Abstract Introduction: This article describes the main differences between COVID-19-induced acute kidney injury (AKI-COVID19) in patients with previous normal renal function (AKI-NRF) and those with chronic kidney disease (AKI-CKD) treated in a high complexity clinic in Barranquilla (Colombia). Material and Methods: The patients included in this study (n: 572) were those with a positive diagnosis of COVID-19 confirmed by detection of a positive PCR for SARS-CoV-2. Of these patients, 188 developed AKI during their hospital stay. Patients' epidemiological data, serum parameters, and clinical frailty status were recorded. Statistical analysis and comparison among AKI-NRF, AKI-CKD, and non-AKI patients were performed. Results: The incidence of COVID-19-induced AKI was 33%, with the majority classified as AKIN 1, 16% requiring renal replacement therapy, and AKI-COVID19 mortality of 68%. A significantly higher prevalence of hypertension, cardiac disease, and serum reactive C-protein and lower albumin values in AKI-CKD patients was recorded. Mortality rate, invasive ventilation requirement, and D-dimer levels were significantly higher in AKI-NRF patients: Conclusion: Different clinical patterns between AKI-NRF and AKI-CKD were documented.
Resumo Introdução: Este artigo descreve as principais diferenças entre a lesão renal aguda induzida por COVID-19 (LRA-COVID19) em pacientes com função renal normal prévia (LRA-FRN) e aqueles com doença renal crônica (LRA-DRC) atendidos em uma clínica de alta complexidade em Barranquilla (Colômbia). Material e Métodos: Os pacientes incluídos neste estudo (n: 572) foram aqueles com um diagnóstico positivo de COVID-19 confirmado pela detecção de PCR positivo para SARS-CoV-2. Destes pacientes, 188 desenvolveram LRA durante sua internação. Foram registrados os dados epidemiológicos, os parâmetros séricos e o estado de fragilidade clínica dos pacientes. Foram feitas a análise estatística e a comparação entre pacientes com LRA-FRN, LRA-DRC, e pacientes sem LRA. Resultados: A incidência de LRA induzida por COVID-19 foi de 33%, com a maioria classificada como AKIN 1, 16% exigindo terapia renal substitutiva, e a mortalidade por LRA-COVID19 foi de 68%. Foi registrada uma prevalência significativamente mais alta de hipertensão, doença cardíaca e proteína C reativa sérica e valores mais baixos de albumina em pacientes com LRA-DRC. A taxa de mortalidade, a necessidade de ventilação invasiva e os níveis de dímero-D foram significativamente mais altos em pacientes com LRA-FRN. Conclusão: Foram documentados padrões clínicos diferentes entre LRA-FRN e LRA-DRC.
Resumen Como es bien sabido, desde el mes de diciembre se encendieron las alarmas por la aparición de la enfermedad COVID-19 (Coronavirus 2019) en China, la cual es causada por el virus SARS-CoV-2 y se ha expandido a nivel mundial. Entre los síntomas frecuentes encontramos fiebre, fatiga, mialgias, tos seca, anorexia, disnea y producción de esputo y síntomas menos comunes como cefalea, odinofagia, rinorrea y otra sintomatología diferente a la respiratoria, como síntomas gastrointestinales dados por náuseas y diarrea. La proteinuria en cualquier grado, la hematuria de cualquier grado, el aumento de la elevación de la creatinina en pacientes con creatinina basal elevada y la generación de AKI 2 y 3 son los directamente relacionados con la mortalidad intrahospitalaria desde el punto de vista renal, lo que hace que debamos estudiar más aun la enfermedad renal crónica, para poder tomar las medidas necesaria de prevención. En cuanto a la hidratación, se considera, por lo tanto, que si el paciente presenta buena diuresis, los 2 litros de excreción serían necesarios para eliminar los solutos no necesarios del cuerpo, considerando que esta cantidad se logra sumando también las pérdidas extrarrenales; entonces, si el paciente mantiene una función urinaria adecuada a pesar de su grado de insuficiencia renal, una ingesta de líquidos entre 2,5 y 3,5 litros logra las metas. Los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica deben tomar las medidas de prevención, aún más por ser población de riesgo, recordando por lo tanto algunas, las cuales son la mejor estrategia para evitar la transmisión viral: lavado frecuente de manos, distanciamiento social, evitar contacto con personas infectadas o con sospecha de infección por el virus SARS-CoV-2, usar tapabocas, mantener higiene en su domicilio, lavar superficies o limpiarlas con sustancias a base de alcohol, y algo que no se puede olvidar: estamos aprendiendo del virus, y debemos mantenernos informados del comportamiento del mismo y de los cambios que este pueda generar en la población y en el comportamiento de la enfermedad, para así mismo tomar las medidas.
Abstract As is well known since December, alarms went off for the appearance of the COVID-19 disease (Coronavirus 2019) in China, which is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and has spread worldwide. Frequent symptoms include fever, fatigue, myalgia, dry cough, anorexia, dyspnea and sputum production, and less common symptoms such as headache, odynophagia, rhinorrhea, and other symptoms other than breathing, such as gastrointestinal symptoms due to nausea and diarrhea. Proteinuria in any degree, hematuria of any degree, increased creatinine variation in a patient with elevated baseline creatinine, and the generation of AKI 2 and 3 are those directly related to in-hospital mortality from the renal point of view, which means that we must study chronic kidney disease even more, in order to take the necessary preventive measures. Regarding hydration, it is considered, therefore, that if the patient presents good diuresis, the 2 liters of excretion would be necessary to eliminate the unnecessary solutes from the body, considering that this amount is achieved by also adding extrarenal losses. Therefore, if the patient maintains adequate urinary function despite his degree of kidney failure, a fluid intake of between 2.5 and 3.5 liters achieves the goals, also taking into account. Patients with chronic kidney disease should take preventive measures, even more so as they are a risk population, therefore remembering some, which are the best strategy to avoid viral transmission: frequent hand washing, social distancing, avoiding contact with people infected or suspected of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, wearing face masks, maintaining hygiene at home, washing surfaces or cleaning them with alcohol-based substances and something that cannot be forgotten, remember that we are learning from the virus and that we must keep us informed of the behavior of the same and of the changes that it may generate in the population and in the behavior of the disease, so as to take the measures.