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J. optom. (Internet) ; 17(3): [100514], jul.-sept2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-231876


Purpose: To analyze binocular vision of individuals aged 18 to 35 years diagnosed with keratoconus, utilizing spectacles and rigid gas-permeable (RGP) contact lenses. Research was led by the Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, México and Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina Pereira, Colombia. Methods: A single center, prospective non-randomized, comparative, interventional, open-label study, in which the differences in binocular vision performance with both spectacles and RGP contact lenses was carried out from December 2018 to December 2019. Sampling was performed according to consecutive cases with keratoconus that met the inclusion criteria until the proposed sample size was reached. Results: Rigid gas-permeable (RGP) contact lenses notably enhanced distance and near visual acuity in keratoconus patients compared to spectacles. Visual alignment analysis shows exophoria at both distances and is slightly higher with RGP contact lenses. The difference was statistically significant (p<0.05), with 82.5 % presenting compensated phoria with spectacles and pnly 42.50% with RGP contact lenses. Stereoscopic vision improved while wearing RGP contact lenses (42.59 %), although accommodation and accommodative flexibility remained within normal ranges. Conclusions: Patients with keratoconus fitted with RGP contact lenses have improved binocular vision skills such as visual acuity, stereopsis, and accommodative flexibility. However, even when the vergence and motor system is decompensated with respect to normal ranges, the range between break and recovery points for both fusional reserves and the near point of convergence (NPC) improves with the use of RGP contact lenses, giving indications of an adaptive condition of the motor system from the medium to the long term.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Queratocono , Anteojos , Lentes de Contacto , Visión Binocular , Pruebas de Visión , Colombia , México , Oftalmología , Estudios Prospectivos
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(4): 523-533, jul. 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538056


Leaves of Croton stipulaceuswere extracted (EHex, ECHCl3and EEtOH extracts) to assesstheir antioxidant potential, anti-inflammatory activity in murine models and acute toxicity. EEtOH showed the highest effect in DPPH (37.80% inhibition), FRAP (1065.00 ± 55.30 µmolFe2+) and total polyphenols (231.24 ± 9.05 meq AG/gM). EHex was the most active, ~ 50% inhibition of TPA-induced ear edema; while EEtOH (dose of 2 mg/ear) showed the highest inhibition in the chronic model (97% inhibition), and inhibited MPO activity (48%). In carrageenan-induced edema, ECHCl3(dose 500 mg/kg) was the most active. None of the extracts showed acute toxicity (LD50) at 2 g/kg (p.o.). This work is the first report that supports the traditional use of C. stipulaceusas an anti-inflammatory.

De las hojas de Croton stipulaceusse obtuvieron diferentes extractos (EHex, ECHCl3y EEtOH) evaluando el potencial antioxidante y la actividad antiinflamatoria en modelos murinos y la toxicidad aguda. El EEtOH mostró mayor efecto en DPPH (37.80% inhibición), FRAP (1065.00 ± 55.30 µmolFe2+) y polifenolestotales (231.24 ± 9.05 meq AG/gM). El EHex fue el más activo, cercano al 50% de inhibición del edema auricular inducido con TPA; mientras que el EEtOH (dosis de 2 mg/oreja) mostró la mayor inhibición en el modelo crónico (97% inhibición), e inhibió la actividad de la MPO (48%). En el edema inducido con carragenina, el ECHCl3(dosis 500 mg/kg) fue el más activo. Ninguno de los extractos mostró una toxicidad aguda (DL50) mayor a 2 g/kg (p.o). Este trabajo es el primer reporte que sustenta el uso tradicional de C. stipulaceuscomo antiinflamatorio.

Hojas de la Planta/química , Croton/química , Extractos Vegetales/metabolismo , Extractos Vegetales/química , Estructuras de las Plantas/metabolismo , Estructuras de las Plantas/química , Hojas de la Planta/metabolismo , Croton/metabolismo , Antiinflamatorios , Antioxidantes
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(4): 577-607, jul. 2024. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538069


El presente estudio es una comparación del dolor abdominal producido por trastornos gastrointestinales, aliviado por Ageratina ligustrina , entre los grupos maya Tzeltal, Tzotzil y Q ́eqchi ́, el cual integró un enfoque etnomédico, etnobotánico y transcultural, comparando estudios previos con el presente trabajo de campo. Para evaluar la eficacia de Ageratina para aliviar el dolor abdominal, se realizó un inventario de las moléculas reportadas en esta especie, así como de su actividad farmacológica, a través de una revisión bibliográfica. Los resultados mostraron que la epidemiología del dolor producido por TGI, su etnobotánica y el modelo explicativo del dolor abdominal fueron similares entre grupos étnicos. Asimismo, se identificaron 27 moléculas con efectos antiinflamatorios y antinociceptivos, lo que podría explicar por qué esta especie es culturalmente importante para los pobladores maya Tzeltal, Tzotzil y Q ́eqch i ́ para el alivio del dolor abdominal, mientras que, desde el punto de vista biomédico, es una especie con potencial para inhibir el dolor visceral.

The current study is a comparison of the abdominal pain conception produced by gastrointestinal disorders, relieved by Ageratina ligustrina , among inhabitants of the Mayan Tzeltal, Tzotzil, and Q'eqchi' groups ethnomedical, ethnobotanical, and cross -cultural approaches were used to compare previous studies with the present field work. To evaluate the efficacy of A. ligustrina to relieve pain, also through a bibliographic review an inventory of the molecules present in this species was performed, as well as their pharmacological activity. The results showed that the epidemiology of pain produced by GID, its ethnobotany, and the explanatory model of abdominal pain are similar among ethnic groups. Likewise, 27 molecules with anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive effects were identified, which could explain why this species is culturally important for the Mayan Tzeltal, Tzotzil, and Q'eqchi' groups for the relief of abdominal pain, while, from a biomedical point of view, it is a species with potential to inhibit visceral pain.

Extractos Vegetales/uso terapéutico , Dolor Abdominal/tratamiento farmacológico , Ageratina , Etnobotánica , Enfermedades Gastrointestinales/tratamiento farmacológico , México
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(3): 371-381, mayo 2024. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538079


Mexican markets embody cultural diversity and offer a wide range of products, serving as hubs for local exchange.In our study at Mexico City's Sonora Market, the country's prominent medicinal market, we explored the use of plant remedies against witchcraft in an urban environment. Through interviews with plant vendors and extensive data collection, we identified 21 plant species from 16 botanical families renowned for their effectiveness in combating sorcery, attracting good luck, and promoting success. Additionally, we documented 14 ailments associated with envy and negative emotions. These remedies involved practices and applications such as cleansings, decoctions, baths, and incense burning, aimed at alleviating afflictions and fostering positive outcomes. Notably, the Sonora Market continues to uphold the tradition of using plant remedies against witchcraft, even in the bustling setting of one of the world's largest cities. This highlights the enduring significance of these practices within Mexican society

Los mercados mexicanos encarnan diversidad cultural y ofrecen numerosos productos, sirviendo como centros de intercambio local. En nuestro estudio en el Mercado de Sonora en la Ciudad de México, el sitio de plantas medicinales más relevante del país, exploramos el uso de plantas contra la brujería en un entorno urbano. A través de entrevistas con locatarios, identificamos 21 especies de plantas pertenecientes a 16 familias botánicas usadas en la lucha contra la brujería, atrayendo buena suerte y promoviendo el éxito. Además, documentamos 14 enfermedades asociadas con la envidia y emociones negativas. Los remedios involucraban prácticas y aplicaciones como limpias, decocciones, baños, incienso, con el objetivo de aliviar dolencias y fomentar resultados positivos. En el Mercado deSonora persiste la tradición de utilizar plantas contra la brujería, incluso en el marco de una de las mayores ciudades del mundo, resaltando la importancia de estas prácticas dentro de la sociedad mexicana.

Plantas Medicinales , Hechicería , Etnobotánica , Medicina Tradicional , México
Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550622


El presente estudio constituye un trabajo trascendente en el área del conocimiento de la condición física y representa el resultado de investigaciones realizadas en la República de Cuba y en los Estados Unidos Mexicanos como respuesta a la solicitud de ambos países. Fue diseñado estadísticamente, para representar datos oficiales y altamente confiables, con el objetivo de conocer el estado de la condición física de las dos naciones y valorar así, el efecto de los programas de Educación Física que se aplican. Se contó con el apoyo de las organizaciones deportivas y de cultura física al conformar los estudios, cuidadosamente tratados en el diseño de muestra, para ello se contó con un equipo de estadísticos especialistas que tuvieron a su cargo el procesamiento de la información. Los datos de este estudio se consideraron limitados para la publicación y una vez desclasificados se dan conocer. Se utilizaron iguales metodologías en su aplicación, lo que resulta una información valiosa para el perfeccionamiento de los planes y programas que en el campo de la Licenciatura en Cultura Física y se brinda una información que, en su comparación, llama a la reflexión de los especialistas de Educación Física, para continuar el perfeccionamiento de estas especialidades, en general.

O presente estudo constitui um trabalho transcendental na área do conhecimento da aptidão física e representa o resultado de uma pesquisa realizada na República de Cuba e nos Estados Unidos Mexicanos em resposta à solicitação de ambos os países. Foi projetado estatisticamente para representar dados oficiais e altamente confiáveis, com o objetivo de conhecer o estado da aptidão física em ambos os países e, assim, avaliar o efeito dos programas de Educação Física aplicados. As organizações esportivas e de cultura física foram apoiadas na elaboração dos estudos, cuidadosamente tratadas no desenho da amostra, com a ajuda de uma equipe de estatísticos especializados que foram responsáveis pelo processamento das informações. Os dados deste estudo foram considerados limitados para publicação e, uma vez desclassificados, são tornados públicos. Foram utilizadas as mesmas metodologias em sua aplicação, o que resulta em informações valiosas para o aprimoramento dos planos e programas no campo da cultura física e fornece informações que, em sua comparação, exigem a reflexão dos especialistas em educação física, a fim de continuar o aprimoramento dessas especialidades em geral.

The present study constitutes a transcendent work in the area of knowledge of physical condition and represents the result of research carried out in the Republic of Cuba and in the United Mexican States in response to the request of both countries. It was designed statistically, to represent official and highly reliable data, with the objective of knowing the state of the physical condition of the two nations and thus evaluating the effect of the Physical Education programs that are applied. It was had the support of sports and physical culture organizations when forming the studies, carefully treated in the sample design, for this it was had a team of specialist statisticians who were in charge of processing the information. The data from this study was considered limited for publication and will be released once declassified. The same methodologies were used in its application, which is valuable information for the improvement of plans and programs in the field of the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Culture and information is provided that, in comparison, calls for reflection by specialists. of Physical Education, to continue the improvement of these specialties, in general.

An. psicol ; 40(1): 119-130, Ene-Abri, 2024. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-229034


Existe poca evidencia de escalas de medición con propiedades psicométricas adecuadas respecto a la Calidad de Vida Laboral en el personal sanitario, por lo que el objetivo fue desarrollar y examinar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala Mexicana de Calidad de Vida Laboral (EMCVL). Se realizó un estudio instrumental y transversal. Fase 1) desarrollo de la escala y validez de contenido; Fase 2) validación con dos muestras diferentes [n = 293] y [n = 300] a través de un cuestionario en línea. Se obtuvo validez de contenido para 60 ítems (V de Aiken > .90); los análisis factoriales exploratorio y confirmatorio arrojaron una estructura de seis dimensiones; los índices de ajuste de la escala final con 24 ítems fueron aceptables (χ2[257] = 540.277; CMIN/DF = 2.102; NFI = .914; CFI = .953; GFI = .877, AGFI = .845; SRMR = .047; RMSEA = .061 [.054-.069] p <.001), con buenos índices de confiabilidad (α = .949, ω = .982). La EMCVL demostró confiabilidad en la consistencia interna, varias evidencias de validez y una invarianza configuracional y métrica aceptable con un modelo que confirma la existencia de seis dimensiones que explican el constructo a través de 24 ítems.(AU)

There is little evidence of measurement scales with appropriate psychometric properties regard Quality of Work-Life in health personnel, so the objective was to develop and examine psychometric properties of Mexican Quality of Work Life Scale (MQWLS). An instrumental, cross-sectional study was conducted. Phase 1) development of the scale and con-tent validity; Phase 2) validation with two different samples [n= 293] and [n = 300] through an online questionnaire. Content validity was obtained for 60 items (Aiken's V>.90); exploratory and confirmatory factor analyz-es yielded a six-dimension structure; the fit indexes from the final scale with 24 items were acceptable (χ2[257]=540.277; CMIN/DF=2.102; NFI=.914; CFI=.953; GFI=.877, AGFI=.845; SRMR=.047; RMSEA=.061 [.054-.069] p <.001), with good reliability indices (α =.949,ω=.982). MQWLS proved internal consistency reliability, several ev-idences of validity and acceptable configurational and metric invariance with a model that confirms the existence of six dimensions that explain the construct through 24 items.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Calidad de Vida/psicología , Psicometría , Personal de Salud/psicología , Equilibrio entre Vida Personal y Laboral , Agotamiento Profesional , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , México , Psicología , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Health Res Policy Syst ; 22(1): 46, 2024 Apr 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38605301


BACKGROUND: Mexico and other low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) present a growing burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), with gender-differentiated risk factors and access to prevention, diagnosis and care. However, the political agenda in LMICs as it relates to health and gender is primarily focused on sexual and reproductive health rights and preventing violence against women. This research article analyses public policies related to gender and NCDs, identifying political challenges in the current response to women's health needs, and opportunities to promote interventions that recognize the role of gender in NCDs and NCD care in Mexico. METHODS: We carried out a political mapping and stakeholder analysis during July-October of 2022, based on structured desk research and interviews with eighteen key stakeholders related to healthcare, gender and NCDs in Mexico. We used the PolicyMaker V5 software to identify obstacles and opportunities to promote interventions that recognize the role of gender in NCDs and NCD care, from the perspective of the political stakeholders interviewed. RESULTS: We found as a political obstacle that policies and stakeholders addressing NCDs do not take a gender perspective, while policies and stakeholders addressing gender equality do not adequately consider NCDs. The gendered social and economic aspects of the NCD burden are not widely understood, and the multi-sectoral approach needed to address these aspects is lacking. Economic obstacles show that budget cuts exacerbated by the pandemic are a significant obstacle to social protection mechanisms to support those caring for people living with NCDs. CONCLUSIONS: Moving towards an effective, equity-promoting health and social protection system requires the government to adopt an intersectoral, gender-based approach to the prevention and control of NCDs and the burden of NCD care. Despite significant resource constraints, policy innovation may be possible given the willingness among some stakeholders to collaborate, particularly in the labour and legal sectors. However, care will be needed to ensure the implementation of new policies has a positive impact on both gender equity and health outcomes. Research on successful approaches in other contexts can help to identify relevant learnings for Mexico.

Política de Salud , Enfermedades no Transmisibles , Humanos , Femenino , Enfermedades no Transmisibles/epidemiología , Enfermedades no Transmisibles/prevención & control , México , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud , Derechos Humanos
J Phys Act Health ; : 1-6, 2024 Apr 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38626896


BACKGROUND: Walking activity has been associated with reduction in the development of chronic disease, cognitive and physical function impairment, disability, and mortality. The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between walking activity and physical function over 9 years of follow-up among Mexican Americans aged 78 years and older. METHODS: Participants (N = 998) were from the Hispanic Established Population for the Epidemiologic Study of the Elderly (2007-2016). Measures included walking activity duration and frequency, socio-demographics, body mass index, medical conditions, pain, depressive symptoms, limitation in activities of daily living, and the Mini-Mental State Examination. Low physical function was defined as scoring <7 on the Short Physical Performance Battery. At baseline, participants were grouped into nonwalkers (n = 653), walked <150 minutes/week (n = 144), and walked 150 minutes/week or more (n = 201). A Generalized Estimating Equation model was used to estimate the odds ratio and 95% CI of low physical performance as a function of walking activity status. RESULTS: Compared with nonwalkers, participants walking < 150 minutes/week had lower odds (odds ratio = 0.66, 95% CI, 0.51-0.86) of low physical function over time, after controlling for all covariates, as did those walking ≥ 150 minutes/week (odds ratio = 0.54, 95% CI, 0.41-0.71). CONCLUSIONS: Mexican American older adults who engage in any walking activity are at reduced risk of low physical function, even those with disability. Interventions at the individual and community level are recommended to reduce physical function impairment, even in those with preexisting medical conditions or disability.

Semin Speech Lang ; 2024 Apr 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38626895


This was a retrospective study that aimed to provide a first estimate of the prevalence of developmental language disorder (DLD) in Mexico, where there is currently a lack of epidemiological data on this disorder. Children aged 4;0 to 6;11 years in the cities of Mexico, Queretaro, and Monterrey were classified into two groups: those with DLD (N = 46) and those with typical language development (N = 497). The diagnosis of DLD was based on standardized norm-referenced assessment and language sample analyses. Children with other disabilities were excluded from the final sample. The final sample consisted of 543 children (55% male; 45% female) aged 4;0 to 6;11 years. The estimated prevalence of DLD was 8.5%. The study has clinical implications given that the prevalence of DLD in Mexico may raise awareness of this long-lasting disorder and may help health and educational authorities establish a system to early identify and diagnose children with DLD.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38627108


This article provides an overview of the development of exotic animal medicine in Latin America (LATAM), highlighting its historical evolution, current evidence, and future considerations. The practice of exotic animal medicine began in the 1970s and 1980s. The lack of knowledge and scientific resources led to the extrapolation of veterinary care for exotic species from human and companion animal medicine. However, from the 21st century onwards, globalization and collaboration among veterinary professionals have allowed greater access to knowledge and techniques for the treatment of exotic species in LATAM.

Int J Health Policy Manag ; 13: 8008, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618831


BACKGROUND: In the last few years, Mexico adopted public health policies to tackle non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as front of package nutrition labelling, food marketing restrictions to children, and a soda tax. In parallel, transnational food and beverage industries (F&BIs), their allies, and the government have agreed on public-private partnerships (PPPs) to implement policies or deliver programs. However, research has questioned the benefits of PPPs and exposed its limitations as a suitable mechanism to improve public health. This study analyses how four PPPs between the Mexican government, the F&BI, and allies are working to achieve their goals. We critically assessed the objectives, scope, reported impacts, governance principles and perceived risks and benefits for the public health agenda of these PPPs. METHODS: This qualitative study is based on 26 interviews with key actors, and 170 publicly available documents, including 22 obtained through freedom of information (FOI) requests related to four purposively selected PPPs aiming to improve health. RESULTS: We found that the four PPPs studied had minimal public information available on their implementation and impact. The private partners tend to dictate the design, information management, and implementation of the programs, while promoting their brands. Few independent evaluations of the PPPs exist, and none reported on their effectiveness or public health benefits. Good governance principles, such as accountability, transparency, fairness, participation, integrity, and credibility, were barely followed in each of the cases studied. Public officials did not automatically question the conflict of interest (CoI) of such arrangements. When there were COI, the potential risks these posed did not always outweigh the financial benefits of working with the F&BI and its allies. CONCLUSION: The four PPPs studied produced minimal gains for public health while boosting credibility for the participating transnational F&BIs. It shows the lack of awareness of how these PPPs might be hindering public health gains.

Bebidas Gaseosas , Asociación entre el Sector Público-Privado , Niño , Humanos , México , Salud Pública , Impuestos , Bebidas , Política Pública
J Morphol ; 285(5): e21694, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38619230


We used histological and morphometric methods to study the testis and associated glands, including the epididymis, ductus deferens, and renal sexual segment (RSS), of specimens of Basiliscus vittatus sampled from Tabasco, Mexico (17.5926° N, 92.5816° W). Samples were collected throughout 1 year, which included the dry (February to May) and rainy (June to January) seasons. Spermatogenesis in B. vittatus is active throughout the year, but a significant increase in the testicular volume, diameters of seminiferous tubules, height of the germinal epithelium, spermiogenesis, and released spermatozoa occur in the dry season. During the rainy season, all aforementioned parameters decreased except the secretory activity of the epididymis and the RSS, which increased concomitant with an increase of the spermatozoa population within the ductus deferens. These data strongly suggest that B. vittatus reproduce year-round, but males exhibit a peak in spermatogenic activity during the dry season and a peak in insemination and/or copulation at the beginning of the rainy season. We highlight the importance of analyzing not only the testis but also accessory ducts and glands when determining the reproductive cycles of reptiles. The reproductive cycle of B. vittatus is discussed in relation to the environmental conditions of Southern Mexico and is compared to that of other squamates.

Lagartos , Masculino , Animales , México , Reproducción , Testículo , Túbulos Seminíferos
J Aging Health ; : 8982643241247583, 2024 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38621720


Objectives: We investigated whether self-reported vision and hearing were associated with cognitive function and loneliness among Mexican adults aged 50 and older. Methods: Mexican Health and Aging Study data. Vision/hearing status was self-reported (excellent-very good, good, fair-poor). Cognition was measured using nine tasks. Loneliness was measured using the UCLA Loneliness Scale. Analyses controlled for demographic and health characteristics. Results: Among 12,353 participants (mean age = 67, 58% female), poor vision, but not hearing, was associated with lower global cognition (ß = -0.03, p < .05). Poor vision (OR = 1.57, 95% CI = 1.30-1.91) and hearing (OR = 1.35, 95% CI = 1.14-1.61) were associated with higher odds of being lonely after adjusting for demographics and comorbidities, but not when adjusting for limitations in daily activities and depressive symptoms. Discussion: Poor vision is a potentially modifiable risk factor for lower cognition and loneliness among Mexican adults. These associations are partly due to functional characteristics of older adults with poor vision.

Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol ; : 306624X241246516, 2024 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38622831


In 2007, Mexico implemented a strategy to combat drug trafficking through military intervention, after which a significant increase in homicides, mainly among young men, was observed and linked to structural problems as well as organized crime, especially the recruitment of youth, with adolescents being particularly vulnerable. Through a systematic review of the literature from 2013 to 2022, we have compiled the reported factors influencing the recruitment of adolescents by organized crime in Mexico and conducted a metasynthesis of the data according to the multiple levels that affect adolescents: individual, family, community, cultural, and social. This research has shown that many of the factors reported are interrelated and need to be studied holistically. In addition, many of the factors are common to other forms of juvenile delinquency, but the main difference is the presence of organized crime itself in the community and culture.

J Interpers Violence ; : 8862605241246005, 2024 Apr 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38624094


The study of firearm violence in Mexico has primarily focused on homicides and trafficking. Less attention has been given to understanding how firearms affect other crimes and facilitate criminal activity beyond drug markets. By analyzing two questions, this study explores the role of firearms in extortions perpetrated in Mexico from 2012 to 2021. Questions are: What is the likelihood of reporting extortions to the police if offenders exhibited firearms? What is the likelihood of compliance with demands when offenders are armed with firearms? We obtained data from Mexico's National Crime Victimization Surveys and analyzed 2,619 extortions reported from 2012 to 2021. To explore our research questions, we ran two binary logistic regressions. Our dependent variables were dichotomous (reported to police = 1, complied with demands = 1). The independent variables were weapon types (extortions involving firearms as the reference group). We controlled for victim demographics as well as crime characteristics. Our results indicate that 40% of these extortions (n = 1,058) were perpetrated with a firearm. Fifty-two percent of extortions were perpetrated by unarmed offenders (n = 1,348) and 8% (n = 213) were perpetrated with other weapons (no firearms). Models suggest that, when compared to extortions perpetrated by unarmed offenders or those exhibiting other weapons (no firearms), victims of extortions involving firearms are less likely to report these crimes to police, mainly because of fear of reprisal. Similarly, victims are more likely to comply with demands if offenders exhibit firearms. Findings highlight the role of firearms in criminal enterprises and support the need for a comprehensive policy agenda to address firearm violence in Mexico.

JAMA Surg ; 2024 Apr 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38598245


This cohort study examines the incidence, severity, and mortality of fall-related injuries among migrants at the US-Mexico border in San Diego, California.

Front Oncol ; 14: 1383258, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38606098


Gut microbiota plays a crucial role in modulating immune responses, including effector response to infection and surveillance of tumors. This article summarizes the current scientific evidence on the effects of supplementation with prebiotics, probiotics, and synbiotics on high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infections, precancerous lesions, and various stages of cervical cancer development and treatment while also examining the underlying molecular pathways involved. Our findings indicate that a higher dietary fiber intake is associated with a reduced risk of HPV infection, while certain probiotics have shown promising results in clearing HPV-related lesions. Additionally, certain strains of probiotics, prebiotics such as inulin and fructo-oligosaccharides, and synbiotics decrease the frequency of gastrointestinal adverse effects in cervical cancer patients. These agents attain their results by modulating crucial metabolic pathways, including the reduction of inflammation and oxidative stress, promoting apoptosis, inhibiting cell proliferation, and suppressing the activity of oncogenes, thus attenuating tumorigenesis. We conclude that although further human studies are necessary, robust evidence in preclinical models demonstrates that prebiotics, probiotics, and synbiotics play an essential role in cervical cancer, from infection to carcinogenesis and its medical treatment. Consequently, we strongly recommend conducting high-quality clinical trials using these agents as adjuvants since they have proven safe.

Front Oncol ; 14: 1383105, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38606102


Cervical cancer is a significant public health problem in low- and middle-income countries, accounting for 85% of new cases worldwide. Due to poorly organized screening programs, cervical cancer is more likely to develop in vulnerable groups who do not initiate or rarely undergo screening. Cervical cytology and detecting high-risk human papillomavirus types are the recommended screening tools. Further, these strategies allow for accurately identifying women at a higher risk of cervical cancer and establishing screening times. New detection tools, such as novel biomarkers or automatic HPV detection in the vagina or urine, can improve screening coverage. This review aims to identify the challenges faced by detection programs and screening tools in Mexico to provide evidence-based recommendations to improve early detection programs for cervical cancer.

Cureus ; 16(3): e56036, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38606221


This case report aims to delineate the challenges and management strategies for a patient with bilateral mutilated hands within a secondary care level in Mexico, contributing to medical literature and potentially guiding future patient care. Mutilated hands represent a significant surgical and rehabilitative challenge due to the profound structural damage they cause, leading to considerable functional impairment and psychological distress. The complexity of these injuries necessitates a multidisciplinary approach, particularly in resource-constrained settings. We present a case of a 45-year-old male with no prior significant medical history who sustained bilateral mutilated hands from an industrial accident involving hot rollers. The patient underwent extensive surgical reconstruction and postoperative care, facing complications such as skin graft integration issues and infections, which required a multidisciplinary treatment approach.

G3 (Bethesda) ; 2024 Apr 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38608140


Potato and its wild relatives are distributed mainly in the Mexican highlands and central Andes of South America. The South American A-genome species, including cultivated potatoes, are reproductively isolated from Mexican diploid species. Whole-genome sequencing has disclosed genome structure and similarity, mostly in cultivated potatoes and their closely related species. In this study, we generated a chromosome-scale assembly of the genome of a Mexican diploid species, Solanum bulbocastanum Dun., using PacBio long-read sequencing, Optical mapping, and Hi-C scaffolding technologies. The final sequence assembly consisted of 737.9 Mb, among which 647.0 Mb were anchored to the 12 chromosomes. Compared with chromosome-scale assemblies of S. lycopersicum (tomato), S. etuberosum (non-tuber-bearing species with E genome), S. verrucosum, S. chacoense, S. multidissectum, and S. phureja (all four are A-genome species), the S. bulbocastnum genome was the shortest. It contained fewer transposable elements (56.2%) than A-genome species. A cluster analysis was performed based on pairwise ratios of syntenic regions among the seven chromosome-scale assemblies, showing that the A-genome species were first clustered as a distinct group. Then, this group was clustered with S. bulbocastanum. Sequence similarity in 1,624 single-copy orthologous gene groups among 36 Solanum species and clones separated S. bulbocastanum as a specific group, including other Mexican diploid species, from the A-genome species. Therefore, the S. bulbocastanum genome differs in genome structure and gene sequences from the A-genome species. These findings provide important insights into understanding and utilizing the genetic diversity of S. bulbocastanum and the other Mexican diploid species in potato breeding.
