OBJECTIVES: To evaluate common femoral vein thickness (CFVT) as a diagnostic tool in Brazilian patients with Behçet's disease (BD) and to analyse associations between increased CFVT and disease features. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed including 100 BD patients and 100 controls. The CFVT and the diameters of great saphenous vein (GSV), and small saphenous vein (SSV) were measured by Doppler ultrasound. RESULTS: BD patients had higher right CFVT [0.600mm (0.500-0.700) vs. 0.525mm (0.450-0.637); p=0.012] and left CFVT [0.550mm (0.450-0.650) vs. 0.500mm (0.450-0.550); p=0.004] compared to controls. Vascular involvement of BD and previous deep venous thrombosis were associated with increased CFVT (p<0.05). The number of vascular events correlated with right and left CFVT (Rho = 0.475 p=0.030 and Rho = 0.429 p=0.052, respectively). The 0.575mm cut-off point of right and left CFVT had area under the curve (AUC) of 0.602; 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 0.524-0.680 and AUC: 0.615; 95% CI: 0.537-0.693, respectively. The right and left CFVT had a sensitivity for BD diagnosis of 52% and 43%, and a specificity of 64% and 77%, respectively. No significant differences were found between BD patients and controls regarding the GSV and SSV diameters in both legs (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In this study, CFVT measurement was not shown to be a reliable diagnostic test for BD. CFVT was increased in BD patients presenting vascular involvement and correlated with the number of previous events.
Síndrome de Behçet , Veia Femoral , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Veia Safena , Humanos , Síndrome de Behçet/diagnóstico por imagem , Síndrome de Behçet/complicações , Síndrome de Behçet/diagnóstico , Masculino , Feminino , Estudos Transversais , Adulto , Veia Femoral/diagnóstico por imagem , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Veia Safena/diagnóstico por imagem , Brasil/epidemiologia , Ultrassonografia Doppler , Trombose Venosa/diagnóstico por imagem , Trombose Venosa/etiologia , Curva ROC , Área Sob a Curva , Adulto JovemRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: To assess whether there is an association between abnormal common femoral vein (CFV) Doppler waveform and intensive care unit (ICU) mortality in patients with sepsis. METHODS: Patients admitted to the ICU with sepsis were included. Pulsed-wave Doppler was performed by examining the CFV in the short axis without angle correction and in the long axis with angle correction. An abnormal CFV Doppler waveform was determined by a retrograde velocity peak (RVP) > 10 cm/s in the long axis or RVP > 50% of the antegrade velocity peak in the short axis. TAPSE < 17 mm was defined as right ventricular (RV) dysfunction. The primary outcome was ICU mortality. RESULTS: One hundred and ten patients were included. There was no association between abnormal CFV Doppler waveforms in the long (p = 0.709) and short axes (p = 0.171) and ICU mortality. TAPSE measurements were performed in 16 patients. RV dysfunction was identified in 8 (50.0%) patients. There was no association between the diagnosis of RV dysfunction based on TAPSE measurement and the identification of abnormal CFV Doppler waveforms in the long axis (p = 1.000) and in the short axis (p = 1.000). CONCLUSION: Abnormal CFV Doppler waveforms were not associated with ICU mortality in patients with sepsis. Furthermore, in the exploratory analysis, these alterations were not useful in identifying RV dysfunction in these patients.
Veia Femoral , Sepse , Humanos , Prognóstico , Veia Femoral/diagnóstico por imagem , Estudos Prospectivos , Ultrassonografia Doppler , Sepse/diagnóstico por imagemRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: Two-year follow-up results from a first-in-human study of patients implanted with the VenoValve are evaluated for supporting the long-term clinical safety and performance of the device. BACKGROUND: Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) involves improper functioning of lower limb vein valves and inability of these valves to move blood back towards the heart. CVI symptoms include swelling, varicose veins, pain, and leg ulcers. Currently, there is no cure for this condition and treatment options are limited. This study provides 2-year outcomes for 8 patients who were implanted with the bioprosthetic VenoValve for treating severe CVI with deep venous reflux measured at the mid-popliteal vein. The 6-month and 1-year results were previously published. METHODS: Eleven patients with C5 & C6 CVI were implanted with VenoValve into the midthigh femoral vein and followed for 2 years. Assessed clinical outcomes include device-related adverse events, reflux time, disease severity, and pain scores. RESULTS: All 11 implant procedures were successful. Two-year follow-up data was obtained for 8 subjects: 1 patient died of non-device related causes, 1 was lost to follow-up, and 1 refused to follow-up due to the COVID-19 pandemic. No device-related adverse events occurred between the first and second years of follow-up. Reported 2-year clinical performance outcomes included significant decreases in mean reflux times of the mid-popliteal vein (61%), and significant improvements in mean scores for disease severity rVCSS (56%) and VAS pain (87%). CONCLUSIONS: Results from this study support long-term safety and effectiveness of the VenoValve for improving CVI severity by reducing reflux and thereby venous pressures in the lower extremities. With limited treatments for valvular incompetence involved in severe, deep venous CVI, the device may be considered as a novel therapy. A pivotal trial in the United States is currently being conducted to assess the device in a larger number of patients.
COVID-19 , Insuficiência Venosa , Válvulas Venosas , Humanos , Válvulas Venosas/diagnóstico por imagem , Válvulas Venosas/cirurgia , Pandemias , Resultado do Tratamento , Insuficiência Venosa/diagnóstico por imagem , Insuficiência Venosa/etiologia , Insuficiência Venosa/cirurgia , Veia Femoral/diagnóstico por imagem , Veia Femoral/cirurgia , Dor , Doença CrônicaRESUMO
SUMMARY: Clear awareness of the vascular variations is critical in surgeries, which may cause massive hemorrhage during surgical procedures. During educational dissection of a male cadaver, we encountered a combined variation of the left obturator artery and ipsilateral aberrant inferior epigastric artery. The left obturator artery originated from the external iliac artery, then coursed inward, adherent to the superior pubic ramus. The left inferior epigastric artery originated from the femoral artery, and coursed behind the femoral vein. These anatomical variations shown in one person were extremely rare. This is particularly true with regard to these variations while performing pelvic and inguinal region surgeries.
El conocimiento claro de las variaciones vasculares es fundamental en las cirugías, ya que pueden causar una hemorragia masiva durante los procedimientos quirúrgicos. Durante la disección educativa de un cadáver de sexo masculino, encontramos una variación combinada de la arteria obturatriz izquierda y la arteria epigástrica inferior ipsilateral aberrante. La arteria obturatriz izquierda se originaba en la arteria ilíaca externa, luego discurrió hacia medial, adhiriéndose a la rama púbica superior. La arteria epigástrica inferior izquierda se originaba en la arteria femoral y discurría por detrás de la vena femoral. Estas variaciones anatómicas mostradas en una sola persona son extremadamente raras. Esto es importante de conocer estas variaciones cuando se realizan cirugías de las regiones pélvica e inguinal.
Humanos , Masculino , Artérias/anormalidades , Virilha/irrigação sanguínea , Cadáver , Artérias Epigástricas/anormalidades , Veia Femoral/anormalidadesRESUMO
Femoral vein duplication is an anatomical abnormality with high prevalence in general population. Its diagnosis is through imaging exams, with greater emphasis on Doppler ultrasonography. The identification is crucial because it masks the clinical symptoms of deep vein thrombosis. Besides being an important anatomical pathway and, while in duplicity, it can be used as a possible vascular substitute, therefore making the knowledge of the anatomical path and its variants essential. Ultrasonography has attractive advantages over other methods, collecting data from patients in physiological conditions with- out the need of contrast, or exposure to ionizing radiation, providing anatomical details of the venous system and anatomical variations. When thrombus is suspected in a duplicated segment, examination of the lower limb with anatomical variation should not be used to justify the presence of duplication in the contralateral limb.
Trombose , Trombose Venosa , Veia Femoral/diagnóstico por imagem , Humanos , Fatores de Risco , Ultrassonografia , Trombose Venosa/diagnóstico por imagemRESUMO
Superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) is an entity that has become more frequent due to the increasing use of indwelling central venous catheters. Surgical management is considered in patients with extensive venous thrombosis and when endovascular therapy is not feasible. The use of superficial femoral vein is an excellent technique for reconstruction of the brachiocephalic vein and superior vena cava (SVC) in cases with benign and malignant etiologies. We describe two cases of SVCS that were managed surgically at our institution with replacement of the SVC and brachiocephalic veins with a superficial femoral vein graft technique.
Síndrome da Veia Cava Superior , Trombose Venosa , Humanos , Veias Braquiocefálicas/diagnóstico por imagem , Veias Braquiocefálicas/cirurgia , Veias Braquiocefálicas/patologia , Veia Cava Superior/cirurgia , Síndrome da Veia Cava Superior/diagnóstico por imagem , Síndrome da Veia Cava Superior/etiologia , Síndrome da Veia Cava Superior/cirurgia , Veia Femoral/transplante , Trombose Venosa/diagnóstico por imagem , Trombose Venosa/etiologia , Trombose Venosa/cirurgiaRESUMO
Introdução: A punção venosa central é um procedimento médico tradicionalmente realizado seguindo os marcadores anatômicos como referência para atingir o vaso, às cegas. No entanto, nem sempre o sucesso nessa técnica é alcançado, fato que se deve principalmente às variações anatômicas. A ultrassonografia point of care (US-POC) é utilizada para auxiliar a cateterização central por visualização direta do vaso, aumentando a segurança do procedimento. Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência das variações anatômicas de vasos femorais através da utilização da US-POC por estudantes de medicina submetidos a curto período de treinamento. Material e Métodos: Cinco estudantes de medicina, sem experiência prévia em US-POC, foram submetidos a oito horas de treinamento teórico-prático. Foram avaliados os vasos femorais de cem voluntários. Resultados: A veia femoral direita foi encontrada mais frequentemente na posição medial (43%) em relação à artéria femoral direita. À esquerda, a posição posteromedial foi a mais observada (45%).Conclusão: A técnica tradicional de punção de acesso central se baseia em marcadores anatômicos e não leva em consideração as variações anatômicas existentes. Um treinamento de curto período para uso da US-POC é capaz de capacitar o profissional para reconhecer o posicionamento real dos vasos e evitar punções inadvertidas.
Introduction: Central vein puncture is a medical procedure traditionally done following anatomical landmarks as a reference to successfully achieving the vessel. However, this traditional technique is commonly unsuccessful due to anatomical variations that may be found. Point of care ultrasonography (POC-US) is used to assist central catheterization by directly visualizing the vessel, increasing procedure security and minimizing risks. Objective: Evaluate anatomical variations prevalence in femoral vessels, utilizing POC-US, done by medical students submitted to a short period of time training in ultrasonography. Material and Methods: Five medical students, without previous experience on the use of ultrasonography, were submitted to an eight-hour theorical practical training in POC-US. The students evaluated one hundred femoral vessels of volunteers. Results: The right limb femoral vein was found more frequently in the medial position (43%) in comparison to the right limb femoral artery. On the left limb, the posteromedial position was the most found (45%). Conclusion: The insertion of a central catheter following the traditional technique is based on anatomical landmarks, and does not take into account existing anatomical variations. With a short period of training, POC-US is capable of qualifying professionals to acknowledge the real location of the vessel and avoid inadvertent punctures and complications.
Ultrassonografia , Veia Femoral , Estudantes de Medicina , Vasos Sanguíneos , PunçõesRESUMO
Abstract Co-occurrence of acute limb ischemia (ALI) and arteriovenous fistula (AVF) as a manifestation of inadvertent arterial injury during percutaneous femoral vein dialysis catheter insertion is a rare and dangerous, but preventable complication. Iatrogenic femoral AVF commonly presents late, with leg swelling or high output cardiac failure. However, the co-occurrence of a femoral AVF with both progressive leg swelling, and acute thromboembolism has not been previously reported. We report the case of an iatrogenic femoral AVF with superficial femoral artery (SFA) thrombosis and distal embolism in a 53-year-old female who underwent percutaneous femoral access for temporary hemodialysis. Both the SFA and AVF were managed with open surgical repair.
Resumo A coocorrência de isquemia aguda de membro (IAM) e fístula arteriovenosa (FAV) como uma manifestação de lesão arterial inadvertida durante a inserção de cateter para hemodiálise por via femoral percutânea é uma complicação rara e perigosa, porém evitável. A FAV femoral iatrogênica geralmente tem apresentação tardia, com edema dos membros inferiores ou insuficiência cardíaca de alto débito. No entanto, a coocorrência de FAV femoral com edema progressivo dos membros inferiores e tromboembolismo agudo não foi previamente relatada. Relatamos o caso de uma FAV femoral iatrogênica com trombose da artéria femoral superficial (AFS) e embolia distal em uma paciente do sexo feminino, 53 anos, submetida à acesso femoral percutâneo para hemodiálise temporária. Tanto a AFS quanto a FAV foram manejadas com reparo cirúrgico aberto.
Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fístula Arteriovenosa/complicações , Artéria Femoral , Dispositivos de Acesso Vascular/efeitos adversos , Isquemia Crônica Crítica de Membro/complicações , Trombose/cirurgia , Cateterismo Venoso Central/efeitos adversos , Fístula Arteriovenosa/cirurgia , Diálise Renal , Veia FemoralRESUMO
ABSTRACT: Iliac vein thrombectomy is usually performed via access through veins located in the lower limbs, which makes it impossible to treat the deep femoral vein, which in turn is an important inflow route to the iliac vein stent. We describe a clinical case and the previously unpublished technique of percutaneous thrombectomy, angioplasty, and stent implantation performed in a single session and with a single access, obtained via the internal jugular vein.
RESUMO: A trombectomia mecânica venosa ilíaca geralmente é realizada por acesso em veias localizadas nos membros inferiores, o que impossibilita o tratamento da veia femoral profunda, que, por sua vez, é uma importante via de influxo ao stent venoso ilíaco. Descrevemos um caso clínico em que foi aplicada a técnica inédita de trombectomia percutânea, angioplastia e implante de stent, realizada por sessão e acesso único, obtido na veia jugular interna.
Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Trombectomia/métodos , Trombose Venosa/cirurgia , Veia Femoral/cirurgia , Veia Ilíaca/cirurgia , Stents , Trombose Venosa/diagnóstico por imagem , Veia Femoral/diagnóstico por imagem , Veia Ilíaca/diagnóstico por imagem , Veias JugularesRESUMO
Patients with hemodynamic instability have a sustained systolic blood pressure less or equal to 90 mmHg, a heart rate greater or equal to 120 beats per minute and an acute compromise of the ventilation/oxygenation ratio and/or an altered state of consciousness upon admission. These patients have higher mortality rates due to massive hemorrhage, airway injury and/or impaired ventilation. Damage control resuscitation is a systematic approach that aims to limit physiologic deterioration through strategies that address the physiologic debt of trauma. This article aims to describe the experience earned by the Trauma and Emergency Surgery Group (CTE) of Cali, Colombia in the management of the severely injured trauma patient in the emergency department following the basic principles of damage control surgery. Since bleeding is the main cause of death, the management of the severely injured trauma patient in the emergency department requires a multidisciplinary team that performs damage control maneuvers aimed at rapidly controlling bleeding, hemostatic resuscitation, and/or prompt transfer to the operating room, if required.
Un paciente politraumatizado hemodinámicamente inestable es aquel que ingresa al servicio de urgencias con una presión arterial sistólica menor o igual de 90 mmHg, una frecuencia cardiaca mayor o igual a 120 latidos por minuto y un compromiso agudo de la relación ventilación/oxigenación y/o del estado de conciencia. Por esta razón, existe una alta mortalidad dentro de las primeras horas de un trauma severo ya sea por una hemorragia masiva, una lesión de la vía aérea y/o una alteración de la ventilación. Siendo el objetivo de este artículo describir el manejo en urgencias del paciente politraumatizado hemodinámicamente inestable de acuerdo con los principios de control de daños. El manejo del paciente politraumatizado es una estrategia dinámica de alto impacto que requiere de un equipo multidisciplinario de experiencia. El cual debe de evolucionar conjunto a las nuevas herramientas de diagnóstico y tratamiento endovascular que buscan ser un puente para lograr una menor repercusión hemodinámica en el paciente y una más rápida y efectiva estabilización con mayores tasas de sobrevida.
Cuidados de Suporte Avançado de Vida no Trauma/métodos , Serviço Hospitalar de Emergência , Hemorragia/terapia , Ressuscitação/métodos , Colômbia , Veia Femoral , Técnicas Hemostáticas , Humanos , Escala de Gravidade do Ferimento , Guias de Prática Clínica como Assunto , Dispositivos de Acesso VascularAssuntos
Perna (Membro)/irrigação sanguínea , Tromboflebite/diagnóstico por imagem , Tromboflebite/etiologia , Ultrassonografia Doppler/métodos , Trombose Venosa/diagnóstico por imagem , Diagnóstico por Imagem , Evolução Fatal , Veia Femoral/diagnóstico por imagem , Humanos , Veia Ilíaca/diagnóstico por imagem , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , NecroseRESUMO
Abstract The importance of the vasa vasorum and blood supply to the wall of human saphenous vein (hSV) used for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is briefly discussed. This is in the context of the possible physical link of the vasa vasorum connecting with the lumen of hSV and the anti-ischaemic impact of this microvessel network in the hSV used for CABG.
Humanos , Veia Safena , Vasa Vasorum , Ponte de Artéria Coronária , Veia FemoralRESUMO
The importance of the vasa vasorum and blood supply to the wall of human saphenous vein (hSV) used for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is briefly discussed. This is in the context of the possible physical link of the vasa vasorum connecting with the lumen of hSV and the anti-ischaemic impact of this microvessel network in the hSV used for CABG.
Veia Safena , Vasa Vasorum , Ponte de Artéria Coronária , Veia Femoral , HumanosRESUMO
Perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT) is a source of factors affecting vasomotor tone with the potential to play a role in the performance of saphenous vein (SV) bypass grafts. As these factors have been described as having constrictor or relaxant effects, they may be considered either beneficial or detrimental. The close proximity of PVAT to the adventitia provides an environment whereby adipose tissue-derived factors may affect the vasa vasorum, a microvascular network providing the vessel wall with oxygen and nutrients. Since medial ischaemia promotes aspects of graft occlusion the involvement of the PVAT/vasa vasorum axis in vein graft patency should be considered.
Tecido Adiposo , Veia Safena , Vasa Vasorum , Veia FemoralRESUMO
Abstract Perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT) is a source of factors affecting vasomotor tone with the potential to play a role in the performance of saphenous vein (SV) bypass grafts. As these factors have been described as having constrictor or relaxant effects, they may be considered either beneficial or detrimental. The close proximity of PVAT to the adventitia provides an environment whereby adipose tissue-derived factors may affect the vasa vasorum, a microvascular network providing the vessel wall with oxygen and nutrients. Since medial ischaemia promotes aspects of graft occlusion the involvement of the PVAT/vasa vasorum axis in vein graft patency should be considered.