Viruses in the genus Orthohantavirus within the family Hantaviridae cause human hantavirus infections and represent a threat to public health. Hokkaido virus (HOKV), a genotype of Orthohantavirus puumalaense (Puumala virus; PUUV), was first identified in Tobetsu, Hokkaido, Japan. Although it is genetically related to the prototype of PUUV, the evolutionary pathway of HOKV is unclear. We conducted a field survey in a forest in Tobetsu in 2022 and captured 44 rodents. Complete coding genome sequences of HOKVs were obtained from five viral-RNA-positive rodents (four Myodes rufocanus bedfordiae and one Apodemus speciosus). Phylogenetic analysis revealed a close relationship between the phylogenies and geographical origins of M. rufocanus-related orthohantaviruses. Comparison of the phylogenetic trees of the S segments of orthohantaviruses and the cytochrome b genes of Myodes species suggested that Myodes-related orthohantaviruses evolved in Myodes rodent species as a result of genetic isolation and host switching.
Evolução Molecular , Genoma Viral , Genótipo , Filogenia , Virus Puumala , Animais , Japão , Virus Puumala/genética , Virus Puumala/classificação , Arvicolinae/virologia , RNA Viral/genética , Doenças dos Roedores/virologia , Infecções por Hantavirus/virologia , Infecções por Hantavirus/veterinária , Orthohantavírus/genética , Orthohantavírus/classificaçãoRESUMO
Puumala orthohantavirus-caused hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (PUUV-HFRS) is characterized by strong neutrophil activation. Neutrophils are the most abundant immune cell type in the circulation and are specially equipped to rapidly respond to infections. They are more heterogenous than previously appreciated, with specific neutrophil subsets recently implicated in inflammation and immunosuppression. Furthermore, neutrophils can be divided based on their density to either low-density granulocytes (LDGs) or "normal density" polymorphonuclear cell (PMN) fractions. In the current study we aimed to identify and characterize the different neutrophil subsets in the circulation of PUUV-HFRS patients. PMNs exhibited an activation of antiviral pathways, while circulating LDGs were increased in frequency following acute PUUV-HFRS. Furthermore, cell surface marker expression analysis revealed that PUUV-associated LDGs are primarily immature and most likely reflect an increased neutrophil production from the bone marrow. Interestingly, both the frequency of LDGs and the presence of a "left shift" in blood associated with the extent of thrombocytopenia, one of the hallmarks of severe HFRS, suggesting that maturing neutrophils could play a role in disease pathogenesis. These results imply that elevated circulating LDGs might be a general finding in acute viral infections. However, in contrast to the COVID-19 associated LDGs described previously, the secretome of PUUV LDGs did not show significant immunosuppressive ability, which suggests inherent biological differences in the LDG responses that can be dependent on the causative virus or differing infection kinetics.
Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal , Neutrófilos , Virus Puumala , Trombocitopenia , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/imunologia , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/virologia , Neutrófilos/imunologia , Humanos , Trombocitopenia/imunologia , Trombocitopenia/virologia , Virus Puumala/imunologia , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Feminino , Adulto , Ativação de Neutrófilo , IdosoRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) is the most common zoonotic human viral disease in the Russian Federation. More than 98% of the HFRS cases are caused by Puumala orthohantavirus (PUU). Effective serological tests are required for laboratory diagnosis of HFRS. OBJECTIVE: Construction of an enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) test system for detection of specific antibodies using standard antigen in the form of highly purified inactivated PUU virus as immunosorbent. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Preparation of PUU virus antigen, designing the ELISA for detection of specific antibodies, developing parameters of the ELISA system, parallel titration of HFRS patients sera by fluorescent antibody technique (FAT) and the new ELISA. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: For the first time, ELISA based on purified inactivated PUU virus as standard antigen directly absorbed onto immunoplate was developed. Parallel titration of 50 samples from HFRS patients blood sera using FAT and the developed ELISA showed high sensitivity and specificity of this ELISA, with 100% concordance of testing results and significant level of correlation between the titers of specific antibodies in the two assays. CONCLUSION: The ELISA based on purified inactivated PUU virus as an immunosorbent can be effectively used for HFRS serological diagnosis and for mass seroepidemiological studies.
Anticorpos Antivirais , Antígenos Virais , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal , Virus Puumala , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/diagnóstico , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/sangue , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/imunologia , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/virologia , Humanos , Virus Puumala/imunologia , Virus Puumala/isolamento & purificação , Anticorpos Antivirais/sangue , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/métodos , Antígenos Virais/imunologia , Antígenos Virais/sangue , AnimaisRESUMO
Hantaviruses cause the acute zoonotic diseases hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). Infected patients show strong systemic inflammation and immune cell activation. NK cells are highly activated in HFRS, suggesting that also other innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) might be responding to infection. Here, we characterized peripheral ILC responses, and measured plasma levels of soluble factors and plasma viral load, in 17 Puumala virus (PUUV)-infected HFRS patients. This revealed an increased frequency of ILC2 in patients, in particular the ILC2 lineage-committed c-Kitlo ILC2 subset. Patients' ILCs showed an activated profile with increased proliferation and displayed altered expression of several homing markers. How ILCs are activated during viral infection is largely unknown. When analyzing PUUV-mediated activation of ILCs in vitro we observed that this was dependent on type I interferons, suggesting a role for type I interferons-produced in response to virus infection-in the activation of ILCs. Further, stimulation of naïve ILC2s with IFN-ß affected ILC2 cytokine responses in vitro, causing decreased IL-5 and IL-13, and increased IL-10, CXCL10, and GM-CSF secretion. These results show that ILCs are activated in HFRS patients and suggest that the classical antiviral type I IFNs are involved in shaping ILC functions.
Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal , Imunidade Inata , Interferon Tipo I , Linfócitos , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/imunologia , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/virologia , Humanos , Interferon Tipo I/imunologia , Interferon Tipo I/metabolismo , Imunidade Inata/imunologia , Linfócitos/imunologia , Linfócitos/metabolismo , Virus Puumala/imunologia , Masculino , Orthohantavírus/imunologia , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Citocinas/metabolismo , Citocinas/imunologiaRESUMO
Puumala orthohantavirus (PUUV) is an emerging zoonotic virus endemic to Europe and Russia that causes nephropathia epidemica, a mild form of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS). There are limited options for treatment and diagnosis of orthohantavirus infection, making the search for potential immunogenic candidates crucial. In the present work, various bioinformatics tools were employed to design conserved immunogenic peptides containing multiple epitopes of PUUV nucleocapsid protein. Eleven conserved peptides (90% conservancy) of the PUUV nucleocapsid protein were identified. Three conserved peptides containing multiple T and B cell epitopes were selected using a consensus epitope prediction algorithm. Molecular docking using the HPEP dock server demonstrated strong binding interactions between the epitopes and HLA molecules (ten alleles for each class I and II HLA). Moreover, an analysis of population coverage using the IEDB database revealed that the identified peptides have over 90% average population coverage across six continents. Molecular docking and simulation analysis reveal a stable interaction with peptide constructs of chosen immunogenic peptides and Toll-like receptor-4. These computational analyses demonstrate selected peptides' immunogenic potential, which needs to be validated in different experimental systems.
Simulação de Acoplamento Molecular , Proteínas do Nucleocapsídeo , Peptídeos , Virus Puumala , Virus Puumala/imunologia , Virus Puumala/genética , Peptídeos/imunologia , Peptídeos/química , Humanos , Proteínas do Nucleocapsídeo/imunologia , Proteínas do Nucleocapsídeo/química , Proteínas do Nucleocapsídeo/genética , Epitopos de Linfócito T/imunologia , Epitopos de Linfócito T/química , Epitopos de Linfócito T/genética , Epitopos de Linfócito B/imunologia , Epitopos de Linfócito B/química , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/imunologia , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/virologia , Receptor 4 Toll-Like/metabolismo , Receptor 4 Toll-Like/imunologia , Receptor 4 Toll-Like/química , Biologia Computacional , Sequência Conservada , Sequência de Aminoácidos , Ligação ProteicaRESUMO
Pathogenic Eurasian hantaviruses cause hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), which is characterized by acute kidney injury. The clinical course shows a broad range of severity and is influenced by direct and immune-mediated effects. The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is a marker of systemic inflammation and predicts severity and outcome in various diseases. Therefore, we examined the role of NLR in HFRS caused by hantavirus Puumala (PUUV) and its association with disease severity and kidney injury. We detected elevated NLR levels on admission (NLRadm: median 3.82, range 1.75-7.59), which increased during acute HFRS. Maximum NLR levels (NLRmax: median 4.19, range 1.75-13.16) were 2.38-fold higher compared to the reference NLR level of 1.76 in the general population. NLR levels on admission correlate with markers of severity (length of hospital stay, serum creatinine) but not with other markers of severity (leukocytes, platelets, C-reactive protein, lactate dehydrogenase, serum albumin, proteinuria). Interestingly, levels of nephrin, which is a specific marker of podocyte damage in kidney injury, are highest on admission and correlate with NLRmax, but not with NLRadm. Together, we observed a correlation between systemic inflammation and the severity of HFRS, but our results also revealed that podocyte damage precedes these inflammatory processes.
Biomarcadores , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal , Linfócitos , Neutrófilos , Virus Puumala , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Humanos , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/sangue , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/virologia , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/diagnóstico , Masculino , Adulto , Biomarcadores/sangue , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Feminino , Idoso , Adulto Jovem , Injúria Renal Aguda/sangue , Injúria Renal Aguda/virologiaRESUMO
Laboratory diagnosis of orthohantavirus infection is primarily based on serology. However, for a confirmed serological diagnosis, evaluation of a follow-up serum sample is essential, which is time consuming and causes delay. Real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests, if positive, provide an immediate and definitive diagnosis, and accurately identify the causative agent, where the discriminative nature of serology is suboptimal. We re-evaluated sera from orthohantavirus-suspected clinical cases in the Dutch regions of Twente and Achterhoek from July 2014 to April 2016 for the presence of Puumala orthohantavirus (PUUV), Tula orthohantavirus (TULV), and Seoul orthohantavirus (SEOV) RNA. PUUV RNA was detected in 11% of the total number (n = 85) of sera tested, in 50% of sera positive for anti-PUUV/TULV IgM (n = 16), and in 1.4% of sera negative or indeterminate for anti-PUUV/TULV IgM (n = 69). No evidence was found for the presence of TULV or SEOV viral RNA. Based on these findings, we propose two algorithms to implement real-time RT-PCR testing in routine orthohantavirus diagnostics, which optimally provide clinicians with early confirmed diagnoses and could prevent possible further invasive testing and treatment. IMPORTANCE: The addition of a real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction test to routine orthohantavirus diagnostics may better aid clinical decision making than the use of standard serology tests alone. Awareness by clinicians and clinical microbiologists of this advantage may ultimately lead to a reduction in over-hospitalization and unnecessary invasive diagnostic procedures.
Virus Puumala , RNA Viral , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real , Virus Puumala/isolamento & purificação , Virus Puumala/genética , Humanos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/métodos , Países Baixos/epidemiologia , RNA Viral/genética , Anticorpos Antivirais/sangue , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Via Transcriptase Reversa/métodos , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/diagnóstico , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/virologia , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/epidemiologia , Orthohantavírus/genética , Orthohantavírus/isolamento & purificação , Orthohantavírus/classificação , Imunoglobulina M/sangue , Masculino , Feminino , Doenças Endêmicas , Infecções por Hantavirus/diagnóstico , Infecções por Hantavirus/epidemiologia , Infecções por Hantavirus/virologia , Testes Sorológicos/métodosRESUMO
The objective is to determine the complete nucleotide sequence and conduct a phylogenetic analysis of genome variants of the Puumala virus isolated in the Saratov region. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The samples for the study were field material collected in the Gagarinsky (formerly Saratovsky), Engelssky, Novoburassky and Khvalynsky districts of the Saratov region in the period from 2019 to 2022. To specifically enrich the Puumala virus genome in the samples, were used PCR and developed a specific primer panel. Next, the resulting PCR products were sequenced and the fragments were assembled into one sequence for each segment of the virus genome. To construct phylogenetic trees, the maximum parsimony algorithm was used. RESULTS: Genetic variants of the Puumala virus isolated in the Saratov region have a high degree of genome similarity to each other, which indicates their unity of origin. According to phylogenetic analysis, they all form a separate branch in the cluster formed by hantaviruses from other subjects of the Volga Federal District. The virus variants from the Republics of Udmurtia and Tatarstan, as well as from the Samara and Ulyanovsk regions, are closest to the samples from the Saratov region. CONCLUSION: The data obtained show the presence of a pronounced territorial confinement of strains to certain regions or areas that are the natural biotopes of their carriers. This makes it possible to fairly accurately determine the territory of possible infection of patients and/or the circulation of carriers of these virus variants based on the sequence of individual segments of their genome.
Genoma Viral , Filogenia , Virus Puumala , Virus Puumala/genética , Virus Puumala/classificação , Virus Puumala/isolamento & purificação , Humanos , Federação Russa/epidemiologia , Variação Genética , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/virologia , AnimaisRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Puumala hantavirus (PUUV) causes nephropathia epidemica (NE), an endemic form of transient acute renal injury (AKI). Serological testing is the mainstay of diagnosis. It was the aim of the present study to assist decision-making for serological testing by constructing a simple tool that predicts the likelihood of PUUV positivity. METHODS: We conducted a comparative cohort study of all PUUV-tested cases at Aachen University tertiary care center in Germany between mid-2013 and mid-2021. N = 293 qualified for inclusion; N = 30 had a positive test result and clinical NE; N = 263 were negative. Two predictive point scores, the Aachen PUUV Score (APS) 1 and 2, respectively, were derived with the aid of logistic regression and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis by determining the presence of four admission parameters. For internal validation, the internal Monte Carlo method was applied. In addition, partial external validation was performed using an independent historic cohort of N = 41 positive cases of NE. RESULTS: APS1 is recommended for clinical use as it estimated the probability of PUUV positivity in the entire medical population tested. With a range from 0 to 6 points, it yielded an area under the curve of 0.94 by allotting 2 points each for fever or headache and 1 point each for AKI or LDH>300 U/L. A point sum of 0-2 safely predicted negativity for PUUV, as was confirmed in the NE validation cohort. CONCLUSION: Here, we present a novel, easy-to-use tool to guide the diagnostic management of suspected PUUV infection/NE and to safely avoid unnecessary serological testing, as indicated by point sum class 0-2. Since 67% of the cohort fell into this stratum, half of the testing should be avoidable in the future.
Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal , Virus Puumala , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/diagnóstico , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto , Curva ROC , Idoso , Testes Sorológicos/métodos , Estudos de Coortes , Procedimentos Desnecessários , AlemanhaRESUMO
Orthohantaviruses, transmitted primarily by rodents, cause hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in Eurasia and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in the Americas. These viruses, with documented human-to-human transmission, exhibit a wide case-fatality rate, 0.5-40 %, depending on the virus species, and no vaccine or effective treatment for severe Orthohantavirus infections exists. In Europe, the Puumala virus (PUUV), carried by the bank vole Myodes glareolus, causes a milder form of HFRS. Despite the reliance on serology and PCR for diagnosis, the three genomic segments of Swedish wild-type PUUV have yet to be completely sequenced. We have developed a targeted hybrid-capture method aimed at comprehensive genomic sequencing of wild-type PUUV isolates and the identification of other Orthohantaviruses. Our custom-designed panel includes >11,200 probes covering the entire Orthohantavirus genus. Using this panel, we sequenced complete viral genomes from bank vole lung tissue, human plasma samples, and cell-cultured reference strains. Analysis revealed that Swedish PUUV isolates belong to the Northern Scandinavian lineage, with nucleotide diversity ranging from 2.8 % to 3.7 % among them. Notably, no significant genotypic differences were observed between the viral sequences from reservoirs and human cases except in the nonstructural protein. Despite the high endemicity of PUUV in Northern Sweden, these are the first complete Swedish wild-type PUUV genomes and substantially increase our understanding of PUUV evolution and epidemiology. The panel's sensitivity enables genomic sequencing of human samples with viral RNA levels reflecting the natural progression of infection and underscores our panel's diagnostic value, and could help to uncover novel Orthohantavirus transmission routes.
Arvicolinae , Genoma Viral , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal , Sequenciamento de Nucleotídeos em Larga Escala , Virus Puumala , Arvicolinae/virologia , Animais , Humanos , Virus Puumala/genética , Virus Puumala/isolamento & purificação , Virus Puumala/classificação , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/virologia , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/diagnóstico , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/epidemiologia , Orthohantavírus/genética , Orthohantavírus/isolamento & purificação , Orthohantavírus/classificação , Filogenia , Suécia/epidemiologia , RNA Viral/genéticaRESUMO
The fluctuation of human infections by the Puumala orthohantavirus (PUUV) in Germany has been linked to weather and phenology parameters that drive the population growth of its host species. We quantified the annual PUUV-outbreaks at the district level by binarizing the reported infections in the period 2006-2021. With these labels we trained a model based on a support vector machine classifier for predicting local outbreaks and incidence well in advance. The feature selection for the optimal model was performed by a heuristic method and identified five monthly weather variables from the previous two years plus the beech flowering intensity of the previous year. The predictive power of the optimal model was assessed by a leave-one-out cross-validation in 16 years that led to an 82.8% accuracy for the outbreak and a 0.457 coefficient of determination for the incidence. Prediction risk maps for the entire endemic area in Germany will be annually available on a freely-accessible permanent online platform of the German Environment Agency. The model correctly identified 2022 as a year with low outbreak risk, whereas its prediction for large-scale high outbreak risk in 2023 was not confirmed.
Surtos de Doenças , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal , Virus Puumala , Alemanha/epidemiologia , Humanos , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/epidemiologia , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/virologia , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/transmissão , Incidência , Máquina de Vetores de Suporte , Tempo (Meteorologia)RESUMO
In 2018, a local case of nephropathia epidemica was reported in Scania, southern Sweden, more than 500 km south of the previously known presence of human hantavirus infections in Sweden. Another case emerged in the same area in 2020. To investigate the zoonotic origin of those cases, we trapped rodents in Ballingslöv, Norra Sandby, and Sörby in southern Sweden during 2020â2021. We found Puumala virus (PUUV) in lung tissues from 9 of 74 Myodes glareolus bank voles by screening tissues using a hantavirus pan-large segment reverse transcription PCR. Genetic analysis revealed that the PUUV strains were distinct from those found in northern Sweden and Denmark and belonged to the Finnish PUUV lineage. Our findings suggest an introduction of PUUV from Finland or Karelia, causing the human PUUV infections in Scania. This discovery emphasizes the need to understand the evolution, cross-species transmission, and disease outcomes of this newly found PUUV variant.
Infecções por Hantavirus , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal , Virus Puumala , Animais , Humanos , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/epidemiologia , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/veterinária , Virus Puumala/genética , Suécia/epidemiologia , ArvicolinaeRESUMO
Rodents are important reservoirs for zoonotic pathogens that cause diseases in humans. Biodiversity is hypothesized to be closely related to pathogen prevalence through multiple direct and indirect pathways. For example, the presence of non-host species can reduce contact rates of the main reservoir host and thus reduce the risk of transmission ("dilution effect"). In addition, an overlap in ecological niches between two species could lead to increased interspecific competition, potentially limiting host densities and reducing density-dependent pathogen transmission processes. In this study, we investigated the relative impact of population-level regulation of direct and indirect drivers of the prevalence of Puumala orthohantavirus (PUUV) in bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) during years with high abundance. We compiled data on small mammal community composition from four regions in Germany between 2010 and 2013. Structural equation modeling revealed a strong seasonality in PUUV control mechanisms in bank voles. The abundance of shrews tended to have a negative relationship with host abundance, and host abundance positively influenced PUUV seroprevalence, while at the same time increasing the abundance of competing non-hosts like the wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) and the yellow-necked field mouse (Apodemus flavicollis) were associated with reduced PUUV seroprevalence in the host. These results indicate that for PUUV in bank voles, dilution is associated with increased interspecific competition. Anthropogenic pressures leading to the decline of Apodemus spp. in a specific habitat could lead to the amplification of mechanisms promoting PUUV transmission within the host populations.
Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal , Virus Puumala , Humanos , Animais , Camundongos , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/epidemiologia , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Murinae , Arvicolinae , Dinâmica PopulacionalRESUMO
Thrombocytopenia is a cardinal symptom of hantavirus-induced diseases including Puumala virus (PUUV)-induced hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), which is associated with impaired platelet function, bleeding manifestations and augmented thrombotic risk. However, the underlying mechanisms causing thrombocytopenia and platelet hypo-responsiveness are unknown. Thus, we investigated the direct and indirect impact of PUUV on platelet production, function and degradation. Analysis of PUUV-HFRS patient blood revealed that platelet hypo-responsiveness in PUUV infection was cell-intrinsic and accompanied by reduced platelet-leukocyte aggregates (PLAs) and upregulation of monocyte tissue factor (TF), whereas platelet vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) phosphorylation was comparable to healthy controls. Plasma CXCL4 levels followed platelet count dynamics throughout disease course. PUUV activated both neutrophils and monocytes in vitro, but platelet desialylation, degranulation and GPIIb/IIIa activation as well as PLA formation and endothelial adhesion under flow remained unaltered in the presence of PUUV. Further, MEG-01 megakaryocytes infected with PUUV displayed unaltered polyploidization, expression of surface receptors and platelet production. However, infection of endothelial cells with PUUV significantly increased platelet sequestration. Our data thus demonstrate that although platelet production, activation or degradation are not directly modulated, PUUV indirectly fosters thrombocytopenia by sequestration of platelets to infected endothelium. Upregulation of immunothrombotic processes in PUUV-HFRS may further contribute to platelet dysfunction and consumption. Given the pathophysiologic similarities of hantavirus infections, our findings thus provide important insights into the mechanisms underlying thrombocytopenia and highlight immune-mediated coagulopathy as potential therapeutic target.
Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal , Orthohantavírus , Virus Puumala , Trombocitopenia , Humanos , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/diagnóstico , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/terapia , Células EndoteliaisRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Puumala virus (family Hantaviridae, genus Orthohantavirus) is distributed in most regions of the European part of Russia. However, information about its genetic variants circulating on the territory of the Central Federal District is extremely scarce. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Rodents' tissue samples were tested after reverse transcription by PCR for the presence of hantaviral RNA. The amplified fragments of the L segment were sequenced by the Sanger method. For two samples, sequences of all three segments were obtained using the NGS method. Phylogenetic trees were built in the MEGA-X software. RESULTS: Puumala virus was found in six samples. Based on the phylogenetic analysis of sequences of three segments, the obtained genetic variants belong to the sublineage previously designated as W-RUS. CONCLUSION: A genetic variant of the Puumala virus, belonging to the subline W-RUS, circulates on the territory of the Volokolamsk district of Moscow region.
Orthohantavírus , Virus Puumala , Animais , Virus Puumala/genética , Filogenia , Orthohantavírus/genética , Moscou/epidemiologia , ArvicolinaeRESUMO
Identification of B-cell epitopes facilitates the development of vaccines, therapeutic antibodies and diagnostic tools. Previously, the binding site of the bank vole monoclonal antibody (mAb) 4G2 against Puumala virus (PUUV, an orthohantavirus in the Hantaviridae family of the Bunyavirales order) was predicted using a combination of methods, including pepscan, phage-display, and site-directed mutagenesis of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) particles pseudotyped with Gn and Gc glycoproteins from PUUV. These techniques led to the identification of the neutralization escape mutation F915A. To our surprise, a recent crystal structure of PUUV Gc in complex with Fab 4G2 revealed that residue F915 is distal from epitope of mAb 4G2. To clarify this issue and explore potential explanations for the inconsistency, we designed a mutagenesis experiment to probe the 4G2 epitope, with three PUUV pseudoviruses carrying amino acid changes E725A, S944F, and S946F, located within the structure-based 4G2 epitope on the Gc. These amino acid changes were able to convey neutralization escape from 4G2, and S944F and S946F also conveyed escape from neutralization by human mAb 1C9. Furthermore, our mapping of all the known neutralization evasion sites from hantaviral Gcs onto PUUV Gc revealed that over 60â% of these sites reside within or close to the epitope of mAb 4G2, indicating that this region may represent a crucial area targeted by neutralizing antibodies against PUUV, and to a lesser extent, other hantaviruses. The identification of this site of vulnerability could guide the creation of subunit vaccines against PUUV and other hantaviruses in the future.
Orthohantavírus , Virus Puumala , Humanos , Virus Puumala/genética , Virus Puumala/química , Anticorpos Monoclonais , Anticorpos Neutralizantes , Epitopos de Linfócito B , Aminoácidos , Anticorpos Antivirais , Testes de NeutralizaçãoRESUMO
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) represents a serious zoonotic disease caused by orthohantaviruses in Eurasia. A specific antiviral therapy is not available. HFRS is characterized by acute kidney injury (AKI) with often massive proteinuria. Infection of kidney cells may contribute to the clinical picture. However, orthohantaviral replication in kidney cells is not well characterized. Therefore, we aimed to perform a reliable high-throughput assay that allows the quantification of infection rates and testing of antiviral compounds in different cell types. We quantified relative infection rates of Eurasian pathogenic Puumala virus (PUUV) by staining of nucleocapsid protein (N protein) in an in-cell Western (ICW) assay. Vero E6 cells, derived from the African green monkey and commonly used in viral cell culture studies, and the human podocyte cell line CIHP (conditionally immortalized human podocytes) were used to test the ICW assay for replication kinetics and antiviral drug testing. Quantification of infection by ICW revealed reliable results for both cell types, as shown by their correlation with immunofluorescence quantification results by counting infected cells. Evaluation of antiviral efficacy of ribavirin by ICW assay revealed differences in the toxicity (TC) and inhibitory concentrations (IC) between Vero E6 cells and podocytes. IC5O of ribavirin in podocytes is about 12-fold lower than in Vero E6 cells. In summary, ICW assay together with relevant human target cells represents an important tool for the study of hantaviral replication and drug testing.
Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal , Orthohantavírus , Virus Puumala , Animais , Humanos , Chlorocebus aethiops , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/tratamento farmacológico , Ribavirina/farmacologia , Ribavirina/uso terapêutico , Células Vero , Antivirais/farmacologia , Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Replicação ViralRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: A large and unprecedented outbreak of an attenuated form of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome called nephropathia epidemica (NE) and caused by Puumala virus (PUUV) occurred in 2021 in the southern Jura Mountains (France) leading to numerous hospitalizations. The aim of this study was to investigate the circulation of PUUV in its animal reservoir at the time of this outbreak. METHODS: We conjointly surveyed bank vole relative abundance, small mammal community composition, and PUUV circulation in bank voles (seroprevalence and genetic diversity) in the Jura NE epidemic area, between 2020 and 2022. RESULTS: Trapping results showed a higher relative abundance of bank voles in 2021 compared to 2020 and 2022. Extremely high levels of PUUV seroprevalence in bank voles were found at the time of the human NE epidemic with seropositive animals trapped in almost all trap lines as of spring 2021. Genetic analyses of PUUV (S segment) gathered in 2021 at two sampling sites revealed a strong clustering of these strains within the "Jura" clade. No significant genetic variation was detected compared to what was already known to be circulating in the Jura region. CONCLUSION: These results underline a need for enhanced monitoring of PUUV circulation in host reservoir populations in NE endemic areas. This would enable the relevant actors to better inform and sensitize the public on this zoonotic risk, and to implement prevention strategies in collaboration with physicians.
Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal , Virus Puumala , Animais , Humanos , Virus Puumala/genética , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/epidemiologia , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/genética , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Surtos de Doenças , Arvicolinae , França/epidemiologiaRESUMO
Molecular detection of Orthohantavirus puumalaense (PUUV) RNA during the course of the disease has been studied in blood of patients in Sweden and Slovenia. The use of urine has been poorly investigated. The aims of this work were to study PUUV RNA detection in plasma from a cohort of patients in France where a different PUUV lineage circulates and to assess the use of urine instead of plasma. Matched plasma and urine samples were collected daily from hospitalized patients presenting with fever, pain, and thrombocytopenia within the last 8 days and testing positive for IgM and IgG against PUUV in serum collected at inclusion and/or approximately 1 month after release. RNA was extracted from samples, and PUUV RNA was detected using real-time reverse transcription-PCR for plasma and urine samples. Sixty-seven patients presented a serologically confirmed acute hantavirus infection. At inclusion, PUUV RNA was detected in plasma from 55 of 62 patients (88.7%) sampled within the first week after disease onset, whereas it was detected in 15 of 60 (25.0%) of matched urine samples. It was then detected from 33 (71.7%) and 2 (4.4%) of 46 patients discharged from the hospital during the second week after disease onset, in plasma and urine, respectively. When PUUV RNA was detected in urine it was also detected in plasma, and not vice versa. Detection of PUUV RNA in plasma from hospitalized patients in France is similar to that observed in Sweden and Slovenia. Urine is not an appropriate sample for this detection.
Doenças Transmissíveis , Infecções por Hantavirus , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal , Orthohantavírus , Virus Puumala , Humanos , Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal/diagnóstico , Virus Puumala/genética , RNA Viral/genética , França/epidemiologia , Anticorpos AntiviraisRESUMO
We analyzed Puumala virus (PUUV) sequences collected from bank voles from different regions of Russia. Phylogenetic analysis revealed PUUV reassortments in areas with the highest hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome incidence, indicating reassortment might contribute to pathogenic properties of PUUV. Continued surveillance is needed to assess PUUV pathogenicity in Russia.