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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31645838


Distributed architectures for efficient processing of streaming data are increasingly critical to modern information processing systems. The goal of this paper is to develop type-based programming abstractions that facilitate correct and efficient deployment of a logical specification of the desired computation on such architectures. In the proposed model, each communication link has an associated type specifying tagged data items along with a dependency relation over tags that captures the logical partial ordering constraints over data items. The semantics of a (distributed) stream processing system is then a function from input data traces to output data traces, where a data trace is an equivalence class of sequences of data items induced by the dependency relation. This data-trace transduction model generalizes both acyclic synchronous data-flow and relational query processors, and can specify computations over data streams with a rich variety of partial ordering and synchronization characteristics. We then describe a set of programming templates for data-trace transductions: abstractions corresponding to common stream processing tasks. Our system automatically maps these high-level programs to a given topology on the distributed implementation platform Apache Storm while preserving the semantics. Our experimental evaluation shows that (1) while automatic parallelization deployed by existing systems may not preserve semantics, particularly when the computation is sensitive to the ordering of data items, our programming abstractions allow a natural specification of the query that contains a mix of ordering constraints while guaranteeing correct deployment, and (2) the throughput of the automatically compiled distributed code is comparable to that of hand-crafted distributed implementations.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29151821


Real-time decision making in emerging IoT applications typically relies on computing quantitative summaries of large data streams in an efficient and incremental manner. To simplify the task of programming the desired logic, we propose StreamQRE, which provides natural and high-level constructs for processing streaming data. Our language has a novel integration of linguistic constructs from two distinct programming paradigms: streaming extensions of relational query languages and quantitative extensions of regular expressions. The former allows the programmer to employ relational constructs to partition the input data by keys and to integrate data streams from different sources, while the latter can be used to exploit the logical hierarchy in the input stream for modular specifications. We first present the core language with a small set of combinators, formal semantics, and a decidable type system. We then show how to express a number of common patterns with illustrative examples. Our compilation algorithm translates the high-level query into a streaming algorithm with precise complexity bounds on per-item processing time and total memory footprint. We also show how to integrate approximation algorithms into our framework. We report on an implementation in Java, and evaluate it with respect to existing high-performance engines for processing streaming data. Our experimental evaluation shows that (1) StreamQRE allows more natural and succinct specification of queries compared to existing frameworks, (2) the throughput of our implementation is higher than comparable systems (for example, two-to-four times greater than RxJava), and (3) the approximation algorithms supported by our implementation can lead to substantial memory savings.

IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern B Cybern ; 40(2): 412-20, 2010 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19661004


Traditional planning assumes reachability goals and/or full observability. In this paper, we propose a novel solution for safety and reachability planning with partial observability. Given a planning domain, a safety property, and a reachability goal, we automatically learn a safe permissive plan to guide the planning domain so that the safety property is not violated and that can force the planning domain to eventually reach states that satisfy the reachability goal, regardless of how the planning domain behaves. Our technique is based on the active learning of regular languages and symbolic model checking. The planning method first learns a safe plan using the L (*) algorithm, which is an efficient active learning algorithm for regular languages. We then check whether the safe plan learned is also permissive by Alternating-time Temporal Logic (ATL) model checking. If the plan is permissive, it is indeed a safe permissive plan. Otherwise, we identify and add a safe string to converge a safe permissive plan. We describe an implementation of the proposed technique and demonstrate that our tool can efficiently construct safe permissive plans for four sets of examples.