Equine influenza is a viral disease caused by the equine influenza virus (EIV), and according to the WOAH, it is mandatory to report these infections. In Latin America and Colombia, EIV risk factors have not been analyzed. The objective of this research is to perform an epidemiological and molecular analysis of the EIV in horses with respiratory symptoms from 2020 to 2023 in Colombia. Molecular EIV detection was performed using RT-qPCR and nanopore sequencing. A risk analysis was also performed via the GEE method. A total of 188 equines with EIV respiratory symptoms were recruited. The positivity rate was 33.5%. The descriptive analysis showed that only 12.8% of the horses were vaccinated, and measures such as the quarantine and isolation of symptomatic animals accounted for 91.5% and 88.8%, respectively. The variables associated with the EIV were the non-isolation of positive individuals (OR = 8.16, 95% CI (1.52-43.67), p = 0.014) and sharing space with poultry (OR = 2.16, 95% CI (1.09-4.26), p = 0.027). In conclusion, this is the first EIV investigation in symptomatic horses in Colombia, highlighting the presence of the virus in the country and the need to improve preventive and control measures.
Doenças dos Cavalos , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8 , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae , Cavalos , Animais , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/epidemiologia , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/veterinária , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/virologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/virologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/isolamento & purificação , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/genética , Feminino , Masculino , Filogenia , Sequenciamento por Nanoporos/métodos , Fatores de RiscoRESUMO
There are different opinions around the World regarding the zoonotic capability of H3N8 equine influenza viruses. In this report, we have tried to summarize the findings of different research and review articles from Chinese, English, and Mongolian Scientific Literature reporting the evidence for equine influenza virus infections in human beings. Different search engines i.e. CNKI, PubMed, ProQuest, Chongqing Database, Mongol Med, and Web of Knowledge yielded 926 articles, of which 32 articles met the inclusion criteria for this review. Analyzing the epidemiological and Phylogenetic data from these articles, we found a considerable experimental and observational evidence of H3N8 equine influenza viruses infecting human being in different parts of the World in the past. Recently published articles from Pakistan and China have highlighted the emerging threat and capability of equine influenza viruses for an epidemic in human beings in future. In this review article we have summarized the salient scientific reports published on the epidemiology of equine influenza viruses and their zoonotic aspect. Additionally, several recent developments in the start of 21st century, including the transmission and establishment of equine influenza viruses in different animal species i.e. camels and dogs, and presumed encephalopathy associated to influenza viruses in horses, have documented the unpredictable nature of equine influenza viruses. In sum up, several reports has highlighted the unpredictable nature of H3N8 EIVs highlighting the need of continuous surveillance for H3N8 in equines and humans in contact with them for novel and threatening mutations.(AU)
Existem diferentes opiniões em todo o mundo a respeito da capacidade zoonótica dos vírus da influenza equina H3N8. Neste relatório, tentamos resumir os resultados de diferentes pesquisas e artigos de revisão da literatura científica chinesa, inglesa e mongol relatando as evidências de infecções pelo vírus da influenza equina em seres humanos. Diferentes mecanismos de busca, como CNKI, PubMed, ProQuest, Chongqing Database, Mongol Med e Web of Knowledge geraram 926 artigos, dos quais 32 atenderam aos critérios de inclusão para esta revisão. Analisando os dados epidemiológicos e filogenéticos desses artigos, encontramos uma considerável evidência experimental e observacional de vírus da influenza equina H3N8 infectando seres humanos em diferentes partes do mundo no passado. Artigos publicados recentemente no Paquistão e na China destacaram a ameaça emergente e a capacidade dos vírus da influenza equina para uma epidemia em seres humanos no futuro. Neste artigo de revisão, resumimos os relatórios científicos relevantes publicados sobre a epidemiologia dos vírus da influenza equina e seu aspecto zoonótico. Além disso, vários desenvolvimentos recentes no início do século 21, incluindo a transmissão e estabelecimento de vírus da influenza equina em diferentes espécies animais, ou seja, camelos e cães, e presumida encefalopatia associada aos vírus da influenza em cavalos, documentaram a natureza imprevisível dos vírus da influenza equina. Em suma, vários relatórios destacaram a natureza imprevisível de H3N8 EIVs destacando a necessidade de vigilância contínua para H3N8 em equinos e humanos em contato com eles para novas mutações ameaçadoras.(AU)
Animais , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8 , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/epidemiologia , Zoonoses , Doenças Transmissíveis Emergentes/veterináriaRESUMO
There are different opinions around the World regarding the zoonotic capability of H3N8 equine influenza viruses. In this report, we have tried to summarize the findings of different research and review articles from Chinese, English, and Mongolian Scientific Literature reporting the evidence for equine influenza virus infections in human beings. Different search engines i.e. CNKI, PubMed, ProQuest, Chongqing Database, Mongol Med, and Web of Knowledge yielded 926 articles, of which 32 articles met the inclusion criteria for this review. Analyzing the epidemiological and Phylogenetic data from these articles, we found a considerable experimental and observational evidence of H3N8 equine influenza viruses infecting human being in different parts of the World in the past. Recently published articles from Pakistan and China have highlighted the emerging threat and capability of equine influenza viruses for an epidemic in human beings in future. In this review article we have summarized the salient scientific reports published on the epidemiology of equine influenza viruses and their zoonotic aspect. Additionally, several recent developments in the start of 21st century, including the transmission and establishment of equine influenza viruses in different animal species i.e. camels and dogs, and presumed encephalopathy associated to influenza viruses in horses, have documented the unpredictable nature of equine influenza viruses. In sum up, several reports has highlighted the unpredictable nature of H3N8 EIVs highlighting the need of continuous surveillance for H3N8 in equines and humans in contact with them for novel and threatening mutations.
Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8 , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae , Animais , China , Doenças dos Cavalos/transmissão , Cavalos , Humanos , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/genética , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/epidemiologia , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/transmissão , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/veterinária , Paquistão , Filogenia , ZoonosesRESUMO
Equine influenza (EI) virus is one of the most economically important pathogens of respiratory diseases of horses worldwide. Despite availability of vaccines for control of EI, the highly contagious nature and variability properties of the virus mean global outbreaks occur. Thus, continuous surveillance programs, including seroprevalence studies of disease in different countries, may contribute to better control of the disease. In this study, the seroprevalence of equine influenza in 850 horses from Brazil was investigated. The serodiagnosis was based on the single radial hemolysis (SRH) assay using influenza A/equine/Richmond/1/2007 (H3N8) antigen. Antibodies against A/equine/Richmond/1/07 (H3N8) were detected in 44.7% (380/850, 95% CI: 41.4-48.1%) of horses. Seroprevalence was significantly lower (p = 0.001) in younger animals (< 5 years, 38.6%) than in "adult" animals (5-14 years, 52.1%). There was also a significant relationship between the year of sampling and seroprevalence (p < 0.0005). The mean SRH antibody value was 42.0 mm2 (range 4-238.9 mm2), with the majority of horses (95.3%) having an SRH value ≤ 150 mm2, which is considered an insufficient level for protection of equine hosts against influenza infections and potential virus shedding. These findings indicate the need to reinforce preventive/control measures against equine influenza in Brazil.
Anticorpos Antivirais/sangue , Surtos de Doenças/veterinária , Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/imunologia , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/epidemiologia , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/imunologia , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/veterinária , Animais , Brasil , Feminino , Doenças dos Cavalos/virologia , Cavalos/imunologia , Cavalos/virologia , Masculino , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/prevenção & controle , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fatores de Risco , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Eliminação de Partículas ViraisRESUMO
Since their discovery in the United States in 1963, outbreaks of infection with equine influenza virus (H3N8) have been associated with serious respiratory disease in horses worldwide. Genomic analysis suggests that equine H3 viruses are of an avian lineage, likely originating in wild birds. Equine-like internal genes have been identified in avian influenza viruses isolated from wild birds in the Southern Cone of South America. However, an equine-like H3 hemagglutinin has not been identified. We isolated 6 distinct H3 viruses from wild birds in Chile that have hemagglutinin, nucleoprotein, nonstructural protein 1, and polymerase acidic genes with high nucleotide homology to the 1963 H3N8 equine influenza virus lineage. Despite the nucleotide similarity, viruses from Chile were antigenically more closely related to avian viruses and transmitted effectively in chickens, suggesting adaptation to the avian host. These studies provide the initial demonstration that equine-like H3 hemagglutinin continues to circulate in a wild bird reservoir.
Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8 , Influenza Aviária , Animais , Galinhas , Chile/epidemiologia , Glicoproteínas de Hemaglutininação de Vírus da Influenza/genética , Cavalos , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/genética , Influenza Aviária/epidemiologia , FilogeniaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Equine influenza is an important cause of respiratory disease of horses worldwide. The equine influenza virus (EIV) undergoes antigenic drift through the accumulation of amino acid substitutions in the viral proteins, which may lead to vaccine breakdown. OBJECTIVES: To describe the epidemiological findings and the molecular characteristics of the EIV detected during the multifocal outbreak that occurred in Argentina between March and July 2018 and evidence a vaccine breakdown. STUDY DESIGN: Observational, descriptive study. METHODS: Virus was detected in nasopharyngeal swabs using real-time reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR). Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the haemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes were obtained from EIV positive nasopharyngeal swabs, and phylogenetic analysis was undertaken. Amino acid sequences were compared against the current World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)-recommended Florida clade 1 vaccine strain and strain components of vaccines used in Argentina. Serum samples were tested using haemagglutination inhibition test. RESULTS: Equine influenza virus infection was confirmed using real-time RT-PCR and serological testing. The phylogenetic analysis of the HA and NA genes revealed that all the EIV identified during the outbreak belong to the H3N8 subtype, Florida clade 1. Multiple amino acid changes, some of them at antigenic sites, were observed in the circulating virus when compared with the strains included in the most commonly used vaccine in Argentina. Seventy-six percent of the affected horses had been vaccinated with this vaccine, suggesting the occurrence of vaccine breakdown. MAIN LIMITATIONS: The study does not include antigenic characterisation and full genome sequencing of Argentinian strains, that could provide additional information. CONCLUSIONS: The occurrence of this multifocal equine influenza outbreak in regularly vaccinated horses is a field evidence of vaccine breakdown, reinforcing the necessity of keeping vaccine strains updated according to OIE recommendations. It also underlines the importance of the implementation of appropriate quarantine measures and restriction of horse movement in the face of disease.
Doenças dos Cavalos , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8 , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae , Animais , Argentina , Surtos de Doenças , Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/virologia , Cavalos , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/epidemiologia , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/veterinária , FilogeniaRESUMO
A new outbreak of equine Influenza A virus (IAV) was reported in Chile in January 2018, 6 years after its last report in 2012. Equine IAV was detected by rtRT-PCR, followed by virus isolation and full genome sequencing. Genetic characterization of equine IAV classified the virus within clade 1 of the Florida sublineage. Although this is the same sublineage that caused an outbreak in Chile in 2012, the virus has a high similarity to other cocirculating viruses that were recently identified in Europe and Asia. The Chilean 2018 equine influenza (EI) outbreak was caused by an H3N8 strain circulating globally that spread through horse movements.
Doenças Transmissíveis Emergentes/veterinária , Surtos de Doenças/veterinária , Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/veterinária , Animais , Chile/epidemiologia , Doenças Transmissíveis Emergentes/epidemiologia , Doenças Transmissíveis Emergentes/virologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/virologia , Cavalos , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/genética , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/epidemiologia , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/virologia , Filogenia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/veterinária , Proteínas da Matriz Viral/genéticaRESUMO
Abstract Equine influenza is one of the major respiratory infectious diseases in horses. An equine influenza virus outbreak was identified in vaccinated and unvaccinated horses in a veterinary school hospital in São Paulo, SP, Brazil, in September 2015. The twelve equine influenza viruses isolated belonged to Florida Clade 1. The hemagglutinin and neuraminidase amino acid sequences were compared with the recent isolates from North and South America and the World Organisation for Animal Health recommended Florida Clade 1 vaccine strain. The hemagglutinin amino acid sequences had nine substitutions, compared with the vaccine strain. Two of them were in antigenic site A (A138S and G142R), one in antigenic site E (R62K) and another not in antigenic site (K304E). The four substitutions changed the hydrophobicity of hemagglutinin. Three distinct genetic variants were identified during the outbreak. Eleven variants were found in four quasispecies, which suggests the equine influenza virus evolved during the outbreak. The use of an out of date vaccine strain or updated vaccines without the production of protective antibody titers might be the major contributing factors on virus dissemination during this outbreak.
Animais , Variação Genética , Surtos de Doenças , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/veterinária , Evolução Molecular , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/isolamento & purificação , Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/virologia , Orthomyxoviridae , Proteínas Virais/genética , Brasil/epidemiologia , Análise de Sequência de DNA , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/epidemiologia , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/virologia , Glicoproteínas de Hemaglutininação de Vírus da Influenza/genética , Substituição de Aminoácidos , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/classificação , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/genética , Genótipo , Cavalos , Hospitais Veterinários , Neuraminidase/genéticaRESUMO
Equine influenza is one of the major respiratory infectious diseases in horses. An equine influenza virus outbreak was identified in vaccinated and unvaccinated horses in a veterinary school hospital in São Paulo, SP, Brazil, in September 2015. The twelve equine influenza viruses isolated belonged to Florida Clade 1. The hemagglutinin and neuraminidase amino acid sequences were compared with the recent isolates from North and South America and the World Organisation for Animal Health recommended Florida Clade 1 vaccine strain. The hemagglutinin amino acid sequences had nine substitutions, compared with the vaccine strain. Two of them were in antigenic site A (A138S and G142R), one in antigenic site E (R62K) and another not in antigenic site (K304E). The four substitutions changed the hydrophobicity of hemagglutinin. Three distinct genetic variants were identified during the outbreak. Eleven variants were found in four quasispecies, which suggests the equine influenza virus evolved during the outbreak. The use of an out of date vaccine strain or updated vaccines without the production of protective antibody titers might be the major contributing factors on virus dissemination during this outbreak.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos/virologia , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8 , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/epidemiologia , Variação Genética , Brasil , Neuraminidase , HemaglutininasRESUMO
Equine influenza is one of the major respiratory infectious diseases in horses. An equine influenza virus outbreak was identified in vaccinated and unvaccinated horses in a veterinary school hospital in São Paulo, SP, Brazil, in September 2015. The twelve equine influenza viruses isolated belonged to Florida Clade 1. The hemagglutinin and neuraminidase amino acid sequences were compared with the recent isolates from North and South America and the World Organisation for Animal Health recommended Florida Clade 1 vaccine strain. The hemagglutinin amino acid sequences had nine substitutions, compared with the vaccine strain. Two of them were in antigenic site A (A138S and G142R), one in antigenic site E (R62K) and another not in antigenic site (K304E). The four substitutions changed the hydrophobicity of hemagglutinin. Three distinct genetic variants were identified during the outbreak. Eleven variants were found in four quasispecies, which suggests the equine influenza virus evolved during the outbreak. The use of an out of date vaccine strain or updated vaccines without the production of protective antibody titers might be the major contributing factors on virus dissemination during this outbreak.
Surtos de Doenças , Evolução Molecular , Variação Genética , Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/virologia , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/veterinária , Substituição de Aminoácidos , Animais , Brasil/epidemiologia , Genótipo , Glicoproteínas de Hemaglutininação de Vírus da Influenza/genética , Cavalos , Hospitais Veterinários , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/classificação , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/genética , Neuraminidase/genética , Orthomyxoviridae , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/epidemiologia , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/virologia , Análise de Sequência de DNA , Proteínas Virais/genéticaRESUMO
The equine influenza virus (EIV) H3N8 subtype is responsible for all EIV outbreaks worldwide while the H7N7 subtype is less pathogenic and is considered extinct as it has not been confirmed in outbreaks since 1980. Although EIV is enzootic in Brazil, few reports describe the actual EIV antibody status in the country. The aims of this study were: to evaluate the efficiency of different serum treatments described by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to remove non-specific haemagglutination inhibitors for the haemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay for EIV to evaluate the presence of EIV antibodies by HI, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and agar gel immunodiffusion in 83 non-vaccinated equines from São Paulo State to evaluate a strategy to better analyse equine sera for EIV antibodies. Although there was no statistical difference among treatments, receptor-destroying enzyme treatment followed by chicken erythrocyte adsorption showed more consistent results, which corroborate the OIE and WHO recommendation to use this treatment preferentially. The HI results suggest equine H3N8 virus circulation among the animals tested from São Paulo State. The algorithm suggested here could be used to guide antibody detection against equine influenza virus in equines, improving the test specificity by aiming to avoid false positive results.(AU) i
Animais , Equidae/virologia , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8 , Brasil , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Testes de Inibição da Hemaglutinação , Testes Sorológicos/métodos , Imunodifusão , AnticorposRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Avian influenza A viruses can cross naturally into mammals and cause severe diseases, as observed for H5N1. The high lethality of human infections causes major concerns about the real risk of a possible pandemic of severe diseases to which human susceptibility may be high and universal. High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) is a valuable tool for studies regarding the folding of proteins and the assembly of macromolecular structures such as viruses; furthermore, HHP has already been demonstrated to promote viral inactivation. METHODS: Here, we investigated the structural stability of avian and human influenza viruses using spectroscopic and light-scattering techniques. We found that both particles have similar structural stabilities and that HHP promotes structural changes. RESULTS: HHP induced slight structural changes to both human and avian influenza viruses, and these changes were largely reversible when the pressure returned to its initial level. The spectroscopic data showed that H3N2 was more pressure-sensitive than H3N8. Structural changes did not predict changes in protein function, as H3N2 fusion activity was not affected, while H3N8 fusion activity drastically decreased. The fusion activity of H1N1 was also strongly affected by HHP. In all cases, HHP caused inactivation of the different influenza viruses. CONCLUSIONS: HHP may be a useful tool for vaccine development, as it induces minor and reversible structural changes that may be associated with partial preservation of viral biological activities and may potentiate their immunogenic response while abolishing their infectivity. We also confirmed that, although pressure does not promote drastic changes in viral particle structure, it can distinctly affect viral fusion activity.
Vírus da Influenza A/química , Animais , Guanidina/química , Humanos , Pressão Hidrostática , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H1N1/química , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H1N1/fisiologia , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N2/química , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N2/fisiologia , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/química , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/fisiologia , Vírus da Influenza A/fisiologia , Temperatura , Ureia/química , Vacinas/imunologia , Inativação de VírusRESUMO
The equine influenza virus (EIV) H3N8 subtype is responsible for all EIV outbreaks worldwide while the H7N7 subtype is less pathogenic and is considered extinct as it has not been confirmed in outbreaks since 1980. Although EIV is enzootic in Brazil, few reports describe the actual EIV antibody status in the country. The aims of this study were: - to evaluate the efficiency of different serum treatments described by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to remove non-specific haemagglutination inhibitors for the haemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay for EIV - to evaluate the presence of EIV antibodies by HI, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and agar gel immunodiffusion in 83 non-vaccinated equines from São Paulo State - to evaluate a strategy to better analyse equine sera for EIV antibodies. Although there was no statistical difference among treatments, receptor-destroying enzyme treatment followed by chicken erythrocyte adsorption showed more consistent results, which corroborate the OIE and WHO recommendation to use this treatment preferentially. The HI results suggest equine H3N8 virus circulation among the animals tested from São Paulo State. The algorithm suggested here could be used to guide antibody detection against equine influenza virus in equines, improving the test specificity by aiming to avoid false positive results.
Tous les foyers de grippe équine dans le monde sont dus au sous-type H3N8 du virus. Le sous-type H7N7, moins pathogène, est considéré comme éteint, sa présence n'ayant été confirmée dans aucun des foyers enregistrés depuis 1980. Au Brésil, la grippe équine est enzootique mais la prévalence d'anticorps dans le pays est peu documentée. La présente étude avait trois objectifs : évaluer l'efficacité de plusieurs traitements de sérums décrits par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE) et l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) sur la suppression des inhibiteurs d'hémagglutination non spécifiques, afin de pouvoir utiliser l'épreuve d'inhibition de l'hémagglutination pour la détection de la grippe équine, évaluer la présence d'anticorps dirigés contre la grippe équine chez 83 chevaux non vaccinés de l'état de São Paulo en utilisant l'inhibition de l'hémagglutination, l'épreuve immuno-enzymatique (ELISA) et l'épreuve d'immunodiffusion en gélose (IDG) ; évaluer une stratégie visant à améliorer les techniques sérologiques de détection des anticorps dirigés contre la grippe équine. S'il n'y a pas eu de différence statistique significative entre les traitements, celui faisant appel à l'enzyme de destruction du récepteur suivi d'une adsorption sur érythrocytes de poule a permis d'obtenir les résultats les plus cohérents, ce qui corrobore les recommandations de l'OIE et de l'OMS en faveur de ce traitement. Les résultats obtenus au moyen de l'inhibition de l'hémagglutination indiquent que le virus H3N8 est présent parmi les animaux testés de l'état de São Paulo. L'algorithme présenté par les auteurs pourrait servir de modèle pour détecter la présence d'anticorps dirigés contre le virus de la grippe équine chez les chevaux : en effet, il permet d'éviter les résultats faussement positifs, ce qui améliore la spécificité du test utilisé.
El subtipo H3N8 del virus de la gripe equina (VGE) es el agente etiológico de todos los brotes que se producen en el mundo, mientras que el subtipo H7N7, menos patogénico, se da por extinto, en la medida en que desde 1980 no se ha confirmado su intervención en brote alguno. Aunque en el Brasil el VGE es enzoótico, existen pocos trabajos que den cuenta de la situación real del país en cuanto a la presencia de anticuerpos contra el virus. Los autores describen un estudio que perseguía los siguientes objetivos: evaluar la eficacia de distintos tratamientos séricos descritos por la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OIE) y la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para eliminar los inhibidores inespecíficos de la hemaglutinación con objeto de aplicar la técnica de inhibición de la hemaglutinación a la detección del VGE; evaluar la presencia de anticuerpos contra el VGE por inhibición de la hemaglutinación, ensayo inmunoenzimático (ELISA) e inmunodifusión en gel de agar en 83 ejemplares equinos no vacunados del estado de São Paulo; evaluar una estrategia encaminada a analizar más eficazmente sueros equinos para detectar en ellos anticuerpos anti-VGE. Aunque no se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los tratamientos, el uso de enzimas destructores de receptores seguido de la técnica de adsorción de eritrocitos de pollo arrojó resultados más coherentes, cosa que avala la recomendación de la OIE y la OMS de privilegiar este tratamiento. Los resultados obtenidos por inhibición de la hemaglutinación parecen indicar que el virus H3N8 equino circula entre los animales analizados del estado de São Paulo. El algoritmo aquí propuesto podría servir de guía para detectar en equinos la presencia de anticuerpos contra el VGE. Puesto que apunta a evitar falsos positivos, su aplicación mejoraría la especificidad de la prueba.
Anticorpos Antivirais/sangue , Doenças dos Cavalos/virologia , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8 , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/veterinária , Testes Sorológicos/veterinária , Animais , Brasil/epidemiologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/sangue , Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Cavalos , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/epidemiologia , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/virologia , Testes Sorológicos/métodosRESUMO
Among the diseases that affect equines, viral diseases play an important role from a health and economic point of view, especially influenza, viral arteritis, herpes infections and vesicular stomatitis. In the Brazilian literature, there is little or no account of the occurrence of infectious diseases in donkeys. Given the importance of donkeys in different activities and the lack of information on infections that may occur in these animals, the aim of this study was to determine the frequency of anti-equine herpesvirus (EHV), anti-equine arteritis virus (EAV), anti-vesicular stomatitis, and anti-equine influenza (H3N8) antibodies in the serum of 85 donkeys bred in some regions of the state of São Paulo. We found the following antibody frequencies: 50.6% (43/85) antibodies against influenza virus subtype H3N8, 47% (40/85) anti-EHV, and 20% (17/85) anti-EAV. The donkeys were not seropositive for vesicular stomatitis. The results suggested that the agents EHV, EAV, and equine influenza subtype H3N8 circulate among donkeys in some regions of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, reinforcing the importance of establishing a routine diagnosis and epidemiological study of this species.(AU)
Dentre as doenças que acometem os equídeos, as enfermidades virais assumem um papel importante do ponto de vista sanitário e econômico, especialmente a influenza, arterite viral, as infecções herpéticas e a estomatite vesicular. Na literatura nacional, existe pouco ou nenhum relato sobre a ocorrência de enfermidades infecciosas nos asininos. Tendo em vista a importância dos asininos para diferentes atividades e a falta de informações sobre as doenças que acometem esses animais, este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a frequência de anticorpos anti-EHV, antivírus da arterite equina, anti-estomatite vesicular e anti-influenza equina (H3N8) em 85 soros de jumentos criados no estado de São Paulo. Estimou-se que 50,6% apresentavam anticorpos contra o subtipo H3N8 do vírus da influenza; 47% (40/85) apresentavam anticorpos contra o EHV e 20% apresentavam anticorpos contra o vírus da arterite. Os jumentos não foram soro reagentes contra a estomatite vesicular. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que os agentes EHV, vírus da arterite equina e influenza equina subtipo H3N8, circulam entre os jumentos do estado de São Paulo, caracterizando a importância do estabelecimento de uma rotina diagnóstica e estudos epidemiológicos na espécie.(AU)
Animais , Equartevirus/imunologia , Doenças Transmissíveis/epidemiologia , Equidae/virologia , Herpesvirus Equídeo 1/imunologia , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/imunologia , Estomatite Vesicular/imunologia , Testes Sorológicos/veterináriaRESUMO
Among the diseases that affect equines, viral diseases play an important role from a health and economic point of view, especially influenza, viral arteritis, herpes infections and vesicular stomatitis. In the Brazilian literature, there is little or no account of the occurrence of infectious diseases in donkeys. Given the importance of donkeys in different activities and the lack of information on infections that may occur in these animals, the aim of this study was to determine the frequency of anti-equine herpesvirus (EHV), anti-equine arteritis virus (EAV), anti-vesicular stomatitis, and anti-equine influenza (H3N8) antibodies in the serum of 85 donkeys bred in some regions of the state of São Paulo. We found the following antibody frequencies: 50.6% (43/85) antibodies against influenza virus subtype H3N8, 47% (40/85) anti-EHV, and 20% (17/85) anti-EAV. The donkeys were not seropositive for vesicular stomatitis. The results suggested that the agents EHV, EAV, and equine influenza subtype H3N8 circulate among donkeys in some regions of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, reinforcing the importance of establishing a routine diagnosis and epidemiological study of this species.(AU)
Dentre as doenças que acometem os equídeos, as enfermidades virais assumem um papel importante do ponto de vista sanitário e econômico, especialmente a influenza, arterite viral, as infecções herpéticas e a estomatite vesicular. Na literatura nacional, existe pouco ou nenhum relato sobre a ocorrência de enfermidades infecciosas nos asininos. Tendo em vista a importância dos asininos para diferentes atividades e a falta de informações sobre as doenças que acometem esses animais, este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a frequência de anticorpos anti-EHV, antivírus da arterite equina, anti-estomatite vesicular e anti-influenza equina (H3N8) em 85 soros de jumentos criados no estado de São Paulo. Estimou-se que 50,6% apresentavam anticorpos contra o subtipo H3N8 do vírus da influenza; 47% (40/85) apresentavam anticorpos contra o EHV e 20% apresentavam anticorpos contra o vírus da arterite. Os jumentos não foram soro reagentes contra a estomatite vesicular. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que os agentes EHV, vírus da arterite equina e influenza equina subtipo H3N8, circulam entre os jumentos do estado de São Paulo, caracterizando a importância do estabelecimento de uma rotina diagnóstica e estudos epidemiológicos na espécie.(AU)
Animais , Equidae/virologia , Herpesvirus Equídeo 1/imunologia , Estomatite Vesicular/imunologia , Equartevirus/imunologia , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/imunologia , Doenças Transmissíveis/epidemiologia , Testes Sorológicos/veterináriaRESUMO
Among the diseases that affect equines, viral diseases play an important role from a health and economic point of view, especially influenza, viral arteritis, herpes infections and vesicular stomatitis. In the Brazilian literature, there is little or no account of the occurrence of infectious diseases in donkeys. Given the importance of donkeys in different activities and the lack of information on infections that may occur in these animals, the aim of this study was to determine the frequency of anti-equine herpesvirus (EHV), anti-equine arteritis virus (EAV), anti-vesicular stomatitis, and anti-equine influenza (H3N8) antibodies in the serum of 85 donkeys bred in some regions of the state of São Paulo. We found the following antibody frequencies: 50.6% (43/85) antibodies against influenza virus subtype H3N8, 47% (40/85) anti-EHV, and 20% (17/85) anti-EAV. The donkeys were not seropositive for vesicular stomatitis. The results suggested that the agents EHV, EAV, and equine influenza subtype H3N8 circulate among donkeys in some regions of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, reinforcing the importance of establishing a routine diagnosis and epidemiological study of this species (AU).
Dentre as doenças que acometem os equídeos, as enfermidades virais assumem um papel importante do ponto de vista sanitário e econômico, especialmente a influenza, arterite viral, as infecções herpéticas e a estomatite vesicular. Na literatura nacional, existe pouco ou nenhum relato sobre a ocorrência de enfermidades infecciosas nos asininos. Tendo em vista a importância dos asininos para diferentes atividades e a falta de informações sobre as doenças que acometem esses animais, este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a frequência de anticorpos anti-EHV, antivírus da arterite equina, anti-estomatite vesicular e anti-influenza equina (H3N8) em 85 soros de jumentos criados no estado de São Paulo. Estimou-se que 50,6% apresentavam anticorpos contra o subtipo H3N8 do vírus da influenza; 47% (40/85) apresentavam anticorpos contra o EHV e 20% apresentavam anticorpos contra o vírus da arterite. Os jumentos não foram soro reagentes contra a estomatite vesicular. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que os agentes EHV, vírus da arterite equina e influenza equina subtipo H3N8, circulam entre os jumentos do estado de São Paulo, caracterizando a importância do estabelecimento de uma rotina diagnóstica e estudos epidemiológicos na espécie (AU).
Animais , Doenças Transmissíveis/virologia , Equidae/virologia , Sorologia , Brasil , Artrite Infecciosa/veterinária , Doenças Transmissíveis/veterinária , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8 , Estomatite Vesicular/virologia , Anticorpos AntiviraisRESUMO
BACKGROUND: An extensive outbreak of equine influenza occurred across multiple countries in South America during 2012. The epidemic was first reported in Chile then spread to Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, where both vaccinated and unvaccinated animals were affected. In Brazil, infections were widespread within 3months of the first reported cases. Affected horses included animals vaccinated with outdated vaccine antigens, but also with the OIE-recommended Florida clade 1 strain South Africa/4/03. METHODS: Equine influenza virus strains from infected horses were isolated in eggs, then a representative strain was subjected to full genome sequencing using segment-specific primers with M13 tags. Phylogenetic analyses of nucleotide sequences were completed using PhyML. Amino acid sequences of haemagglutinin and neuraminidase were compared against those of vaccine strains and recent isolates from America and Uruguay, substitutions were mapped onto 3D protein structures using PyMol. Antigenic analyses were completed by haemagglutination-inhibition assay using post-infection ferret sera. RESULTS: Nucleotide sequences of the haemaglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes of Brazilian isolate A/equine/Rio Grande do Sul/2012 were very similar to those of viruses belonging to Florida clade 1 and clustered with contemporary isolates from the USA. Comparison of their amino acid sequences against the OIE-recommended Florida clade 1 vaccine strain A/equine/South Africa/4/03 revealed five amino acid substitutions in HA and seven in NA. Changes in HA included one within antigenic site A and one within the 220-loop of the sialic acid receptor binding site. However, antigenic analysis by haemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay with ferret antisera raised against representatives of European, Kentucky and Florida sublineages failed to indicate any obvious differences in antigenicity. CONCLUSIONS: An extensive outbreak of equine influenza in South America during 2012 was caused by a virus belonging to Florida clade 1, closely related to strains circulating in the USA in 2011. Despite reports of vaccine breakdown with products containing the recommended strain South Africa/03, no evidence was found of significant antigenic drift. Other factors may have contributed to the rapid spread of this virus, including poor control of horse movement.
Surtos de Doenças , Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/virologia , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/classificação , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/veterinária , Sequência de Aminoácidos , Animais , Geografia Médica , Glicoproteínas de Hemaglutininação de Vírus da Influenza/química , Glicoproteínas de Hemaglutininação de Vírus da Influenza/genética , História do Século XXI , Doenças dos Cavalos/diagnóstico , Doenças dos Cavalos/história , Doenças dos Cavalos/prevenção & controle , Cavalos , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/genética , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/imunologia , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/isolamento & purificação , Vacinas contra Influenza , Modelos Moleculares , Dados de Sequência Molecular , Neuraminidase/química , Neuraminidase/genética , Filogenia , Conformação Proteica , RNA Viral , Alinhamento de Sequência , América do Sul/epidemiologia , Vacinação , Proteínas Virais/química , Proteínas Virais/genéticaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: In 2012, equine influenza (EI) virus was confirmed as the cause of outbreaks of respiratory disease in horses throughout South America. In Uruguay and Argentina, hundreds of vaccinated thoroughbred horses in training and racing facilities were clinically affected. OBJECTIVE: To characterise the EI viruses detected during the outbreak in Uruguay and Argentina. METHODS: Virus was detected in nasopharyngeal swabs by a pan-reactive influenza type A real-time RT-PCR. The nucleotide sequence of the HA1 gene was determined and analysed phylogenetically using mega 5 software. Amino acid sequences alignments were constructed and virus was antigenically characterised with specific ferret antisera. Paired serum samples were tested by haemagglutination inhibition and single radial haemolysis. RESULTS: The diagnosis of EIV was confirmed by real-time RT-PCR, virus isolation and serological testing. The phylogenetic analysis of HA1 gene sequences of 18 EI viruses indicated that all of them belong to clade 1 of the Florida sublineage of the American lineage and are closely related to viruses isolated in the United States in 2012. The HA1 of viruses identified in horses in racing facilities in Maroñas, Uruguay, and in Palermo, Argentina, displayed 100% amino acid sequence identity and were identical to that of a virus isolated in Dubai in 2012, from vaccinated endurance horses recently imported from Uruguay. CONCLUSIONS: The surveillance data reported illustrate the international spread of EI viruses and support the recommendations of the OIE expert surveillance panel to include viruses of the Florida sublineage in vaccines.
Surtos de Doenças , Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/virologia , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/classificação , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/veterinária , Animais , Argentina/epidemiologia , Cavalos , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/genética , Nasofaringe/virologia , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/epidemiologia , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/virologia , Filogenia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Via Transcriptase Reversa , Análise de Sequência de RNA , Uruguai/epidemiologiaRESUMO
Background: Equine Influenza is a serious, acute respiratory illness with characteristical clinical signs. The disease is caused by family of Orthomyxoviridae, genera Influenza virus A by two subtypes H7N7 and H3N8. Currently, there is believe that H7N7 has been replaced as a predominant subtype with the H3N8. Horse infection with influenza virus can be detected by serological tests on paired sera using HI test. Commercial rapid tests could be used for the detection of influenza virus. Recently it is widely use a PCR method as fast and more specific methods. Materials, Methods & Results: Fifty horses and one pony, age between one and 22 years have been included in experiment. Horses were of different race, sex, and age and vaccination status. Ten out of total 51 (10/51) have been regularly vaccinated against EI. Prior to initiation of these study epidemiological survey has been performed. The clinical examination has been followed by blood sampling for blood cell and serum extraction. The serums were evaluated by HI method. Nasal swabs are taken from both nostrils twice, one was frozen for virus detection by RT-qPCR while another was used for detection of EI virus by Directi-gen FLU A rapid test. Analysis of titers of antibody reveled that 7 horses (14%) had specific antibodies (IgG) against subtype H7N7, while 9 horses (18%) had specific antibodies against H3N8 [...](AU)
Animais , Cavalos/fisiologia , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H7N7/isolamento & purificação , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8/isolamento & purificação , Testes de Inibição da Hemaglutinação/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/veterináriaRESUMO
Homosubtypic and heterosubtypic immunity in mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) play an important role in the avian influenza virus (AIV) diversity. The mechanisms of AIV replication among wild birds and the role of immunity in AIV diversity have thus not been completely clarified. During the monitoring of AI circulation among wild waterfowl in 2007-2008, two viruses (H3N8 and H1N1) were isolated from ducks caught in a funnel trap located in La Hulpe wetland in Belgium. H3N8 viruses were revealed to be more prevalent in the mallard population than was H1N1, which might suggest a better adaptation to this species. In order to investigate this hypothesis, we characterized both isolated viruses biologically by experimental inoculation. Virus excretion and humoral response induced by both isolated viruses were evaluated in mallards after a first infection followed by a homo- or heterosubtypic reinfection under controlled experimental conditions. The H1N1 virus had a delayed peak of excretion of 4 days compared to the H3N8, but the virus shedding was more limited, earlier, and shorter after each reinfection. Moreover, the H3N8 virus could spread to all ducks after homo- or heterosubtypic reinfections and during a longer period. Although the humoral response induced by both viruses after infection and reinfection could be detected efficiently by competitive ELISA, only a minimal H1 antibody response and almost no H3-specific antibodies could be detected by the HI test. Our results suggest that the H3N8 isolate replicates better in mallards under experimental controlled conditions.