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Proposta de elaboração de um tesauro Espírita / Proposal preparation of a Spiritualist thesaurus

Ragacini, Leonardo Adriano.
São Paulo; Novas Edições Acadêmicas; 2016. 100 p. tab.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS, Redbvs, MTYCI | ID: lil-797144
One of the challenges of the librarian who will work in spiritualist centers is the lack of tools to help you develop your work in a standardized way, for lack of appropriate tools terminological control for indexing. Given this gap, this research aims to develop a theoretical model for the development of a spiritualist thesaurus that meets spiritualist centers libraries respecting the philosophical, scientific and doctrinal spiritualism. To compose the theoretical part of this work was carried out a brief literature on the history of spiritualism to show the evolution that resulted in the construction of its terminology, and after it was made the historical survey on the emergence of the thesaurus standards and its historical evolution . Finishing up the development stages of the proposal are from 19 categories with 73 subterms and 86 terms related works of Kardec, it is believed that these terms can meet the technical treatment needs of librarians working in the treatment and organization of information, ensuring an index that provides quality in information retrieval.
Responsible library: BR1.1
Localization: R141p; 025.491339, R141p