisms in southern Chile. In the present study, adult Osca lata horse flies were trapped from Punucapa (39°45'06"S/73°16'08"W, Región de Los Ríos) and Puyehue (40°39'10"S/72°10'57"W, Región de Los Lagos), Chile. Among the 95 samples analyzed by PCR using specific primers, microorganisms were detected in 23.2% (n = 22) of the samples. Rickettsia spp. DNA was detected in 15.8% (n = 15) of the samples, Trypanosomatidae DNA in 5.3% (n = 5) of the samples, and filarial DNA in 2.1% (n = 2) of the samples. This study found that horse flies in the region are capable of carrying a variety of both parasites and endosymbionts. Further research is needed to understand the specific impact of horse flies as mechanical or biological vectors and develop effective control measures to prevent the spread of any microorganisms associated with disease.
Dípteros , Simbiose , Animais , Chile , Dípteros/microbiologia , Rickettsia/genética , Rickettsia/isolamento & purificação , Rickettsia/classificação , DNA Bacteriano/genética , Trypanosomatina/genética , Trypanosomatina/isolamento & purificação , Trypanosomatina/classificação , Feminino , Masculino , Reação em Cadeia da PolimeraseRESUMO
The symbiosis between microorganisms and host arthropods can cause biological, physiological, and reproductive changes in the host population. The present study aimed to survey facultative symbionts of the genera Wolbachia, Arsenophonus, Cardinium, Rickettsia, and Nosema in Cotesia flavipes (Cameron) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in the laboratory and evaluate the influence of infection on the fitness of these hosts. For this purpose, 16S rDNA primers were used to detect these facultative symbionts in the host species, and the hosts' biological and morphological features were evaluated for changes resulting from the infection caused by these microorganisms. The bacterial symbionts studied herein were not detected in the D. saccharalis samples analysed, but the endosymbiont Wolbachia was detected in C. flavipes and altered the biological and morphological aspects of this parasitoid insect. The results of this study may help to elucidate the role of Wolbachia in maintaining the quality of populations/lineages of C. flavipes.