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Knowledge and practices related to plague persistence in plague-endemic foci, Mbulu District, Tanzania.
Kessy, Stella T; Rija, Alfan A.
  • Kessy ST; Department of Wildlife Management, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania.
  • Rija AA; The African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Rodent Pest Management and Biosensor Technology Development (ACE IRPM&BTD), Morogoro, Tanzania.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis ; 18(5): e0012202, 2024 May.
Article em En | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38814990


Plague continues to be a major public health concern in African countries. Several social practices and environmental conditions have been associated with the reoccurrence of bubonic plague, especially in places where the disease is prevalent. Therefore, it remains important to understand people knowledge, behavior and practices related to disease risks in order to identify factors that may hinder prevention and control strategies in the foci. METHODS AND


A study survey of 100 households was conducted in Mbulu district to assess plague knowledge, factors that influence flea bite and measures used for rodent and flea control. Majority of participants (86%) were familiar with the plague disease and about (50%) mentioned swelling lymph nodes as a common symptom. Most of the participants (62%) claimed to observe human plague cases during the long rain season. The majority of participants (97%) reported to experience flea bite in their domestic settings, with most stating that they experienced more flea bites during the dry season. Houses with livestock had a greater likelihood of flea bite (OR = 2.7; 95% CI 0.36-18.80, p = 0.267) compared to houses with no livestock. Furthermore, residents reported using both local and chemical methods to control rodents and flea inside houses. Most respondents preferred using local methods in flea control. Respondents stated that the efficacy of flea control methods being applied ranged from few days to several months. There was limited knowledge of the residual effects of the agricultural chemicals being used to control fleas among the surveyed community.


Our study highlights the importance of raising awareness and adopting effective control methods for controlling fleas and lower the risk of plague transmission and other flea borne diseases in the local communities. Sensitization of the local community on the use of appropriate chemicals for flea control is urgent to avoid any potential long-term impacts of the residual effects on the health of the local communities.

Texto completo: 1 Coleções: 01-internacional Base de dados: MEDLINE Assunto principal: Peste / Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde / Sifonápteros Limite: Adolescent / Adult / Animals / Female / Humans / Male / Middle aged País/Região como assunto: Africa Idioma: En Revista: PLoS Negl Trop Dis Assunto da revista: MEDICINA TROPICAL Ano de publicação: 2024 Tipo de documento: Article País de afiliação: Tanzânia

Texto completo: 1 Coleções: 01-internacional Base de dados: MEDLINE Assunto principal: Peste / Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde / Sifonápteros Limite: Adolescent / Adult / Animals / Female / Humans / Male / Middle aged País/Região como assunto: Africa Idioma: En Revista: PLoS Negl Trop Dis Assunto da revista: MEDICINA TROPICAL Ano de publicação: 2024 Tipo de documento: Article País de afiliação: Tanzânia