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em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-107806


At its twelfth meeting, the European Advisory Group (EAG) confirmed that the first priority for measles control was the achievement of high coverage with a single dose of vaccine, though this would not serve to eliminate the disease. The interruption of transmission needed to be maintained, and this could be achieved with supplementary vaccination, either through repeated campaigns or by the administration of second doses. Whichever approach was used, it was essential that the reaccumulation of susceptibles was prevented. The EAG endorsed the importance of achieving very high coverage of primary immunization with DTP vaccine. This should be completed before six months of age. The first booster could be given at 16-36 months of age, with another (DT) before school entry and a third (Td) on leaving school. This recommendation applied to all European countries. In a number of countries, especially those presently experiencing or having recently experienced epidemic diphtheria, a further booster should be given during the school years. Where the risk of diphtheria was considered high, periodic booster doses for adults would be necessary to prevent resurgence of the disease as immunity waned. On poliomyelitis, the EAG noted the significant impact of Operation MECACAR and the increasing awareness that remaining outbreaks of poliomyelitis in the Region had often followed importation of the disease. The EAG endorsed the plan of action for 1997 proposed by the Regional Office. In countries where poliomyelitis was still endemic or had become nonendemic within the past three years, the surveillance of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) remained the recommended form of surveillance, especially for certification purposes. However, in countries where polioviruses had not been detected for many years, and AFP surveillance was not appropriate, other means of surveillance would need to be used. The EAG recommended that the Regional Office commission a position paper to review the options for laboratory-based or other surveillance techniques, so that appropriate guidelines could be issued

Programas de Imunização , Avaliação de Programas e Projetos de Saúde , Poliomielite , Vacina contra Sarampo , Difteria , Vacina contra Difteria, Tétano e Coqueluche , Albânia , Comunidade dos Estados Independentes , Europa Oriental , Dinamarca , Finlândia , França , Reino Unido , Federação Russa