Although xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) has been regarded as a laboratory contaminant, it remains one of the most controversial viruses. The objective of the study was to determine if XMRV is present in 44 patients with beta-thalassemia major, 48 with sickle cell disease, and 89 volunteer blood donors. After RNA/ DNA extraction from plasma/buffy coat the samples were screened for XMRV sequences by conserved nested GAG primers. None of the RNA samples showed a positive result. Surprisingly, four DNA samples obtained from blood donors were positive for XMRV provirus. The subsequent phylogenetic analysis revealed that these sequences are identical to the positive control (murine leukemia retrovirus) and are probably consistent with laboratory contamination. XMRV infection (provirus and viral RNA) was absent in multiply transfused patients and volunteer blood donors. The positive result obtained from some blood donors probably reflects laboratory contamination. We believe that XMRV does not pose risk to blood transfusion.
Anemia Falciforme/virologia , Infecções por Retroviridae/virologia , Vírus Relacionado ao Vírus Xenotrópico da Leucemia Murina/isolamento & purificação , Talassemia beta/virologia , Adolescente , Adulto , Animais , Doadores de Sangue , Transfusão de Sangue , Brasil , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Camundongos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Dados de Sequência Molecular , Filogenia , Vírus Relacionado ao Vírus Xenotrópico da Leucemia Murina/classificação , Vírus Relacionado ao Vírus Xenotrópico da Leucemia Murina/genética , Adulto JovemRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: This study confirmed the absence of natural infection with Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) or XMRV-related disease in human populations of the Brazilian Amazon basin. We demonstrated that 803 individuals of both sexes, who were residents of Belem in the Brazilian State of Pará, were not infected with XMRV. METHODS: Individuals were divided into 4 subgroups: healthy individuals, individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1), individuals infected with human T-lymphotrophic virus, types 1 or 2 (HTLV-1/2), and individuals with prostate cancer. XMRV infection was investigated by nested PCR to detect the viral gag gene and by quantitative PCR to detect pol. RESULTS: There was no amplification of either gag or pol segments from XRMV in any of the samples examined. CONCLUSIONS: This study supports the conclusions of the studies that eventually led to the retraction of the original study reporting the association between XMRV and human diseases.
Infecções por HIV/virologia , Infecções por HTLV-I/virologia , Infecções por HTLV-II/virologia , Neoplasias da Próstata/virologia , Infecções por Retroviridae/complicações , Vírus Relacionado ao Vírus Xenotrópico da Leucemia Murina/genética , Adulto , Brasil , DNA Viral/genética , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Reação em Cadeia da PolimeraseRESUMO
Introduction This study confirmed the absence of natural infection with Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) or XMRV-related disease in human populations of the Brazilian Amazon basin. We demonstrated that 803 individuals of both sexes, who were residents of Belem in the Brazilian State of Pará, were not infected with XMRV. Methods Individuals were divided into 4 subgroups: healthy individuals, individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1), individuals infected with human T-lymphotrophic virus, types 1 or 2 (HTLV-1/2), and individuals with prostate cancer. XMRV infection was investigated by nested PCR to detect the viral gag gene and by quantitative PCR to detect pol. Results There was no amplification of either gag or pol segments from XRMV in any of the samples examined. Conclusions This study supports the conclusions of the studies that eventually led to the retraction of the original study reporting the association between XMRV and human diseases. .