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PeerJ ; 11: e15804, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37576512


Fishes of the family Pomacentridae present a wide diversity of mating systems, ranging from polygyny to promiscuity and from individual territorial defense to the establishment of reproductive colonies of males. The damselfish species Abudefduf troschelii has a reproductive colony mating system, in which males temporarily aggregate in reproductive areas to court and attract females. Males defend an individual territory where they receive eggs and perform paternal care behaviors for their offspring. The present study evaluated the advantages of the colonial mating system in A. troschelii. During an entire reproductive period, in a breeding colony within a rocky reef, we located, marked, geo-referenced, and measured the distances between the territories of all males. We quantified the variance among males in their patterns of paternal care investment, eggs acquired, hatching success, reproductive success, body size, and changes in body coloration. We found that males spatially distributed their nests in groups or independently (i.e., solitary nests). Nesting groups are formed by larger males that show intense nuptial coloration during the entire receptivity period. They are located centrally to the colony and consist of three to six males whose territories overlap. In contrast, small solitary males that fail to acquire or maintain nuptial coloration during the receptivity period establish their nests peripherally to the colony, away from the territories of other males. Our results highlight that the reproductive benefits of colonial nesting are unequal for males, as the spatial distribution of nests within the colony determines the reproductive success of males. Group nesting confers the highest reproductive benefits to males regarding eggs obtained, hatching success, and relative fitness and also enables males to reduce their parental investment in brood care behaviors. The preference of females for oviposition could be associated with greater intrasexual competitiveness, defense ability, body condition, or experience of group-nesting males located at the center of the colony or because their progeny will have a lower probability of predation than they would in solitary nests males.

Perciformes , Reprodução , Masculino , Animais , Feminino , Peixes , Oviposição , Territorialidade
PLoS One ; 18(6): e0286739, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37368895


Territorial Use rights in Fisheries (TURFs) are used around the world to manage small-scale fisheries and they've shown varying levels of success. Our understanding of what leads to different performance levels is limited due to several reasons. Firstly, these systems are often present in areas with low monitoring capacity where data is scarce. Secondly, past research has centered on the analysis of successful cases, with little attention paid to entire systems. Thirdly, research has been ahistorical, disconnected from the development process of TURF systems. Fourthly, TURFs are often viewed as homogenous ignoring the socio-ecological conditions under which they develop. To address these gaps, the study focuses on Mexico as a case study and context. The research first presents a historical overview of the development of TURF systems in Mexico, including the institutional and legal frameworks that have shaped their evolution. The paper then presents a TURF database that maps all TURF systems in Mexico, including their geographical locations and characteristics. In addition, the study presents case studies based on identified archetypes that showcase the diversity of TURF systems in Mexico, highlighting the different types of systems and the challenges they face. By presenting a comprehensive map of all TURF systems in Mexico, this research paper aims to make an important addition to the case studies in the global literature on TURF systems and provide a valuable resource for marine resource management policymakers, researchers, and practitioners.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Pesqueiros , Territorialidade , México , Gerenciamento de Dados , Ecossistema
J Evol Biol ; 36(8): 1090-1101, 2023 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37322612


Given the diverse nature of traits involved in territorial defence, they may respond to different selective pressures and then exhibit distinct patterns of evolution. These selective pressures also may cause territorial behaviour to be associated with environmental and morphological variables. Such associations, however, have mostly been studied at the intraspecific level, being phylogenetic analyses of territoriality in a broad taxonomic framework rare in the literature. We used the anuran subfamily Hylinae to test (1) whether two territorial-behaviour traits with different levels of aggression-territorial call and physical combat-are evolutionarily more labile than a morphological trait used in physical combat-the spine-shaped prepollex; (2) whether reproduction in lentic waters and phytotelmata, as well as resource scarcity, might favour the occurrence of territoriality; (3) if physical combat is more important than territorial call for the evolution of body size and sexual size dimorphism and (4) the relationships between territorial-behaviour traits and lineage diversification. We mainly used the literature to build two datasets with different levels of certainty. Territorial-behaviour traits exhibited intermediate levels of phylogenetic signal in Hylinae, whereas the phylogenetic signal for the presence of the spine-shaped prepollex was strong. We found support for the hypothesis that reproduction in lentic water favours the occurrence of territorial behaviour, because the expression of territorial-behaviour traits was more associated with reproduction in lentic than in lotic waters. Territorial-behaviour traits were not correlated with annual precipitation nor with habitat complexity. Body size and sexual size dimorphism were not correlated with the presence of territorial call nor with physical combat. We identified negative correlations between diversification rates and physical combat. Relationships of territorial call and physical combat with diversification rates suggest that these territorial behaviours influence evolutionary processes in different ways.

Agressão , Territorialidade , Animais , Filogenia , Ecossistema , Anuros/genética
Sci Rep ; 12(1): 20239, 2022 11 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36424460


One concern of the Anthropocene is the effects of human activities on animal welfare, revealing the urgency to mitigate impacts of rearing environments. Body tactile stimulation (TS), like massage therapy, has emerged as an enrichment method to counteract stress and anxiety in vertebrates. In the current study, we evaluated the effects of long-term TS on four-member groups of male Nile tilapia, a worldwide reared species whose socially aggressive behavior is an essential source of stress. We placed a rectangular PVC frame fitted with vertical plastic sticks sided with silicone bristles in the center of aquarium to enable the fish to receive body TS when passing through the bristles. A similar apparatus without bristles was used as the control. Fish subjected to TS for 21 days showed a gradual lowering of overt fights over time, but with no reduction in cortisol or androgen levels. Nevertheless, TS improved the specific growth rate, maintained balanced length/weight gain, and increased feed efficiency, probably owing to the lowered energy expenditure during fights. Thus, we show for the first time that long-term TS provided by a simple device can be used as a tool to improve the welfare and productive performance of territorial fish.

Ciclídeos , Animais , Humanos , Masculino , Ciclídeos/fisiologia , Agressão/fisiologia , Territorialidade , Tato , Aumento de Peso
J Anim Ecol ; 91(4): 701-714, 2022 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34689326


Multimodal communication may evolve because different signals may convey information about the signaller (content-based selection), increase efficacy of signal processing or transmission through the environment (efficacy-based selection), or modify the production of a signal or the receiver's response to it (inter-signal interaction selection). To understand the function of a multimodal signal (aggressive calls + toe flags) emitted by males of the frog Crossodactylus schmidti during territorial contests, we tested two hypotheses related to content-based selection (quality and redundant signal), one related to efficacy-based selection (efficacy backup), and one related to inter-signal interaction selection (context). For each hypothesis we derived unique predictions based on the biology of the study species. In a natural setting, we exposed resident males to a robot frog simulating aggressive calls (acoustic stimulus) and toe flags (visual stimulus), combined and in isolation, and measured quality-related traits from males and local levels of background noise and light intensity. Our results provide support to the context hypothesis, as toe flags (the context signal) are insufficient to elicit a receiver's response on their own. However, when toe flags are emitted together with aggressive calls, they evoke in the receiver qualitatively and quantitatively different responses from that evoked by aggressive calls alone. In contrast, we found no evidence that toe flags and aggressive calls provide complementary or redundant information about male quality, which are key predictions of the quality and redundant signal hypotheses respectively. Finally, the multimodal signal did not increase the receiver's response across natural gradients of light and background noise, a key prediction of the efficacy backup hypothesis. Toe flags accompanying aggressive calls seem to provide contextual information that modify the receiver's response in territorial contests. We suggest this contextual information is increased motivation to escalate the contest, and discuss the benefits to the signallers and receivers of adding a contextual signal to the aggressive display. Examples of context-dependent multimodal signals are rare in the literature, probably because most studies focus on single hypotheses assuming content- or efficacy-based selection. Our study highlights the importance of considering multiple selective pressures when testing multimodal signal function.

Robótica , Vocalização Animal , Animais , Anuros , Masculino , Territorialidade , Vocalização Animal/fisiologia
Psicol. USP ; 33: e200136, 2022. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1356578


Resumo O artigo é fruto de um recorte de investigação autoral dentro de uma pesquisa que tem por objetivo reconhecer territórios a partir de suas narrativas. O método da clínica de território, baseado na deriva, na escuta e na escrita, com vistas ao mapeamento, foi experimentado pelo autor principal sob orientação do coautor. Frases e expressões escritas em muros e paredes, chamadas neste trabalho de "grapixos", foram escutadas como narrativas do território a partir da construção de um procedimento chamado de "mixagem de textos". O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar a proposta da mixagem como forma de ler/escutar narrativas de espaços territoriais e analisar seus problemas, suas potencialidades e seus resultados. Como resultado principal, comprovou-se que a mixagem dos textos dos grapixos com as "escrevivências" do pesquisador é um método pertinente para revelar outras camadas discursivas do território não em evidência ou silenciadas.

Abstract This article is an excerpt from original research aiming at recognizing territories from their narratives. The territory clinic method, based on drifting, listening and writing, to map, was tried out by the main author under the co-author's advisement. Sentences and expressions written on walls, here called "grapixos," were read as territory narratives based on a construed process called "text mixing." This paper seeks to present the mixing proposal as a way to read/listen to narratives of territorial spaces and to analyze their problems, potentialities, and results. Its main result shows that mixing grapixos with the researcher's "escrevivência" an appropriate method to reveal discursive layers of the territory concealed or silenced.

Résumé Cet article résulte d'une recherche originale visant à reconnaître les territoires à partir de leurs récits. La méthode de la clinique territoriale, basée sur la dérive, l'écoute et l'écriture, pour cartographier, a été expérimentée par l'auteur principal sous la direction du co-auteur. Les phrases et les expressions écrites sur les murs, appelées ici « grapixos ¼, ont été les comme des récits du territoire basés sur un processus construit appelé « malaxage de textes ¼. Cet article vise à présenter la proposition du malaxage comme un manière de lire/écouter les récits des espaces territoriaux et d'analyser leurs problèmes, potentialités et résultats. Son principal résultat montre que le malaxage des grapixos avec « l'escrevivência ¼ du chercheur est une méthode pertinente pour révéler les couches discursives du territoire cachées ou silencieuse.

Resumen El artículo resulta de una investigación autoral que pretende reconocer los territorios desde sus narrativas. El método de la clínica del territorio, basado en la deriva, la escucha y la escritura, para cartografiar, fue ensayado por el autor principal bajo la guía del coautor. Las frases y expresiones escritas en los muros, aquí llamadas "grapixos", se leían como narrativas del territorio a partir de un procedimiento llamado "mezcla de textos". El artículo busca presentar la propuesta de mezcla como una forma de leer/escuchar las narrativas de los espacios territoriales y analizar sus problemas, potencialidades y resultados. Su resultado principal muestra que la mezcla de grapixos con las "escrevivências" del investigador es un método pertinente para revelar capas discursivas del territorio ocultas o silenciadas.

Territorialidade , Narração , Território Sociocultural , Psicanálise , Métodos
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 27: e59012, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1376057


RESUMO. Neste texto, nossa atenção está voltada para entender como as relações de cuidado entre pais, filhos e filhas se materializam nos espaços. A intenção é compreender como as relações de cuidar se espacializam e como uma geografia dos cuidados engendrada pelos pais constitui uma geografia das parentalidades. Trazemos para o debate as pesquisas de Aitken (2019a, 2019b) sobre as famílias eslovenas que foram apagadas pela história, pelos instrumentos oficiais de cidadania e pela Lei de Estrangeiros e como isso afetou as relações de cuidado dos pais com seus filhos e suas filhas. Dando continuidade ao texto, apresentamos um tema que tem sido recorrente em nossas investigações, agora em território brasileiro: as práticas das benzedeiras e benzedores. Os trabalhos de Pereira e Gomes (2018) e Lopes (1998) nos ajudam a compreender melhor esses sujeitos que exercem os rituais de cura - que podem ser considerados práticas de cuidado - em que o benzedor vai forjando ao seu redor uma teia de proteção. Relacionando a figura do pai com a do benzedor, analisamos o personagem Zeca Chapéu Grande, do romance Torto arado, de Itamar Vieira Junior (2020), como uma representação possível desse sujeito que cuida de seus próprios filhos e filhas, ao mesmo tempo em que exerce uma paternidade que se expande para além de sua casa, abarcando todos aqueles que o procuram em busca de cuidado e proteção. Assim, ao longo do texto, a intenção foi evidenciar as relações entre pais e filhos e filhas que se dão nos espaços de suas vidas e como os pais vão criando uma geografia de cuidado em seu entorno.

RESUMEN. En este texto nuestra atención se centra en comprender cómo se materializan en los espacios las relaciones de cuidado entre padres, hijos e hijas. La intención es comprender cómo las relaciones de cuidado se vuelven espaciales, comprender cómo una geografía del cuidado engendrada por los padres constituye una geografía de la paternidad. Traemos al debate la investigación de Aitken (2019a, 2019b) sobre las familias eslovenas que fueron borradas por la historia, los instrumentos oficiales de ciudadanía y la Ley de Extranjería y cómo afectó las relaciones de cuidado de los padres con sus hijos e hijas. Continuando con el texto, presentamos un tema que ha venido siendo recurrente en nuestras investigaciones, ahora en territorio brasileño: las prácticas de los curanderos y bendectores. Los trabajos de Pereira y Gomes (2018) y Lopes (1998) nos ayudan a comprender mejor a estos sujetos que ejercen rituales curativos, que pueden considerarse prácticas de cuidado, en las que el bendector forja a su alrededor una red de protección. Relacionando la figura del padre con la de lo bendector, analizamos al personaje Zeca Chapéu Grande, de la novela Torto arado, de Itamar Vieira Junior (2020), como una posible representación de este sujeto que cuida a sus propios hijos e hijas al mismo tiempo que tiene una paternidad en expansión más allá de hogar, abrazando a todos aquellos que buscan cuidado y protección. Así, a lo largo del texto, la intención fue resaltar las relaciones entre padres e hijos e hijas que se dan en los espacios de sus vidas y cómo los padres están creando una geografía del cuidado en su entorno.

ABSTRACT. In this text, our attention is focused on understanding how the care relationships between parents, sons and daughters materialize in spaces. The objective is to understand how care relationships become spatial, to understand how a geography of care generated by parents constitutes a geography of parenting. We submit to the discussion Aitken's research (2019a, 2019b) on the Slovenian families that were erased by history, by the official instruments of citizenship and by the Foreigners' Law and how this affected care relationships between parents and their children. Further on, a recurrent topic is addressed in our research, now in Brazilian territory: the practices of healers and blessers. The works of Pereira and Gomes (2018) and Lopes (1998) help us to better understand these subjects who perform healing rituals—which can be considered care practices—in which the blesser raises around them a web of protection. Relating the figure of the father to that of the blesser, we analyze the character Zeca Chapéu Grande, from the novel Torto arado, by Itamar Vieira Junior (2020), as a possible representation of this subject who takes care of his own children while expanding paternity beyond his home, embracing all those who seek care and protection from him. Thus, throughout the text, the intention is to highlight the relationships between parents and children that occur in their living spaces and how parents are creating a geography of care in their surroundings.

Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Relações Pais-Filho , Religião , Comportamento Ritualístico , Criança , Poder Familiar , Paternidade , Territorialidade , Família/psicologia , Núcleo Familiar/psicologia , Cultura , Emigrantes e Imigrantes/psicologia , Violência Étnica/ética , Direitos Culturais , Geografia/ética
Front Neural Circuits ; 15: 716605, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34393727


Aggression is an adaptive behavior that plays an important role in gaining access to limited resources. Aggression may occur uncoupled from reproduction, thus offering a valuable context to further understand its neural and hormonal regulation. This review focuses on the contributions from song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) and the weakly electric banded knifefish (Gymnotus omarorum). Together, these models offer clues about the underlying mechanisms of non-breeding aggression, especially the potential roles of neuropeptide Y (NPY) and brain-derived estrogens. The orexigenic NPY is well-conserved between birds and teleost fish, increases in response to low food intake, and influences sex steroid synthesis. In non-breeding M. melodia, NPY increases in the social behavior network, and NPY-Y1 receptor expression is upregulated in response to a territorial challenge. In G. omarorum, NPY is upregulated in the preoptic area of dominant, but not subordinate, individuals. We hypothesize that NPY may signal a seasonal decrease in food availability and promote non-breeding aggression. In both animal models, non-breeding aggression is estrogen-dependent but gonad-independent. In non-breeding M. melodia, neurosteroid synthesis rapidly increases in response to a territorial challenge. In G. omarorum, brain aromatase is upregulated in dominant but not subordinate fish. In both species, the dramatic decrease in food availability in the non-breeding season may promote non-breeding aggression, via changes in NPY and/or neurosteroid signaling.

Agressão/fisiologia , Células Neuroendócrinas/metabolismo , Neuroesteroides/metabolismo , Estações do Ano , Territorialidade , Agressão/psicologia , Animais , Aves , Peixes
J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci ; 60(5): 506-509, 2021 09 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34301345


The Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) is a solitary and naturally territorial animal, with female hamsters being more aggressive than males. This behavior makes handling difficult because they are usually housed in groups, which can lead to aggressive behavior. The objective of this study was to refine the management of Syrian hamsters in order to minimize aggressiveness, reduce the animal injuries, and lessen the risk of accidents among laboratory animal technicians due to the hamster aggression during handling. The experiment was conducted at the Center for Animals Experimentation, Oswaldo Cruz Institute. Four groups of hamsters were observed by video recording: group 1 (group-housed males, 6 to 8 wk of age), group 2 (group-housed females 6 to 8 wk of age), group 3 (group-housed female, 3 to 4 wk of age), and group 4 (individually housed females, 6 to 8 wk of age). Group 1 animals were less aggressive and agitated both during housing and during handling by the animal technician as compared with groups 2 and 3. Groups 2 and 3 showed greater agitation and aggression. Marked reduction in the level of aggressiveness and agitation was observed in group 4 as compared with all other groups evaluated during handling by the animal technician. Male hamsters housed in groups of 4 and females housed individually have reduced risks of accident during handling, thereby averting distress and consequent physiologic alterations. Avoiding these risks is essential to obtaining reliable experimental results.

Agressão , Habitação , Animais , Cricetinae , Feminino , Masculino , Mesocricetus , Territorialidade
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 21(2): 494-512, maio-ago. 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1358464


Grande parte da população mundial vive atualmente nas cidades, sendo a territorialidade um modo de compreensão contemporâneo da constituição desses espaços de vida. Esse estudo teve como objetivo compreender de que modo o conceito de territorialidade tem se relacionado com os estudos sobre a relação pessoa-ambiente no contexto urbano. A pesquisa propõe uma revisão integrativa utilizando bases nacionais como Scielo e Pepsic, e internacionais, como Web of Science, Sage Journal e Science Direct. As buscas resultaram em 219 artigos e, após seleção conforme os critérios de elegibilidade, obtiveram-se 21 artigos completos para análise. Os resultados indicaram um aumento da produção nos últimos anos, com temas relacionados a aspectos psicossociais, planejamento urbano, criminalidade e segurança, aspectos culturais e religiosos, saúde, educação. Destacou-se o entendimento da territorialidade atrelado aos contextos urbanos a partir de aspectos físicos e simbólicos do uso, ocupação e transformação dos espaços. A territorialidade, tomada como um conceito interdisciplinar, permite dialogar com a psicologia ambiental e com a psicologia existencialista, sustentando a importância dos territórios na dimensão social da existência. (AU)

Much of the world population currently lives in cities, with territoriality being a contemporary way of understanding the constitution of these living spaces. This study aimed to understand how the concept of territoriality has been related to studies on the person-environment relationship in the urban context. The research proposes an integrative review using national bases such as Scielo and Pepsic, and international ones, such as Web of Science, Sage Journal and Science Direct. The searches resulted in 219 articles and, after selection according to the eligibility criteria, 21 complete articles were obtained for analysis. The results indicated a greater production in recent years, with themes related to psychosocial aspects, urban planning, crime and security, cultural and religious aspects, health, education. The studies pointed to the understanding of the concept of territorialities linked to urban contexts from physical and symbolic aspects of the use, occupation and transformation of spaces. Territoriality, taken in an interdisciplinary concept, allows the dialogue with environmental psychology and existentialist psychology and to understand the importance of territories in the social dimension of existence. (AU)

Gran parte de la población mundial vive actualmente en ciudades, así que la territorialidad es una forma contemporánea de entender la constitución de estos espacios de vida. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender cómo el concepto de territorialidad se ha relacionado con estudios sobre la relación persona-entorno en el contexto urbano.La investigación propone una revisión integradora utilizando bases nacionales como Scielo y Pepsic, e internacionales, como Web of Science, Sage Journal y Science Direct. Las búsquedas dieron como resultado 219 artículos y, tras la selección de acuerdo con los criterios de elegibilidad, se obtuvieron 21 artículos completos para su análisis. Los resultados indicaron una mayor producción en los últimos años, con temas relacionados con aspectos psicosociales, planificación urbana, crimen y seguridad, aspectos culturales y religiosos, salud, educación. Los estudios apuntaron a la comprensión del concepto de territorialidades vinculadas a los contextos urbanos desde aspectos físicos y simbólicos del uso, ocupación y transformación de los espacios. La territorialidad, presentada de manera interdisciplinar, permite dialogar con la psicología ambiental y la psicología existencialista y comprender la importancia de los territorios en la dimensión social de la existencia. (AU)

Psicologia Social , Psicologia Ambiental , Territorialidade , Cidades
Sci Rep ; 11(1): 9742, 2021 05 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33963209


The odonates are insects that have a wide range of reproductive, ritualized territorial, and aggressive behaviors. Changes in behavior are the first response of most odonate species to environmental alterations. In this context, the primary objective of the present study was to assess the effects of environmental alterations resulting from shifts in land use on different aspects of the behavioral diversity of adult odonates. Fieldwork was conducted at 92 low-order streams in two different regions of the Brazilian Amazon. To address our main objective, we measured 29 abiotic variables at each stream, together with five morphological and five behavioral traits of the resident odonates. The results indicate a loss of behaviors at sites impacted by anthropogenic changes, as well as variation in some morphological/behavioral traits under specific environmental conditions. We highlight the importance of considering behavioral traits in the development of conservation strategies, given that species with a unique behavioral repertoire may suffer specific types of extinction pressure.

Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Biodiversidade , Odonatos/fisiologia , Territorialidade , Animais , Brasil
Am J Primatol ; 83(5): e23225, 2021 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33368565


Patterns of ranging behavior and space use are key for evaluating current ideas about the evolution and maintenance of pair-living and sexual monogamy as they provide insights into the dispersion of females, the potential for territoriality, and whether males are limited to defending an area that can support only one female and her offspring. We examined ranging behavior and space use to evaluate the potential for territoriality in five groups of red titi monkeys (Plecturocebus discolor) during a 10-year study in Ecuadorian Amazonia. Mean home range size, calculated using a time-sensitive local convex hull estimation procedure, was 4.0 ± 1.4 ha. Annual home ranges of neighboring groups overlapped, on average, 0%-7%. Mean daily path length was 670 ± 194 m, resulting in defendability indices of 2.2-3.6 across groups. Groups visited, on average, 4 of 12 sections of their home range border area per day, but that was not more often than would be expected by chance, and intergroup encounters were infrequent. We did not find evidence of active monitoring for intruders in border areas, in that groups did not travel either faster or slower when at the border than when in central areas of their range. The absence of overt monitoring might be compensated for by engaging in loud calls, which the study groups did throughout their home ranges; these calls may serve as an advertisement of occupancy and a deterrent to intruding conspecifics. Our finding that red titis have a high potential for territoriality is consistent with several of the main hypotheses proposed to explain pair-living in mammals.

Pitheciidae , Territorialidade , Animais , Brasil , Callicebus , Feminino , Comportamento de Retorno ao Território Vital , Masculino
J Fish Biol ; 98(1): 189-195, 2021 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32997364


It is widely assumed that female preference and male competition operate simultaneously during sexual selection. Dominance is likely an honest indicator of male quality, and females can identify and choose the dominant male to reproduce with individuals with greater competitive abilities, thus improving the quality and competitiveness of their offspring. In this context, few studies have investigated female preference in relation to male fighting ability. The Mexican mojarra, Cichlasoma istlanum, is a cichlid species native to the Balsas River basin. It is territorial during reproduction and provides parental care. Males commonly engage in territorial defence, whereas females care directly for offspring. This study examined whether females prefer dominant males that exhibit more aggressive behaviour. The authors conducted experiments using groups of two males and one female to test competitive ability in males and female preference. They also quantified the time during which the female associated with the dominant male and the subordinate male after observing the outcome of a fight between the two males. They found that Mexican mojarra females preferred dominant males and that the time females spent associating with males was positively related with their aggressive behaviours during competition. These results indicate that dominant males were more attractive than subordinate males to female Mexican mojarra. The relationship between female preference and male dominance in the Mexican mojarra demonstrates the importance of male competitive ability for future parental care in reproduction.

Ciclídeos/fisiologia , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Agressão , Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Reprodução , Territorialidade
Psicol. USP ; 32: e190150, 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1351359


Resumo Constitui-se o foco deste artigo apresentar o processo de construção identitária com sentido emancipatório a partir da cosmovisão e luta por território do povo indígena Pataxó, única etnia que conseguiu resistir no extremo-sul da Bahia. A pesquisa demonstrou que a luta por reconhecimento, tanto no plano jurídico-moral quanto no da estima-social, constitui os processos emancipatórios que caracterizam as identidades políticas da etnia indígena Pataxó.

Abstract This article focuses on presenting the process of identity construction with emancipatory purpose based on the worldview and struggle for territory of the indigenous Pataxó people, the only ethnic group that managed to resist in the extreme south of Bahia. The research demonstrated that the struggle for recognition in legal, moral, and social value aspects constitute the emancipatory processes that characterize the political identities of the indigenous Pataxó.

Résumé L'objet de cet article est de présenter le processus de construction d'une identité avec une signification émancipatrice à partir de la vision du monde et de la lutte pour le territoire du peuple autochtone Pataxó, le seul groupe ethnique qui a réussi à résister dans l'extrême sud de Bahia. Les recherches ont démontré que la lutte pour la reconnaissance des aspects juridiques, moraux et des valeurs sociales constitue le processus émancipateur qui caractérise les identités politiques du groupe ethnique autochtone Pataxó.

Resumen Se constituye el foco de este artículo presentar el proceso de construcción identitaria con sentido emancipatorio a partir de la cosmovisión y lucha del pueblo indígena Pataxó, la única etnia que logró resistir en el extremo sur de Bahía (Brasil). La investigación demostró que la lucha por reconocimiento tanto en el plano jurídico moral como el de estima social constituyen los procesos emancipatorios que caracterizan las identidades políticas de la etnia indígena Pataxó.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Territorialidade , Cosmovisão , Construção Social da Identidade Étnica , Povos Indígenas , Brasil , Características Culturais
Rev. colomb. bioet ; 16(1): 1-8, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1342517


Propósito/contexto. Este articulo presenta una aproximación al territorio como construcción social y escenario bioético, y hace uso de algunos de los supuestos básicos de la bioética y la propuesta de Orlando Fals Borda sobre la acción y el espacio. Esto da como resultado la acotación de la categoría deterritorialidades bioéticas, la cual parte del ensamblaje entre el bioespacio y la tecnoregión con las relaciones bioéticas; estos contenedores territoriales resal-tan la autonomía y la justicia como elementos clave que logran reestructurar la relación del ser humano con su entorno. Metodología/Enfoque. Se parte de un enfoque hermenéutico que compren-de la bioética como campo de conocimiento y de prácticas que se interesa por los cuestionamientos morales y éticos que se derivan del desarrollo tecnocientífico, de acuerdo con la forma en la que habitamos el espacio. Desde allí se establece una relación con la configuración del territorio y el desarrollo de las territorialidades. Resultados/Hallazgos. Se hace una reflexión teórica sobre la forma de concebir las relaciones que traza el ser humano con el territorio desde la bioética, acuñando desde su comprensión la categoría de territorialidades bioéticas. Discusión/Conclusiones/Contribuciones. Este articulo brinda elementos teóricos para pensar el territorio desde la bioética y configura un aporte conceptual como lo son las territorialidades bioéticas; se espera que esta categoría pueda ser implementada para ahondar en futuras reflexiones sobre la bioética, el territorio y las territorialidades.

Purpose/context. This article approaches the concept of territory as a social construction and bioethical setting. For this purpose, it resorts to some basic assumptions of bioethics and Orlando Fals Borda's proposal on action and space. In this way, it limits the category of bioethical territorialities, which results from the assembly of biospace and technoregion with the bioethical relationships that these territorial containers involve. Autonomy and justice are highlighted as crucial elements that manage to restructure the relationship between human beings and their environment. Method/Approach. A hermeneutical approach is used to understand bioethics as a field of knowledge and practices interested in the moral and ethical questions derived from the implications of techno-scientific development for life. This responds to how we inhabit the space and allows us to establish a relationship with the configuration of the territory and the development of territorialities. Results/Findings. The article presents a theoretical reflection from bioethics on how the human being conceives his or her relationships with the territory, and coins, from his or her understanding, the category of bioethical territorialities. Discussion/Conclusions/Contributions. The article contributes both theoretical elements to think about the territory from bioethics and the concept of bioethical territorialities. We expect that this category will be implemented to delve into future reflections on bioethics, territory, and territorialities.

Objetivo/contexto. O presente artigo faz uma aproximação ao conceito de território como construção social e cenário bioético. Para esse propósito, recorre a alguns dos pressupostos básicos da bioética e à proposta de Orlando Fals Borda referente a ação e espaço. É assim que limita a categoria das territorialidades bioéticas, que parte da montagem entre o bioespaço e a tecnorregião com as relações bioéticas que esses recipientes territoriais implicam; destacam-se a autonomia e a justiça como elementos-chave que conseguem reestruturar a relação do ser humano com seu entorno. Metodologia/Abordagem. Uma abordagem com foco hermenêutico é imple-mentada para compreender a bioética como um campo de saberes e práticas que se interessam pelos questionamentos morais e éticos que se derivam das implicações do desenvolvimento tecno-científico sobre a vida. Tudo isso responde ao modo como habitamos o espaço e nos permite estabelecer uma relação com a configuração do território e o desenvolvimento das territorialidades. Resultados/Descobertas. O artigo apresenta uma reflexão teórica, a partir da bioética, sobre o como o ser humano concebe as relações que traça com o território e cunha, a partir de sua compreensão, a categoria das territoriali-dades bioéticas. Discussão/Conclusões/Contribuições. A contribuição do artigo reside em fornecer elementos teóricos para pensar o território a partir da bioética e configura uma contribuição conceitual com o conceito das territorialidades bioéticas; aguarda-se que esta categoria possa ser implementada para aprofundar em futuras reflexões sobre a bioética, o território e as territorialidades.

Territorialidade , Bioética , Crescimento e Desenvolvimento , Metodologia como Assunto
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 33: e232754, 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1346844


Resumo O presente trabalho busca analisar os modos como se organizam os Centros de Referência em Assistência Social (CRAS), a partir de experiências coletivas e práticas comunitárias realizadas pelas equipes-território, destacando os processos de dissensos e consensos nas relações de trabalho. Metodologicamente, com base na análise de discurso, foram realizadas coletivamente 14 entrevistas semiestruturadas com cada equipe dos CRAS de dois estados da macrorregião sul do Brasil. Os resultados apontam que trabalhar as divergências internas sem tentar homogeneizá-las, compondo práticas transdisciplinares e horizontalizantes, se mostrou um modo potente de organização das equipes de trabalho. Ademais, foi relatado também a potência na produção dos fazeres de territorialização, com e a partir do território, por meio de seus significantes e possibilidades singulares. Finalmente, apontam-se as práticas comunitárias com grupos e coletivos nos CRAS como um dos vetores potentes no enfrentamento ao sofrimento ético-político produzido pelas desigualdades sociais.

Resumen El presente trabajo busca analizar las formas en que se organizan los Centros de Referencia de Asistencia Social (CRAS), a partir de experiencias colectivas y prácticas comunitarias realizadas por los equipos del territorio, destacando los procesos de desacuerdos y consensos en las relaciones laborales. Metodológicamente, con base en el análisis del discurso, se realizaron colectivamente 14 entrevistas semiestructuradas con cada equipo de los CRAS de dos estados del macrorregión sur del Brasil. Los resultados muestran que trabajar las diferencias internas sin tratar de homogeneizarlas, componiendo prácticas transdisciplinarias y horizontales, resultó ser una forma poderosa de organizar equipos de trabajo. Además, también se informó del poder en la producción de actividades de territorialización, con y desde el territorio, a través de sus significantes y posibilidades singulares. Finalmente, las prácticas comunitarias con grupos y colectivos en los CRAS se señalan como uno de los vectores poderosos para enfrentar el sufrimiento ético-político que producen las desigualdades sociales.

Abstract This paper analyzes the ways through which the Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS) is organized, based on collective experiences and community practices carried out by the territory-teams, highlighting the processes of dissent and consensus in working relations. Methodologically, based on discourse analysis, 14 semi-structured interviews were conducted collectively with each CRAS team from two states of the Brazilian southern region. The results indicate that working internal differences without trying to homogenize them, composing transdisciplinary and horizontal practices, proved to be a powerful way of organizing the work teams. Besides, the power in the production of territorialization actions, with and from the territory, was also reported through its significant and singular possibilities. Finally, the community practices with groups and collectives in CRAS are pointed as one of the potent vectors in facing the ethical-political suffering produced by social inequalities.

Psicologia , Serviço Social , Democracia , Política Pública , Territorialidade , Redes Comunitárias
Rev. abordagem gestál. (Impr.) ; 26(3): 339-349, set.-dez. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1136945


Jean-Paul Sartre, fundamentado no método fenomenológico e na filosofia existencialista, descreveu a realidade humana como liberdade em situação, compreendida na unidade indissolúvel entre o para-si e o Em-si, ou seja, entre liberdade e facticidade. A existência do sujeito não está dada de forma abstrata, ela ocorre num espaço concreto, circunscrita na materialidade e adquire sentido à luz do projeto de ser. Ao definir o conceito de situação, Sartre utiliza as noções de "meu lugar" e "meus arredores", retratando a materialidade como condição delimitadora da liberdade. A partir dessa noção de espacialidade, o presente trabalho objetiva estabelecer relações entre o conceito sartriano de situação, tal como definido em O Ser e o Nada, e o conceito de território utilizado em diversas áreas do conhecimento que abordam a relação pessoa-ambiente, como a geografia, antropologia, etologia, psicologia e demais áreas da saúde. As múltiplas possibilidades de interlocução interdisciplinar da noção de território resultam da dinâmica do conceito, que não se limita ao entorno físico, mas congrega aspectos sociais e simbólicos de forma integrada e dialética. Discutir as aproximações entre os conceitos de território, territorialidade e situação contribui para a interdisciplinaridade das diversas áreas que os utilizam como fundamento para práticas profissionais.

Jean-Paul Sartre, based on the phenomenological method and existentialist philosophy, described human reality as freedom in situation, understood in the indissoluble unity between itself and itself, that is, between freedom and facticity. Existence of the subject is not given abstractly, it occurs in a concrete space, circumscribed in materiality and acquires meaning in the light of the project of being. In defining the concept of situation, Sartre uses the notions of "my place" and "my surroundings", portraying materiality as a boundary condition of freedom. From this notion of spatiality, the present work aims to establish relations between the Sartrian concept of situation, as defined in Being and Nothingness, and the concept of territory used in several areas of knowledge that approach the relation between person and environment, such as geography, anthropology, ethology, psychology and other areas of health. The multiple possibilities of interdisciplinary interlocution of the notion of territory result from the dynamics of the concept, which is not limited to the physical environment, but brings together social and symbolic aspects in an integrated and dialectical way. Discussing the approximations between the concepts of territory, territoriality and situation contribute to the interdisciplinarity of the different areas that use them in professional practice.

Jean-Paul Sartre, fundamentado en el método fenomenológico y en la filosofía existencialista, describió la realidad humana como libertad en situación, comprendida en la unidad indisoluble entre el para sí y el en sí, es decir, entre libertad y facticidad. La existencia del sujeto no está dada de forma abstracta, se produce en un espacio concreto, circunscrita en la materialidad y adquiere sentido a la luz del proyecto de ser. Al definir el concepto de situación, Sartre utiliza las nociones de "mi lugar" y "mis alrededores", retratando la materialidad como condición delimitadora de la libertad. A partir de esa noción de espacialidad, el presente trabajo objetiva establecer relaciones entre el concepto sartriano de situación, tal como se define en El Ser y la Nada, y el concepto de territorio utilizado en diversas áreas del conocimiento que abordan la relación persona-ambiente, como la geografía, antropología, etología, psicología y demás áreas de la salud. Las múltiples posibilidades de interlocución interdisciplinaria de la noción de territorio resultan de la dinámica del concepto, que no se limita al entorno físico, sino que congrega aspectos sociales y simbólicos de forma integrada y dialéctica. Discutir las aproximaciones entre los conceptos de territorio, territorialidad y situación contribuye a la interdisciplinaridad de las diversas áreas que los utilizan en la práctica profesional.

Territorialidade , Existencialismo
Behav Processes ; 181: 104251, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32976966


Two opposite phenomena have been found in territorial animals, the "dear enemy'' and the "nasty neighbour'', which refer to individuals that show less aggression toward neighbours than toward strangers and vice versa. However, the need to maintain territory should differ for males and females because sexual reproduction is the result of the different adaptive strategies of the sexes. In this study, we explore territorial behaviour in the context of dear-enemy and nasty neighbour effects in the Mexican volcano mouse (Neotomodon alstoni). Patterns of spatial relationships between individuals and the degrees of agonistic behaviour among neighbours were analysed for a period of one year. Results exhibit a greater spatial proximity between male pairs during the non-reproductive period than during the reproductive period, and greater spatial proximity between pairs of females during the reproductive period than during the non-reproductive period. The analysis of agonistic behaviour showed that there is less tolerance for distant neighbours than for nearest neighbours. However, there is a greater frequency of aggression between male pairs than between females, while females appear to exhibit non-aggressive avoidance among individuals. The results support the theory that Mexican volcano mouse exhibits the "dear enemy phenomenon".

Comportamento Agonístico , Territorialidade , Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Murinae , Comportamento Sexual
Sci Rep ; 10(1): 14320, 2020 08 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32868843


Male calopterygid damselflies often exhibit colourful wings used during aggressive contests and courtship displays. Evidence suggests that male wing coloration is a secondary sexual character assessed by males and females to identify male quality. In some species, males adopt a lekking strategy, where females visit exhibition arenas and choose the best mate. Here, we addressed whether the behaviour of Mnesarete pudica males is influenced by female visitation when gathering in leks. We hypothesized that female visitation would increase male investment in courtship and fighting, while reducing patrolling flights and harassment attempts. Moreover, we tested the hypothesis that more ornamented males attract more females to the territory, following the hotshot model of lek evolution. Our results suggest that, indeed, males with more pigmented wings attract more visiting females, independently of male size. Our results also show that the number of females in a territory attracts more males and elicits male contest behaviour, reducing male harassment. We conclude that male ornament and male clustering is a good predictor of female visitation rates, suggesting that females may exert mate choice.

Preferência de Acasalamento Animal , Odonatos , Seleção Sexual , Territorialidade , Animais , Comportamento Competitivo , Feminino , Masculino , Pigmentação , Caracteres Sexuais , Asas de Animais
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32793118


Aggressive behaviors occurring dissociated from the breeding season encourage the search of non-gonadal underlying regulatory mechanisms. Brain estrogen has been shown to be a key modulator of this behavior in bird and mammal species, and it remains to be understood if this is a common mechanism across vertebrates. This review focuses on the contributions of Gymnotus omarorum, the first teleost species in which estrogenic modulation of non-breeding aggression has been demonstrated. Gymnotus omarorum displays year-long aggression, which has been well characterized in the non-breeding season. In the natural habitat, territory size is independent of sex and determined by body size. During the breeding season, on the other hand, territory size no longer correlates to body size, but rather to circulating estrogens and gonadosomatic index in females, and 11-ketotestosterone in males. The hormonal mechanisms underlying non-breeding aggression have been explored in dyadic encounters in lab settings. Males and females display robust aggressive contests, whose outcome depends only on body size asymmetry. This agonistic behavior is independent of gonadal hormones and fast acting androgens. Nevertheless, it is dependent on fast acting estrogenic action, as acute aromatase blockers affect aggression engagement, intensity, and outcome. Transcriptomic profiling in the preoptic area region shows non-breeding individuals express aromatase and other steroidogenic enzyme transcripts. This teleost model reveals there is a role of brain estrogen in the control of non-breeding aggression which seems to be common among distant vertebrate species.

Agressão , Comportamento Animal , Peixe Elétrico/fisiologia , Hormônios Esteroides Gonadais/metabolismo , Modelos Animais , Territorialidade , Animais , Regulação da Expressão Gênica