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Antigua and Barbuda / Antigua y Barbuda / Antígua e Barbuda / Antigua-et-Barbuda
Terminology | DeCS - Descriptors in Health Sciences | ID: 000961
Islands in the Lesser Antilles, within the Leeward Islands. ANTIGUA, BARBUDA, and Redonda, an uninhabited island, constitute the independent state of ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA. The capital is St. Johns.
Islas de las Antillas Menores, dentro de las Islas Leeward. Antigua, Barbuda y Redonda, una isla inhabitada, constituyen el estado independiente de Antigua y Barbuda. Su capital es St. Johns.
Ilhas nas Pequenas Antilhas, dentro das Ilhas Leeward. Antígua, Barbuda e Redonda, uma ilha despovoada, constituem o estado independente de Antígua e Barbuda. A capital é St. Johns.
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Collection: Terminology Database: DeCS - Descriptors in Health Sciences Year: 2023 Document type: Terminology
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Collection: Terminology Database: DeCS - Descriptors in Health Sciences Year: 2023 Document type: Terminology