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Nat Commun ; 15(1): 2729, 2024 Mar 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38548716


The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3.9 calls for a substantial reduction in deaths attributable to PM2.5 pollution (DAPP). However, DAPP projections vary greatly and the likelihood of meeting SDG3.9 depends on complex interactions among environmental, socio-economic, and healthcare parameters. We project potential future trends in global DAPP considering the joint effects of each driver (PM2.5 concentration, death rate of diseases, population size, and age structure) and assess the likelihood of achieving SDG3.9 under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) as quantified by the Scenario Model Intercomparison Project (ScenarioMIP) framework with simulated PM2.5 concentrations from 11 models. We find that a substantial reduction in DAPP would not be achieved under all but the most optimistic scenario settings. Even the development aligned with the Sustainability scenario (SSP1-2.6), in which DAPP was reduced by 19%, still falls just short of achieving a substantial (≥20%) reduction by 2030. Meeting SDG3.9 calls for additional efforts in air pollution control and healthcare to more aggressively reduce DAPP.

Contaminantes Atmosféricos , Contaminación del Aire , Contaminación del Aire/efectos adversos , Contaminación del Aire/análisis , Contaminación Ambiental , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Material Particulado/efectos adversos , Atención a la Salud , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/toxicidad , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/análisis
Med Law Rev ; 31(1): 25-46, 2023 Feb 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35861649


This article discusses the human rights of residents in care homes in England who were affected by restrictions that were imposed during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to safeguard health and life at a time of public health emergency. It focuses on the potentially adversarial relationship between the need to protect the health of these residents and the possible adverse interferences with their human rights in the initial phase of the pandemic. The scope and application of these rights to the healthcare context is not straightforward due to the exigencies of the pandemic. Consideration is given to whether their rights, as protected by the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) are vindicated or breached by the actions taken in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The article questions whether the restrictions that were applied were justified, given the limitations that exist within some ECHR Articles. It deliberates upon what can be done to ensure that relevant bodies and care homes, themselves, are better enabled to respond to a public health emergency in an individualistic, rights-based manner, based upon both principlism and pragmatism.

COVID-19 , Personas con Discapacidad , Humanos , Pandemias , Derechos Humanos , Atención a la Salud
Am Surg ; 89(11): 5051-5054, 2023 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36148654


One of the heroes in American history, Associate Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall (1908-1993) sought legal remedies against racial discrimination in education and health care. As director of the Legal Defense Fund (LDF) of NAACP from 1940 to 1961, his success in integrating law schools in Texas led to the first black medical student admitted to a state medical school in the South. Representing doctors and dentists needing a facility to perform surgery, the LDF brought cases before the courts in North Carolina that moved the country toward justice in health care. His ultimate legal victory came in 1954, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the decision that declared racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional. In 1964, the LDF under Jack Greenberg, Marshall's successor as director, won Simkins v. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital, a decision that held that hospitals accepting federal funds had to admit black patients. The two decisions laid the judicial foundation for the laws and administrative acts that changed America's racial history, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Social Security Act Amendments of 1965 that established Medicare and Medicaid. His achievements came during the hottest period of the American civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. Well past the middle of the twentieth century, black Americans were denied access to the full resources of American medicine, locked in a "separate-but-equal" system woefully inadequate in every respect. In abolishing segregation, Marshall initiated the long overdue remedy of the unjust legacies of slavery and Jim Crow.

Negro o Afroamericano , Atención a la Salud , Educación , Derechos Humanos , Abogados , Decisiones de la Corte Suprema , Anciano , Humanos , Negro o Afroamericano/educación , Negro o Afroamericano/historia , Negro o Afroamericano/legislación & jurisprudencia , Derechos Civiles/historia , Derechos Civiles/legislación & jurisprudencia , Atención a la Salud/etnología , Atención a la Salud/legislación & jurisprudencia , Educación/historia , Educación/legislación & jurisprudencia , Educación Médica/historia , Educación Médica/legislación & jurisprudencia , Escolaridad , Historia del Siglo XX , Derechos Humanos/historia , Derechos Humanos/legislación & jurisprudencia , Medicare/historia , Medicare/legislación & jurisprudencia , Grupos Raciales , Decisiones de la Corte Suprema/historia , Estados Unidos , Abogados/historia
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e250825, 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1448939


As identidades transmasculinas ganharam visibilidade social e acadêmica no Brasil a partir de 2010, contudo, as questões subjetivas dos homens trans ainda são pouco debatidas, em particular temas associados aos relacionamentos afetivos na experiência desses sujeitos. Este estudo qualitativo tem por objetivo identificar as percepções e expectativas dos homens trans acerca dos relacionamentos afetivo-sexuais no cenário pós-transição de gênero. Participaram da pesquisa 15 homens transexuais hormonizados, com idades entre 20 e 41 anos. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista semiestruturada nas modalidades presencial e on-line. Empregou-se análise temática reflexiva, que resultou em dois temas analíticos. Os resultados apontam que os homens trans, ao contrário de suas expectativas iniciais, percebem que tiveram menos oportunidades de relacionamentos afetivo-sexuais depois de sua transição de gênero. Os participantes atribuem essa dificuldade especialmente ao fato de não terem se submetido à cirurgia de redesignação sexual. O desconforto é acentuado por sua materialidade corpórea divergente da cisnormatividade, sistema regulador que associa pessoas pertencentes ao gênero masculino à presença de um pênis. Outra fonte de desconforto é o repúdio social, que alimenta a abjeção, exotização e fetichização dos corpos transmasculinos. Também são descritas as especificidades do relacionamento dos homens trans com mulheres cisgênero, heterossexuais e lésbicas. Os resultados evidenciam que a fixação persistente no genital, como referente e signo determinante do gênero e da sexualidade, modula e regula a busca e o encontro de parceira(o) íntima(o).(AU)

Transmasculine identities have gained social and academic visibility in Brazil since 2010, but subjective issues, especially those associated with affective relationships, are still little discussed. This qualitative study sought to identify trans men's perceptions and expectations regarding post-transition affective-sexual relationships. A total of 15 transsexual men undergoing hormone therapy, aged between 20 and 41 years, participated in the research. Data were collected by means of in-person and online semi-structured interviews and analysed using reflexive thematic analysis, which resulted in two analytical themes. Results show that trans men, differently from their initial expectations, perceive fewer opportunities for affective-sexual relationships after their gender transition. The participants attribute this difficulty, especially, to the fact that they have not undergone sexual reassignment surgery. Discomfort isaccentuated by their bodily materiality diverging from cisnormativity, the regulatory system that associates people belonging to the male gender with the presence of a penis. Another source of discomfort is the social repudiation, which reinforces the abjection, exoticization, and fetishization of transmasculine bodies. The specifics of trans men's relationships with cisgender, heterosexual, and lesbian women are also described. The results show that the persistent fixation on the genital, as a referent and determinant sign of gender and sexuality, modulates and regulates the search for and encounter of intimate partners.(AU)

Las identidades transmasculinas han ganado visibilidad social y académica en Brasil desde 2010, sin embargo, las cuestiones subjetivas de los hombres trans son aún poco discutidas, en particular las cuestiones asociadas a las relaciones afectivas en la experiencia de estos sujetos. Este estudio cualitativo tiene como objetivo identificar las percepciones y expectativas de los hombres trans sobre las relaciones afectivo-sexuales después de la transición de género. Participaron en la investigación 15 hombres transexuales hormonados, de edades comprendidas entre los 20 y los 41 años. La recopilación de datos se realizó mediante una entrevista semiestructurada en las modalidades presencial y en línea. Se realizó un análisis temático reflexivo, que dio como resultado dos temas analíticos. Los resultados muestran que los hombres trans, al contrario de sus expectativas iniciales, perciben que han tenido menos oportunidades de relaciones afectivo-sexuales después de su transición de género. Los participantes atribuyen esta dificultad especialmente al hecho de no haberse sometido a cirugía de reasignación sexual. La incomodidad se acentúa por su materialidad corpórea divergente de la cisnormatividad, un sistema normativo según el cual las personas pertenecientes al género masculino deben tener pene. Otra fuente de malestar es el repudio social, que alimenta la abyección, la exotización y la fetichización de los cuerpos transmasculinos. También se describen las especificidades de las relaciones de los hombres trans con las mujeres heterosexuales, cisgénero y lesbianas. Los resultados muestran que la persistente fijación en los genitales, como referente y signo determinante del género y la sexualidad, modula y regula la búsqueda y el encuentro de parejas íntimas.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Transexualidad , Matrimonio , Esposos , Personas Transgénero , Identidad de Género , Desarrollo de la Personalidad , Prejuicio , Psicología , Psicología Social , Desarrollo Psicosexual , Autocuidado , Autoimagen , Conducta Sexual , Hormonas Esteroides Gonadales , Persona Soltera , Identificación Social , Problemas Sociales , Sociología , Voz , Conducta y Mecanismos de Conducta , Imagen Corporal , Bisexualidad , Familia , Homosexualidad , Salud Mental , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Derechos Civiles , Mamoplastia , Estado Civil , Entrevista , Coito , Homosexualidad Femenina , Afecto , Acceso a la Información , Atención a la Salud , Ego , Literatura Erótica , Género y Salud , Acogimiento , Fenómenos Fisiológicos Reproductivos , Masculinidad , Salud Reproductiva , Salud Sexual , Homofobia , Pesimismo , Disforia de Género , Violencia de Género , Activismo Político , Diversidad de Género , Monosexualidad , Personas Cisgénero , Binarismo de Género , Estereotipo de Género , Performatividad de Género , Necesidades Específicas del Género , Agotamiento Psicológico , Tristeza , Respeto , Insatisfacción Corporal , Distrés Psicológico , Personas Intersexuales , Comparación Social , Inclusión Social , Equidad de Género , Rol de Género , Poblaciones Minoritarias, Vulnerables y Desiguales en Salud , Política de Salud , Derechos Humanos , Identificación Psicológica , Crisis de Identidad , Individualismo , Introversión Psicológica
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e250951, 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1448948


Este artigo tem por objetivo identificar e discutir alguns estratagemas psicológicos utilizados por movimentos conservadores e autoritários recentemente difundidos no Brasil - em especial, pelo Movimento Escola sem Partido -, em relação a temas como sexualidade e gênero, que atualmente foram incluídos como essenciais à formação escolar. Com esse propósito, empenhamo-nos em compreender a perspectiva cultural em que se apoiam e o modo como a articulam, ideologicamente, para inviabilizar o debate sobre eles. A partir da análise dos Projetos de Lei 246/2019 e 1859/2015, identificamos estratégias conservadoras que, autoritariamente, deslegitimam sua inclusão na formação escolar. Dentre elas, pareceu-nos urgente investigar a instrumentalização da religião, pois favorece a subordinação da crença religiosa, sobretudo associada ao conservadorismo moral imbricado na tradição cristã brasileira, ao discurso político autoritário. Assim como os movimentos fascistas que, nos Estados Unidos da década de 1930, reivindicavam um ordenamento autoritário e opressor da sociedade por meio do apelo a conteúdos religiosos instrumentalizados para esse fim, atualmente, o discurso religioso também é utilizado como forma de suscitar adesão ao conservadorismo social e político e de justificar preconceitos arraigados. Constatamos que a instrumentalização da religião é uma forma de justificar a permanência de valores conservadores na escola e na sociedade, bem como de reiterar o modelo de família heterossexual monogâmica e a ordem patriarcal. Por meio de estratagemas como esses, os movimentos conservadores e autoritários, articulados em função da negação da diversidade sexual e de gênero, impedem que a escola se constitua como espaço democrático e diverso.(AU)

This paper identifies and discusses the psychological ploys employed by recent conservative and authoritarian movements in Brazil, particularly the School without Party movement, against topics like sexuality and gender, which are currently included as essential to school education. To do so, we sought to understand their cultural basis and how they are ideologically articulated to prevent school debate around these topics. By analyzing Bills 246/2019 and 1859/2015, we identified some conservative strategies that authoritatively delegitimize their inclusion in school education. Chief among them is the instrumentalization of religion, since it favors subordinating religious belief, mainly associated with traditional Christian moral conservatism, to authoritarian political discourse. Similar to the fascist movements in the 1930s United States that claimed an authoritarian and oppressive ordering of society by appealing to religious content, religious speech is currently instrumentalized to encourage social and political conservatism adherence and to justify deep-seated prejudices. Religion instrumentalization is used to justify upholding conservative values at school and in society, as well as to reiterate the monogamous heterosexual family model and patriarchy. Through such ploys, authoritarian and conservative movements, articulated around denying sexual and gender diversity, prevent the school from becoming a democratic and diverse environment.(AU)

Este artículo tiene por objetivo identificar y discutir algunas de las estratagemas psicológicas que utilizan los movimientos conservadores y autoritarios, difundidas recientemente en Brasil, en particular por el Movimiento Escuela sin Partido, con relación a temas como sexualidad y género, que actualmente se incluyeron en la formación escolar. Con este propósito, se pretende comprender la base cultural en la que se han apoyado y cómo la articulan ideológicamente para hacer inviable el debate sobre ellas. A partir de análisis de los Proyectos de Ley 246/2019 y 1859/2015, se identificaron estrategias conservadoras que, autoritariamente, deslegitiman la inclusión de estos temas en la formación escolar. Entre ellas, parece urgente analizar la instrumentalización de la religión, porque favorece la subordinación de la creencia religiosa al discurso político autoritario, sobre todo asociada al conservadurismo moral presente en las vertientes del cristianismo brasileño. Al igual que los movimientos fascistas en los Estados Unidos en los años 1930 que reivindicaban una planificación autoritaria de la sociedad mediante un llamado a contenidos religiosos instrumentalizados, actualmente se utiliza el discurso religioso como forma de promover la adhesión al conservadurismo social y político y de justificar los prejuicios. Se constata que la instrumentalización de la religión es un modo de justificar la permanencia de valores conservadores en la escuela, así como de confirmar el modelo de familia heterosexual monógama y el orden patriarcal. Estos estratagemas que son utilizados por los movimientos conservadores y autoritarios, articulados en función de la negación de la diversidad sexual y de género, impiden que la escuela sea democrática y diversa.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Política , Religión , Instituciones Académicas , Sexualidad , Identidad de Género , Sistemas Políticos , Psicología , Psicología Social , Política Pública , Racionalización , Rol , Ciencia , Educación Sexual , Autoritarismo , Clase Social , Medio Social , Seguridad Social , Factores Socioeconómicos , Estereotipo , Enseñanza , Pensamiento , Transexualidad , Integración Escolar , Bisexualidad , Desarrollo Tecnológico , Salud Mental , Comités de Ética , Comunismo , Diversidad Cultural , Feminismo , Vida , Discurso , Modernización del Sector Público , Cultura , Capitalismo , Poder Público , Atención a la Salud , Democracia , Protestantismo , Grupos Raciales , Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos , Economía , Educación , Educación Profesional , Escolaridad , Metodología como un Tema , Estudios Poblacionales en Salud Pública , Salud Reproductiva , Sexismo , Tutoría , Fascismo , Activismo Político , Prácticas Interdisciplinarias , Etnocentrismo , Extremismo , Opresión Social , Transversalidad de Género , Vulnerabilidad Sexual , Normas de Género , Binarismo de Género , Estudios de Género , Políticas Inclusivas de Género , Respeto , Políticas Públicas de no Discriminación , Libertad de Religión , COVID-19 , Gobierno , Jerarquia Social , Derechos Humanos , Individualidad , Maniobras Políticas , Principios Morales
Health Hum Rights ; 24(2): 177-189, 2022 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36579304


In this paper, we explore the strategies utilized by civil society organizations to improve access to medicines during the HIV/AIDS and COVID-19 health crises. In particular, we seek to illuminate why some of the successful approaches for increasing access to antiretrovirals for HIV/AIDS in the early 2000s failed in creating equitable global access to COVID-19 vaccines. While civil society has historically mobilized human rights to facilitate greater access to essential medicines, we argue that earlier strategies were not always sustainable and that civil society is now mobilizing human rights in radically different ways than previously. Instead of focusing chiefly on securing an intellectual property waiver to the TRIPS Agreement, civil society organizations are now challenging vaccine injustice, rejecting the "charity discourse" that fuels Global South dependency on Global North actors in favor of scaling up manufacture in low- and middle-income countries, and moving to embed the right to access medicines in a new World Health Organization pandemic treaty with civil society organization participation and meaningful representation from low- and middle-income countries. Such approaches, we contend, will lead to more sustainable solutions in order to avert further health care disasters, like those seen with two distinct but related struggles-the fights for equitable access to essential medicines for HIV/AIDS and for COVID-19.

Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida , COVID-19 , Humanos , Derechos Humanos , Vacunas contra la COVID-19 , COVID-19/epidemiología , Atención a la Salud , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud
Multimedia | Recursos Multimedia | ID: multimedia-9692


O II Seminário Internacional de Alimentação e Nutrição na Atenção Primária à Saúde teve como objetivo disseminar informações técnico-científicas e promover trocas de experiências a partir de espaços de discussão e proposição de ações em conjunto com coordenadores estaduais e municipais de alimentação e nutrição, gestores e profissionais envolvidos no desenvolvimento destas ações nos territórios, além de pesquisadores, estudantes e demais interessados no tema. Esse contou com um público de 5 mil pessoas, residentes em mais de 50 países. Houve o lançamento de duas importantes publicações: Recomendações para o Fortalecimento da Atenção Nutricional na Atenção Primária à Saúde no Brasil e Matriz para Organização dos Cuidados em Alimentação e Nutrição na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Esses materiais foram desenvolvidos para dar apoio técnico aos gestores e profissionais na organização da atenção nutricional e na formulação de estratégias de cuidado nos territórios cobertos pela APS no Brasil, buscando reverter cenários de má nutrição.

Atención Primaria de Salud , Política Nutricional , Seguridad Alimentaria , Inseguridad Alimentaria , Vigilancia Alimentaria y Nutricional , Promoción de la Salud , Obesidad/prevención & control , Integralidad en Salud , Salud Ambiental , Colaboración Intersectorial , Sistemas Locales de Salud , Bebidas Azucaradas/normas , COVID-19/epidemiología , Dieta Saludable , Alimentos Industrializados , Agentes Comunitarios de Salud , Enfermedades no Transmisibles/prevención & control , Guías Alimentarias , Salud de la Familia , Desarrollo Sostenible , Manejo de la Obesidad , Estigma Social , Estilo de Vida Saludable , Calidad de Vida , Canadá , Brasil , Reino Unido
Health Hum Rights ; 24(1): 5-19, 2022 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35747286


The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in rapidly evolving developments in digital health, and governments around the world are experimenting with different ways of introducing technological tools in the management and delivery of health care services. India, among the countries that faced one of the most serious outbreaks in the second wave of the pandemic, recently rolled out the National Digital Health Mission, which promises an integrated but federated digital architecture and a digital health ecosystem that will solve the information asymmetries of the health care sector in India. While the promises of the National Digital Health Mission are many, India's experience with using another digital tool during the pandemic-the CoWIN portal for vaccine management-alerts us to the human rights concerns of rapid introductions of digital tools to address infrastructural and governance challenges in health care. This paper attempts to take a closer look at these two digital tools and the potential human rights implications of the National Digital Health Mission, particularly for the right to health.

COVID-19 , Pandemias , COVID-19/epidemiología , Atención a la Salud , Ecosistema , Derechos Humanos , Humanos , India
Soc Work Health Care ; 61(1): 15-35, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35240950


Human rights are essential in shaping the pandemic response both for the public health emergency and the broader impact on people's well-being. Utilizing the human rights lenses, this article expatiates on a developmental-clinical social work approach to the COVID-19 pandemic response. The disquisition explores human rights to health, education, adequate food and nutrition, water and sanitation, and development. It conducts projections and a cost-benefit analysis of remedial and developmental focus on health. The paper emphasizes that it is criminal to deprive human beings of their entitlements. The paper argues that socio-economic inequalities deprive people of their human rights. To this end, it calls for the equal distribution of wealth to end poverty and ultimately address human rights concerns. It advances for the integration of health in all policies. The article calls for the social work profession and other helping professions to rethink of their priorities in the enhancement of people's welfare: either to be an agent of social control or an agent of social change. Social work should face the socio-economic inequalities head-on if it is to truly reflect its professional philosophy of social justice.

COVID-19 , Pandemias , COVID-19/epidemiología , Atención a la Salud , Derechos Humanos , Humanos , SARS-CoV-2 , Servicio Social
Physis (Rio J.) ; 32(2): e320203, 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386841


Resumo O objetivo deste ensaio teórico é discutir as condições de produção de vulnerabilidade e vulneração dos povos indígenas no Brasil no enfrentamento da coronavirus disease (Covid-19). Iniciamos por um panorama dos processos de negação de direitos e vulnerabilização que se intensificaram no governo Bolsonaro. Por fim, destacamos os componentes da vulnerabilidade e vulneração que afetam os povos indígenas brasileiros no enfrentamento da Covid-19. Os resultados mostraram que os povos indígenas têm múltiplas vulnerabilidades relacionadas aos seus contextos sócio-históricos e culturais que, no Brasil, são agravadas por uma política neocolonialista e autoritária. Concluímos que os povos indígenas brasileiros não estão apenas expostos à condição de vulnerabilidade, mas à vulneração frente à Covid-19. O estudo contribui para a compreensão das implicações da ausência de condições equitativas de proteção contra o coronavírus em relação à alta mortalidade dos indígenas devido à Covid-19.

Abstract This theoretical essay aims to discuss the conditions of production of vulnerability and vulneration of indigenous peoples in Brazil coping with Covid-19. We begin with an overview of the processes of denial of rights and vulnerability that intensified in the Bolsonaro government. We finally highlight the components of vulnerability and vulneration that affect Brazilian indigenous peoples in confronting Covid-19. Results showed that indigenous peoples have multiple vulnerabilities related to their socio historical and cultural contexts, which in Brazil are aggravated by a neocolonialist and authoritarian politic. We clearly concluded that Brazilian indigenous peoples are not only exposed to the condition of vulnerability, but to vulneration facing with Covid 19. The study contributes for understanding the implications of the absence of equitable conditions of protection against the coronavirus regarding to the high mortality of indigenous people due to Covid-19.

Humanos , Salud de Poblaciones Indígenas/legislación & jurisprudencia , Pueblos Indígenas , COVID-19 , Vulnerabilidad Social , Política de Salud , Derechos Humanos/legislación & jurisprudencia , Factores Socioeconómicos , Sistema Único de Salud , Brasil , Atención a la Salud
Sci Rep ; 11(1): 20140, 2021 10 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34635728


The global economic activities were completely stopped during COVID-19 lockdown and continuous lockdown partially brought some positive effects for the health of the total environment. The multiple industries, cities, towns and rural people are completely depending on large tropical river Damodar (India) but in the last few decades the quality of the river water is being significantly deteriorated. The present study attempts to investigate the river water quality (RWQ) particularly for pre- lockdown, lockdown and unlock period. We considered 20 variables per sample of RWQ data and it was analyzed using novel Modified Water Quality Index (MWQI), Trophic State Index (TSI), Heavy Metal Index (HMI) and Potential Ecological Risk Index (RI). Principal component analysis (PCA) and Pearson's correlation (r) analysis are applied to determine the influencing variables and relationship among the river pollutants. The results show that during lockdown 54.54% samples were brought significantly positive changes applying MWQI. During lockdown, HMI ranged from 33.96 to 117.33 with 27.27% good water quality which shows the low ecological risk of aquatic ecosystem due to low mixing of toxic metals in the river water. Lockdown effects brought river water to oligotrophic/meso-eutrophic condition from eutrophic/hyper-eutrophic stage. Rejuvenation of river health during lockdown offers ample scope to policymakers, administrators and environmentalists for restoration of river health from huge anthropogenic stress.

COVID-19/prevención & control , Control de Enfermedades Transmisibles/normas , Ríos/química , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/análisis , Calidad del Agua , COVID-19/epidemiología , COVID-19/transmisión , Monitoreo del Ambiente/estadística & datos numéricos , Restauración y Remediación Ambiental/estadística & datos numéricos , Humanos , Metales Pesados/análisis
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34574730


Wildfire smoke exposure is associated with a range of acute health outcomes, which can be more severe in individuals with underlying health conditions. Currently, there is limited information on the susceptibility of healthcare facilities to smoke infiltration. As part of a larger study to address this gap, a rehabilitation facility in Vancouver, Canada was outfitted with one outdoor and seven indoor low-cost fine particulate matter (PM2.5) sensors in Air Quality Eggs (EGG) during the summer of 2020. Raw measurements were calibrated using temperature, relative humidity, and dew point derived from the EGG data. The infiltration coefficient was quantified using a distributed lag model. Indoor concentrations during the smoke episode were elevated throughout the building, though non-uniformly. After censoring indoor-only peaks, the average infiltration coefficient (range) during typical days was 0.32 (0.22-0.39), compared with 0.37 (0.31-0.47) during the smoke episode, a 19% increase on average. Indoor PM2.5 concentrations quickly reflected outdoor conditions during and after the smoke episode. It is unclear whether these results will be generalizable to other years due to COVID-related changes to building operations, but some of the safety protocols may offer valuable lessons for future wildfire seasons. For example, points of building entry and exit were reduced from eight to two during the pandemic, which likely helped to protect the building from wildfire smoke infiltration. Overall, these results demonstrate the utility of indoor low-cost sensors in understanding the impacts of extreme smoke events on facilities where highly susceptible individuals are present. Furthermore, they highlight the need to employ interventions that enhance indoor air quality in such facilities during smoke events.

Contaminantes Atmosféricos , Contaminación del Aire Interior , COVID-19 , Incendios Forestales , Contaminantes Atmosféricos/análisis , Contaminación del Aire Interior/análisis , Atención a la Salud , Humanos , Pacientes Internos , Material Particulado/análisis , SARS-CoV-2 , Humo/análisis
Wiad Lek ; 74(8): 1894-1899, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34537739


OBJECTIVE: The aim: To analyse human right issues in health care during the SARS CoV-2 pandemic from the perspective of patients' and medical practitioner's rights. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: Multidisciplinary research will be conducted as part of national as well as international health care policy documents, international human right instruments, including case law decisions, and also major scientific articles on human rights from the healthcare perspective will be analysed. The comparative, Research synthesis method and systemic analyses will be made during the research. RESULTS: Results: The study confirmed that human right issues in the context of health care in case of Patient triage become relevant and transformed. The situation of COVID-19 has created new precedents for human rights, with a particular impact on the rights of doctors and patients. CONCLUSION: Conclusions: Human rights from the healthcare perspective become the topical issue during the COVID 19 pandemic. The legal practice in human rights had several transformations and it provides new challenges from patients as well as medical practitioners' rights. Important problem, from the ethical -legal perspective is the Patient's triage. The situation on patients triage or ranking shows importance and possibility of each member state to act fast, taking into consideration fast changing situation in medical health system. Sorting patients whose lives are at risk according to certain criteria for assessing their lives is not acceptable. In order to reduce events of violations of human rights during COVID 19 in healthcare, the emphasis should be placed for explanation of decisions made in state level.

COVID-19 , Atención a la Salud , Derechos Humanos , Humanos , SARS-CoV-2 , Triaje
J Infect Dev Ctries ; 15(7): 910-12, 2021 07 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34343114


Confirmed new cases of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have accelerated in Sub-Saharan Africa against a backdrop of fragile health systems, a high burden of comorbidities and socioeconomic instability. The context makes the region particularly vulnerable to the virus and its impact. As cases escalate, the need to tailor-make COVID-19-related response strategies to the African context is imperative. This paper aims to discuss key considerations on the public health response to the pandemic and its intersection with ethics and human rights. With this perspective, we bring attention to the conflict between healthcare workers' obligations and patient rights under the unclear policy and regulatory frameworks and the application of restrictive measures in the context of poverty. The indirect effects of the pandemic on already existing health problems are also highlighted. We appeal to the African States to establish appropriate systems which integrate human rights-based approaches to COVID-19 response. These systems should be ethically sound systems and ensure no-one is left behind in terms of testing, access to therapeutics and vaccination, and social protection; based on lessons learned over the past 12 months of the pandemic's presence in SSA, and patterns emerging across the globe.

COVID-19/psicología , Personal de Salud/psicología , Derechos Humanos/ética , Derechos Humanos/legislación & jurisprudencia , Salud Pública , África del Sur del Sahara/epidemiología , COVID-19/epidemiología , Comorbilidad , Atención a la Salud , Política de Salud/legislación & jurisprudencia , Humanos , Pobreza
PLoS One ; 16(8): e0256086, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34388184


BACKGROUND: Quality water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities act as barricades to the transmission of COVID-19 in health care facilities. These facilities ought to also be available, accessible, and functional in temporary treatment centers. Despite numerous studies on health care facilities, however, there is limited information on the status of WASH facilities in such centers. METHODS: The assessment of health care facilities for the COVID-19 response checklist and key informant interviews, were used for data collection. 35 treatment centers in Southern Ethiopia were surveyed. Eightkey informants were interviewed to gain an understanding of the WASH conditions in the treatment centers. The Quantitative data was entered using EPI-INFO 7 and exported to SPSS 20 for analysis. Results are presented using descriptive statistics. Open Code 4.02 was used for the thematic analysis of the qualitative data. RESULTS: Daily water supply interruptions occurred at 27 (77.1%) of the surveyed sites. Only 30 (85.72%) had bathrooms that were segregated for personnel and patients, and only 3 (3.57%) had toilets that were handicapped accessible. 20(57.2%) of the treatment centers did not have a hand hygiene protocol that satisfied WHO guidelines. In terms of infection prevention and control, 16 (45.71%) of the facilities lacked adequate personal protective equipment stocks. Between urban and rural areas, there was also a significant difference in latrine maintenance, hand hygiene protocol design and implementation, and incineration capacity. CONCLUSION: The results reveal crucial deficiencies in the provision of WASH in the temporary COVID-19 treatment centers. Efforts to improve WASH should offer priority to hygiene service interventions to minimize the risk of healthcare-acquired infections. The sustainable provision of hygiene services, such as hand washing soap, should also be given priority.

COVID-19/epidemiología , Instituciones de Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Higiene , Cuarentena/estadística & datos numéricos , Saneamiento/estadística & datos numéricos , Calidad del Agua , COVID-19/prevención & control , Etiopía , Instituciones de Salud/normas , Humanos , Garantía de la Calidad de Atención de Salud , Cuarentena/normas , Saneamiento/normas
Am J Public Health ; 111(6): 1081-1085, 2021 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33856878


This article considers health and human rights implications for people deprived of liberty during the COVID-19 crisis. The health risks of incarceration for individual and community health, particularly in overcrowded and underresourced prisons and detention centers, are well known, but with the COVID-19 pandemic have become a public health emergency.Physical distancing in prisons is hardly manageable, and protective means are poor or lacking. Emergency releases have been shown to be feasible in terms of public safety but lack sustainability in reducing the number of people living in detention, and, globally, only a small proportion of them have been released. Without controlling the infection inside prisons, global efforts to tackle the spread of the disease may fail. People living in detention are not only more vulnerable to infection with COVID-19 but they are also especially vulnerable to human rights violations induced by inappropriate restrictions under the pretext of infection control. Therefore, alternatives for detention should be promoted and the number of incarcerated people radically decreased.This article calls on policymakers and all professionals involved in public health and criminal justice not to waste the opportunities provided by the crisis but to act now.

COVID-19/prevención & control , Derechos Humanos , Control de Infecciones , Prisioneros/estadística & datos numéricos , Prisiones/normas , Estado de Salud , Humanos , Control de Infecciones/organización & administración , Control de Infecciones/normas , Salud Pública