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Biol Res ; 48: 36, 2015 Jul 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26195075


BACKGROUND: The antiepileptic drugs carbamazepine and gabapentin are effective in treating neuropathic pain and trigeminal neuralgia. In the present study, to analyze the effects of carbamazepine and gabapentin on neuronal excitation in the spinal trigeminal subnucleus caudalis (Sp5c) in the medulla oblongata, we recorded temporal changes in nociceptive afferent activity in the Sp5c of trigeminal nerve-attached brainstem slices of neonatal rats using a voltage-sensitive dye imaging technique. RESULTS: Electrical stimulation of the trigeminal nerve rootlet evoked changes in the fluorescence intensity of dye in the Sp5c. The optical signals were composed of two phases, a fast component with a sharp peak followed by a long-lasting component with a period of more than 500 ms. This evoked excitation was not influenced by administration of carbamazepine (10, 100 and 1,000 µM) or gabapentin (1 and 10 µM), but was increased by administration of 100 µM gabapentin. This evoked excitation was increased further in low Mg(2+) (0.8 mM) conditions, and this effect of low Mg(2+) concentration was antagonized by 30 µM DL-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP5), a N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor blocker. The increased excitation in low Mg(2+) conditions was also antagonized by carbamazepine (1,000 µM) and gabapentin (100 µM). CONCLUSION: Carbamazepine and gabapentin did not decrease electrically evoked excitation in the Sp5c in control conditions. Further excitation in low Mg(2+) conditions was antagonized by the NMDA receptor blocker AP5. Carbamazepine and gabapentin had similar effects to AP5 on evoked excitation in the Sp5c in low Mg(2+) conditions. Thus, we concluded that carbamazepine and gabapentin may act by blocking NMDA receptors in the Sp5c, which contributes to its anti-hypersensitivity in neuropathic pain.

Aminas/farmacologia , Anticonvulsivantes/farmacologia , Carbamazepina/farmacologia , Ácidos Cicloexanocarboxílicos/farmacologia , Neuralgia do Trigêmeo/tratamento farmacológico , Núcleo Espinal do Trigêmeo/efeitos dos fármacos , Imagens com Corantes Sensíveis à Voltagem , Ácido gama-Aminobutírico/farmacologia , Potenciais de Ação/efeitos dos fármacos , Potenciais de Ação/fisiologia , Vias Aferentes/efeitos dos fármacos , Vias Aferentes/fisiologia , Animais , Animais Recém-Nascidos , Gabapentina , Ratos , Ratos Wistar , Neuralgia do Trigêmeo/fisiopatologia , Núcleo Espinal do Trigêmeo/fisiopatologia
J Neurophysiol ; 114(1): 332-40, 2015 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25972583


Low-threshold voltage-activated calcium conductances (LT-VACCs) play a substantial role in shaping the electrophysiological attributes of neurites. We have investigated how these conductances affect synaptic integration in a premotor nonspiking (NS) neuron of the leech nervous system. These cells exhibit an extensive neuritic tree, do not fire Na(+)-dependent spikes, but express an LT-VACC that was sensitive to 250 µM Ni(2+) and 100 µM NNC 55-0396 (NNC). NS neurons responded to excitation of mechanosensory pressure neurons with depolarizing responses for which amplitude was a linear function of the presynaptic firing frequency. NNC decreased these synaptic responses and abolished the concomitant widespread Ca(2+) signals. Coherent with the interpretation that the LT-VACC amplified signals at the postsynaptic level, this conductance also amplified the responses of NS neurons to direct injection of sinusoidal current. Synaptic amplification thus is achieved via a positive feedback in which depolarizing signals activate an LT-VACC that, in turn, boosts these signals. The wide distribution of LT-VACC could support the active propagation of depolarizing signals, turning the complex NS neuritic tree into a relatively compact electrical compartment.

Potenciais de Ação/fisiologia , Canais de Cálcio/metabolismo , Neurônios/fisiologia , Sinapses/fisiologia , Potenciais de Ação/efeitos dos fármacos , Animais , Cálcio/metabolismo , Bloqueadores dos Canais de Cálcio/farmacologia , Canais de Cálcio/efeitos dos fármacos , Sanguessugas , Neurônios/efeitos dos fármacos , Técnicas de Patch-Clamp , Sinapses/efeitos dos fármacos , Imagens com Corantes Sensíveis à Voltagem
ACS Chem Neurosci ; 6(7): 1158-64, 2015 Jul 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25951416


Genes for five different 5-HT3 receptor subunits have been identified. Most of the subunits have multiple isoforms, but two isoforms of the B subunits, brain-type 1 (Br1) and brain-type 2 (Br2) are of particular interest as they appear to be abundantly expressed in human brain, where 5-HT3B subunit RNA consists of approximately 75% 5-HT3Br2, 24% 5-HT3Br1, and <1% 5-HT3B. Here we use two-electrode voltage-clamp, radioligand binding, fluorescence, whole cell, and single channel patch-clamp studies to characterize the roles of 5-HT3Br1 and 5-HT3Br2 subunits on function and pharmacology in heterologously expressed 5-HT3 receptors. The data show that the 5-HT3Br1 transcriptional variant, when coexpressed with 5-HT3A subunits, alters the EC50, nH, and single channel conductance of the 5-HT3 receptor, but has no effect on the potency of competitive antagonists; thus, 5-HT3ABr1 receptors have the same characteristics as 5-HT3AB receptors. There were some differences in the shapes of 5-HT3AB and 5-HT3ABr1 receptor responses, which were likely due to a greater proportion of homomeric 5-HT3A versus heteromeric 5-HT3ABr1 receptors in the latter, as expression of the 5-HT3Br1 compared to the 5-HT3B subunit is less efficient. Conversely, the 5-HT3Br2 subunit does not appear to form functional channels with the 5-HT3A subunit in either oocytes or HEK293 cells, and the role of this subunit is yet to be determined.

Encéfalo/metabolismo , Receptores 5-HT3 de Serotonina/metabolismo , Animais , Células HEK293 , Humanos , Potenciais da Membrana/fisiologia , Oócitos , Técnicas de Patch-Clamp , Isoformas de Proteínas , Ensaio Radioligante , Receptores 5-HT3 de Serotonina/genética , Homologia de Sequência de Aminoácidos , Transfecção , Imagens com Corantes Sensíveis à Voltagem , Xenopus
Biol. Res ; 48: 1-10, 2015. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-950800


BACKGROUND: The antiepileptic drugs carbamazepine and gabapentin are effective in treating neuropathic pain and trigeminal neuralgia. In the present study, to analyze the effects of carbamazepine and gabapentin on neuronal excitation in the spinal trigeminal subnucleus caudalis (Sp5c) in the medulla oblongata, we recorded temporal changes in nociceptive afferent activity in the Sp5c of trigeminal nerve-attached brainstem slices of neonatal rats using a voltage-sensitive dye imaging technique. RESULTS: Electrical stimulation of the trigeminal nerve rootlet evoked changes in the fluorescence intensity of dye in the Sp5c. The optical signals were composed of two phases, a fast component with a sharp peak followed by a long-lasting component with a period of more than 500 ms. This evoked excitation was not influenced by administration of carbamazepine (10, 100 and 1,000 µM) or gabapentin (1 and 10 µM), but was increased by administration of 100 µM gabapentin. This evoked excitation was increased further in low Mg²+ (0.8 mM) conditions, and this effect of low Mg²+ concentration was antagonized by 30 µM DL-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP5), a N-methyl-D-as-partate (NMDA) receptor blocker. The increased excitation in low Mg²+ conditions was also antagonized by carbamazepine (1,000 µM) and gabapentin (100 µM). CONCLUSION: Carbamazepine and gabapentin did not decrease electrically evoked excitation in the Sp5c in control conditions. Further excitation in low Mg²+ conditions was antagonized by the NMDA receptor blocker AP5. Carbamazepine and gabapentin had similar effects to AP5 on evoked excitation in the Sp5c in low Mg²+ conditions. Thus, we concluded that carbamazepine and gabapentin may act by blocking NMDA receptors in the Sp5c, which contributes to its anti-hypersensitivity in neuropathic pain.

Animais , Ratos , Neuralgia do Trigêmeo/tratamento farmacológico , Núcleo Espinal do Trigêmeo/efeitos dos fármacos , Carbamazepina/farmacologia , Ácidos Cicloexanocarboxílicos/farmacologia , Imagens com Corantes Sensíveis à Voltagem , Ácido gama-Aminobutírico/farmacologia , Aminas/farmacologia , Anticonvulsivantes/farmacologia , Neuralgia do Trigêmeo/fisiopatologia , Núcleo Espinal do Trigêmeo/fisiopatologia , Potenciais de Ação/efeitos dos fármacos , Potenciais de Ação/fisiologia , Vias Aferentes/efeitos dos fármacos , Vias Aferentes/fisiologia , Ratos Wistar , Gabapentina , Animais Recém-Nascidos