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Gastroenterol. latinoam ; 27(1): 18-30, 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-868978


Excessive alcohol consumption is an important cause of preventable morbidity and mortality. We have to bealert to chronic alcohol usage or abuse. Simple tests (AUDIT, CAGE) can be applied quickly on outpatientcare. We highlight advances in understanding the immune and molecular mechanisms; there is disruptionof the intestinal barrier with bacterial translocation, as well as endotoxins which activate the liver's innateimmunity, causing apoptosis, necrosis, inflammation and fibrosis. Alcoholic hepatitis is most common inpatients between 40 and 60 years of age, preferably male with jaundice, fever, ascites, hepatomegaly. Thediagnosis is confirmed with a history of alcoholic consumption, mild to moderate AST and ALT values,a AST/ALT ratio > 2, hyperbilirrubinemia and prolonged prothrombin time. There are scores to evaluatethe severity and the need of corticoid therapy, such as modified Maddrey discriminating function andMELD score. Lille score assesses the response to treatment in the seventh day. The risks and benefits ofliver biopsy should be evaluated individually. The cornerstone of treatment remains alcohol abstinence.Nutritional management must be carefully monitored. Proteins requirements are standardized based onweight. The use of corticoids with 40 mg of prednisolone each day is the most widely accepted therapy,indicated on patients with MMDF higher than 32 or MELD score higher than 21. If Lille score is higherthan 0.45 at the seven day under corticoid therapy, treatment must be interrupted. The use of pentoxifyllinewould only be effective for prevention of hepatorenal syndrome...

El consumo excesivo de alcohol es una causa importante de morbimortalidad prevenible. Debemos estaratentos en detectar a pacientes con dependencia o abuso crónico de alcohol. Test sencillos (AUDIT, CAGE)pueden aplicarse rápidamente en consulta ambulatoria. Destacamos avances en el conocimiento moleculare inmunológico, existe disrupción de la barrera intestinal con translocación bacteriana y endotoxinas conactivación del sistema inmune innato del hígado, produciendo apoptosis celular, necrosis e inflamación yfibrosis. La hepatitis alcohólica se presenta principalmente en pacientes entre 40 y 60 años, preferentementeen varones con ictericia, fiebre, ascitis, hepatomegalia. El diagnóstico se confirma con antecedentes deingesta alcohólica, GOT y GPT elevadas en forma leve o moderada, relación GOT/GPT mayor de 2, hiperbilirrubinemiay tiempo de protrombina prolongado. Existen scores para evaluar la gravedad y necesidad demanejo con corticoides como función discriminante de Maddrey modificada y MELD. El puntaje de Lilleevalúa respuesta del tratamiento al séptimo día. El riesgo/beneficio de la biopsia hepática se evalúa caso acaso. La piedra angular del tratamiento sigue siendo la abstinencia. Manejo nutricional debe ser riguroso.Requerimientos proteicos están estandarizados por peso. La terapia con corticoides (prednisolona 40 mg/día) es la más ampliamente aceptada, con indicación en pacientes con FDMm mayor a 32 o MELD mayora 21. Si el puntaje de Lille es mayor de 0,45 a los 7 días con corticoides, deben suspenderse. Pentoxifilinasólo tendría efecto en prevenir el desarrollo de síndrome hepatorrenal (SHR). Hay nuevas terapias enevaluación, como el uso de G-CSF...

Humanos , Alcoolismo/complicações , Bebidas Alcoólicas/efeitos adversos , Hepatopatias Alcoólicas/diagnóstico , Hepatopatias Alcoólicas/terapia , Cirrose Hepática Alcoólica/diagnóstico , Cirrose Hepática Alcoólica/terapia , Hepatite Alcoólica/diagnóstico , Hepatite Alcoólica/terapia , Hepatopatias Alcoólicas/epidemiologia , Fatores de Risco , Fatores Sexuais
Acta gastroenterol. latinoam ; 25(2): 73-84, 1995. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-155332


Some recent proposals in management of alcoholic liver disease are discussed focusing on early diagnosis and treatment of alcohol abuse itself, alcoholic hepatitis early mortality, clinical meaning of nutrional therapy, serological approach and treatment of hepatic fibrosis, and problems in liver transplantation for end stage alcoholic liver cirrhosis. CAGE or similar systematized brief questionnaires, and desialylated transferrin/total transferrin ratio as serological marker, seeems to be interesting contributions to "hidden" alcohol abuse diagnosis and abstinence control while psyco-social support and voluntary incorporation to self-aid groups are the best weapons to reach persistent abstinence. Corticosteroids seems to improve survival in a selected group of patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis, specially in those presenting encefalopathy but free of Gl bleeding, decompensated diabetes, active infections, pancreatitis, and other contraindications or adverse effects of these drugs. Relationship between direct toxicity and nutritional deficiencies in pathogenesis of alcoholic liver injury are not clear enough, but malnutrition is generally present in patients requiring hospitalization, and related to clinical severity; oral, enteral or parenteral nutritional suplementation in this order of preference according to patients condition, associated or not with steroid anabolics, are useful in cases with moderate to severe alcoholic hepatitis or decompensated cirrhosis to eliminate the catabolic state, reaching a better nitrogen balance and liver function tests, without special adverse effects. A special role on liver regeneration is discussed...

Humanos , Hepatopatias Alcoólicas/terapia , Corticosteroides/uso terapêutico , Anabolizantes/uso terapêutico , Antioxidantes/uso terapêutico , Cirrose Hepática Alcoólica/diagnóstico , Cirrose Hepática Alcoólica/terapia , Fígado/metabolismo , Hepatite Alcoólica/terapia , Hepatopatias Alcoólicas/diagnóstico , Distúrbios Nutricionais/terapia , Apoio Nutricional , Estresse Oxidativo