OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of a new model, Case Analysis and Translation to Care in Hospital (CATCH), for the review of pediatric inpatient cases when an adverse event or "close call" had occurred. STUDY DESIGN: The curricular intervention consisted of an introductory podcast/workshop, mentorship of presenters, and monthly CATCH rounds over 16 months. The study was conducted with 22 pediatricians at a single tertiary care center. Intervention assessment occurred using participant surveys at multiple intervals: pre/post the intervention, presenter experience (post), physicians involved and mentors experience (post), and after each CATCH session. Paired t-tests and thematic analysis were used to analyze data. Time required to support the CATCH process was used to assess feasibility. RESULTS: Our overall experience and data revealed a strong preference for the CATCH model, high levels of engagement and satisfaction with CATCH sessions, and positive presenter as well as physicians-involved and mentor experiences. Participants reported that the CATCH model is feasible, engages physicians, promotes a safe learning environment, facilitates awareness of tools for case analysis, and provides opportunities to create "CATCH of the Day" recommendations to support translation of learning to clinical practice. CONCLUSIONS: The CATCH model has significant potential to strengthen clinical case rounds in pediatric hospital medicine. Future research is needed to assess the effectiveness of the model at additional sites and across medical specialities.
Hospitais Pediátricos , Melhoria de Qualidade , Humanos , Visitas de Preceptoria/métodos , Segurança do Paciente , Pediatria/educação , Medicina Hospitalar/educação , Modelos Educacionais , Cultura Organizacional , Masculino , FemininoRESUMO
Background: Orthopedic Relief Services International (ORSI), in partnership with the Foundation for Orthopedic Trauma and the department of Orthopedic Surgery of La Paix University Hospital in Haiti, has developed a year-round Orthopedic Grand Round series. This series is moderated by Haitian faculty, features presentations by American orthopedic surgeons, and is broadcast to major state hospitals in Haiti for residents and attendings. Objective: To introduce clinical concepts and increase knowledge in an area that is medically underserved, especially in the field of orthopedics, through lectures that tailor to the educational needs of Haiti. Methods: Topics for lecture series are requested by Haitian attending orthopedic surgeons and residents in collaboration with American orthopedic surgeons to meet the educational needs of the residents in Haiti. These lectures reflect the case mix typically seen at state hospitals in Haiti and consider the infrastructural capacity of participating centers. Grand rounds are held an average of twice per month for an hour each, encompassing an educational lesson followed by an open forum for questions and case discussion. Feedback is taken from Haitian residents to ensure the sessions are beneficial to their learning. Findings and Conclusions: To date 95 sessions hosted by 32 lecturers have been completed over Zoom between the US and Haiti. The fourth year of the lecture series is currently ongoing with an expansion of topics. In an underserved medical area such as Haiti, programs that educate local surgeons are crucial to continuing the growth and development of the medical community. Programs like this have the potential to contribute to the educational infrastructure of countries in need, regardless of the specialty. The model of this program can be used to produce similar curricula in various specialties and areas around the world.
Internato e Residência , Ortopedia , Visitas de Preceptoria , Humanos , Haiti , Hospitais Estaduais , Currículo , Ortopedia/educaçãoRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether family participation in intensive care unit interdisciplinary bedside rounds affects family satisfaction. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted at a 56-bed, adult, mixed intensive care unit of a tertiary hospital in Southern Brazil. From May to June 2019, family members of patients who stayed in the intensive care unit for at least 48 hours were invited to participate in the study at the time of patient discharge. The main exposure variable was participation in intensive care unit bedside rounds during the intensive care unit stay. Family satisfaction was assessed by using the Brazilian version of the Family Satisfaction in the Intensive Care Unit questionnaire. RESULTS: Of the 234 screened individuals, 118 were included. Eleven participants withdrew consent. A total of 107 individuals were assessed; 58 (54%) reported being present during bedside rounds, and 49 (46%) reported never being present. General satisfaction and satisfaction with the decision-making process were higher among families who were present during rounds than among families who were not (p = 0.01 and p = 0.007, respectively). CONCLUSION: The presence during interdisciplinary rounds was associated with improved general satisfaction and satisfaction with the decision-making aspect. This outcome indicates that efforts must be directed to conduct studies with more robust methodologies to confirm this association.
Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Visitas de Preceptoria , Adulto , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , FamíliaAssuntos
Deficiência de Glucosefosfato Desidrogenase , Hiperbilirrubinemia Neonatal , Icterícia Neonatal , Visitas de Preceptoria , Recém-Nascido , Humanos , Glucosefosfato Desidrogenase , Hiperbilirrubinemia/etiologia , Hiperbilirrubinemia/terapia , Hiperbilirrubinemia Neonatal/terapia , Fototerapia/efeitos adversos , Deficiência de Glucosefosfato Desidrogenase/complicaçõesRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To describe the process of elaboration and implementation of a protocol for the prevention and management of pediatric falls. METHOD: This was an actionresearch developed at a public hospital in Southeast Brazil with 10 members of the multidisciplinary team from the pediatrics, maternity, neonatal intensive care sectors, and the patient safety center. To elaborate the protocol, literature review, three meetings with the group, and two rounds ofonline correction were carried out. Online training was carried out for all professionals and then the use of the protocol was started at the sectors. RESULTS: A pediatric fall prevention protocol was implemented. Educational materials were developed and the Humpty Dumpty Falls Scale was chosen to assess the risk of falling. CONCLUSION: The process was conducted in a collective and participatory way. The protocol and the educational materials guide and standardize behavior based on the best evidence and involve users, family members and professionals in the management of the risk of falling.
Pediatria , Visitas de Preceptoria , Feminino , Gravidez , Recém-Nascido , Criança , Humanos , Acidentes por Quedas/prevenção & controle , Protocolos Clínicos , FamíliaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To verify the association between a multiprofessional round with the use of checklists and patient safety practices by health professionals in an intensive care unit. METHOD: Mixed-method study, delineated by the sequential explanatory approach, conducted in a hospital in southern Brazil. Quantitative data were analyzed using Poisson regression, and qualitative data, using content analysis. The integrated analysis was performed through the explained/connected combination. RESULTS: In the post-implementation period of the rounds with systematic use of the checklist, there was a significant improvement in the prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism, light sedation, reduction in the days of use of mechanical ventilation, central venous catheter and indwelling urinary catheter. CONCLUSION: The multiprofessional round with the systematic use of checklist, associated with the improvement in patient safety practices, was considered as a strategy that ensures better care in intensive care and favors job satisfaction.
Lista de Checagem , Visitas de Preceptoria , Humanos , Segurança do Paciente , Cuidados Críticos/métodos , Unidades de Terapia IntensivaRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: to analyze the implementation of multidisciplinary checklist-directed rounds before health indicators and multidisciplinary team perception of an Intensive Care Unit. METHODS: a mixed methods study, with an explanatory sequential design, carried out at a hospital in southern Brazil, from September 2020 to August 2021. The integration of quantitative and qualitative data was combined by connection. RESULTS: after the implementation of checklist-directed rounds, there was a significant reduction in hospital stay from ventilator-associated pneumonia, urinary tract infection and daily invasive device use. The investigated practice is essential for comprehensive care, harm reduction, effective work and critical patient safety. CONCLUSIONS: the multidisciplinary rounds with checklist use reduced data on health indicators of critically ill patients and was considered a vital practice in the intensive care setting.
Pneumonia Associada à Ventilação Mecânica , Visitas de Preceptoria , Lista de Checagem , Cuidados Críticos/métodos , Humanos , Unidades de Terapia IntensivaRESUMO
La publicación describe las pautas que contribuyan con la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas usuarias de los servicios de salud, así como de establecer las disposiciones normativas para la implementación de las rondas de seguridad del paciente como herramienta de gestión del riesgo en la atención de salud en las Instituciones Prestadoras de Servicios de Salud - IPRESS públicas, privadas y mixtas del Sector Salud
Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde , Qualidade de Vida , Gestão de Riscos , Saúde Pública , Assistência Centrada no Paciente , Atenção à Saúde , Visitas de Preceptoria , Segurança do Paciente , Serviços de SaúdeRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The use of checklists in the pediatric intensive care unit can help improve the quality of care and patient safety. OBJECTIVES: To build and validate a checklist for use in interprofessional rounds in a pediatric intensive care unit. METHODS: This methodological study was conducted in a 20-bed pediatric intensive care unit serving children up to 14 years old. A checklist prototype was constructed through review of the literature and achievement of consensus among the professionals providing care in the unit. Content validation was performed using a modified Delphi technique involving specialists with more than 5 years of experience in pediatric intensive care, methodological studies, and patient safety. Content validity ratios were calculated for the elements of the checklist, which were considered valid when they reached values greater than 0.78. The checklist was tested for usability, application time, and effects on patient care, and feedback was obtained from potential users. RESULTS: Before content validation, the checklist contained 11 domains, 32 items, and 6 daily goals. The invitation to validate content was sent to 86 specialists, and content validity was achieved after 2 rounds of evaluation, with the checklist elements having content validity ratios ranging from 0.94 to 0.97. The mean application time of the checklist was 5 minutes. The final version consisted of 11 domains, 33 items, and 8 daily goals. CONCLUSIONS: This study resulted in a useful and valid instrument for application in interprofessional rounds that was tailored to the needs of local health care professionals.
Lista de Checagem , Visitas de Preceptoria , Lista de Checagem/métodos , Criança , Cuidados Críticos/métodos , Humanos , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica , Segurança do PacienteRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: This review will evaluate the effectiveness of checklist use in multidisciplinary rounds, compared with multidisciplinary rounds without checklists, for improving mortality and patient safety in the pediatric intensive care unit. INTRODUCTION: Single studies have demonstrated that checklists can potentially improve communication of care between health professionals, reduce adverse events, and increase adherence to best practice guidelines. However, no systematic review of the literature has explored the use of checklists in the pediatric intensive care unit. INCLUSION CRITERIA: This review will consider studies that include pediatric patients, under 18âyears of age, admitted to a pediatric intensive care unit. Identified studies will compare the use of checklists in multidisciplinary rounds with multidisciplinary rounds with no checklists. The studies will also evaluate mortality and patient safety outcomes. We will consider experimental and observational studies, published in any language, with no date restrictions. METHODS: The search strategy will aim to locate both published and unpublished studies. Databases to be searched include MEDLINE, the Cochrane Library, Web of Science, LILACS, Scopus, Embase, CINAHL, the Center for Reviews and Dissemination, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, and Epistemonikos. The studies will be screened and those meeting the inclusion criteria will be retained by two independent researchers. Assessment of methodology and data extraction will then be carried out. The data will be presented using a narrative synthesis and the studies will be pooled with a statistical meta-analysis, where possible. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTRATION NUMBER: PROSPERO CRD42021233798.
Segurança do Paciente , Visitas de Preceptoria , Adolescente , Lista de Checagem , Criança , Hospitalização , Humanos , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica , Metanálise como Assunto , Literatura de Revisão como Assunto , Revisões Sistemáticas como AssuntoRESUMO
RESUMEN Fundamento: la guardia médica en pregrado constituye un escenario formativo para la adquisición de habilidades y valores propios de la carrera de Medicina. Objetivo: valorar la guardia médica como forma de educación en el trabajo según la percepción de estudiantes de quinto año de Medicina. Método: se realizó una investigación descriptiva y transversal en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río durante 2019-2020. Se aplicaron métodos teóricos: análisis-síntesis, inducción-deducción e histórico-lógico; empíricos: cuestionario a estudiantes mediante el cual se exploraron sus opiniones sobre la guardia médica. Los resultados obtenidos se llevaron a tablas para sus análisis, a los que se les aplicó el método porcentual. Resultados: los estudiantes consideraron la guardia médica como una forma de vincular la adquisición de conocimientos, habilidades y hábitos para la solución de los problemas de salud en la comunidad; las especialidades Cirugía, Ginecología y Otorrinolaringología fueron las más reconocidas por sus aportes a la profesión; señalaron como mayores habilidades obtenidas: interrogar al paciente, confeccionar historias clínicas y buscar factores de riesgo; la mayoría coincidieron en opinar sobre la efectividad del control y evaluación docentes, aunque persistieron algunas deficiencias metodológicas para lograr una mayor motivación en ellos. Conclusiones: los estudiantes percibieron la efectividad de la guardia médica como forma de educación en el trabajo en la carrera de Medicina, pues opinaron favorablemente sobre ella a partir de los aportes ofrecidos en cuanto a solidez del aprendizaje, y en la concepción y desarrollo de habilidades y valores profesionales.
ABSTRACT Background: the undergraduate medical student on duty system constitutes a formative scene for the acquisition of skills and values of the Medicine degree. Objective: to assess the medical student on duty system as a form of in-service training according to the perception of fifth-year medical students. Method: a descriptive and cross-sectional research was carried out at Pinar del Río University of Medical Sciences from 2019 to 2020. Theoretical methods were applied: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and historical-logical; empirical ones: questionnaire to students through which their opinions about the medical student on duty system were explored. The results were illustrated through tables where the percentage method was applied for analysis. Results: the students considered the medical on call system as a way to link the acquisition of knowledge, skills and habits for the solution of health problems in the community; Surgery, Gynecology and Otorhinolaryngology specialties were the most recognized for their contributions to the profession; They pointed out as greater skills obtained: questioning the patient, making medical records and looking for risk factors; The majority agreed in their opinion on the effectiveness of teacher control and evaluation, although some methodological deficiencies persisted in order to achieve greater motivation in them. Conclusions: the students perceived the effectiveness of the medical on call system as a form of in-service training in the Medicine degree, since they gave a favorable opinion about it based on the contributions offered in terms of solidity of learning and in the conception and development of skills and professional values.
Educação de Graduação em Medicina , Visitas de Preceptoria , AprendizagemRESUMO
RESUMEN Fundamento: el pase de visita docente-asistencial en inglés es una modalidad de la educación en el trabajo donde se consolidan la aplicación del método clínico y las habilidades de la profesión médica. Objetivo: diseñar una metodología sobre el pase de visita docente asistencial en idioma inglés en los escenarios de la atención médica para estudiantes de quinto año de la carrera de Medicina. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo-cualitativo en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín durante el período 2015-2019. Se siguió un enfoque dialéctico-materialista y se emplearon métodos del nivel teórico: análisis-síntesis, inducción-deducción e histórico-lógico; y empíricos: cuestionario a docentes, observación de pases de visita, análisis documental y el criterio de especialistas. Resultados: las principales dificultades estuvieron relacionadas fundamentalmente con el desconocimiento de los procederes organizativos y uso inadecuado del vocabulario técnico durante la actividad, por lo que se diseñó una metodología para solucionarlas, la cual contiene aspectos didácticos relacionados con la solidez en el aprendizaje del idioma y el desarrollo de habilidades de la profesión. Conclusiones: fue valorada por los especialistas como adecuada por su estructura y su factibilidad de implementación. Después de aplicada resultó efectiva para la consolidación del aprendizaje estudiantil demostrada en un mejor rendimiento académico.
ABSTRACT Background: the teaching ward round in English is a modality of in-service training where the application of the clinical method and the skills of the medical profession are consolidated. Objective: to design a methodology on the teaching ward round in English in medical care institutions for fifth-year medical students. Methods: a descriptive-qualitative study was carried out at Holguín University of Medical Sciences from 2015 to 2019. A dialectical-materialist approach was followed and theoretical level methods were used: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and historical-logical; and empirical ones: questionnaire to teachers, observation to teaching ward rounds, documentary analysis and the criteria of specialists. Results: the main difficulties were mainly related to ignorance of organizational procedures and inappropriate use of technical vocabulary during the activity, so a methodology was designed to solve these aspects, it contains didactic aspects related to soundness in language learning and the development of professional skills. Conclusions: it was valued by specialists as adequate due to its structure and its feasibility of implementation. Its application showed to be effective for the consolidation of students´ learning which was demonstrated by a better academic performance.
Estudantes de Medicina , Educação Médica , Visitas de Preceptoria , AprendizagemRESUMO
OBJETIVO: compreender a construção do matriciamento em um serviço de atenção a dependentes. MÉTODO: trata-se de uma pesquisa-ação realizada nos últimos sete anos, considerando as experiências de uma terapeuta ocupacional durante suas atividades no serviço, abrangendo reuniões clínicas, supervisões, grupos de estudos e capacitações. Os materiais utilizados foram prontuários, registros de supervisão e reunião e anotações pessoais. RESULTADOS: as demandas de cada sujeito são abordadas para além das especificidades de cada área. Os saberes são transmitidos nos encontros de equipe, permitindo, a quem está lidando diretamente com o caso, uma ampliação em sua compreensão e a experimentação de instrumentos clínicos construídos junto dos colegas. O processo de construção de trabalho com cada sujeito, matriciado constantemente entre os profissionais, permite, àquele que oferece a atenção, maior apropriação da construção clínica. Tal fenômeno também ocorre durante capacitações oferecidas pelo serviço a outras equipes de saúde. CONCLUSÃO: os espaços coletivos consideram a compreensão do sujeito por diversas perspectivas, mesmo sem contato direto com o indivíduo, a partir das narrativas de um dos profissionais e de hipóteses dos demais membros da equipe, ampliando as possibilidades de cuidado. O trabalho em projetos terapêuticos propaga-se pela instituição e em capacitações de outras equipes, permitindo a circulação e integração do saber.
OBJECTIVE: to understand the construction of the dependent care service matrixing. METHOD: this is an action-research conducted over the past seven years, considering the experiences of an occupational therapist during her service activities, covering clinical meetings, supervision, study groups and training. The materials used were medical records, supervision and meeting records and personal notes. RESULTS: the demands of each subject are addressed beyond the specificities of each area. The knowledge is transmitted in the team meetings, allowing, to those who are dealing directly with the case, an expansion in their understanding and the experimentation of clinical instruments built with colleagues. The process of building work with each subject, constantly matrixed among the professionals, allows, to the one who offers the attention, greater appropriation of the clinical construction. This phenomenon also occurs during training offered by the service to other health care teams. CONCLUSION: the collective spaces consider the subject's understanding from different perspectives, even without direct contact with the individual, from the narratives of one of the professionals and from the hypotheses of the other team members, expanding the possibilities of care. The work in therapeutic projects is spread throughout the institution and in training of other teams, allowing the circulation and integration of knowledge.
OBJETIVO: comprender la construcción del apoyo matriz en un servicio de atención a dependientes. MÉTODO: se trata de una investigación de acción realizada en los últimos siete años, considerando las experiencias de una terapeuta ocupacional durante sus actividades en el servicio, abarcando reuniones clínicas, supervisiones, grupos de estudios y capacitaciones. Los materiales utilizados fueron prontuarios, registros de supervisión y reunión y anotaciones personales. RESULTADOS: las demandas de cada sujeto se abordan más allá de las especificidades de cada área. Los saberes se transmiten en los encuentros de equipo, permitiendo a quien está lidiando directamente con el caso, una ampliación en su comprensión, experimentación de instrumentos clínicos construidos junto a los colegas. El proceso de construcción de trabajo con cada sujeto, con apoyo matriz constantemente entre los profesionales, permite al que ofrece la atención, mayor apropiación de la construcción clínica. Tal fenómeno, también ocurre durante capacitaciones ofrecidas por el servicio a otros equipos de salud. CONCLUSIÓN: los espacios colectivos consideran la comprensión del sujeto por diversas perspectivas, incluso sin contacto directo con el individuo, a partir de las narrativas de uno de los profesionales y de hipótesis de los demás miembros del equipo, amplían posibilidades de cuidado. El trabajo en proyectos terapéuticos, se propaga por la institución y en capacitaciones de otros equipos, permitiendo la circulación e integración del saber.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias , Visitas de Preceptoria , Terapeutas Ocupacionais , Serviços de Saúde MentalRESUMO
Interdisciplinary rounding has been shown to improve patient safety and provider engagement. Many models for interdisciplinary rounding have been proposed but few focus on preserving bedside medical education. The authors changed the interdisciplinary bedside rounding model to accommodate more time for medical education. The objective was to assess perceptions of communication, care coordination, and teamwork surrounding this change. Resident and attending physicians and unit-based nursing staff completed an anonymous online survey prior to and following the rounding intervention. Length of stay on medical units also was monitored prior to and following the rounding intervention. Following the intervention, there were perceived improvements in interdisciplinary communication, care coordination, and teamwork, and there were no significant changes in length of stay.
Visitas de Preceptoria , Comunicação , Humanos , Comunicação Interdisciplinar , Estudos Interdisciplinares , Corpo Clínico Hospitalar , Equipe de Assistência ao PacienteRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: To explore interrupters' and interruptees' experiences of interruptions occurring during morning rounds in a PICU in an attempt to understand better how to limit interruptions that threaten patient safety. DESIGN: Qualitative ethnographic study including observations, field interviews, and in-depth interviews. SETTING: A 55-bed PICU in a free-standing, quaternary-care children's hospital. SUBJECTS PARTICIPANTS: Attending physicians, fellow physicians, frontline clinicians (resident physicians and nurse practitioners), and nurses working in the PICU. INTERVENTIONS: Data collection occurred in two parts: 1) field observations during morning rounds with brief field interviews conducted with participants involved in an observed interruption and 2) in-depth interviews conducted with selected participants from prior field observations. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Data were coded using a constant comparative method with thematic analysis, clustering codes into groups, and subsequently into themes. We observed 11 rounding encounters (17 hr of observation and 48 patient encounters), conducting 25 field interviews and eight in-depth interviews. Themes included culture of interruption triage, interruption triage criteria, and barriers to interruption triage. Interruptees desired forming a culture of triage, whereby less-urgent interruptions were deferred until later or addressed through an asynchronous method; this desire was misaligned with interrupters who described ongoing interruption triage based on clinical changes, time-sensitivity, and interrupter comfort, despite not having a formal triage algorithm. Barriers to interruption triage included a lack of situational awareness and experience among interrupters and interruptees. CONCLUSIONS: Interrupters and interruptees did not have a shared understanding of the culture of triage within the PICU. Although interrupters attempted to triage interruptions, no formal triage algorithm existed and interruptees did not perceive a triaging culture. Using data from this study, we created a triage algorithm that could inform future studies, potentially decrease unnecessary interruptions, and optimize information sharing for essential interruptions.
Visitas de Preceptoria , Criança , Hospitais Pediátricos , Humanos , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , Segurança do Paciente , TriagemRESUMO
La decisión del Gobierno Nacional, frente a la situación de pandemia por el COVID 19, de disponer el Aislamiento Social Preventivo y Obligatorio (ASPO), a fines de limitar la circulación de personas en todo el territorio nacional, afectó la concurrencia y participación de las personas en diversas áreas, y en particular, la asistencia de todos los NNy/A a la escuela, así como también a sus respectivos diagnósticos y tratamientos en nuestro hospital. Es por este motivo que dentro del Equipo surge la necesidad de re-pensar nuevas modalidades de abordaje, formas de acción y acompañamiento de los/as pacientes y la comunidad general, en un contexto de emergencia sanitaria. En el presente escrito, se detallan cada una de las actividades realizadas desde el Equipo de Psicopedagogía del Área Programática del Hospital Gral. de Agudos Dr. Dalmacio Vélez Sarsfield. Las mismas fueron planificadas y llevadas a cabo durante el periodo ASPO, y demuestran la reinvención de su quehacer durante ese tiempo, para poder adaptarse al contexto actual. (AU)