Rodent-infested bald spots are crucial indicators of rodent infestation in grasslands. Leveraging Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) remote sensing technology for discerning detrimental bald spots among plateau pikas has significant implications for assessing associated ecological hazards. Based on UAV-visible light imagery, we classified and recognized the characteristics of plateau pika habitats with five supervised classification algorithms, i.e., minimum distance classification (MinD), maximum likelihood classification (ML), support vector machine classification (SVM), Mahalanobis distance classification (MD), and neural network classification (NN) . The accuracy of the five methods was evaluated using a confusion matrix. Results showed that NN and SVM exhibited superior performance than other methods in identifying and classifying features indicative of plateau pika habitats. The mapping accuracy of NN for grassland and bald spots was 98.1% and 98.5%, respectively, with corresponding user accuracy was 98.8% and 97.7%. The overall model accuracy was 98.3%, with a Kappa coefficient of 0.97, reflecting minimal misclassification and omission errors. Through practical verification, NN exhibited good stability. In conclusion, the neural network method was suitable for identifying rodent-damaged bald spots within alpine meadows.
Algoritmos , Ecossistema , Pradaria , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto , Roedores , Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , Animais , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto/métodos , Lagomorpha , Redes Neurais de Computação , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Máquina de Vetores de Suporte , ChinaRESUMO
Monitoring forest canopies is vital for ecological studies, particularly for assessing epiphytes in rain forest ecosystems. Traditional methods for studying epiphytes, such as climbing trees and building observation structures, are labor, cost intensive and risky. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have emerged as a valuable tool in this domain, offering botanists a safer and more cost-effective means to collect data. This study leverages AI-assisted techniques to enhance the identification and mapping of epiphytes using UAV imagery. The primary objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of AI-assisted methods compared to traditional approaches in segmenting/identifying epiphytes from UAV images collected in a reserve forest in Costa Rica. Specifically, the study investigates whether Deep Learning (DL) models can accurately identify epiphytes during complex backgrounds, even with a limited dataset of varying image quality. Systematically, this study compares three traditional image segmentation methods Auto Cluster, Watershed, and Level Set with two DL-based segmentation networks: the UNet and the Vision Transformer-based TransUNet. Results obtained from this study indicate that traditional methods struggle with the complexity of vegetation backgrounds and variability in target characteristics. Epiphyte identification results were quantitatively evaluated using the Jaccard score. Among traditional methods, Watershed scored 0.10, Auto Cluster 0.13, and Level Set failed to identify the target. In contrast, AI-assisted models performed better, with UNet scoring 0.60 and TransUNet 0.65. These results highlight the potential of DL approaches to improve the accuracy and efficiency of epiphyte identification and mapping, advancing ecological research and conservation.
Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , Costa Rica , Ecossistema , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Aprendizado Profundo , Inteligência Artificial , Florestas , Plantas , Floresta Úmida , ÁrvoresRESUMO
This study documented the contribution of precise positioning involving a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and a real-time kinematic (RTK) system in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry, particularly for establishing the coordinate data of ground control points (GCPs). Without augmentation, GNSS positioning solutions are inaccurate and pose a high degree of uncertainty if such data are used in UAV data processing for mapping. The evaluation included a comparative assessment of sample coordinates involving RTK and an ordinary GPS device and the application of precise GCP data for UAV photogrammetry in field crop research, monitoring nitrogen deficiency stress in maize. This study confirmed the superior performance of the RTK system in providing positional data, with 4 cm bias as compared to 311 cm with the non-augmented GNSS technique, making it suitable for use in agronomic research involving row crops. Precise GCP data in this study allow the UAV-based Normalized Difference Red-Edge Index (NDRE) data to effectively characterize maize crop responses to N nutrition during the growing season, with detailed analyses revealing the causal relationship in that a compromised optimum canopy chlorophyll content under limiting nitrogen environment was the reason for reduced canopy cover under an N-deficiency environment. Without RTK-based GCPs, different and, to some degree, misleading results were evident, and therefore, this study warrants the requirement of precise GCP data for scientific research investigations attempting to use UAV photogrammetry for agronomic field crop study.
Nitrogênio , Zea mays , Zea mays/fisiologia , Nitrogênio/química , Nitrogênio/metabolismo , Sistemas de Informação Geográfica , Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , Fotogrametria/métodos , Produtos Agrícolas/fisiologiaRESUMO
(1) Background: Yield-monitoring systems are widely used in grain crops but are less advanced for hay and forage. Current commercial systems are generally limited to weighing individual bales, limiting the spatial resolution of maps of hay yield. This study evaluated an Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-based imaging system to estimate hay yield. (2) Methods: Data were collected from three 0.4 ha plots and a 35 ha hay field of red clover and timothy grass in September 2020. A multispectral camera on the UAV captured images at 30 m (20 mm pixel-1) and 50 m (35 mm pixel-1) heights. Eleven Vegetation Indices (VIs) and five texture features were calculated from the images to estimate biomass yield. Multivariate regression models (VIs and texture features vs. biomass) were evaluated. (3) Results: Model R2 values ranged from 0.31 to 0.68. (4) Conclusions: Despite strong correlations between standard VIs and biomass, challenges such as variable image resolution and clarity affected accuracy. Further research is needed before UAV-based yield estimation can provide accurate, high-resolution hay yield maps.
Biomassa , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto/métodos , Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , Produtos Agrícolas/crescimento & desenvolvimentoRESUMO
Seagrasses provide critical ecosystem services but cumulative human pressure on coastal environments has seen a global decline in their health and extent. Key processes of anthropogenic disturbance can operate at local spatio-temporal scales that are not captured by conventional satellite imaging. Seagrass management strategies to prevent longer-term loss and ensure successful restoration require effective methods for monitoring these fine-scale changes. Current seagrass monitoring methods involve resource-intensive fieldwork or recurrent image classification. This study presents an alternative method using iteratively reweighted multivariate alteration detection (IR-MAD), an unsupervised change detection technique originally developed for satellite images. We investigate the application of IR-MAD to image data acquired using an unoccupied aerial vehicle (UAV). UAV images were captured at a 14-week interval over two seagrass beds in Brisbane Water, NSW, Australia using a 10-band Micasense RedEdge-MX Dual camera system. To guide sensor selection, a further three band subsets representing simpler sensor configurations (6, 5 and 3 bands) were also analysed using eight categories of seagrass change. The ability of the IR-MAD method, and for the four different sensor configurations, to distinguish the categories of change were compared using the Jeffreys-Matusita (JM) distance measure of spectral separability. IR-MAD based on the full 10-band sensor images produced the highest separability values indicating that human disturbances (propeller scars and other seagrass damage) were distinguishable from all other change categories. IR-MAD results for the 6-band and 5-band sensors also distinguished key seagrass change features. The IR-MAD results for the simplest 3-band sensor (an RGB camera) detected change features, but change categories were not strongly separable from each other. Analysis of IR-MAD weights indicated that additional visible bands, including a coastal blue band and a second red band, improve change detection. IR-MAD is an effective method for seagrass monitoring, and this study demonstrates the potential for multispectral sensors with additional visible bands to improve seagrass change detection.
Monitoramento Ambiental , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Ecossistema , Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , Austrália , Análise Multivariada , Imagens de Satélites/métodos , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto/métodos , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto/instrumentação , Humanos , Alismatales , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodosRESUMO
Cliffs contain one of the least known plant communities, which has been overlooked in biodiversity assessments due to the inherent inaccessibility. Our study adopted the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with the telephoto camera to remotely clarify floristic variability across unreachable cliffs. Studied cliffs comprised 17 coastal and 13 inland cliffs in Gageodo of South Korea, among which 9 and 5 cliffs were grazed by the introduced cliff-dwelling goats. The UAV telephotography showed 154 and 166 plant species from coastal and inland cliffs, respectively. Inland cliffs contained more vascular plant species (P < 0.001), increased proportions of fern and woody species (P < 0.05), and decreased proportion of herbaceous species (P < 0.001) than coastal cliffs. It was also found that coastal and inland cliffs differed in the species composition (P < 0.001) rather than taxonomic beta diversity (P = 0.29). Furthermore, grazed coastal cliffs featured the elevated proportions of alien and annual herb species than ungrazed coastal cliffs (P < 0.05). This suggests that coastal cliffs might not be totally immune to grazing if the introduced herbivores are able to access cliff microhabitats; therefore, such anthropogenic introduction of cliff-dwelling herbivores should be excluded to conserve the native cliff plant communities.
Biodiversidade , Plantas , Animais , República da Coreia , Ilhas , Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , Herbivoria , Cabras , EcossistemaRESUMO
Acquiring phenological event data is crucial for studying the impacts of climate change on forest dynamics and assessing the risks associated with the early onset of young leaves. Large-scale mapping of forest phenological timing using Earth observation (EO) data could enhance our understanding of these processes through an added spatial component. However, translating traditional ground-based phenological observations into reliable ground truthing for training and validating EO mapping applications remains challenging. This study explored the feasibility of predicting high-resolution phenological phase data for European beech (Fagus sylvatica) using unoccupied aerial vehicle (UAV)-based multispectral indices and machine learning. Employing a comprehensive feature selection process, we identified the most effective sensors, vegetation indices, training data partitions, and machine learning models for phenological phase prediction. The model that performed best and generalized well across various sites utilized Green Chromatic Coordinate (GCC) and Generalized Additive Model (GAM) boosting. The GCC training data, derived from the radiometrically calibrated visual bands of a multispectral sensor, were predicted using uncalibrated RGB sensor data. The final GCC/GAM boosting model demonstrated capability in predicting phenological phases on unseen datasets within a root mean squared error threshold of 0.5. This research highlights the potential interoperability among common UAV-mounted sensors, particularly the utility of readily available, low-cost RGB sensors. However, considerable limitations were observed with indices that implement the near-infrared band due to oversaturation. Future work will focus on adapting models to better align with the ICP Forests phenological flushing stages.
Fagus , Aprendizado de Máquina , Estações do Ano , Mudança Climática , Florestas , Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , Folhas de PlantaRESUMO
Global nuclear power is surging ahead in its quest for global carbon neutrality, eyeing an anticipated installed capacity of 436 GW for coastal nuclear power plants by 2040. As these plants operate, they emit substantial amounts of warm water into the ocean, known as thermal discharge, to regulate the temperature of their nuclear reactors. This discharge has the potential to elevate the temperature of the surrounding seawater, potentially influencing the marine ecosystem in the discharge vicinity. Therefore, our study area is on the Qinshan and Jinqimen Nuclear Power Plants in China, employing a blend of Landsat 8/9, and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery to gather sea surface temperature (SST) data. In situ measurements validate the temperature data procured through remote sensing. Leveraging these SST observations alongside hydrodynamic and meteorological data from field measurements, we input them into the MIKE 3 model to prognosticate the three-dimensional (3D) spatial distribution and temperature elevation resulting from thermal discharge. The findings reveal that (1) satellite remote sensing can instantly acquire the horizontal distribution of thermal discharge, but with a spatial resolution much lower than that of UAV. The spatial resolution of UAV is higher, but the imaging efficiency of UAV is only 1/40,000 of that of satellite remote sensing. (2) Numerical simulation models can predict the 3D spatial distribution of thermal discharge. Although UAV and satellite remote sensing cannot directly obtain the 3D spatial distribution of thermal discharge, using remotely sensed SST as the temperature field input for the MIKE 3 model can reduce the quantity of measured temperature data and lower the cost of numerical simulation. (3) In the process of monitoring and predicting the thermal discharge of nuclear power plants, achieving an effective balance between monitoring accuracy and cost can be realized by comprehensively considering the advantages and costs of satellite, UAV, and numerical simulation technologies.
Monitoramento Ambiental , Centrais Nucleares , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , China , Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , Temperatura , Água do Mar/química , Imagens de SatélitesRESUMO
To address the epidemic, such as COVID-19, the government may implement the home quarantine policy for the infected residents. The logistics company is required to control the risk of epidemic spreading while delivering goods to residents. In this case, the logistics company often uses vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for delivery. This paper studies the distribution issue of cold chain logistics by integrating UAV logistics with epidemic risk management innovatively. At first, a "vehicle-UAV" joint distribution mode including vehicles, small UAVs and large UAVs, is proposed. The green cost for vehicles and UAVs is calculated, respectively. The formula for infection risk due to large numbers of residents gathering at distribution centers to pick up goods is then derived. Furthermore, based on the control of infection risk, an optimization model is developed to minimize the total logistics cost. A modified ant colony algorithm is designed to solve the model. The numerical results show that the maximum acceptable risk and the crowd management level of distribution centers both have significant effects on the distribution network, logistics cost and number of new infections. Our study provides a new management method and technical idea for ensuring the needs of residents during the epidemic.
COVID-19 , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , COVID-19/economia , COVID-19/transmissão , Algoritmos , Quarentena/economia , Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , SARS-CoV-2 , Epidemias/prevenção & controle , Epidemias/economia , Gestão de Riscos/métodosRESUMO
To explore an effective analysis model and method for estimating Cinnamomum camphora's (C. camphora's) growth using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) multispectral technology, we obtained C. camphora's canopy spectral reflectance using a UAV-mounted multispectral camera and simultaneously measured four single-growth indicators: Soil and Plant Analyzer Development (SPAD)value, aboveground biomass (AGB), plant height (PH), and leaf area index (LAI). The coefficient of variation and equal weighting methods were used to construct the comprehensive growth monitoring indicators (CGMI) for C. camphora. A multispectral inversion model of integrated C. camphora growth was established using the multiple linear regression (MLR), partial least squares (PLS), support vector regression (SVR), random forest (RF), radial basis function neural network (RBFNN), back propagation neural network (BPNN), and whale optimization algorithm (WOA)-optimized BPNN models. The optimal model was selected based on the coefficient of determination (R2), normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). Our findings indicate that apparent differences in the accuracy with different model, and the WOA-BPNN model is the best model to invert the growth potential of C. camphora, the R2 of the model test set was 0.9020, the RMSE was 0.0722, and the MAPE was 7%. The R2 of the WOA-BPNN model improved by 18%, the NRMSE decreased by 33%, and the MAPE decreased by 9% compared with the BPNN model. This study provides technical support for the modern field management of C. camphora essential oil and other dwarf forestry industries.
Algoritmos , Cinnamomum camphora , Cinnamomum camphora/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , Biomassa , Animais , Solo/química , Folhas de Planta/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Análise dos Mínimos Quadrados , Redes Neurais de ComputaçãoRESUMO
Accurate, non-destructive and cost-effective estimation of crop canopy Soil Plant Analysis De-velopment(SPAD) is crucial for precision agriculture and cultivation management. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platforms have shown tremendous potential in predicting crop canopy SPAD. This was because they can rapidly and accurately acquire remote sensing spectral data of the crop canopy in real-time. In this study, a UAV equipped with a five-channel multispectral camera (Blue, Green, Red, Red_edge, Nir) was used to acquire multispectral images of sugar beets. These images were then combined with five machine learning models, namely K-Nearest Neighbor, Lasso, Random Forest, RidgeCV and Support Vector Machine (SVM), as well as ground measurement data to predict the canopy SPAD of sugar beets. The results showed that under both normal irrigation and drought stress conditions, the SPAD values in the normal ir-rigation treatment were higher than those in the water-limited treatment. Multiple vegetation indices showed a significant correlation with SPAD, with the highest correlation coefficient reaching 0.60. Among the SPAD prediction models, different models showed high estimation accuracy under both normal irrigation and water-limited conditions. The SVM model demon-strated a good performance with a correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.635, root mean square error (Rmse) of 2.13, and relative error (Re) of 0.80% for the prediction and testing values under normal irrigation. Similarly, for the prediction and testing values under drought stress, the SVM model exhibited a correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.609, root mean square error (Rmse) of 2.71, and rela-tive error (Re) of 0.10%. Overall, the SVM model showed good accuracy and stability in the pre-diction model, greatly facilitating high-throughput phenotyping research of sugar beet canopy SPAD.
Beta vulgaris , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto/métodos , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto/instrumentação , Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , Máquina de Vetores de Suporte , Solo/química , Aprendizado de Máquina , Produtos Agrícolas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Agricultura/métodos , SecasRESUMO
Aedes aegypti mosquitos are the primary vector for dengue, chikungunya, and Zika viruses and tend to breed in small containers of water, with a propensity to breed in small piles of trash and abandoned tires. This study piloted the use of aerial imaging to map and classify potential Ae. aegypti breeding sites with a specific focus on trash, including discarded tires. Aerial images of coastal and inland sites in Kenya were obtained using an unmanned aerial vehicle. Aerial images were reviewed for identification of trash and suspected trash mimics, followed by extensive community walk-throughs to identify trash types and mimics by description and ground photography. An expert panel reviewed aerial images and ground photos to develop a classification scheme and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of aerial imaging versus walk-through trash mapping. A trash classification scheme was created based on trash density, surface area, potential for frequent disturbance, and overall likelihood of being a productive Ae. aegypti breeding site. Aerial imaging offers a novel strategy to characterize, map, and quantify trash at risk of promoting Ae. aegypti proliferation, generating opportunities for further research on trash associations with disease and trash interventions.
Aedes , Animais , Quênia , Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , Cruzamento , Mosquitos VetoresRESUMO
With the accelerated development of the technological power of society, aerial images of drones gradually penetrated various industries. Due to the variable speed of drones, the captured images are shadowed, blurred, and obscured. Second, drones fly at varying altitudes, leading to changing target scales and making it difficult to detect and identify small targets. In order to solve the above problems, an improved ASG-YOLOv5 model is proposed in this paper. Firstly, this research proposes a dynamic contextual attention module, which uses feature scores to dynamically assign feature weights and output feature information through channel dimensions to improve the model's attention to small target feature information and increase the network's ability to extract contextual information; secondly, this research designs a spatial gating filtering multi-directional weighted fusion module, which uses spatial filtering and weighted bidirectional fusion in the multi-scale fusion stage to improve the characterization of weak targets, reduce the interference of redundant information, and better adapt to the detection of weak targets in images under unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing aerial photography; meanwhile, using Normalized Wasserstein Distance and CIoU regression loss function, the similarity metric value of the regression frame is obtained by modeling the Gaussian distribution of the regression frame, which increases the smoothing of the positional difference of the small targets and solves the problem that the positional deviation of the small targets is very sensitive, so that the model's detection accuracy of the small targets is effectively improved. This paper trains and tests the model on the VisDrone2021 and AI-TOD datasets. This study used the NWPU-RESISC dataset for visual detection validation. The experimental results show that ASG-YOLOv5 has a better detection effect in unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing aerial images, and the frames per second (FPS) reaches 86, which meets the requirement of real-time small target detection, and it can be better adapted to the detection of the weak and small targets in the aerial image dataset, and ASG-YOLOv5 outperforms many existing target detection methods, and its detection accuracy reaches 21.1% mAP value. The mAP values are improved by 2.9% and 1.4%, respectively, compared with the YOLOv5 model. The project is available at
Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto , Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto/métodos , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto/instrumentação , Algoritmos , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador/métodosRESUMO
Concerns about methane (CH4) emissions from rice, a staple sustaining over 3.5 billion people globally, are heightened due to its status as the second-largest contributor to greenhouse gases, driving climate change. Accurate quantification of CH4 emissions from rice fields is crucial for understanding gas concentrations. Leveraging technological advancements, we present a groundbreaking solution that integrates machine learning and remote sensing data, challenging traditional closed chamber methods. To achieve this, our methodology involves extensive data collection using drones equipped with a Micasense Altum camera and ground sensors, effectively reducing reliance on labor-intensive and costly field sampling. In this experimental project, our research delves into the intricate relationship between environmental variables, such as soil conditions and weather patterns, and CH4 emissions. We achieved remarkable results by utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and evaluating over 20 regression models, emphasizing an R2 value of 0.98 and 0.95 for the training and testing data, respectively. This outcome designates the random forest regressor as the most suitable model with superior predictive capabilities. Notably, phosphorus, GRVI median, and cumulative soil and water temperature emerged as the model's fittest variables for predicting these values. Our findings underscore an innovative, cost-effective, and efficient alternative for quantifying CH4 emissions, marking a significant advancement in the technology-driven approach to evaluating rice growth parameters and vegetation indices, providing valuable insights for advancing gas emissions studies in rice paddies.
Agricultura , Poluentes Atmosféricos , Monitoramento Ambiental , Metano , Oryza , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto , Metano/análise , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Poluentes Atmosféricos/análise , Agricultura/métodos , Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , Gases de Efeito Estufa/análise , Solo/química , Poluição do Ar/estatística & dados numéricosRESUMO
In recent years, increasing demand for inland river water quality precision management has heightened the necessity for real-time, rapid, and continuous monitoring of water conditions. By analyzing the optical properties of water bodies remotely, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) hyperspectral imaging technology can assess water quality without direct contact, presenting a novel method for monitoring river conditions. However, there are currently some challenges to this technology that limit the promotion application of this technology, such as underdeveloped sensor calibration, atmospheric correction algorithms, and limitations in modeling non-water color parameters. This article evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of traditional sensor calibration methods and considers factors like sensor aging and adverse weather conditions that impact calibration accuracy. It suggests that future improvements should target hardware enhancements, refining models, and mitigating external interferences to ensure precise spectral data acquisition. Furthermore, the article summarizes the limitations of various traditional atmospheric correction methods, such as complex computational requirements and the need for multiple atmospheric parameters. It discusses the evolving trends in this technology and proposes streamlining atmospheric correction processes by simplifying input parameters and establishing adaptable correction algorithms. Simplifying these processes could significantly enhance the accuracy and feasibility of atmospheric correction. To address issues with the transferability of water quality inversion models regarding non-water color parameters and varying hydrological conditions, the article recommends exploring the physical relationships between spectral irradiance, solar zenith angle, and interactions with water constituents. By understanding these relationships, more accurate and transferable inversion models can be developed, improving the overall effectiveness of water quality assessment. By leveraging the sensitivity and versatility of hyperspectral sensors and integrating interdisciplinary approaches, a comprehensive database for water quality assessment can be established. This database enables rapid, real-time monitoring of non-water color parameters which offers valuable insights for the precision management of inland river water quality.
Monitoramento Ambiental , Rios , Qualidade da Água , Monitoramento Ambiental/métodos , Monitoramento Ambiental/instrumentação , Rios/química , Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , Imageamento Hiperespectral/métodos , Tecnologia de Sensoriamento Remoto/métodosRESUMO
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), often called drones, have gained progressive prevalence for their swift operational ability as well as their extensive applicability in diverse real-world situations. Of late, UAV usage in precision agriculture has attracted much interest from scientific community. This study will look at drone aid in precise farming. Big data has the ability to analyze enormous amounts of data. Due to this, it is one of the diverse crucial technologies of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) which had applied in precision agriculture for the abstraction of critical information as well as for assisting agricultural practitioners in the comprehension of the most feasible farming practices, and also for better decision-making. This work analyses communication protocols, as well as their application toward the challenge of commanding a drone fleet for protecting crops from infestations of parasites. For computer-vision tasks as well as data-intensive applications, the method of deep learning has shown much potential. Due to its vast potential, it can also be used in the field of agriculture. This research will employ several schemes to assess the efficacy of models includes Visual Geometry Group (VGG-16), the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) as well as the Fully-Convolutional Network (FCN) in plant disease detection. The methods of Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) can be used in order to adapt deep neural networks to the immediate situation. Simulated outcomes demonstrate that the proposed method is providing superior performance over various other technologically-advanced methods.
Agricultura , Animais , Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , Produtos Agrícolas , Redes Neurais de Computação , Doenças das Plantas/parasitologiaRESUMO
Recent advances in aerial robotics and wireless transceivers have generated an enormous interest in networks constituted by multiple compact unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). UAV adhoc networks, i.e., aerial networks with dynamic topology and no centralized control, are found suitable for a unique set of applications, yet their operation is vulnerable to cyberattacks. In many applications, such as IoT networks or emergency failover networks, UAVs augment and provide support to the sensor nodes or mobile nodes in the ground network in data acquisition and also improve the overall network performance. In this situation, ensuring the security of the adhoc UAV network and the integrity of data is paramount to accomplishing network mission objectives. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to secure UAV adhoc networks, referred to as the blockchain-assisted security framework (BCSF). We demonstrate that the proposed system provides security without sacrificing the performance of the network through blockchain technology adopted to the priority of the message to be communicated over the adhoc UAV network. Theoretical analysis for computing average latency is performed based on queuing theory models followed by an evaluation of the proposed BCSF approach through simulations that establish the superior performance of the proposed methodology in terms of transaction delay, data secrecy, data recovery, and energy efficiency.
Blockchain , Redes de Comunicação de Computadores , Segurança Computacional , Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , Tecnologia sem Fio , AlgoritmosRESUMO
Impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir on the upper Yangtze River has remarkably altered hydrological regime within the dammed reaches, triggering structural and functional changes of the riparian ecosystem. Up to date, how vegetation recovers in response to compound habitat stresses in the water level fluctuation zone remains inexplicitly understood. In this study, plant above-ground biomass (AGB) in a selected water level fluctuation zone was quantified to depict its spatial and temporal pattern using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-derived multispectral images and screened empirical models. The contributions of multiple habitat stressors in governing vegetation recovery dynamics along the environmental gradient were further explored. Screened random forest models indicated relatively higher accuracy in AGB estimation, with R2 being 0.68, 0.79 and 0.62 during the sprouting, growth, and mature periods, respectively. AGB displayed a significant linear increasing trend along the elevational gradient during the sprouting and early growth period, while it showed an inverted U-shaped pattern during late growth and mature period. Flooding duration, magnitude and timing were found to exert greater negative effects on plant sprouting and biomass accumulation and acted as decisive factors in governing the elevation-dependent pattern of AGB. Localized spatial variations in AGB were modulated by other stressors such as sediment burial, soil erosion, soil moisture and nutrient content. Occurrence of episodic summer floods and vegetation distribution were responsible for an inverted U-shaped pattern of AGB during the late growth and mature period. Generally, AGB reached its peak in August, thereafter an obvious decline by an unprecedent dry-hot climatic event. The water level fluctuations with cumulative flooding effects exerted substantial control on AGB temporal dynamics, while climatic condition played a secondary role. Herein, further restorative efforts need to be directed to screening suitable species, maintaining favorable soil condition, and improving vegetation pattern to balance the many trade-offs.
Ecossistema , Monitoramento Ambiental , Rios , China , Rios/química , Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , Biomassa , Inundações , PlantasRESUMO
Enhanced animal welfare has emerged as a pivotal element in contemporary precision animal husbandry, with bovine monitoring constituting a significant facet of precision agriculture. The evolution of intelligent agriculture in recent years has significantly facilitated the integration of drone flight monitoring tools and innovative systems, leveraging deep learning to interpret bovine behavior. Smart drones, outfitted with monitoring systems, have evolved into viable solutions for wildlife protection and monitoring as well as animal husbandry. Nevertheless, challenges arise under actual and multifaceted ranch conditions, where scale alterations, unpredictable movements, and occlusions invariably influence the accurate tracking of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). To address these challenges, this manuscript proposes a tracking algorithm based on deep learning, adhering to the Joint Detection Tracking (JDT) paradigm established by the CenterTrack algorithm. This algorithm is designed to satisfy the requirements of multi-objective tracking in intricate practical scenarios. In comparison with several preeminent tracking algorithms, the proposed Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) algorithm demonstrates superior performance in Multiple Object Tracking Accuracy (MOTA), Multiple Object Tracking Precision (MOTP), and IDF1. Additionally, it exhibits enhanced efficiency in managing Identity Switches (ID), False Positives (FP), and False Negatives (FN). This algorithm proficiently mitigates the inherent challenges of MOT in complex, livestock-dense scenarios.
Algoritmos , Animais , Bovinos , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Dispositivos Aéreos não Tripulados , Bem-Estar do Animal , Aprendizado ProfundoRESUMO
In response to the numerous challenges faced by traditional human pose recognition methods in practical applications, such as dense targets, severe edge occlusion, limited application scenarios, complex backgrounds, and poor recognition accuracy when targets are occluded, this paper proposes a YOLO-Pose algorithm for human pose estimation. The specific improvements are divided into four parts. Firstly, in the Backbone section of the YOLO-Pose model, lightweight GhostNet modules are introduced to reduce the model's parameter count and computational requirements, making it suitable for deployment on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Secondly, the ACmix attention mechanism is integrated into the Neck section to improve detection speed during object judgment and localization. Furthermore, in the Head section, key points are optimized using coordinate attention mechanisms, significantly enhancing key point localization accuracy. Lastly, the paper improves the loss function and confidence function to enhance the model's robustness. Experimental results demonstrate that the improved model achieves a 95.58% improvement in mAP50 and a 69.54% improvement in mAP50-95 compared to the original model, with a reduction of 14.6 M parameters. The model achieves a detection speed of 19.9 ms per image, optimized by 30% and 39.5% compared to the original model. Comparisons with other algorithms such as Faster R-CNN, SSD, YOLOv4, and YOLOv7 demonstrate varying degrees of performance improvement.