Maderas Rainforest Conservancy (MRC) is a conservation non-profit organization that protects forests, offers primate field schools, and leads community outreach initiatives at sites in Central America, including La Suerte Biological Research Station (LSBRS) in Costa Rica. In 2018, MRC started Aula Verde, a conservation education initiative for elementary school students aged 5-12 at LSBRS. Groups of children from elementary schools and communities located within 50 km have visited LSBRS from 2018-2023 to participate in the 1.5-2 hour Aula Verde workshop, which consists of (1) an interactive lecture on conservation, (2) a guided forest walk, and (3) a snack, gift bag, and tree seedling for each participant. Workshops are funded by international donations to MRC and cost US $8-16 per student. Aula Verde has been successful, with multiple schools and communities making repeat visits, students' families beginning to recycle their garbage and joining a WhatsApp group about conservation education that MRC staff initiated and lead, and teachers reporting improved learning outcomes for students who participate in the workshops. The success of Aula Verde is largely due to the ecological expertise and strong community ties of LSBRS staff. While the COVID-19 pandemic decreased Aula Verde offerings from 2020-2023, we expect workshops to resume at full capacity in 2024. In the future, MRC hopes to expand Aula Verde's outreach to all children aged 5-12 living within 50 km of LSBRS.
The Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET) initiative takes an innovative mode-of-transmission approach to pandemic planning by advocating for integrated preparedness and response systems and capacities for groups of pathogens with common transmission pathways. The World Health Organization (WHO) launched this initiative in 2023 with the publication of PRET Module 1 addressing respiratory pathogens. Exercise PanPRET-1 is a customizable tabletop simulation exercise (TTX) package developed to complement PRET Module 1. The exercise scenario focuses on strengthening capacities for multisectoral coordination, risk communication and community engagement, and the triggers for operational decision-making. This article reports on the experiences of the first four countries to implement Exercise PanPRET-1: Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Lebanon and Mongolia. Exercise outcomes demonstrated that PanPRET-1 can be an effective tool for testing pandemic plans in a multisectoral forum and identifying opportunities to improve preparedness and response in key domains. In quantitative evaluations in Cook Islands, Costa Rica and Mongolia, high proportions of exercise participants indicated that multiple aspects of the exercise were well-designed and were beneficial for improving health emergency preparedness. Exercise participants in Lebanon provided qualitative feedback indicating that they found the exercise to be beneficial. Conducting a TTX and monitoring the implementation of action plans based on exercise findings facilitates a country-owned whole-of-society vision for pandemic planning. Countries are encouraged to incorporate TTX such as Exercise PanPRET-1 into a continuous cycle of activity to improve pandemic preparedness.
Pandemias , Humanos , Líbano/epidemiologia , Costa Rica/epidemiologia , Pandemias/prevenção & controle , Mongólia/epidemiologia , Treinamento por Simulação , Planejamento em Desastres , Infecções Respiratórias/prevenção & controle , Infecções Respiratórias/epidemiologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/prevenção & controleRESUMO
World Health Organization (WHO) / Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) encouraged the utilization of whole-of-society and whole-of-government strategic approaches to increase countries' resilience towards mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Strategies included the implementation of multi-sectoral, multi-partner and multi-stakeholder planning, coordination, consultation, and action. We reviewed the experiences of three Latin American and Caribbean countries, related to the implementation of collaborative strategies in tackling COVID-19, specifically the nature of the collaboration, the dynamics and the stakeholders involved.A systematic literature review identified relevant publications and content analysis was conducted to determine the collaborative strategies. Colombia, Costa Rica, and Trinidad and Tobago were selected as case studies since they were from different LAC subregions and because of the accessibility of relevant literature.In the three countries, the pandemic response was coordinated by a national executive committee, led by the Ministry of Health. Intersectoral collaboration was evident in each, with the key stakeholders being public sector agencies, the private/corporate sector, private/non-profit, academic institutions, and international agencies. It was used primarily to facilitate data-driven, evidenced-informed decision-making and guidelines; to expand clinical care capacity and strengthen the national medical response; and to provide support for the most vulnerable populations.While the institutionalization of intersectoral collaboration can be recommended for the health sector beyond the pandemic, research is needed to evaluate the impact of specific collaborative strategies as well as barriers and facilitators.
COVID-19 , Colaboração Intersetorial , SARS-CoV-2 , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Região do Caribe/epidemiologia , América Latina/epidemiologia , Pandemias , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Costa Rica , Trinidad e TobagoRESUMO
En este documento se exponen los resultados del estudio titulado Análisis de la estructura, dinámica y composición de la fuerza de trabajo en salud en Costa Rica, en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19. A finales de la década de los noventa e inicios de la primera década del presente siglo, se llevaron a cabo estudios similares que permitieron contar con un panorama claro de la situación de los recursos humanos en el país e identificar las principales tendencias y desafíos. Desde entonces, no se había hecho una investigación similar, por lo cual, el área de Sistemas y Servicios de Salud de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización Mundial de la Salud (OPS/OMS) en Costa Rica, en coordinación con la Dirección de Servicios de Salud del Ministerio de Salud, acordaron llevar a cabo la presente investigación. El propósito de etse etsudio es contribuir al conocimiento y debate sobre la situación de la fuerza de trabajo en salud en Costa Rica, los desafíos que enfrenta el país en este campo y avanzar en la formulación de una política y planificación de Recursos Humanos en Salud (RHUS) en el ámbito sectorial. Este tipo de análisis se volvió particularmente relevante en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19, que produjo un incremento inesperado en la demanda de profesionales de la salud (especialmente enfermeras, médicos generales y especialistas, entre otros); también, porque permite apoyar la contención de la emergencia y sus secuelas, así como los aspectos relacionados con la salud y seguridad de la fuerza de trabajo en salud. Esto último hace evidente, una vez más, la urgente necesidad de conocer mejor la situación de la fuerza de trabajo en salud y los desafíos para el corto y mediano plazo. La investigación se llevó a cabo en cuatro etapas: conceptualización, caracterización. recolección y sistematización de datos estadísticos. A partir de los datos proporcionados, se hizo una caracterización y análisis de la fuerza de trabajo en salud en el sector público, en relación con aspectos como estructura y composición, dinámica y formación.
Recursos Humanos , Recursos Humanos , Sistemas de Saúde , Serviços de Saúde , COVID-19 , Pandemias , Costa RicaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Evidence continues to accumulate regarding the potential long-term health consequences of COVID-19 in the population. To distinguish between COVID-19-related symptoms and health limitations from those caused by other conditions, it is essential to compare cases with community controls using prospective data ensuring case-control status. The RESPIRA study addresses this need by investigating the lasting impact of COVID-19 on Health-related Quality of Life (HRQoL) and symptomatology in a population-based cohort in Costa Rica, thereby providing a robust framework for controlling HRQoL and symptoms. METHODS: The study comprised 641 PCR-confirmed, unvaccinated cases of COVID-19 and 947 matched population-based controls. Infection was confirmed using antibody tests on enrollment serum samples and symptoms were monitored monthly for 6 months post-enrolment. Administered at the 6-month visit (occurring between 6- and 2-months post-diagnosis for cases and 6 months after enrollment for controls), HRQoL and Self-Perceived Health Change were assessed using the SF-36, while brain fog, using three items from the Mental Health Inventory (MHI). Regression models were utilized to analyze SF-36, MHI scores, and Self-Perceived Health Change, adjusted for case/control status, severity (mild case, moderate case, hospitalized) and additional independent variables. Sensitivity analyses confirmed the robustness of the findings. RESULTS: Cases showed significantly higher prevalences of joint pain, chest tightness, and skin manifestations, that stabilized at higher frequencies from the fourth month post-diagnosis onwards (2.0%, 1.2%, and 0.8% respectively) compared to controls (0.9%, 0.4%, 0.2% respectively). Cases also exhibited significantly lower HRQoL than controls across all dimensions in the fully adjusted model, with a 12.4 percentage-point difference [95%CI: 9.4-14.6], in self-reported health compared to one year prior. Cases reported 8.0% [95%CI: 4.2, 11.5] more physical limitations, 7.3% [95%CI: 3.5, 10.5] increased lack of vitality, and 6.0% [95%CI: 2.4, 9.0] more brain fog compared to controls with similar characteristics. Undiagnosed cases detected with antibody tests among controls had HRQoL comparable to antibody negative controls. Differences were more pronounced in individuals with moderate or severe disease and among women. CONCLUSIONS: PCR-confirmed unvaccinated cases experienced prolonged HRQoL reductions 6 months to 2 years after diagnosis, this was particularly the case in severe cases and among women. Mildly symptomatic cases showed no significant long-term sequelae.
COVID-19 , Qualidade de Vida , Humanos , Costa Rica/epidemiologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/psicologia , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto , Estudos de Casos e Controles , SARS-CoV-2 , Estudos de Coortes , Idoso , Estudos Prospectivos , Adulto JovemRESUMO
Consolidating age-friendly environments is a goal of the Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021–2030). Under the World Health Organization (WHO) Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Framework the first step is to carry out a baseline assessment, with the active participation of older people, in order to determine the areas in which cities and communities must work to remove the barriers experienced by older people and create increasingly friendly environments adapted to their requirements. The WHO program recommends using the Vancouver Protocol to conduct this assessment. Due to particular complications, many Latin American countries have adapted it for local implementation in order to overcome difficulties that arose. Outlining the current knowledge available in Latin America and noting the experiences of cities and communities in the subregion, this document compiles examples and case studies of these adaptations, such as the program implemented in Costa Rica, which will guide policy actions that foster people's full development throughout the life course. In order to respond to the challenges posed by demographic transitions, it is essential to create tools that allow environments to be adapted in ways that promote healthy ageing. This requires accurate, up-to-date, and effective information. The Decade of Healthy Ageing establishes a period of focused action aimed at producing and monitoring information. This is the strategy that serves as the framework for this report.
Envelhecimento Saudável , Saúde do Adulto , COVID-19 , América LatinaRESUMO
Studies on COVID-19 usually focus on health system responses to decrease the rate of COVID-19 infection and death, but patients with other diseases also require access to health services during the pandemic. This paper describes the structures and processes by which the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS) changed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which helped to sustain essential health services (EHSs). We conducted a desk review of the local literature and semistructured qualitative interviews with key informants from the CCSS. We found that the CCSS implemented changes in structure, such as creating a specialised COVID-19 centre and hiring additional interim health workers. The CCSS also implemented changes in processes, including leveraging its integrated network to optimise its resources and support alternative care modalities. These changes generated changes in outputs and outcomes that helped sustain EHSs for non-COVID-19 patients. These interventions were possible primarily due to Costa Rica's underlying health system, particularly its integrated nature with a single institution in charge of healthcare provision financed through mandatory health insurance, a unique digital medical record system and a contingency fund.
COVID-19 , Humanos , Costa Rica , SARS-CoV-2 , Pandemias , Atenção à Saúde/organização & administração , Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde , Previdência SocialRESUMO
Consolidar entornos amigables para las personas mayores es un objetivo de la Década del Envejecimiento Saludable 2021-2030. El Programa de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) de Ciudades y Comunidades Amigables con las Personas Mayores establece que, para poder avanzar en este objetivo, se requiere como primer paso realizar una evaluación de referencia, con la participación activa de las personas mayores, que determine las áreas en las que las ciudades y las comunidades deben trabajar para remover las barreras que experimentan las personas mayores y crear entornos cada vez más amigables y adaptados a sus requerimientos. El programa de la OMS recomienda la utilización del Protocolo de Vancouver para realizar esta evaluación. Debido a las particularidades de su ejecución, muchos países de América Latina hicieron adaptaciones para favorecer la implementación local y subsanar las dificultades que se presentaron. Con el objetivo de perfilar el conocimiento actual disponible en América Latina y tomar en consideración las experiencias de las ciudades y comunidades de la subregión, el presente documento recopila algunos ejemplos y casos de estas adaptaciones, como el programa implementado en Costa Rica, que servirán para orientar las acciones de políticas hacia el desarrollo pleno de las personas a lo largo de todo el curso de vida. A fin de dar respuesta a los desafíos que plantea la transición demográfica, es fundamental crear instrumentos que permitan adaptar los entornos de modo de favorecer el envejecimiento saludable, para lo cual se debe contar con información certera, actualizada y eficaz. La Década del Envejecimiento Saludable establece un período para orientar la acción hacia la generación y el seguimiento de la información, estrategia en la que se enmarca este informe.
Envelhecimento Saudável , Idoso , COVID-19 , América Latina , Costa RicaRESUMO
PURPOSE: The RESPIRA cohort aims to describe the nature, magnitude, time course and efficacy of the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination, population prevalence, and household transmission of COVID-19. PARTICIPANTS: From November 2020, we selected age-stratified random samples of COVID-19 cases from Costa Rica confirmed by PCR. For each case, two population-based controls, matched on age, sex and census tract were recruited, supplemented with hospitalised cases and household contacts. Participants were interviewed and blood and saliva collected for antibodies and PCR tests. Participants will be followed for 2 years to assess antibody response and infection incidence. FINDINGS TO DATE: Recruitment included 3860 individuals: 1150 COVID-19 cases, 1999 population controls and 719 household contacts from 304 index cases. The age and regional distribution of cases was as planned, including four age strata, 30% rural and 70% urban. The control cohort had similar sex, age and regional distribution as the cases according to the study design. Among the 1999 controls recruited, 6.8% reported at enrolment having had COVID-19 and an additional 12.5% had antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. Compliance with visits and specimens has been close to 70% during the first 18 months of follow-up. During the study, national vaccination was implemented and nearly 90% of our cohort participants were vaccinated during follow-up. FUTURE PLANS: RESPIRA will enable multiple analyses, including population prevalence of infection, clinical, behavioural, immunological and genetic risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 acquisition and severity, and determinants of household transmission. We are conducting retrospective and prospective assessment of antibody levels, their determinants and their protective efficacy after infection and vaccination, the impact of long-COVID and a series of ancillary studies. Follow-up continues with bimonthly saliva collection for PCR testing and biannual blood collection for immune response analyses. Follow-up will be completed in early 2024. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT04537338.
COVID-19 , SARS-CoV-2 , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Síndrome de COVID-19 Pós-Aguda , Costa Rica/epidemiologia , Estudos Prospectivos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Anticorpos , Método Duplo-Cego , ImunidadeRESUMO
Introducción: La enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) se ha extendido entre la población de todo el país y ha tenido un gran impacto a nivel mundial. Sin embargo, existen diferencias geográficas importantes en la mortalidad de COVID-19 entre las diferentes regiones del mundo y en Costa Rica. Objetivo: Explorar el efecto de algunos de los factores sociodemográficos en la mortalidad de COVID-19 en pequeñas divisiones geográficas o cantones de Costa Rica. Métodos: Usamos registros oficiales y aplicamos un modelo de regresión clásica de Poisson y un modelo de regresión ponderada geográficamente. Resultados: Obtuvimos un criterio de información de Akaike (AIC) más bajo con la regresión ponderada (927.1 en la regresión de Poison versus 358.4 en la regresión ponderada). Los cantones con un mayor riesgo de mortalidad por COVID-19 tuvo una población más densa; bienestar material más alto; menor proporción de cobertura de salud y están ubicadas en el área del Pacífico de Costa Rica. Conclusiones: Una estrategia de intervención de COVID-19 específica debería concentrarse en áreas de la costa pacífica con poblaciones más densas, mayor bienestar material y menor población por unidad de salud.
Introduction: The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has spread among the population of Costa Rica and has had a great global impact. However, there are important geographic differences in mortality from COVID-19 among world regions and within Costa Rica. Objective: To explore the effect of some sociodemographic factors on COVID-19 mortality in the small geographic divisions or cantons of Costa Rica. Methods: We used official records and applied a classical epidemiological Poisson regression model and a geographically weighted regression model. Results: We obtained a lower Akaike Information Criterion with the weighted regression (927.1 in Poisson regression versus 358.4 in weighted regression). The cantons with higher risk of mortality from COVID-19 had a denser population; higher material well-being; less population by health service units and are located near the Pacific coast. Conclusions: A specific COVID-19 intervention strategy should concentrate on Pacific coast areas with denser population, higher material well-being and less population by health service units.
Resumen Objetivo: Establecer un inmunoensayo semicuantitativo para la detección de anticuerpos contra el dominio de unión al receptor de la proteína de espícula del coronavirus del síndrome respiratorio agudo grave tipo 2 y la evaluación de su desempeño como herramienta de apoyo diagnóstico. Métodos: Se generó una proteína recombinante del dominio de unión a receptor de la proteína de espícula del coronavirus del síndrome respiratorio agudo grave tipo 2. Dicha proteína se empleó como sustrato antigénico en la estandarización de dos ensayos semicuantitativos por inmunoadsorción ligados a enzima para la detección de inmunoglobulinas M e inmunoglobulinas G humanas. Se utilizó un conjunto de muestras de suero positivas (n=129), provenientes de donantes voluntarios con infección previa por el virus SARS-CoV-2, confirmada mediante reacción en cadena de la polimerasa con transcriptasa reversa, y tomadas entre agosto de 2020 y noviembre de 2021. Además, se empleó un panel de muestras prepandémicas negativas (n=196) obtenidas antes de diciembre de 2019 para la evaluación del desempeño de los ensayos; se recibieron muestras múltiples seriadas de 99 donantes voluntarios para examinar la respuesta de la prueba ante la seroconversión y se estudió la posible asociación entre las seropositividades por coronavirus del síndrome respiratorio agudo grave tipo 2 y por el virus del dengue para la evaluación de reacciones cruzadas inespecíficas. Resultados: El ensayo de detección de inmunoglobulina G mostró 81.4 % de sensibilidad, 86.2 % de especificidad y valores predictivos positivos y negativos de 79.5 % y 87.6 % respectivamente. Por su parte, el ensayo de detección de inmunoglobulina M mostró solamente 72.1 % de sensibilidad, 54.1 % de especificidad y valores predictivos positivos y negativos de 25.6 % y 89.8 % respectivamente. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las mediciones semicuantitativas según sexo ni correlación lineal entre esta variable y la edad. Los valores obtenidos para el inmunoensayo presentaron diferencias significativas según el autorreporte de presencia o ausencia de síntomas compatibles con COVID-19. No se encontró correlación entre las seropositividades contra el coronavirus del síndrome respiratorio agudo grave tipo 2 y el virus del dengue. El ensayo de detección de inmunoglobulina G generó valores inferiores pero constantes en muestras de donantes voluntarios que autorreportaron no haber tenido contacto con el virus SARS-CoV-2. En contraste, las muestras de donantes expuestos al virus SARS-CoV-2 mostraron valores elevados pero variables en magnitud. Además, se observaron valores elevados y variables en muestras de voluntarios vacunados o con infección previa. Conclusiones: Nuestro ensayo de detección de inmunoglobulina M presenta escaso valor diagnóstico. Por el contrario, el ensayo de detección de inmunoglobulina G muestra un rendimiento satisfactorio y se apega al comportamiento reportado para este tipo de prueba según las características demográficas y clínicas de los usuarios; por lo tanto, este ensayo podría ser empleado como herramienta fiable y práctica en aplicaciones clínicas y como apoyo al diagnóstico. Es necesario desarrollar más estudios sobre reacciones cruzadas entre los anticuerpos contra el coronavirus del síndrome respiratorio agudo grave tipo 2 con aquellos de otras entidades de interés clínico, sobre todo las presentes en países tropicales como el nuestro.
Abstract Aim: To establish a semiquantitative immunoassay for antibody detection against the RBD of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 spike protein and to evaluate its performance to be used as a diagnostic supporting tool. Methods: A recombinant severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 spike protein was produced. This protein was used as antigenic substrate in two semiquantitative enzyme-linked immunoassays for the detection of human immunoglobulins M and immunoglobulins G. A set of serum samples (N=129) from patients with prior viral infection confirmed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction, processed between August 2020 and November 2021, were used as positive samples. A panel of pre-pandemic samples (N=196), obtained prior to December 2019, were used as negative samples to evaluate the assay performance. Multiple samples from 99 volunteers were used to examine test response to seroconversion. The interference between seropositivity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and dengue virus was also evaluated. Results: The immunoglobulin G detection assay showed 81.4% sensitivity, 86.2% specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of 79.5% and 87.6% respectively. The immunoglobulin M detection assay yielded 72.1% sensitivity, 54.1% specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of 25.6% and 89.8% respectively. No significant differences were found between the measurements according to sex or linear correlation between this variable and age. The values presented significant differences according to the condition of self-reported presence or absence of COVID-19 like symptoms. No correlation was found between seropositivity for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and dengue virus. The immunoglobulin G detection assay generated lower but constant values on samples from voluntary donors who reported not having any contact with the virus compared to samples from donors exposed to it, and high but variable values in magnitude on samples from vaccinated volunteers or those with previous severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection compared to samples from donors without exposure to the viral antigen. Conclusions: Our established immunoglobulin M detection assay presents poor diagnostic value. On the other hand, the immunoglobulin G detection assay shows satisfactory performance, and coheres to the behavior reported for this type of test according to the demographic and clinic characteristics of the volunteer, so it could be used as a reliable and practical tool in clinical applications and as diagnostic complement. It is necessary to develop more studies on cross-reactions of antibodies against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 with other entities of clinical interest and present in our tropical area.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Imunoensaio , SARS-CoV-2/imunologia , Imunoglobulina G/análise , Imunoglobulina M/análise , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/tendências , Costa Rica , COVID-19RESUMO
Introduction Pharmacovigilance plays a crucial role in evaluating and monitoring the safety of medicines, which is essential for preventing harm to patients and improving public health. This study aims to compare the pharmacovigilance systems of Costa Rica and Italy and assess the safety profile of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines in both countries. Methods Data were collected from the official pharmacovigilance platforms in Costa Rica and Italy. Adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) were categorized by system organ class. Reports of suspected AEFIs associated with COVID-19 vaccines were analyzed for the period from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2022. Results Both countries achieved high vaccination rates, with 84.9% in Italy and 92.9% in Costa Rica. A higher proportion of AEFIs occurred in females in both countries, with 53% and 65% in Naples and Costa Rica, respectively. Most AEFIs were observed in individuals aged 18-64 years. The rate of serious adverse reactions was lower in both countries than the international average. However, Naples reported a higher incidence of serious events per 100,000 inhabitants. Discussion The study sheds light on the importance of vaccine safety profiling and the significance of a comprehensive understanding of vaccine safety and effectiveness, specific population data, and collaborative strategies to mitigate and improve safety. Additionally, the study highlighted the significance of considering sex and gender when evaluating vaccine safety and efficacy, as sex-specific differences may impact vaccine outcomes. Conclusion Continuous pharmacovigilance efforts, collaborative approaches, and comprehensive data analysis are critical in ensuring vaccine safety and efficacy and safeguarding global public health. Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic highlight the importance of proactive measures in addressing emerging challenges in vaccine safety and rollout programs worldwide.
Background: The true incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Costa Rica was likely much higher than officially reported, because infection is often associated with mild symptoms and testing was limited by official guidelines and socio-economic factors. Methods: Using serology to define natural infection, we developed a statistical model to estimate the true cumulative incidence of SARS-CoV-2 in Costa Rica early in the pandemic. We estimated seroprevalence from 2223 blood samples collected from November 2020 to October 2021 from 1976 population-based controls from the RESPIRA study. Samples were tested for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid and the receptor-binding-domain of the spike proteins. Using a generalized linear model, we estimated the ratio of true infections to officially reported cases. Applying these ratios to officially reported totals by age, sex, and geographic area, we estimated the true number of infections in the study area, where 70% of Costa Ricans reside. We adjusted the seroprevalence estimates for antibody decay over time, estimated from 1562 blood samples from 996 PCR-confirmed COVID-19 cases. Findings: The estimated total proportion infected (ETPI) was 4.0 times higher than the officially reported total proportion infected (OTPI). By December 16th, 2021, the ETPI was 47% [42-52] while the OTPI was 12%. In children and adolescents, the ETPI was 11.0 times higher than the OTPI. Interpretation: Our findings suggest that nearly half the population had been infected by the end of 2021. By the end of 2022, it is likely that a large majority of the population had been infected. Funding: This work was sponsored and funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases through the National Cancer Institute, the Science, Innovation, Technology and Telecommunications Ministry of Costa Rica, and Costa Rican Biomedical Research Agency-Fundacion INCIENSA (grant N/A).
Resumen Objetivo: Evaluar la existencia del trastorno mixto ansioso-depresivo en funcionarios de la salud de los servicios de Farmacia, Enfermería y personal de apoyo, durante la pandemia del SARS-CoV-2. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal - analítico, en el periodo de marzo a septiembre 2020, en funcionarios de la salud, quienes estaban expuestos directamente con el SARS-CoV-2, consecuencia de su trabajo. Se realizó una encuesta bajo consentimiento informado, con parámetros como edad, sexo, estado civil, dependencia económica, servicio en que laboran, profesión ejercida, jornada laboral, entre otros; con una participación de 200 voluntarios, mediante un enlace virtual. Resultados: Un total de 127 trabajadores de la salud, es decir un 63.5% de la muestra, presentaron más de cuatro síntomas sugestivos de trastorno mixto ansioso-depresivo. Los síntomas más predominantes fueron preocupación (88,2%), fatiga (88,2%), falta de energía (78,0%) y trastornos del sueño (74,8%). Conclusión: El trastorno mixto ansioso depresivo cobró auge durante la pandemia del SARS-CoV-2, factores como la exposición prolongada a escenarios estresores, así como el sexo femenino, no contar con pareja o pertenecer a un grupo etario menor a los 45 años, pueden propiciar el desarrollo de un trastorno mental. Por lo cual es importante poder identificar a la población de riesgo, brindarle el apoyo y seguimiento necesario, así como la creación de protocolos que brinden una guía sobre como actuar para procurar la integridad del personal de salud.
Abstract Aim: To evaluate for mixed anxiety-depressive disorder in health care workers in the Pharmacy, Nursing and Support Staff during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional-analytical study was carried out from March to September 2020 in health care workers who were directly exposed to SARS-CoV-2 because of their work. A survey was conducted previous informed consent, with variables including age, sex, marital status, economic dependence, service in which they work, profession, working day, among others; with the participation of 200 volunteers, through a virtual link. Results: A total of 127 health workers, that is, 63.5% of the sample, presented more than four symptoms suggestive mixed anxious-depressive disorder. The most predominant symptoms were worry (88.2%), fatigue (88.2%), lack of energy (78.0%) and sleep disorders (74.8%). Conclusion: mixed anxiety-depressive disorder was prevalent during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Factors such as prolonged exposure to stressful scenarios, as well as female sex, not having a partner or belonging to an age group younger than 45 years old, can lead to the development of a mental disorder. It is therefore important to be able to identify the population at risk, provide the necessary support and follow-up, as well as the creation of protocols that provide guidance on how to act to ensure the integrity of health personnel.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Transtornos de Ansiedade/psicologia , Pessoal de Saúde/psicologia , COVID-19/psicologia , Saúde Mental , Costa Rica , Terrores Noturnos/psicologiaRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Variability in household secondary attack rates and transmission risks factors of SARS-CoV-2 remain poorly understood. METHODS: We conducted a household transmission study of SARS-CoV-2 in Costa Rica, with SARS-CoV-2 index cases selected from a larger prospective cohort study and their household contacts were enrolled. A total of 719 household contacts of 304 household index cases were enrolled from November 21, 2020, through July 31, 2021. Blood specimens were collected from contacts within 30-60 days of index case diagnosis; and serum was tested for presence of spike and nucleocapsid SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies. Evidence of SARS-CoV-2 prior infections among household contacts was defined based on the presence of both spike and nucleocapsid antibodies. We fitted a chain binomial model to the serologic data, to account for exogenous community infection risk and potential multi-generational transmissions within the household. RESULTS: Overall seroprevalence was 53% (95% confidence interval (CI) 48-58%) among household contacts. The estimated household secondary attack rate is 34% (95% CI 5-75%). Mask wearing by the index case is associated with the household transmission risk reduction by 67% (adjusted odds ratio = 0.33 with 95% CI: 0.09-0.75) and not sharing bedroom with the index case is associated with the risk reduction of household transmission by 78% (adjusted odds ratio = 0.22 with 95% CI 0.10-0.41). The estimated distribution of household secondary attack rates is highly heterogeneous across index cases, with 30% of index cases being the source for 80% of secondary cases. CONCLUSIONS: Modeling analysis suggests that behavioral factors are important drivers of the observed SARS-CoV-2 transmission heterogeneity within the household.
When living in the same house with known SARS-CoV-2 cases, household members may change their behavior and adopt preventive measures to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2. To understand how behavioral factors affect SARS-CoV-2 spreading in household settings, we focused on household members of individuals with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infections and followed the way SARS-CoV-2 spread within the household, by looking at who had antibodies against the virus, which means they were infected. We also asked participants detailed questions about their behavior and applied mathematical modeling to evaluate its impact on SARS-CoV-2 transmission. We found that mask-wearing by the SARS-CoV-2 cases, and avoiding sharing a bedroom with the infected individuals, reduces SARS-CoV-2 transmission. However, caring for SARS-CoV-2 cases, and prolonged interaction with infected individuals facilitate SARS-CoV-2 spreading. Our study helps inform what behaviors can help reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission within a household.
This study presents the development of a SARS-CoV-2 detection method for domestic wastewater and river water in Costa Rica, a middle-income country in Central America. Over a three-year period (November to December 2020, July to November 2021, and June to October 2022), 80 composite wastewater samples (43 influent and 37 effluent) were collected from a Wastewater Treatment Plant (SJ-WWTP) located in San José, Costa Rica. Additionally, 36 river water samples were collected from the Torres River near the SJ-WWTP discharge site. A total of three protocols for SARS-CoV-2 viral concentration and RNA detection and quantification were analyzed. Two protocols using adsorption-elution with PEG precipitation (Protocol A and B, differing in the RNA extraction kit; n = 82) were used on wastewater samples frozen prior to concentration, while wastewater (n = 34) collected in 2022 were immediately concentrated using PEG precipitation. The percent recovery of Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) was highest using the Zymo Environ Water RNA (ZEW) kit with PEG precipitation executed on the same day as collection (mean 6.06 % ± 1.37 %). It was lowest when samples were frozen and thawed, and viruses were concentrated using adsorption-elution and PEG concentration methods using the PureLink™ Viral RNA/DNA Mini (PLV) kit (protocol A; mean 0.48 % ± 0.23 %). Pepper mild mottle virus and Bovine coronavirus were used as process controls to understand the suitability and potential impact of viral recovery on the detection/quantification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. Overall, SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected in influent and effluent wastewater samples collected in 2022 but not in earlier years when the method was not optimized. The burden of SARS-CoV-2 at the SJ-WWTP decreased from week 36 to week 43 of 2022, coinciding with a decline in the national COVID-19 prevalence rate. Developing comprehensive nationwide surveillance programs for wastewater-based epidemiology in low-middle-income countries involves significant technical and logistical challenges.
COVID-19 , SARS-CoV-2 , Animais , Bovinos , Humanos , Rios , Costa Rica , Águas Residuárias , RNA Viral , Água , DNA ViralRESUMO
Resumen Durante la pandemia por COVID-19 se dio una acelerada virtualización de los procesos de atención psicológica en Costa Rica, en paralelo a la expansión en la regulación de esta modalidad por parte del Colegio de Profesionales en Psicología de Costa Rica. El presente artículo tiene el objetivo de identificar valoraciones de personas del gremio de profesionales en psicología de Costa Rica sobre sus habilidades terapéuticas y técnicas para ejercer psicoterapia clínica individual mediante las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) durante la Pandemia por COVID-19. Mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario autoadministrado en línea, se realizó un acercamiento al gremio, donde se consultó sobre las estrategias, herramientas y habilidades que puso en práctica para comenzar a utilizar las TIC en su ejercicio psicoterapéutico. Se obtuvieron experiencias muy importantes, aprendizajes sobre la marcha y, sobre todo, la ausencia de un consenso y claridad entre las personas profesionales en psicología sobre las buenas prácticas para el uso de esta modalidad. Como principal reflexión del proceso, se invita al gremio a ejercitar al máximo las habilidades de terapeuta, especialmente aquellas que quizá no resulten empleadas regularmente durante una consulta a distancia, como la observación y el examen clínico integral.
Abstract During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the virtualization of psychological care grew rapidly in Costa Rica, parallel to the expansion of regulation for this modality in the Colegio de Profesionales en Psicología de Costa Rica. The objective of this article is to identify the appraisals of Costa Rican psychology professionals regarding their abilities to practice individual clinical psychotherapy by means of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Through the completion of a self-administered online questionnaire, professionals were consulted about the strategies, tools and skills that they put into play during the use of ICTs in their psychotherapeutic practice, narrating deeply important experiences, presenting key learnings and above all, making visible the absence of a consensus and clarity regarding the best practices for use in this modality. The main recommendation emanating from this process is to promote to the maximum continuing-education on the topic of therapist skills, especially those that may not be used regularly during a remote consultation, such as observation and comprehensive clinical examination.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Psicologia , Processos Psicoterapêuticos , Educação a Distância , Comunicação por Videoconferência/tendências , Costa Rica , Realidade Virtual , COVID-19RESUMO
OBJECTIVE: Our study analyzes the cost-effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccination campaigns in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Peru. METHODS: Using a previously published SVEIR model, we analyzed the impact of a vaccination campaign (2021) from a national healthcare perspective. The primary outcomes were quality adjusted life years (QALYs) lost and total costs. Other outcomes included COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, deaths, and life years. We applied a discount rate of 3% for health outcomes. We modeled a realistic vaccination campaign in each country (the realistic country-specific campaign). Additionally, we assessed a standard campaign (similar, "typical" for all countries), and an optimized campaign (similar in all countries with higher but plausible population coverage). One-way deterministic sensitivity analyses were performed. FINDINGS: Vaccination was health improving as well as cost-saving in almost all countries and scenarios. Our analysis shows that vaccination in this group of countries prevented 573,141 deaths (508,826 standard; 685,442 optimized) and gained 5.07 million QALYs (4.53 standard; 6.03 optimized). Despite the incremental costs of vaccination campaigns, they had a total net cost saving to the health system of US$16.29 billion (US$16.47 standard; US$18.58 optimized). The realistic (base case) vaccination campaign in Chile was the only scenario, which was not cost saving, but it was still highly cost-effective with an ICER of US$22 per QALY gained. Main findings were robust in the sensitivity analyses. INTERPRETATION: The COVID-19 vaccination campaign in seven Latin American and Caribbean countries -that comprise nearly 80% of the region- was beneficial for population health and was also cost-saving or highly cost-effective.
Resumen Objetivo. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo describir la población atendida y los beneficios del programa "Lineamiento de atención integral por Cuidados Paliativos en el Área de Salud de Palmares, para pacientes con SARS-CoV-2 severo" con ventilación mecánica asistida, hospitalizados en unidades de cuidados intensivos de la Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social durante la pandemia en Costa Rica, del 10 de junio al 31 de octubre del 2021. Métodos. Estudio descriptivo mixto de la población y los beneficios del programa por medio de indicadores cuantitativos obtenidos del informe de aplicación y cualitativos a través de la realización de una encuesta de satisfacción a usuarios en el período de estudio. Resultados. El programa atendió a 13 pacientes, brindó apoyo en manejo del duelo a los familiares de cinco pacientes que ya habían fallecido y a los cuidadores de ocho pacientes hospitalizados, también ofreció 70 consultas médicas en un período promedio de 62 días. La edad promedio de los pacientes fue de 55 años; doce pacientes presentaban algún factor de riesgo, siendo la obesidad y la falta de esquema de vacunación completo (dos dosis) los más frecuentes. Durante la implementación del programa fallecieron cinco pacientes más, obteniendo una tasa de mortalidad del 78%. A los pacientes que sobrevivieron se les atendió en promedio por 135 días. Con el apoyo del equipo, los pacientes lograron la recuperación clínica de las complicaciones respiratorias y funcionales. Lograron independencia total de actividades básicas de la vida diaria y reinserción social en menos de tres meses después del alta hospitalaria. En general, se documentó una percepción positiva del programa en el 100% de los usuarios, con cambios en el nivel de sufrimiento manifestado por las familias y el apoyo en el manejo del duelo. Conclusión. Con la optimización de uso de los recursos ya existentes en la Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social y la participación social, este programa abordó aspectos no atendidos previamente para los pacientes que sufrieron COVID 19 severo, como el manejo del sufrimiento y/o duelo durante la hospitalización y al egreso. Además, el programa colaboró en la recuperación clínica y funcional de los usuarios sobrevivientes y documentó múltiples beneficios percibidos por el paciente, sus familias, la institución y la sociedad, como el abordaje del sufrimiento, la adecuada atención al duelo, la organización de los recursos asistenciales y la pronta recuperación física, emocional y social del paciente sobreviviente.
Abstract Aim. This research aims to describe the population served and the benefits of the program "Guidelines for integral care for patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 by Palliative Care at the Area de Salud de Palmares " to patients with assisted mechanical ventilation, hospitalized in intensive care units of the Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social during the pandemic in Costa Rica, from June 10 to October 31, 2021. Methods. This study is a mixed descriptive investigation that analyzes quantitative indicators from the report on the program's application and qualitative indicators from a satisfaction survey for the users in the study period. Results. The program treated 13 patients, provided grief management support to the relatives of five patients who had already died and to the caregivers of eight hospitalized patients, and offered 70 medical consultations in an average period of 62 days. The average age of the patients was 55 years; twelve patients had some risk factors, and obesity and lack of a complete vaccination schedule (two doses) were the most frequent. During the program implementation, five more patients died, obtaining a mortality rate of 78%. The average treatment day for surviving patients was 135 days. Through the team's support, patients accomplished clinical recovery from respiratory and functional complications. They got independent basics activities of daily living and social reintegration in less tan three months after discharge. A positive perception of the program was documented in 100% of the program's users, with changes in the level of suffering manifested by the families and the support in grief management. Conclusion. With the optimization of the use of existing resources in the the Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social and the social participation, this program addressed aspects not previously attended to patients who suffered severe COVID 19, such as the management of suffering and/or grief during hospitalization and upon discharge. In addition, the program helped in the clinical and functional recovery of the surviving users, and documented multiple benefits perceived by the patient, their families, the institution, and society, such as the approach to suffering, adequate bereavement care, organization of care resources, and early physical, emotional and social recovery of the survivor patient.