Fiabilidad y validez del cuestionario SAPF y del pictograma de Stunkard en población mayor española / Reliability and validity of the SAPF questionnaire and the Stunkard rating scale amongst elderly Spanish people
An. sist. sanit. Navar
; 44(3): 327-337, Dic 27, 2021. tab, graf
in Es
| ID: ibc-217306
Responsible library:
Localization: ES15.1 - BNCS
Fundamento: El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar lafiabilidad y validez del cuestionario SAPF y del pictogra-ma de Stunkard para conocer la forma física autopercibi-da y el grado de insatisfacción corporal en un grupo depersonas mayores españolas. Método: Ambos instrumentos se adaptaron al castellanoy se administraron dos veces a un grupo de 86 personasmayores. Su fiabilidad y validez se evaluaron con el ín-dice de correlación intraclase (CCI), el alfa de Cronbachy el coeficiente rho de Spearman, a partir del nivel deforma física de los participantes y de su índice de masacorporal (IMC). La comparación de las variables con dis-tribución normal se realizó mediante ANOVA. Resultados: El cuestionario y el pictograma mostraronuna buena fiabilidad test-retest (CCI = 0,78 y CCI = 0,8respectivamente). La puntuación del SAPF y el nivel deforma física mostraron asociación débil (rho = 0,424) yla autopercepción de la propia composición corporaly el IMC, moderadamente fuerte (rho = 0,727). La formafísica autopercibida del 59,5 % de la muestra fue nor-mal, del 11,4 % mala y del 29,1 % buena. Solo el 27,06 %se mostró satisfecho con su imagen corporal, el restomostró su deseo de bajar de peso el equivalente a uno(47,1 %), dos (22,4 %) o tres o más puntos (3,5 %) en elpictograma. Conclusiones: La adaptación al castellano de los dos ins-trumentos mostró fiabilidad y validez, permitiendo cono-cer que gran parte de la muestra se mostró insatisfechacon su imagen corporal, aspecto sobre el que el IMC ejer-ció una influencia significativa
Background: The aim of the study was to identify the re-liability and validity of the SAPF questionnaire and theStunkard rating scale in determining self-perceived phys-ical appearance and the degree of body dissatisfaction ina group of elderly Spanish people. Methods: Both instruments were adapted to Spanishpeople and were administered twice to a group of 86 el-derly people. Their reliability and validity were assessedby means of the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC),Cronbachs alpha and Spearmans rho coefficient, fromthe physical fitness level of the participants and theirbody mass index (BMI). ANOVA test was carried out tocompare the variables with normal distribution. Results: The questionnaire and the Stunkard ratingscale showed a good test-retest reliability (ICC = 0.78 andICC = 0.8, respectively). SAPF and fitness level showed asignificant, albeit weak, association (rho = 0.424), while theassociation between self-perception of body compositionand BMI was moderately strong (rho = 0.727). The self-per-ceived physical appearance of 59.5 % of the sample wasacknowledged to be normal, 11.4 % perceived it as bad and29.1 % as good. Only 27.1 % were satisfied with their bodyimage, while the other participants showed a desire tolose the equivalent weight of one (47.06 %), two (22.35 %)or three or more (3.5 %) points in the Stunkard scale. Conclusion: The versions of both instruments adaptedto Spanish persons showed reliability and validity, andshowed that it was possible to determine that a large partof the sample was dissatisfied with their body image. BMIhad a significant influence in this regard.(AU)
Key words
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Main subject:
Personal Satisfaction
Self Concept
Body Image
Physical Fitness
Reproducibility of Results
Country/Region as subject:
An. sist. sanit. Navar
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