OBJECTIVES: The subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCTG) plus coronal advanced flap is commonly evaluated by clinical parameters, but potential sensory changes (patients' perception of painful or painless sensations) need to be further explored. This preliminary study aimed to qualitatively evaluate the somatosensory profile of recipient and palatal donor sites of SCTG. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sensory tests were applied at SCTG recipient and donor sites at baseline, after 3 and 6 months. A single calibrated examiner applied Douleur Neuropathique 4 questionnaire (DN4), qualitative sensory test (QualST), discriminating the areas as hypersensitive, hyposensitive or normosensitive, and two-point acuity test. Descriptive statistics, non-parametric Kruskal Wallis test for QualST evaluation and ANOVA for Two-point test (p < 0.05) were used. RESULTS: QualST revealed that recipient areas presented no significant differences in tactile, pressure and thermal tests. Brush test revealed hyposensitivity after 3 months (p = 0.03). In donor areas, only thermal evaluation showed a significant difference (p = 0.01), being hypersensitive after 3 months and hyposensitive after 6 months. At baseline, all evaluations in recipient and donor areas were normosensitive. According to DN4, no patient reported pain in recipient and donor sites. Non-painful sensory perception was reported as numbness in recipient (3.14% of patients) and donor (18.4%) areas. No significant differences were found for two-point acuity test values. CONCLUSIONS: Somatosensory variations were observed in donor and recipient areas using qualitative tests, with no detection of painful sensations, only non-painful sensations of numbness and electric shock. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This preliminary study demonstrated that alterations of hypo- and hypersensitivity may occur in donor and recipient areas of gingival grafts. However, when present, these alterations were non-painful and did not impact oral functions. CLINICAL REGISTRATION: ReBEC #RBR-7zz3b6p.
Tecido Conjuntivo , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Tecido Conjuntivo/transplante , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto , Retalhos Cirúrgicos , Sítio Doador de Transplante , IdosoRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) contains a variety of growth factors and bioactive molecules that play crucial roles in wound healing and angiogenesis. We aimed to evaluate the effects of PRF on tissue thickness and vascularization of the palatal donor site by ultrasound (USG) following subepithelial connective tissue harvesting. METHODOLOGY: A subepithelial connective tissue graft was harvested from the palatal region with a single incision for root coverage in 20 systemically healthy patients. In the test group (n = 10), the PRF membrane was placed at the donor site, whereas no material was applied in the control group (n=10). Palatal tissue thickness (PTT) and pulsatility index (PI) were evaluated by USG at baseline and on the 3rd, 7th, 14th, 30th, and 90th days after surgery. The early healing index (EHI) was used to evaluate donor site healing for 30 days. RESULTS: PTT was significantly higher in the PRF group on the 3rd and 14th days after surgery when compared to the controls. In the PRF-treated group, PI levels were significantly higher than in the controls, especially on the 14th day. PTT increased significantly 90 days after surgery compared to the test group baseline, but controls showed a significant decrease. The PRF group showed statistically significant improvements in EHI scores compared to controls on days 3, 7, and 14. This study found a negative correlation between PI values and EHI scores on postoperative days three and seven in the test group. CONCLUSION: USG is a non-invasive, objective method to radiographically evaluate the regenerative effects of PRF on palatal wound healing after soft tissue harvesting. To overcome graft inadequacy in reharvesting procedures, PRF application may enhance clinical success and reduce possible complications by increasing tissue thickness and revascularization in the donor area.
Tecido Conjuntivo , Palato , Fibrina Rica em Plaquetas , Sítio Doador de Transplante , Ultrassonografia , Cicatrização , Humanos , Cicatrização/fisiologia , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Tecido Conjuntivo/transplante , Palato/cirurgia , Palato/diagnóstico por imagem , Fatores de Tempo , Resultado do Tratamento , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Adulto Jovem , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Valores de Referência , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Coleta de Tecidos e Órgãos/métodos , Neovascularização Fisiológica/fisiologiaRESUMO
[ABSTRACT]. Objective. To obtain a comprehensive overview of organ donation, organ utilization, and discard in the entire donation process in Colombia. Methods. A retrospective study of 1 451 possible donors, distributed in three regions of Colombia, evaluated in 2022. The general characteristics, diagnosis, and causes of contraindication for potential donors were described. Results. Among the 1 451 possible donors, 441 (30.4%) fulfilled brain death criteria, constituting the potential donor pool. Families consented to organ donation in 141 medically suitable cases, while 60 instances utilized legal presumption, leading to 201 eligible donors (13.9%). Of those, 160 (11.0%) were actual donors (in whom operative incision was made with the intent of organ recovery or who had at least one organ recovered). Finally, we identified 147 utilized donors (10.1%) (from whom at least one organ was transplanted). Statistically significant differences were found between age, sex, diagnosis of brain death, and donor critical pathway between regions. A total of 411 organs were transplanted from 147 utilized donors, with kidneys being the most frequently procured and transplanted organs, accounting for 280 (68.1%) of the total. This was followed by 85 livers (20.7%), 31 hearts (7.5%), 14 lungs (3.4%), and 1 pancreas (0.2%). The discard rate of procured deceased donors was 8.1%. Conclusions. About one-tenth of donors are effectively used for transplantation purposes. Our findings high- light areas of success and challenges, providing a basis for future improvements in Colombia.
[RESUMEN]. Objetivo. Presentar una descripción integral de la donación, utilización y descarte de órganos en todo el proceso de donación en Colombia. Métodos. Estudio retrospectivo de 1 451 donantes posibles, distribuidos en tres regiones de Colombia, que fueron evaluados en el 2022. Se describen las características generales, el diagnóstico y las causas de contraindicación de los donantes potenciales. Resultados. De los 1 451 donantes posibles, 441 (30,4%) cumplían con los criterios de muerte encefálica y constituyeron el conjunto de donantes potenciales. Las familias consintieron la donación de órganos en 141 casos aptos desde el punto de vista médico, mientras que en 60 casos se recurrió a la presunción legal, con lo que se llegó a 201 donantes aptos (13,9%). De estos, 160 (11,0%) fueron donantes reales (en los que se les practicó una incisión quirúrgica para la extracción de órganos o se obtuvo al menos un órgano). En última instancia, hubo 147 donantes utilizados (10,1%) (de los que se trasplantó al menos un órgano). Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las regiones en cuanto a edad, sexo, diagnóstico de muerte encefálica y vía crítica del donante. Se trasplantaron un total de 411 órganos procedentes de 147 donantes utilizados; los riñones fueron los órganos obtenidos y trasplantados con mayor frecuencia, ya que supusieron 280 (68,1%) del total de órganos, seguidos del hígado (85, 20,7%), el corazón (31 , 7,5%), los pulmones (14, 3,4%) y el páncreas (1, 0,2%). La tasa de descarte de los donantes fallecidos disponibles fue del 8,1%. Conclusiones. Aproximadamente una décima parte de los donantes son utilizados, de hecho, para realizar trasplantes. Estos datos destacan las áreas en las que se han obtenido buenos resultados y aquellas en las que se presentan desafíos, lo cual proporciona una base para futuras mejoras en Colombia.
[RESUMO]. Objetivo. Obter uma visão geral e abrangente da doação, do aproveitamento e do descarte de órgãos em todo o processo de doação na Colômbia. Métodos. Estudo retrospectivo de 1 451 possíveis doadores em três regiões da Colômbia que foram avalia- dos em 2022. Foram descritas as características gerais, o diagnóstico e os motivos para a contraindicação de potenciais doadores. Resultados. Dentre os 1 451 possíveis doadores, 441 (30,4%) preencheram os critérios de morte encefálica, formando o grupo de potenciais doadores. Em 141 casos considerados clinicamente aptos, as famílias con- sentiram com a doação de órgãos, e em 60 casos utilizou-se o princípio da presunção legal, resultando em 201 doadores elegíveis (13,9%). Desses, 160 (11,0%) foram doadores efetivos (ou seja, doadores nos quais foi feita uma incisão cirúrgica com a intenção de remover um órgão ou pessoas com pelo menos um órgão removido). Por fim, foram identificados 147 doadores utilizados (10,1%) (ou seja, que doaram pelo menos um órgão que foi transplantado). Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre idade, sexo, diagnóstico de morte encefálica e itinerário crítico de doação entre as regiões. Um total de 411 órgãos foram transplantados de 147 doadores utilizados. Os rins foram os órgãos mais frequentemente removidos e transplantados, representando 280 (68,1%) do total, seguido de 85 fígados (20,7%), 31 corações (7,5%), 14 pulmões (3,4%) e 1 pâncreas (0,2%). A taxa de descarte de doadores falecidos com órgãos removidos foi de 8,1%. Conclusões. Cerca de um décimo dos doadores são efetivamente usados para fins de transplante. Nossos achados destacam áreas de sucesso e desafios, oferecendo uma base para futuras melhorias na Colômbia.
Obtenção de Tecidos e Órgãos , Transplante de Órgãos , Sítio Doador de Transplante , Transplantes , Doadores de Tecidos , Colômbia , Obtenção de Tecidos e Órgãos , Transplante de Órgãos , Sítio Doador de Transplante , Transplantes , Doadores de Tecidos , Obtenção de Tecidos e Órgãos , Transplante de Órgãos , Sítio Doador de Transplante , Doadores de Tecidos , ColômbiaRESUMO
Abstract Objective The objective of the present study was to prospectively compare the sural and propeller flaps for soft-tissues coverage of the lower extremity. The following variables were evaluated: incidence of complete or partial flap loss and donor area morbidity (primary closure versus skin graft). Methods Prospective and randomized analysis of data collected from all patients presenting with soft tissue defects of the lower third of the leg and heel treated with reverse sural or propeller flaps. Results Twenty-four patients aged between 4 and 60 years old were evaluated between 2011 and 2017. Complete coverage was obtained in 22 of the 24 patients (91.6%). Two flaps failed (8.4%). The sural flap, being the most popular option, continues to represent a safe and versatile alternative for skin defects of the lower third of the leg and heel region. Likewise, the propeller flap was a comparable option to treat these challenging defects. Conclusion Sural and propeller flaps are good options for soft tissues coverage of the lower extremity, with low complication rates (partial or total flap loss).
Resumo Objetivo O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar prospectivamente os retalhos sural e propeller para cobertura de partes moles da extremidade inferior. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: incidência de perda total ou parcial do retalho e morbidade da área doadora (fechamento primário versus enxerto de pele). Métodos Análise prospectiva e randomizada de dados coletados de todos os pacientes apresentando defeitos em tecidos moles da extremidade distal da perna e do retropé submetidos aos retalhos em questão. Resultados Foram avaliados 24 pacientes com idades entre 4 e 60 anos, entre 2011 e 2017. Cobertura completa foi obtida em 22 dos 24 pacientes (91,6%) e observamos falha em 2 retalhos (8,4%). O retalho sural, sendo a opção mais popular, continua a representar uma alternativa segura e versátil para defeitos cutâneos do terço distal da perna e da região do calcanhar. O retalho propeller, da mesma maneira, mostrou-se uma opção comparável para o tratamento destas lesões desafiadoras. Conclusão Os retalhos sural e propeller são boas opções para a cobertura de partes moles da extremidade inferior, demostrando baixas taxas de complicações como perda parcial ou total do retalho.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Retalhos Cirúrgicos , Transplante de Pele , Sítio Doador de Transplante , Retalho Perfurante/transplanteRESUMO
The benefits of photobiomodulation (PBM) applied to wounds are well-described in the literature; however, its effects in skin graft donor sites have been poorly studied. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of LED PBM on re-epithelialization and wound quality of the skin donor site and on pain during repair process. This is a case series study that part of the patients received standard treatment and the others received standard treatment combined with PBM. Data collection was performed at the Burn Unit at a Public Hospital, Brazil. The study had 21 participants and 25 donor sites, 13 in the control group (conventional treatment with Membracel® bandage) and 12 in the experimental group (Membracel® + LED). Irradiation parameters were 1.53 J/cm2, 2.55 mW/cm2, 660 nm, 600 s in the immediate postoperative period as well as on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th days postoperatively. Pain was measured using the visual analog scale. The Bates-Jensen scale was used to monitor the re-epithelialization process and measurements were performed of donor skin sites in the postoperative period. Quantitative variables were expressed as mean ± standard deviation or median and interquartile range [p25; p75]. The comparison of the distribution of these variables between groups was performed using the Mann-Whitney test. No differences between groups were found for re-epithelialization time, area or quality of the wound. Regarding pain, a significant reduction was found on the 5th postoperative day in the experimental group compared to the control group. PBM did not induce changes in the re-epithelialization period, wound area or wound quality scores of the Bates-Jensen Scale but did induce a reduction in pain compared to the group treated with Membracel® alone.
Transplante de Pele , Cicatrização , Humanos , Reepitelização , Pele , Sítio Doador de Transplante , Cicatrização/efeitos da radiaçãoRESUMO
Introducción. El trasplante renal es el tratamiento de elección para la enfermedad renal crónica. Debido a la brecha con la disponibilidad de donantes, el uso de criterios expandidos es una opción que busca mejorar la tasa de donación mundial. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la sobrevida del injerto y del paciente trasplantado con donante de criterios expandidos versus el donante estándar. Métodos. Cohorte retrospectiva de 1002 pacientes con trasplante renal donde se determinó la sobrevida del injerto renal y del receptor a 10 años después del trasplante. La sobrevida del injerto renal y el receptor fueron estimadas por el método de Kaplan-Meier. Una regresión de Cox fue realizada ajustando el modelo multivariado.Resultados. El análisis incluyó 1002 receptores, con un 18,8 % (n=189) que correspondían al uso de donante de criterios expandidos. El grupo de trasplante renal con donante de criterios expandidos tuvo menor sobrevida del paciente (48,1 % versus 63,8 %) y del injerto (63,3 % versus 74,7 %) en comparación con el grupo de trasplante renal con donantes con criterios estándar a los 10 años después del trasplante. La asociación de trasplante renal con donante de criterios expandidos y muerte o pérdida del injerto renal no fueron significativas cuando se ajustaron las variables en el modelo multivariado. Conclusión. El trasplante renal con donante de criterios expandidos tiene menor sobrevida del receptor y del injerto frente al grupo de trasplante renal con donante estándar. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cuanto al trasplante renal con donante de criterios expandidos frente a la pérdida del injerto renal o muerte.
Introduction. Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice for chronic kidney disease. Due to the gap with donor availability, the use of expanded criteria is an option that seeks to improve the global donation rate. The objective of this study was to compare the survival of the graft and the transplanted patient with an expanded criteria donor versus the standard donor. Methods. Retrospective cohort of 1002 kidney transplant patients where survival of the kidney graft and the recipient was determined at 10 years after transplantation. The survival of the kidney graft and the recipient were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method. A Cox regression was performed by fitting the multivariate model. Results. The analysis included 1002 recipients with 18.8% (n=189) corresponding to the use of an expanded criteria donor. The expanded criteria donor kidney transplant group had lower patient (48.1% versus 63.8%) and graft (63.3% versus 74.7%) survival compared to the donor kidney transplant group with standard criteria at 10 years post-transplant. The association of kidney transplantation with expanded criteria donor and death or loss of the kidney graft were not significant when the variables were adjusted in the multivariate model. Conclusion. Kidney transplantation with an expanded criteria donor has a lower recipient and graft survival compared to the standard kidney transplant group. There were no statistically significant differences in expanded criteria donor kidney transplantation versus kidney graft loss or death.
Humanos , Transplante de Rim , Sobrevivência de Enxerto , Obtenção de Tecidos e Órgãos , Seleção do Doador , Sítio Doador de Transplante , Rejeição de EnxertoRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To quantify the bone volume that can be safely withdrawn from 3 donor sites: (1) the mandibular symphysis, (2) the oblique mandibular line and (3) the skullcap. METHODOLOGY: For the symphysis, 200 tomographic exams were evaluated by the extension of the anterior loop of mental foramen, by the nerve, by the distance of the foramens, by the distance between the vestibular cortical and the lingual plates and by the distance between the apexes, or lower anterior teeth, and the mandibular base, using the "distance" tool of the I-CAT Vision, in the panoramic and parasagittal reformations. For the oblique line, 70 TCFC exams were analyzed retrospectively in panoramic and parasagittal reformations, evaluating the thickness of the vestibular cortical and the distance between the cortical and the mandibular canal. For the cranial bone, a hexagonal donor site located in parietal area was considered. RESULTS: The average dimensions of the bone blocks that can be safely removed from the region of the mandibular symphysis are: 32.27 mm in length, 4.87 mm in height and 4 mm in thickness, providing a volume of 628.61 mm3 available for grafting. In the oblique line, the available bone volume for grafting was 859.61 mm3. In the region of the cranial vault, multiplying the average bone thickness by the area of the hexagon, an average volume of 2,499 mm3 was obtained. CONCLUSIONS: Comparing the donor sites, the bone availability in the cranial vault is 3 times greater than in the mandibular posterior region, and at least 2 times greater than in the mandibular symphysis.
Transplante Ósseo/métodos , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/métodos , Mandíbula/transplante , Crânio/transplante , Sítio Doador de Transplante , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Pontos de Referência Anatômicos , Osso Cortical/diagnóstico por imagem , Osso Cortical/transplante , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagem , Ilustração Médica , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Retrospectivos , Crânio/diagnóstico por imagem , Sítio Doador de Transplante/diagnóstico por imagem , Adulto JovemRESUMO
Abstract Objective To quantify the bone volume that can be safely withdrawn from 3 donor sites: (1) the mandibular symphysis, (2) the oblique mandibular line and (3) the skullcap. Methodology For the symphysis, 200 tomographic exams were evaluated by the extension of the anterior loop of mental foramen, by the nerve, by the distance of the foramens, by the distance between the vestibular cortical and the lingual plates and by the distance between the apexes, or lower anterior teeth, and the mandibular base, using the "distance" tool of the I-CAT Vision, in the panoramic and parasagittal reformations. For the oblique line, 70 TCFC exams were analyzed retrospectively in panoramic and parasagittal reformations, evaluating the thickness of the vestibular cortical and the distance between the cortical and the mandibular canal. For the cranial bone, a hexagonal donor site located in parietal area was considered. Results The average dimensions of the bone blocks that can be safely removed from the region of the mandibular symphysis are: 32.27 mm in length, 4.87 mm in height and 4 mm in thickness, providing a volume of 628.61 mm3 available for grafting. In the oblique line, the available bone volume for grafting was 859.61 mm3. In the region of the cranial vault, multiplying the average bone thickness by the area of the hexagon, an average volume of 2,499 mm3 was obtained. Conclusions Comparing the donor sites, the bone availability in the cranial vault is 3 times greater than in the mandibular posterior region, and at least 2 times greater than in the mandibular symphysis.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Crânio/transplante , Transplante Ósseo/métodos , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/métodos , Sítio Doador de Transplante , Mandíbula/transplante , Crânio/diagnóstico por imagem , Estudos Retrospectivos , Pontos de Referência Anatômicos , Sítio Doador de Transplante/diagnóstico por imagem , Osso Cortical/transplante , Osso Cortical/diagnóstico por imagem , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagem , Ilustração MédicaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Primary closure of the donor-site after harvest of a large anterolateral thigh flap (ALT) is associated with significant morbidity. Incisional negative pressure therapy (INPT) may decrease complications in high-risk incisions. This study assessed if the incidence of complications after primary closure of the ALT flap donor-site decreases with INPT. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study of a prospectively maintained database including patients who underwent upper and lower limb reconstruction, using an ALT free flap with primary closure of the donor-site. Two groups were defined: primary closure and INPT (study group) and primary closure with traditional dressings (control group). Nonparametric statistics were employed to identify prognostic factors, p < 0,05. RESULTS: Fifty-eight free ALT flaps in 58 patients (study group n = 28; control group n = 30) were included. Median flap width and length were 9 cm (range: 5-14) and 25 cm (range: 10-48), respectively. Median follow-up was 19 months (range: 3-78 months). No significant differences in age or flap size were identified in both groups (p > 0.05). The global complication rate was 7.14% (n = 2) in the INPT group, and 37% (n = 11) in the control group (p = 0.007). The study group had a lower dehiscence and skin necrosis rate (p < 0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed IPNT was associated with a significant reduction of donor-site complications (p = 0.006), especially in patients with defects > 8 cm (p = 0.003). CONCLUSION: In this cohort study the use of INPT significantly reduced the donor-site morbidity after ALT flap harvest.
Traumatismos do Braço/cirurgia , Retalhos de Tecido Biológico/irrigação sanguínea , Traumatismos da Perna/cirurgia , Tratamento de Ferimentos com Pressão Negativa , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica , Deiscência da Ferida Operatória/patologia , Coxa da Perna/irrigação sanguínea , Cicatrização/fisiologia , Adulto , Traumatismos do Braço/patologia , Feminino , Humanos , Traumatismos da Perna/patologia , Masculino , Microcirurgia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Retrospectivos , Deiscência da Ferida Operatória/terapia , Coxa da Perna/cirurgia , Coleta de Tecidos e Órgãos/métodos , Sítio Doador de Transplante/cirurgia , Resultado do TratamentoRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Composite and large head and neck defects requiring extensive skin-mucosa coverage are often reconstructed by combining flaps. Herein, we present a simple and reliable two-stage fibula osteocutaneous (FOC) flap technique to improve the survival of a large skin paddle for oromandibular reconstructions. METHODS: From October 2011 to September 2016, 47 patients with through-and-through oromandibular defects were reconstructed using FOC flaps with large skin paddles. To ensure optimum survival of skin paddles, temporary orocutaneous fistula were left in place and closed during the second stage operation via de-epithelialization of the skin paddle and suturing of mucosa. Demographic data, operative details, and postoperative complications were recorded. RESULTS: The skin paddle dimensions ranged from 20 to 31.5 cm in length and 12 to 17 cm in width with an average area of 430.4 cm2 (range 300-504). The average time between the two stages and hospital stay were 10 days and 14 days, respectively. Complications at the donor site included wound dehiscence (n = 3, 6.4%), partial skin graft loss (n = 3, 6.4%) and hematoma (n = 2, 4.3%). Recipient site complications included two (4.3%) early postoperative venous congestions that resolved after elevation and three (6.4%) partial skin flap necrosis (less than 5% surface area). All complications resolved with bedside conservative management. There was only one take-back for evacuation of recipient site hematoma (2.1%) but no flap loss. CONCLUSION: Two-staged large skin paddle FOC flaps can simplify reconstruction of extensive oromandibular defects by improving the reliability of the sizable skin paddle and negating the need for a second flap.
Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/reabilitação , Fístula Cutânea/cirurgia , Fíbula/cirurgia , Sobrevivência de Enxerto/fisiologia , Hospitais Universitários , Mandíbula/cirurgia , Neoplasias Bucais/reabilitação , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/métodos , Retalhos Cirúrgicos/patologia , Retalhos Cirúrgicos/transplante , Adulto , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/cirurgia , Feminino , Seguimentos , Humanos , Hiperemia/etiologia , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Neoplasias Bucais/cirurgia , Necrose , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Estudos Retrospectivos , Transplante de Pele , Retalhos Cirúrgicos/efeitos adversos , Taiwan , Sítio Doador de Transplante , Resultado do TratamentoRESUMO
SUMMARY: The aim of this study was to ascertain the distance from the mandibular canal to the lateral, medial and upper zones of the mandibular ramus in order to identify safety margins that reduce the risk of nerve injuries in the process of removing a bone graft. A descriptive study was conducted, analyzing bilaterally 20 CBCT exams from different patients, taking measurements at 4 points in the central, lateral and medial areas of the corresponding mandibular ramus, which was located at a distance of 5 mm between each line, starting at the distal point of the second molar. Forty hemimandibles were included in this study, estimating a vertical distance for the 4 points of analysis, from between 16 and 17 mm, a distance laterally of 5 mm approximately and medially approximately from 3 to 3.9 mm; the lateral zone was significantly larger than the medial zone. It is estimated that the maximum achievement of a bone block from the area posterior to the second molar must be 13 mm deep and 3 mm laterally to minimize the risks of injuries to the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle.
RESUMEN: El objetivo de esta investigación fue conocer la distancia que existe desde el canal mandibular a la zona lateral, medial y a la zona superior de la rama mandibular a fin de identificar márgenes de seguridad que minimicen el riesgo de lesiones nerviosas en el proceso de retiro de un injerto óseo. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, analizando bilateralmente 20 exámenes CBCT de pacientes distintos, realizando mediciones en 4 puntos de la zona central, lateral y medial de la rama mandibular correspondiente, los cuales fueron ubicados con distancia de 5 mm entre cada línea, iniciando en el punto distal del segundo molar. Cuarenta hemimandíbulas fueron incluidas en esta investigación, estimando una distancia vertical, para los 4 puntos de análisis, de entre 16 y 17 mm, una distancia hacia lateral de 5 mm aproximadamente y hacia medial aproximadamente de 3 a 3,9 mm; la zona lateral fue significativamente mas grande que la zona medial. Se estima, que la obtención máxima de un bloque óseo desde la zona posterior al segundo molar debe ser con 13 mm de profundidad y 3 mm desde lateral para minimizar los riesgos de lesiones al paquete neurovascular alveolar inferior.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Transplante Ósseo , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagem , Sítio Doador de Transplante/diagnóstico por imagem , Mandíbula/anatomia & histologia , Mandíbula/cirurgia , Sítio Doador de Transplante/anatomia & histologiaRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Severe burns benefit from skin grafting, and grafting surgery is of great importance in the treatment of these injuries. As a result, there is formation of an additional wound at the donor site, which is painful and susceptible to infection. However, the therapeutic approach to these problems at donor sites for skin grafting is insufficiently explored in the literature. AIM: To evaluate electrical stimulation of the donor sites of burn patients treated by grafting surgery. METHODS: This work evaluated 30 donor sites of cutaneous graft burn patients treated with high-voltage electrical stimulation. Subjects were randomized into two groups: electrical stimulation (GES), treated with electrostimulation (50min, 100Hz, twin pulses 15 us, monophasic), and the sham group (GS), treated by the same procedures but without current. Pain was assessed by visual analog scale daily before and after the electrical stimulation. The time elapsed until complete epithelization was evaluated (time of primary dressing detached spontaneously). Skin temperature was measured by thermography. The characteristics of donor sites were qualitatively evaluated using images and the plug-in CaPAS® (Carotid Plaque Analysis Software). RESULTS: The results showed a significant decrease in pain, which was absent on the third day in the GES and the sixth day in the GS. The time the primary dressing detached spontaneously in days decreased (p<0.05) (4.7±0.2) compared to the GS group (7.0±1.3). Donor site healing characteristics such as vascularization, pigmentation, height, the quantity of crust formed, irregularities, and the quality of healing was better in the GES; moreover, homogeneity and inertia of the images confirmed higher healing quality. CONCLUSION: As a result of the study, the technology shows promise and merits a larger study with objective assessments and different physical variables.
Queimaduras/cirurgia , Terapia por Estimulação Elétrica/métodos , Dor Pós-Operatória/fisiopatologia , Transplante de Pele/métodos , Sítio Doador de Transplante , Cicatrização , Adulto , Cicatriz/etiologia , Método Duplo-Cego , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Reepitelização , Couro Cabeludo/cirurgia , Coxa da Perna/cirurgia , Adulto JovemRESUMO
BACKGROUND: As abdominally based free flaps for breast reconstruction continue to evolve, significant effort has been invested in minimizing donor-site morbidity. The impact on the donor site remains a prevailing principle for breast reconstruction, and thus must be adequately reflected when classifying what is left behind following flap harvest. Although successful in describing the type of flap harvested, the existing nomenclature falls short of incorporating certain critical variables, such as degree of muscular preservation, fascial involvement, mesh implantation, and segmental nerve anatomy. METHODS: In an effort to expand on Nahabedian's 2002 classification system, this descriptive study revisits and critically reviews the existing donor-site classification system following abdominally based breast reconstruction. RESULTS: The authors propose a nomenclature system that emphasizes variability in flap harvest technique, degree of muscular violation, fascial resection, mesh implantation, and degree of nerve transection. CONCLUSION: With this revised classification system, reconstructive surgeons can begin reporting more clinically relevant and accurate information with regard to donor-site morbidity.
Retalhos de Tecido Biológico , Mamoplastia/métodos , Reto do Abdome/transplante , Terminologia como Assunto , Sítio Doador de Transplante/cirurgia , Feminino , Humanos , Tratamentos com Preservação do Órgão , Reto do Abdome/inervação , Coleta de Tecidos e Órgãos/métodosRESUMO
Cortical bone grafting is commonly required in the finger, hand, and carpus when managing bony trauma. A donor site that can provide a small or large amount of cortical bone graft that is easily accessible and within the same surgical field would be the ideal donor site. In high-energy injuries, a long cortical graft may be needed to reconstruct massive bony defects. In low-energy injuries such as scaphoid nonunions in which a wedge graft is needed, a reliable and easily accessible source of bone grafting would be beneficial. Although the traditional iliac bone grafting can be used, this option requires a separate sterile field to be prepared and may lead to donor site pain and morbidity. We propose an option that places the donor source close to the hand and wrist. The radial aspect of the distal radius metaphysis/diaphysis is superficial, which makes access and closure simpler than other alternatives. Furthermore, the technique only partly violates 1 of the 3 surfaces of the radius so that there is minimal weakening of the integrity of the bone and the likelihood of fracture is low. In this article, we describe the indications, contraindications, surgical technique, and postoperative management of the radial aspect of the distal radius metaphysis/diaphysis as a source of bone grafting.
Transplante Ósseo , Osso Cortical/transplante , Diáfises/transplante , Rádio (Anatomia)/anatomia & histologia , Rádio (Anatomia)/transplante , Sítio Doador de Transplante , HumanosRESUMO
Aim: To assess the presence of donor site sequel of patients undergoing ear reconstruction with costal cartilage harvest, using supraperichondrial technique. methods: Cross-sectional study; patients under 15 years. The cartilages were harvested with perichondrium. Three observers performed donor site assessment; they were independent to this study (validated Strasser score: deformity, asymmetry, contour and scar). Children and their mothers were applied satisfaction survey. Analysis of the association between variables: nonparametric tests. Results: 19 reconstructions, 18 patients, age 8 (6-15) years, follow-up 50 (14-96) months; number of rib cartilage harvested 3 (2-4) units. Expert assessment: excellent in 2 (10.5%) cases, good in 10 (52.6%), regular in 7 (36.8%). Most mothers and patients rated the result as good. There was no significant difference in the score, with respect to the number of harvested costal cartilages. To separate them by age, poorer results were obtained at surgery before 10 years of age than in older (p < 0.03). Conclusion: Ear reconstruction and supraperichondrial technique for costal cartilage allows obtain good results in donor site. There is high satisfaction when evaluated by the patient and his mother, as well as observers. The result is not dependent on the number of harvested cartilage, but is related to age at surgery, best results were obtained in patients operated over 10 years of age.
Objetivo: Evaluar presencia de secuela en zona dadora de pacientes sometidos a reconstrucción auricular con cartílago costal con técnica suprapericóndrica. material y método: Corte transversal; pacientes menores de 15 años. Cartílagos fueron levantados con pericondrio. Evaluación de zona dadora fue realizada por tres observadores independientes (escala validada de Strasser: deformidad, asimetría, contorno y cicatriz). A niños y madres se les aplicó encuesta de satisfacción. En el análisis de la asociación entre variables se utilizan pruebas no paramétricas. Resultados: 19 reconstrucciones, 18 pacientes, mediana edad 8 (6-15) años, seguimiento 50 (14-96) meses, número de cartílagos costales obtenidos 3 (2-4) unidades. Evaluación de expertos: excelente en 2 (10,5%) casos, bueno en 10 (52,6%) y regular en 7 (36,8%). La mayoría de las madres y pacientes calificó como bueno el resultado. No hubo diferencia significativa en el puntaje con respecto al número de cartílagos costales cosechados. Al separarlos por edad se obtuvo peores resultados en los intervenidos antes de los 10 años que en mayores (p < 0,03). Conclusión: La reconstrucción auricular con cartílago costal y técnica suprapericóndrica, permite obtener buenos resultados en zona dadora. Existe alta satisfacción al ser evaluada por el paciente y su madre, así como por los observadores. El resultado no es dependiente del número de cartílagos; sí en relación a la edad de la cirugía: mejores resultados en pacientes operados sobre los 10 años de edad, lo que concuerda con otros estudios.
Humanos , Criança , Adolescente , Transplante de Tecidos/métodos , Procedimentos de Cirurgia Plástica/efeitos adversos , Cartilagem Costal/transplante , Microtia Congênita/cirurgia , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Seguimentos , Satisfação do Paciente , Sítio Doador de TransplanteRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: The Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD) is a rare disorder known as sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy which affects other organs besides the lymphatic nodes. The most frequent clinical presentation is the skin involvement, but the most serious one is when the central nervous system is compromised. There are not clinical cases in the literature reporting the mandibular involvement and its management. The aim of this study is to report the case of a patient with this disease, her treatment, and her follow-up. STUDY: A 32-year-old woman with RDD, who underwent a right mandibulectomy to treat osteomyelitis, and who suffered hemolytic anemia, lymphoproliferative syndrome, and bacterial meningitis by meningococcus treated successfully, is presented. She also had osteosynthesis plate exposure in 3 occasions. The authors performed a mandibular reconstruction with a fibula free flap. Vertical osteogenic distraction was done to improve the vertical height of the bone for osteointegrated implants and later oral rehabilitation. METHODS: The senior authors performed mandibular reconstruction with a fibula free flap. Vertical osteogenic distraction was performed to improve the vertical height of the bone for osteointegrated implants and later oral rehabilitation. The patient achieved adequate function with a good mandibular height and occlusion. RESULTS: The patient had a follow-up of 6 months. She is highly satisfied with her result. Preoperative and postoperative photos are shown. DISCUSSION: In this rare case, the authors show the difficulties when treating this disease. The follow-up of the patient showed a successful reconstruction with good functional results.
Histiocitose Sinusal/complicações , Doenças Mandibulares/cirurgia , Reconstrução Mandibular/métodos , Osteomielite/cirurgia , Adulto , Placas Ósseas , Transplante Ósseo/métodos , Implantação Dentária Endóssea/métodos , Feminino , Fíbula/cirurgia , Seguimentos , Retalhos de Tecido Biológico/transplante , Humanos , Osteogênese por Distração/métodos , Satisfação do Paciente , Infecções Relacionadas à Prótese/cirurgia , Sítio Doador de Transplante/cirurgia , Resultado do TratamentoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Autologous bone grafting is still considered the standard method for alveolar cleft repair. However, donor site morbidities remain a relevant problem in cleft care. Thus, the authors assessed postoperative donor site pain in cleft patients who underwent alveolar cleft repair by iliac crest bone graft transferring through a prospective randomized study comparing 2 minimally invasive harvesting techniques. METHODS: Fifty-six consecutive patients with cleft lip and palate who underwent iliac crest bone grafting for alveolar cleft repair were randomly divided into 2 groups: bone graft harvested by minimally invasive techniques without (group 1) and with (group 2) periosteum elevation. Postoperative donor site pain was evaluated using a unidimensional numerical pain intensity rating scale (0, "no pain;" 10, "worst pain imaginable") at 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 hours after the procedures and on the 3rd, 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th days after surgeries. Intergroup comparisons were performed. RESULTS: The mean measurements of donor site pain revealed no significant differences (all P > 0.05) in any of the evaluated postoperative period comparisons between groups 1 and 2. There was a greater number (P < 0.05) of group 1 patients who reported "no pain" in the donor site compared with group 2, suggesting that periosteum elevation may play a role in pain intensity measurement. CONCLUSIONS: This prospective randomized study showed no difference in pain intensity among cleft patients who had postoperative pain. However, a greater number of patients in group 1 reported "no pain" in comparison to patients in group 2.
Enxerto de Osso Alveolar/métodos , Autoenxertos/transplante , Transplante Ósseo/métodos , Dor Pós-Operatória/etiologia , Sítio Doador de Transplante/cirurgia , Adolescente , Adulto , Criança , Fenda Labial/cirurgia , Fissura Palatina/cirurgia , Feminino , Seguimentos , Humanos , Ílio/cirurgia , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/métodos , Medição da Dor/métodos , Periósteo/cirurgia , Estudos Prospectivos , Técnicas de Sutura , Coleta de Tecidos e Órgãos/instrumentação , Coleta de Tecidos e Órgãos/métodos , Adulto JovemRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Anterior table frontal sinus fractures accompanied by nasofrontal duct injury require surgical correction. Extracranial approaches for anterior table osteotomies have traditionally used plain radiograph templates or a "cut-as-you-go" technique. We compared these methods with a newer technique utilizing computed tomography (CT)-guided imaging. METHODS: Data of patients with acute, traumatic anterior table frontal sinus fractures and nasofrontal duct injury between 2009 and 2013 were reviewed (n = 29). Treatment groups compared were as follows: (1) CT image guidance, (2) plain radiograph template, and (3) cut-as-you-go. Frontal sinus obliteration was performed in all cases. Demographics, operative times, length of stay, complications, and osteotomy accuracy were recorded. RESULTS: Similar demographics, concomitant injuries, operative times, and length of stay among groups were noted. No patients in the CT-guided group had perioperative complications including intraoperative injury of the dura, cerebrum, or orbital structures. In the plain radiograph template group, 25% of patients had inadvertent dural exposure, and 12.5% required take-back to the operating room for cranial bone graft donor site hematoma. In the cut-as-you-go group, 11% required hardware removal for exposure. There were no cases of cerebrospinal fluid leak, meningitis, or mucocele in any group (follow-up, 29.2 months). The CT image guidance group had the most accuracy of the osteotomies (95%) compared with plain radiograph template (85%) and the cut-as-you-go group (72.5%). CONCLUSIONS: A new technique using CT image guidance for traumatic frontal sinus fractures repair offers more accurate osteotomy and elevation of the anterior table without increased operative times or untoward sequelae.
Seio Frontal/lesões , Fraturas Cranianas/cirurgia , Cirurgia Assistida por Computador/métodos , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/métodos , Adolescente , Adulto , Transplante Ósseo/efeitos adversos , Estudos de Coortes , Dura-Máter/lesões , Osso Etmoide/lesões , Feminino , Seguimentos , Seio Frontal/cirurgia , Hematoma/etiologia , Humanos , Complicações Intraoperatórias , Tempo de Internação , Masculino , Cavidade Nasal/lesões , Duração da Cirurgia , Osteotomia/métodos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Sítio Doador de Transplante/cirurgia , Adulto JovemRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Postauricular skin is one of the potential donor sites for split-thickness skin grafts (STSGs). OBJECTIVE: To objectively quantify how postauricular donor sites heal after STSG harvesting. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cohort of 39 Mohs micrographic surgery patients repaired with STSGs (total 41 surgical defects) was established. Scars resulting from postauricular donor site harvesting were objectively quantified by applying the Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS), in which healing of scars is ranked from 0 (best possible outcome) to 13 (worst possible outcome). RESULTS: Vancouver Scar Scale scores were 1.87 for sites followed for ≥6 months (n = 16), 3 for sites followed for 3 to 6 months (n = 7), and 1.61 for sites followed for 6 to 11 weeks (n = 18). Four patients developed mild hypertrophic scarring that resolved spontaneously or with intralesional triamcinolone injections at a concentration of 10 mg/mL. CONCLUSION: The postauricular skin is an excellent donor site for small-to-moderate sized STSGs (<10 cm). The donor sites healed well, as noted by the low scores on the VSS consistent with mild changes in erythema, pigmentation, and texture. The incidence of hypertrophic scarring was low and resolved with observation or treatment.
Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço/cirurgia , Neoplasias Cutâneas/cirurgia , Transplante de Pele , Coleta de Tecidos e Órgãos , Sítio Doador de Transplante , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Estudos de Coortes , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cirurgia de Mohs , Pigmentação , Transplante de Pele/efeitos adversos , Coleta de Tecidos e Órgãos/efeitos adversos , Tronco , CicatrizaçãoRESUMO
Autogenous bone grafting is the gold-standard technique for bone augmentation procedures prior to implant placement. If the amount of available intraoral donor bone is insufficient, it is necessary to harvest bone graft from extraoral sites, such as calvaria. Although this technique is well established, only a few case reports show the histological analysis of the grafted bone at the moment of implant placement. This article reports the case of a 48-year-old female patient with a critical atrophic maxillary ridge reconstructed using autogenous calvarial bone graft prior to implant placement, with clinical and histological evaluation. Bone was collected under general anesthesia from the parietal bone. The outer cortical originated the bone blocks, and the medullar bone layer between was collected to be used in the sinus augmentation procedure, together with 5 of the bone blocks triturated. Six months after bone augmentation, 8 implants were placed in the grafted area and 2 biopsies were retrieved (anterior and the posterior regions), allowing the visualization of the bone-remodeling process in the grafted areas. The patient had a stable recovery. Our results showed that although necrotic bone could still be seen in the outer layer of the grafted area, the interface between this necrotic bone and the already remodeled bone was consistent with biocompatibility. Two-year radiographic evaluation showed success of the grafts and the implants in supporting an esthetic and functionally stable prosthesis. Summarizing, calvarial bone grafts are a viable alternative for the attainment of adequate bone volume prior to implant placement.