INTRODUCTION: Outcomes from trauma at the major referral hospital [Hospital Nacional de San Benito (HNSB)] in El Petén, Guatemala, have not been analyzed. Empirical evidence demonstrated a high number of motorcycle accidents (MAs). We hypothesized a large incidence of head trauma with poor outcomes in MAs compared to all other forms of blunt trauma. METHODS: Our hypothesis was tested by performing a community observational study and a retrospective chart review in El Petén, Guatemala. An independent observer catalogued 100 motorcycle riders on the streets of El Petén for riding practices as well as helmet utilization. HNSB does not have electronic medical records. For this study, we performed a retrospective chart review of randomly selected nonconsecutive trauma admission at HNSB between March 2018 and June 2023. Blunt trauma was compared between MAs versus all others. Variables were examined by parametric and nonparametric tests as well as contingency table analyses. RESULTS: Most motorcycles riders involved multiple individuals (2.61 ± 0.79/motorcycle). Seventy riders included children (median = 1.0 [Q1-Q3 range = 1.0-3.0]/motorcycle). Overall, only three riders were wearing helmets. Forty-one were women. Of patients presenting to HNSB with trauma, 91 charts were reviewed (33.0 [20.0-37.0] y old; male 89%), 76.7% were blunt, and 23.3% were penetrating trauma. Within blunt trauma, 57.1% were MAs versus 42.9% all others; P = 0.13. MAs were younger (29.5 [20.0-37.0] versus 34.0 [21.8-45.8] y old; P < 0.05) and of similar gender (male 82.5% versus 96.6%; P = 0.1). More MAs had a computed tomography (70.0% versus 30.0%; P < 0.01) and they were more likely to present with head trauma (72.5% versus 46.7%; P = 0.04) but similar Glasgow Coma Scale (15.0 [13.5-15.0] versus 15.0 [12.5-15.0]; P = 0.7). MAs were less likely to require surgical intervention (37.5% versus 56.7%; P = 0.05) but had similar hospital length of stay (4.0 [2-6] versus 4.0 [2-10.5] d; P = 0.5). CONCLUSIONS: Unsafe motorcycle practices in El Petén are staggering. Most trauma at HNSB is blunt, and likely from MAs. More patients with MAs presented with head trauma. However, severe trauma might be transferred to higher level hospitals or mortality might occur on scene, which will need further investigations. Assessment of mortality from trauma admissions is ongoing. These findings should lead to enforcement of safe motorcycle practices in El Petén, Guatemala.
Acidentes de Trânsito , Dispositivos de Proteção da Cabeça , Motocicletas , Humanos , Motocicletas/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Masculino , Feminino , Guatemala/epidemiologia , Adulto , Acidentes de Trânsito/estatística & dados numéricos , Dispositivos de Proteção da Cabeça/estatística & dados numéricos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Adolescente , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Incidência , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/epidemiologia , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/etiologia , Ferimentos não Penetrantes/epidemiologia , Ferimentos não Penetrantes/etiologia , LactenteRESUMO
Objetivo: Determinar o perfil epidemiológico de pacientes atendidos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), em determinado município do interior de Minas Gerais, bem como os gastos financeiros e o repasse financeiro para os centros de atendimento de traumas. Material e métodos: Trata-se de um estudo ecológico, descritivo, realizado a partir da coleta de dados pelo SIH-SUS, no período de janeiro de 2011 a dezembro de 2021, em um município do interior de Minas Gerais. Resultados: Foi identificado um total de 14.138 pacientes, com maior acometimento de pessoas do sexo masculino, com idade entre 15 e 44 anos. Como causas mais frequentes, destacaram-se os traumatismos de quadril e coxa, seguidos de traumatismos de membros superiores (ombro, antebraço, braço, punho e mão) e cabeça. Como tempo médio de permanência hospitalar, houve 4.693 diárias entre 2011 e 2021 secundárias a complicações em enfermarias e unidade de terapia intensiva, elevando cerca de 2,37% os valores repassados pelo SUS no período estudado. Em resumo, a análise da incidência de traumas nas emergências de um município do interior de Minas Gerais revela uma preocupante tendência em que homens na faixa etária de 15 a 44 anos emergem como as principais vítimas. Esse padrão pode ser influenciado por fatores como ocupação, comportamentos de risco e mobilidade. Conclusão: A compreensão dessa demografia específica é crucial para direcionar estratégias de prevenção e resposta adequadas. A implementação de medidas educativas, segurança no trânsito e promoção da saúde mental pode contribuir para mitigar os impactos dos traumas nesse grupo demográfico, melhorando sua qualidade de vida e a saúde geral da comunidade.
Objective: To determine the epidemiological profile of patients assisted by the unified health system, in a certain municipality in the interior of Minas Gerais, as well as the financial expenses and the financial transfer to trauma care centers. Material and methods: This is an ecological, descriptive study, carried out from data collection by SIH-SUS, from January 2011 to December 2021 in a municipality in the interior of Minas Gerais. Results: a total of 14,138 patients were identified, with greater involvement of male people aged between 15 and 44 years. As the most frequent causes, trauma to the hip and thigh stood out, followed by trauma to the upper limbs (shoulder, forearm, arm, wrist and hand) and head. As for the average length of hospital stay, there were 4,693 daily stays between 2011 and 2021 secondary to complications in wards and the intensive care unit. Increasing about 2.37% in the values transferred by the unified health system between the studied decade. In summary, the analysis of the incidence of trauma in emergencies in a municipality in the interior of Minas Gerais reveals a worrying trend in which men aged 15 to 44 years emerge as the main victims. This pattern can be influenced by factors such as occupation, risky behavior and mobility. Conclusion: Understanding this specific demographic is crucial to targeting appropriate prevention and response strategies. The implementation of educational measures, road safety and mental health promotion can help to mitigate the impacts of trauma in this demographic group, improving their quality of life and the general health of the community.
Ferimentos e Lesões , Sistema Único de Saúde , Lesões do Quadril , Despesas Públicas , Traumatismos CraniocerebraisRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: Children who suffer traumatic brain injury (TBI) are at high risk of morbidity and mortality. We hypothesized that in patients with TBI, the abusive head trauma (AHT) mechanism vs. accidental TBI (aTBI) would be associated with higher frequency of new functional impairment between baseline and later follow-up. DESIGN: Retrospective single center cohort study. SETTING AND PATIENTS: Children younger than 3 years old admitted with TBI to the PICU at a level 1 trauma center between 2014 and 2019. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Patient characteristics, TBI mechanism, and Functional Status Scale (FSS) scores at baseline, hospital discharge, short-term (median, 10 mo [interquartile range 3-12 mo]), and long-term (median, 4 yr [3-6 yr]) postdischarge were abstracted from the electronic health record. New impairment was defined as an increase in FSS greater than 1 from baseline. Patients who died were assigned the highest score (30). Multivariable logistic regression was performed to determine the association between TBI mechanism with new impairment. Over 6 years, there were 460 TBI children (170 AHT, 290 aTBI), of which 13 with AHT and four with aTBI died. Frequency of new impairment by follow-up interval, in AHT vs. aTBI patients, were as follows: hospital discharge (42/157 [27%] vs. 27/286 [9%]; p < 0.001), short-term (42/153 [27%] vs. 26/259 [10%]; p < 0.001), and long-term (32/114 [28%] vs. 18/178 [10%]; p < 0.001). Sensory, communication, and motor domains were worse in AHT patients at the short- and long-term timepoint. On multivariable analysis, AHT mechanism was associated with greater odds (odds ratio [95% CI]) of poor outcome (death and new impairment) at hospital discharge (4.4 [2.2-8.9]), short-term (2.7 [1.5-4.9]), and long-term timepoints (2.4 [1.2-4.8]; p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In patients younger than 3 years old admitted to the PICU after TBI, the AHT mechanism-vs. aTBI-is associated with greater odds of poor outcome in the follow-up period through to ~5 years postdischarge. New impairment occurred in multiple domains and only AHT patients further declined in FSS over time.
Lesões Encefálicas Traumáticas , Maus-Tratos Infantis , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais , Criança , Humanos , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Estudos Retrospectivos , Alta do Paciente , Estudos de Coortes , Assistência ao Convalescente , Lesões Encefálicas Traumáticas/complicações , Hospitais , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva PediátricaRESUMO
Introducción. Los traumatismos craneoencefálicos (TCE) son una causa frecuente de muerte y discapacidad alrededor del mundo. Objetivo. Describir la discapacidad, el funcionamiento, la depresión, la ansiedad y la calidad de vida en pacientes con TCE moderado o grave en los primeros 90 días luego de sufrir la lesión. Métodos. Estudio de corte transversal realizado con pacientes adultos que sufrieron un TCE moderado o grave en Medellín (Colombia) y su área metropolitana. Resultados. Se incluyeron 153 pacientes con TCE, 87 grave y 66 moderado. La causa más frecuente de la lesión fueron los accidentes de tránsito en motocicleta, la edad promedio de los participantes fue 48,3 (DE=19,4) años, 79,7% eran de sexo masculino y 46,4% estaban solteros. Al momento del trauma, 70,6% estaban bajo efecto de alcohol o sustancias psicoactivas y 44,4% trabajaban por su propia cuenta. En las imágenes diagnósticas tomadas en la fase aguda, la lesión observada con más frecuencia fue el hematoma subdural, en 43,79%. El funcionamiento fue peor en los pacientes con TCE grave evaluado tanto por la escala Disabilty Rating Scale (DRS) (8,79 vs. 3,82) como en todos los dominios del World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHO-DAS II) (el más afectado fue el de Actividades fuera de la casa y el menos afectado, el de Relaciones interpersonales). En la función cognitiva, el puntaje promedio del Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) fue 16 (DE=8,9) en los pacientes con TCE grave y 20.2 (DE=6,9) en los de TCE moderado. La cali-dad de vida fue peor en los pacientes con TCE grave en todos los dominios, con peor percepción en el desempeño físico. La ansiedad de estado y la de rasgo fueron peores en los pacientes con TCE grave, aunque con diferencias no significativas. El dolor en la escala análoga visual fue mayor en quienes tuvieron TCE grave. Conclusiones. Los TCE son lesiones que pueden afectar a la población en edad productiva y generar secuelas de funcionamiento, dolor, ansiedad, depresión y cognitivas que impactan la calidad de vida, siendo estas consecuencias más graves en quienes sufren TCE graves en comparación con quienes tienen TCE moderados.
Introduction. Cranioencephalic traumatisms (CETs) are a common cause of death and disability worldwide. Objective. To describe the disability, functioning, depression, anxiety, and quality of life in patients with moderate or severe CET in the first 90 days after suffering the injury. Methods. Cross-sectional study conducted with adult patients who suffered a moderate or severe CET in Medellín (Colombia) and its metropolitan area. Results. 153 patients with CET, 87 severe and 66 moderate, were included. The most frequent cause of the injury was motorcycle traffic accidents, the mean age of the participants was 48.3 (SD=19.4) years, 79.7% were men and 46.4% were single. At the time of the trauma, 70.6% were under the influence of alcohol or psychoactive substances and 44.4% were working on their own. In the diagnostic images taken in the acute phase, the most frequently observed lesion was subdural hematoma, in 43.79%. Functioning was worse in patients with severe CET as assessed by both the Disability Rating Scale (DRS) (8.79 vs. 3.82) and in all domains of the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHO-DAS II) (the most affected domain was the one of Activities outside home and the least affected was Interperson-al relations). In the cognitive function, the average score in the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) was 16 (SD=8.9) in patients with severe CET and 20.2 (SD=6.9) in those with moderate CET. The quality of life was worse in patients with severe CET in all domains, with a worse perception in physical performance. State and trait anxiety were worse in patients with severe CET, although with non-significant differences. Pain on the visual analogue scale was worse in those who had severe CET. Conclusions. CETs are injuries that can affect the population of productive age and generate pain, anxiety, depression, functioning and cognitive sequelae that impact quality of life, being these consequences more serious in those who suffer severe CETs compared with those with moderate CETs.
Humanos , Qualidade de Vida , Depressão , Desempenho Físico Funcional , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais , Transtornos Mentais , Causas de Morte , Cognição , Colômbia , Lesões Encefálicas TraumáticasRESUMO
Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most common adult renal epithelial cancer, accounting for more than 90% of all renal neoplasms. Clear cell RCC (ccRCC) is the most common subtype of RCC. Most patients with ccRCC have a mutation in the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor gene, which encodes a protein that downregulates various intracellular proteins, including hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF). Many molecules have been identified to be responsible for the aggressive phenotype of ccRCC, including the transcription factor nuclear factor kappa B (NF-кB). The increase in NF-кB activity observed in RCC is correlated with an increase in angiogenesis markers, such as interleukin 6 (IL-6). In recent years, several groups have demonstrated the functional role of NF-кB1 in RCC tumorigenicity. Herein, we used the CRISPR/Cas-9 technique to obtain an NF-кB1 knockout-human renal adenocarcinoma cell line. Expression of IL-6 at the mRNA and protein levels was analyzed under normoxia and hypoxia by real time-polymerase chain reaction and multiplex assay, respectively. The CRISPR/Cas9 technique was effective in producing 786-0 knockout cells for NF-κB1 (p105/p50), as confirmed by western blot analysis. Suppression of p50 expression in 786-0 single guide RNA (sg)1, 786-0 sg2 and 786-0 sg3 cells downregulated IL-6 mRNA and protein expression under normoxia and hypoxia. The observed decrease in the differential expression of IL-6 in hypoxia/normoxia is suggestive of a change in cellular responsiveness to hypoxia with respect to IL-6.
Carcinoma de Células Renais , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais , Neoplasias Renais , Adulto , Humanos , Carcinoma de Células Renais/genética , Interleucina-6/genética , NF-kappa B/genética , Neoplasias Renais/genética , HipóxiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: This study was carried out to evaluate the injuries in pediatric earthquake victims due to the 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquakes with computed tomography and determine the anatomotopographic distribution of injuries. METHODS: The material of this retrospective study consisted of the computed tomography findings of 257 pediatric cases injured in the 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquakes, and those were divided into subgroups based on their age group, i.e., 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, and 15-18 years, and the type of injury, i.e., head, maxillofacial, thoracic, abdominal, pelvic, and spinal injuries. RESULTS: Earthquake-related injuries had been detected in 102 (39.6%) patients. Of the 29 patients with multiple injuries, 17, 10, and 2 had injuries in two, three, and four topographic regions, respectively. The most common injury was a head injury, which was detected in 48 (18.7%) cases, followed by thoracic injury, spinal injury, pelvic fracture, abdominal injury, and maxillofacial fracture, which were detected in 40 (15.6%), 22 (8.5%), 19 (7.4%), 10 (3.9%), and 6 (2.3%) patients, respectively. The cranial bone fractures and intracranial injuries were significantly more frequent in the 0-4 years age group compared with other age groups (p=0.028 and p=0.024, respectively). The rib fractures with spinal and pleural injuries were significantly more common in the 15-18 years age group compared with others (p=0.016, p=0.004, and p=0.002, respectively). CONCLUSION: The head injury was the most common earthquake-related injury in pediatric cases. Herein, it was more common in younger children compared with other age groups, whereas rib, spine, and pleural injuries were more common in older children.
Traumatismos Craniocerebrais , Desastres , Terremotos , Fraturas Ósseas , Humanos , Criança , Recém-Nascido , Estudos Retrospectivos , Síria , Turquia/epidemiologia , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/métodos , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/diagnóstico por imagem , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/epidemiologiaRESUMO
Introducción: el trauma craneoencefálico es una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad infantil en Colombia, sus secuelas impactan gravemente la calidad de vida de los pacientes y la evidencia científica actual de los factores asociados al trauma es escasa. Objetivo: analizar los factores asociados al desarrollo de secuelas por trauma craneoencefálico en menores de 15 años que consultaron a un hospital de Medellín entre 2010 y 2014. Materiales y métodos: estudio de cohorte retrospectivo. Se incluyeron 812 pacientes en un periodo de 5 años, de los cuales 294 no cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Se evaluaron variables sociodemográficas, clínicas y se estimó la incidencia de secuelas con el método estadístico de Wilson. El riesgo relativo se calculó mediante regresión log-binomial. Resultados: en total se analizaron 518 pacientes. La mediana de edad fue de 5 años, el 64,3 % eran hombres, el 75,4 % de los participantes tenía un trauma leve y el 5 % un trauma grave. Las caídas fueron la principal causa (64,2 %), seguidas de los accidentes de tránsito (25,3 %). La incidencia de secuelas fue del 7.3 % (IC: 5,4 % - 9,9 %). Conclusiones: la carga de enfermedad en el paciente posterior a TCE representa un problema de salud pública. La probabilidad de desarrollar una secuela en este estudio fue del 7,3 %, la cual se relaciona con los siguientes factores que se identifican en el servicio de urgencias: lesión difusa, una escala de Glasgow al ingreso moderada o grave y sufrir un accidente de tránsito.
Background: traumatic brain injury is one of the main causes of infant morbidity and mortality. The sequelae after trauma seriously impact the quality of life of patients and the scientific evidence of associated factors is scarce. Objective: to analyze the factors associated with the development of sequelae due to head trauma in children under 15 years old who went to the emergency room of a hospital in Medellín between 2010 and 2014. Materials and methods: retrospective cohort study. 812 patients were included in a period of 5 years, of which 294 did not meet the inclusion criteria. Sociodemographic and clinical variables were evaluated and the incidence of sequelae was estimated with 95 % confidence intervals using the Wilson statistical method. The relative risk was calculated using log-binomial regression. Results: a total of 518 patients were analyzed. The median age was 5 years, 64,23 % were male children, 75,4 % had mild trauma, and 5 % suffered severe trauma. Falls were the main cause (64,2 %), followed by traffic accidents (25,3 %). The incidence of sequelae was 7,3 % (CI: 5,4% - 9,9 %). Conclusions: the burden of disease in the patient after TCE represents a public health problem. The probability of developing a sequel in this study was 7,3 %, which is related to the following factors that identify in the emergency department: diffuse injury, a moderate or severe Glasgow scale on admission, and suffering a traffic accident.
Humanos , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Reabilitação , Lesões Encefálicas Traumáticas , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais , Pediatria , Fatores de Risco , ColômbiaRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Growing skull fracture (GSF) is a rare complication of head trauma in the pediatric population, commonly observed in children younger than 3 years. DISCUSSION: In this report, the authors describe a case of a 3-year-old male child, with clinical features of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), who developed a GSF in frontal bone after a crib fall, treated with duraplasty and cranioplasty with autologous craft. Here, pertinent literature was reviewed with an emphasis on surgical techniques, and correlation with the mentioned syndrome. CONCLUSION: This is the first case of GSF in association with EDS in the literature. The relevance of the case described concerns the rarity of the condition itself, the atypical presentation, and the intraoperative findings, which showed the important fragility of the dura mater, probably due to EDS. Therefore, this syndrome, besides having influenced the pathogenesis, was also a challenging factor in the surgical treatment.
Traumatismos Craniocerebrais , Síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos , Fraturas Cranianas , Masculino , Criança , Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Fraturas Cranianas/complicações , Fraturas Cranianas/diagnóstico por imagem , Síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos/complicações , Síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos/cirurgia , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/complicações , Osso Frontal/cirurgiaRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Approximately 1.7 million people sustain traumatic brain injuries (TBI) annually in the US. To reduce morbidity and mortality, management strategies aim to control progressive intracranial bleeding. This study analyzes the association between Tranexamic Acid (TXA) administration and mortality among casualties within the Department of Defense Trauma Registry, specifically focusing on subsets of patients with varying degree of head injury severities. METHODS: Besides descriptive statistics, we used inverse probability weighted (for age, military service category, mechanism of injury, total units of blood units administered), and injury severity (ISS) and Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) head score adjusted generalized linear models to analyze the association between TXA and mortality. Specific subgroups of interest were increasing severities of head injury and further stratifying these by Glasgow Coma Score of 3-8 and severe overall bodily injuries (ISS>=15). RESULTS: 25,866 patients were included in the analysis. 2,352 (9.1%) received TXA and 23,514 (90.9%) did not receive TXA. Among those with ISS>=15 (n=6,420), 21.2% received TXA. Among those with any head injury (AIS head injury severity score>=1; n=9,153), 7.2% received TXA. The median ISS scores were greater in the TXA versus no-TXA group (17 versus 6). Weighted and adjusted models showed overall, there was 25% lower mortality risk between those who received TXA at any point and those who did not (OR:0.75, 95% CI: 0.59, 0.95). Further, as the AIS severity score increased from >=1 (1.08; 0.80, 1.47) to >=5 (0.56; 0.33, 0.97), the odds of mortality decreased. CONCLUSIONS: TXA may potentially be beneficial in patients with severe head injuries, especially those with severe overall injury profiles. There is a need of definitive studies to confirm this association.
Antifibrinolíticos , Lesões Encefálicas Traumáticas , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais , Ácido Tranexâmico , Humanos , Ácido Tranexâmico/efeitos adversos , Antifibrinolíticos/efeitos adversos , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/tratamento farmacológico , Lesões Encefálicas Traumáticas/diagnóstico , Lesões Encefálicas Traumáticas/tratamento farmacológico , Hemorragias IntracranianasRESUMO
Aim: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of physical violence and head and neck injuries among children and adolescents who suffered physical aggression, firearm aggression, and white gun aggression referred to the Legal Medical Department in a southern city in Brazil. Methods: This study was performed at Legal Medical Department in the city of Pelotas, RS, Brazil, from January 2011 to December of 2015. Data were collected from medical reports of children and adolescents (0-19 years old). Demographic information such as sex, age, and skin color was collected. Data were submitted to Chi-square test and multivariate Poisson regression analysis. Results: In this study, 2,716 physical examination reports were analyzed, with a total of 2,171 exams resulting from violence; lesions that had physical aggression as their etiology (1,951) had a higher prevalence. The analysis of the exams revealed that the majority were adolescents (90,05%), white (84.09%), and female (50.21%). The head and neck regions were affected in most cases of violence (57.90%). In the adjusted model, the occurrence of injuries in the head and neck region was higher in males (PR 1.16, CI 95% 1.08 - 1.25), among adolescents (PR 1.28, CI 95% 1.10 - 1.48) and in victims of physical aggression compared to victims of the firearm (2.81, CI 95% 1.79 - 4.40). Conclusion: The results revealed a high prevalence of head and face injuries in victims of violence and that there was a greater prevalence of physical violence among adolescents compared to children and males
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Ferimentos Perfurantes/epidemiologia , Maus-Tratos Infantis , Prontuários Médicos , Lesões do Pescoço/epidemiologia , Traumatismos Faciais/epidemiologia , Violência com Arma de Fogo , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/epidemiologiaRESUMO
Introdução: O traumatismo cranioencefálico é um evento incapacitante e de importância mundial com expressiva morbimortalidade mundial. Objetivo: analisar as evidências científicas internacionais sobre o processo de enfermagem no cuidado ao adulto com traumatismo cranioencefálico. Método: Revisão integrativa, realizada em seis bases de dados de fevereiro a março de 2020. Os descritores ''pacientes internados'', ''cuidados críticos'', ''cuidados de enfermagem'', ''processo de enfermagem'', ''traumatismos craniocerebrais'' e ''traumatismo múltiplo'' foram cruzados por meio de operadores booleanos AND e OR. Os estudos foram analisados pelo método de redução de dados, contrapondo-se, o que gerou a síntese. Resultados: Ressalta-se o monitoramento hemodinâmico, a aplicação da escala de coma de Glasgow e a atualização de um plano de cuidados como parte do processo de enfermagem. Além disso, cabe-se destaque a necessidade de elaboração dos diagnósticos e intervenções de enfermagem. Conclusão: Existe uma lacuna com relação a formulação de diagnósticos de enfermagem e intervenções ligadas ao processo de enfermagem, como também a descrição dos parâmetros ideais a serem verificados na monitorização das pessoas.
Introducción: El traumatismo craneoencefálico es un acontecimiento incapacitante de importancia mundial, con una importante morbilidad y mortalidad en todo el mundo. Objetivo: Analizar las evidencias científicas internacionales sobre el proceso de enfermería en el cuidado de personas adultas con lesión cerebral traumática. Método: Revisión integradora, realizada en seis bases de datos, de febrero a marzo de 2020. Los descriptores fueron "pacientes hospitalizados", "cuidados críticos", "cuidados de enfermería", "proceso de enfermería", "lesión cerebral traumática" y "lesión cerebral traumática múltiple". Se cruzaron mediante los operadores booleanos AND y OR. Los estudios se analizaron mediante el método de reducción de datos y la contrastación generó la síntesis. Resultados: Se destaca la monitorización hemodinámica, la aplicación de la escala de coma de Glasgow y la actualización de un paquete de cuidados como parte del proceso de enfermería. Además, hay que destacar la necesidad de elaborar diagnósticos e intervenciones de enfermería. Conclusión: Existe un vacío en cuanto a la formulación de diagnósticos e intervenciones vinculado al proceso de enfermería, así como en la descripción de los parámetros ideales que deben verificarse en el seguimiento de personas.
Introduction: Traumatic brain injury is a disabling event of worldwide importance with significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. Objective: The aim was to analyze the international scientific evidence on the nursing process of caring for adult patients with traumatic brain injury. Method: This was an integrative review conducted from February to March 2020 in six databases. The descriptors "hospitalized patients", "critical care", "nursing care", "nursing process", "traumatic brain injury" and "multiple traumatic brain injury" were matched through the Boolean operators AND/OR. The studies were analyzed through a data reduction method: they were contrasted with each other. This in turn generated the synthesis. Results: The results highlight the hemodynamic monitoring, the application of the Glasgow coma scale, and the update of a care package as part of the nursing process. Furthermore, the results also highlight the need to develop nursing diagnoses and interventions. Conclusion: There is a gap regarding the formulation of nursing diagnoses and interventions linked to the nursing process, as well as the description of the ideal parameters to be checked when monitoring patients.
Cuidados Críticos , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/enfermagem , Cuidados de EnfermagemRESUMO
Resumen La proteína precursora del β- Amiloide (β-APP) es una glicoproteína de membrana y un componente habitual de las neuronas. Tiene funciones en el crecimiento y la adhesión celular tras un traumatismo. Es transportada mediante transporte rápido axonal anterógrado y se acumula dentro de las neuronas cuando se daña citoesqueleto. Este proceso es activo, es decir consume energía. El β-APP no es específico de los traumatismos. Se acumula en cualquier circunstancia en la que se dañen los axones, tal como la hipoxia, alteraciones metabólicas, y cualquier otra causa de edema cerebral y aumento de la presión intracraneal que puedan conducir a un daño axonal difuso (DAI) En el presente estudio estudiamos la expresión de esta proteína en casos de traumatismo cráneo-encefálico con diferente evolución cronológica El daño del citoesqueleto producido por la proteólisis, junto con la alteración de las quinasas y las fosfatasas, aumentan la permeabilidad de la membrana, lo que provoca la entrada de calcio en la célula que, a su vez, activa la calmodulina que hace que los neurofilamentos se compacten, los microtúbulos desaparezcan y se rompa la espectrina. Esta disrupción del citoesqueleto tiene como consecuencia que las sustancias que se transportan a su través, se acumulen, sobre todo en las zonas afectadas por el DAI. Al final de todo este proceso, los axones se rompen, lo que se conoce como axotomía secundaria. El estudio de la acumulación del β-APP es útil para valorar la extensión del DAI y para determinar el tiempo de supervivencia tras el traumatismo o cualquier otro daño cerebral.
Abstract β-Amyloid Precursor Protein (β-APP) is a membrane glycoprotein and a common component of neurons. It is involved in adhesion and cell growth processes after traumatic events. It is carried by anterograde fast axonal transport, and it accumulates inside neurons when the cytoskeleton is damaged. This is a vital biochemical process that consumes energy. β-APP is not specific of traumatic events. It accumulates in any case of axonal damage, whatever its cause may be, like hypoxia, metabolic disorders, and any other circumstances that lead to brain swelling and intracranial pressure rising and in consequence to Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI). In this study we review the expression of this protein in cases of traumatic brain injury with different chronological evolution. The damage of cytoskeleton due to proteolysis in addition to the disturbance of kinases and phosphatases increase the permeability of the membrane. Calcium gets into the cell and activates calmodulin, thus neurofilaments compact, microtubules disappear and spectrin breaks. This disruption of the cytoskeleton has as consequence that the transported substances accumulate in the most affected areas by DAI. At the end of this process axon breaks, which is known as secondary axotomy. The study of the accumulation of β-APP is useful to assess the extent of DAI and to determine the time elapsed after trauma or another insult to CNS.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Peptídeos beta-Amiloides/química , Lesão Axonal Difusa , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais , Medicina LegalAssuntos
Maus-Tratos Infantis , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais , Humanos , Lactente , Criança , Hemorragia Retiniana/diagnóstico por imagem , Hemorragia Retiniana/etiologia , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/complicações , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/diagnóstico por imagem , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética/métodos , Maus-Tratos Infantis/diagnóstico , Estudos RetrospectivosRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: Depressed skull fractures are the result of trauma injuries. They are present in approximately 3% of patients who arrive to an emergency room with skull trauma. The main objective of surgical repair in depressed fractures is correction of cosmetic deformity and the prevention of infections. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective and transversal study was performed by our department between April 2016 and May 2017. Sixteen patients that underwent a craniotomy for skull trauma with depressed fracture were included in the study. The diagnosis was made by simple cranial CT scan alongside a three-dimensional reconstruction. RESULTS: Of the sixteen patients included, 5 were females (31.2%) and 11 males (68.8%). Twelve of the cases were an exposed fracture. In 7 cases, the fracture was located at parietal bone; 5 were located at frontal bone and 4 at the temporal bone. The average Glasgow coma score in the sample was 13. There were no complications nor deaths. CONCLUSIONS: The remodeling and repositioning of the autologous bone graft allow an adequate cosmetic result and it also avoids the placement of implants without increasing the costs and additional risks.
OBJETIVO: las fracturas de cráneo deprimidas son el resultado de lesiones traumáticas. Se encuentran en aproximadamente el 3% de los pacientes que se presentan en salas de emergencia con traumatismo craneal. El objetivo principal de la reparación quirúrgica en fracturas deprimidas es la corrección de la deformidad cosmética y la prevención de infecciones. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo y transversal en nuestro departamento entre abril de 2016 y mayo de 2017. Se incluyeron 16 pacientes que se sometieron a una craneotomía por traumatismo craneal y fractura deprimida. El diagnóstico se realizó mediante tomografía computarizada craneal simple con reconstrucción 3D. RESULTADOS: se incluyeron 16 pacientes, 5 casos femeninos (31,2%) y 11 masculinos (68,8%). En 12 casos se observó fractura expuesta. En 7 casos la fractura se localizó en el hueso parietal; 5 casos en el hueso frontal y 4 casos en hueso temporal. El puntaje promedio en la Escala de Coma de Glasgow fue 13. No hubo complicaciones o muertes. CONCLUSIONES: la remodelación y el reposicionamiento del injerto óseo autólogo permite un resultado cosmético adecuado evitando la colocación de implantes sin aumentar los costos y riesgos adicionales.
Traumatismos Craniocerebrais , Fraturas Ósseas , Fratura do Crânio com Afundamento , Masculino , Feminino , Humanos , Fratura do Crânio com Afundamento/cirurgia , Fratura do Crânio com Afundamento/diagnóstico , Estudos Retrospectivos , Craniotomia , Osso Frontal/cirurgia , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/cirurgia , Instituições AcadêmicasRESUMO
The abusive head trauma (AHT) is a form of child abuse and is a frequent entity all over de world. It is particularly unique among medical diagnoses because of the legal implications imposed by the diagnosis. Therefore, it has been the subject of much legal controversy over the decades. Knowledge of the clinical signs and imaging findings of abusive head trauma is vitally important for early diagnosis. An oriented anamnesis, as well as a complete physical examination and obtaining adequate images of the central nervous system, play a significant role in confirming the presumptive diagnosis. The interdisciplinary approach (pediatricians, neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists, social workers, and other specialists) is the key in the management of these patients. The purpose of this article is to familiarize the pediatric neurosurgeon with some of the more common medicolegal issues surrounding AHT as well as to discuss legal commitments and ethical obligations of the neurosurgeon in Argentina (South America) based on 2 clinical cases.
Maus-Tratos Infantis , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais , Criança , Humanos , Lactente , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/diagnóstico por imagem , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/etiologia , Maus-Tratos Infantis/diagnóstico , Diagnóstico Diferencial , América do Sul , ArgentinaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The onset of the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic brought with it important changes in the hospital care for all diseases. According to the international literature, since the beginning of the pandemic there has been an impact in the incidence, etiology, and severity of head trauma, all these changes as a direct consequence of lockdown. OBJECTIVE: In this article we analyzed the characteristics of craniofacial trauma in patients admitted to a private hospital in Mexico City during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. METHOD: Medical records from patients admitted in Medica Sur between March 2020 and June 2021. In this study, incidence, etiology, severity of the injuries and the SARS-CoV-2 PCR result performed upon admission were analyzed. RESULTS: Although there is no study in Mexico like ours, the results were similar to those reported by other hospital centers worldwide, presenting a greater number of cases classified as mild craniofacial trauma, in addition to finding that the main age group affected were older adults. CONCLUSIONS: The reported information in our study provides a general view of craniofacial trauma characteristics during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
INTRODUCCIÓN: El inicio de la pandemia provocada por SARS-CoV-2 trajo consigo importantes cambios en los cuidados hospitalarios para todas las enfermedades. De acuerdo con la literatura internacional, desde el comienzo, y a consecuencia del aislamiento, ha existido un impacto en la incidencia, la etiología y la gravedad del trauma craneomaxilofacial. OBJETIVO: Estudiar las características del trauma craneofacial en los pacientes ingresados a un hospital privado en la Ciudad de México durante la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2. MÉTODO: Se revisaron los expedientes clínicos de los pacientes ingresados a Médica Sur, entre marzo de 2020 y junio de 2021. Se analizaron la incidencia, la etiología, la gravedad de las lesiones y el resultado de la prueba de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa para SARS-CoV-2 que se realizó durante la atención hospitalaria. RESULTADOS: En México no existe un estudio semejante al nuestro, pero los resultados fueron similares a los reportados por otros centros hospitalarios en el mundo, presentando un mayor número de casos clasificados como traumatismo craneofacial leve, además de encontrar que el principal grupo de edad afectado fueron los adultos mayores. CONCLUSIONES: La información reportada en nuestro estudio brinda un panorama general sobre las características del trauma craneofacial durante la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2.
COVID-19 , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais , Traumatismos Faciais , Hospitais Privados , Pandemias , Idoso , COVID-19/diagnóstico , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Cidades/epidemiologia , Controle de Doenças Transmissíveis , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/epidemiologia , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/etiologia , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/terapia , Traumatismos Faciais/epidemiologia , Traumatismos Faciais/etiologia , Traumatismos Faciais/terapia , Humanos , Escala de Gravidade do Ferimento , México/epidemiologia , SARS-CoV-2/isolamento & purificaçãoRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: To determine pediatric urgent care (PUC) clinician adherence to evidence-based practice guidelines in the management of pediatric trauma and to evaluate PUC emergency preparedness for conditions such as severe hemorrhage. METHODS: A questionnaire covering acute management of 15 pediatric traumatic injuries, awareness of the Stop the Bleed initiative, and presence of emergency equipment and medications was electronically distributed to members of the Society for Pediatric Urgent Care. Clinician management decisions were evaluated against evidence-based practice guidelines. RESULTS: Eighty-three completed questionnaires were returned (25% response rate). Fifty-three physician and 25 advanced practice provider (APP) questionnaires were analyzed. Most respondents were adherent to evidence-based practice guidelines in the following scenarios: cervical spine injury; head injury without neurologic symptoms; blunt abdominal injury; laceration without bleeding, foreign body, or signs of infection; first-degree burn; second-degree burn with less than 10% total body surface area; animal bite with and without probable tenosynovitis; and orthopedic fractures. Fever respondents were adherent in the following scenarios: head injury with altered mental status (adherence: physicians, 64%; APPs, 44%) and laceration with foreign body and persistent hemorrhage (adherence: physicians, 52%; APPs, 41%). Most respondents (56%) were unaware of Stop the Bleed and only 48% reported having a bleeding control kit/tourniquet at their urgent care. CONCLUSIONS: Providers in our sample demonstrated adherence with pediatric trauma evidence-based practice guidelines. Increased PUC provider trauma care certification, PUC incorporation of Stop the Bleed education, and PUC presence of equipment and medications would further improve emergency preparedness.
Traumatismos Craniocerebrais , Corpos Estranhos , Lacerações , Instituições de Assistência Ambulatorial , Prática Clínica Baseada em Evidências , Fidelidade a Diretrizes , Hemorragia/terapia , HumanosRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: to review the clinical assessment of head injuries in motorcyclists involved in traffic accidents. METHOD: prospective observational study, including adult motorcyclists involved in traffic accidents in a period of 12 months. Patients sustaining signs of intoxication were excluded. A modification of the Canadian Head CT Rules was used to indicate computed tomography (CT). Patients not undergoing CT were followed by phone calls for three months. Collected variables were compared between the group sustaining head injuries and the others. We used chi-square, Fisher, and Student's t for statistical analysis, considering p<0.05 as significant. RESULTS: we included 208 patients, 99.0% were wearing helmets. Seventeen sustained signs of intoxication and were excluded. Ninety (47.1%) underwent CT and 12 (6.3%) sustained head injuries. Head injuries were significantly associated with Glasgow Coma Scale<15 (52.3% vs. 2.8% - p<0,001) and a positive physical exam (17.1% vs. zero - p<0,05). Four (2.1%) patients with intracranial mass lesions needed surgical interventions. None helmet-wearing patients admitted with GCS=15 and normal physical examination sustained head injuries. CONCLUSION: Head CT is not necessary for helmet-wearing motorcyclists admitted with GCS=15 and normal physical examination.
Acidentes de Trânsito , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais , Adulto , Canadá , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/diagnóstico por imagem , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/epidemiologia , Humanos , Motocicletas , Estudos ProspectivosRESUMO
A tomografia computadorizada (TC) é exame de escolha para rastreamento de lesões no traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE). Apesar disso, seu uso rotineiro no TCE leve é controverso O objetivo desta revisão foi avaliar o impacto da aplicação de diretrizes de manejo e conduta de TCE leve quanto à solicitação de TC de crânio. É busca realizada nas bases de dados LILACS, Medline, PubMed, SciELO, utilizando descritores do MeSH e DeCS. A busca inicial identificou 30.191 artigos. Após remoção de publicações duplicadas, seleção pelo título, seleção pelo resumo, restaram 25 publicações, que foram lidas na íntegra e cinco incluídas na presente revisão sistemática. Em conclusão, os artigos analisados apresentaram, em média, redução de 25,8% na solicitação de TC de crânio quando aplicadas as diretrizes, e orientam que protocolos para TCE leve são ferramentas eficientes para auxiliar a prática médica, impactando positivamente quando aplicados na população, devendo sempre ser levado em conta a avaliação clínica.
Computed tomography (CT) is the exam of choice for tracking injuries in traumatic brain injury (TBI). Despite this, its routine use in mild TBI is controversial. The objective of this review was to evaluate the impact of applying guidelines for the management and conduct of mild TBI on the request for CT of the head. A search was carried out in the LILACS, Medline, PubMed, SciELO databases, using MeSH and DeCS descriptors. The initial search identified 30,191 articles. After removal of duplicate publications, selection by title, selection by abstract, 25 publications remained, which were read in full and five were included in this systematic review. In conclusion, the articles analyzed showed, on average, a 25.8% reduction in the request for cranial CT when the guidelines were applied, and guide that protocols for mild TBI are efficient tools to assist medical practice, positively impacting when applied to the population. , and clinical evaluation should always be taken into account.
Humanos , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Neurológico , Traumatismos Craniocerebrais , Crânio , Lesões Encefálicas TraumáticasRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To determine the factors related to overall healthcare costs of road traffic accidents in Bucaramanga, Colombia. METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted through the analysis of road traffic accident records that took place in 2019 in Bucaramanga, Colombia. Cost quartiles in dollars were compared using Pearson's chi-squared and Fisher's exact tests. Odds ratios were also calculated in logistic regression. RESULTS: 3,150 road accidents were reported in 2019 involving 7,038 people, of which 812 had information related to healthcare costs in health care institutions. The median cost was 56.59 USD (RI = 29.35-140.15), average cost of 290.11 USD ± 731.22 (95%CI: 239.74-340.48). A higher possibility to be in the 4th quartile was found when persons were under 18 years of age (OR = 4.88; 95%CI: 1.30-18.32) or 46-60 years (OR = 3.66; 95%CI: 1.01-13.30), the type of vehicle involved is motorcycle (OR = 2.79; 95%CI: 1.25-6.24), bicycle (OR = 7.66; 95%CI: 2.70-21.68), having a head injury (OR = 4.50; 95%CI: 2.61-7.76) and hypothetical drunk driving (OR = 12.44; 95%CI: 2.01-76.87). CONCLUSIONS: Relevant factors in healthcare costs were riding a motorcycle or bicycle, having a head injury, being under 18 years of age or 46 to 60 years of age and hypothetical drunk driving. It is important to implement prevention measures based on identified factors to reduce road accident rate and therefore, its socioeconomic costs.